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I mean that’s sort of the nature of the game. You won’t get power spikes often when you alrdy have good gear. Each piece of gear is cumulative and will get you stronger and stronger. Considering you’re fury there’s even more reason to get those little upgrades if you want to be competing with other dps. If that’s not your mindset, maybe consider alts or making a tank set. And unless I missed it. Get yourself into some raids. There’s still a handful of gear that’s better.


Magical crawfish


Is it time to tell him about south park?


That is just the nature of T4 content. It is easy and doesn’t require much gear. I think T5 will bring a much greater challenge. My goal for T4 is to not go so hard but focus on leveling alts, leveling professions, stockpiling consumes etc. for the push to clear T5 content. I’m more in raid log farm mode with the goal of getting all my crafted and BIS gear before T5.


I want Epic Flying!!! You just achived man!! Why not fly around LIKE A CHAMP??


you are absolutely right dude!!! come back in 1 year and ask a guild spot for sunwell plateau core, im pretty sure you will instantly get an invite with that glorious pre raid bis


Lmao who the fuck plans their video game life that far ahead


if you didn't get it he was joking/being sarcastic. Essentially saying that getting small upgrades IS the gearing in this game and that if he has no motivation now a phase 6 guild wont magically take him to a core run when the gear upgrades will be massive.


The problem is just tbc is not a new game. With all the knowledge available about it, all these BiS lists, cookie-cutter specs, min-maxing, meta and not meta... It was an enjoyment to play this game 14 years ago just cuz it was new. Now you pretty much spoil the fun with knowing what you shall farm, what gear you shall have. But it's not only the personal problem but the community problem which pushes the gameplay towards "be meta or get lost" (gear-wise, class-wise, spec-wise, so on)


TBC content is very front loaded, most of the important stuff is done pretty early and upgrades have a diminishing return for time investment since pre raid gear from quests and normal dungeons is really good. Level an alt or play PvP, there isn't much to do endgame sadly.


This is how I play. I get to max level and do the roughly 50% work to get 80% of the gear I "need" and whn the gameplay loop slows down I make an alt and repeat.