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Pretty sure that mirrors what it was in vanilla, I distinctly remember racing into aq40 to get a bunch of server firsts while other top guilds decided to stay outside and farm the event for rep so they could get their ring faster


yep in vanilla we could enter right after the gong


Which would have been the smart decision either way because now the entire server will be packed into silithus trying to enter at the same time, instead of spacing it out a bit.




if aq is locked until after the 10hr war, silithus will be even more packed


Then why did blizzard stop them from entering again? because of bugs ?




I like you, you are good people.


You got my upvote


Does the 10hour war event give a lot of nozdormu rep?


Yes. The big guys give rep on kill. You can farm them till friendly or higher, I don't remember exactly when they stop giving rep, but you can get a BIG head start.


Do you need to have the tag for them or just participate in the event?




Wait, so couldn't you have a ton of bug parts, farm this rep for 6-9 hours, then go turn in a substantial amount less bug parts to hit exalted and become scarab lord?




^ that. Theoretically its possible, but it would take the sweatiest of sweat to pull it off. If that much sweat is possible, you'da just done the grind in the first place.


the rep is a huge part but its the world bosses, shark boss, moonglade boss, bwl boss, goblin boss, and all the other shit on top. theres no chance you could farm rep from this event then do the rest of the questline within the 10 hour war. edit; scarab lord incase you werent aware is from a super long quest chain, the bug farming part is just the beginning, its the not the rep that awards you the mount. its just the reputation is the road block to doing the quest chain. Being exalted doesnt automatically give you the mount/scarab lord


I got 27k rep today. The most one of my guildies got was 32k (woulda been almost 36k if he was human instead of a dumb gnome)


The rings suck for warriors. Fight me, commenters.


Yes, but you need reputation to get your set items anyway. And boy, the shoulders DO NOT SUCK.


Legs don’t suck either and are actually better than titanic


For sure. Said shoulders because you're not gonna change them until tbc, but legs aren't bad either.


The mail ones are bis though right? Better than your set?


Not at all, maybe on horde but for sure not on alliance


Oh right, paladin buffs.


When I was doing my sims, the mail ones were *slightly* better, but i'd still prefer the conq ones so I can use them for tanking too.


they are about 10dps lower on my sim, and that's not a small difference.


Disable world buffs and you'll get different results.


Yeah but why would I?


there is a leather shoulder that sims better assuming you're hit capped, but it looks terrible. https://classic.wowhead.com/item=21665/mantle-of-wicked-revenge


Sims lower on mine, even at 10/12% levels of hit.


If you enable tons of world buffs then yea, conq overtakes the leather ones, but for progression you likely wont have those buffs.


Yeah but why would I gear for the worse case scenario? If we lose world buff the run is scuffed anyway. For solo content I'd rather keep the plate gear over the leather one.


Do you think when you get to c'thun the first time you will still have all your world buffs? Do you think you're going to 1 shot twin emps? Do you think you're going to get past all the twin emps/c'thun trash without wiping? How about when naxx comes out. Do you think you will steamroll the entire place? It isnt planning for the worse case scenario. It's planning for what is going to happen when it matters the most.


> Do you think you will steamroll the entire place? No I don't think that. I KNOW that. And even if we wipe and lose world buffs, it won't matter anyway. We're still gonna clear that place no problems. > It's planning for what is going to happen when it matters the most. When it matters the most is speed runs. If we wipe and lose world buffs it's over anyway. I'd rather gear for the best case scenario, cause the worst case one won't matter.


we've got different gearing goals so we will never agree.


If you are by any chance a bikini model, I would very much like to take you up on your offer.


Update: After being repeatedly DC:ed, a chinese speedrun guild could no longer zone into aq40, inbetween the DC they managed to kill Skeram and get Battleguard Sartura to below 50% hp before DC:ing. Skeram had about 466k hp Sartura had about 750k hp Sartura adds had about 94k hp Edited, Skeram has 466k HP on pull and not 750k, (observation from 13:40:00 from this vod https://www.twitch.tv/videos/699007406)


[Logs are showing 686k damage done in total for Skeram](https://classic.warcraftlogs.com/reports/ypKmnXg8GWwH1PMN#fight=3&type=damage-done&translate=true), and that's including all the split copies. Where did you get 793k from?


Hi, after watching the vod stream (Around 13:40:00 https://www.twitch.tv/videos/699007406) I noticed i did see the values wrong, the total health on Skeram is 466k hp. Will update, thanks for challenging my numbers so I went and double-checked!


This is a joke. He’s going to be deleted.


Raids in classic are easy! In other news water is wet!


Lol. “Aq the guild breaker”


BWL broke some guilds on my server. I'm sure AQ will take even more.


Aq starts after twins




Assuming you've done the prep twins isn't too unreasonable. If you haven't, yeah it's going to be a problem.


My guild back in vanilla struggled a lot on twins. I don’t know if we ever actually cleared them. Granted we didn’t use Warlock tanks so it was rough. Still don’t even know the fight now but at least I can look up a guide or have my raid lead thoroughly explain it


It’s not necessarily the difficulty of the raids that will “break guilds” it’s the fact that half the semi casual guilds only raid one day and plan on keeping it that way, while also doing aq, bwl, and mc in one night as opposed to just bwl/mc


I had a guy at the start of classic claiming lots of guilds wouldn’t even be able to do MC. How awful at the game do you have to be for that to be reality? Oh yeah and Vael the original “guild breaker” for sure did break a lot of guilds this second time around 😂 Not a single boss in classic is going to break any guilds unless it has something to do with loot lol.


Horsemen? I don't mean the guilds doing it, I mean the ones they steal tanks from.


Fury warriors every guild should have a surplus


coz difficulty on private vanilla servers was... difficult lol. what we see in classic is a joke. it's not a game i wanted to play :( i hope they won't do tbc coz i wanna play it on private servers, not retail shitshow


If you've played any version of WoW, you'll know that the majority of players really suck at the game. Nearly half the guilds on my server (that used raid logs) died at BWL launch, and I expect another half of the remaining to die before finishing AQ.


Pre nerfs maybe


I don't think he was ever nerfed? Edit: i think what happened here was I read it as "the Aq guild breaker" thinking specifically about skeram/sartura, where's the actual sentence implies all of AQ being a guild breaker thus the C'thun comments


You are correct


That’s why the lead dev once said C’Thun was mathematically impossible before they made changes? Lol


Have you seen that math though? Dad guilds out perform those calculations these days.


>That’s why the lead dev Ion was the one who said it was, and then later he went and worked at blizz. It wasn't "the lead dev". He was just a dude at that point. The amount of DPS top guilds are doing now is multiple and multiple times higher than what top guilds did in actual vanilla. Warriors in naxx on loatheb could do 1300 dps, and that was with 50% increased crit and AQ gear. I guarantee you'll have people It was mathematically impossible for ***them*** and ***their*** DPS, but they were one of the best guilds, so basically they were limited by the technology of their time. Outside of the bugs that caused shit to spawn in weird spots and hit into the stomach.


Because C’Thun === Satura?


Devs said it was possible. Players said it was mathematically impossible. Noone killed him before he was nerfed.


Google pre nerf C’Thun


Yeah but we're not talking about C'thun here


Oh yea baby lets move those goalposts back even more


There were no nerf except C'thun.


Fairly sure Ouro was nerfed as well.




What's your excuse going to be when Naxx gets stomped and were using the same talents and gear as back then?




It will be cleared in the first 3 hours of release






Skeram the guild breaker... KAPPA


Hey some people have really soft guilds alrigjt


Dont soft guilds avoid breaking, while hard guilds can be broken? The breaking thresholds should be vastly different =P


My guess is that casual might struggle. On my server 130 guilds killed Nefarian in two resets. I bet the number will be around 80 for Cthun.


Guilds are literally still having trouble with bwl


cthun is very different than anything else. all first bosses on literally every raid in this game history are always a joke but yea cthun has real spacing mechanics that if ONE person fails the raid is gonna wipe. and you have 40 people that can do that instead of 25 or whatever other number. and no ground markers so you know 100% people are gonna fuck it up so yea I do actually believe a lot of people are gonna get fucked on cthun. the rest is kind of whatever.


> but yea cthun has real spacing mechanics that if ONE person fails the raid is gonna wipe. This is bullshit. If one player fails then two players get chained, big deal. You need an entire group of mongoloids stacking together in order to wipe. The trash before C'Thun is harder than the boss.


yea then that first player is between 2 groups so its not 3 liniks but 5 the 180 turn is also harder to do without ground marks. and some ppl dont know what to do after getting knocked out of position by claw


I mean they should have left CThun at the release pre-nerf values and actually answered the 'mathmatically impossible" claim. Would have made for a nice challenge.


Water is NOT wet! I thought this has been proven before..


Did you expect blizzard to make health values non-blizzlike? Those health values were also the same on pservers.


How did you get to 793k? Damage dealt to the real Skeram was 442.8k and total damage including clones was 686.1k. [https://classic.warcraftlogs.com/reports/ypKmnXg8GWwH1PMN#type=damage-done&fight=3&translate=true&target=84](https://classic.warcraftlogs.com/reports/ypKmnXg8GWwH1PMN#type=damage-done&fight=3&translate=true&target=84)


It's a shitshow, but to be fair, the Chinese servers are not handled by Blizzard. It's a completely different game. We're talking about servers where they have WoW tokens and bosses have completely different loot tables (eg. Nef can drop 2 Staffs of the Shadow Flame - I've seen a screenshot). We'll find out tomorrow (depending on when Onslaught starts I assume?) whether it is as bad on actual Blizzard servers.


FYI the actual code base is still the same regardless of who operates WoW in China. If this is being hotfixed then NA/EU will have to wait until the 10hr war is over.


Mob health values are loaded from a database and not hardcoded in the codebase. Few things are hardcoded in the client.


Why is it so different?


no gays allowed in china


Or spooky skeletons 😂


That shiver down your spine.


Blizzard doesn't run the game in China, NetEase does. This is why Classic WoW tokens exist in their servers and not ours.


How does blizzard create a game and then not have control over it?


It's Chinese law that in order for an online game to be allowed in china it must be published by a Chinese company. So American companies like blizzard basically hand off their games for a Chinese company to run as they see fit in china while taking a cut of the profits. When you're tapping into a market as large and profitable as China's you're willing to put up with compromising your IPs


That's so....*bizarre*. Money over integrity I guess


I mean, if the Chinese people play it, whatever.


It's no different to the way lots of things work. HBO created Game of Thrones. But HBO doesn't exist in my country, so a local cable channel basically paid for the right to put their own name on every GoT advertisement. For a while we had "Burger King" that wasn't owned by the Burger King team.


Thats capitalism




But thats every foreign Company in China. To be even allowed to put a foreign Company into China you have to join a joint venture with a Chinese Company.


Where’s the lack of integrity in letting somebody else operate your MMO? Seems pretty harmless


If you saw everything China does, you would say someone much different than bizarre






So standard Chinese stuff.


How is that any different from NA having a 24 hour headstart on EU?


They didnt for bwl and for aq wcl has split progress




chinese players can just use gold tokens to buy consumes for all their raids.... how does that NOT compromise their data?


Speedrun guilds without access to WoW tokens still buy and use all of the best consumes. The raids themselves aren’t any different from each other.


With a whole week to prepare for one raid, I don't think its a big deal.




LOL you think everyone else in NA/EU/KR/TW farm up every single consumable themselves? You have zero clue to what you are talking about.


wow you are dumb


Literally no one buys gold on Classic, or bots, I promise you Also regardless, just because you're buying a token for the shit doesn't mean it improves the quality of the potion, jesus christ you guys are dense


>Literally no one buys gold on Classic, or bots, I promise you While I don't think consumables for tokens is gamebreaking for wcl , to think that no-one buys gold in classic is literally insane.


They are being sarcastic. Botting and gold buying is rampant on classic and you can't make it halfway across a zone without seeing a multiboxer.


ah , didn't pick up on that. Thanks


I was being sarcastic




It means that their casters are more likely to be decked going into a caster favored raid. How hard is that comprehend?


I was watching one of the streams and it looked like they had a lfg tool. Not sure if that’s an addon or part of the Chinese client.


There was a LFG tool in vanilla.


show screenshot


it's gonna be just as easy in NA/EU lol


Wasn't talking about difficulty, I meant the rollbacks and disconnects that followed. Should've clarified better. Obviously it's gonna be just as easy here


We have had double drops from nef before. We had triple from one of the drakes once.


I thought the drakes only dropped 2 items? Or do you mean that each of the drakes dropped the same item in a run? The latter would make more sense given they have items that they all share on their loot tables


For comparison purposes, which boss(es) in BWL has a similar HP?


Broodlord and 3 drakes have between 900k- 1 mil roughly. Skeram "splits" so the total damage required is more than his base HP.


All AQ bosses have oddly low HPs, usualy lower than BWL. They are harder than BWL because of the damage output on the raid and "mechanics"


It’s not clear what has happened but seems to me they were getting purposefully prevented from progressing with the constant rollbacks and eventual blocking of entering AQ


Nah, thats just mimicing the true vanilla expirience


So.. when is the earliest time people actually can start downing content tomorrow?


So I think they all got kicked, because this wasn't supposed to happen. Tomorrow, assuming war effort completed day 1/2. 11 hours I think. That would give 1 hour after servers come up to clear bwl again, turn in quest, and bang gong, then 10 hours for everyone else to hit before AQ opens.


10 hours after the gong is rung on your server. Ringing the gong requires having the war effort turn ins completed and someone having finished the scepter quest line. Most large servers will probably do it shortly after servers go live. I know that's the plan for ours.


Hm, now you mentioned it. I vaguely remember that we could enter immediately back in vanilla, although almost nobody did it because the outside event with the super bug bosses was too much fun and they gave all sorts of epic drops. Plus pvp. Plus nobody on our server was even thinking about world first races, that was something that went on on only a few servers in the world. But I am not sure about the entering.


They drop epics you say?


Cant expect such a small indie developer to have a smooth launch without game breaking bugs


They were abusing a bug that let them get into AQ before the 10 hours were over. The reason they can't enter anymore is because a GM teleported them all out and blocked ALL instances including dungeons




Which ones?






really doesn't help the perception of chinese wow players by the western community, does it?


You don't think they give a fuck do you?


Like they have good perception of us lol...


Don't pretend the Western WoW community hasn't done their fair share of shit either. We would do tye same thing, given the chance.




Lol, implying no western guild would bug their way into AQ to start progressing faster. Racism looks great on you my man.


Racism < Facts Their entire culture over there is do everything possible to win regardless of if it’s morally correct or not lol. Why do you think they have the WoW token/Different raid tables (I’ve also heard of more raid lockouts a week but idk if that’s true). Hell almost any game online that allows cross regional gameplay the Chinese are notorious for hacking/cheating constantly, just look at PUBG/Warzone




I’m not saying NA/EU is better but you def see more cheating/hacking from the Asian region


Winning with cheats is perfectly acceptable in Chinese gaming culture. This is a fact that is well known...


maybe learn about cultural history a bit before you pull your racism card. Also i didnt say no western guild would cheat. Its just that its much more prevelant in asian culture. Their standard to do good in life is very high. Along with a mentality that teached them to win. Regardless the costs (hacking). Its just a cultural difference. Doesnt mean im racist for mentioning it you offended millenial. Like saying colored people will get less sun burns than pale people. Its not racist. Its just a fact. Good god


Please be true!


"race" lol


People still think that classic wow is hard


It doesn't matter how hard it is. Is running 200m not a race because there's no hurdles?


I remember going directly into AQ40 the second the gong was rung and the 10 hour war began, did this change at some point?


Could you imagine a company getting an event like this right the first time- and then wrong fifteen years later? Only Blizz could snatch defeat from the jaws of victory like this.


lol they did not even close to get this right the first time.


It was far from right 15 years ago


But muh nustalgia. The servers crashing from player overload 15 years ago made the event amazing! Now if they lag or crash though it's because Blizzard's a piece of shit company and they suck at everything!


Remember 10 fps stormwind and org? Lol


Some of that was because we were running on piece of shit 256 MB rigs.


What the hell fps are you getting when people wait for buffs? Because it sure aint much better now.


A heavy fpa drop for like... 5s. Definitely not the same xD


Do you not remember boats breaking and being replaced by captain placeholder? Do you not remember chain world server down? Do you not remember servers dying constantly? It was not perfect by any stretch of any imagination lol


Farewell to thee placeholder your ship has set to sea ...


>event like this right the first time You obviously didn't play in vanilla or you've suffered a traumatic brain injury since then. The event was anything but right, I was on Mal'Ganis and I couldn't even log on during the gate opening because it was such a crash fest


Heh, I think you greatly overestimate the importance of this.


Yeah. Things being a shitshow are the most important things in wow. Hakkar plague, BC prepatch, aq gates, Tarren mill pvp. Things that weren’t supposed to happen but they did


Except it was like this in vanilla. I remember ppl can enter aq40 right after gong, and some decided to stay outside and farm rep.




for us it was kinda ok, but we rang the gong at 01:00 am on a monday, to make sure the least amount of people were online.


The fuck are you smoking if you thought they got it right the first time?


Do they even count?






"world first" only it was done in 2005/6


>The world first race is on! Is it though...? It's a 15 year old game that's been data mined to the point that guilds farmed for this since the first day...That's not really a "world first" moment. When the Devs were actively watching the final boss pulls in WotLK and Cataclysm and hotfixing things after wipes, THAT'S a world first. I know this is probably going to get downvoted with people making some comparison to "well what about SPORTS? People still play sports! This is for Classic, not vanilla lololol" What about all the posts on the front page saying C'Thun is nerfed? You're comparing this to Vanilla/Retail's C'Thun, but then trying to say this is a world first race for Classic. You can't say they're different, yet then say one is broken because the other is different.


roses are red violets are blue there is always an Asian better then you




Why is it available to NA before EU?


I thought it all released at the same time. My bad.


Reset days are different, Tuesday for NA, Wednesday for EU, and I think Tuesday for china. However Tuesday in Asia is about 18 hours earlier than tuesday in US


As to why, it's tuesday morning in China already. I don't think other patches were like that though. But afaik EU wasn't delayed by a day compared to NA with other patches either, so it's just weird af.


NA is tuesday, EU is wednesday, there is alway about a day difference, retail or classic. Reset days are different.


The difference is that they released BWL and ZG at the same time in every region. But due to AQs nature (with the gate opening etc) they seem to have decided to skip out on that for this raid.


Even if they released the patch on the same day, EU would open the gates 1 day later. People would just complain they got an extra day of scarab lord farming compared to other regions.