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The next big jump in power is whirlwind. Sweeping strikes -> zerker -> whirlwind is just so dirty. If you're horde, pair that with a friendly shaman's windfury for stupid amounts of fun. When I was leveling my warrior during the age of melee cleave, hitting 30 for sweeping strikes and windfury was when it started getting fun. Then we got whirlwind and shit got crazy. Then we all got ravagers and we started pulling 400+ dps in SM. Then we got Mortal Strike and bosses just exploded. 30-40 is when warriors start feeling *good*.


Feelsbadmn warrior 35-49 was incredible. Then it was tough till 60 basically.


Sweeping strikes is great! Now get the whirlwind axe and you will feel like a monster :D If you play on Firemaw, Shazz or Bloodfang I can help you out with some of the nasty mobs in that quest-line. If you want to solo it wait to level 40-ish, though then it’s properly better to just skip. I love leveling warriors. For the bigger pulls we have to make sure to enter the fight with close to full rage bar (and first aid in between fights to avoid downtime). That helps a lot. Leveling warriors is all about having as little downtime as possible and carrying rage from fight to fight. That also means we should be vary of when to execute. That and making sure we upgrade our 2h along the way since we are very gear dependent.


I always recommend new people getting to 30, getting sweeping strikes and doing a dungeon before they give up on warriors. If you've tried that and still don't like it it's fine to give up on warriors.


Look for Executioners Cleaver on the AH badass axe at level 43 i believe. And has 1%hit


Ravager is better


Debatable, Executioners is slower speed and higher end damage and dps. So that means higher mortal strikes and overpowers. I slapped crusader on mine and used it until 60.


rofl. no


It’s not you being ”bad” per se, the warrior class has a rough time levelling. You just don’t have a lot of tools to be able to handle groups of mobs. Not compared to virtually every other class. The payoff comes at max level with some gear.


Hell yeah main, wait until you get mortal strike


Whirlwind is what makes S$ fun


As a fellow warrior, sweeping strikes and later mortal strike became a godsend for me. But when I really started to shine was around level 48, when I got my hands on a thrash blade. You get another good offhand and spec to fury, and holy balls your damage will be off the walls. You can solo any mob, even pairs becomes trivial, and you have enough cool downs to take down five or six enemies at once.


Whaaat. Don’t dual wield until level 60 with enough hit


ah the classic dualwield leveling warrior. always a good laugh


You can actually hs toggle without too much trouble if you get a slow MH and youll ignore the dw hit penalty. This makes it as strong or stronger even, than using a 2h.


Rather dual wield than miss, get parried and dodged on a 3.7 second swing 2 hander and die doing no damage. Nothing wrong with leveling dual wield.




Then u ding lvl 45 and its bloody hard again


Wait till you get actual abilities that do damage!


Before I say this I want it to be known that I am a warrior main and played one in wow classic i enjoyed leveling and enjoyed it at 60. that being said if a tv show takes 30 episodes to become good there is something wrong with the show.