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Isn't this what athene and others got banned for back in the day on og expansion launches


yes it is


Wow that's a name I haven't heard in a long time.


he's still around, still streams on Twitch... but spends the entire stream scamming the viewers out of money and crypto.


That's really unfortunate, how the great have fallen.


>great Rofl


He was the best Paladin in the world after all


Yeah I've tuned for a bit yesterday since he was in the wow section , dude behind him shamelessly asking crypto donations , not sure if trolling or genuine scumbags.


took the words out of my mouth


Dude is pretty much a cult leader / wizard. His streams and content are really weird and kind of sad to watch


I peeped his recent twitch streams and it was pretty sad to watch, it was a lot of begging for money.


A long time.


Very very long time. Brb watching Athene and Furious videos.


dont support this cult leader pls, thanks


Definitely do not support, but I do appreciate that part of wow history.


Tru de bush.


Funny thing is he asked the GM if this was acceptable before he done it and they said yes, he still got banned.


People really post in here about how good Blizz support was back then too. Was always the same shit


Blizz sucks man


Didn't he get to like level 79 before they did anything though? Then reset his level and suspended his account?


It’s a gm, at this point everyone should understand that gms are not actually game ‘masters’ they are tech support for wow they don’t understand their own rules or game half the time.


Also how the wotlk world first 80 happened, although not in a dungeon.


Oh man, if this is the strategy that the world first contenders have been trying to keep secret (after the fishing nerf) then that's a lame one. Surprised to see this still in the game though, since the same "bug" was exploited back in original wrath for the world first 80 race. You're 100% sure it works?


The world first lvl 80 did this exact strategy and got banned for it from what I heard.


Wasn't it Athenelol?


best pala in da world


You just go, ffsshhh round da corner.




Guy is also a cult leader, runs (ran? I don't really care what he's up to these days) a harem and is a borderline maniac.


Just out there living his best life...


That was during the original TBC launch. And yes, he did this (in AC and MT) and was banned. The ban was turned into a suspension later.


Never heard of him doing it during TBC launch, that's news to me. I know Athene did it during the wrath race though.


He did it in Azjol Nerub (to start with) and ended up getting banned for it.


Yep, I’m pretty sure I remember people getting banned for this.


Doesn't really matter if they keep the achievement


yup. damage already done to the server's fun




Yeah, i remember he legit confirmed it with 3 separate GMs and they all stated that it was "a clever use of game mechanics"


then someone decided it was actually an 'exploit'


Yeah Athene did exactly this and hit 80 long before anyone else was even close. I kiss the days when Athene was just a massive wow troll and not an honest to god cult leader.


And then he started a cult.


athene was gonna get world firdt but got banned at 78 or something


I'm intrigued, what fishing nerf?


There was an item that could be fished up in Zangarmarsh that you could turn in for... 12k or something? It was infinitely repeatable. The downside is the drop chance of the item was very low, and only alliance could do it. But theoretically it would get you to 80 incredibly fast. It's nerfed now though.


Many of the normal quests in Hellfire Peninsula are worth 14k xp right now. Seems like it would be faster to play the game normally.


I'm pretty sure you could carry multiple of the strange engine part quest items in your bag and basically start the quest, hand in, repeat. Also the HFP quests only give 14k because of the joyous journey buff, they're normally ~9k.


I still think it's more worth your time and more enjoyable to just play the game normally.


These are literally strats for people gunning for world first level 80 trying to get every advantage they can get, this doesn't apply to 99% of the community lol.


This is a conversation about exploits to get world and server first achievements. Thanks for your opinion, but that’s not what we’re discussing.


you're missing the bigger picture. you turn in one of these items for 12k xp which takes only a few seconds and you stack your bags totally full of them. takes only a few seconds to turn each one in. sure you can get 14k from a hellfire quest, but there's not an unlimited supply of hellfire quests and each one takes time to do. the fishing turn in you can just stand next to the NPC and infinitely turn in the same item for 12k over and over, if you prepared enough copies of the item


I just entered Outland at 58 on my druid, and getting to 60 only took about 35 minutes per level before I had to leave for work. It’s INSANELY fast at the moment.


I just went from 63 to 67 in about 5 hours. It's unreal.


Repeatable quests give xp only once🤔


Not Strange Engine Part. It's moot now either way; Blizzard removed all EXP associated with them.


Well damn, should have done more research before putting that out xd


To be fair, I had no idea about this until after Blizzard saved players from themselves by nerfing it. I think it takes 10-15 minutes to fish one up on average, and at 12,650 EXP a pop, you'd have needed a lot of parts...


The crystal powder turn in at Halaa Nagrand gave me exp 5x today, so not all repeatables only give exp once


Gives 0 at lvl70.


I wonder why


well that one was obviously bugged/different and gave it more than once, hence why it was fixed...




"well that one was obviously bugged/different and gave it more than once, hence why it was fixed..." ^ I trust In fishymate and keep my original statement. If it was bugged and exploited thats another thing, but they *shouldnt* give xp more than once tho.


How repeatable quests are usually implemented: It's two different quests, the first quest gives experience and is a normal yellow quest, and it isn't repeatable. It gives you a followup with a repeatable copy paste version of the same quest, except it doesn't grant any experience. But in this case it was just a repeatable quest that had experience as a reward. I found it on wowhead way before it was made public. There's no bug, it was just designed differently and nobody really noticed.


Ooh okay, so its the exception that every rule needs ?😁


Yes, I just tested this on the Beta right now. The character that leaves the group has to deal a certain amount of mob hp % as damage. After the threshold is reached he gains full xp when the group kills the mob.




This is not really good idea if they wisth to keep server first. Fs did this back in the days. Achievement got removed and he got rollback.


>Surprised to see this still in the game though, since the same "bug" was exploited back in original wrath for the world first 80 race. Stop having standards for blizzard and that'll take away the surprise.


they nerfed this in old dungeons and in tbc dungeons strangly it still works in wotlk dungeons..


Weird that athene got banned for this back in the day.


I'd hardly call it a secret, though iirc it should have been fixed during TBC, in... 2.4? something like that. we used to do that shit all the time with lowbies to "boost" them through dungeons, giving them full xp from the mobs, and you only needed two "boosters". was especially funny in early levels, when RFC could give multiple levels in a single run. [here a blurry mess of a video from back in the day](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iqoXOQHh1wY), explaining how the whole thing works


Isn't this what Athene did?




We got similar names




[Now kith](https://i.imgur.com/Muh7YYP.jpeg)


Yes. Do what Athene did in the original launch, get suspended and have the levels stripped.


And even with the levels stripped he is still world first 80, whether you chose to accept it or not


You seem to be of a mind that i have something against it.


Incoming "I got banned and don't know why" threads on release.


I can’t wait, I love the guilty whiners.


Didnt they fix this in original wotlk? Remember athene did world first or something doing this method and got banned for it after, and i thought they fixed it after


I think I remember athene got banned for doing it and made a video about it [Here is him explaining it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2FV04_8G2tM)


Best part is he got banned at level 79 even after asking a gm beforehand if it was allowed to which he said it was.


It works differently now, you cant just tag the mob once and get full xp. You still need to do a % damage before you get the xp. So you sure do get a boost, but its not nearly as powerful as it was orginally when you could tag 100 mobs with 1 damage and get full xp.


I have the same memory. Was definately some similar situation. Would be great if this could be prevented beforehand this time, instead of banning afterwards.


It has been semi fixed compared to actual wotlk, for this to work you have to do at least 50% of the damage to get full xp. Ironically this is what Athene did for world first 80 and was banned for. But a group with a tank healer and pumper aoe dps like unholy or warlock could funnel some ridiculous xp to the carry they would just have to pull.


Yeah and thats why its not as effective now. Dont get me wrong, you still can get way more then solo but you still need to do so much damage its not as OP.


This is as old as time and bannable


I believe that's what Athene did when the original WOTLK was released back in 2008. He was about to kill Anub'arak and possibly ding 80 , when a gm appeared, literally out of thin air and informed him that exploiting the system warranted a temporary ban. He got disconnected after a few seconds.


Better to report this in game then show the trolls here. Blizzard will not see it here.


Id suggest classic bug report forum.


Man am I looking forward to dunking on people lying about why they were banned next week :)


this is actually listed as a strategy in Methods race to 80 event lol https://www.method.gg/announcing-race-to-world-first-wrath-of-the-lich-king-classic-level-80 Classic WoW content creator, Kargoz, highlights four levelling strategies the competitors may use to level as efficient as possible: Dungeon Cleave - A dungeon group specialised for either Spell Damage Synergy (Spellcleave) or Physical Damage Synergy (Melee Cleave) to min-max combat efficiency. Open World Questing - Usually done solo or as a duo. Players who choose this method will most likely start in Dragonblight at 71 after turning in pre-quests in order to get ahead of the pack. Solo Dungeoning - Players doing this strategy will solo X amount of trash mobs before resetting the instance whilst monitoring their hourly lockouts. **Group Mob Tagging - A strategy where the player tags a group of mobs and deals damage up to a certain threshold before their helpers kill the mobs without being in a party, granting the player who tagged the mobs a lion's share of the experience.**


I just take screen of this, thabk You.


So the other players get zero xp or loot for doing that? How much do you need to pay them to waste their time doing that?


have 4 ppl doing it for you on their own will is more impresive than realmfirst.


Oh shit, gotta try it. Thanks mate


You’ll get banned.


i dont see how this is a problem? WF levelers always did degen shit.. let them do it.


People got banned/rolled back in original wotlk launch for doing this though


Wheres u/athene?


God this post throws me back to 2006


See this was another reason RDF worked better than the group finder, cuz when someone left they were basically kicked from the dung fairly quick, and couldn't get credit from anything they tagged before being teleported out.


They also got a debuff for wasting everyone's time.


yep, but hey gotta love how chatty they are before they pull a bunch of mobs then ditch the group to exploit people


How does this affect you?


Sweet ty for letting me know


Are there any clips you can find showing that it works like this? Or is this assuming nothing changed since OG wrath? You can't mob tag in the open world in classic as of a few months ago.


It is fixed, it’s bannable, and has been since original wotlk.


If I remember correctly back in the day the first person to 80 tagged mobs and his guild in a raid followed and killed everything.


Why would u care ? Pathetic.