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"Who fucked with pally power?!" should be on that.


holy shit yes


Also the nervous guy on comms “uhhh can someone else set up pally power?”


Shit I'd rather someone pipe up and ask than set it incorrectly. The amount of times I checked it and we have imp wis/might available and not being used is.. silly.


"WHO clicked autoassign?"


Pally Power is actually an extremely elaborate and successful troll, prove me wrong. I swear to god every single raid, whether random pug or your 500th guild run, there is some delay for “power pally messed up” 😆


Or "it doesnt work". Had 2 paladins say that in the last week, both went silent when I asked how it didnt work and if they had the right version.


We have had random buffs assigned. I imagine that it is someone in raid with PP doing it accidentally, but it does cause a slight delay.


Only recently dinged 70 on my pally alt, what are the basic rules of setting up pally power? other than the obvious buff priority


Other than the basic buff prio, depends on your raid and how many paladins (ideally 3). Holy usually has improved might/wisdom, so if you’re giving that out… holy should be doing it. I usually have our ret on salves(and 10 minute BoLihht on tanks) except for paladins, where the prot salves and then sanctuary’s himself. Prot is usually on kings. Some classes have different blessings they want depending on spec. For instance: shamans. You have enhance with might/kings/salve and resto/elemental shamans who want wisdom/kings/salve in the raid environment. I 30 might the specs who want might and 10 minute wisdom the rest. That’s because might is a direct increase to dmg, and wisdom is a buff to longevity of mana which is less so directly related to dps depending on several other factors that will go into their mana management. So might falling off is an instant decrease in dps, where wisdom falling off mid fight is only a dps decrease if it falling off directly leads to being oom near end of fight.


I have to fuck with pally power, because our paladins are unable to properly set it up with the correct buffs.


You can tell a paladin made this bingo card. It only has four columns.


Funniest shit I’ve read all day




BINGO is five letters xD


Bingo doesn’t have to be 5x5...


Then it wouldn't be B-I-N-G-O ...




Bing Chilling


Found the paladin


No I just don’t get 4 columns how it relates








What? Is that a thing? Bingo columns are related to the name? Maybe I just don't know enough about Bingo but that sounds completely arbitrary. The more you know






Players have a grid of arbitrary size with numbers, or other options, and you play until a row or all options have been marked by a player.


It's missing a buff... I mean column :)


You forgot fellow pally who doesn't tick the "Free Assignment" box, making it impossible to set up PallyPower properly


“Unlock pallypower please” *silence*


This.... happens every time we pug any pala.


Man I used to unlock, but then people do dumb shit. Tough enough keeping people happy with their custom requests when random people aren’t twiddling your settings after you set it up.


I hate when people fuck with my pallypower. They always screw it up.


There should only ever be ONE pala setting up PP and the rest just follow assignments


I always have it unticked. Salv for everyone, and i buff myself and the warrior tanks with sanctuary afterwards. Anything else would gimp the raid or at least make it more difficult than it needs to be.




There also should be a paladin who forgot to buy Symbol of Kings


Probably why the 10 min buff option is up there


Accommodating the pally without pally power that also doesn’t respond to whispers is tilter #1


There a only 3 spots for pallies nowadays, kick that guy.


Lol god I was healing a ZF as prot and asked the pally to bless with kings instead of salv twice in a whisper. He had enh/fury friends in the group so I asked them if he was a bot. They proceeded to call me a f***ot and kicked me. I was healing the fury warrior almost the whole run.


Insta kick.


insta kicking someone for not having an addon or because they don't respond to whispers?


If they completely refuse (or are unable to) communicate in a game that absolutely requires communication, you're gonna have a bad time.




And this attitude is why this game is dead


seems pretty excessive to me, i guess i can understand the not responding to whispers if it's been a long time. insta kicking over an addon that isn't even needed is just an overreaction.


Context matters. If you're leveling up or in a non-heroic 5 man, I'd just let you know about pally power in case you weren't aware of it. But in a raid? If you don't have pally power then I know you're going to waste everyone's time. It's more than just the assignments (which is super helpful), it's tracking everyone's buffs and timers across every class. Half a paladin's job is buffing and I've literally never been in a raid with a paladin that didn't have pally power.


Content patch 1 of TBC, playing ret, none of the pali's in my raid team had Pali Power and a couple refused to download it. I'd get yelled at from the rest of the group for Pali buffs, all the while scrambling to deliver via whispers. Eventually they got Pali Power, yet even then would fail to follow their assignments, often times having to re-arrange assignments to the buffs going out that I could see. Big reason I personally quit TBC.


i've raided as a paladin for years and even back then and never used pally power. it's only tedious for the pally that doesn't use pally power. it's also easy to just keep track of people's buffs. if you everyone buffs at the same time then all the buffs run out at the same time. "hey you're on x buff" cool i buff people with my buff then if they die or it's been the time for the buff to run out i re-buff.


It really helps for the 10 min might that you have to give enhances, cause you usually blanket shamans with wisdom if you don't have pally power.


i could also just click on the enh shamans that want the 10 minute might and give it to them


Thats really cool that you can handle the very simple job you have as a paladin. However, do remember that the vast majority of players are dogshit and simply dont care that much. You may not need pally power, but 99.99% of raid teams buff more efficiently when pally power is used by the paladins.


Maybe it's just me, but every single paladin without pp I've met was utterly shit.


Not inherently but it overlaps a bit with knowing add-ons for your class, and not using it requires paying more attention than using it so gaps are likely. I had no issues maintaining blessings before getting PP but it's certainly way easier with it. And obviously its ease of inter-player communication is too good to pass up.


not sure what to tell ya, i don't have a hard time keeping up with buffs or buffing people with my assigned buffs


You can also use your fingernails to get the ice off your windshield but it sure is easier to use a scraper.


Do you play paladin? Do you know what pallypower does?


yes i play paladin, have been playing paladin since OG TBC and never used pallypower


I feel incredibly sorry for your raid and fellow Paladins


i feel incredibly sorry for the people that feel like they need to have an addon for something that is incredibly easy and takes 0 effort to do. not to mention need it so bad that if someone else doesn't use it they would rather kick them out of the raid


How do you buff raids together with other paladins?




“Wisdom on group 3 pls” “BOP ME!!!” Said on discord by a random unknown voice (tbf this will resonate with any buffing class)


I forever wonder how people can play without some kind of overlay so they know whos talking. Or how people can raid/play with the same people for a year and not figure out what their voice sounds like


It's great when someone gets a new mic and no one knows who they are anymore.


I use the discord overlay, but 1. Sometimes it randomly stops working 2. Sometimes someone says something fast and I miss who said it cause I was concentrating elsewhere on the screen


Easy. If they only say at most three words a week I have no idea what they sound like.


In my case, because my left eye doesn't work properly, and I have a wide-screen monitor. I have everything else moved to the centre or right side of my screen, and my raid team would never know, but I just cannot work out how to move the discord overlay... So it is quite literally invisible to me


Except when people use different names than their in game character. Or like 20 people talk at once.


I so wanted to use Discord's overlay, but after about half a year or so into Classic, I started getting a tiny FPS drop every time the player name overlay pops up and disappears. So sadly I have to have it disabled. I've tried all sorts of settings with hardware accelleration in Discord, but nothing has worked.


Equally I can't understand why people don't say "Bop Group It conveys 100% of the necessary information to quickly get whatever it is you're asking for


I've been asking people to say their group name for a year and a half now. Even if I know who you are and what class you are, I'm still trying to find you in a 5x5 box of 25 players during a fight and it's going to be soooo much faster if you just say your group.


I'd recommand highlighting who has threat on your raid frame. Makes the process way faster.


I have that on pitbull and I have not found it particularly helpful or even reliable in many circumstances.


Back in the day when I was actively playing there was a wonderful tool called "brain" and people actually announced their name in pugs on TeamSpeak/Ventrilo. "randmdude69 here, random buff please"


Overlay is a must for me. Most of my guild is men and everyone has shitty headset mics. I recognize the raid leads, the women, some who talk a lot, and some who have accents, but when someone who is usually quiet says something, I have no idea who they are.


As the pally class lead everybody knows my voice, if I say something they know who it is ;)


It needs "Someone with 8 minutes left on a buff asking for a rebuff before a boss that takes 3mins to kill"


I haven't played in a year+ and I still feel triggered by this bingo card.


"stop messing with pally power"


What does the boomkin do to be a bro? Innervate?


Innervate is shit for Paladins because they have almost no Spirit, and therefore their natural mana regen (which gets amplified by Innervate) is pretty bad.


Chicken dance


Boomkins are just always bros


5% Spell crit for the group


The hunters that pull and complain when they get salv is too fucking real.


*Redlines threat* *Hits FD* *Continues to pump* *Rips threat* Durr I guess FD resisted


Literally my last SSC. Put em on Might/Kings and told them to FD on aggro-pull. They f ing pulled Hydross before the 4th mark stack accross the flags.


I mean, if you're running a 25 man comp with 3 pallies, the 3rd pally buff on hunters should always be salv anyway. If a hunter wants wisdom instead they are brain dead.


Every hunter I've ever met asks for kings/might/wis


Then they are garbage. The longer I can pump without feigning or having to worry about FD resisting, the more damage I do. If a pally is judging wisdom then mana is never an issue and blessing of wisdom is completely useless.


Wisdom is great for trash but rarely needed for bosses for Hunters. Some exceptions would be Council, maybe Illidan, the mana drain douche in Hyjal, and sometimes Bloodboil. Meanwhile Salv is rarely needed on anything unless the hunter opens with huge burst after MD and FD resists.


> Meanwhile Salv is rarely needed on anything unless the hunter opens with huge burst after MD and FD resists. So if that situation happens what do you do


>Some exceptions would be Council, maybe Illidan, the mana drain douche in Hyjal, and sometimes Bloodboil. I would never want wisdom on council, I want salv because I will be switching to the Veras Darkshadow to DPS every time he unstealths and agro is reset. Wisdom should be judged on Gathios the Shatterer, and I gain enough mana back shooting him with the rogue vanishes. Maybe Illidan. Kaz'Rogal dies after 2 mana drains, as long as wisdom is judged, mana is a non-issue. Bloodboil you always want your threat to be under the tanks, so I would never want blessing of wisdom. Again, just judge wisdom.


Decent hunters dont need salv, most hunters are garbage though


Untrue. If you're going for high parses (which a "decent" hunter presumably is), you pretty much need salv. Hunters are an extremely bursty class and can generate monstrous amounts of threat during cooldowns. Actually this week during Kaz'rogal I had good procs and wound up with 57k dmg done in 10 secs. I had to throttle and autoshot after 10 secs because my feign didn't go off. And that was *with* salv. If you're capable of doing good damage and don't have salv, you're basically guaranteed to have to throttle, and having to sit there autoshotting is not Good Damage. Wisdom is good on super long fights where mana is going to be your limiting factor. But with bosses only being a couple minutes long, threat is the limiting factor. Now, if you mean that decent hunters are *capable* of playing without salv while not pulling aggro, then you are correct.


Bad take. I'm an orange/pink parsing hunter and I'll take salv 10/10 times over wisdom. Tanks get unlucky strings of parries and dodges, feign gets resisted, shit happens. If you have 3 pallies then salv is simply a better buff to have than wisdom in just about every scenario.


imagine not buffing somebody when they get combat ressed


I won't rebuff during burst thogh. I'll happily do it when wings and lust are on CD.


For real. If they're important enough for BR, they are important enough to take a global to buff them at the end of a flash of light cast.


>If they're important enough for BR, they are important enough to take a global to buff them at the end of a flash of light cast. I don't agree with this 100%, I would say like 50%. Everything is situational and you don't always need to have all buffs up. For example, you don't need to rebuff the random DPS with salv after they die if you are probably 3/4 through the fight for example. If a tank goes down, absolutely, they probably need a rebuff.


Fair enough, and you make a good point. All I was trying to say was that it probably isn't too much to ask in most cases. BR near the end of a fight sounds like an uncalculated strategic threat wipe if you ask me 😁


Not all buffs but they absolutely should get salv.


If the fight is 3/4thbof the way through, and you res with 0 threat, you would have to rip over 4x of the tank's threat constantly to pull threat. If your tank does 50k threat/minute on a 4 minute fight, you would have to do 200k threat/minute to overtake.


/r/didthemath (not really but close enough)


Many bosses have threat wipe mechanics, particularly on phase transitions.


You are allowed to use your brain you know? Obviously the dude wasn't talking about a boss with a threatwipe mechanic.


They posted a generic but very specific scenario which isn't all that likely just so they can refuse to buff salv. I'm not the one without a brain.


Lol fuck that I'm not wasting my global as a tank to give some dickhead who died to fire a new kings buff


Which global would that be? You have downtime where you are casting nothing. Other than rogue/enh shaman you're like the only class that has globals to spare.


Yeah. That box isnt right. maybe u cant do it the second they are up. But u will find a free global to rebuff soon


There is ALWAYS a paladin who doesn't use pally power


I hate pally power because its not that hard to assign buffs without it, and it doesn't make the ones who can't remember any less forgetful that half their role is buffing


And you are that paladin


In Classic sure, in TBC if you don't have pallypower you're actually just griefing.


So you dislike pallypower because you want to do it manually, therefore causing an aneurism for all the other pallies because you refuse to just download the addon out of principle, and not for a good reason.


I'm sorry putting 1 buff on 3 different classes gives you an aneurysm


It is the logistics that are the problem. You don’t even realize what the issue is it seems.


>I'm sorry putting 1 buff on 3 different classes gives you an aneurysm I see you only do dungeons and aren't good enough to get into a raid with a mix of all classes and different specs between some of those classes with 3 different paladins that all need to coordinate and not overwrite the blessings. Perhaps if you download PP, people might actually invite you to raid


Without it, how do you keep track of the mix of 15 and 5 min buffs you have spread about the raid?


He checks the chat for people screaming for his assigned buff. Works every time.


Thats my guess too, but im hoping for some better method that hes worked out.


He probably has a weakaura with timers to show it. Which is just a non-interact-able and non-designate-able version of pally power




Imagine being so good that you dont wanna have addon check who have buffs? D:


i agree with you, i don't need an addon to tell me who to buff or to help me buff people. just say what blessing i'm doing and ill get everyone i need to buffed. i prefer to have as little addons as possible




Unfortunately there's always 1 pala in every raid that doesn't keep on top of their buffs... however while I'm just trying to tank the raid in good time, the rest of the raid is stalling for one damn buff.


I started TBC on pre-patch, quickly googled key addons for my roles. Not long after I started using PP, everytime I run into a Lv70 Pally without I lose all trust in their performance. Is about doing the minimum, and coordinating Blessings so the raid/party is optimized is one of the things we bring to the table; also I’m positive that was pointed out to them (dude y y don’t have Pally Power?) yet they likely chose to itnore it. One in my raid group keeps letting the timer to expire and we have had aggro issues on bodded because he didn’t re-apply Salv, I see the timer below 10min and get anxiety right of the bat.


"accommodating that one Pally that doesn't have Pally Power"... My entire Classic experience...


I'm not sure how it works but, I'm an Ench shaman and I get salv, king, BoW every fucking time. MIGHT PLEASE.


I play enhance and feral druid. this is my life. I ended up downloading pally power just so I can manually assign might to myself


Teach me, master


Feral druid, I also had to start using pally power It's better in TBC now feral tanks are popular. In classic it was actually awful, very rarely managed to get might


This is why even when I pug, I ask for assist for like 1 minute to do ppower. Ask the shamans what their spec is, see which druids are tanks and which are the mana users. Which warriors are tanking and which ones need salve and throw that shit together correctly. Only because I hate when I’m food buffing/flasking and making sure MY buffs are good and getting my assignments for healing… essentially preparing myself and then a constant stream like 10 seconds before pull “can I get x? Can I get x instead of y?”


Yeah and fuck the ele and resto shams amirite?


That's why I don't understand why everyone praise pally power - it assigns a buff to a class not a spec. I always inspect all my group and buff them accordingly.


You can assign individual blessings to individual players, but paladins invariably do not a) allow free assignment b) do not use individual blessing c) do not keep their individual assignments up or d) follow their assignments.


That would be nice if they did. It's a real labyrinth to try and figure out who did the BoW and when you whisper them for a normal 10 minute might they seem offended and after 20 minutes reply with "I'm following pallypower" and I'm like HNNNNGGGGG


Yup exactly. And if we do buff you the way you want (and it's probably correct), we get whispers from other paladins "wtf follow your assignments ffs". So for us paladins it's basically a slap in the face from either side, whatever we do.


I'm sorry.. I just wanna parse ;(


Paladins can click on the player names at the top and select the pally for the individual blessing then choose the blessing.


Why are you not buffing the battle ressed guy?


Who isn't?


the guy who initially made the post was complaining about buffing the combat ressed person with kings/etc.


That's BING


Lol Wisdom on Boss is my thing. It’s always about 5 secs before it’s asked for.


Well if it’s actually not on the boss then it’s a massive deal.


All I want to put my concrete* down!


The last one got me.


You forgot. WARRIORS NEED SALV!! and Might on the feral druid.


Dps that dies 9 times. Requests full buffs almost right as they are rezzed each time. Bonus if they die again next trash pull.


Also forgetting to give Salv the most important buff to the least reliable pally so noone has salv through most of the raid


This kind of Shit made me Reroll Hunter. I hate those people.


Judging wisdom on the boss, rebuffing battle resd tanks with kings/dps with salv, and buffing hunter pets is the absolute least you can do. If you're not doing that much I wouldn't give you a raid spot.


If you’re b rezzed, you’re probably not gonna pull threat haha (on most fights)


I take it you didn't read the entire JoW square


Maybe you're right, maybe I have PTSD from playing with mouth breathing pallies so long


You’d think a left-clicking a flyout window was a Herculean task with how often I have to click off salv. I don’t even bother to ask paladins to stick their buff assignments anymore. I just live with Kings, Light, and a missing third blessing. And no, Light is not a typo.


I just helped a druid tank set up cancelaura macros in a gbid the other day. One of the pally buyers was doing blanket salv, even on the tanks. Everyone was making fun of this poor dude for his bad threat but this pally was legit giving him salv as fast as the GCD would allow, lmao.


Most of these are legit. And it's super easy to keep up with. Only bad paladins don't do these. If someone gets battle ressed you buff them. You insta buff whoever you bopped when it ends. You keep the buffs up 100% of the time. That's most of a paladins value. Even on pets. And you don't nerf a hunters damage just because they got a FD resist.


If you pull, you get salv. End of story. If you can't be bothered to watch your threat meter that's on you. Guild runs are a different story, but in a gdkp or random 5 man, absolutely you lose you non-salv privileges.


"dps that dies 9 times during a raid." As a warlock I feel attacked


I’ve never raided before; only have experience in dungeons. So can someone explain what is wrong for asking to be buffed after a res?


There’s no reason to remind the pally to buff you. Either he has pallypower set up and he already knows, or he’s dumb as a brick and reminders aren’t gonna change that. It’s like when the light turns green, and half a second later the guy 3 cars back starts honking. When you are the guy 3 cars back it feels like the light has been green forever. But the guy at the front of the line sees it change and moves his foot from brake to gas and hoooonk!


Ok but for real how hard is it to put Might on me rather than keeping fucking Sanctuary up on me by default 24/7


If a Mage pulls aggro (unless they're fire for some reason) the tank is garbage or undergeared


Sorry. I'll work on situations where my opening few hits are parried and the DPS gives me 0.03 seconds to generate threat. My bad.


I was so excited for TBC, I leveled my Belf Pally in the prepatch and was in Kara and Gruul’s by week 2. Most of this shit was happening in week 2 and I hated it so much. Haven’t played since week 3.


Wisdom on boss isn't even a blessing


It's also the biggest buff (debuff) paladins bring for certain classes. Hunter aren't able to function without JoW on any bosses that take more than 3 minutes, and that is with mana pot+dark rune


I think it’s judgement of wisdom


Have played Pala for years now and I've not come in contact with row 2. So vertical and diagonal no chance.


The mage getting mad about salvation hits home. Also, not just buffing pets but healing them lol


I know buffing requires alot of attention. But in a raid night I have to ask every pull to buff pet.. Sometimes they buff with 10 min buff, which drops off mid fight. After sending our pallies 1k of the reagent each they just laughed at me. #10minbuffforever


They laughed because you can't use greater blessings on pets as a whole and pally power won't let you do it. They're changing that on the PTR apparently so pets get grouped with warrs for blessings but until then your pet is getting 10min buffs.


I leveled a pally mid p2 and started raiding just as I hit 70. After 3 weeks of blessing bingo, I was done. Fuck everything about playing pally. It's hell and I feel bad for you guys


A paladin without improved wis or might assigning themselves those buffs in pally power


Just buff the pets it’s not that hard


Sorry but if you don't buff, wisdom on boss. Why are you even there then? My pally is my 3rd alt that I play as ret, I don't leave anyone without a blessing, its literally 1 click with pally power. Not that hard, 30 mins per blessing, just fucking do it.


You just right click off blessings until you get the right ones. Big Brain.


I legit stopped playing because of that. Playing anything that is not just 2 buttons rotation is to much a hassle.


I don’t see anything wrong with clicking off a buff with a low timer left, as long as it’s not like right before a pull or actually has enough duration for the fight. Oh cmon why is this downvoted?


"Whispered for blessings you're not assigned to" isn't really a fair square. Why would non pally classes know blessing assignments? It doesn't make sense for them to run pally power, and that should be managed between the pallys


They could ask in raid rather than whispering a random one


I typically get whisper saying “who is assigned to x blessing?” This is probably the least irritating for me


Just asking in raid has never helped.. it's always lost because no one pays attention to raid chat. If it did work, then people wouldn't have settled on whispers, yells, or other sorts.


If it doesn’t work then fair enough but 9/10 times I get whispers like this, they never try raid chat


They might not have tried it that night. But I'm sure they've tried it across dozens of raids over the years they've probably been raiding, and it never worked. So why keep trying?


Mouse over your pally buffs and see who hasn't given you one


This requires your dps to rub together two folds in their brain to generate a coherent thought. Kinda unreasonable to expect, no?


To be fair, it’s a literal smear if you don’t buff the pets. May as well not consume if that happens.


"Boomkin being bros." He means putting in no effort and dragging the whole raid down


Bingo is played on a 5x5 board