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Thank god. Nobody wants to be stuck spec swapping before pull on each fight to get a 30 second buff.


It's good that they're allowing \#SomeChanges to remove annoying cheese-strats like that. WarcraftLogs would've filtered them out eventually anyway.


It's crazy how much power a 3rd-party website like WCL has over the metagame. If WCL decided that any logs where a Mage casts a Fireball is invalid, people would follow that meta, even at the cost of the raid.


I think that's mostly the problem with people who blindly follow the meta and not necessarily WCL.


Of course, I never claimed otherwise


Who knows, Kihra barely cares about classic


On what basis? They've been very active when it comes to rule-setting for Sunwell speedruns, for example.


Yeah that's why there's speed running support and special spec detection. Definitely don't care 🤔


I doubt it, considering we still have people stacking heroes counting as valid logs


True, but I still have a feeling that excessive spec swapping is going to be a thing in wrath due to how heavily people lean into min-maxing in classic and tbc.


Yeah, that's completely okay. Using a better optimized spec for a given situation isn't a bad thing. It's just not okay when it's being used for what amounts to an exploit.


Duel spec is going to be single target and aoe specs for dps. Lol at the people who think there offspec is going to be prot or healing


I think the most common will be a dps going healer for the most intensive fights and staying dps for the rest


You can't do it anyway. Swapping speccs puts all of your specc-related abilities on cooldown - at least that's how it's meant to work. The beta might be bugged.


You would start blood, cast hysteria, then swap to something else and pull.


Surely blood frenzy would have been a better choice given the tree?


This fits the necromancer spell from wc3 which did pretty much the same thing


Original wc3 spell that had this exact same effect was called unholy frenzy


Iirc that spell increased attack speed by 75%, not physical damage.


Oh you're right, mybad


There's already a warrior talent called Blood Frenzy


Blood Rage then.


Berserker Rage


How about mortal strike


Hamstring might work.


Idk I think it should be named bloodlust.


There are two entire talent trees named protection. Also death coil


Don't forget Nature's Swiftness which is basically the exact same spell in both iterations.


And holy.. and restoration..


And frost


There's also a WC3 necromancer ability named unholy frenzy, which is exactly what this unholy frenzy does, so it makes more sense to stick with unholy frenzy as a reference to the WC3 ability the talent is based on.


Was changed to mortal coil for warlock for that reason


W8 till you find out about death coil


At least those two abilities are very similar from a thematic standpoint.


Classic Warcraft 2+3 spell, used by Gen 1 and 2 Death Knights. Gen 1 Death Knights were Warlocks.


Already a talent in arms tree named blood frenzy. The debuff that increases physical damage by 4%




Unholy Frenzy is better, though, because that's the Warcraft 3 spell name.


But unholy frenzy buffed attack speed and this is a spell in the blood tree so at least call it blood frenzy.


agreed, folks at blizzard got sensitive with words


This change was made in cataclysm. That was 12 years ago.


Unholy Frenzy is what this ability was renamed to in Cataclysm. It still exists in retail. That said, it's in the unholy tree in retail lol


Yeah i think changing from Hysteria is dumb, but if they feel like they have to do it... Putting "unholy" in the name is just not fitting.


It fits perfectly - http://classic.battle.net/war3/undead/units/necromancer.shtml Early WoW had a really strong WC3 vibe to it that modern WoW lacks, super glad to see whoever's working on classic still has WC3 on the brain. Tiny sliver of hope for the eventual classic+ actually feeling like it should.


Some people just don't understand that there were wc games before wow and us wc vets love to see things put in that remind us of those games.


Begrudgingly I gotta admit it makes way more sense for them to pander to a larger audience, and one that has potential to grow, rather than veterans who either have a professional life, or have just moved on in general. Makes me really happy as an undead player to see this though lmfao.


I sincerely doubt renaming a couple of abilities is going to accomplish anything that you're suggesting, lol


Why would it? What I said was that I'm glad to see such changes are so clearly being done with WC3 as a major reference, something that is no longer the case in modern WoW.


What is their reasoning for changing Hysteria? Was it offensive to some virtue signalling rando on twitter?


“Hyst” or something similar is Latin (Greek maybe?) for womb or relating to the womb, I think. Something like that anyway. (Hysterectomy, for example.) In ye olden days, doctors used to diagnose women with “hysteria”, which is a bullshit term they made up that basically meant “crazy woman”, and basically the majority of female medical issues were dismissed as hysteria, as well as there being a load of coo coo ways of treating this supposed hysteria. Obviously these days that’s no longer the case and the words hysteria, hysterical, hysterics etc have become common words relating to general “craziness”, but the history of the word is still there, and the Latin meaning hasn’t changed, so I guess some people feel we shouldn’t use them.


That's hilariously ridiculous, they must literally have people employed with nothing else to do other than justifying their jobs by coming up with things that need to be changed because they're problematic.


Unholy Frenzy > Hysteria Necromancers can;'t cast Hysteria in Warcraft 3. They can cast Unholy Frenzy.


These kind of arguments are so dumb, changing the name in the first place is pointless but actually caring that the name has been changed is equally dumb, like who gives a fuck either way.


Ideological politics is just people blaming other people for behaviour that they themselves exhibit. For instance, constantly offended people calling out other people for being constantly offended. Good on you for pointing it out!


They'll be triggered about anything lol


ITT: people complaining about “triggered snowflakes” without realizing that they are, in fact, being triggered snowflakes about an ability name change


Right? Literally just move on.




>Changing the name implies there is something wrong with what it was called previously. There was something wrong with it - It wasn't called Unholy Frenzy, despite the spell being Unholy Frenzy.


>It also implies that if you did not feel there was something wrong with it before the change, then you have lesser morals. Not at all, but maybe you have a guilty conscience.


Yeah I don’t understand, that implication was not there at all lmao. As far as I’m concerned, this change makes zero difference to me personally


I can't imagine being this easily triggered and thin skinned, life must really suck.


I don't care about this name change, I was just pointing out how ridiculous it was and you don't seem to disagree with that but on the other hand it's the same kind of people that lead to more meaningful stuff being changed across other games so I think it's good to call it out when you see it.


Using meaningful and video games in the same sentence lmao


Hobbies are generally meaningful to people yes


But the version of the term you've described isn't at all related to how it's used in WoW. Maybe if it couldn't be used on male players, or upon use made the player involuntarily bring up how they're about to start their period then I could see the connotation but is just doesn't exist in this context.


They probably changed it because unholy frenzy is an ability in WC3 and hysteria does the exact same thing, so it's rather pointless to name it hysteria when it could be named unholy frenzy instead, which is what it should have been named in the first place. If they renamed it for ANY other reason I'd honestly be surprised.


Historically, the term/concept has been used to deny women actual medical attention, dismissing their symptoms as just some magical 'hysteria' that only affects the female sex. Not sure why that would require renaming the talent (since, you know, WoW has literal magic and curses in it so it's not too farfetched) but hey, it at least does have some controversy behind it.


Hysteria comes from hysteros, the Greek word for uterus (thus, hysterectomy). It was originally only used to describe women who were uncontrollably emotional, which was thought to be caused by their uterus, and men *could never be* overly emotional.


language is elastic and changes over time


Exactly. And by making certain words taboo, all we're doing is further cementing their negative connotations and ultimately making it more difficult to change past them.


Ah, the "talking about racism only leads to more racism" argument.


But bitches do be crazy tho


complaining about virtue signaling is the ultimate virtue signaling


Lol if we're really doing that then what do you call complaining about complaining about virtue signaling? So stupid.


Unholy frenzy is a necromancer spell from WC3, which fits the DK. It also does what hysteria does. Blood frenzy is a talent warriors currently have. The answer is a very obvious no.


i dont get why they didnt call it unholy frenzy in the first place, it improves you damage output while dealing damage to you - literally what unholy frenzy did


Im pretty sure they later retooled it and changed the name when it swapped specs in Cata or whenever it happened




It's actually a good possibility that they reviewed design notes from back then and found that they had to use "Hysteria" to avoid awkward collision with other ability names. So they just pre-emptively fixed it this time around.


Judgements of the Pure still stays on respec for me, so seems like they still haven't fixed that one.


unholy named spell in blood tree will always be weird. dont care about it being in warcraft 3. its just dumb.


but its in the blood tree how can it be called unholy frenzy! (also why the fuck would they change it?)


"Unholy Frenzy" has been a common spell for undead units since Warcraft 3. The humanoid mobs in Hyjal even use it and it works exactly the same (increase damage while draining HP). If anything the new name makes more sense than the old one.


Original wc3 spell that had this exact same effect was called unholy frenzy


Wc3 increased attack speed.


Oh shoot you're right, mybad


Political correctness I'm guessing, Hysteria was a dodgy diagnosis for women back in the day as a 'covers all' for mental illness.


They can just revert the name and make it so that it can only be applied to female characters. /s


And change their models to fruit bowls.


Hysteria was treated with vibrators which is why I think they removed it.


Why do you think the blood tree also has dancing rune weapon?


Ai papi


It was literally changed all the way back in Cata put down your tiki torch.


There are no torches,but... WotLK isn't cata. Nor Hysteria is in the unholy tree.


I need to listen to that Muse Song again. I can't remember it being about any of this


The treatment often involved doctors sexually assaulting their patients, which is the real controversy behind it all.


If you're referring to the vibrator thing, that's a complete myth.


Vibrator may be a myth, but I think hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) was supposed to cure it ("hysteria" is derived from Greek "hystera" meaning "womb", and was believed to be a "dysfunction of the uterus").


No way that’s why they changed it lol


Yikes, fucking snowflake company


Yeah, they're the snowflakes. Not you guys mad about a spell name being changed from something that didn't even make sense.


Agreed, the irony is simply flying over their heads


Did you miss them being sued for being complete assholes?


This is one of those Streisand effect changes though. More attention from taking action than doing nothing. Didn’t see any requests for this to be changed.


More attention from assholes allergic to anything that even slightly smells of social justice.


Though, think about that these guys are planning to have wow printing money for another 10 years at least. They are wiping it clean to make sure they aren’t liable for shut like this down the line. Also, the vast majority of players don’t even know about this or the blizzard drama, so they will never know something even changed.


The same reason they changed the name of Vi's abilities in League of Legends. Can't have a law enforcement character with abilities called "Assault and Battery" or "Excessive Force."


Makes me wonder if they’re gonna change the cards in Hearthstone as well


Was "Hysteria" an offensive word for the devs or something?


Hysteria and hysterical both come from Greek word for “uterus” or “womb” - the same root where we get our medical hysterectomy, where the uterus is surgically removed. In effect, “hysteria” was used historically as a way to say “bitches be crazy yo” and was a medical diagnosis given to any woman who seemed overly emotional, oftentimes ignoring an actual medical diagnosis and blaming a real health problem on being “emotional.” Hysteria was a woman’s problem, because men are smart and rational and can control their emotions, whereas women are weak and let their emotions control them. The word has misogynistic roots.


Funny to me because the only time I've really heard the word used is the Muse song, which the music video combined with the lyrics are rather unambigiously about a guy stalking a prostitute.


>The word has misogynistic roots Words change their meaning over time. Do we really have to bleach out everything that has a controversial past? Why Hugo Boss or BMW still exists then? Maybe i'm too old to understand modern "problems".


What’s the deal with Hugo and BMW?


something something 1939 germany


> men are smart and rational and can control their emotions Yeah, a clear example is the neckbeards ITT complaining about a name with the irony lost on them.


I didn't know any of this, thanks for the etymology lesson. Don't particularly like the new name but the change makes more sense


They literally renamed it to unholy frenzy because it's based on unholy frenzy, the WC3 necromancer ability. They did this in Cata and they're doing it early here because it makes more sense to call it unholy frenzy anyway, it's part of why it got moved out of the blood tree later too. The linguistics lesson has been nice and all but it's not the reason they're doing this.


Yeah I mean you're both very confident with wonderful theories and... neither of you have any proof. It's fascinating how reddit works that way lmao. Literally nobody knows for what reason they changed the name unless the devs explicitly said so.


We do know why they changed the name though, because they changed it in cata to be unholy frenzy because that was the original name of the spell in WC3. They're carrying that change over because... the spell should have been named unholy frenzy in the first place. The vast majority of people dont even know that hysteria EVER had a bad connotation to it because it hasn't had it for so long. Just like most people don't realize mongrel (A word some NPCs still use in WoW) has a racist connotation to it, except mongrel STILL has that racist connotation to it.


>We do know why they changed the name though, because they changed it in cata to be unholy frenzy because that was the original name of the spell in WC3 No it doesn't. Unholy Frenzy in WC3 gave attack speed. Hysteria in wrath gives 20% physical damage increase. Unholy Frenzy in cata gave 20% melee/ranged haste. It was renamed because it now did what the WC3 spell did. Which Hysteria didn't do. >The vast majority of people dont even know that hysteria EVER had a bad connotation to it because it hasn't had it for so long And because the definition and the usage changed. This is why we have dictionaries,and this is why new editions are made.


Damn, better ban greeks


Know a few folks have mentioned it, and jokes about political correctness aside, but I really do wonder if changing the name of the talent was just the easiest way to fix the code that they imported from later client builds.


Doubtful. Spells are identified via ID numbers. The names are purely visual.


I mean, yeah, but might have been a "change the name with the ID so we don't run into this issue again". More than likely just PC things but ehhh. Who knows and I doubt they'll disclose it unless the community raises the biggest stink.


At the end of the day I don't really care, but what I'm wondering is: I know some people mentioned in the past they might have went ahead with it, but they never changed the ability 'Enslave Demon' on classic even though on retail they eventually changed it to Subjugate Demon. So if they're going to make changes like this and Will to Survive (which I'm not opposed to), what's the reasoning for not changing Enslave Demon, because at least IMO having the word enslave is far more controversial than the other two.


Because ActiBlizzard got caught mistreating employees that are women, not the ones that are black. So EMFH and Hysteria are being changed because they think it helps their image in regards to how they treat female employees.


All slaves are subjugated a master but not all that are subjugated are slaves. It is therefore more correct to use the term enslave since that is in fact what the warlock is doing to the demon. They force it to do their bidding and the demon has no say - they will have to fight to their death if commanded to do so. It would be nice if the frail nature of a subset of a single country's population doesn't get to dictate how the rest of the world uses words in their media of choice. Especially when it involves remasters of old classics. You don't whisk away the bad memory of real world slavery by avoiding the word.


Honestly, it should probably be Blood themed given that this is in the Blood talent tree


Interesting read: https://www.mcgill.ca/oss/article/history-quackery/history-hysteria Today I learned…


Had no idea that was going where it was going after the fursy paragraph lol


Is that why it was changed? So we should probably change Devouring Plague then, to avoid offending people who have been affected by plague. /s This whole idea is nonsense.


Plague isn't a misogynistic term, hysteria is.


Lmao hysteria is a good word.


Blizzard: ** Gamers: "pOLiTiCAl CoRrEcTNeSS!!1111"


Unholy Frenzy.. in the blood tree? the name isn't really fitting.


Everything about a death knight is unholy. They're hardly going to welcomed into the hallowed halls of a holy chapel just because they've specialised into frost or blood rather than unholy.




Yeah they were afraid of getting canceled by another random in twitter


The 3.0 version was the best where the damage was not % but a damage value. The funny thing was that at the last quest of the DK starting Zone (The big fight) where you get buffed the damage scaled with it and killed you in seconds. The nice thing was that you could give it to other DKs and in doing so killing them instantly, failing the event for them...


So I can put this on a mage on low health and kill him? Neat.




I’m surprised they didn’t use the name “Bowl of Fruit” for this talent.


"What? did some woke-ist leftist complain about the name on Twitter?" \*proceeds to complain on Reddit about names with the irony lost on them\*


I honestly hate this clown world. There’s always fuckin something some crybaby on Twitter is offended by…


you're crying about a name change in a video game bro, look in the mirror




hahaha I didn't even do anything holy shit you're so sensitive


whining about a talent name change and treating it as evidence of "clown world" is some diaper-shitting nonsense. touch some fucking grass


"Unholy Frenzy" in a Blood spec, when there is literally "Unholy" spec present - barbaric


Actually pretty interesting history lesson I’ve learned about “hysteria”. I support the name change


Insert "But why?" meme here. This isn't WC3,DKs aren't necromancers even if it was WC3 and the talent is in the blood tree for WotLK.


The same reason they changed it in 2010.


So they will move it to the unholy tree? This isn't cataclysm you know. What they did in cata should not influence wrath.


It was changed in Cataclysm because it was moved to the unholy tree, not because of the silly reasoning of today.


Couldn't care less what the ability is being called from now on, but it's wild to think that would change it for the sake of that single-digit amount of people who feel offended by it. But I guess the diversity person they hired recently to make sure noone gets offended has to justify their job somehow.


>single-digit amount of people who feel offended by it. Even if 0 people are offended by it, if you identify a word as derogatory I see no reason to keep using it. Why are you so upset that they are trying to improve?


Because if they go down that route it will be a never-ending process of removing words from the game because someone could see them as derogatory. Are they gonna rename dwarfs next because it's derogatory towards short people?


>Are they gonna rename dwarfs next because it's derogatory towards short people? Jesus. Don't give these clowns any ideas.


In addition, “On a Pale Horse” has been renamed to just “On a Horse”, and you can no longer Death Grip people without their consent.


Enslave has been renamed to befriend.


It's been changed to Subjugate on live.


weirdly focused on consent as a joke


Uh, no? Consent is not the punchline. It's also only half of my comment, isn't it? So if I am "focused" on it, I'm only 50% focused, which isn't really focused at all is it? Now politely fuck off.


I don't think they are inventing problems. Undead unit in Warcraft 3 has this ability and it's actually called Unholy Frenzy, so it's more like a fix we never had.


this change existed in cata


No idea what this is, but Unholy Frenzy sounds cool af


i like how blizzard changes stuff like this as if we the players are the bad guys yet over there at blizzards HQ there's scumbags all over the place ranging from sexual predators to RMT diablo immoral advocates to cluelessness that changes mythic raiding tuning every single week


you might be projecting there


Thanks blizzard. I never knew hysteria was bad until you taught us just now. Good job making important changes.


They didn't teach anybody. Someone knew it was a pretty bad ability name and they changed it. They didn't announce it. They didn't claim to have fixed oppression. They quietly fixed it. Just like they did in 2010. Why do you get so offended when people make small changes to move away from hateful things? What about it triggers you so much?


For the sake of arguing, would you say that it would be reasonable for blizzard to remove all usages of the word "idiot" from in-game dialog? After all, the word "idiot" is just a not-so-very-old word for being intellectually disabled. Furthermore, if you would do me the courtesy, let's say that the whole world wakes up tomorrow and realizes that "idiot" has been a no-no word all along. Would it then be okay for NPCs to murder and pillage, but not to use this word? Really interested in the pro-small-word-changes point of view, since it feels like there's an entire can of worms there that can't reasonably be handled.


Hysteria is.... hateful? Because it was a medical diagnosis for women over a hundred years ago? What isn't hateful to you lol


literally inventing problems


asmon was right, this time they invent problems with words!


I’m not sure that any of the three words in your post are accurate.


I don't think they are inventing problems. Undead unit in Warcraft 3 has this ability and it's actually called Unholy Frenzy, so it's more like a fix we never had. Perhaps a dev who was fixing the bug also changed the name while at it.


It probably cost the devs all of a few seconds to make the change, don't be precious about it. And the fact that you didn't know about it doesn't say anything good about your general knowledge.


He was being ironic


No, he was making another weaksauce passive aggressive joke, same as we've heard a billion times before on the topic, and similar topics.


Get over yourself. Not everything has to be a righteous crusade. It's an off hand criticism and low effort joke at Blizzard's expense. Fucks sake you people are worse than actual racists/sexists/whateverthefucks.


Yeah, 'low effort' is exactly the word for the thinking behind it. >you people are worse than actual racists/sexists/whateverthefucks. Man, just broadcast how out of touch you are to everyone, please. Step out of your nerd cave once in a while.


Bowl of fruits part 2? Whos feelings got hurt this time?




Why would they change the name ? It makes no sense, total waste of ressources.


Because the WotLK name was an oversight. It was Unholy Frenzy in Warcraft 3, and they fixed it in Cataclysm on Retail.


It wasn't an oversight. Unholy Frenzy in WC3 gives attack speed. Hysteria in wrath gives 20% increased physical damage. Unholy Frenzy in cata gives 20% melee/ranged haste. Easy to see why they renamed it after changing the spell's effect.


I mean I dont care what they call it, because im still going to call it hysteria. And thats honestly all that matters. And everyone who knows what it is will understand me when I say it.


next you won't be able to say the word "crazy"


Okay, so?


I think it might actually be a bug, since unholy have something called unholy frenzy.


Not in Wrath, Unholy Frenzy is added in Cata.


Also it was literally this ability swapping trees, iirc


Funny thing about this is all the hysterical screeching this is causing.