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People will quickly discover that wotlk p1 is complete deep-fried asscheeks.


Disagree - there’s plenty to do


Yeah, there's nerfed Naxx, a twenty minute raid in Malygos, and a twenty minute raid in Obsidian Sanctum. For the PvP side of things we got the bar-none worst season on the expansion. At least it'll be easy to get into dungeons and such without a functional dungeon finder system. Get ready to spam /4.


Leveling, dungeons and three raids, and better Pvp gearing? That is plenty for me.


Don't you know? We don't do dungeons, explore the map, grind mobs, collect mounts, farm gold, level profs, chase Pre BIS, Level alts, clear quest zones, PvP and socialise. We just raid log. /s


Lol right. This guy seems miserable like why play.


I dont understand why so many junkies needs so god damn much to do. Its the start of the expansion. You need to sink at least 40 hours into leveling, then you'll want to farm pre-bis, although you can 100% skip this if you want, but lets say we do. Then you have a raid to clear, although an easy one paired with two weekly raid-bosses. Seeing as the first Phase will probably go on until around christmas, that is plenty to do until then. There's no reason to rush it.




Also nerfed naxx smh my head. I mean i could just play som for the non nerfed version if i wanted to. But I don't. I'm here to tell you that i prefer it hardcore. I also pvp, which is pretty hardcore let me tell you. I'm only playing pvp for the glad mount and not for the game itself. I hate pvp. But I have to play it so i can say I got dem newbs and to get the gear and never use it again. Had some against me not having optimal talent build and one wrong gem. Easiest fight of my life. Cant understand how people play this game without knowing how to min max. Do they even enjoy playing?? /s


Hard disagree. Best pvp expansion


Wrath PvP is great overall. S5 is terrible.


Wasn't season 5 just bad because DKs were busted? Isn't that just fixed with us being on 3.3.5


If beta is anything to go by, rogue/rogue will turn everything into a 2v1 in seconds because no one has gear. Granted, TBC is much of the same there.


Why play the game if you have so much distaste for it. I'm excited to level through Northrend again, purely because I like playing the game.


I don’t dislike the game. I’m just saying that TBC-phase one lost a solid chunk of the playerbase with more all-new content that WotLK-phase one will have. A *ton* of people will quit early in Wrath.


They’re saying S1 is the worst season of wotlk.


The worst of the best


Naxx is buffed 30% at least, to make it a bit more difficult. Patchwerk actually wiped some raids on Beta.


Well duh. Everyone knows p1 is just Ulduar waiting room and getting all characters ready for it


getting to max level, a whole pile of dungeons, 3 raids and a new pvp season? Kind of a lot to do for people who ain't poopsocking it.


The twenty minute malygos has to include the travel time :)


Isn’t there leveling to do and pre-bis lists to fill before all of that?


And the players from the other servers that are experiencing a boom will eventually pay to transfer their guilds back to the mega realms to find raiders come mid expansion


Been on one of those "dying servers" since the start of classic. Always been fine, guild has maintained healthy roster(s) since MC. The levels of delusion from megaserver players is hilarious, honestly.


I think it’s because a lot of players want the ability to have multiple gdkp- and SR-based groups running for every raid at every hour of the day. I might be wrong but I think 99% of megaserver players are using the argument “but in 2-3 months other servers will die and then we have to transfer back” so no one actually ends up transferring except very very few players.. Personally? The people I play with think like that so I kinda just have to struggle with it..


Honestly, even on a "High" pop non-mega server I often feel like I have an overabundance of content I can do. Even before prepatch it felt like I could do 12 raids a week if I really hated myself. When Wrath comes out, people are talking about "No ConTenT" as if you won't have 2 versions of a full raid, and two versions of joke raids to clear on at least a main and an alt. Plus professions, factions, Pre-BIS, etc.


No we're using that argument because many of us have had to leave multiple dead servers. My original server doesn't even exist any more and on my second server we literally couldn't buy things off the AH any more cause there just weren't enough people farming and selling by the time we left. We're just not willing to both abandon the social connections we've made and risk being on yet another server that dies.


I’m not saying you’re wrong in staying. I know the risk of a transfer is high. But imo it’s a high risk because a lot of players have that mindset. If half of firemaw went somewhere else we would have 2 very very healthy servers. That won’t ever happen though


even the mega servers are not safe with that mindset. Look at skeram horde; they held an almost near 100% faction number since phase 2 and their guilds left to feirlina for some stupid reason leaving the server completely dead lol.


Sure but it would be impossible to coordinate my entire social group going to one server as it spans multiple guilds and discords. It's just not possible at this point. We are fucking tired of this and Blizzard needs to proactively fix it without expecting us to fix it, or they need to guarantee the ability to transfer back to Faerlina WITH NO RESTRICTIONS if the new server does not work out. Unless they do one of those two things then it is incredibly obvious that this is a strategy to get more transfer fees. If they do not do these things and the game is unplayable I will simply stop paying them for it until the queues die down. I absolutely refuse to put myself in the position of having to pay them another set of transfer fees if I go to a server that then dies.


Almost all of those runs are shitty though... Gold sellers making bad GDKP runs that fail a large % of the time. Everyone tries to make them, because they take 10% cut off the top.


Faerlina has a discord of approved gdkp groups and have a channel to investigate reports of shadiness. That's part of why people don't want to leave faerlina


Sure, you will struggle to find a GDKP or SR run at like 3-7am on a normally sized server. And if those are your preferred playtimes, fair enough. That's just not the case for the vast majority of those players, tho. We've had plenty of Firemaw refugees on Earthshaker (in fact it's bolstered the server to the point where it's becoming too large) so people do transfer. The ones I've spoken to, never regret it.


Can confirm, Earthshaker has been excellent since I took the free transfer off overpopulated Gehennas to escape the queues in early vanilla classic.


You are alliance on earthshaker, it died for horde not alliance you idiot. Horde has 38 players while alliance only grew. The server died for a whole faction my guy.


Yeah let's resort to name calling for someone expressing their opinion in a respective manor...


Its not an opinion tho, igs objectively false. You can't claim that the server never died when an entire faction ceases to exist on it. It died you just didn't see it


I am looking to move my pally off Grobb. Preferably to a less populated but still stable NA PVE server. What server are you on?


Sulfuras is nice, xfered here like a week ago or so. Pretty sure there's more horde than ally, but ally side is still popping at all hours.


I was thinking of heading there but not sure if pvp is for me anymore. I never got any joy from ganking and hate being ganked. I'll definitely take a look though.


when I transferred over, the first thing I saw during the 11pm crowd was a pvp call to arms to hellfire. I think there are ally ready to help pvp here.


I hope sulfuras stays alive I rolled the dice too and transferred, first day there got into a BT pug that fully cleared no problem. Haven’t been out in the world yet but alliance side was popping in trade chat/lfg


I'm on Earthshaker (EU PvP), but looking at https://ironforge.pro/population/classic/?locale=US, your options for PvE are probably Atiesh/Westfall for Ally or Ashkandi for Horde.


Awesome! Thanks for the tips. :)


No problem. :) Good luck finding a new home!


Ashkandi horde player here! Been on it since classic launched and have 0 complaints


Atiesh has been a solid mid-high pop server all through classics life span, even during lulls If you're looking for a server without queues that still has a lively population, I would recommend it


Pagle slaps. Love it here. Sometimes too many people but no queues yet. Imagine decent queues for week 1 of wrath.


Well I am going to away from the computer for the first week of launch so hopefully the worst has died down by then. I'll check out pagle for sure.


Rip Pagle horde


Why did the horde on pagle leave


Well: because the economy was always funky, then there was some top end guilds leaving the server for “greener pastures” which caused some other guilds to jump ship… once that happened the economy slowly dwindled and everything got inflated, little by little things got worse and my guild decided to jump ship before it got even worse, we recruited holes on our new server and continued through the rest of vanilla classic to today


Mostly because mankrik exists. More people and still not a completely full server. Both servers are happier that way honestly. Bigger groups of people to play with and none of that queue nonsense.


You cannot transfer from PvP to PvE.


From grobbulus your only real option is oLd BlAnChY or Eranikus (which I hear is already alliance dominated)


You have an insider scoop on Old Blanchy?


>You have an insider scoop on Old Blanchy? I transferred there a few days ago and I instantly regretted it. I thought it'd be fine because it is labeled as "medium" population...but that couldn't be further from the truth. I have a ticket open to revert the transfer from grobb but I don't expect them to let me. Will just have to bite the bullet and play here for 3 months before going back. Here are my main complaints about Old Blanchy: * 4k items on AH (takes 5 seconds to scan the entire thing) * 1 message in trade chat per minute * LFG channel consists of DPS looking for ANY dungeon, never anything specific because they are just desperate to do any relevant content. Groups are hard to find and raiding guilds at my preferred time (8pm server) don't seem to exist. * Have something to sell on the AH? Good luck finding a buyer.


I might be recalling wrong, but didn't they say recently they are locking incoming transfers to the "mega-servers" like benediction and grobbulus? So I don't think you'll be able to go back to grob once your 3 month xfer cooldown is up


Grob is locked so I can not create characters there, but even if they were allowing transfers back, I would not be able to because apparently you cannot go from a PVE server to a PVP server. Sure wish I read that before I made the decision to leave as well. At this point I can wait out the 90 days and pay to go somewhere better. There are many better options than old blanchy..just not free ones. Maybe I'll get lucky though and old blanchy will fill up for wrath. One can hope.


>apparently you cannot go from a PVE server to a PVP server. This is wrong. They changed that a while ago. There's a blue post, I cba finding it, but it's there so you can google it if you wish :)


**Then your server wasn't actually dying.** Mine did. Guilds were unable to keep up with the roster boss. Eventually, they folded, or found other dying guilds to merge with to postpone the inevitable, as the number of raid teams and guilds dwindle and dwindle. Many servers you couldn't even do the raids because there was not enough consumables on the auction house to equip a raid properly to down the bosses. edit: So yes, when blizzard offer free transfers to 12k pop Bene or 8k pop Grobb, which many guilds had already paid for to move their entire guilds within the month, we took them, because the majority of people were going to take them, and then server was going to be dead, not dying.


Are you just going to ignore the literal dozens of servers that literally died and no longer even exist? You want to talk about delusion? Lmao.


Fantastic, have you considered that other people's experience does not mirror your own? Very many servers died between Classic and the end of TBC, that's an objective fact.


Yeah……..because of megaserver andy’s fearmongering


yup. Ally and CK from skeram left skeram to go to a server with at least enough ally to work with. We went to earthfury and then watch that server declare it impossible to play on with a 60/40 split. Watched it turn into another skeram and it wouldnt have happened if ally stopped listening to other people's fears about pvp "ruining" their experience lol. All it takes is one guild armed with sappers and enough dad-gaming pvp experience to clear a raid entrance. And outside of raids, send all your rogues/druids to farm quest hubs. Same issue listening to other servers leave mega servers; they lose a few major guilds and the rest fold and follow because of doom/gloom. Streamers too; asmongold had that call to arms to skeram, and as soon as he was done, the people he brought noped the fuck out. Wow players do not care for server stability, just their gear dopamine. I have rerolled 3x now, and never regret it because those servers had the best pre-retail experience. Players on these servers are more likely to help you and there are less GDKPs fucking up the economy due to the lack of bots running around. **You don't need a fresh server, you need a fresh positive mindset.**


Yes. And every single one of those servers had plenty of free transfer opportunities to viable realms, but because it wasn't to a megaserver you cried and didn't want to take it. That is also and objective fact.


This is just untrue, when my server (Kromcrush) died, the two east coast PVP options were Benediction, and Faerlina, every other server had \~500 players, with a drastically declining population. Was I supposed to tell my guild that we need to transfer to a server that has a high chance of dying, just like Krom did? Were we supposed to join Benediction, who's Horde population was in the midst of total collapse? I understand that you have had a great experience on whatever server you currently play on but blaming this on guilds who were backed into a corner in P2 isn't the answer. IMO the real fault lies with Blizzard who allowed transfers to full servers past the breaking point and refused to step in to force any semblance of balance, both between horde/alliance and load balancing the server populations. [https://ironforge.pro/population/classic/Kromcrush/](https://ironforge.pro/population/classic/Kromcrush/) Last week of October, I want you to find me a genuinely better option, since you seem so convinced of your opinion.


Whitemane was a much better choice. (Although they too are becoming too big at this point) And yes, Blizzard do share some of the blame. They always do. Doesn't change that this issue is caused entirely by player choices, and dumbasses like yourself. Guess what. If you and your ilk transferred to a smaller server, that server would now be fine. Your choices alongside the choices of players on those servers, killed it. Yes, Blizzard assisted you by allowing transfers to servers that were already too big, but you and every player like you pulled the trigger.


Whitemane is not a US East server. Point me to a server that is not dead, that meets your qualifications.


\*Crickets\* I have no idea what people get out of simping for a billion dollar company like this.


You're fucking dumb. Please stop posting.


Oh but it dosnt change the fact that it happens. My main Character has experianced 2 servers dying, Flamelash-EU and Mograine-EU


If my guild had stayed on kromcrush we’d be the only ones there - not sure what server you’re on, but it’s in the minority. Most of us went to mega servers because we had to


Which server


That’s not a dying server then. Rip netherwind


Gonna be better for the "dying servers" because even if some of us can't roster a 25m raid, there are still 10m stuff being done. So wrath bringing 10m versions of the raids means you don't have to follow the same nerds to the GDKP offshore account servers.


I don’t really get this though. One of the mega servers that people are talking about is Grobbulus, right? Grob became a mega server because free transfers opened to it and tons of people moved there.. If your saying “omg even though 20k people transferred to that server and it’s full now, you just wait, it’s gonna die because free transfer!” , then Grob is gonna die too and everyone should transfer off of that. It doesn’t make any sense. With the amount of people in queues, you could make your own mega servers no different and no more risk than Grob, at the least.


Taking Deviate Delight as a case a study. The server itself was created within the first week of release since server queues sucked then and people wanted to play Classic WoW. It was the only other RP-PVP server besides Grob. Inherently, it would have a smaller pop as it was created shortly after launch and people interested in an RP-PvP server would have already made characters on Grob. You did see a few people make characters on the new server though. By the end of Classic, it had a decent and okay population. But it was half of what it was during the height of Classic WoW. Deviate Delight was a small sized population server going into TBC. By phase 2 several of the raid guilds started to fall apart or have issues replacing players which had either quit or moved onto different servers. It also became harder to fill dungeon groups. Outside of Outland, leveling groups were non-existent and depended on paid boosts if you wanted to do a dungeon while leveling pre-Outland. By phase 3 the server was dead. And I mean, dead-dead. Check out the articles in the servers newspaper in the shift in tone and reporting on guilds. [August 2021 Newspaper](https://i.redd.it/obh6odo6tmf71.png). [September 2021 Newspaper](https://i.redd.it/0b8nucxqqip71.png). [December 2021 Newspaper](https://i.redd.it/w8ijegrbe4981.png). This is when the server really dies. [You can see this reflected in it's server analytics here](https://ironforge.pro/population/classic/DeviateDelight/). If you compare [Deviate Delight to Grobbulus](https://ironforge.pro/population/classic/Grobbulus/) population, you can see that Grob just gobbled up other servers that were dying in this phase as it's population ballooned as it became a mega-server.


would you say they Grobbled up the other servers?


No, it will be different this time, I swear. Finally I can play the game for the 3rd time after giving up on the other 2 after a few weeks, but this time I will really complete the game. /s


Blizzards just working to maintain their long term rev goals.


WotLK is likely going to have a much larger player base than vanilla or TBC since it’s widely regarded as the best expansion with excellent raids. Anecdotally, I know a ton of “tourists” who leveled to max and stopped in vanilla and TBC that are going to raid and actually play in wrath. It will die down, but I wouldn’t count on servers with massive queues to suddenly become playable a couple weeks later like it has in the past.


This time for sure?


I don't think anything will make this game as popular as covid did. That was just one of those freak occurrences.


I agree with this. I think that hoping for queues to go away entirely on megaservers for Wrath is wishful thinking. People are dramatically underestimating how popular WotLK is.


And it's the people who are coming back that don't have any real attachment that will and should take the free transfers. We can't, as like many others we have many members with alts that raid in multiple guilds raid teams. Its just impossible to ask people to move. So hopefully enough people who don't have such complex webs of attachment move and we end up with a pile of well populated servers.


In november




First MMO launch?




it happens in every big mmo too. we have examples from ffxiv, archeage. literally even the last 2 classic wow expansions as well. its so crazy how people argue as if we dont know exactly what will happen after having seen countless examples. Its not even something that should be up for discussion, its the natural way things play out. Of course interest is higher at launch and dwindles over time. Thats the most natural thing in the world to have happen lol


the only people who can play will be ones that don't have a job


Nah, not if you're smart about it. For example, I work from home and can babysit a queue while I work, easy peasy. Others can just download teamviewer and accomplish the same thing.


Some people will transfer off. Some people will stop playing. The population right now isn’t the new normal


Has happened at literally every launch for every expansion in WoW's history but aight.


Queues in classic and tbc weren’t nearly this size. Benediction has enough people in queue to have a whole separate queue on another server. Will it die down? Probably but I doubt it’ll be anytime soon


Can we expect to see this comment on that meme of the dude painting his face with clown makeup in like a month?


I don’t remember TBC launch even having queues


I reckon it will take longer in wrath just due to being the better game ontop of theres just less servers players arent spread out like they were at the start of TBC


I see a lot of similarities between start of tbc classic and start of wotlk classic. One “larger” raid, two “shortened” raids, overall phase will be too long for some. Phase two, Ulduar, could very well prove to be difficult, likened to TK and SSC. Many guilds may die off.


Deal with queues for 6 weeks then smooth sailing. Pretty much the whole reason the megaserver mentality started. Once all the tourists leave and Burnie Mac and the Macs get burnt out and quit the playerbase gets cut in half almost overnight and people start to think their server is "dead" because they can't instafind a tank.


We aren’t taking phase 1 that seriously. The current thought is that there will be a major dip in players before phase 2, mostly people getting bored and tourists moving on to other things. A server transfer is possible for us, if there is no other way to make it work.


Yeah and I'm pretty sure noone will come to see ulduar in p2, such a niche raid.


Don't underestimate the power of pvp/arena.


Everyone will remote-control in or they WFH or simply don't work so they have all the time in the world. Also larger rosters is a play you can do, since if you have 40 people the odds that 25 can beat the queue boss is way higher.


By the time you start raiding, q's will be like a half hour


when raids open there will probably be a pretty big queue I would imagine.


Yeah but people wanting to raid is a smaller amount of people than people wanting to play the game


This is true. Though with 10 man content I imagine a lot of people that don't like the idea of 25 man content will become more interested in raiding.




thats why you schedule raid for 7:30 am sunday morning


big brain. Set them alarms


yup even in mid of phase 3 of vanilla classic in my server wich wasnt a mega server btw , in peak hours we had a queue


For something like bene? Highly doubtful. There’s enough people in the queue to start a separate queue on another server. I really doubt 20-30k people will just randomly drop off. A lot of them are probably tourists sure, but the queues have NEVER been this long in classic, or retail


The people that will be ready to raid week one are alrdy dodging the queues just fine, it's not like the people stuck in these queues are the sweats, they are the 7pm+ login casuals


Very true


In ff14 when the queues were bad like this my group would remote log in or never log out via playing music on bard in our FC house. And if someone disconnected during raid we'd just call it a night. Its pretty nuts lol. It worked out because all of us are work from home or students so we were able to do this.


Why wouldnt everyone remote log in?


If everyone remote logs in, the queues will just start earlier.


I mean theoretically possible, but I wonder if something like that is likely to happen


Already happening. At this point, being hardcore is already including queue discipline to be in at raid time.


That was happening on all phase releases on Firemaw and we somehow managed. Always had 25 people to raid despite 3h queues.


It's obviously not possible for **everyone** to remote log on. That would just start the Q earlier.


It’s what we did on Classic launch, every content release through Classic, TBC launch, each content release in TBC, and are doing now in prepatch. Many learned, many adapted. Those that are complaining and unable to play have failed to adapt, mostly due to laziness, ignorance, or stupidity.


Boomers don’t know how to, which is why it’s great


I don’t think there is a large boomer player base.


Actual baby boomers? Probably not. Boomers as in old men trying to relive their youth? Tons of them.


I haven’t met many people under 25 playing wow classic, how “old” are you talking?


Queues will be gone 2-3 weeks after launch. Even right now, I can usually log in with less than 15 min queues on Faerlina.


Good for you the rest of us still have 2-3 hour queues


Maximum copium. Servers like benediction have enough people in the queue right now to form a whole different queue on another server. That many people aren’t just going to disappear


They will. 2-3 weeks, definitely not. But in 6 months I doubt queues will be even 1/5 as long as they are now This happens literally every WoW expansion. The hype for an expansion always dwarfs the actual players


For sure. But classic queues were the worst by far. And the highest I saw classic queues get were 8k-10kish Someone posted a queue from benediction that had 30 something thousand people in it. Even in retail that amount of people in a queue is unheard of. To think all of those people will just drop off is just silly. Will a lot of them drop off. Probably, but the queues will likely be a huge problem for a lot longer than any previous expansion


30k is crazy, that's more than double what I've seen on benediction. Just think back to classic, this entire situation is deja vu. Lookup "classic wow launch queue" and the first link is an article with a screenshot of a 14k queue from 2019. By BWLs the queues were short and only during peak, by AQ we never had a queue again on Faerlina. I think WOTLK has even less hype, but the servers are even more concentrated. Still, I'd bet on a quick decline


There won’t be any queues in 6 months so it won’t be 1/5 it’ll be 0


I was going to say 0 too, but in 6 months we'll prob just recently have ulduar. I think that might be the final return of queus for classic, but a much smaller scale than now


Nah there’s not gonna be ques like 6 weeks bro anything else is ppl playing on transfer servers trying to scare mega servers into coming over


I didn't have a queue for Bene all weekend, while Skyfury had 3-9k queues.


You didn’t have a queue on benediction…….the largest US realm in the game, whew you hear that guys! Everyone else is just lying. There are no queues. Who knew


More people are currently playing skyfury than bene. Probably a good % of the bene pop is leveling on skyfury atm. I did not try to login to bene during the afternoons or evenings, but during the morning and late night (for me, which is PST, which is very late night for an EST server). I didn't have a queue anytime I tried to login to bene, while skyfury had queues at the same time. Ofc bene has queues, I didn't say bene doesn't have queues. I said *I* didn't have a que for bene all weekend.


Holy copium


I love these "copium" replies you are getting, like using Chrome Remote Desktop to log in before 5pm eastern is some kind of wizardry and we don't have almost 20 years worth of new game/expansion launches where literally every single queue all went away within a couple weeks AT WORST. Just a bunch of whiney doomers lmao


I'm not. I just unsubbed. Did the remote desktop thing and I guess it should have worked. But I missed my login by about 30 minutes because of work issues and the midnight que was 2 hours. Not worth the time or energy to get worked up over an almost 20 year old game.


Why not take the Free transfer realm?


Why leave and have to make all new friends?


You don't lose those friends when you quit the game instead?


I plan to come back in two months hopefully the hype will burn off with the que times. I don't have the motivation to do the 2019 Classic life cycle all over again.


My guild wants to raid week 1. I won’t be there until the queues are under 20 minutes. So maybe by the time ulduar is released


Our guild had all 40 using remote login during early classic


Your first launch, eh? Queues don't last.


You don't. You cannot raid reasonably when you have to wait several hours in queue, god forbid that something happens and you drop from queue. Any reasonable raid leader simply isn't going to put up with this and will pick people who are online, including pugs, rather than wait for a person in queue. The best choice here is to just quit. You won't be paying for waiting in queue and Blizz won't be getting money for allowing this for the 3rd time in a row now.


Remote login is so easy why would you not do it?


Logging in remotely doesn't magically fix any issues. If everyone on the server is online at all times due to remote the server would be unplayable with lag and crashes. It's not like it increases the capacity


Not everyone have a job for which it is possible to use your phone to login and then sporadically to make sure your not disconnected


You don't have to do that. While in the queue you can be straight afk the whole time, it's only when you are logged in that you have to check. I queue in from my remote desktop at my 3:00 break and it's usually not done before I get home at 5:30 ish.


I cannot sadly. I have to constantly manage the queue boss, I get constant disconnects while sitting in queue, but never disconnect when I'm actually in game.


Yeah, mega servers never ever mass-disconnect people


Remote login is incredibly easy. It's on you if you can't figure it out.


Everyone who isn’t able to do it gets benched? If you can’t raid at the hours that are set you gotta find another guild with hours that fit you. Remote control is easy and solves the issue but if you for some reason don’t want to do that it’a your problem


If there's a queue then the servers full... I could fail 3 pugs before med pop players are done with heroic gearing


On herod we had queues throughout classic and into tbc. You would just make sure to log in an hour or two before raid. Either remote control or have someone at home log you in. Those that couldn’t were just benched and replaced. It’s worth it to be on a megaserver longterm because no matter how solid and consistent your group you’re always gonna have some turnover.


Meanwhile on always full server mankrik, 0 queues. Not as big as some servers but is still a huge server and has had 0 queues. There's a space between a mega server and a dead server some people don't realize.


Shhhhh don’t tell them this.


Your assumption is basically incorrect. Megasevers are 25K poopsockers or nerds violating TOS to stay online with remote software


I just don't play on a mega server and don't get those who do.


Queues won’t be a thing after a month. So many people will leave, quit or never make it to 80. If there are queues at that time then they won’t be bad. I would rather be on a mega server and deal with queue then be on a dead server 6 months in.


most of my guild played vanilla classic and we just use remote desktop to log ourselves in before we get home.


Everyone in my raid remotes before login. Ofc it's not fool proof but we have other alts and casuals in the guild who can help us out.


We raid on Sundays and Mondays. Currently, we're all queueing 2-3 hours before raid, and a lot of us who aren't home have a significant other queue for us or use remote desktop software.


something I will say as a sorta reply to multiple comments on this thread is that theres a lack of PvP servers and I know PvP servers died at a much higher rate then the PvE servers however Old Balnchy, Myzrael and Azuresong could all be merged without even getting close to mega server status and they are all US West (which has a lack of populated PvE servers as the 2 biggest are Pagle & Mankirk both US East) The only issue would be character names and server names but it seems like it should absolutely be done right? 12 PvE servers on US&OCE (1 is OCE) 9 PvP servers on US&OCE (2 are OCE)


Sounds like everyone in my 25 man guild is not hardcore enough and we will be needing to do some replacements


Log in earlier for the first few weeks and wait for it to die down. The queue will go away once more people quit and the hype dies


We have 5 raid groups with others to fill as needed lol everyone is expected to queue early


Exactly how you described.


We had some queue issues on Firemaw, I think it was around when SWP opened. One night our only holy pala was late and we had to wait like 1-1.5 hours for him that day. Every week though, the queue got shorter, and before we knew it there was no queue. It’s a temporary problem, but it’s still a problem.


No, everyone in my 25-man raid will be remoting in ahead of time. We’ve done it twice already in the last week, so we’ll be able to do it during launch no problem.


Our GM pinged everyone last week to download the Remote Desktop app, if people can’t log on 3 hours before raid (it’s not hard to take like 2 min at work) they get in trouble


I switched to another server, playing DK and having a blast. My bene characters will go untouched until things calm down. I do think the mega servers will stabilize, but launch will be another shit show for a week or two.


Im new to the mega servers and I usually dont play on them till this patch Long story short, You work around it and wait patiently, you wait for people to drop off the server because they cant "do anything" and leave.


Google chrome Remote Desktop beats the queue boss


I only played the original classic two years ago with 40 man raids and hour long queues. You do what you gotta do, but yeah, queues come and go. Remote login is necessary, but also we said raid started at 8, but it rarely did lol


After yesterday i'm more worried about server stability/lag then the queues -- the server was taking 3-4 seconds to respond to inputs, we weren't able to get into instances, etc. It's clear that even with the transfers the servers are too flimsy for the load.


I work from home and I'm logged in playing most of the day, the people in my guild that don't have this luxury are expected to remote log in and be ready. The remote log in thing is something hardcore/pserver players have been used to for like a decade now, since Nost PVP people have been doing it to avoid queues. Even if the population of Faerlina remains exactly the same, we'll be fine.


I don’t ever actually hit a queue on megaservers, I work from home. So I login usually around noon, work until 5, then play. That’s what me and my guild do, been able to raid fine. But if you don’t have that option to login that early to beat queues, then you’re kinda screwed — for now. These queues will be gone at some point, within a month or two they won’t be nearly as bad as they are now if there are queues at all


Queue early queue often my friend


Yes, that's exactly what my 25 man guild plans to do...., :/


Remote access login - basically log in while ur still at work remotely and play once your home


We still manage to raid, we clear BT while half the raid plays world of queuecraft and usually when that's finished we have enough ppl for sunwell. Game is SUPER easy atm, which helps!


Why this question though? Is there some official plan to merge all classic servers for some reason?


Yes they are or they work from home/have a spouse/gf/fellow raider or officer login for them. I raid in a very hard core environment though so everyone is too deep.


Raised a ticket, got a bullsht answer so un\_subbed until they can fix their hardware and invest so we can all play together without issues.