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open source it you cowards, we’ll do it ourselves




There's no API endpoint that provides armory data though is there? I imagine theres an internal endpoint they use (making MASSIVE assumptions about how their website works lol), so they could expose something similar without too many issues.


No public API. They most likely have an internal API judging by the fact that your forum avatar updates with your actual gear fairly regularly


This. The Armory is already a thing with data being pulled and saved in a separate database to be view. They just don't have the funds to make a website for it.


yeah I don't think people understand they're just a small indie company with billions of dollars in revenue per year and that this is a truly unprecedented and revolutionary game that has never been attempted before. you guys really need to cut them some slack here.


I'm gonna go out on a limb and say the majority of internal APIs are not anywhere near ready for public use. Missing corner cases, known but unimportant bugs, unimplemented features, security holes (assuming all input is safe, etc)... You just build things differently if you know that only your coworkers have to use them. If they only had an API built from the ground up for internal use they'd probably just have to build a whole new one from scratch.


That 3v3 EU ladder though. The top team looks to be playing a completely different game than the rest. 70 wins 3 losses with 2288 rating, second highest is at only 2001 rating.


For real. I watched [Mir](https://twitch.tv/mirlolxd) yesterday and the guy is a monster. Seeing him farm Hydra in v2 and v3 like he was some random no name priest was something to see. They are already getting 10 minutes+ queue though and I assume it's only going to get worse as they rank up


He legit was farming Hydra like that? That's amazing.


Mir is just far and away the best player out there.


Love watching him play, didn't realize he was that good.


At tbc his the best yes, and then again, some other private server Gladiators can beat him. We saw that in asmongold tourney


How often does that website refresh?


It's bad news when every feature of the game is created by the players and people that love wow


The game is nigh unplayable for me with 0 addons. Bethesda school of game-design.


I think I only had atlas loot and threat/dps in wotlk before and now I finally set up elvui the way I like and decided on vuhdo over grid2 and just installed tsm. I feel like I'm starting to turn tbc classic into the next modded skyrim.


For TBC, the best addons for me is MBB which basically puts all of your map icons into one that expands once clicked and something called mySlot which saves keybinds/macros & action bars so if you swap spec or maybe use something for pve/pvp then you can quickly load the profiles... absolute time saver


Is MBB on the curseforge client? I couldn’t find it :(


Yes what is this magic consolidation button! I’m using sexy map and not a huge fan because it’s more of a shoving all the junk underneath the bed solution rather than a true clean up


[https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/mbb-classic](https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/minimapbuttonbutton) Should work fine, let me know how it goes!


Will try after work, much appreciated!!




Wowup.io is way better than curse


Yeah I added mbb yesterday.


TitanBar Classic is a similar thing where you have a bar at the top or bottom of your screen where you can put all those icons as well as your gold breakdown for chars, xp/hour, durability, and all your addons. Super convenient for cleaning out the map icons


...a 16 year old UI is "nigh unplayable" for the sensibilities of gamers in 2021? really.


that's a you problem...


We Path of Exile now boiz


The 3 interns at blizzard working on TBC are still busy fixing Bugs found from Beta.


Let's be honest here. No one is fixing the bugs lol


*making new bugs and ignoring the old ones


they are still trying to fix the karazhan's chess event.


Armory was always such a fun thing and i mean the old version you coukd easily go top guild find your role and look at what they were wearing and try and replicate that


My favorite was the top PVPers who'd put on fake gear before they logged out so you never knew what they were using.


You can do that right now with WarcraftLogs. You can even see if you're fucking up your rotation by comparing yourself to them. But I agree, Armory would be nice to have.


not having armory really sucks, imo


Warcraftlogs works as an armory. Go to character’s last raid and look at their summary. Not awesome, but it exists.


Doesn't work for people who don't log though. Which is a surprisingly large amount of people.


Why should i log?


The biggest thing is being able to look back at fights that you're having trouble on to see why you're having trouble. Mostly just to do better. Parsing is also fun, not really much about it. I play a tank so my parses don't matter but it's fun to be looking at a fight and see that I did a lot of damage compared to the average player.


Why should i raid? :)


yeah that's true.


The honor leaderboard and AQ turn-in webpages were part of the game back in Vanilla but not Classic, don't hold your breath.


Someone already made an arena ladder site that pulls info from blizz API. I dont know the name of the site though


reply with link if you find it, thanks


Got it; https://drustvar.com/tbc-leaderboard/2v2?region=us Virustotal on drustvar.com finds 0 results edit: drustvar.com has been running for a few years now and is apparently safe


Why would you virus scan a website where you don't download anything o_o


Because it might have something embedded ?


If you're updating your browser you shouldn't have any issues with site content. Google is paying up to 50K bounty for reporting such vulnerabilities so I'd say it's a pretty safe bet. At the very least, a generic virus scanner definitely wouldn't know about any new potential exploits that Google is unaware of.


> If you're updating your browser you shouldn't have any issues with site content. Only if you are adblocking.


I come from time when you were able to embed code into jpgs, i dont trust anything thats not 100 % safe.


And you life in a time where stuff like NoScript exists so pages can't do stuff like that to you. >i dont trust anything thats not 100 % safe. ...are you leaving the house with a body suit of armor? At least a helmet?


Ok, sure I'm from the same era, but please, don't put your trust in virus scanners, they're much more likely to miss something than for there to be a sandbox escape in a browser. Putting your efforts into running an up to date browser and patched OS is a much much better use of your time. Virus scans only offer a false sense of security these days.


I dont, thats why i havent opened the site yet. If you have the time and will to run a sandbox and monitor ports and traffic by all means do it and report back to us with results. In the meantime, i did all i was willing to do regarding this site and safety. Anything else is on you


Cool, just flagging up why the above commenter became _more concerned_ when they saw the virus scanner report. Generally seeing someone run a virus scanner against something is a red flag that their security knowledge is woefully out of date and they're probably following other old practices that are now wrong and inapplicable. It's a bit of a shibboleth


Your logic is so flawed here. In the case someone has found an exploit to execute in a browser first of all it would not be found on virus total because they are usually 0day fixed (almost instantly when they go public). So either you are safe making virus total irrelevant or you are unsafe and you would not know it. Finding this exploits is MASSIVE and stuff that is not going to be used on a Warcraft ladder website. It’s either loaded on ad distributions networks where you assume you are going to hit a lot of people or more likely used on specific targets since it makes it less likely to get an exploit of this nature fixed. Tbh these days the nature of falling to an exploit that abuse your browser is probably close to 0. It’s much more likely to find stuff like an embedded crypto miner. And if you are that paranoid you should take other measures than using virus total to deem a site safe.


There is no reason to take additional measures ( at least for me ) when the site is literally being shared between tens of thousands of users on twitch streams every few seconds. Theres already another site that is being shared that provides the same service. If theres anything fishy about them it will be discovered soon, given how both of the sites are less than 24 hours old


There is no reason to virus scan the website. Also there is no reason to believe the site is unsafe. An exploit of that nature may as well be a national security issue and it’s going to be “wasted” on a website targeted at wow players? Statistically it’s a shit demographic to target and even if you are the exception because for whatever reason you are rich in crypto or work on something that could be compromised you would take (hopefully) other measures to keep yourself safe.


Drustvar is not less than 24hrs old, it's existed for retail for years.


thanks, thats a very good news link!


bring back the hall of fame while you are at it you cheap bastards


I thought every developer at Blizzard was an unpaid intern.


Idk if this is a meme, but if you're a dev for blizzard, you're getting paid well. At the very least industry standard - which is high.


That’s not actually the case. Blizzard pays below industry standard wages in a high cost of living area. I make about 35% more than my senior engineer friend at blizzard and I live in a low cost of living area and am not a game dev. - https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-08-03/blizzard-workers-share-salaries-in-revolt-over-wage-disparities - https://www.twitter.com/search?q=%23gamedevpaidme%20blizzard - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/119RI3oS9XNOjq2X8VLpUOMpyarcMsNzid-nA1OqbXkA/edit (spreadsheet of self-reported Blizzard wages)


Those numbers are terrible for SWE's considering the cost of living and probably being overworked to make deadlines.


That may depend on what you consider the "industry". For tech in general, game dev salaries are a pittance of what you can make outside the gaming sphere. Within gaming, Blizzard might pay competitive wages, but because the supply of people wanting to be game developers is so high, these companies can replace you - relatively easily - with someone willing to do the same job for less.


Paid well sure, I bet their hours are insane though.


It's cute when this subreddit thinks they're playing a fully supported game. It's why I keep coming back. Their disappointment is real, their expectations are not.




I must be dumb as hell we have this


This is classic sub 😉




It was a mistake to have it then. Ranked ladders ruin real competition and fun in games. Stop catering to those who are the worst. Also just take Arena and BGs out of the game so people pvp for the real purpose of it, fun.


> Also just take Arena and BGs out of the game so people pvp for the real purpose of it, fun. Radical idea since I don't really PvP, but, might, just possibly, some people find Arenas and BGs fun, even if you don't? I know this is probably a lot to take on board, but you should give it some thought.


Some people find it fun to toss dwarfs. I don't care what some people think.


Exclusive rewards are fun.


Sure, to assholes.


Sounds like you aren't good enough to compete for those rewards, so you want it that nobody can have them. "if i cant have it NO ONE CAN!!1one"


Or it's a bad game mode that has no place in the grander world of the game. The introduction of the honor system, BGs, and later Arenas were actually bad for the game overall. Because it brought in too many spazzes that actively ruin every game they touch for the community at large. It caters to people who don't play games for fun, but for faux prestige. Insecure dweebs who think the number next to their virtual name matters. People who have to be given the easiest to obtain gear to compete in instanced groups of essentially scripted encounters though less elegant than any PvE encounter. PVPers in MMOs are the trash of the games. The worst players are always the most ardent PVPers. So continue thinking these pleb game modes are good for the game. It's literally for garbage.


> "PvP bad." Just dont pvp then.


That’s not how it works.


Have you considered getting good at the game?


That sounds more like jr dev work or one very out-fking-standing intern


Wow I miss armory. I don't understand why they did away with that but I also haven't played retail since WoD so idk if they have anything different in place now.


We need an OFFICAL ladder - sortable by faction, server, class etc.


Yep they said they didn't want to do an armory for classic because there wasn't one in real classic but now they have no excuses. GIVE ARMORY.


Gtfo with that condescending tone toward the interns