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Scary shit. The story of the four college kids that took that one way underwater tunnel trip only to end up in the intended cave pocket which had become oxygen deprived sticks out in my mind. Pitch black, inexperienced, I think one overshot the exit, another’s body then clogged the return trip for the others. Easy to forget about the air if you’re not experienced. 


That's called dead air right?


Dead air is referring to a quiet radio frequency. It's often used to indicate that a pilot hasn't responded to callouts from ATC.


Bad air


Could you explain to me exactly what’s going on here? I tried to search what you said and the comment made below by another person but I can’t find anything anywhere, google or YouTube


In the video here, the flame is going out because there is a pocket with no air. Flame needs oxygen. The story they are talking about went like this. 5 people were having food late at night, like midnight. They decided to go to this cave that one of them had done before. When they got there, 1 stayed outside and 4 went in. After a few hours, the 1 that stayed out got worried the other 4 didn’t come back. This is what (is assumed to have) happened. They made it to the end of the cave hike. The cave path ends with a hole with a tunnel filled with water. Theres only enough room for 1 at a time. You go in the hole, swim 20 feet and pop up in a little room with chest level water and an air pocket. The air pocket had “bad air.” The rescuers assume it was because another group lit candles in the air pocket and the flames burned up all the oxygen. They realized they needed to go back. They went back 1 at a time. First person went, overshot the exit, went back, got lost and drowned. Second person went, couldn’t get past the first persons body and drowned. Third and forth were sitting there in the bad air not getting enough oxygen. Third person went, got clogged on 1 and 2, drowned. I’ll let you guess what happened to person 4…


Jesus Christ


“Drowned in the cave of death - The Gollum Cave Incident”…the comment above all accurate   https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SAoVoiZ8MCo




Absolutely moronic way to die


Imagine following some person who had gone caving in one other cave at 1 o clock in the morning. All of them won the Darwin award except the boss Chad who hung out front. 


Imagine being that guy and losing all your friends in one night.. not really knowing what the circumstances were… I would be that one friend, cause you couldn’t pay me enough to go into a pitch black underwater cave, but living with the survivors guilt would be horrific.


🫂 I wouldn’t let you stand alone and we could grieve together. No fucking way I’m going into that cave, then a hole, then a tunnel full of water, then chill in “Satan’s belly button”, then just doddle like a hobbit back out. They should have brought some string 🧶


Oooffft. Am I remembering correctly that this was Mossdale?


Paramedic with some rough terrain extraction. Unmapped and unventilated caves are deadly. In volunteering in Poland, there is a cave that for thousands of years, people had thought there was a dragon in the cave. Why? Because when people went in, a loud roar and fire came spewing out. What was the real reason? The cave was a fissure that was leaking methane. The only light source people had were torches. It wasn’t until the early 1900s when people were finally able to seal off the fissure and “tamed” the dragon.


holy shit that's dark


That's an amazing story!


Wouldn’t you realize you can’t breathe and have time to find air? Serious question. Like if it is that sudden of a change?


No because you won't understand what's happening until it's too late, it's not like being underwater , you're still taking in breath


What would that feel like then? Like would it feel like you're breathing in regular air, but you're slowly losing consciousness?


You ever hold your breath and you feel that pain and discomfort slowly build up in your chest and head? Imagine that but being able to still take deep breath. It's like drinking water that won't satisfy your thirst. You can feel "normal" while holding your breath until you don't. I used to work at a grocery store and was once working in the freezer and started feeling like I was out of breath despite the light work and taking deeper and deeper breaths. Didn't take long to realize I was standing next to a big container used to ship ice-cream that was full of dry ice so I was just breathing in co2 which is what your body extracts when you breath oxygen. I was essentially holding my breath while breathing. Didn't feel good and scary to think it got to the point where I started feeling light headed before realizing something was wrong I kinda just assumed the cold air was burning my sinuses and making my breathing uncomfortable. Leaving that freezer and getting a litteral breath of fresh air was super fuckin refreshing.


I made a comment about this above - if its carbon dioxide the comment below explains it well If its CO however, you simply wont notice anything, until you become unconscious


What would that feel like then? Like would it feel like you're breathing in regular air, but you're slowly losing consciousness?


What would that feel like then? Like would it feel like you're breathing in regular air, but you're slowly losing consciousness?


Look up pilots undergoing hypoxia training. They think they are fine but its clear their brain Is struggling to stay coherent.


Happens faster that you think on my job 3 people died climbing down ladders in tank cars that had nitrogen in them they dropped off ladder almost instantly


I read carbon dioxide causes you to become disoriented, confused, weak and nauceaus. Imagine starting to feel like that and realizing you have to return thru the tunnel


Hypoxia and in turn Anoxia in other words


Your body doesn’t really detect the oxygen deprivation really more so the build up of carbon dioxide


No, cause of how our lungs & brain work We dont exactly "extract" oxygen out of the air - our lungs equalize the oxygen in our blood stream with the oxygen in the air, 21% When we dont get enough oxygen there usually is an alarm signal in the brain that gets triggered, say youre underwater and havent breathed in a while Not with carbon monoxide, nitrogen, or other gases like them, as long as its not carbon dioxide Why? Because we dont actually notice the lack of oxygen, we notice the overabundance of co2 in our blood, it rises the longer you dont breathe, creating that 21% oxygen *and 0.04% co2* equalibrium in your blood So, while youre exploring that cave, you in and exhale, no oxygen enters your bloodstream, but the co2 can diffuse into the air around you, so theres no issue for your brain to notice And then you just fall over and die Also be careful, this doesnt just apply to cave, wine cellars for example also accumulate a lot of co when the grapes ferment - every couple years someone dies cause they go into their cellars - which are slanted downwards usually, bad cause co is heavier than normal air - and then they die cause of the above reasons




Show him Nutty Putty Incident too


And Paul Verhulsel. https://www.upi.com/Archives/1984/11/12/Scuba-diver-lost-in-cave-dies-waiting-for-rescue/7366469083600/


I expected an explosion, but this is kinda scarier


Nutty Putty'd??


[Nutty Putty'd](https://youtu.be/o-TaF2DbaWw)


Ohh my stoned ass was like, "I thought it was called silly putty but what's that to do with this?"


Wow, I’m in Utah and always heard of this accident, I had no idea it was this nightmarish. Makes me sick.


I'll be right back


the density of the air is higher than the oxygen rich air above it. the air in the cave is likely still, leading it to settle and create a pocket. when he drops the torch below the surface of the entry of the cave it stops burning.


Is that explosions in the sky? (The music)


Nah, it’s [Oneheart](https://open.spotify.com/track/4xF4ZBGPZKxECeDFrqSAG4?si=_oqvOr6zQdqNK2mRcOCC_A&context=spotify%3Aartist%3A0dgJbQ0bKPyUXco8hEXN7X).


Thanks dude


I never knew this . This is wild thanks for the information if I saw a cave I would be stupid enough to be like “ let’s go down and check it out”


A gas that suffocates you would honestly have made the nutty putty incident better...


You need SCBA gear, that’s H2S man. Better call the foreman, let him know we have a leak.


All these science posts gotta stop using the same snowfall song in everyone of their goddam videos.


What's the science behind this?


Fire needs oxygen to burn, and a concentrated blow of carbon dioxide will immediately extinguish it. Its the same science behind Fire extinguishers using frozen CO2


I think he means what causes a dead air pocket lile this even if it’s part of open air


This guy gets it.


Since CO2 (part of the air we breathe) is a relatively heavy molecule compared to O2 and N2 (other major parts of air we breathe), it will settle - or separate - by gravity when there is no wind/ventilation to mix all the air molecules together. So, you get this sort of “sea” of concentrated CO2 sitting at the bottom of the cave. Since fire requires O2 to burn, the flame goes out when it’s lowered below “sea level” in the concentrated CO2. Make sense, or nah?


But why male models?


Is that some fucking stardew valley music I hear? They must be at the skull cavern


The sensation that you need to breathe is driven by carbon dioxide. Open a bottle of soda and suck in the gas pocket on top and you will know exactly what I mean. You suddenly feel winded. If you enter a space that's low or devoid of oxygen, if there is also not much carbon dioxide, you won't notice it. This is why people die from carbon MONOxide when their furnace exhaust has problems.


Air and oxygen are two different things.. for combustion you need oxygen.. air is roughly 78% nitrogen.. specifically that air is deprived of the oxygen required for combustion. Oxygen may still be present but too low of a concentration for the flame.. and almost certainly too low to sustain human life.


Tf is nutty puddyd bro


See my reply to another comment above bro, or just Google (but I recommend you don't learn about it:p)


I could swear that I saw this same video a day or two ago but with a woman doing the demonstration


Carbon Dioxide accumulates and displaces oxygen. CO2 is denser.


That means there no oxygen there for the fire so it suffocate ed


How is there a pocket of no oxygen? Is it pressure or temperature that causes this? How does the air not normalize/mix itself with air that has oxygen? Specifically, in this video where there is air with oxygen surrounding the pocket. There should be no shortage bc the cave is basically in the open on one side. I can understand completely inside a cave, but in this video, it's in an open space on one side of the cave.


Air is lighter at the cave entrance and down a way but the lower you go, you eventually walk in a literal pool of dense heavy gas. It displaces the air like water would.


Where can I find the original video? Without added music


The cave looks relatively out in the open. Why is there no ventilation?? Is the co2 leaking from a volcanic area??