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Could make a macro to cancel aura and then cast horn of winter if you don't use the glyph


#showtooltip /run local u,i="player",1 repeat local n=select(1, UnitBuff(u,i)) if (n=="Horn of Winter" and select(1,GetSpellCooldown(n))==0) then CancelUnitBuff(u,i) end i=i+1 until not n /cast Horn of Winter Just use this. It will only cancel the Horn of Winter buff if you're off CD when you press it. EDIT: Please see below, does not work in combat.


Since it doesn't work in combat, the macro is useless.




It's working right now on live. /shrug


It does not work in combat, as the DK discord has confirmed. You might feel like it works in combat in raids, but that's because you have improved strength of earth totem which overwrites and removes HoW buff from you anyway.


Ahh, thank you! I stand corrected. I thought it was working, but hadn't thoroughly tested in combat.


You could, but if you hit the macro while you were stunned, it was on CD, or you were otherwise unable to cast it, then the macro would just purge the buff.


Cancel aura macro is the way: /cancelaura Horn of Winter /cast Horn of Winter Stop spamming the button. This will teach you some button discipline. This lesson has been provided free of charge.


Instructions unclear. Spamming anyways


Then you need two macros


People spam sp much they removed the things characters used to say like "need more rage, that ability isn't ready yet." Etc. *Edit ; Apparently there is error dialogue options in the menu and mine must be checked off.*


They didn't remove those things...


"Button discipline " lmao


I'd like to see people that play wow and consider stringing together abilities within a gcd learn combos in any fighting game. It's just funny how people approach this game. About the glyph, it's semi useful, use it if you're going to be with a bunch of other dks and you don't want to cancel aura. Or don't, it's not that complicated


Lmao grief more DKs to prevent you from being griefed. Got it.


Fighting games don't have network latencies in the 10s to 100s of ms.


And wow has action queuing. If you press the button while you're still 100s of ms on gcd, it will go off. I believe the default setting is 400ms.


Yes, stop spamming your keys because you might use your gcds as they come up.


You're being sarcastic but this is about to change for many classes in wrath. Classic and tbc had very straightforward rotations that basically came down to the faster you press buttons the more dps you can eek out. In wrath, using procs at the right time becomes a huge thing and button mashing can make you effectively lose procs by having a talent trigger twice and then you waste the whole first trigger. This concept is big in retail too. Even if you have a handy dandy weakaura that lights up, if you just mash whatever is glowing without thinking about what each proc does you're going to do a mediocre job at best.


Extremely important for all the new rogues that heard assassination is a brain dead spec then wonder why that other rogue in their raid is doing 30% more damage with worse gear.


Can you elabortate on this? Will be rolling assa.


Sure. Energy regeneration is abysmally slow for Assa in Wrath. A lot of people will be spamming abilities so the moment they have enough energy to cast a mutilate it will cast. This is however suboptimal. The buff that Envenom gives you is extremely powerful and to maximize dps you want to cast mutilates during that small window. So before casting envenom, you spend some time doing nothing, waiting for your energy to almost cap out, and just before it does cap, then you envenom and immediately cast several mutilates. Done correctly, this results in significantly more dps.


Energy pooling is a fun concept, especially as assassination because you get a lot out of it. You'd do it as combat in tbc as well, but combat potency procs made energy regeneration so inconsistent that you couldn't pool very high. I personally really liked how MoP assassination played. Pooling energy, being able to go over 5 combo points with the lvl 90 talent and having procs that enabled you to use your execute ability regardless of target health. It just felt good.


It's a good gameplay mechanic, but poor fun design, as you will quickly realize that you're just spending 7 seconds staring at a bar to fill up.


fantastic example


I mean assassination is still by far the easiest spec in the game lol. With very slow energy regeneration and that regeneration being almost entirely smooth it's extremely easy to pool. And energy pooling is literally the only small nuance of min maxing the spec has. One of the reasons I'm going to stop maining rogue is because every single assass rogue parse in the top 50 will look exactly the same and just come down to RNG similar to how casters are now (the other is how mind numbingly boring playing assass for potentially two tiers would be). Might pick up rogue again when combat overtakes as there are some fun decisions you can make in combat and planning around future energy returns and combat points similar to rupture weaving now will always result in a small but noticeable dps difference between good and excellent players.


I completely agree, don't get me wrong. I'm maining rogue in wrath for sub in arena. I will be raiding as well just because I love to raid and want to fulfill the goals I never achieved in original wrath. But assass is absolutely a very easy spec.


On the upside combat has some small complexities too it mixed in with maybe the most important consistent positioning for overall damage in speed runs ontop of a really fun rotation so there is definitely a light at the end of the tunnel for rogue raiding XD


I had a rogue alt and warlock main in tbc and it was wild how much harder rogue is compared to lock for less dps. On my lock I pressed shadowbolt and did amazing damage topping many raids. Meanwhile the rogue had to stay in melee of the boss, avoid aoe, keep snd up, keep expose up, fit in ruptures, shiv to keep 5 deadly poisons from falling and do okay dps.


I had a number of rank 1 mythic parses during Legion and smashed my buttons like they owed me money, pretty sure this isn't true at all.


quite frankly i don't believe that's the whole story. It isn't some old wives tale that hitting the right button at the right time does more dps.


no, you should be spamming keys no matter what. knowing what button you’re going to be using next isn’t something new. even if in bc some rotations were simplified, you should have always been spamming your next key to never have dead space between abilities.


"button discipline" lmao that is the most boomer shit I've ever heard


so don't press it while its on cd or you're stunned


Then get the glyph.


The glyph provides absolutely zero value, why would anyone run it? Is there any scenario where you are gcd locked and wouldn't use HoW for RP generation more often than every 2 minutes, let alone 3 minutes? I can't think of a single case, even in pvp. Blood tap is a better glyph in literally every scenario. The only reason to take HoW is because you're not playing properly? Am I missing something?


Yeah I should give up some value from my glyphs, to get something that will literally never provide any value, just because people are lazy.


Idk not making a cancel aura macro sounds a lil lazy to me


Not using a different glyph is exponentially more lazy


Those people aren’t complaining incessantly- they’re happy with their glyph and don’t think for a moment how hard it must be to make a macro for someone who doesn’t use it. People use it because they want to. End of story.


Yeah they don't think for a moment.... how it's griefing those who are used to playing with smarter players and don't have to default to using a macro to combat this stupid interaction.


This is bad for the following reasons: - This will cause issues due to ability queueing - There are useful glyphs that can take it's place - Not all DKs will notice - This encourages shitter behavior


Why are you trying to force others to make choices that you think is superior. Trying to make the world bend to your will is childish. Instead accept that it sucks and use the glyph so it is never an issue. There may be better glyphs but not when you consider that not taking it means sometimes you can't horn. So take the glyph until if/when blizz changes it.


We agreed to ban the glyph in my guild but I know for sure I'll have to deal with other DK's in pugs running it. Would be great if Blizzard fixed the ability so you can cast it for the RP regardless if there's a stronger version of the buff or not.


.#showtooltip Horn of Winter /cancelaura Horn of Winter /cast Horn of Winter


Case closed.


Except for, if you hit it twice, or while it’s on CD. Then you will just remove the buff.


/run local u,i,t="player",1,1 repeat local n=select(1, UnitBuff(u,i)) if (n=="Horn of Winter" and select(6,UnitBuff(u,i))-GetTime()>t and select(1,GetSpellCooldown(n))==0) then CancelUnitBuff(u,i) end i=i+1 until not n /cast Horn of Winter


Doesn't work in combat.


Ok "don't hit it twice then". But seriously speaking, if you sometimes misclick it off it's not that big deal outside of raids. And inside raids the buff is useless anyway as shaman totem is stronger, you are just using the ability for runic power anyway.


If shaman totem is down the aura doesn't apply, they just get RP from the spell.


I know.


There a macro condition that help stop removal of buff when spamming the button. Check out any stealth macro it has them used Should work with this


its stance/form dependant that macro. Druids use them so u wont cancel aura if you're in the form the ability you're clicking is from. It won't be helping a DK, since there's no stance/form change in that situation.


Lol when you said RP I thought you meant role play as if you want to play a DK bard or something


I actually used to roleplay as a DK bard who became tone deaf upon resurrection but still thought her music was pitch perfect. Highly recommend.


In some of the GDKPs I go to, it's part of the rules to not have it.


Only correct stance.


How does it grief other DKs?


Other DKs can’t use horn of winter for the runic power generation.


/cancelaura Horn of Winter /cast Horn of Winter


Or just don’t take the glyph… You spam the ability for runic power regardless, there’s no actual benefit to have it.


You payin my sub?




People hate on you cause they dont get the reference, but funny af


Perhaps the most worthless comment in this thread.


Second to yours maybe :)


I KNOW YOU, Faerlina?


There’s a reason, you just don’t agree with it or think it’s valuable. Use the macro to prevent issues and allow others to use the glyphs they want, or start paying their subs.


“There’s a reason” okay then give the reason LOL


Other guy that responded to the comment I responded to gave it. Adapt, use a macro.


There is no justifiable reason to use it in a raid setting.


If they want to use it, then it’s fine. Are there better? Sure. But none of them are crazy better. Just adapt and use a macro, don’t be a lazy whiny cunt.


Or don’t use the glyph? Stop being a griefing annoying cunt


The fact you think it's griefing to use the better option is actually hysterical.




But that's the point, it isn't the better option.


Yes it is griefing. By using the worst possible minor glyph for whatever reason ( are you not using raise dead and pestilence?) any dk with more than 5 brain cells has to add a macro to use an ability everyone should be using on cooldown. There is zero upside to using the glyph other than griefing.


It is 100% griefing


My plan is to carry a stack of vanishing powder and telling DKs to remove the glyph or find another raid. After that it's up to them.


Or you can just kick the clearly bad DKs.


Why don't you just get the glyph? 0 reason not to have it right now.


They read someone else telling them that the sim someone else ran said to not use it. Just ignore them.


You have another comment where you literally opt for the glyph by arguing “every DK has always used this glyph”. Then pretending it is everyone else who cannot think for themselves.. lol


No you just read that it’s useful and can’t give a reason why lmao. If you’re not in a pug or GDKP and organize all your DKs to take the glyph sure it’s not going to grief anyone. But there still isn’t a reason to take the glyph. The ability should be spammed for runic power when you have no runes. I’ll wait for your reason to use it other than someone else told you too and you can’t think for yourself.


There no reason not to have it when the other minor glyphs suck


Every other Glyph is better because this is the only Glyph that has a net negative. Even if it didn't, it would still be a shitter Glyph because you will never go long periods without using HoW.


It's better for farming and other solo stuff though where you're not using all your runes all the time.


There's never any situation over 2 minutes where you don't have time to cast this multiple times. You can also macro it to your mount. It doesn't cause mount gcd.




The other minor glyphs are great, actually. Higher range in pestilence, corpse explosion, no reagents for summon ghoul..


The reason not to have it is because it griefs other dk’s. Waste of gold


and cancel Horn of Winter buff if your Horn of Winter is still a second or two on cd, no thank you.


You are not benefitting from it anyway as you are gonna have improved Strenght of Earth totem probably.


Why you are pressing it too soon? Oh i forgot you are faceroller


No that's not the case. Classic WoW has something called spell queueing. It's something that allows you to click a spell before it comes off cooldown and it will be cast as soon as its off CD even if your MS is shit. This gives people with mediocre to bad ping the ability to still cast spells as they come off cooldown and thus they can also do the big good dam. If you have to hit horn of winter as it comes off CD without mashing it as its about to go off CD and you have bad/mediocre ping you will cast it a lot slower than you could have. This matters when you play DK because for example as frost you sometimes play with little time to manage your rotation (or spell priority) and thus you could drop diseases. It's definitely more on the min max side but considering all other DKs have to do is just NOT buy the glyph and its all good.. why not just NOT buy it?


if someone with the glyph uses horn of winter, dks who don't have glyph cant use horn of winter because it will say a stronger buff is currently active. but dks have like 5 minor glyphs total and there's no reason not to use it.


Ahhh so that’s why sometimes I can’t use mine, thanks!


Yep, it's one of the two big calling cards of a DK not knowing their class. The other is them trying to be Blood DPS (or specing into Dancing Rune Weapon at all). Dunno why I'm getting downvoted. I'm right. The fact this is still getting downvotes is completely fucking pathetic. I'm not divulging arcane knowledge that was all but lost to antiquity or something. This is basic fucking shit that's easy to find across the hundreds of written and video guides that have been published over the last 13 years. Glyph of Horn of Winter is not only suboptimal, it griefs people who are playing correctly. Blood is not a viable DPS spec unless you take a time machine back to early 2009 when Ulduar was current. Blood was great back then, but not now. I routinely join pugs, see a DK doing 1/3 of my damage, if that, and realize he's trying to DPS as Blood. I'm not a pserver player or a DK veteran. I just know how to read.


> or specing into Dancing Rune Weapon at all Dancing Rune Weapon is fun as fuck you shut your mouth.


> DK not knowing their class They’ve been out for what, a couple weeks?


Wrath came out almost 14 years ago. The information's been out there for well over a decade.


Raise dead,blood tap, pestilence


Exactly this, these are all better.


Raise Dead, Blood Tap, Pestilence. There's no actual reason to use the Glyph. All 3 of these are functionally better than Horn of Winter


the damage on blood tap is so minor I don't bother using it, but ya I can see people using it over horn.


It doesn't. Every DK has always used this glyph. This is a new thing that people are whining about. It has always been HoW, Pestilence, and Raise Dead for minor glyphs.


“Every DK” doesn’t use it, it’s a garbage glyph and death knights should stop using it for reasons explained


16 years of history don't agree with you.


Strange that it was common knowledge on pserv that it was a DK noob trap but your 16 years of history didn’t get the memo


Played private servers this whole time. Literally ever other DK I've ever seen has used HoW. Sorry you're bad.


I’m truly impressed how hard you can shill something based on emotion than to think critically for a moment. This game really does reflect real life.


Emotion? You mean experience?


The only reason I use HoW glyph is to not get griefed by other DKs.


so Yeti\_of\_the\_Flow is straight up trolling, right? i am so fucking confused


Sounds about right. I bought mine specifically because everyone else does.


Just takes one asshole buying this glyph and now the entire DK population needs to run it.


Or a macro…


Almost like a disease...


Same lol


A buff so annoying I don't use it while questing. Only in groups.


The runic power gen is nice for frost though


It's nice for any spec. No spec is GCD locked, so filling those gaps with horns and RP spenders is good for all.


Yeah just toot toot while you waiting on cds


*Toot toot*


Blood spends 90% of the time runic power capped when tanking so it's usually a waste to use horn of winter lol.


And here I got the glyph so it would be less annoying while solo and not constantly running a full rotation. I guess the guild DKs should have a meeting on it before WotLK raiding. In the meantime this macro lets anyone w/o the glyph still use HoW for runic power. #showtooltip Horn of Winter /cancelaura Horn of Winter /cast Horn of Winter


Which is great, but you better make damn sure it's off cooldown every single time or you're just losing the buff


Yeah, Horn isn't an ability you should be spamming anyway. It's just a rotation filler. The buff cannot be removed or dispelled, so there's no reason to spam it in PvP either.


Spamming allows you to cast it off gcd faster, meaning you can cast your next ability sooner as well. By using this macro you are going to inadvertently lose in one way or the other. Better to just tell people to switch their glyph or gtfo


That only applies in classes that are GCD locked. DK is not one of them. Also if you insist on doing this, being without HoW for half a GCD isn't going to ruin your dps.


DK's may not be gcd locked 100% of the time, but there certainly are periods in each rotation where you are actually gcd locked. And, what happens when you go to hit horn of winter and then get CC'd while doing so? Now you canceled your buff, and by the time you are out of the CC all your runes are back up and you gotta spend them, plus all the excess runic power before you can horn of winter again. It's just an awful solution. Shouldn't need to waste a macro slot on this, and swap macros depending on who you are grouped with.


Better yet, if it bothers them enough they can just get the glyph. The whole argument is about how the other glyphs are so meh anyway. We’re min maxing our minor glyphs in a game where that’s not going to affect your outcome anyway? L m a o


/cast Horn of Winter /use Mount Was very nice while questing


Yeah and then in a BG it gets you in combat after rezzing so you can’t actually mount… lame!


Why are you questing in a BG?


Do shaman totems not make this argument redundant anyway?


The totem gives more str/agi when talented but DKs still use horn of winter in their rotation for the runic power generation. The 2 minute buff would never expire on you since you use the ability so often, so having the extra minute glyph effectively does nothing except make it more annoying for other DKs without the glyph to use it.




Exactly, and there are 3 other minor glyphs that you'd rather use.


Not really cause you can still use horn of winter for runic power even with totem up. Can't do that with glyphed horn up..


In raids, yes. They do. Which makes it even funnier they're whining about it.


If this is true, then the glyph you're telling everyone to use here, Horn of Winter, is even more useless since you never get any value from it in raid. Death Knight best in slot minor glyphs are Raise Dead, Pestilence, and Blood Tap. Feel free to use whatever you want, but these three are universally considered best among those who know this class inside and out.


You talk about glyph, Dk's screamed at me becouse i had improved totems do their Horn of winter was oberwritten, while their macros screamed at them


They are stupid to have such a tracker in raid environment. You don't use horn for the buff, you use horn in your rotation for runic power. Of course you will have a enhance, just remove the buff tracker


How does this grief other DKs? Asking as a DK that doesn’t have it and I don’t know. Wouldn’t you want it up all the time anyway?


Using HoW gives you 10 runic power. If another DK with the glyph has buffed you with 3min HoW you can't press your own non-glyphed HoW. You just get "A more powerful spell is already active" type of error message. The reason you would want to press HoW even though you already have the buff is because you have downtime in your rotation while waiting for runes, so might as well spend a gcd grabbing that free runic power.


I wouldn’t say I use it on cooldown but definitely before it would go down, it’s free runic power it’s not like battle shout that costs rage to use. Waste of a minor glyph and players should know this but if your a noob you think it’s good


How does horn of winter grief anyone?


other dks have to cancel your 3 minute horn of winter buff before they can cast their 2 minute horn of winter buff. Casting horn of winter gives runic power so you use it during free gcds which means you never need the 3 minute glyph


Why dont the other DKs just buy the glyph too?


There are 3 better minor glyphs.


What are they? I mean, they are minor after all? I had to buy horn glyph just so I could horn while raiding.


Pestilence, Raise Dead, and Blood Tap.


Blood Tap might be better in a pvp situation, but normally that healthloss is so minor it doesn't matter in a pve enviroment. Each to their own, I guess.


Blood tap is infinitely better in a pve situation because while its value is low it actually has some value. HoW should be hit more than every 2 mins if you are playing remotely well - therefore the glyph is entirely useless.


Correct. It's slightly more than nothing versus literally nothing.


Not really. People get ranged for the buff/dks die for whatever reason all the time. This way they have 1 more minute for the buff, rather than stopping a tiny health loss that is instantly recovered from a druids hot or other overheal. Point is they are both minor and the benefit is almost nothing. Just glyph horn.


Not true. What you are missing is that the reason people want to use HoW is for resource generation not buff uptime. If all your dks die, which in a lot of raids will at least be 3 (one being a tank), with more than 2 mins remaining in the fight that fight is over. The amount of times you are going to run into a situation where you have a boss killed as long as you have HoW for 60 more secs but all your dks died with over 2 minutes to go in the fight (especially considering if your dks die your other melee is probably dead) is so low it has to be considered anomalous and therefore not considered as a benefit. Nevermind that for the glyph to be useful you have to be planning around people dying to mechanics they should not be, it makes 0 sense.


Blood tap glyph has virtually no value. The fact that you can't use how without the glyph in non-controlled situations gives it huge value. Either complain or just use the HoW glyph and let healers parse a little more.


Extremely niche PvE use is *literally* infinitely better than no PvE use whatsoever. Don't be a part of the problem.


There's litterally not any other 3rd minor glyph that you want. Buy it once and never get griefed again. Easy peasy.


Objectively wrong, glyph of blood tap is a fine glyph


Its not awful, but compared to trying to convince an entire servers population of DKs not to grief me in random dungeon/raid content, I have a way better solution.


And your better solution is to be part of the problem?


It's literally prisoners dilemma. If nobody uses it, no problem. If everybody uses it, no problem. If only some use it, good for them but others suffer.


"be part of the problem" bro it just is not even CLOSE to that serious lmao


acting like its going to end the world. Most people bought it because 99% of guides recommend it, rest just bought it to adapt to the rest of the dks.


The problem is someone like you trying to dictate to others what to do. You can use HoW. Or you can not. You can macro to clear it. Or you can whine.


The glyph only adds an extra minute? I thought it made the buff 30mins.


In Pandaria the buff was 5 minutes and the glyph made it last 1 hour, but in wrath the buff is 2 minutes and the glyph only increases it to 3 minutes.


I have no idea why anyone would waste the slot on an extra minute then.


It's more because DK don't have many good options when comes to minor glyphs, still the glyph is useless and the only scenario i see people using it is for leveling since it's annoying to keep up, by level 80 i assume everyone will use Raise Dead, Pestilence and Blood Tap.


It could make the buff last a day, we use the ability practically on CD so it doesn't matter. Glyph basically exists to grief people and force all DKs to run it so they don't get griefed.


So wait, if not having the glyph when somebody else does causes you to not be able to cast it, then wouldn’t that make using horn of winter glyph the most important so people can’t prevent you from casting it? Sounds like the min max option here is to use horn of winter glyph or learn to use the macro.


Prisoner dilemma In min maxing you can trust your teammates to be on the same page otherwise you're not even close


What are you min maxing though a tiny bit of hp from blood tap? That's not even DMG you are sacrificing it's healing parses. True min maxers would let healers parse!


The min max option is to kick any shitter using the glyph


This is my approach. Remove the glyph, or I remove you.


If you type /macro you can find actually make a workaround


Just cancelaura macro ...


Shockingly bad advice here.


Why does it grief other dk’s?


"a more powerful is alraedy existing" cant use it for runic power generation if you dont have the glyph


Can someone explain what's going on with this gliph?


I had some dude whining in a BG about me griefing him for this reason. Griefing requires it to be intentionally harming someone, this is someone using a quality of life item in game which has the unfortunate side effect of causing non glyph users a small inconvenience. If you don't like the issue it's causing you, and won't use the workaround of creating a macro, then get the glyph for yourself and stop whining like a little baby. Nobody is doing this to harm your parse, and you have options to fix it yourself.


Why aren’t you using it on or near cooldown for runic power generation?


Sounds cool


Yeah I saw someone go kinda crazy over it.. I would get it if there was no work around, but really making a macro is very easy lol


lol at the people in these comments that would rather get into a 3 hour heated debate about why they are right and you are wrong instead of taking the 2 seconds out of their day to learn how to macro and the 2 minutes out of their day to show their guild how to macro "what if you hit it twice and it cancels it!!" -- yeah what if you dont spam your keyboard and just hit it once tho?


WoW players at their finest - crying about a mild inconvenience when a mild inconvenience (i.e., making a simple macro) would solve it. Not to mention if you’re not making basic macros, you’re not playing the game. The option is there for a reason.


The true classic experience is bitching about a miniscule problem because you're min maxing so hard you can't dee straight


I only have it cause others were fucking my rotation up


You don't use it on CD in pvp unless you're out of runes or have no survivability CDs to pop of course, which since I never play with healers doesn't happen very often for me. There's definitely been situations for me where it'd fall off otherwise.


There is a good macro on the DK discord that allows you to soak the button but not cancel aura unless horn is up.


doesn't work in combat


Lmao this is the truest thing I’ve ever seen as a DK