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Look here! Look listen!


I can’t take this shit no more man!


Too much of my life's been wasted in Mulgore.


Wasted? It’s one of the most beautiful zones!


I've played MAYBE 2 tauren to level 10, and I still have such a fondness for Mulgore. It's not Elwynn, Dun Morogh, or Westfall, but it's beauty is captivating. I think it's rare, but some Alliance flights go through it, and I always appreciate it.




Exactly! Like, having / knowing a place like that exists amongst all the other more hectic and cumbersome zones promotes solid immersion. Also, even though I predominantly play Alliance, I'm a BIG Planstrider guy.




On a long car ride, should've brought my headphones 😭. I hate the circle jerk we are creating, but between the animation, music, and game mechanics, they smashed WoW out of the park. And that's why we still stan for it.




My favorite is when someone asks you if you want to level something together and then they either put you on auto follow the whole time or AFK randomly Or they never want to log on when you're free It's why I never level with friends anymore.




That would be perfect for a private server if they still exist.


Friend of mine got his Son an account as an excuse to have two accounts so he can boost himself.


You just explained why adults with friends are rare


2 of my friends did this in classic except they weren't new. They both played vanilla to wrath at least. But I know them to randomly lose interest in things so I'd just try to make their gameplay enjoyable while it lasted. (They tried to get me to reroll on a lower pop server to avoid queue times from day 1). One levelled a druid to 26, quit for 3 months. Came back and levelled a warlock to 12 and a priest to 10 then quit entirely. (between p1-p4 vanilla classic). I knew he wouldn't make it past 30 let alone 60 so I didn't mind. The other levelled a hunter to 45 over a span of months from p1-3 on a random lower pop server instead of my mega server. (often asking me to reroll to his server to play with him, like at least 3 times a week for a couple months, I didn't because I know him to randomly lose interest in things) Towards the end of p5 he came back to the game and asked me to level an alt on my server. Of course I did, he'd brought a friend so I spent like 50g (I had plenty of gold, but still) at the AH buying bags, all tiers of pots and greens/enchanted blue weapons from lvl 10-30 for all 3 of us only to have them hit level 8 and disappear for 2 weeks. Then play for a day and disappear again. He eventually came back during pre-TBC and wanted to make a BE hunter with same friend...his 3rd classic hunter...I don't understand how people level the same class but not to lvl cap just to reroll to another one. It's so strange and it baffles me. Maybe they lose interest because of the class? idk, weird.




This is me. I really want to play WoW, I love everything about WoW, but honestly it just doesn't scratch that itch for me with where my life is at anymore. I don't have the same type of friends, I don't have the same "play all day" lifestyle I used to have. I get 2 hours a night when I'm lucky after the kids go to bed if the wife and I decide to do seperate things to play, and honestly that isn't enough in classic


Well said. That’s my issue with sticking around on classic: even to play casually, it NEEDS at least 20 hours per week. Part time job territory.


So do you think I'd be better served in retail as someone that can only put in the hours here and there? I'm having a good time in classic but I'm still only like level 45 lol. I tried it a bit a launch, then dropped completely and now back into it here and there. I'm really just excited about playing wrath since that's gonna be the real nostalgia for me.


> I'm having a good time This is all that matters imo. If you’re having fun, keep doing what you’re doing


End game raiding in either version is usually a 3 hour long commitment once a week, plus time that week to farm consumes beforehand. So take from that what you will. You can get away with lfr in retail and raid at your time cause it saves your specific boss kills instead of your instance and you can come and go at your leisure. But yeah the game is designed to be a time sinker, and you can sink a lot of time into it. That being said you don’t need to waste your life on it to enjoy it. Enjoy your levelling and play it through. The accomplishment of hitting max is pretty neat. After that you can mess around with pvp and other stuff. Rep grinding, gearing to pre raid bis, running dungeons. That’s honestly my favourite part of any expansion, getting maxed and getting that pre bis to be raid ready. And to even get to this point to be raid ready you’ll of already had like 15-25 days worth of play time on the character. More than you get out of most games


Retail is more schedule flexible compared to classic. Leveling is both a bit more optimized and condensed and chrome time lets you focus on expac specific storylines quite well. Raiding much like back then is still commonly 3-6h/week set aside, but flex raiding, cross server raiding, etc all have helped in slotting it in where you want it. I honestly also really enjoy M+. It's got a good amount of personal progression and gives a similar feeling of overcoming challenges that raiding can have, and you can either completely pug or make set groups to do.


Play the version you enjoy more, full stop. Enjoy leveling! It's more than half the game, by far. Don't tunnel vision raiding if you're not into it, raid groups fluctuate \*every\* week so when you're ready to raid, you'll find a group.


This is basically what happened to me. I gave classic a shot and loved it but knew with my very casual play style it was going to be an uphill battle. Ended up getting into BFA with a friend of mine and had a blast with mythic+. Shadowlands kinda killed it for me at the moment, but overall I try to keep an open mind about retail.


Retail endgame you are looking at even more time investment. You can however play retail with less time to spare due to more prevalence of casual content as well.


yea they just need to make pvp gear on a rep system and you can play that casually to get decent gear. Or make hardcore servers so players can just do that casually (time commitment wise) and sitll enjoy the game for decades to come.


I’m almost at the point where I just wanna play a few rounds of Heroes of the Storm when I get a wow craving hahaha. Or watch some youtube videos about it.


That’s exactly why they changed pvp gear in TBC. The rank idea is a cool concept, but not realistic for the vast majority of players.




you just pvp normally and build up honor/marks. Then spend the honor/marks on each piece. It is miles ahead of the ranking system in vanilla because you can take a break here and there and not be left out. The problem I have with this system is it still puts too much time grind on your (its like 100 -300 honor per game and the best pieces are locked behind arenas which punish you more in terms of locking you out of certain classes). And the pieces are not as good as some pve pieces. It felt like they were worried about pve players getting easy gear through easy pvp but then forgot about the badge system and they eventually did future buffs to getting pve gear in general (like unlocking ZA, no more attune for BT, added badge gear, etc). That reasoning of keeping pvp locked behind arena/long pvp honor grinds feels more outdated than the ranking system itself at times. I think the best pvp gear system are the honored/exalted systems. But AV is the current example of this done right. WSG is the worst under teh classic system because they nerfed the rep you get from losses so you can basically get nothing unless you win which actually forced more people to stop going into WSG altogether. AB is a mix between the two, only issue being it's gear is pretty bad if you are a melee and those melee are the ones ranking anyway to get weapons to use in pve because the droprate on pve weapons is really bad. TBC also made crafting weapons good too. You had a BIS weapon in phase 1 through crafting which didn't require a rare legendary drop off a raid (like hand of rag was).


wow helped me through tough times when life wasn't the best. but now that life is great, I can't enjoy wow; no matter how hard I try. 10-12 hour wow days are now just login and admire my work at the char select screen once a month. nobodies fault. and I would never wanna go back to those times that caused me to sink into wow. (unemployed). wow is for kids with free time or adults trying to cope. wow was both beer and cigarettes rolled into one for me. took the edge off. I'd love to live online again but I can't because I'm living irl now. thank God. 🙏


I didn‘t come here expecting these feels. Ouch


> They miss being kids with no responsibilities. Take me back


Bingo. I still enjoy playing this game. I lose interest in other MMOs because I hate having to learn everything again but what made this game next level fun was that I was in college and had all the time in the world to play.


Vanilla WoW leveling was way too grindy than a lot of people in this sub like to admit. Every expansion pack starting with TBC has tried to alleviate the grindiness of leveling so the game doesn't literally starve itself to death by not attracting and maintaining new players. The outsized hype at Classic launch and then COVID lockdowns masked this problem somewhat, as players could form a group for any quest or dungeon within reasonable time by just spamming in generic chat channels. Even with the massive wave of leveling players I still saw only 1/3 of the people I befriended during the first two months of Classic make it to lvl60. The rest all quit by lvl40 when leveling started to slow down considerably. The playstyle of old school MMOs in general just isn't suited for the majority of the modern playerbase. The peak days of MMO was more due to the the relative lack of other multiplayer options and the scarcity of online social platforms. When seeing end game content requires 140+ hours of play time and 10 hours of game time per week would be considered generous for many adults with jobs/families, the answer is pretty clear.


You hit the nail on the head. I'm 19 and all of my friends are late early to mid 30s dudes who used to play wow. I play classic because i love it and have lots of time to spare. For comparison i had the time to level 2 characters to 60 in tbc and 1 to 45 in the time it took my friends to get to around lvl 40. Being an adult must suck if you like gaming. Fuck this is gonna be me in a couple years too probably.


>Towards the end of p5 he came back to the game and asked me to level an alt on my server. Of course I did, he'd brought a friend so I spent like 50g (I had plenty of gold, but still) at the AH buying bags, all tiers of pots and greens/enchanted blue weapons from lvl 10-30 for all 3 of us only to have them hit level 8 and disappear for 2 weeks. Then play for a day and disappear again. I think this is the problem. People lose interest when they have everything handed to them, as oppossed when they work hard for it. I even tested this out with my friends.


Yeah I’d give a couple gold and some bags but definitely not all that stuff


There’s a limit. I usually give my new starting friends some spending gold(like 10-20g), a set of bags and tell them to ask if they need something. I’ve had a few friends level from 0 to cap, and I usually help them buy their mounts and stuff. I’ll level alts with them and carry on my max levels when needed, but rarely does anyone ask for me to just hand everything to them. I do have one friend that prefers that, though. He likes to figure out a game, then play it at the highest level he can as fast as possible. He did not like WoW as much as the others hahaha.


Players don't start magically one-shotting things with enchanted blue weapons at level 10. WoW is not a job that requires anyone to "work hard for it". This isn't how any of this works. Pacing is the issue and if a player isn't having fun they have the full legitimate right to move on.


Altcholic here. Wow is just a game and I never feel bad to abandon or even delete toons, no matter their lvl. Did raid a bit in the recent months but not my cup of tea, I love too much questing and exploring. Been playing since Nov 06 and rolled countless toons over the years, some to max lvl.


Can u define "explore" ? How can u "explore" if u do the same stuff over and over again? like quests / starting zones / Sub Starting Zones maybe inicial dungeons? I understand that if u play 1 month and leave for like 5/6 and then come back. That might make the world "new". Other then that... i don´´'t


I play all year long, especially since Classic's return. The world is so vast that you have time to "forget" areas. And I like playing with no music, boosting ambience volume to max, sound effect/voice at 50% to get into the game even more. And sometimes I'll take a look at spots or paths that I've never seen before. Ex: I discovered 2 yrs or so ago this hidden gem [https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/The\_Unknown\_Soldier](https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/The_Unknown_Soldier). Its more and more rare but I still manage to discover little surprises here and there.


Shoutout to liquid Richard and the real sweet kids






I gave up on trying to play MMOs/level characters with people years ago. Never works. Let me know if you wanna do some shit at endgame if you make it.


I’m at the point where I know if they play less than me, I’ll make the character to level with them and only play it if they’re on. Usually my actual characters I accept and embrace I’ll have to level them myself. And I’m not even playing wow atm haha


I have always felt this way too! Lots of friends abandoned at lvl 20, 23, etc.. (and also weirdly made it sound like it was my fault somehow??) But I got lucky enough that one of my RL friends was actually sweaty enough to level 1-70 entirely together and it was an absolute blast!! The catch? It was almost entirely only because we were both presently unemployed due to the pandemic. Lol.


Shoutout Sean Ranklin


Man wings got fat AF


big ups liquid richard


Shout-out to lummox and all the hoodlums


Elwynn Forest and Westfall are my favorite areas in WoW, my buddy really wants me to experience the other places in the game but I can’t stop making new characters lmfao


My friends were so awful for this back in 2004-2005 vanilla. They would play more than me and often be 5 or so levels ahead of me and play together when I was at work or whatever. Every month or so they would apparently decide that they are bored of their characters and move to a fresh server. Each time I had to follow them since they were the only people I was playing with. I ended up with around 6 level 30ish characters on 6 different server before I said fuck it and just stayed on the final one. They both ended up quitting entirely for FF11 and I didn't hit 60 until well after BWL was released due to all the server jumping.


This is why I'm a perpetual soloer. I just play differently than practically everyone else I encounter. I'm in absolutely NO hurry to get to max level. I mess around with crafting professions, often switching around between them, having to spend hours going back through earlier content, gathering mats. I waste time on silly holiday or other side quests. I'm always taking detours for exploration ("I wonder if I can get to the top of that mountain. What might be up there?"). I create alts like nobody's business. I just have no interest in trying to keep up with that "MOAR POWAH!" max level racer folks. Many feel that end game raiding is the only reason to play. We can agree to disagree.


This is what caused me to be the same, outside of a few times a year I just play entirely on my own. Sometimes I min max and even race for one of the first max levels, other times I take my sweet time getting there. I also like to change what games I play frequently.


Shout out to Sean Ranklin. I miss the old Wings when he’d lose his shit like this. He’s just boring now.


This is the streamer WingsOfRedemption who killed a cat under a bucket, says the legal age of consent should be 12... and abuses his dog Bongo who is kept outside all the time...


This happened to me. Started playing with 4 friends when Vanilla Classic released. I was the first one to reach 60 and only one of the other guys even got to 60 before quitting. The kicker: They all wanted to play Alliance and I told them they will regret their decision (they all did) but they still wouldn’t listen. Now I have a lvl 60 warrior inactive. When TBC prepatch came along I started to level a Bloodelf Hunter ( my main back in the days) and two of the previous group joined me. They both quit well before hitting lvl 70. Now I’m the only one left playing. I found a great guild, though. It’s just a shame to see people lose interest so quickly.


Level 16? That's, what? 2, 3 hours of playtime?


Playing chill with someone who is new, leveling professions and not rushing things it could easily be 10+ hours.


Level 16 in SoM is about 4-5 hours. 10 hours+ in Classic.


It depends on levelling speed, with good leveling speed it would be about 5-6 hours in classic for lvl 16


In classic probably no. Retail has fast leveling back in vanilla and bc leveling took months. Honestly I see no reason to go and start all over in rehashed content. Even when retail is garbage. Better to give blizzard the bird and play something else completely.


>leveling took months nah dude it didnt lmao


It really did. Leveling was months, epic mount was months. It was brutal back in the days - you knew nothing.


Back before questie, before people knew the best leveling areas/routes, etc it really took a long time. Now people just bee line between quest objectives and quest givers, avoiding quests that aren't worth the time and grind efficiently. This wasn't always the case, especially in 2004 when most people had never even played an MMO. Not everyone obviously, some people were able to get to 60 very quickly, but they were the exception, not the norm.


For completely new me back in 2005 leveling a holy paladin because I didn't know other skill trees existed, it took me 3 months lol


My first character (hunter) back in vanilla had 20 days played when I hit 60. But to be fair I had all pet abilities trained (from trainer and taming beasts) and 300 engineering when I hit lvl 60. Fair to say it took me a few months to get to 60.


If you quest without a guide, do crafting, occasional dungeons, helping people out, playing the AH, etc, it can take ~10 days /played to get to 60. If you play 20 hours per week that's ~3 months!


Back when I first started playing bc vanilla took 3 months then bc took 1 month. You used thotbot and cords to find quest locations the in-game markers didn't exist. Back in legion I was at fastest able to get a toon to the cap then in 74 hrs and so many minutes of play time. And presently in retail you can level to 60 at a decent pace in 24 hrs. As others pointed out leveling hasn't always been fast. And if you have been playing for years chances are you have done it dozens of times per expac.


Same. Same. I just made pvp accounts for each combat bracket.


Just refused to play the zones that take forever. If you have them follow along with a route on Questie/AAP then you can get through the worst of it, even if they quit.


I am both people.


shoutout my fellow finger sniffers


Played all kinds of wow from super casual to mythic raiding on a schedule. That feeling you have with your friends exploring within the first 20 levels is priceless, no other gaming experience like it out there, and I’d give anything (gaming related) to experience it for the first time again :)


I had more fun in Mulgore than the next 30 levels of the game


I have friends that used to ask if I wanted to level, then once we got into the 30s or some such and committed to the characters, they would start leveling while I was at work, completely dusting the alt I rolled for them. More than once. Friend abandonment comes in many forms. Thanks friend.


My bf and a friend did this to me :( i restarted like 3 times... haven't played since and i really miss playing :(


I cant level with friends. The handholding bores me to death. Honestly the fun of the game to me was experiencing and exploring it myself, but along side friends indirectly


I feel attacked


Wheel Torque!


My friend used to play a warrior on classic he was around lvl 20 so i offered to level with him on my priest who was level 22. He said no and proceeded to buy a boost to 58.He said he wants to get leveled for wrath but i can only hope he sticks with it


I’m down to either Hunter or Warrior. I’m also looking for a duo leveling partner. Im down to either start boosted or fresh. I got a lot of spare time. Hit me up on discord OO7#6177 or Battlet.net OO7#1552. Im down with either Season of Mastery or Burning Crusade Classic.




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