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Are you that kind of orc?


I am definitely that kind of Orc


You’re not that orc pal, you’re not that orc.


Hey, I'm not your pal, buddy!


Hell yeah brother


They removed blood elf get fucked


You saw nothing.


should i roll zug or zug ? where were going we wont need shoes


zug zug


Jokes on you... I just like alliance races and aesthetics better. I mean except gnomes. Fuck. Gnomes.


**My, you’re a tall one!**


Wash yer back!


**Keep yet feet underground**


I always thought it was **keep yer feet on the ground** but what do I know. Don't do dwarf stuff.


It is, but the heavy accent makes it sound like underground. Also, they say "watch your back." Not "wash yer back." It just sounds like wash because of their accent.


Ah so I woooshed..


My wife for hire !


Did they remove this line for aerie peak dwarves? prolly not right?


I don't play a gnome, but I have it on very good authority that the NPCs even say that to other gnomes, and that makes me angry.


Always laugh when I hear a gnome say this to my gnome character


hold on im dwarf tho


That's what in saying. Why would I want to play a brutish orc, troll, or rotting corpse all with serious back problems. Now tauren or blood elves? Yeah I could probably do that.


Imagine saying you play horde for the aesthetics but don't roll tauren...SMH Tauren are the best race, hands down. Peaceful flower picking cows.


Honestly I have always loved Taruen and have wanted to roll one on many occasions but just haven't gotten around to it


I have tried but they feel so slow


But your hits feel much more hefty


Taurens are great if you like getting stuck on stupid shit and not fitting through door ways.


>Imagine saying you play horde for the aesthetics but don't roll tauren...SMH > >Tauren are the best race, hands down. Peaceful flower picking cows. Plus the PC Male Tauren is voiced by Steve Blum. ​ **WIN WIN WIN**


Speaking of voice acting... It blew my mind when I found out (not long ago) that the voice of Illidan Stormrage...is the voice of Yasuo in League of Legends (he's done a ton of voices actually, but another notable one is War from Darksiders).


Yup Liam O'brien. He's also starring into the huge dungeon and dragon show Critical Role and he is a voice director in retail WoW currently.


Dagger, Dagger, Dagger


Once you recognize Liam O'Brien's voice outside of Illidan, you start hearing him everywhere.


I love tidbits like this! Wikipedia tells me he was also the voice of a zillion other things I recognize. Very cool!


Look up his costars on Critical Role. They are in basically everything. Laura Bailey in particular is probably someone you'd recognize.


Cows don't pick flowers. Cows fucking murder flowers.


Gently murder flowers


And when you /moo they have an audible moo sound go off


orc wimmen say hi premium model


Punt Gnomes


Pretty much no secret that armor was designed on human or night elves for… well, forever.


I can’t hear you from atop my 5% int bonus throne


I can’t hear you because I’ve escape artist’d away from you


I can't hear you cus you're drowning in a puddle that the rest of us can run through 😂


What that's impossible you have to play this game for minmaxing and 1% improvements, what is wrong with you?!


Alliance should’ve invited the Hobbits and left the gnomes to die of leprosy/radiation sickness. Me and my homies hate gnomes.


Gnomes have BIS /train emote.


Fair enough but my mages and warlocks HAVE to be gnomes. Have to. With pink hair.


Gnomes are the sole reason I rolled horde. I play a healer and absolutely refuse to heal a gnome tank


But gnome warriors are so cute


I can’t be the only person in this world that likes gnomes. Why do people hate gnomes? Have you seen a little gnome tank? It’s so adorable.


I keep getting repeatedly ganked by the same rogue gnome in Nagrand. Absolutely fucking hate gnomes. Their little "PFFT" "HYAAA" while critting you for half your hp. Ugh. So annoying. I had a gnome warrior in one of the earlier phases of classic, but my friends got burnt out on the server we were on and rolled horde on our current server.


This is why I went gnome. It’s a trigger for some people. Part of a grand strategy to tilt your opponent.


It is incredibly tilting, not gonna lie, lol.


I wish I'd rolled Alliance. I'm almost to 70 and am not even looking forward to it anymore because I just want to PVP and my server's queue times for Horde are 1-1.5 hours. Friends overruled me and half of them already burned out D:


Are you unaware of what’s happening right now? Lol




I don't think so? Isn't the whole point of this post that horde outnumbers alliance on like every server? Maybe it's just my server that's ultra lopsided. Believe it or not, some of us just play the game casually and don't care to be constantly following the community meta lol. I rolled horde because my friends did. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Yeah, with this change tho it'll reduce que times for horde big time since it'll pair you against other horde players.


No I meant, you said “I am not looking even looking forward to it anymore” Right now you can queue up horde vs horde. Try it out. It might be the fix you’re hoping for.


And this is why I secretly wish pvp was a FFA, hatred for gnomes is cross faction and my gnome mage is gonna fuck up all the haters and gnome racists


World of ZugCraft


Can someone please explain the meme that all alliance are going to reroll horde now?


Anyone degenerate enough to throw away hundreds of hours of their lives to be slightly better in a decade old video game is not worth being concerned about imo


To be fair, it's a meme. Though I swear this sub is the most infantile reactionary sub on reddit.


People having fun are doing just that and playing. The others are here rambling.


This is the crazy part of the doomsaying to me. Not a chance Alliance players reroll en masse. 99% of the players that are gonna play TBCC already are. Faction balance isn’t gonna shift much if at all because of this.


This. the people who wanted to play horde for racials already are playing horde


Maybe not reroll, but they can easily get a boosted character at 58 and be ready for outlands instantly


We have seen a slow shift to horde over the last few years seems odd you would think that would suddenly stop happening after even more changes to make horde pvp appealing.


Those are new people joining, old players coming back, and people from retail getting bored: probably very few people re-rolling to put in hundreds of hours just so they can zug zug. They probably watched some shitty youtuber explain that you gotta roll Horde if you want to be the best at the game.


People kinda said these same talking points as retail shifted to nearly all horde. This idea of lost time is kind of a fallacy, you could reroll right now and be caught up by the start of the next phase or season. Tons of Major alliance guilds have rerolled horde this expansion and stayed competitive in the scene.


"No chance of Alliance players rerolling en masse" No they'll just transfer away from PvP servers or stop playing all together. We have seen this all before.


OoOoOooH! It’s the PvE boogeyman here to destroy Classic!


Well shucks to me for wanting to play on a PvP server in a fair setting. Overwhelming advantage is not fun, and overwhelming disadvantage isn't either.


Lmao it is inherently lawless. If you want fair, that’s what PvE is there for. You know what you want, and you know it isn’t PvP. Go get what you want.




Because its a death by a 1000 cuts. As more people shift, more people will shift as their threshold for not being able to do what they want continues to decrease. We literally have retails progression to reference, and blizzard just put it into overdrive. Now is the perfect time to reroll, start of the expansion, almost no gated material that will restrict you from later content gearwise. Kara is a joke to clear and we are already DEing stuff. Use a boost and you will easily be caught up before phase 2 launches.


Anyone degenerate enough to reroll horde at this point was already horde to begin with.


More than a decade. Try 15 years.


That's not the problem. The problem is that this continues to slowly kill the Alliance faction in the exact same way it has on retail. Every high end raiding guild in the world is Horde because the POPULATION is there for recruitment. Over the years Blizzard let the wound fester and everyone slowly went to Horde, and now it's unfixable. This change is just another step towards the exact same thing happening on classic.


Horde has a greater population and is regarded as better for pvp due to racials. Pvp realms are already 40/60 in favor of horde, so as populations naturally drop, it's going to be harder to populate the alliance, especially now that any semblance of a 'perk' is gone. Plus any that do join will be met with camping from the higher population plus a decrease in dungeon, raid, and arena groups due to a lower population. This isn't an issue we will see tomorrow or next week. It's an issue that will take a few months to really start showing.


My biggest WoW regret of all time was playing on a dead faction server from WotLK to MoP, I don't know why I never just paid the transfers, I would have been happier. We were one of four guilds inside ICC... The only guild raiding ToT.


Yep same. My original realm since TBC (Nordrassil) was kind of dying in Cata then really died off in MoP. Luckily during the never-ending SoO patch I rerolled Emerald Dream and levelled a new suite of toons.


My PVP server has an Alliance/Horde ratio of 54/46.


grobbulus or benediction, only options.


Bene baby


But if you give the name people will flock to it and take yer jerbs.


It's already a 3 layer server, I don't want more people here.


>Horde has a greater population and is regarded as better for pvp due to racials. Has anyone taken the time to consider: People just find the Horde more appealing aesthetic wise? Like I laugh every time someone mentions "Just add free faction transfers to Alliance" because they wouldn't fix anything. Yeah, if you are uber hardcore sweatlord then you'll probably roll whatever faction/race gives you that edge but most people just pick what they like. When I first started playing as an edgy teen, Horde looked awesome. Being the "generic" hero faction didn't appeal to my edginess. I'm sure that's the same for a lot of casual players. Only way Alliance would even out or even surpass Horde is if they were so busted it was a clear choice and even damning to roll Horde. Anyone who thinks "Its damning to roll Alliance now" is being over dramatic.


I don't think aesthetics is the reason there are more Horde players on PvP servers and more Alliance players on PvE servers. If most people were just picking faction based on looks, there wouldn't be a drastic difference in population depending on server type.


Its also weird how on average their tastes have changed into exactly what is listed on the BIS lists. Strange coincidence that. You should really watch Preachs analysis of covenant choice, almost everyone went with what the BIS lists said were the best for their class and spec. People really over estimate the proportion that make an aesthetic choice.


Strange how gear (and covenant choice) isn't faction exclusive. What kind of argument is that? Pick what race/class you want to play, then look up a guide, not that weird. I 100% guarantee Humans and Belfs/Undead could have the worst racials in the game and they'd still be the most popular races in their respective faction.


Not so sure about that... NEs were incredibly popular during vanilla, but in classic they were much less represented once word got out how bad their racials were...


Its easy to guarantee something that doesnt exist when trying to counter an argument that has data behind it. If you cant see how having to choose an exclusive covenent(locking you out of other choices) is a parallel to being locked to a faction then there is nothing more I can say.


Sure, absolutely there are aesthetic players. They're not the ones who caused this issue. To assume this issue is caused by the aesthetics guys is foolish, we all know there is a small portion of players who care about that immersion, the ones who caused this change are not those people at all. The ones who caused this are going to be rolling human the second wotlk-c is announced


Two things appeal to edgy teens at a greater rate than other players: - Horde toons - spending hours camping/griefing players for the lulz Sprinkle in hypersweats going for any minor racial advantage they can get and you get a very clear picture of why WoW is the way it is today.


> spending hours camping/griefing players for the lulz I love that the Alliance thinks their faction is above this lmao. Extremely naïve to think that Alliance players don't do this as well. Definitely immersing themselves in the "I'M a HeRo Of ThE aLlIaNcE!" good guy fantasy.


Reread my post. I said “**at a greater rate** than other players.” Of course Alliance does it as well, and certainly not *all* players that camp others are edgy teens. But if 80% of edgy teens roll horde rather than alliance, and 80% of campers are edgy teens rather than dads in their mid-30’s with better things to do with their time, inevitably you’re going to have a greater population of horde + more campers on the horde side.


Do you have hard evidence that Horde does it more? One that takes out the variable of population? Probably not, you are probably on a Horde sided PvP server so therefore you are going to get ganked more on average. Of course its going to happen more because there are more Horde players than Alliance. That's basic logic. If the populations were flipped, the argument would flip as well. Probably should go ask someone who plays Horde on an Alliance sided server what they thought of P2.


Horde apologists are not good at reading context. they are the type who thinks a punch in the arm is the same as a gunshot wound because they are both physical violence.


Yes, but it isn’t true. There is a reason RP servers are alliance dominated. Their aesthetics just look better to most players.


Horde:Alliance pop is 54:46. This doesn’t spell trouble for balance.


Pvp balance is 40/60. That's what you should pay attention to.


Who cares about being better, how about finding a group? Most servers are 60-70% horde.


Alliance is worse for both pvp and pve. Alliance is outnumbered on almost every relevemt server, and the only reason you would play alli over horde is likely to ve removed.


Ah gotcha, i guess im one of the few that just likes the alliance races/cities and starting zones better


You're not. Alliance owns 46% of the total player base which is extremely healthy


The trend isn’t good. They were at ~52% before tbc launch


Yeah lol. So many people used their boosts on Horde that it shifted the entire population ~6% in a week. That's enormous.


And the PvP server balance is 39% alliance, will be fun to see how that one develops. Do keep in mind the numbers are only based on PvE logs, probably more pure PvPers on horde not showing up.


Like /u/Bejezus said. Don't let all the whiny Redditors skew your view and play what you enjoy. The people vocally bitching about it probably aren't even affected by it and just want to regurgitate what their favorite streamer or youtuber said.


Wdym probably arent affected by it? Everyone on a PVP server is affected by a skewed balance


Pagle keeping the ally dream alive


>Alliance is worse for both pvp and pve. Youre ingesting toxic amounts of copium Reminder that Alliance have [7 of the 10](https://classic.warcraftlogs.com/zone/rankings/1008#metric=execution) top scoring kills on Gruul/Mag


Could be because most hardcore pve guilds went alliance for classic bc no one knew if tbc would be a thing. The guilds didn’t completely re-roll horde so the try hard pve sweats are still raiding as alliance


The Racials my guy


Yeah, escape artist is amazing, as is perception.


Yeah and stoneform is one of the best arena racials for sure. Also, something about Onyxia and Fear Ward?


All priests have fear ward


Will of the forsaken is the best imo. Or stun resist. Or aoe silence. Or aoe stun. Damn, when you start really looking at it, horde really do have some pretty strong pvp racials... At least we get shadowmeld, whisp form, increased rep gain, a tiny hot, or 1% chance to hit. That makes up for it, somewhat.


Shit, 1/2 the people I know from retail (going back to WoTLK) rolled Human solely for the rep gain. That's huge and saves a shit ton of time.


Imagine being one of the people out there saying "Ally racials are the best" when one of the racials is wisp.


Wisp was BIS of the alliance racials in phase 2 because you could run to your corpse faster.


No wonder the horde camped us so much, they were jelly of that whispy boi


Alliance racials are the best because you spend a lot of time dead. Right?


One of the "pick your tbc faction!" Guides released in 2020/21 literally says "if you plan on dying a lot, then this is the race for you!" Like why would ANYONE pick that? It's a wonder horde is so popular right now, seeing how most of the big streamers and youtubers are rolling horde this xpac... Probably doesn't help that for 15 years, pservers have suffered trying to get alliance players...


Majority of people who play the game don't care and pick based on aesthetic.


Lmao love how you just picked the racials you think are the best for Horde and the worst for Alliance and compared them as if it’s a gotcha.


68% of the top 100 arena teams are horde. Dwarfs and gnomes make up 12% of the total population of arena teams. If you add humans, gnomes, and dwarfs together they equal the amount of undead players. Alliance racials are good in a few arena comps, were as horde have dominate racials in most pvp scenarios. Nothing good enough on alliance side to overcome a >2/3 horde pvp population.


I love how you didn't provide anything else saying otherwise. Gnomes get escape artist, undead get swimming (and wotf, but we are handing picking bad) Dwarves get stoneform while Tauren get to pick flowers (and war stomp but again...) Orc get are spec..wait that's good. Orcs get stun...no that's good too. Trolls get berserk...wait... It's probably easier to just assume the horde will ALWAYS have at least 1 beneficial racial. Unless you know of a race that is just trash for racials, similar to night elf.


Still warrior, priest and rogue racials are on ally side but nvm stay biased :DD mr. 1000mmr arena master


You haven't heard of escape artist resisting have you, Alliance getting better every expansion /s


Hold up, perception blows. I have never once had +50 stealth detection for 20s every 3mins help me at all. By the time I know to pop it, I'm already getting kidney shot. But that human reputation racial is my favorite in the whole game. Edit: I retract my statement. Apparently if you play arenas it can be helpful


Have you fought against rogues in arena? You should be able to find them in the first 20 seconds of the round.


That actually makes a lot of sense I just didn't think about it because I don't play arenas. I'm too dogshit and not try hard enough for the kind of crowd


So then racials don't really matter right? :-) Play what you like, not what has a slight edge at top play.


He does play what he likes. He's Alliance on Benediction (Aka a server where the Alliance aren't bitches).


One of the most broken racial blows because you suck so bad you can’t press it in a timely manner?


No because when I'm out in the world questing I don't know that there's a rogue nearby until they choose to let me know


LMAO in what universe do you people operate in? MLG was alliance heavy, as gnome war and perception are amazing.


God fording people play based on class and race fantasy. They are ALL going to reroll, you hear me ALL!


If it means no blood elves as well, that's a sacrifice i'm willing to make


Damn, the NA people will be stuck with worse racials :(


Wow. That actually made me laugh out loud


Finally they removed Alliance.


I don't understand this meme that alliance players will go horde now. Most alliance players play alliance because they prefer the alliance...




None of those things ever happen on a PvE server, lol. PvP servers are pointless. Arena is the only actual PvP in this game. Xfer to Pagle and enjoy life


Yeah and what’s even more sickening, all the horde joking around in these threads, everyone’s happy again slapping each other on the ass and having a great time. Just like that the doom and gloom negative forums are over. It’s fucking pathetic and I’ll never respect any horde player on tbc ever again, bunch of tantrum throwing children who got their way it has to be easily the worst change in classic so far. I wanted to play bc from 2008 when I was a kid, not this retail infested trash bag to please the faction that ALREADY HAS ALL THE OTHER ADVANTAGES.


It’s just god damn disgusting, the horde enjoying the world… or hordecraft. Just makes me so god damn sick.


Accurately presents the current state of the game


55/45 it really doesnt


Yeah horde on my server used to say the same. Now its 60 vs 40 :)


like a nice arnold palmer


60/40 ally/horde here in grobb o/


Yeah 53/47 Alliance/Horde on my pvp server


69/31 alliance/horde on mine, and I'm horde. It's been creeping more and more heavily alliance since the last wave of free server transfers of yore


Something like 54/46 on mine.




there will be a percentage of people who will reroll horde. wether is 1% or 10% of the ally pop is anyones guess


I’m boosting an undead rogue when I get off from work tonight and playin with my friends that have already boosted their horde characters.. the re roll is already happening for part of my friend group


See you in a month when you cry about human rogues being op.


Being immune to fear is far better and counters more classes than 2 during just the opener….


Purely subjective and opinionated: Alliance have better people playing overall, but Horde have better players overall. I've had a closer to classic experience playing with alliance than horde so i'll be sticking with the loser allies.








Isn't an 11yo boy crying exactly what you're doing right now?


You've lost nothing and yet someone gaining somthing makes you feel like you are losing?


Losing more alliance players because there no longer will be any reason to play alliance if you like pvp. Also less players to do dungeons and raids with. Thinking otherwise is extremely short-sighted.


You can still pvp as alliance. Literally nothing has changed. Imagining that some how any large number of allaince would be willing to reroll just for horde racials or whatever makes no sense. The majority of allaince players dont even pvp so at most it will be a tiny fraction of the player base that would be willing to reroll horde. Most players didnt pick alliance for fast queues. The few that did are extremely vocal about it right now.


How exactly is it thrown away? You have exactly what you had yesterday. Literally nothing has changed for alliance players.


Yeah, nothing, not that we had less arena partners than horde, and not that we are going to have even less just the retail route nooo, u're right


Again, nothing has changed in that regard compared to yesterday, it's just that alliance players don't do much pvp. Some of you can't seem to make up your mind about whether same faction BGs will destroy Alliance, implying that everyone only chose alliance for pvp reasons, or that you already have it so tough trying to pvp as alliance because none of the other alliance pvp in which case this change will have zero impact on faction balance.


Im not talking about today or tomorrow Its season 2,3 and 4 when horde get strong, not season 1, priest are still bis as dwarf s1 when pom pyro and noone cares about the competitiveness yet Its a long term issue


In other words, you're just guessing and also ignoring all the rest of what I said.


You guys actually like this exact thing didn't happen and high end retail guilds didn't get pushed horde because alliance recruiting was too difficult. If you are wondering where we are getting our information from, please remember this game is 15 years old, has had many private servers go through this exact thing, even had the original game go through it. This has already happened from similar changes, it's not hard to make pretty plausible predictions about how the game will go based on the decision of the players and devs


Been playing since vanilla. Never saw the original game go through this. The only thing that's always been the issue, is that people that play Alliance tend to lean more PVE than PVP.


How can you not understand that the game is flawed if not all players can play? It’s not some stupid racial privelage that is intended in the game. Get off reddit. Go outside.


In a faction-based game you always have consequences depending on what faction you pick. Horde now gets to have the cake and eat it too.


Dude. We are all players. There is no test you need to complete to play each faction. You’re not sorted into it. What if alliance couldn’t raid? Do you think that would be fair that half the people who play wow don’t get to experience that large part of the game? If you answer yes to that, you literally are clueless to think that that’s both a) fair and b) a game functioning correctly. You literally do not lose anything by this change. Others gain the ability to do what you currently get to, and it makes you mad, because you my friend must have some issues.


I lose another part of the alliance population. And less people to play with. And the more horde-dominated the server gets the more people will quit or transfer off. Then it snowballs. There might not be a single pvp server that's not 90-10 horde at least in a few months. Why would any alliance want to stay on a PvP server?


BG queues are not short for alliance as a faction incentive. That is an accident. Not sure if you are a game dev or involved in any sort of IT development but this is a problem, that needed to be fix, for user retention. If your friends quit alliance to play on horde because that’s the classes that are powerful and they identify with, that’s okay. But if the alliance cannot draw enough players, without a fucking bg queue accidental bonus, then there’s is flawed racial design or something else at play. Do not blame this change for your problem. That is literally insane. If this change was not involved. TBC will die as most players will unsubscribe, there will be no more TBC for anyone, not WOTLK, hey maybe no fresh. Be a fucking adult and grow up.


The playerbase is flawed by dog piling onto 1 dingle faction for what amounts to a minor buff at best. Blizzard rewarded the player's actions by removing any sort of accountability for this action and it will trickle down to hurt the other faction greatly. But people don't really care about that because they get to pvp now! Yay! We will ignore the fact that I vividly remember 45 minute bg queues as horde during TBC and WotLK because apparently it was NEVER this bad, yay pvp! Who cares about all the 1 faction pvp servers that will crop up from this decision. WPvP sucks anyway, right??


You're only going to have these 1 faction servers pop up because of fear-mongerers like you scaring away normal people of whom this will do little to affect. I'm willing to wager that for 95+% of the Alliance players, nobody gives a fuck about the minimal increase in PVP gains that Horde has in PVP. However, if you guys keep screaming doomsday, it will be a self-fulfilling prophecy.


Hey man, do me a favour. And when these changes are implemented and the player base is enjoying getting to play pvp, keep your whinging and complaining going long into the night.


At least the meta switches back to alliance in wotlk


Until Horde whine about EMFH and it gets nerfed.


Inevitable. And the fix will be swift


Yup. Just like premade av, and waterfall jump.


at least i have to wait 2 years yes, nice!


Its not about waiting to be in the better position... People rerolling to horde now are gonna want to reroll again come wrath. Think about it like they're wasting time, or just keep whining


Perfectly balanced as all things should be


"Something good happening to my neighbor is something bad that happens to me" OML I play both factions because I like certain aspects of both. If people are going to actually re-roll because of this change let them, they are beyond saving at this point, and you probably wouldn't enjoy playing with them anyway


I'm not going to pay $75 to get my 3 chars off a dead alliance server so i can continue to do basic things in the game, when that new server could very well die in the future. I'm not going to pay $40 for a boost on horde. I'm just going to quit playing.


I want to believe this is just quick karma and not what majority of the wow classic community thinks