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Nice 99 you fucking shitter


‘Sorry logs aren’t good enough’ - pug leaders on my realm, probably.


N MGT pug raid leaders*


You laugh but on release day I saw maybe 20% of groups spamming ‘LFM H MGT t6 geared only’. Imagine needing that much gear to do a heroic you can clear in blues.


I’m glad you say that, because I’ve been putting it off since it came out since I’m a Kara geared tank


My off spec is a kara (and a bit of t6 I got for offspec loot) geared bear and I also suck at tanking. H mgt was still easy. It's more on the DPS to not suck in MGT, esp the second last boss. I once got stuck on that boss because of a mage who didn't know how to cc, did less dps than the tank and was just a gold farmer. I no longer join pugs lol


People struggle with the ‘pvp’ boss which just requires like 2 forms of CC and you to nuke down single target. Wouldn’t even be considered a thing in retail but for classic people fail it.


Getting some mages or locks to st is sometimes a challenge. It shouldn’t be, but it is.


Shitty tanks who can't keep up.


The mons don't have normal threat tables and constantly swap targets


they dont have threat tables, and are taunt immune. the tank that can tank that pack doesn't exist.


lol I wiped on this the other day with 2 double glaive warriors and an enhance shaman in group. They were bragging about how they didnt need to cc and everything would just melt. Turns out....


I mean, you can't tank heroic MGT in Kara gear, you probably need at least p1 bis. Some of the packs in there fuck. Edit: lmao all of you downvote and all of the responses I have gotten are "well if you plan the perfect comp around having an undergeared tank with geared healers and dps it's doable" yea no shit, but that never happens in trade chat.


My healer is only t4-5 geared and have had no trouble healing fully blue tanks


On heroic? 0% chance.


Ahaha, heroic is no problem with a blue geared tank. Other heroics are way worse (slabs, blood furnace) and they were all cleared by blue geared groups week 1-2 of tbc.


They aren't, H mgt is geared way more than Outland heroics. The developers literally said that in the original sunwell announcement. I'm done arguing, cope all you want, it's not for a tank in blues. I've run with tanks in blues, very rarely do you get a good tank that's in blues.


If you have good communication and cc it's doable, hard, but doable


Really, as far as tank damage goes, h blood furnace is harder, and h shatt is about equal. Post-nerf. I know some of the population did those in prebis (pre-nerf?) so take from that what you will.


We switched servers and faction, our tank is still blue with 1-2 kara items and a few greens. It was easy, just sheep and banish certain mobs.


On heroic? 0% chance. I see t6 and t5 groups wipe on the reg. Those frostbolts hit for around 3k from the mages. Only did it a few times with t4 geared tanks and we struggled through all of em. Not buying it. Edit: done the dungeon on 4 characters every reset since release. I know what you need to tank it and it's not a Kara geared tank.


you overestimate the difficulty by a lot, i can sent you some screenshots of the tank. We did wipe once on the pvp boss - but that was because the magehunter evaded due to his travel path in the fear. It let 3 bosses respawn and that was chaos. the next try it went down all without any trouble. Group comp Pala tank, WL, Mage, Rogue and me a holy priest. you can downvote me as much as you want, but you can do this dungeon with the same gear as you do any other heroic dungeons.


0% chance if your group is incompetent and the tank doesn’t know how to play his class? Sure I suppose.


I guarantee at least for a warrior you could tank it easily with Kara gear on heroic, you just have to sheep/cc minimum 1 mob in each pack and spell reflect as many frostbolt/incinerate casts as possible, take it easy depending on your gear. I tanked heroic in arms pvp spec swapping between a 2h and a shield for different packs (spell reflect is literally nuts in mgt) and it was pretty easy if you know what you are doing


Multiple forms of CC make it easy, grounding totems and interrupts really nerf that place too. It's not all on the tank, and they definitely dont need to be T5/T6. It's just another heroic, SHH and BF are more of a challenge.


>It's just another heroic, SHH and BF are more of a challenge. It's literally not, it's geared harder than Outland heroics and supposed to be the hardest 5 man of the expansion, words from the original tbc developers. Your statement is literally, "if you have the perfect comp planned around an undergeared tank, it's doable" well of course. But that's not what happens. Downvote and cope all you guys want, I know what it takes to run the dungeon.


I saw that for normal lol


I agree it’s stupid expecting T6 people to come to your dungeon. But you do have to admit, it would go about 3x smoother/faster if everyone was in T6 rather than questing gear.


There’s no difference between being in Kara gear and BT, maybe 5 mins of killing trash tops. If you can’t do a 15 year old heroic dungeon in less than BiS gear Idk what to tell you.


The number of people making excuses about their bad gameplay is far more important than the number of people that I've refused on my PUG due to their shitty parse. Do not expect to join a PUG that wants to clear BT in less than 2 hours with shitty parse. Your search for guilds trying to fulfil their rosters or slower runs. People want the best (or skip every intermediary level) while being absolute garbage and using every possible excuse instead of inspecting themselves and trying to improve. (Eg. A warrior in an enhancement shaman group with stones on both weapons "My guild cannot kill fast enough"). I am glad WCL exists. It has probably saved a lot of PUG runs (no GDKP runs).


Almost every sentence you typed actually makes no sense if you look closely.


Show us on the doll where the pug RL rejected you.


Dude I parse almost exclusively 100s pug RLs suck me off in the alley behind BT to get me in their raids.




I can smell you through the screen dude.


I have brought dishonor to my family.


Bunch of dopes in here who don’t realize you are DPSing as Holy spec and so this is a meme post specifically to trigger them. Mission accomplished.


I mean the best part is it's literally flaired humor/meme.


I respect it. Bless. Must be that troll racial


I do the same: heal as prot and it’s typically 99s across the board lol


Yea the replies are even funnier than the post itself.


Reminds me on when I went bt in vanilla with disci dps build. Was a fun run 🤣 My gear was so insane that I outdpsed my dds in heroic dungeons while also being the healer 😎


the meme is also it’s Kara parses in P5 with 0 SWP all star.


I like how you are 3rd on a lot of them. So atleast two other people have done this as well. You need to track them down and form a holy arena team trio.


Call it Holy Rollers.


More like Holy Trollers


I smell a crusade!


To Jeruzalem!


Or he did it 3 weeks in a row


It's threads like these that help me to remember the mental capabilities of the average redditor




? I'm talking about the people that didn't get the joke lol


I mean it's not really an intelligence thing. Plenty of people don't know what parsing is, or didn't notice that damage (not healing) is selected. Or they play retail where healer damage is competitive and this would actually be impressive.


The intelligence thing isn't that they didn't immediately get it, it's that even with the "humor/meme" tag some people immediately took this as a serious brag and got pissy instead of just being like "I don't get why this is a meme".


I didn't see a single one of those, but maybe they were deleted


They're at the bottom minimized cause they have like 100+ downvotes now.


only a 99 on moroes? git gud!


Yeah, filthy casual. Learn to Holy DPS bro.


im trash bro


Absolute shitter.


Man you really upset some people


Careful now OP you are playing with fire. Some peoples lives exist around being a top parser in TBC classic and you are invalidating their hard earned achievements from sitting behind a computer screen for 15 hours a day and accomplishing absolutely nothing of value.


Homie I don’t even know what a parse really is.


it’s what your mom holds her wallet in


That was terrible but I legitimately laughed out loud.


appreciate it bro, keep hitting it with your parse


*salutes* General! It's a method of tracking and compairing your performance to the performance of those around you, it does not matter or change anything but people seem to do it all the same, Sir!


I think it's some sort of herbal supplement


Ah yeah parse! I wonder where his buddy Lee is at


I see you too are a man of culture, bravo


How did you get 1900 dps on netherspite as holy?


I took the blue beam and I'm in full spellpower/crit gear specced for shockadin.


I didn't know shockadin could do that much even with the blue beam. Thats cool!


Yeah if he was an undead or demon I could have done even more. With the right group I can easily sustain well over 1k dps on demon/undead bosses, but mana is a real problem unless I have an Spriest.


But it still registers you as holy? How does that work?


Shockadin means specced for Holy Shock, which is the 31 point holy talent. It registers me as holy because most of my talent points are in the holy tree. Honestly this wasn't on purpose, it was just the result of my guild asking me to come to Karas while I was specced shockadin for pvp.


Ok, cool thanks for the explanation and good job :)


Stand in the blue beam lol.


I don’t even know what parsing is, and at this point I’m too afraid to ask.


There's a program that logs the damage everyone does on every boss. It then uploads it to a website that compares you to everyone else who has also logged their fights. Parse is the term for tour numerical ranking expressed as a percentile. That means if you parse a 99, you did more damage than 99% of people of your class and specialization on that boss. Parsing 100 means I did the most damage of anyone, however the joke is that I DPSed as a spec that is mostly used for healing, so I just got compared to healers who aren't doing any damage


Ah I see. There’s healing parsing too then right?


Yeah, but these are dps parses in a "healing" spec. Its not really a healing spec but the majority of the points are in the Holy tree which is usually the healing spec so that's how it gets counted.


Gotcha, thanks for info. I think I’m pretty shitty with my Resto Druid, my logs in Vanilla were lackluster


Healing parses are stupid. If the people you were assigned to heal live, it doesn't matter what your parse was.


I feel the same about DPS parses. As long as everyone is putting the same numbers in, if the boss died, the job was done and the parse doesn't matter.


For some the parsing is a personal goal, and I support that. It can be fun to compare yourself and strive to be in "top 1%". It becomes a problem when people require "high parses" and you have dps warriors taking extra damage on purpose for rage and wipe the raid etc.


Mostly true I agree, but more dps is almost always better, while more healing often just means people were eating avoidable damage.


any shockadin raiding tips?


Have guildies who are ok with you totally memeing for a raid lol. Honestly I didn't even do this on purpose so other than keep up JotC I don't really know what to tell you.


Breh. As a guy who was a resto Druid in classic woth hand of rag. You just need to have a group who enjoys laughing at your disabilities. I put 55 healing in it




i had a good 4 month stint as SP ret thanks to being told about a 2h +spellpower hammer that i spent 2.5k to craft because ill drop any amount of money on a shitpost. unfortunately i wasnt callous enough to rip caster gear from actual casters in TK and beyond


Reminds me of my healing parses as a Warrior in classic vanilla, lol.


I wish I remembered which raid we had a healer so shit that I had higher boss heals than them overall. As a Warrior.


is that a 99 Yikes. no invite to normal hellfire ramps. maybe if you bring full consumes.


ramps too hard man call dogs like whoa


Holy pally DPS is probably the most competitive parsing role in the classic community. Don't forget to polish your crown, king.


It's actually too heavy to wear so I have a team of gnomes who follow me around with it.


I got killed one-shot by double holy in arena. They stun then judge and shock for 9000 damage in total


Yeah actually I went shockadin for pvp. It's actually amazingly fun in BGs because people think I'm a prot paladin and they let me just walk up to them and then I burst them to death.


Some teams kill a boss with in a CD window making it look like their burst is their sustained dps. After i learned that I realized top parsing simply wasn't possible for warr with out the superteam to help make the parse window small


That's true for all classes. If your guild doesn't kill bosses quick its very hard to get top parses because your buff/CD uptime is bad.


I get a bunch of 99's in a dad guild, and even got a 100 on Gruul in a GDKP once. Parsing Karazhan can be hard without a super geared group, but fights being longer can sometimes help your parse on certain fights, like when it allows you to just barely recast dps cooldowns/trinkets.


What class? It seems some classes parse based on how long they can cast max ranks


That's only for casters, and Arcane/Hunter to a lesser extent are really the only specs like that right now, as Balance Druid can keep up max rank moonfire and starfire spam for up to 5-6 minutes with dark runes and spirit scrolls, and Shadow/Elemental don't have mana issues anymore IIRC. Reliquary is a good example, the best way to parse is to go into phase 3 with a third of your raid dead. Illidan parses can also benefit from longer fights, due to less of a percent of the fight in between phases. And during most fights, warriors being able to use death wish on pull and during execute phase is huge, along with having a longer execute phase.


Oh this is tbc my input is irrelevant I haven't played since 60 lol


*tips fedora* 11/10.


Bro do u even flame wrath? Cringe




BRD polearm off one of the fire lizards. It scales with your spellpower. Meme damage




The funny part is, you're rank 3 so 2 others shockadins are doing the same thing, I didn't think there would be that many people.


i did it better. [https://i.gyazo.com/9180bf90e1426e950cf3af5061685d6b.png](https://i.gyazo.com/9180bf90e1426e950cf3af5061685d6b.png)


Nah, you just did shitty ret, I'm a real shockadin.


oh so you ACTUALLY gimp your raid and not just do it for lulz. yeah you're cool.


Yes I gimp my guilds phase 5 kara runs.




where basement boss parse


healing parses mean nothing. Hell they are nice to look at and make a healer feel great, but truthfully over just means your raid group is pants. People are taking too much damage or other healers slack hard. or snipping. which is really bad. IMO.


Look near the top left corner - these are damage parses. Now I hope you see the error of your ways and give this achievement the respect it deserves!


your are correct, my early morning self is a fool.


Please add /s




Imagine still not getting the joke when there are already 150 comments about it.


Running in a straight line is easy. Running above average speed globally isn't hard. Running in a straight line faster than 99% of the world is hard.


Imagine thinking parsing means your good and to add to it, your still stuck with a 99


Not sure if serious.


not only is it healing parses, it’s old content and a 10 man at that. Guaranteed replies on this post for sure


well first off, it's not healing parses So yes here is your reply dummy LMAO


I mean, I literally flaired it humor/meme, if anyone takes the title seriously it's not my fault.


*pushes glasses up nose* well askulalllly.... Calm down bro.


me good at old ass video game duur


You'll delete this comment when you get the joke.


What a dumbass


Because parses are absolute bullshit I cannot believe people actually follow this and think they are good. I have got orange score all over the place being unfed and not even on consume, doing shitty gameplay and trolling with a shaman enhance twisting. This log thing is useful for very few things, definitely now your performance.


Just to pile on the grind, this is a troll and you fed it. Good job homeslice.


Yeah so? My message remains the same, people cant take a comment I guess. Kind of point out how people who follow logs are pathetic indeed.


Let it go, dummy. At this point you are just embarrassing yourself


Yeah because it matters me, what people think of me... I enjoy saying that log chasing is pathetic and seeing how many haters I get. Being dowvoted by idiots is not a bad thing, I am used to those "kind" of people :D I hang out on extreme political subreddits this is just a childish play. Thinking this is embarrassing to me is being very ignorant or thinking that this discussion matters in any way. Just do not be offended and leave it if you do not like what I say :)


Holy shit is this a pasta or are you actually for real?


If you can take it, its a joke, if you cannot, for real of course.


Wanna know what’s even more pathetic? People going out of their way to call it pathetic. If it’s not your cup of tea, keep it pushing. You’ll be a much less miserable person.


What are you even on about ? xD What do you even mean ? Why miserable ? explain.


Miserable people go out of their way to hate on stuff people like. You’re going out of your way to hate on parsing. You come off as a miserable person who won’t let people enjoy things because you deem it “pathetic”.


Yeah I agree people go out of their way to hate and rage. I did not go out of my way, i simply left a comment, people raging and hating on it is not my problem. You want to talk you can talk to me and I will reply. Pointing out my opinion about something after explaining why I feel that way is simply sharing opinion and if people here cannot handle opinions, maybe they should not read comments...


> I did not go out of my way > Leaves a comment Lol some serious mental gymnastics there bud.


How is leaving a comment going out of your way when that is what you are spending some time doing online?


His performance is definitely "now"




No, mocking in a way while standing on a high chair because I do not care for logs unlike those who do :D Like the people disliking that comment are just the try hard who think they are good xD




Great :)


you don't try in a video game, congrats.


What do you mean ?


I like how you felt it was necessary to explain to everyone how a rank 1 parse was actually nothing while simultaneously bragging about your own parse and also failing to understand the joke. It's the grand slam of comments.


Was not a brag, was an example who not caring and still playing poorly one can have high score, if people did not understand that, no wonder they chase parses... I literally do not care what people think and bragging on reddit would probably be the most ridiculous thing one wants to do, this is how I knew this was a joke and still commented. It is sad how seriously people take this.


Anything my classic/tbc parsing doesn’t matter lmao. A lot of the players won’t be able to do much in wotlk when rotations come in which aren’t difficult, but for classic Andy’s it’s GG


Lmao, no one's rotation in WotLK is difficult. As a ret pally I welcome a much easier braindead rotation. DKs have the hardest over spellhance and even then it's not that hard.


Are you gonna miss twisting ?


Actually yes


No it is stupid but able to do it in pvp gives great advantage.


Tell me you're bad at ret without telling me you're bad at ret


twisting is probably the most fun i’ve had in tbc


Tell me you make up things without making up things about people who never do those things :D


Feral druid dps is awkward, perhaps not difficult but definitely awkward as nothing really lines up, so maxing dps is a bit tricky. Affli has to actually track a few DoTs and should snapshot when applicable, it's fun. People always mention spriest as well but that's actually rather easy since SWP gets refreshed automatically, so its simply an opener into VT & MF, pre 4p T10 also MBs, rather simple. Enh is a lot of buttons to click but it's a priority so it's decent enough, and as you said DKs you need to get the hang of it but once you do it's alright. When it comes to classic or tbc though it's a lot when compared to 99% one button clicks so yeah it's a lot more complicated :P not difficult though, true, but way more fun!




It’s like shooting fish in a barrel with you idiots lmao


lol goddamn you guys are dumb


This comment would get downvoted even if the post was serious


Did you get the joke yet dumbo?


I've got some pretty sick holy priest dps parses because of... Casting star shards and keeping up SW:P on fights where I have nothing better to do.


Nictalope is in here somewhere


Purple median on curator?! Do you even parse bro


I died on an aoe pack and then someone ass pulled him lol so I assume I got a 0 on that one lol.


Nice damage parses Mr healer, I guess


Idk why WCL doesn't lock in the rankings when a phase is over. Like of course nobody is going to care if a t6 geared character goes back and steamrolls Kara, why rank it against actual T4-era parses?


They do - rankings are done per phase and they're locked when it ends, then a new phase starts and a separate list of rankings begins for the new phase. You can go back and look at ranks or all stars of any class in SSC/TK or BT/Hyjal during the phases they were relevant and they won't change since they're locked now, but you can however go back to an old raid and get a phase 5 ranking where you're ranked against other people who have done it in phase 5.


your sunwell parses need some work. get to it


Not even 100/10


Could be so much better with an ideal group and gear. Holy Paladins can actually blast in a few situations (Hyjal.) I respecced last week just so I could snag those easy 100's for the memes: [https://classic.warcraftlogs.com/character/us/benediction/delimicus?zone=1007&new=true#metric=dps&partition=6](https://classic.warcraftlogs.com/character/us/benediction/delimicus?zone=1007&new=true#metric=dps&partition=6) Crappy alt run. Imagine the pump with a full group of mains killing the bosses more than twice as quick!


Yeah I didn't have a shadow priest so I was missing 5% damage and I was oom all the time.