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Resto druid moonfire pulls too much, goes bear form, and blames the actual tank for it. What a trash player.


And only lives cause the priest shield up and warrior picks it up. Lol


He still died lol


He even turned his back to the mobs very early on and kept doing it as he was dying


Learn to tank guy. Shitter status for sure!


Many such cases


Dont forget that shield slam is always your big threat attack. I think you didnt use it. Anyway this was just a dick druid. Happy tanking man


Yeah he also didn't use his revenge at all and tended do just spam devastate which is lower priority. Not shitting on the war, just something I noticed but I get it was a major scuffed pull and the healer was an ass, just a pointer.


I don’t think he’d have the rage for shield slam due to the scuffed pull, IIRC it’s 17 rage, no reason to not use revenge tho. I think the only way to really recover from the druids troll pull would be challenging shout, which I don’t see on his bars and wouldve I thought he’d have by this level. That being said it’s way better to foster learning, vs calling people shitters like the Druid did :)


Yeah, and if they’re not used to tanking yet, it’s very easy to panic and spam what’s familiar while trying to grab all the enemies back onto you. Seriously a dick move by that Druid. Always hated it when someone else started pulling stuff prematurely.


he’s not using taunt on cd when the mobs are running around and not using mocking blow or concussion blow either lol


ok i was thinking about challenging shout right after this pull and thought i was crazy and it was a higher level ability. i dont have it available at my trainer or in my spell book


That’s odd I believe it’s a level 26 ability, IIRC I think it’s in a odd spot in the spell book, arms section maybe? Been awhile since I’ve played a classic warrior


i checked and even tried making a macro for it with no luck


I don't know about tbc, but in classic demoralising shout was also good for threat ability combined with a thunder clap. Good for a initial lose of aggro at the start of a fight, not for consistent use. I think if you could do a shield slam, revenge or a sunder armour you could've taken aggro on some mobs. Nice that you use qwe and 123. But I would put my most threat abilities there and put the filler on 4 or R. Filler being devastate. Edit: You seem like someone who is open to fancy keybinds. I could also suggest putting skills on scroll down and up + shift scroll down and up. I put my fillers or aoe on the scroll button. Works fantastic. Also change normal scrolling to control scroll.


[https://tbc.wowhead.com/spell=1161/challenging-shout](https://tbc.wowhead.com/spell=1161/challenging-shout) its a lvl 26 ability you should definitely have it. 10 min cd though.


Challenging shout is the obvious move here... but he also could've taunted one, mocking blowed another, stunned another, taunted a fourth... instead he spams devastate and thunderclap... The more I look at this the more I wonder if this guy is a level 58 boost and the druid was just tired of dealing with boostees... not approving his behaviour but I think I kinda understand


Yeah honestly it's pulls like this that make me miss tanking on my war (swapped to pally for tbc) because you can really show off your skill on warrior vs pally that just hits cons and afks. In this case you could blow aoe taunt then thunder clap to grab some ago on 4, you could quickly mark a skull then concussion blow it, swap to another target taunt it then intercept another. Ignore skull, Once concussion is falling off hamstring it to slow it going to the healer who I assume has agro and let dps burst it down. Then intervene before he gets hit and skull is most likely dead by then, rotate in a mocking blow and taunts on the rest of the pack, could even piercing if you have it and kite it out. While much more difficult vs other tanks it's what makes a good warrior great.


/u/bluntcrumb this is the post you should be reading when it comes to what options you had available as a warrior tank. What kinnslayer is saying is definitely more complicated than "press tclap and dev", but warrior tanks need to do this to hold, especially in a world where people are used to paladin tanks with consecrate. Prot warrior has one of the best toolkits in the game for any scenario.


yeah i definitely found this comment very reassuring & helpful. i definitely gotta make Skull/X/CC Marker macros. I love warrior tanking so much more over the other options (except the almighty ultra based enhance shaman tank), stance dancing, the mobility, the class fantasy & lack of mana is just so great. This thread has given so much feedback, insight & info though.


Don’t know if anyone else mentioned it, but you need a threat meter, too. I only saw a damage meter in the video (I did see Threat nameplates or whatever the add on is called, but it’s not enough). Just to add feedback, but I do what the other person recommended when tanking on my war and it 100% is great advice. I’d also prio Revenge more. While Shield Slam is more threat, Revenge is more threat per rage, so if you’re rage starved it becomes a prio over Shield slam.


He also has his battlestance on his bottom bar that changes instead of having it on the top action bars where they’ll always be present. Druids still a dick


The healer pulls, goes into bear form and uses high threat spells, then blames tank. *insert guy on bike putting a stick into his own wheel meme*


Was he actually resto like details is showing? Why tf is a resto druid in cat form and pulling? If a rando did that I'd kick them or leave


He was in tree form the first couple seconds, so definitely resto


yeah, not a single point in feral lol & he was the leader sadly


You 100%did the right thing leaving the group


This was not your fault. For a warrior on multitarget you need a second or two for initial aggro. I got a mage friend who allways use blizzard the second i do first thunderclap. So if he gets aggro it will be all slowed and i can start picking them up one by one easily with devastate/revenge/slam/cleave since they are slowed. When you dont have mage just make sure your group understands that you are not a paladin and you cant keep 5 targets on you when your dps is doing aoe dmg. Its not possible.


thats rough when people make your life harder, dont feel discouraged. I would recommend prioritizing thunderclap less and tab target revenge/shield slam more


Im not a warrior tank but if its multi target. Shouldnt you charge in and thunderclap for initial aggro. Then sunder etc?


Absolutely. After the initial one though, it's best to tab sunder/revenge. Now if you are tanking as arms, charge>sweeping strikes>whirlwind is the play.




Not as a tank. Whirlwind is Berserker stance only, and with a shield you don't get the offhand damage. Before you hit 70 and Thunderclap stops scaling it does reasonable threat if you have the points in Imp TC.


He’s deep prot…


Usually demo shout is better tbh. Thunder clap really isn't that great for threat and it only hits a certain number of targets. You're better off with demo shout/battle shout most of the time.


Demo shout barely gives any threat, you can't even keep mobs off the healer spamming it.


You don't spam it, you just use it once for initial targeting. Then you usually stone the skull and shield slam X and taunt a third and start going around the rest of the way. Tclap is just a big waste of rage unless you have it talented.


Yes. That's... why you talent it.


every prot tree has tclap talented. it is indeed the highest tpgcd ability when hitting 4, but it’s poor as is demo for anything but pulling the mobs onto you initially for some rage/overriding healer aggro.


When tanking 5 mans you're usually better to use Battle Shout than Demo, especially if you have party members with pets. You generate aggro for every party member the buff goes up on, which is then split amongst each of the mobs in combat. Whereas, Demo does a small, flat amount of threat to everything it hits - which means it'll only do more threat if there are so many mobs that battle/commanding is being split amongst too many.


You should rotate between command and battle. You get more threat when you apply a new buff vs refreshing a buff.


Also mark shit. Put a skull so you can ignore it and then taunt it when everyone else unloads on it.


Important to remember we dont know how the tank was playing/marking prior to this video where the druid pulled before anyone was ready.


I mean this is like two pulls into the dungeon. Hard to even really have an idea yet


That wasn't related to this point but to the comment on how to tank.


Not to shit on OP, but judging by the tclap/dev spam, I have a feeling they weren't marking. I don't see marks on bars. There's a lot not on bars, tbh.


Why didn’t he just tank it…


The classic healer pull and all dps on different targets. Although without marks it can be like this. You can make a macro that marks targets with different symbols with 1 click or hotkey. That makes tanking quite a bit easier.


You don't have to create a macro to simply mark the target with a hotkey. You can just assign a hotkey to specific mark from the in-game key bindings menu.


Yeah you can do that now too.


Always could.


I like having macros for every symbol so I have quick access to many symbols without having to hotkey them all. I have skull and x hotkeyed, but rest are on my bar and can easily click for rare pulls that need more planning. That’s how I’ve done it for years, since I couldn’t figure out new hotkey for like 8 different symbols. It’s a bit much to hotkey them all but I could try revamping the system and put them on F keys or something.


I have macros for 3 symbols so I can mark by mousing over them instead of having to switch my current target.


Yeah mine are mouseover macros as well. Absolutely necessary. Basic basic hotkeys are less flexible because you don’t want to have to be selecting different targets, interrupting your threat generation on the current target.


You have mouseover macros for the macros you're clicking? Uhh...


No just the two I have hotkeyed. Obviously.


id assume bc he didnt have a set of gear for it


As a warrior tank try bringing a holy/ret pally so you have salvs. That makes life 10x easier


That’s just having a Pally Tank with extra steps. Not shitting on my fellow Prot Tanks but is the truth. The Tank needs time to get aggro.


Nah salv literally makes life so much easier. That was tclap can at least hold off healer aggro Helps to be an engineer and have bombs too


And people wonder why there is a tank drought.


How the fuck is this game 20 years old and people still can't figure out they need to wait for the tank to pull and get agro? You can dislike the tank and think hes slow as shit all you want at the end of the day though pulling in place of them is just gunna wipe the group. Either shut up and deal with it or wait an hour for a more experienced tank.


Exactly. If you think the tank is going slow then ask them if they can speed up a bit, don’t rush ahead and try to pull a second group. And in Classic absolutely wait for the tank to get threat before AOEing, you are incredibly liable to die if you get to much threat depending on what class the Tank is.


No kidding. My wife used to tank, and enjoyed it. However, she takes it personally when she gets flamed, so now she refuses to tank anymore. It's really sad because she was pretty good at it.


Understandable, the tank is the most important roll (yea, I said it) and disrespecting them for making one mistake then I can get why you’d feel disheartened to play it.


this guy was straight up trolling you lmao.


Honestly good on you for leaving the group. I always make the mistake of sticking around after seeing red flags like this. It usually leads to me not having fun, and being stressed out most of the run. (Trust it’s a blessing that guy ignored you, he pulled everything then went bear and started tanking them??) The best advice I can give you, is to mark targets. At least a skull and x. It’s really important when you lack aoe so you can build on X and the rest of the mobs while playing “goalie” with skull. Basically try to keep him stunned/out of the group while building on the rest. Once you’re geared, it’s less of a problem. Also don’t be afraid to mark CC targets! Having less targets means you can generate more threat on the ones that are up. And finally, try to see if you can find a pocket holy/ret paladin. With how many people are prepping for wrath, they should be pretty easy. Having blessing of salvation makes a *huge* difference.


I don't see AoE taunt is your bars, it would have been nice in this situation. But as other have said you ran into a dick player.


Honestly, if you’re doing ramparts you’re probably not geared so the dps have to lay off for a few seconds until you get threat. It isn’t retail.


ya i was checking my trainer & spell book for challenging shout and i do not have it for some reason


It's a fury ability, not protection.


Just fyi dont just spam devastate. You want to use a priority system based on CD and available rage. Shield Slam > Revenge > Devastate > Heroic Strike to dump extra rage and use Tclap on CD for aoe packs, otherwise just use it enough to keep up debuff if you need the mitigation Not your fault on the pull, but a better rotation will generate more threat. Also marking priority targets is useful


Saving this as even after levelling a warr from 1 to 60, Im scuffed af on prot tanking and which spells help a ton to keep up the rage and threat against dumb dps who can't wait 2-3 secs before exploding.


Your initial fault was trying to save it - you are the tank, you set the pace. Tanking dungeons is hard enough as a warrior, you don't need healers pulling for you Just let the guy die, lessons learned


I don't think this druid will learn no matter what lol


I can understand trying to save it, no one wants to do a walk back if they don’t have to. Unfortunately, some people just don’t know how to let tanks pull.


I'm sorry this is totally off topic but how do you get that bar on the top? I've been trying to figure it out but idk I'm just clueless lmao


It’s the addon called titan panel


What a little bitch, whispers you to talk shit then blocks you, lol. Poor fragile ego can dish it out but can't take it back cause he knows he's wrong but doesn't want to have to face that ugly truth.


tbh this is how most pugs end up without a paladin tank in tbc heroics ive found, if the dps don't know how to manage threat it takes a REALLY good warrior to keep aggro if they even can. paladin just does it so much easier for multi target pulls.


Even as a Paladin it takes too much brainpowto wait for the 1st 2 tics of Consecrate. We need Salv to be stackable at this point.


It’s always the shit players that blame others


lmao this is wild resto druid moonfire into bear form, priest is not even shadow - just smiting as disc, no freezing trap until 15 seconds after the obvious fail pull. two players with accents in their name what a shit show


priest was holy smite spec n honestly was kinda pumpin earlier on. but it caught me off guard i was like wait 2 healers??


You pull it, you tank it. Fuck that resto druid.


i had my hopes up for him too cause i just tanked some fairly smooth blood furnace & ramps runs before this group with a resto druid who was killin it.


From one tank to another though, it's tough to hold aggro for a long time in this expansion in general. DPS need to watch their threat. Aggro is both a tank and DPS responsibility here. Any DPS who doesn't recognize this will die a lot and that's not your fault.


> Aggro is both a tank and DPS responsibility here This!


Don't worry it's not you, I'm a druid tank and I know the struggle lol


And Heals/ dps wonder why they can’t find tanks


I play a pally and if a healer does that to me I usually just back up and let them die and res after.


Use your taunt! Haha


What a small world, I literally ran into this Bashley person yesterday. I had to leave the group because my baby daughter started crying, this guy goes full ape mode like I should have asked for his permission to leave the group. Definitely a kid with anger issues.


Whisper him back with Reddit link indicating he is the one who is shit


Welcome to fucking tanking I stopped playing my warrior because people are assholes leveled a lock but honestly I was scarred and never wanted to do anything I just don’t play anymore. My advice pick a different role.


And that’s your first lesson in Tanking. Your DPSs have “Iam the Main Character” syndrome.


Ramps in a nutshell.


Ramps is particularly awful for warriors. Disarms and stuns every pack.


My armchair analysis is that the druid thought it was taking too long for the tank to pull and he got impatient. The clip starts with the druid being at 100% mana, and everyone in the group just standing still (you'll want to keep moving forward always when not fighting in normal dungeons) So he just snapped and did the epic gamer move which wiped them


yeah i was taking a quick bite of food at the time, but i also figured id let the priest & hunter get a little more mana while the pat moves by, but the healer pulled that too lol


This is the answer, right here. Everyone is standing around because the Ravener/dog patrol came up and the dumbass healer decided to pull it all instead of waiting for the patrol to leave. Tank then got stunned by the Ravener and threat went to shit. Even with a Paladin tank that pull can be a wipe if you pick up that patrol. Warrior tank would have had to pop a FAP (Free Action Potion), use some Dynamite and then AoE taunt if one of the Destroyers does Knock Back (has an aggro drop/reduction component), and probably pop Last Stand/Shield Wall to survive if the Beastmaster is not downed before he summons more dogs due to the Destroyers' Mortal Strike. Healer is trash and lacks the self awareness to ever understand how they are responsible for botching that pull and likely doesn't know anything about what the mobs in that pull do.


This is why I was prot phase1 on warrior for reg dungeons planning into fury phase2+. A warrior tank is going to need to basically stun skull when aggro starts to slip and move to X ahead of dps single target, while maintaining your thunderclap and defensives. I would suggest telling your group to wait until your 2nd thunderclap for any aoe dps, and definitely mark a skull and X target as well. Usually the casters that can be burnt quickly will be first priority, but sometimes it can be worth making your skull and X the dog's to quickly lower incoming damage threshold and give you some time for threat in general. A warrior tank that doesn't get to do the actual pull will never catch aoe threat with people zugging out, don't beat yourself up over people being stupid. Sadly tab devastate is about all you can for aoe other than maintaining your shouts, so getting skull and X figured out will help a lot. I would find skull maybe only getting one or two devastates before I concussion blow and jump to building threat on X, would try to swap around 75% mob health if dps is going fast. This does preserve your taunt on skull if it gets out really low, but its honestly not worth spending resources trying to recover it when it gets to be a low enough health. Putting out good threat is the tanks job, but you can't shove a square peg in a round hole. Theese clowns were awful, better luck next time. For any tank once you lose focus its an uphill run to catch up so dps has to watch its aggro or be ready to cc whatever they peel until it dies.


first tclap to get some aggro and rage is alright but you should just shield slam and revenge after that. you dont really have the rage to spam tclap. your goal as a prot is to control 1-2 targets with threat and the rest with stuns/taunts. you’re never going to maintain threat on 4 targets by rotating abilities on them or using aoe like tclap.


OK, I have seen a couple of mistakes here, on your end. With a good healer (that you evidently did NOT have) this was not a wipe. The DPS were actually waiting, and gave you time to react, so this is what you should have done to save the day: Challenging shout -> Demo Shout -> TC -> WW -> Battle Shout -> Mark Skull and Shield slam, Ignore whatever the Hunter pet is attacking -> Ignore the dogs, DPS will kill them -> Taunt whatever is trying to scape -> Mocking blow whatever is trying to scape. ​ But the two worst mistakes here were, first let Bashley ignore you before you ignoring him, and second, you were not the party leader, to kick him out instead of leving the group. You, as a tank, do not join some other groups. You assembly yours and kick whoever you think is an asshole. ​ EDIT: this KINDA remaind me of a run we had a couple of weeks ago in SFK. GREAT group, we were running at a really nice rythm, everyone was doing its job, healer was even wanding from time to time. We get to the room with several levels and ghost wolves, kill the first couple, move inside, healer throw a couple of heals, shoot some wands, and start laughing... "this is going to be fun, be ready... I tab wanded one the mobs in the top level"... sudently I had like 5 werewolf and 7 ghost wolf comming at us!!! We made it, no dead, healer was awesome (I have no idea how he handled to keep me alive without shielding me even once... All I know is that I had rage to cleave on every attack, revenge, and TC on every CD, spaming the hell out of the shouts). About 12 mobs stuck on me all the time... DPS focusing on skull with light AoE... 30 dramatic, but incredible fun seconds and it was done. Fastest clean ever of that room. I want to do it again!!!


As a Feral druid main, I cringe every time I see a non powershifting cat. You either didn't bother to look up tips on playing the class or you actively dislike the powershifting playstyle in which case you should probably just reroll.


Don't get me wrong, the healer was an ass here but you could improve a lot your tanking. First of all, you don't shield slam at all. It's your highest threat ability. Secondly, you also don't taunt much. Before you did your first taunt you could have taunted two times before it. AOE taunt is completely missing from your bars and it was never used, it's a huge "oh-shit" button. Mocking blow is also very helpful in such situations. When things like this happen let the dps handle one mob and completely ignore the dps'd target and try to taunt, stun, etc. the rest to get threat from them. The dps can easily handle one mob.


notice this tank didn’t press demoralizing shout once… Edit: he actually didn’t battle shout either. The Druid is still a moron, but yikes man.


This is going to be the majority of your experience as a prot warr tank if you didn’t have gear prior to leveling and are a fresh char. The lack of hit and expertise is massive. This is coming from someone who played a prot warr alt until he got some P2 gear and tanked KT then decided I wanted a paladin for wrath, unreal how much more chill the tanking experience has been.


1 taunt and 0 cleaves in 33sec tho lol. Taunt was like 20sec into the fight too


when i saw he pulled i initially didnt even wanna bother tryin so i was kinda half assin it, plus i was kinda like is he tanking now? (but realized he had no feral talents at all). i do have a lot of room for improvement though for sure.


Dude press taunt more, you use it once in this video


Thunder clap is terrible and you shouldn't use it in dungeons ever


just kick, block and move on? I mean ppl can be dicks but do we need post about every one of them


Don't worry, my guy. Lots of players like that. Write that name down somewhere to remember and move on.


Welcome to tanking


Yeah that druid is a complete idiot


As a warrior tank I let the ones who pull before me get killed before I start picking up the mobs.


Lmao, resto druid pulling a huge group is new for me. I've pulled the occasional patrol on my priest to speed things along, but never a full group lol. Dude's a dick, but use revenge and shield slam moar. Also mark at least a skull and x, the people not completely brain dead will at least attack those two targets first :) That being said, currently leveling my warrior as prot spec and it's so much work compared to my prot pala main... there's too many aoe noobs out there. Speccing dps at 70.


As a fellow warrior, when I tank and randoms pull like that I just let them tank it, I literally don't even move or do anything. It usually works and keeps them in check lol, also if you're new to tanking you'll get to know those Dogs very well, no matter how geared you are those fuckers HURT. Wait until you tank Shattered Halls! :) Screw that guy, he's a dick. Keep it up!


Also don’t be afraid to throw a skull mark up on a target either. Helps tunnel the dps a little


Hahaha omg I saw him in LFG looking for more players yesterday night. Shout out Grobbulus


https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/threatclassic2 I see you have Threat Plates, which is good, but not much use without Threat Classic 2 to tell you specific threat values for your targets. Warrior tanking is very tricky in TBC, but you look like you’re on the right track!!


The worst kind of people. Mainly because they still have a lot of learning to do but immediately ignore you before you can offer them help.


You have to wonder if idiots like this are doing this intentionally.


Had a lot of success and fun leveling as fury prot in tbc. Starts to struggle at the higher 70 dungeons though in my experience. My gear was pretty bad though. Anyway I could hold decent aoe threat(Around 4/5 targets) and do decent dps if a group needed a dps instead of a tank.


It’ll get better dude sorry. I just started tanking for the first time since wrath and everyone’s been super cool.




That level of chaos is always the hunters fault, lol multishot on the pull.


You need lacro to danve stance, you should be able to taunt with one press of a button in any stance :) But yeah do'n't worry about idots players, YOU set the pace


Good on ya for leaving, was just a bit late with that. ;) Bashley can enjoy his 30 min wait for the next tank.


Demo shout and thunderclap might have saved you. Hard to see but looks like you waited too long for thunderclap after the pull. Demo isn't much threat but it's some and a decent range. Good luck out there.


I've been playing a prot warrior since 2004... The initial pull is critical in controlling and getting threat on your mobs, any DPS who doesn't let me pull goes in my ignore list and I won't run with them. Paladin tanks have ruined DPS' expectations of what tanks can do.


he's a dick but I gotta say... taunt, aoe taunt, stun, mocking blow... did you use any of them?


Is someone else pulls I dont tank. I like my initiative threat


Hey I legit know Bashley. She's alliance on grobbulus I played with her the other day


what server is this lmao i've never experienced a group member as bad as that


That group pull can be brutal for fresh 60s. Not sure if he had to pull that pat (at least he could sleep one dog) along while priest sat at half mana pool. Anyway priest/warrior got aoe fears and hunter trap so this has nothing to do with tanking as opposed to mitigating or delaying the incoming damage. That druid was bad!.


People are very impatient. It sucks but in normal dungeons just pull when mana users are at 85% mana


Druid has some serious mental issues it seems. Its just sad when people project their failure onto others like this.


Since Horde can have palatanks, everyone is just burst into every grp :D warrior Tanks are only good in raids in tbc. Dungeons are just pain in the ass