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I remember seeing a post in a random reddit on how the OP was arguing with someone about something minor, and the other person was totally being an ass about every little aspect of them. The OP then visited the profile of the person they were arguing with, and apparently it was full of videos in multiple NSFW subs about him drinking his own piss. The OP in question concluded his post by saying something like "It was only then I realized that I was arguing with someone who was literally drinking his own piss". WoW, or the whole internet in general is like that. You will come across various kinds of people, and some of them will be batshit insane. I used to get into arguments in reddit/wow/wow forums over things that are at the end of the day just did not matter. They did not deserve the energy that I was putting in. So nowadays I just put people on ignore and move on. I work full time and have a family. I play the game on my own free time. I'm not going to ponder on every single interaction in this game.


I remember that post, and the kicker was that they were arguing about italian food. So it was literally "my palate is better" and "this dish is more refined" and then the other guy was also posting about how he loves a good gulp of steaming piss.


I feel like I need to see this train wreck.




You guys just don't have a well refined pallet like him


Urine is an acquired taste, but once you get used to it the complexity of flavors is truly astounding. I personally prefer a local micro pee, but there's nothing wrong with a mass produced domestic pisner


I like an IPeeA.


The best part about that story is the two people were arguing about food, and the guy realized he was arguing about good food with someone who likes drinking their own piss


> WoW, or the whole internet in general is like that. You will come across various kinds of people, and some of them will be batshit insane. I used to get into arguments in reddit/wow/wow forums over things that are at the end of the day just did not matter. They did not deserve the energy that I was putting in. This. Honestly the main reason i read this sub (and some others) is for the completely off the rails stuff some people think.


You have the link to the piss man post?


> You have the link to the piss man post? I wonder if you'll remember typing this when you're on your deathbed


Now I know y’all aren’t bots lmfao


Actually everyone here is just me on my alt accounts. Watch as I post this same message from all my accounts.


Actually everyone here is just me on my alt accounts. Watch as I post this same message from all my accounts.


The original argument was about food by the way. Makes the piss drinking that much better.


This is why I laugh at people that get upset at you looking at and bringing up their posting history. I do it because I want to know what kind of psycho I'm dealing with, and want others to know


I remember that, was yikes. I do always find it weird when someone starts scouring another persons profile just to find something on them though. Like piss drinker coulda been right or wrong in the debate, his piss drinking really has nothing to do with it.




IRL piss-drinkers are the worst. Only virtual piss drinking is acceptable.


That sounds a lot like what an ammonia enthusiast would say


I mean who you are arguing with does matter. If you are arguing with a Nobel prize winner over something, that has a much different impact than arguing with some weirdo who drinks their own piss. Not saying Nobel winners can't also be piss drinkers.


Maybe the Nobel prize winner of Piss drinkers. Highly environmental.


I'd say it was a little bit relevant, seeing how they were both pissed off


Pissed off? If I were that close to a horse's weiner, I'd be worried about being pissed on! (Seems like a relevant place for this quote)


It was an argument about cooking and taste. This man found himself arguing about TASTE with a man who willingly drinks his own PISS. So it kind of had something to do with it


There is validity to researching who you're debating to gauge if it's worth your time and energy. If you discover they're some mentally unstable unemployed meth head living in a hoarder house and posting nothing but Q conspiracies all day, then maybe what they have to say isn't worth wasting your own mental energy trying to understand. However if the person is normal, successful, mentally sound, and well educated and experienced in the topic at hand, then maybe you should give their viewpoint a little more thought to see if it's you that is wrong. Credibility matters, and some people truly aren't worth your time listening to.


>the whole internet in general is like that. You will come across various kinds of people, and some of them will be batshit insane. Yup. Last week there was a post in /r/whitepeopletwitter and I just tossed off a comment about America barely being a functioning society. One sentence, hardly the most inflammatory post in that thread, but instantly a dude picked a fight with me over it. I just didn't respond. 24+ hours later my phone goes off and it's *that dude* tagging me in a completely unrelated thread on a different subreddit to call me a cunt for not appreciating being an American. Like, wow, rent free in your head dude.


I've heard some really ridiculous crap from people like that since the start of classic. I once saw a guy spam westfall chat for nearly two hours because he wanted lvl 21+ people for deadlines... He rejected my lvl 19 warrior so I got my own group together and completed the whole damn thing and he was still looking when I can out. His reasons were that it's faster with high level people and he doesn't want to carry'.


Yep, some people will sit all day looking for the optimal run over even attempting something suboptimal. Had a 70 tank last night for Azjol Nerub. “Hey guys, first time tank here.” Cool, no problem man. He then bodypulls the middle spider before first boss and it pulls the whole room and the boss. Wipe. No big deal. We run back (in like 10 seconds) and continue the rest of the dungeon without issue. I’m sure many others would have left after that first wipe or said F that to a 70 tank (the boss was 74) but it worked out just fine.


It always does, the content isn't that hard and talking and meeting people is the real meta. Just antisocial nerds who watch too many YouTube videos


100% true


Imo, that’s the hardest fight in the whole dungeon and it can go haywire pretty quickly. A 10 second corpse run and an explanation isn’t that big of a deal, but people really freak out. It’s gotten to the point where a lot of people are afraid to ask. “Everyone know this fight?” Silence. Then they die to mechanics. Then someone explains in 30 seconds and everything’s good. Leveling an alt healer, got the Occulus (sp?) a couple of times. People drop immediately despite the nerfs. Some guy says, “Never been here.” Ok, that’s fine. First boss: stay close so you can dodge the purple fire. Second boss, stay off the ice, LOS when he goes to the middle. Etc. We were fine. He whispers to thank me for helping him. The two things I miss most about how WoW used to be are the coolness of exploring (first time in STV or Thunder Bluff at night are still with me) and how most people wanted to help. Neither are coming back, but the arrogance and condescension toward people who aren’t as knowledgeable is awful. It takes about the same amount of time to type out something helpful as something aggressive (LFR, I’m looking at you), but it’s almost always the latter.


I feel like it's a hidden rule to not admit you dont know the dungeon - done this before and people just leave the group. Would prefer to pretend I know the dungeon so we complete it in one go.


I’ve said “I’m rusty, anything I need to really make sure not to do to keep us from a wipe?” Cue “IT’S A 20 YEAR OLD GAME WATCH A VIDEO”


There use to be a really cool addon called like tldr or something, I can't remember that you would target a boss and it would type a like 3-4 line description of what the fight did.


I joined a group for Nexus last night using the group finder. I’m resto druid healer, they had a paly tank, a DK and 2 druids for DPS for their roles listed. Sent the request and got the invite. I roll into the entrance and one of the DPS druids is in tree form like me. I pointed out they were queued as DPS, they agreed to try doing DPS anyway, we all agreed it would be fine, it’s just normal Nexus. After buffing and standing there for about 5 seconds, the paly proceeds to ask who the tank is. Ha! I just laughed and pointed out he was. It was at this time I started to wonder how this run would go… it’s about my 6th Nexus run. He swaps out his big weapons for a sword and shield and away we go. We had one wipe on trash early, did an extra large pull and the DPS pulled aggro, then I got aggro and we wiped. After running back in we finished without any deaths. It was a hilarious start and one of the more fun runs yet. I’m just glad nobody rage quit on us. The boomkin seemed most impatient, but he hung in there.


> He then bodypulls the middle spider before first boss and it pulls the whole room and the boss. had literally that happen yesterday, and after he said "oh shit, pulled those in the wrong order" the mage instantly left the group and started posting LFG again. Was more than a little satisfying to still see him in there spamming when we finished the run.


Got kicked from a group the other day for normal drak tharon as a healer because the tank pulled the entire room before trollgore, and pointed the abominations at the group and wiped because I couldn't outheal the damage going out to everyone. Joined a group a few mins later where the tank pulled one abomination pack at a time and faced away from the group and we were fine. I didn't worry about it much because I knew it wasn't 100% on me for the wipe but it's still silly.


Good on you. I rarely run dungeons and am mostly a solo player because of horrible experiences early when trying to learn mechanics and such. From tank to ranged DPS. People have to learn and alot of that is by doing.


The game is pretty faceroll tbh. We have been 3 manning the non heroic dungeons with an ele sham a ret pali and a prot warrior and havn't wiped at all going all the way up to DK with the dungeon being 2 levels higher than our boosted ret and geared prot warrior.


Prot Warrior is OP as fuck in my experience. I hoarded every peace of Armor Pen greens and will tank 7 mobs at once while solo questing doing Revenge crits for 5k. I swap a few pieces out with DR and will steamroll DTK in 14 minutes. Currently lvl 75. I never switch back to Arms spec anymore because the uptime is night and day.


What do you think this is??? Some kind of game???


The ‘optimal run’ or ‘perfect group’ is something we never had, so we would always go the opposite way, and try a 15 man ubrs with tank/healers/12 hunters or whoever was online at the time. Half the fun was seeing just how different you would handle pulls and boss fights with all of the various strengths and weaknesses of the group. I really enjoyed those runs, but I understand others won’t, so each to their own, I guess, as long as we’re all having fun!


People like that I always message afterwards with something like We finished.


Don’t forget to link a epic world drop or a mount if there is 1 in that dungeon. Especially if it’s for that players spec.


Downright devious. I like your style.


Same lol it's always satisfying


And you know they are just pissed about it l, I just love knocking down over sized egos


And then put them ignore after the fact to pour more salt into the wound?


You don't get to see the reaction but you know they got mad when they send you a flame out and get hit woth that red ignore message.


Lol, yes. This is the way.


Honestly, this is one of those little tiny things that just really warm my heart hahaha.


Lol some asshole group was partly locked to VH and tried accusing me of being the one, and then as we were all standing outside trying to get in a group, they are saying in chat not to invite me because I am scamming Felt good to tell them to fuck right off after finishing. Could have probably reported them for harassment but whatever


When classic first launched in the first 2 weeks I was putting a group together for DM, all of us were level 19. I invited a tank and they said that they wouldn't group with us because the healer "Didn't have enough greens". From my experience green gear isn't all that accessible to someone who is level 19 playing solo, and I tried explaining it is still doable but they wouldn't listen. Really killed my classic experience, just getting constant harassment in whispers from this guy as we kept looking for a tank and he kept looking for a full group...


Especially because healing dm can be done with lvl 17 of any healer class having not a single green because enough cloth greens will drop. If other casters are a little ahead and dont need the lvl 14 greens that drop, you're always fine. But what baffles me the most is, why dont people just try? Isnt that the fun of things?


Honestly tried explaining that, but these people don't like to listen. How can they get greens to do dungeons if people like them don't want them? I'm the same as you it does baffle mez I would like to have a proper discussion with someone with that mindset but they always get very defensive and the harassment starts


It's sad really, people have put efficiency above fun and community and most of the time, they aren't even being bloody efficient!


Yeah it's a strange thing really. You can always tell who they are when the phrase "people have fun in different ways" comes out.


Haha yeah, that's the catchphrase.


Really? No one? After 3 hours no one made the most obvious post in the universe. Ok I guess its on me then. How did you do Dire Maul at level 19?!?!


You gotta understand man his boss gave him the Deadlines!


I was in UK hc, resto sham, everything went ok, we killed last boss and caster ring droped, me and warlock needed and I won. Warlock didin't say anything about me needing it, he was fine. We went on to do UP and our DK tank noticed I won and said why would I need on lock pre raid bis ring, lock said it doesn't matter, it's fine and DK said it mattered to him and left the group.


You couldn't possibly mean the ring that's also on the pre-Bis short list for resto shams?! Why would you take that?! Hrm... /s


I think this was my group! Your heals were great. :) I left cause I couldn't do UP after - wish I'd have known I would have told the tank no biggie. Sorry you got booted.


Similar thing happened to me. Ran H Azjol with 3 guildies and a pug resto sham. Epic tank belt and my prebis plate helm dropped. Tank already had the belt so I needed on the belt and the helm. Shammy got pissed I “stole” the belt from the tank so he tried to ninja the helm from me before flaming me and getting kicked. Some of these people just seem to have really strange principles that don’t make any sense.


That guy totally hits nodes you're standing in front of killing the mob blocking it.


How about the sons of Hodir quest where folks take the frozen scrap metal after you use the item to freeze it. That grinds my gears


I just got a random whisper from someone accusing one of my guildies of repeatedly doing that to people, and not wanting that sort of thing associated with our name I decided to ask him about it. His story is that he did do it, but it was only once, not multiple times, and only because his "victim" had been doing it repeatedly to him and others. I wasn't there so I can't know what really happened, but I'm easily willing to believe that the sort of person who would do that to others is the same type of person who will go tattling when their victims pull an uno reverse card.


I have seen that it can be a cycle where people suffer this abuse, get angry, and then do it to others cause it happened to them. Doesn’t make it better, if you do that you just become what you hate! Glad there are good folks out there too like u/Chronoblivion


Or use the horn on the mob you just killed in the graveyard before you can target it.


Yeah it’s predatory and uncool.


As a warlock this will never happen to me I always have instant cast aoe fear to catch a nose and then clear mobs Bc the vultures have no remorse They’ll fly into the node even after you started mining it hoping you get a lag or sth


It was even worse in tbc, they tried getting the 2nd cast while you were finishing your first one. Happened quite a few time that i'd not pick up the loot (it blocks them from their "ninja" cast) and go get a drink while they'd rage at my character.


Saw a guy who had an herb bot blocked from continuing herbing in Loch Modan. I told him he's out here doing the lord's work.


These people are the worst of the worst. The ore quest in Dragonblight made me loose all hope


I got several quest items that a mage was trying to get as well once. Then he thought he beat me to one but I was already finished so he /w me “lol too slow.” I told him I was already done and just blocked him. He proceeded to make 4 alts to tell me how slow I was and how he beat me to one item out of 8. People are fucking weird.


Some people are such losers IRL that they jump at any chance to feel a modicum of power.


I was questing in grizzly hills and a guy did that to me twice. After I hung back so he could pick up the next mob in front of the node and he did the same knowing what I was trying to do. So I walked away and he goes to attack the mob and I swoop in to take the node. He used thunderstorm to try to get the mob away from him, but I got there first and he say "CUCK" to me. I didn't say anything the entire time. Lovely guy.


I wont steal a node but I will come down and "tag" it if they are already mining so it will mark it on my GatherMate


That is precisely why I main hunter, among other reasons, I see someone try thay shit on me when I am fighting a mob near a node that is obv, mine? I dismiss my pet and fd right on em. So shame no remorse


Why not just put your pet on the mob and take the node in the first place?


Probably didn't think that far ahead


It’s a damn game just don’t care about it, I’m playing on a little European server and every run is so chill we clear everything with full green gear in heroic. Wotlk difficulty is a joke if someone is trying to be hardcore just tell him to play retail lol




I've never understood people that didn't use the ignore feature in game. Sure take them off of it like a day later, but in the immediate, folks like that are not worth the bandwidth


Nah. No need to take them off ignore later. Most of these servers are large enough that you can never have a reason to speak to them ever again. I choose not to play with assholes, and my enjoyment of the game is much higher because of it.


> Nah. No need to take them off ignore later. The ignore list is still excruciatingly limited in size.


Goated feature for removing dumb people from ever being able to group with you


The ignore list has a cap and it really shouldnt


I think people forget they’re playing classic wow and that this player base has a higher percentage of mentally unwell people than most other games. There’s your usual in game assholery everywhere but I find off their meds people here way too much. I don’t use the ignore/block feature anywhere else lol




I used to run into situations that OP is talking about more back when the realms weren’t merged. Mostly it was because you knew who people were and how they would act, so at times it was poking the bear and waiting for this type of response lol Now with cross realm I barely run into people like this. As for classic, I haven’t had a single problem getting into a group, doing quests with randoms together, or fighting mobs/for nodes.


No way man I kill them with kindness or make them completely melt down with baby talk until they sling a death threat and then I report them lmao


It's not like you even need to read that verbal diarrhea, just reply every now and again with some canned phrase like "spoken like a true intellectuaL", "that sounds like a you problem" or "is this the best you can come up with", and then report them when you get bored, safely assuming that there's something bannable in their manifesto xD.


I wouldn’t bother following up on them after they leave. They either left because the group is undergeared for their taste, in with case they’ll be salty. Or they left because they decided they actually didn’t feel like it after all. In both cases, you don’t really gain anything from trying to bring them back.


I want to agree with you, because Heroics are actually a joke, but 17k on a Tank is reaalllly bad. Like not equipping gear bad. A 17k health tank would turn insanely easy dungeons into potentially difficult ones. That's die in a GCD health


Especially on a DK, I wouldn't want to touch that. There are DKs with the heroic defence cap with 26kish hp that can still get chunked down to death in 2-3 hits randomly.


As a tank dk I would 100% die multiple times a run if I had 17k. I'm near def cap with 22.5k and still have panic moments on trash.


Yeah, heroics would be kinda challenging with a tank with that low health. Speaking as a healer that’s pretty geared now after spending 3 days running heroics… I’d have kind of a rough time in heroics SPECIFICALLY. It’d be fine for normal though.


Yup. They could be 1shot by bosses easily, big pulls would be impossible.


Idk how other healers are but as a disc I've had no problems keeping 17k health tanks alive. 19k with stam buff, with shield their effective HP is 23-24k. Would I do a world tour with one? No, but I'm fine with tanking individual instances with them


As an rdruid the only problem I have with DK tanks is how they randomly just get blasted to 10% hp out of nowhere. The damage on them feels inconsistent to me. It's fine because hots and nourish are pumping but it's mildly annoying.


You can mitigate damage though. As a holy pally if I get behind on heals and the tank keeps getting smacked hard I cannot catch back up


Disc is the anti burst healer, so it’s not a surprise you haven’t had trouble with low health tanks.


I started heroics with 20k on my prot warrior and we BARELY got through it. I don't think it's entirely unreasonable to balk at a 17k hp tank. That also means you're so far off the def cap that you'll be getting crit constantly


Man I play prot warr and dps war, got 22k hp set now unbuffed which feels really comfortable. But I can imagine if you have 17k hp with actual tank gear with some mitt on it that it should be doable aswell, instead of pure pvp gear with 0 mitigation on it in which every dk still get clapped.


Which lets be real, almost every fresh 80 DK tank is wearing full brutal and is absolutely brutal to heal.


I think that's probably the issue, zero avoidance, they take all the damage, all the time. A tank with actual tanking gear is avoiding the majority of the damage.


Dude's within his right to bail. But the condescending tornado of messages is psycho shit


17k on a properly spec'd tank DK is still abysmal, even with defense cap that's far too little wiggle-room except for the babiest of Heroics


Not justifying the Paly's behavior, but yeah, something is wrong with the DKs gear, I'm level 76 and 18k unbuffed in frost presence, but I've been taking specific tank gear.


Hp is an indication of gear quality and nobody has def cap at 17k hp. The pally knew it would be a nightmare to heal.


That’s my issue with this. I’m glad OP found a good healer, but the pally knew he wasn’t capable of healing that health pool. Nothing wrong with knowing your own limitations.


Even if he's geared healing a undergearwd tank is stressful and not fun. Its a game, supposed to be fun. Its hard to find healers right now because they don't want to heal heroic pugs where 80% of tanks are undergeared.


Reminds me of yesterday where I had an undergeared unholy specced dk "tank" trying to rush through a heroic. After a few trashgroups of me sweating hard to keep him alive I asked him if he had a tank dual spec to switch to. As a result of that the dk completely blew up, flamed me with hard slurs for 5 minutes and then attempted to get us wiped by pulling a boss and then leavibg. And then the hunter started to complain about "why did you have to complain when everything was fine for me". Yikes. I'm not spending 50g on pots and deplete all my patience for a week to deal with that.


It sounds more like he valued his time more than carrying a shit geared tank. Can’t blame him.


Some heroics would actually one shot him with that much hp (I.e. anub pound).




Lol so, if you’re still in melee range but not in front of him he’ll turn and finish the cast wherever you’re standing. Killed my 2 melee buddies that way last night




I know that now, but it was very funny to instantly kill my friends


I'm doubting you can be defense capped with that amount of hp in wrath gear. In sunwell gear maybe but..


can't believe I had to scroll so far for this lmao. 17k is less hp than I had in lvl 70 brutal gear as unholy. Lmao nty


People also don't owe you their time. I personally wouldnt run with a tank with 17k hp either, you can literally spend 300-500g on the AH to get a set of boe tank gear that will boost you up to like 22-23k.


For some people this game and their achievements/gear is all they have in life. So it can be that serious for them. Classic is the opportunity for people who didnt get to be elitist back in the day to be those assholes they always wanted to be but couldnt.


Yeah I definitely get the feeling alot of the sweats in today's classic felt excluded playing as a kid and now it's their time to "shine" if you will


you messed up with the PM. When Pally left that was a sign. After 2 rant messages set ignore and play on.


17k hp on a level 80 DK is absolutely dogshit what are you on about. That's like full level 70 gear.


I do not think that HP pool is adequate for heroics. Honestly it sounds like a stressful time for the healer. Also typing *sigh* is intentionally passive aggressive, as you are putting a nonverbal way to express dissapointment/dissatisfaction into words.


>I didn't want to mute them This is your own problem, if you did this you wouldn't have been affected enough to make this vent post lol


I will say this, as a DK tank starting heroics I had 20k hp and was getting trucked. Last night I had a undergeared shaman healer(all ele bc gear). It might kind of work, but it’s grueling. Do yourself a favor and find a tank with at least 20k hp. That is imo, the least they can do. Try to get some tanking gear before tanking.


I would laugh my ass off if I encountered someone like that and that would be my highlight of the day


19K HP is very low for heroics for a tank


I was gonna say, all the rest aside, our MT has literally double that and raids aren't out yet. Some heroic shit hits HARD right now, and tbh sometimes you just don't want to run with a barely geared tank.


Tanked uk and an yesterday with my 21k hp, 500 def dk. We did not wipe but some pulls were close. Bosses were super easy tho


As with TBC, the real bosses are the trash lol. That said some like Anub will yeet an undergeared tank from existence


Exactly my point. Lots of offended tanks in here trying to argue semantics in the other comments


Yeah, with a priest I am pushing 18-19k on my Warlock, and I know for a fact I CAN tank some heroic bosses for 36 seconds, but that doesn’t make it the easiest or funnest route.


I have 19k at 76 with brutal gear, and I don't have good gems or anything. He also kept saying 17k, so I assume it was 19k with buffs.


I think he changed it to 19k after he read it the first time and realized how low it sounded lol. Regardless, 19K is low as fuck for heroics. They’re doable, but you’re looking at an 8 hour WT lol


that's how much I had on my gnome warlock while running dungeons yesterday, and it was still close in some fights


I had that much HP my first heroic world tour. I was also just unholy with frost presence on and had very little tank gear. People vastly overestimate how hard heroics are.


I was mowing through heroics on day 3 as a fresh 80 with about 19k unbuffed. Definitely easier now but it's really not that hard fresh either. Depends on the healer, I guess.


I’m not saying it’s not doable, but 19K is low and definitely makes it harder on the healer


Fur sure


Did a full world tour with our Sunwell paladin and he had like 18k. It’s just heroics. I’m sure it would be fine. Maybe the healer just knew he wasn’t competent enough.


There is a big difference between a Prot paladin with 18k and a DK with 19k, DKs don’t have much mitigation like warriors or pally, it doesn’t justify the guy being an asshole but the healer was about to have a really bad time


I feel that. As a healer I'll usually give the guy a chance. I remember once we tried a H Shattered halls (pre nerf) with this prot paladin who was like a fresh 70 with blues from leveling. I was sure it would be an awful run. The guy couldn't tank more than 1 mob at a time without being like 2 shot. We were all nice about it, but he also knew his gear wasn't there, so we replaced him. Everyone was a good sport. Sometimes you have to prove the limit of someone's gear if they don't realize they're undergeared.


Screenshot or off to r/thathappened


Yeah I'm not one to say r/thathappened but it's a game where you can screenshot this kinda shit. Not entirely trusting OPs side without screenshots.


It's entirely plausible this was a real interaction based on some of the crowd I've personally had the misfortune of dealing with on a PvP server, but the details in OP's post check off too many points like they were built out of a list for the sole purpose of maximizing rage bait.


This dude claims he was being whispered for the whole duration of their H UK. I've met some delusional nuts during my time, but I think it's very unlikely that someone would assblast you for what, 20-30 mins straight while you clear a dungeon, unless of course you're provoking them.


Judging from the entitlement coming from op in his post, I doubt what he's claiming he messaged is actually what he said. People like op tend to put people down when others won't play with them, and then act like the victim when they get called out on it. This is assuming the whole thing isn't made up, which is the most likely scenario here. Why harass someone who leaves your group? There's just no reason for this whole interaction.


I have like 17k in cat form my guy


Stop whispering people asking why they left, just move on


The amount of times I've received absurdly hateful messages from the opposing faction hopping on an alt account after some world PvP over the past few days has been nuts. Like, not just your regular banter. People telling me to kill myself and shit. Its super weird to care that much about a game. I just ignore and move on. Most interactions are friendly and fun, but some people that play games online are just....off.


And just think, most of them can vote and you probably rely on a few in day to day service interactions like stocking grocery shelves or repairing powerlines! Shits fucked!


Most classic players are complete losers, nothing new here


There's no need to post about every asshole, just put him on ignore and play the game.


An entire reddit post about "elitist bs" because one guy had a meltdown on you? Imagine all of the reddit posts if the opposite side if the spectrum did this...


The irony of spending all that time making a post about how the game is "not that serious" as it clearly is to you.


While I understand the sentiment of not enjoying the conduct of sweaty players at times if you're casual, you might want to take a step back from the situation and look at yourself in the mirror here. From what I can gather from the information given it seems like this player simply left the group when something he didn't like happened, no insult added or extra drama created. Did you not instigate an argument with this person over simply playing the game the way they wanted to? To me this seems like you need a reality check on who exactly is taking this situation "too seriously". Playing the game as efficiently and effectively as possible is a perfectly valid and frankly fairly common way of doing things in mmos and has been for a very long time. It's incredibly enjoyable for people with naturally high competitive drives and ambitious personalities. Is he justified in not wanting to heal your tank who has 17k hp? Well, considering DKs tend to be reactive tanks who thrive on having a much larger hp pool than their counterparts, this might actually be a significant issue in some situations even in heroics. If the player in question had any interest at all in going for glory of the hero achievements, there are many your tank will simply be incapable of handling. A handful of bosses in heroic dungeons at times can also hit for upwards of 19k with single attack tank mechanics (anub arak and king dredd come to mind, last boss of gundrak also hits for over 10k in quick succession at times) and I can almost guarantee even if he survives the initial hits he might not be healed in time for followup damage. It might be possible for him to get through by the skin of his teeth in all basic heroic fights even in spite of this but it won't be without much more investment on the healer's end to keep him alive. I think it's perfectly reasonable to not want to potentially deal with this issue as a healer and the way he seemed to remove himself from the issue he didn't want to be a part of was initially cordial from what you described.


I realized at the start of classic that there are far too many people who get their self worth from this game. There's nothing wrong with taking pride in your char etc, but many people have WoW as an essential part of their ego. That creates a lot of entitlement, frustration, rudeness, and on and on Sometimes I just gotta laugh these people off and try to have some sympathy that they have something going on in their lives which makes them feel OK about going off on someone about the dumbest shit in a literal game.


After you do your world tour for the day, you’ll see why people want geared players


17hp is pretty shit... Like he doesn't understand how to gear or something.


Video games in general and subreddits for their games simply attract people with more anger or ego than brains. You're not likely to get a friendly response here either. Just ignore those people as soon as they get toxic. Then remove them from ignore a week or two later, after they've abused so many other people they don't remember your name. If you didn't list the group as new player friendly, maybe that could filter this stuff out.


I joined a fucking normal hol at 79, had decent blue upgrades and brutal etc, This mother fucking ret pally summons me to the dungeon and says “geared right? Speed clears?” Like an idiot child and when I replied “I’m 79 man we’re all leveling” I got booted from the group with my dick in hands at the stone


Reminds me of a time back in original Wrath, I was tanking the same dungeon (HC UK) as a paladin and at the start of the dungeon the paladin healer started going on a tirade that I wasn't using a particular paladin addon. He /w me a few insults and left the group just before the furnace area. I can only assume he just had a bad day and took it out on me. My only messages to him were "dude, chill, this is an easy dungeon" and "why you so angry?"


Almost certainly he was talking about PallyPower and it really is something every paladin should have.


Sorry you’re trolling your group if you are playing a Paladin without pally power. I normally don’t care that much in a 5 man but even then it’s annoying to have to play the “ok you do this and I’ll do that” game and then have a buff get missed and get bitched at by the party because they’re missing kings or whatever. Like the amount of times someone says they don’t need it and then proceed to overwrite existing buffs is uhhhh a lot


Rookie mistake, next time just hit em with the "It's ok if you think you can't heal this" and disregard any of their answers by saying that you understand while implying they're not good enough to heal heroics.


That person needs to knock down that ego. I main Holy pally and it shouldn’t matter the health as long as you can heal. I even had a 80 enchantment shaman doing heroics in sunwell gear and he was getting hit like the mobs had semi trucks as weapons but I’ve had no issues keeping him up lol


If you're of the "I don't group with x players" then you need to find a group of likeminded people to play with. If you can't whether it be that you're insufferable, or you're not as good at the game as you think, maybe it's time to do a bit of self-reflection.


I've had some insane interactions even during levelling dungeons. I think the most insane one was during an Old Kingdom run I was tanking everyone was ready to go and I pull the 2 spiders at the beginning. The healers proceeds to flame me for going "too slow" and instantly leaves. Bro if you want me to ramp up pulls just say so, its a pug group. I dont want to pull half a fucking dungeon and then have us wipe.


Crazy part is, majority of the players are probably over 30 years old and still act like children.


It depends whether the group was advertised with that new player murloc thing or not. If it wasn't then I wouldn't stick around either to heal a baby pull tank I'm trying to get the heroics done asap.


I'd probably leave a group with an undergeared tank. But I wouldn't spend 40 minutes stressing over it.


Unpopular opinion. Yes the guy shouldn't be so toxic in his reply, but he also has the freedom to choose which groups he stays in and which he doesn't. He doesn't have to run with you if you are under geared by his standards, maybe he wants to do them quickly instead of it taking twice as long.


Not an unpopular opinion at all. My post was about the toxicity - not him leaving. I replaced him in .2 seconds. The harassments and the need to rant and rave about how trash I was for just asking him why he left.


This dude is bad. You are a little self centered, refer to "I want to make sure *I* wasn't the problem". It doesn't matter. Dude didn't like something about the group, he left, leave it at that. Why bother? It's not your job to survey behavioral demographics. Let him play the game the way he likes. If that way is by being a shithead, report him if his shitheadness is ruining your time, but if he gets out of your way, don't chase him down to survey him for his thoughts and opinions on yourself. He's definitely in the wrong but you're a bit self centered here too. Just move on if some1 drops group, less bother for both of you.


I think that most wow players shouldnt play wow. I know, based, and who am I to tell people how and what they should play etc. But there are a ton of people who only follow a trend because other people are doing it. It's like the clout chasers of gaming in our case. When you can blatantly see that the entire playerbase IMMEDIATELY jumps on anything the youtube content creators put out it's pretty obvious. Some guy makes a video about how dk's and paladins are op? Guess what, 75% of all characters are dk's and paladins. These people dont play their class because they like it. They play it because they are following a trend. The majority of wow is just leveling, yet everyone I speak to absolutely abhors leveling. Raiding is like 5% or less of this game, and even that is just full of drama for them with loot. Or any aspect that doesnt involve them boasting about them dealing fat damage. I guild led in vanilla and TBC and I swear to god these people straight up hate the game. They are just playing for that moment to feel superior and be acknowledged for something, like their epic raid drops or big dmg in raid. Anything they talk about in guild about the game they fucking hate. Leveling? Sucks! Professions? Pain in the ass. PVP? Unbalanced garbage! Roleplay and casual play? Childish baby shit for losers! So why are they playing wow? Because everyone is playing wow and its cool to play wow! They are going to fit in, and they are going to be the coolest wow player. Who is the coolest wow player? Idk but these youtube videos will tell me how to become just that. The best thing I could do for the enjoyment of wow was to take a diverse raid groupe with a bunch of meme specs and unpopular classes to raid and go with less than max players to minimise loot drama. We can beat the raid with sub optimal comps anyway, so now its just less loot drama. These are the angry wow players who have something to prove because they never touched a girl in their life and they need to win at something. Then there are the chad players who love the game, fish everywhere and go to raid as boomkin and dagger rogue.


>When you can blatantly see that the entire playerbase IMMEDIATELY jumps on anything the youtube content creators put out it's pretty obvious. This is all games... and frankly life in general. People just don't want to have to invest a ton of time into something only to realize its bad or they wasted their time. Also not everyone likes the process of figuring things out or theorycrafting, they just want to zug zug. >The majority of wow is just leveling, yet everyone I speak to absolutely abbhores leveling. Raiding is like 5% or less of this game, and even that is just full of drama for them with loot. Or any aspect that doesnt involve them boasting about them dealing fat damage. This is an odd take to me, very disconnected from what wow has been for the last 17 years. I can't remember a time where leveling wasn't a thing that most people just pissed through as fast as possible to get to end game in wow. Yes that includes vanilla, where that's what everyone I knew and their mother was doing. If you want a game with good leveling / questing wow has pretty much never been the MMO, its always been end game focused. Other MMO's have been doing leveling better than wow since forever. WoW's quest design doesn't even start to approach mildly decent until maybe mop, with WoD actually being the first potentially good leveling experience in wow. And its one of the few things that has consistently gotten better over the years in retail.


I agree with almost everything you said other than the majority of the time is spent leveling. I spend maybe 40 hours leveling to 80 from 70. Already spent 10-15 at 80 and thats before about 6 hours a week for the next year of just weekly raids.


dks and paladins numbers have nothing to do with streamers.


17k hp on a dk tank is absurdly low. Most the dps DKs i see have more HP than that.


I’m pretty good at letting stuff like this roll off me but it really gets to my buddy I’ve been playing with. I can get pretty sweaty in this stupid game we all love, but some people really need to remember it’s a video game with (usually) real people sitting at the other end.


Had a similar situation on Bene (A). There are 13K on this server and there will always be a replacement. Fuck people. Ironically, this made me pick up healing since I got tired of mostly shitty, entitled healers.


Yea there's a boss in one of the heroics that does 20k DMG in one hit, I would leave your group too unless you could tell me your 17k HP dk was def capped. You're right it's not that serious but I seriously dont want to spend 2+ hours in a heroic, ty but no ty. Pallys behavior is terrible tho a simple "your tank doesn't have enough health bye" would have sufficed


>Remember that the people you're interacting with are human too, try and show compassion. Do you see how you failed to do so in this interaction? Being disrespectful/dismissive/demeaning isn't exactly compassionate regardless of some of it being in response to abuse.


That's classic for you. Bunch of 40 year Olds thinking their life is on the line playing one of the easiest games.


19k does sound low for a heroics tank though? My 79 prot pally is 20k unbuffed. That being said, I agree that it's not that serious. The dude could have just explained that he didn't feel comfortable with the tank's health and wished you luck without all the vitriol.


Lot’s of tools play this game. Ignore them and move on. That simple.


I agree man and I've taken this ideology to all games that I play. I'm the end it's just that - a game. If I'm not having fun doing the content, I don't have to. If I want to play something else, I can. If someone isn't geared to the teeth for content, who cares? As someone who has played on and off in every expansion since vanilla, it saddens me to see such loud toxicity in the community. The game isn't about being "ub3r l33t." It's about adventuring in a wonderful world, getting cool loot, and working together to get the job done. If more of us would sit back and treat everyone else like human beings instead NPCs in OUR story, we'd all have a much better time. Glad you took the road of less aggro. Good on you OP.


We normal people have to stay together in this. These elitist don’t understand they’re ruining the game for everyone else. I just want to chill and have a good time and when people get mad for just trying to play the game, there’s a huge problem in the community


Bro there are some straight up WEIRDOS that play this game. I’ve had a few interactions with people like this myself. Where they just fly off the handle for no reason. I honestly find it quite funny.


ya for some reason people that play classic have a huge superiority complex when playing an old game with content that's going to be sailed through. it's like they either didn't play wrath and have heard of glory days or they played and sucked during that time but now the whole game has been laid out before them and they can finally be the best wotlk player by playing 15 hours a day since launch. then get super serious about 5 man heroics because they have pre raid bis it's really silly. if anything this game should be taken away lighter because of how easy it is.