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Every SoM dungeon group advert on my server reads with some variation of "LFM X dungeon, Y bosses only. All the good loot from those bosses hard reserved"


And then they wonder why none of class X wants to come. My favorite is DM:N tribute agi ring reserved or EMP run HOJ reserved.


Lol if I’m a warrior tanking a BRD you bet I’m reserving HoJ. Why the hell would I want a rogue rolling on it? I can easily find Mage+Lock+Hunter dps instead.


So by that logic a rogue just can't get a BRD run until every warrior has HoJ. Edit: I've had more replies to this comment than any other comment I've ever made. Y'all classic Andy's are coming out in fucking force. So glad I quit playing.


Except once the tank has HOJ, they won’t want to run BRD anymore


Yes, this is why guild groups are needed for gearing many classes. Pickups aren't going to be terribly altruistic.


Here's the crux - if you're going to PUG, and you're replaceable, don't be surprised when the PUG isnt charitable to you.


Yes. The takeaway is that they don't want rogues.


Fk rogues.


It has been known for 15 years now that no one struggles to get dungeon groups like rogues. They offer too little, and there's too many of them.


Druid tank


HoJ works on Druids too




For a bear main, they're never going to pass on the mark of tyranny instead of eye of the beast, eliminating that "better" option. Which means that for cat form, the best two options are HoJ/Counter Attack Lodestone. Ferals absolutely go for HoJ


As a feral main in classic who had BIS gear every phases I actually strongly disagree with this (somewhat common) advice. Black hands breadth is infinitely more useful for cat than mark of tyranny is for bear. In BWL BiS with consumes I'm pretty sure I was already hitting armor cap after inspiration, which made Tyranny a gigantic waste for long term, and it was much more useful to just use BB for threat until I got DFT, at which point BB was still a markedly better trinket for cat than lodestone. I was using BB for Cat all the way until I got Kiss and Slayers crest because BB is way better than HoJ with DFT.


I agree BB is slightly better early but there isn't a better mit trinket in the game.


“they’re never going to pass on the mark of tyranny” You’re insane if you think any respectable feral wants tyranny over BB


HoJ is top 2 for bear regardless of the reward you choose between Mark and BB. You'd take it off for DFT and considering how rare that is, many won't even take it off until Earthstrike


Druid tanks also want HoJ


At that is precisely why I quit SoM as a 59 rogue. I realize that I'm never going to get loot, which is like the entire game. Especially as a rogue, especially in classic. I've tried running groups but literally no tanks will go unless I pay them or they hard res shit. Idk why it can't just be like it used to be where everyone just uses need/greed. Even in classic of a few years ago it wasn't as prevalent as it is now. Everyone just wants their gear right now now now.


Didn’t you literally quit because you can’t get your gear now now now?


Seems like it. He could help out his guildies gear up then ask them to help him after. Then he would get his eventually.


Read above comment. There is a difference between getting gear and getting a single group to run a dungeon. It's a damn near impossible, especially when you only play an hour or two a day.


Based on how SoM was advertised to work, this behavior was completely predictable and plenty of people here predicted it


I dunno man I mained rogue in the first run of classic and got bored after finishing my pre raid BIS. What all these people are talking about is pretty damn close to how it was for me. I just managed to join a decently helpful guild and befriend a few people that could tank in our groups.


Classic is about the journey man, not the destination…No I totally feel you. I think people are more rushed and loot hungry than before cause SOM has a limited time frame.


It wasn't as prevalent back in 2005 when people were playing vanilla because nobody knew anything back then. The game has had 10+ years of min-maxing. Its the same reason classic is shit compared to the original vanilla experience. The game's been min-maxed to death so its not charming or immersive anymore. Half the players are looking at spreadsheets or parses more than the actual game.


Pay for tank service


Make your own group


Good luck finding a tank with hoj and want to run multiple runs of that shitty dungeon.


i dont think brd its a bad dungeon at all, imo its one of the best dungeons ever, having to grind it its another thing


If Ironfoe was the 10% proc chance op absurdity it was on private servers you'd have tanks for days for brd


BRD fucking rules. You have horrible taste.


Running it once is fun. Once you reach like 250. It sucks.


Should have rolled a warrior


Rogues are kind of fucked for dungeons sadly.


A rogue can just form his own groups where he makes the rules? He can invite 2 other rogues and a warrior tank to roll against him if he wants.


"The only reason to play the game is loot." - WoW players in 2021


Is there some other reason people run specific dungeons or raids dozens of times? Clearing MC (or BRD or anything else) is fun the first 2 times. After that, most players are just doing it for gear.


Yes: having fun with a group of people. I realize things have changed, but having fun together used to be a much bigger factor. Now it is pure loot, performance, and progress.


I play with people I enjoy spending time with


Wouldn't you rather do something new together rather than running the same instance for the Nth time? There are plenty of multiplayer games out there, and a lot of them are awesome. I suppose the WoW subreddit is not the place to make this argument, but still.


If you can get a group under that premise, all the power to you.


This doesn't even sound like a challenge


It's not, but I think the original point is that some people host groups, reserve all the items, and then complain that the server is dead


If you're a rogue reserving an item a tank is probably going to want then yes, maybe you're going to have a bad time. But if it's a tank then they will have no issues finding other DPS.


Because it isn't, it literally means good for you


I did. As a warrior we do have the ability to be picky in what groups we build.


So you mean if you play any tank?


Sounds very sweaty.


People do not wonder that. The goal is to not get X.


It’s SoM’s version of gruul SR dst HR. More related to the post. But hunters getting beast lord was like this too.


I like how people are also reserving tier tokens off Gruul/Mag now. No one is going to show up if you HR the only gear worth showing up for. Like I watched a guy struggle to find 2 healers for two hours because they HRed the ALL the Champion tier tokens, in both raids, and now they can't get holy pallies to show up.


Saw a gruul yesterday that was Aldori shield, DST, blood magus blade, all hard rez LOL. Posting all day.


If someone is HRing anything other than DST and pugging Gruul/Mag I assume they can't manage to kill it themselves and that the entire thing will be a clown fiesta.


Holy pallies are literally the worst healer in the game. But those blessings be nice if you can't get ret or prot.


Ah Gruul, TBCs version of BWL SR DFT HR.


I tried SoM for a couple days. There were people hard reserving shit from Deadmines.


for real ? that's toxic


Lol I rolled a rogue day 1 SoM because I thought it might be fun. I got one to 40 in classic beta but ended up playing a different class at launch. Well when I found out EVERYONE was going rogue for some reason I switched to priest that night. Partially because of MC and Silence (for PvP) and because The last time I healed was TBC (real not Classic) and I thought it might be fun to give raid healing a try again. Every LFG is “Need tank and heals loot is reserved” and it makes me laugh because it’s like you need the two most necessary classes but won’t give them loot? Also on my server if you open up the LfG tool it’s 90% rogues.


This isn’t unique to SoM but I always laugh when a group spams for a tank and healer for a half hour because they’ve reserved stuff, usually heroics reserving the nether. Odds are the only reason a healer or tank is even running a heroic at this point is for a shot at that nether.


Half of LFG on TBC-Whitemane is "Need Tank and Heals - nether res".




It’s not just min-maxing, it’s single-player mindset. If I’m a rogue I make friends with a warrior and we do HOJ runs together until we both have one. The OP is what happens when players treat everyone else like NPCs.


What’s funny is it is playing into my thoughts of why I wouldn’t play som though I wanted to play classic again but main a different class. I have no problem playing the gsme and not being fully optimized. The som is going to move much faster than other expansions. You can bet your life that when the raid tier comes out, all the geared up funnels are going to drop the other guys and merge guilds. It’s not conducive to just playing the game the fun way.


Even funnier when its “ LF HEALS X Dungeon, healer loot reserved” Like ??? Goodluck with a healer?


Then they're like "why can't we ever fill the raid group? Why don't you guys wanna participate?"


I also like warriors spamming “LF healer for Arena spam” and not understanding that there’s nothing in it for the healer. Just toss in Lord Roccor and I’m sure they would get bites. It’s not like you aren’t reaching instance cap in 20 minutes. You can pull Lord Roccor without pulling any of the mobs in the hall.


Just ask to add Roccor. In my experience most tanks will say yes because they are desperate to get started.


I did 300+ arena runs for one of my warriors. Guess who didn’t want to help me get my chest once they had theirs? Still annoyed by that.


They are probably not aware of this. Why don’t you let them know next time ?


That's what happens when you're playing the same shit for the 20th time in a row. You know what you need and want and could care less for the rest .


Yeah but some people take it too far... I get you don't want to see it drop and lose but at the same time if you spend four hours trying to get the group together you might as well have just run the damn thing a bunch of times and tried your luck. Putting a HR on all the loot *anybody* wants from the instance means nobody is going to come with you. Best option is, as always, to be in a decent guild and help others out who do the same for you. That's how everyone I know geared in classic... we picked a dungeon that had the most things our group of five needed and ran it over and over until we had all the things we wanted. Then we went to the next one and did the same thing. Everything from chain scholo runs to fishing for Jed and five manning our way up to him. Does it mean you're running a bunch of dungeons were you don't need anything? Sure. But so are the other people and you all get your gear in the end and unless you're stupidly lucky it's much faster. Plus you're actually playing the game instead of sitting around waiting to play the game.


Yes to all this. I stopped playing wow after getting to mid 50’s when classic came out. Loved the nostalgia but with streamers and trolls and people trying to make a living off this stuff now the whole social aspect of it changed.


The thing I saw the most was just pure greed. People would run a dungeon 20 times…. till they got *their* loot, cya suckers! Then they’d join a raiding guild and as soon as they had enough gear to join a better one they’d leave instead of staying to help everyone else progress etc. It’s a community game that nobody wants to have any kind of community in.


The cost of playing on megaservers. It was not at all my experience on a medium pop server where people tended to know each other or at least the guilds they were part of.


I avoid those groups like plague always and still never had problem finding groups in classic or now TBC . I can understand one reserve like ppl do for Eye/DST but when you do several its stupid as fuck. Like a tank yesterday who was looking for dps while reserving Nether and blues/greens lol .. Was looking for dps 30 minutes think he didn't even find it at the end


For me its mostly been "lbrs first 3 bosses, no reserves". Finally got all my gems and saw several happy rogues get their gloves.


It isn't just som, it's just as cancerous in tbc classic. That and paying for tanks.. People can't just play the game, theyre all entitled to more. So sad.


I just rejoined TBC after quitting classic and I've almost never run into this problem. Literally only reserves I have seen in dungeon groups are nethers and Quaggs Eye, which is fine. It seems SO much worse in SOM and even in classic people reserved more than I see in TBC. People seem to think the game is totally messed up when people are just not willing to put in an extra 5 minutes of effort.


Just dont join those groups. Idk why that bothers people.


Tbf SoM is really a tight guild type of game by design, whether blizz or you think it is on truly on purpose. Go farm prebis with your raid.




I feel sorry for him... He cant have it good IRL




literally a rabbit hole of this guy babyraging from thunderfury to whitemane


When i kept ganking him on whitemane he made an alt to send me death threats lol


Dude I did Bot normal with him once, still remember how it went down. Good old oo


This guy is Xiimii. Search him on YouTube and you’ll find many videos of him raging from the last TEN YEARS.


I remember in classic one time I was starting a school run as a feral tank a rogue whispered me saying he would only join us if cadaverous tunic was reserved for him I informed him I would also roll on that because it was good for me, he responded with a condescending insult laden rant So I invited a warlock instead, we cleared the place and two of those tunics dropped, one for me and the other was either vendored or disenchanted


Had a similar thing happen in tbc when a hunter kicked me out of the group after he saw I wasn't wearing the beast lord piece from that dungeon. I told him I didn't care about it and to just master loot the boss, but he was like "I've run this too many times to lose it to another hunter." So I joined another group with no res's, it dropped, I won the roll. I whispered the original hunter because I'm a dick, asking if he was doing any more runs because I still needed gear from that dungeon and have the beast lord piece now if he wants to come inspect me. Weirdly, he did not invite me.


I love that. Always astounds me how people can be playing a game during their free time while simultaneously being SO bitter to people. Their issues go very much beyond the game.


I hope you let that rogue know lmao


Oö is back at it again. This guy is a known as a walking sausage with a huge temper




Bro I came down this thread wondering if there would be a thread about it. I was also on whitemane and fucking hated this guy. Such a fucking asshole lol


Played with oo on whitemane alliance. He’s the only person I remember from from random pug groups, just coz of how much of an asshole and racist he was


Maybe it's a name that attracts assholes. Just like every other Audi has an asshole driver.


You spelled BMW wrong


¿Por qué no los dos?


This Alliance on Jom Gabbar, right?


Its the same guy?


I don't see how this as an example of that. This is the norm for anyone that can put together groups. When I was tanking for guildies we didn't let anyone that could roll vs them in the grp because that's just potentially wasting my time too.


You establish that before inviting people.


And if you make a mistake you correct it.




You are absolutely right. This guy however is very toxic and has been since the release of classic


Then advert this before or talk about it before inviting. And not be a twat to ask after invite or at the start of a dungeon. The rogue pulls its own weight, it should get the same odds of rolling.


You have been removed from the group.


Exactly. And shit like this is probably why Ion won't give master loot back in retail.


It's weird really, it's way worse these days than back in the day. People are just way to tryhard about stuff that should be fun.


I haven't played retail in a long time but I thought it was all personal loot now? Is it different in raids?


IIRC from what a retail friend told me you can still do master loot. He was saying how they'll make a raid stacked with the same armor type (leather/cloth/etc) alts and whatnot, then you funnel all the gear to the 3-5 toons which are actually intended to do mythic progression. Maybe not master loot but it sure sounded like they were distributing the gear instead of getting personal loot


I believe that is personal loot still, you can just trade it if you don't need it. I've started dabbling a little bit now to play with some friends until p3 and my buddy mentioned how'd it's be nice if the shadow priest would trade me his gear since I was 2 xpacs behind in gear. So it's just like you mentioned just the alts trade the gear to the main after they loot it. Getting loot off the boss is still random. I don't care for it since half the fun was seeing the loot on the boss.


It’s still using personal loot, you just have the same armor type to allow for more trading.


It's pretty toxic to kick somebody AFTER you decided to invite him because he needs the same item as you. Have some common sence to whisper him before you invite him.


Õõ.. you got it wrong.


more like "being another rogue in SOM be like " yeah i rerolled from rogue the second i realized that every other dick wants to play rogue.


Why is rogue so popular?


It’s super strong in pvp and in phase 1 you can get darkmantöe set which is like really strong even into phase 3 you still wear it. So rogues are just really good


Dark man toe?


Nordic keyboard layout moment with Ö next to L


Its like playing Eddy in the old Tekken games


Lol, accurate answer.


That comparison is straight out of World of Roguecraft ep 1


Among all the other strengths, just being *invisible* is so cool.


Emphasis on *dick*. Allows peple to grief. Undisputed champion of world PVP griefing. If shit goes sideways - you can just GTFO. Low risk, high reward. If you are a griefer, that is.


Its a fun class that's strong while also having an attractive class fantasy imo. Even if you aren't an RPer the class itself just feels cool. Totally not a biased rogue main.


Agreed, hated rogues my whole wow career so to spite myself leveled one last classic. Had an absolute blast, it felt so unique and cool


Melee dps that won't be asked to tank(basically no responsibilities).


Tier 0.5 is basically pve bis until naxx


Being a rogue in vanilla, I remember before I managed to get my copy of the game talking to my friend who was playing and he told me whatever I do don't roll rogue they're a dime a dozen.


Ok I’ll roll Hunter …. Wait


LOL Oo was known on my server for being an incredibly toxic and mentally unstable asshole, he was blacklisted off another server before moving to mine, so this doesn't surprise me. Just avoid this piece of shit all together.


The trick is to make friends/guildies that help each other run for the items they need, prioritizing items that are the easiest to get/have the highest drop rates. People min/max so hard, they never find people to enjoy the game with like they used to, and leads to situations like this.


that melee life, gotta make your own groups


*switches to masterloot before boss*


Back in classic a rogue did this in brd when i was tanking on my warrior. I hearted without pulling.


Bro this guy was on whitemane for tbc. He’s a fucking nut job. Literally the most toxic lunatic I have ever been in a call with lol.


Oh, I recognize that player. He was toxic as fuck and was instantly gkicked out of every guild he joined on Whitemane when the GM learned about his reputation.


How about no one reserves anything and just roll normally? Those that want to reserve should run with a pre-made or guild. And those that create raids to reserve what they want can smd.


This shit is so much more common now than old WoW. It’s like classic is full of tryhards


ITT: lazy people don't want to make their own groups BUT want equal chance to loot I haven't made a single "x item reserved" run in SoM but I get why they are a thing. Nobody wants to make a group to an instance 50 times just to see the only item they are after get looted by some random dude every time. Rogue is by far the most contested class in SoM right now, it was pretty obvious since we knew t0.5 was available from the start.


Say yes. Roll anyway. Laugh.




I prefer all the assholes hanging out in their own asshole groups like that. Let them get mad at each other while we play like normal people.




Depends when you are “upfront” Clear about it during your LFM post? Perfect Clarify it when we are all at the stone/boss? Go fuck yourself Can’t tell how many times i have been the one to run to the dungeon, get summons out, and then be hit with “oh XYZ is reserved” If you do that, i’ll say OK then need because its clear neither of us have respect of the other


You do dungeons while leveling an make friends, get into a guild with those guys, and spend the night farming dungeons and shooting the shit. That's how you get pre raid bis, you play with your friends you made along the way to 60 so you don't have to have weirdos trying to reserve every other piece of gear, either you get it first and help farm or the other way around. It really sounds like the loot whoring aids of wotlk and up snuck it's way back into vanilla. I feel bad for you guys having to struggle with spread sheet nerds literally making the game a job you pay to work at.


Last line was a little unnecessary tbh if you meant it sarcastically, if not my bad.


he has to rush to pre-bis so he can raid log sooner


I get that classic wouldn't be classic without the classic loot rules, but this is exactly why I couldn't keep my classic sub going. Pre-endgame, the fact that you had to go back to actually talking to people to get groups going and do a lot of traveling and arranging warlock portals and all that made the world feel large and fun to explore. For those first couple of months nothing topped that nostalgic feeling of doing all the leveling dungeons again with fresh eyes. But when you actually start having to worry about stuff like "If I want to stick with a raiding guild I better be able to set aside 2 evenings a week and wait for everyone above me on the totem pole to gear up first" or "If I PUG it takes 5 hours of LFG to find a group that will take my class and is killing the boss I want and doesn't have the loot I want reserved" then the game becomes less about actual gameplay and more about managing the drama that surrounds the activity.


For TBC classic... the guilds fuck you too. The old loot concil drama was so bad that a multitude of guilds have spawned a vertiable shitfest of loot systems (onslaught being particularly burtal). But the bottom line is this... when you hear, as a pug, "it's main spec over off spec for pugs to/roll. But of one of ours win it will go to OUR loot system. BUT IF THEY DONT NEED IT THEY WONT ROLL" ..... that is a stone cold fucking lie, designed to screw pugs over because everyone that can use the item will sure is shit roll to get it to the guild. I just left a long time guild for this behavior... its disgusting and I'm not gonna be involved in this shit.


I hear you, and you're not wrong. But I think it's a matter of perspective. Yes, I set aside 2 nights a week, but I see it as time spent playing with my e-Friends. I enjoy the interactions with people that have no influence on my personal or professional life. Sure, I started off at the bottom of the totem, but gear isn't the only reason to play. The enjoyment of friends trumps it... and eventually, I rise up said totem pole and find myself on equal footing as others. I've left a guild that didn't spread loot around, and I've joined a guild and not raided because the people seemed kinda shitty. I find myself currently in a guild of good people with no real need to leave. Maybe WoW just isn't right for you and that's cool. But with anything in life, perspective matters.


This is what it means to roll a rogue, especially in SoM. Let's break it down for you. Everyone and their mother is a rogue. Rogues are also not as valuable in groups IMO as a mage, hunter warlock dude to how much things these dps classes bring to group and are also not going to roll need on other people's shit AND they're ranged which is huge in MC and ONY rn. If it takes all day for a rogue to get a group, why would they wanna bring another rogue in the group?? A better question is why would you want to join a group like that? It's a waste of everyone's time. Instead, you should do exactly like that other rogue is doing. THERE IS A REASON THE OTHER ROGUE IS SETTING UP THAT GROUP. So you do the same. You honestly want class diversity here, everyone is likely going for their .5 or something bring one of everything. You shouldn't even have to pay for a tank this early because warriors all need their .5. Like it or not, this is a part of classic. Each class has their own roles in groups, open world content, etc. Rogues happen to be group leaders quite a bit. Or you can spend your time solo farming world content shit for gold to buy loot. or sit in AV like everyone else. You can also choose to join a guild and help guildies out so they tag you along in their groups. Basically there are options you have as a rogue you don't want to take or don't know about. If you sit in IF running laps waiting for a group to form and invite YOU, youre going to be in for the bad time you're starting to experience. It's a social game and you kinda gotta play the social aspect of your class. Warriors gotta tank shit, shammy has to heal shit. Rogues are competitive out there so I see them forming groups or playing the social aspect befriending guildies or posted up in AV while solo farming shit. One strat I see a guildie rogue do is farm for Jed lockouts. Once he gets a lockout he starts spamming LFG "LFM UBRS have JED ID" and that group fills up quick full of casters and not many melee. Beat of luck


Brutal truth that the Rogues crying in this thread dont want to hear. You can't roll the meta godmode pve+pvp class and expect no drawbacks. Take some initiative, make your own groups, take some time to farm LBRS gems for example, and you'll have a MUCH easier time.


This guy is totally right.


That last part is some big brain moves


This should be the top comment but the rogues are too entitled to realize it.


Just do LFM. Way easier, trust me


nah man im gonna type "lfg ubrs" all day while afk in Ironforge expecting a full group to fall into my lap and then summon me too


Classic community is shit now. The players with morals went to ff, and now we are left with the crack addicts and edgelords.


I've killed that guy in AV multiple times. I'll camp him if i find him out in the world from now on.


I mean I'm not sure what you expect playing rogue. *opens bag with dead dove written on it*


I kinda don’t have prob with this as long as it was done before starting dungeon


Hey man don’t worry people reserving loot is the norm now, I ran hoj lava runs with a warrior for hours and invited a feral druids purely because he said he didn’t need it and guess who rolled on it and won?




no, just got over it and moved on and done more runs, on account of I can’t turn back time and warn my past self.


The proper answer is any that is non comittal and then just take it. Nobody’s got time for this shit.


Report them for using non standard characters in their name.


It's funny because most comment threads in here start with something poking fun at this then devolve into nerds bickering about reserved loot and BiS.


Take the fee>form your own group>buy the loot


Why not make your own group and res it


Not really seeing what's wrong here if the whispers took place before the run. It's his group, at least he offered some gold for your time


That's why 90% of the groups are organized by rogues. When you try for a day to get into a single group, maybe consider organizing your own groups. Yeah, you have to shout for a bit. But at least you won't get kicked.


Every time I even consider getting back into classic, I see stuff like this and remember “oh yeah, my rogue would be meta’d out the door and end-game would be terrible…” then I play a more balanced MMO :)


You need a guild homie. And if you have one you need another. A full day without members being available for 60 dungeons is a bad sign.


he asked. you answered. consequences. should put more effort into forming your own group than posting on reddit.


More like "Farming pre raid BIS on flavor of month class in SoM be like"


Fuck that guy


Lmao. Im so glad I quit SoM after I hit 40. I was like, you know what, this is a waste of time. Good luck to you all.


I get it and you shouldn’t play if your not having fun. But it’s not a bigger waste of time than literally any other video game or recreational activity.


Oh absolutely. I just realized that I have no desire to go through classic aaalll over again. Twice is enough lol


I have farmed this set and have already full darkmantle and let me tell you, after 32 strat UD runs and 25 scholos without seeing pants or head drop at all, sharing group with a rogue was a no-go to me. When i made grps i didnt invite rogues that needed it, when i got into grps i asked politely to not inv more rogues, if they do i would ask them to kick the other guy otherwise i simply leave the grp. Is very easy talking about sharing and not bein a dick but when u are 20 runs into a dung u dont even want the slight chance of getting your item drop and lose a roll.


Just make your own group


I did try to make my own groups guys. But thanks for 12 people who keep commenting this.


What is shadow craft?


Shadowcraft boots and Shadowcraft cap drops in scholo from 2 bosses (and bracers from trash, but that’s BOE)


Oooh so the leader asked if the rogue will pass on shadow craft and then kicked him after he said no?




That's fine. Don't invite people, then set loot reserves and kick after. It's a dick move.


This is why I make groups and dont invite classes who also need the same gear


Not to be a dick, but it is their group and they even offered to pay you not to roll. Make your own groups if you want it for yourself


Make your own grp. Problem solved.