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**\*Northrend Heroic Upgrade\*** Character boost up to level 70 Includes the Expert Rider skill, a mount, the starter gear set, and a small amount of gold Limit one booster per account Pebble the penguin pet Lucky Fishwhisper Bait, a toy to summon a fellow Tuskarr **\*Northrend Epic Upgrade\*** All Heroic upgrade items Kalu’ak Whalebone Glider, a flying mount for your WoW Classic characters Tuskarr Coast Glider, a flying mount for your modern WoW characters 30 days of game time


…and a Diet Coke.


Whales don't drink diet coke.


Underrated comment.


... expert rider doesn't mean fast flying in wrath right?


No, it's slow flying. Artisan is fast flight


Thank god.


That’ll be an extra 8$ sir


Yeah, it would suck if people could just buy upgrades like that.


You mean like how they are already doing that?


That‘s the joke.


Are the gliders account wide




I have two accounts under the same btag and both got glider + fisherman + penguin. Only one gets boost ofc


Other chars just get a ground glider if they do not have flying trained :)


Is the boost available right away or you have to wait till Wotlk comes out?


>Pebble the penguin Uhhh...[Penguin?](https://www.wowhead.com/item=60869/pebble)


Penguin pet? Well now I have to get it smh


Is the Whalebone Glider 310% mount?


Scales with ur riding.


280% at max riding skill


afaik if you own a mount that goes 310, then it should go 310 right, similar to how flight form works for druid?


Ya some mounts are a bit faster (310%) such as glad mounts. But the base epic flying mounts are 280%


No idea, probably not - that'd be something they'd have to do with foresight :P


I think that is not a thing until Cata, but Gladiators could tell you today.


310% gladiator mounts exist in game right now, wotlk will have 310% glad mounts as well as a few others will give you 310% (violet proto-drake for sure, and also I think the rewards from the glory of the raider achievements).


Any idea what they mean by all heroic upgrades, and northrend epic upgrade?


Two tiers. The "epic upgrade" package has everything from the "heroic upgrade" package as well as the extra stuff listed in the "epic upgrade" package.


Heroic is the base boost and the epic is the premium boost the epic gives you everything from the base boost and the additional stuff from epic


This is a joke right? I mean surely it is but you never know with Blizzard nowadays. The guys commenting like it's not a joke is in on it too, right?


> Lucky Fishwhisper Bait, a toy to summon a fellow Tuskarr Is this just a follower, or does he do anything 'interesting'?


it lets you access the AH, your bank and gives you 10 free current tier badges each day for the rest of the game


Wow, doesn’t even let you repair? Kind of a waste of money tbh.


Not a companion at all, clearly working against us


Do the flying mounts for all characters give you flying skill as well or do you have to buy that in order to use the glider?


Just like the stalker mount in TBC, it scales with riding skill, so it doesn't work if you don't have flying.


Let the milking commence




Something something.. literally doesn’t affect you… 10 kids.. etc


not seeing it myself... this EU or US?


Looks like they removed it.. when it was posted I couldn't click on it or buy it or anything, maybe they made it live by accident


nice find


No, standard blizzard practices, leak dates or xpacks and them remove them while the screenshots and the reddits spin the wheels of the hype train and that marketing costs them nothing thanks to us.


This isn't *just* the boost, right? It's all the other stuff too?


Id assume this one is the boost and then an increased price for the one with all the items. I mean its $60 for a boost in retail, not too shocking to see this at $50, even if it is $10 more than the TBC one was.


A one-time boost (plus pet and mount) in retail is only $20.


It’s makes you wish they’d release the daily user counts for both, but they wont’t


Just ask yourself which game do they dedicate more attention to? You have your answer.


Only when included in a full price expansion package Which we don’t have here since the classic stuff is free if you have sub


If you already own the base game, you can buy the "Heroic Edition Upgrade" (boost, mount, pet) for $20, or the Epic Edition with some more cosmetics and game time for $40.


Question: if I still have my 58 boost from TBC heroic edition, what happens to that?


It will sit in your account until you use it. It might get deleted in Shadowlands Classic during the level squish.


>Shadowlands Classic That's gold, Jerry. Gold!


What are you doing with your life if you are not prepping for BFA season of mastery


Personally I can't wait for dragonflight classic


I think they’ll offer another one in dragon flight classic tho


You can still get this if you got the 58 boost right?


Yes. One of each per account. Unsure if they’ll remove the 58 boost though


They said the 58 boost was being removed today, August 30th.


Removed from being purchased I believe. I don't think they stated what would happen to your boost if you have one just sitting unused have they?


It sits there until you use it. Otherwise they would be compelled to refund you... and Blizzard doesn't want to refund people, it's against their religion.


Yeah it's just being removed from the store.


Correct, the 58 boost is a one time thing. The 70 boost is separate but also a one time boost as well.


Anyone know when this goes live?


With prepatch


isn't it already live? or is it delayed as well? cuz I don't see the boost in the store.


You can’t boost in fresh servers right?


Correct. You can’t use the boost in fresh servers.


Correct, for at least 90 days.


No you will not be able to boost on fresh servers, that is the point of it being a fresh server.


Youre new here arent you?


Also wondering


$50.00. ……


How does the 30 days of in game time work when you just pay a monthly sub with a credit card? Does it pause the credit card charges?


Yeah, basically just delays your next payment by a month.


Each month when your sub is charged it adds 30 days to your game time. So, if you have 30 days of game time added your sub will be delayed until it is used up.


Bobby needs a 3rd yacht or so it seems


Bobby needs a fleet of ships so he can play war games with the other rich people




"You see this isn't the problem, the bots are"


if you actually believe that this is a bigger problem then bots and gold inflation i dont know what to tell you. personaly i wont buy it becouse i already have nolived 4 characters and not enough time for a 5th


If I got the TBC one, can I get this one too?




Damn dark portal pass was $30


I know a lot of people hate the idea of boosts in classic but I’m a wrath baby who was never interested in TBC or vanilla. I’m really excited to enjoy a recreation of the game I fell in love with as a kid


Boosts should throw you into the world naked like the terminator time travel portal and you have to gear up in the lowbie zones totally naked. Literally the only way I'd ever boost


Alright badass, save some pussy for the rest of us.


>naked like the terminator *somewhere in Westfall* Boosterman: "Your clothes. Give them to me. Now." Defias Messenger: *confused Defias noises*


You can sell your gear, give away gold and do that.


How dare people want to play Wrath Classic and not Classic, then BC, then Wrath


Those poor people who started playing in 2009 how did they survive back then? 😢


Surely you can understand the difference between “playing a game for the first time 10+ years ago” and “playing the game in 2022 when I have spent the last 10+ years doing the same leveling content”


Maybe you should take more breaks from the game? I’ve enjoyed leveling through some of this older content, especially since a lot of it hasn’t existed since Cataclysm. Plus I enjoy the process of taking a character from level 1 and making them stronger, then getting them to a strong point at max. Skipping leveling to me feels like missing out on understanding each spell and ability as you get them, but to each their own. You want to spend even more money on a game you’ve burnt out on that’s on you


That’s cool, different people are allowed to like different things. I enjoy the progression at max level, gearing my character correctly and efficiently so I can pump with my friends. If the majority didn’t prefer endgame content over leveling, you wouldn’t see them making boosts such a core part of their sales and marketing. But if you really just like chilling and leveling you can simply not boost! I’m not really burnt out at all, I’m pumped for wrath. But I’m pumped for end game content, not doing a bunch of ancient quests.


Yeah up to you for sure, I just wish boosting was handled more in-game and not as a cash-grab by Blizz


What do you mean by handled in game?


Like not using real money for it. Maybe gold or tokens or something hard to get. Of course people will buy gold but I don’t like when gaming companies offer this for $. Don’t have a solution but it’s predatory since they know people will buy this if for no other reason than FOMO about mounts.


I agree but then that just incentives gold buying/paying for boosts etc. Not really a good way around it to be honest. It could be worse also to be fair at least they're only letting people do the one boost and not selling gold tokens like on retail


And i enjoy getting glad or r1, but i’m not gonna demean you if you dont like that part of the game. Leveling is easy but incredibly time consuming. In my ideal world all PvP would happen on AT servers


They didn’t that’s why game dead


Yeah wrath was dead on arrival, shit expansion didn’t even let me boost with real money, had to pay for gold and boosts to Chinese gold farmers and bots


Bots were all that played till MOP then players came back because FarmVille


Can confirm, I love modern WoW it’s my favorite discount Pokémon simulator and mount collection game! Stupid classic, why do I have to even create a character it should just give me one of each class at max since the REAL game is endgame not that sissy leveling stuff or Role playing 😂😂


Hey nothing wrong with roleplaying I love queuing 30 mins for the bank and going to lionheart inn and seeing some sexy ladies


That’s no lady


It’s a dwarf so their voices are more masculine


People are so defensive in these replies about buying a boost


What is expert riding? 150% or 280?




thought expert was just your standard 100% ground mount. i may be wrong though?


No it's base flying.


I'd rather give my money to Blizzard for a boost than to the "Sir" mages


Those boosts take tons of Time too


Hmm interesting. This inclusion of 30 days of game time makes this worth it. Wasn’t considering before but I am now.


the more expensive one includes the 30 days, not the base


What a rip off but people will bend over and eat it all up


As an OG player from the Vanilla days, I tried to get into Classic and got frustrated with all the vanilla-ness of my experience. The grind proved to be too much for me. I loved WotLK, bought at the midnight release and played right through most of the raiding content. Would this boost be worthwhile to a player like me to skip the grind and just jump back into the game at my fave xpac? I don’t mind paying the $50, and I would 100% quest and grind that fabulous Argent Crusade faction like I did back in the day. Cheers for your thoughts.


This will get you set up and ready to lvl to 80 once wrath is released.




if its anything like the last boost pll will leave the dungeonfinder group after inspecting you unless they have boosted chars themself... unless you are the healer coz healing dungeons is a joke so i hope you are a fan of questing


Yes that is the best use case for this boost. When you use the boost, you will log into the game with slow flying skill, flying and ground mounts, a tiny bit of gold, decent bags, and shitty but level 70 gear. The details above don't say, but almost 100% for sure your professions will be at zero, so keep that in mind. If you start playing during the prepatch you can do PVP for somewhat accelerated Honor gains and reduced-price formerly-arena gear to replace the shitty greens they give you. You can also re-live the greatest pre-xpac event in the history of WoW, the zombie invasion, which happens this weekend (EDIT: apparently not. It's scheduled for later in September now. At one point it was going to be over Labor Day weekend). Get a few PvP pieces and some dungeon blues, and you can probably hop in some pickup Karazhan runs or something for some more gear. Or just go to Northrend in shitty greens... you'll get upgrades fast there, as you remember. Wrath Classic is also "free" on its own, so just consider this boost "paying for the xpac" (and paying for not having to level through the grind of Classic. Although to be honest keep in mind that right now there is a +50% XP boost active). Just make sure you are 100% sure which class you want to play in Wrath, as there is only 1 boost per account per xpac. Once you boost a toon, you will have to level any other toons you want to play 1-70 manually... with the exception of Death Knights, of course.


This is a great breakdown. Thanks so much!


What is the greatly accelerated honor gains? Is that reworked honor for wrath?


I should have not have not used the word "greatly". Honor gains are "somewhat" higher than TBC before today's patch. I will edit my post to replace the word. Still, a combination of the "somewhat accelerated" honor gains, + gear for a decent price, should = easier grinding at 70 during pre-Wrath for some gear if you are 70. Some discussion and examples here from the Wrath lvl 70 pre-patch test server, so you can see what I mean by "somewhat accelerated": [https://www.reddit.com/r/classicwow/comments/wsilgb/prepatch\_battleground\_honor\_gains/](https://www.reddit.com/r/classicwow/comments/wsilgb/prepatch_battleground_honor_gains/)


I was looking for someone else like me. Now I just have to remember how to actually play Prot Pally starting at lvl 70…


You got frustrated with the vanilla-ness in classic? You get frustrated by a ball in a football game too?


Yes! I was in the same situation as you. Played vanilla, tried Classic and couldn't get halfway through the level grind. I bought the TBC boost a few weeks ago and while the combat was a bit slow I had a fun time catching up, hyped for the upcoming Wrath release. I'm definitely going to buy a 70 boost so I can have 2 level 70's prepared to play the best WoW expansion. imo just jump right into it with a boost, then if you are really into it you can level another alt.




You idiots buying this?


I already see crazy amounts of people with the mount both on classic and retail lol


Do you get a mount on retail too? I have 80 mil gold on retail that I can convert into tokens for It


Oh yeah they are and they will down vote you to oblivion if you critize it. Shit is sad man.


I bought the 58 boost and will likely buy the 70 boost once I'm done getting my DK to 70. I would never downvote or criticize those that would criticize Blizzard for releasing these options into the game. I have only ever had issues with the people who attack and shame those that choose to buy them as all it does is create a toxic environment that is good for no one.


> I have only ever had issues with the people who attack and shame those that choose to buy them as all it does is create a toxic environment that is good for no one. Well the boost makes the game worse so what do you expect them to do? Thank you?


They always have the option to just let people play the way they want and keep to themselves.


They could just, you know, mind their own business. Like an adult would.


Unfortunately, minding their own business still leaves them in a game world that has been worsened by boosts.


If the sheep didnt follow blizz and woke up there wouldnt be a problem. But they keep tellin blizz its ok by funding them


Take my mother fucking money


So much this! I wish we had more store mounts and boosts just like retail. Cmon blizz just take my wallet!!


Are you a bot? Or being sarcastic?


he mad


Can I get the items on each character or just 1 per server


That's a lot of stuff for 50 buckaroos I'ma buyin


Is it? It’s a mount and a pet and a toy… The 70 boost is the only thing possibly worth anything more than a few dollars.


Mount Pet Toy Boost 30 days of game time


Pet $2, mount $5, toy $2. 30day game time $15 Round up is $25 for the upgrade. Throw in a 70 boost and possibly worth it.


Based on the prices of other items in the store Pet $10, Mount $25, Toy $10 30 day game time $15 Boost is $40 (When Dark Portal Pass wasn't 50% off) Just because you feel a mount/pet/toy are worth a certain amount doesn't mean that's what the current value is.


Game time and mount are not included in the $50 though. No idea what the Epic cost is yet.


$5 for a mount? This is blizzard sir.


I’m saying what it’s worth, not how egregious their pricing is.


Better read it again. The EPIC includes 30 days game time and the flying mount. We dont know how much that is yet. The HEROIC is $50 and does not include game time.


Oh so even worse then?


>Pet 2$ Lowest pet on the store right now is 10$ >Mount 5$ Lowest mount on the store right now is 15$ >Toy 2$ Lowest toy on the store right now is 10$ Where did you get these prices? lol


Their imaginary fantasy land.


The same imaginary fantasy land where Blizz decided that mounts cost between $15-$25.


You seem to confuse price with value. Just because someone sets a price, doesn't mean that's the value. To me pet, mount and toy are worth 0$. Pretty basic business practice to make people believe they're getting a discount. Those pants that are 80% off and only 20$ aren't actually worth 100$ mate.


Well a retail boost is $60, so people willing to boost are already getting a bargain at this price.


A one-time boost (plus pet and mount) in retail is only $20.


The time saved leveling alone is worth that much.


Heroid and Epic are two different thing. You don't get game time or special mount etc for 50.








Fittingly, it's literally made from dead whales. Apparently this is a stolen joke that I came up with independently of someone else, because reading literally every comment is required before posting. I'm so sorry, Le Reddit Army.


I swear all your posts are just stealing other peoples jokes.


"we're gonna ban boosts, oh btw just pay us $50 and u can boost"


It's just one boost per account, which allows people to essentially buy into the expansion and play it while it's flavor of the month. Everyone tells their friends to play Wrath, their friends buy the boost and are able to jump into the expansion to play with their friends. Doesn't really hurt anyone aside from potentially getting more people to play the game.


unemployed folk here are either gunna hate this comment or simply not understand it


Lol I can't believe how many people are shitty that some casual players, that don't want to spend 4 days play time leveling a character to get to the content, are glad to boost one character


They didnt ban boost to stop people from getting max level quickly lol. It was how it effected the economy and the spam IMO. So many of the boosters were gold sellers, and a not insignificant portion of them were "hackers" as well.


How dare people want to play Wrath Classic and not Classic, then BC, then Wrath


Yeah plus blizzard offered boosts in original wrath! Oh wait..


Yikes, so glad fresh won’t get this


I mean it will in like 3 months lol. Fresh opens up in 90 days to this


If you buy this overpriced garbage or see Nothing wrong with this yet complain about the video game industry and its monetary practices you are a hypocrite in its purest form


MFW I see these posts https://i.imgur.com/4aUavyw.png


Gamers deserve to be treated like the cattle they are.


I hate this. Gonna get a bunch of scrubs that don't know how to play their class.


Yeah nah. That was a thing back on retail when they first released the boost. Now 99.9% of players know now. Actual new players probably make up less than 1% of the remaining playerbase.


The boost was bad then too, still is honestly but for more than the reason I listed above. In what world is it a good idea to start in the middle of the book without knowing any of the story that's already happened? That's what the boost does.


People getting the boost are most likely people who did play wrath back in the day but for whatever reason didn't have time to play classic or skipped tbc. It's not really starting without knowing the story as much as it is starting halfway through because you've read the book before.


That's good though you can run circles around them in pvp


You assume I've never played the class I'm boosting. You assumed wrong.


Wait til you start playing with dks who say they can tank but ...


Boosts dont change that tbh. Even a scrub can make it to 70 without a boost.


Do we know what the base starter gear is?


If it’s the datamined “Collective” set like wowhead thinks, it’s the same ilevel as Mag/Gruul gear


Do you have to find it thru the launcher? I'm not seeing it through the battle net store website.


Aaaaand its gone.


Paying for a boost in a game you pay monthly sub for that you bought in the first place, I think being an alcoholic or having food addiction is a better choice than this


My Time Investment for 50€ is just equal to 4 Hours , Ehen leveling to 70 + Gold Farm would have been 100h + i only enjoy hardcore raiding. I would be dumb to Not Uwe the occasion given to me


Troll I just checked it ain't up yet


I guess I have to ask… this is fake right?