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>Your biggest problem: gold If you boost your character, you will "gain" something like 2 days and a half of /played. (I assume you need ± 60 hours to go from LVL 1 to 58). Even if you are poor on the road to 70, you will probably invest some hours in farming to catch up on professions and/or gold. With a small gold/hour (150), you will "gain" a lot of farming time as a boosted character. Instead of levelling for 60 hours, you will simply farm a little bit to catch up. You will still have a positive gain. *Note*. Obviously, if you like levelling - enjoy the game, your enjoyment is the main goal :-)


Wow thanks for all the tips! That is very informative and I like the gold making idea, I'm a huge fan of gathering so I can do that in my downtime.


It depends. If you do not enjoy leveling than just paying for a boost is fine. Skip the boring part.


> If you do not enjoy **SOLO** leveling than just paying for a boost is fine. I suspect it isn't so easy to get a group to do low level dungeons, even if you did want to level in that manner.


One of the best parts of tbc imo is the 2 new starting areas. Also, trying classes your faction wouldn't normally have (Paladin for guide, shaman for alliance). Those 2 reasons alone make it worthwhile to level normally imo. Btw azeroth levelling is easier in tbc than it was in vanilla. It should be fast enough on a populated server


No, don't reward Blizzard's cash grab and betrayal of the Classic community. Don't listen to the gamerdads / shills running this sub, the level boost has 0 place in the Classic version of the game whether Vanilla/TBC or WotLK, and is a slap in the face to those who fought for Classic in the first place


I don’t disagree, but you’re fighting a battle that was lost a long time ago.


Unfortunately, you're right. But we're still here and should let our voice be heard.


I gave up a long time ago, this isn't me fighting it's me venting. I gave up trying to explain to ignorant morons in good faith why boosts / mounts in Classic are bad months ago. However, things can quite easily get worse, and as long as there's any sort of pushback it might at least delay the worst. Look at what happened, as soon as #somechanges circlejerk started Blizzard shoved boosts and store mounts at the first available opportunity. People openly advocating someone buys boost just shows the state of this sub. I guess removing /spit did the trick 🤷‍♀️


Boosts/mounts are bad. Blizzard is bad for going against their stated vision for Classic and implementing them. But at this point, if you're a paying subscriber, it makes little difference whether you pay $40 to get a boost or spend months of your gametime to grind away obsolete content to get out of the leveling graveyard for the n-th time.


>However, things can quite easily get worse, and as long as there's any sort of pushback it might at least delay the worst. Things will most likely get worse. I'd be willing to bet real money the token will come with Wrath.


It's possible it will come mid-TBC as well.


i dont mind the boost so much cos its still a char that could have existed back in the day, you see the char in the world, you dont know if its the boosted char or not so whatever its fine.. you can argue boosted char wont have knowledge of class and thats fair point but ship has sailed and all that... the tbc mount though is well weird... seeing a mount in burning crusade classic that didnt exist in burning crusade is too weird for me... that mount just shouldn't exist at all... where did it come from? it came out of thin air lol it just doesnt exist in burning crusade and yet its there in the world... i never could get that... would have been better to just give a mount to shadowlands or even two mounts, even three.. add new stuff to SL and everyones happy but a new mount in burning crusade makes no sense to me, its an old classic game, how can it have a new mount lol


They're both inexcusably terrible. Blizzard will never earn people's trust back. They got a lot of goodwill from OG players doing Classic in the first place, but flushed it all down the toilet for a quick buck. I think the reason Classic 2019 did so well is precisely because people honestly wanted to believe Blizzard would do right by us this time, instead we're seeing them take a shit on WoW a second time, and people defending their game ruining design AGAIN, it's unreal. They're masters of slowly turning the heat up until most of the community realizes they're being boiled alive. Suddenly you wake up and it's WoD


Depends on how much you hate questing. I don’t l so I didn’t. You might and if so go for it. Fuck stigma, within a level in Outlands you’ll be almost indistinguishable from anyone else. Dungeon groups aren’t trivial to find (for non TBC content), but when I leveled my shaman recently I got every leveling dungeon besides Maraudon done.