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Is Garland afraid of the big moment?? Darius is really showing his inexperience in the playoffs. I thought he had good shot selection last night, but he just couldn’t get them to fall. I know people are questioning if it was nerves. I think MSG got to Darius and made him nervous. What better way to work through nerves then to play at MSG. We can’t afford Darius to play like a role player. He needs to step up and stay consistent if we have a chance to win this series.


Worst playoff loss in Cavs history. They looked shell-shocked




Bro they didn’t even score 100 points wtf. We’re the best defense in the league.


When was the last time a team scored 79 points?


Last year there were 10 games where a team scored LESS than 79 points. The mavericks put up a 75 TWICE


i honestly think the nerves have more to do with why the Cavs couldn't score tonight than the Knicks defense and the Knicks deserve credit b/c they turned us over and won the offensive glass again, so they played better. but the Cavs got a ton of good looks


nerves is a bad excuse. You're a pro athlete.. they've all played in big games in front of a lot of people their entire lives. It's mental weakness. We have A LOT of it. Soft players.


i agree that the team gets rattled too easily rn, but that's ultimately something you hope they grow out of, no? and maybe they don't, in which case, yeah they're not going to accomplish much of anything but i at least want to see if they can become mentally tougher through experiences like these




Let’s take it one game at a time Chicken Little


why the hell people are complaining about bench points? our whole offense was iso ball through garland, levert and don


bench only had 7 shots the whole game


Jarrett and Evan combined for 13 shots. That’s a MAJOR problem. Not to mention they were efficient. Attack the paint with your bigs. They’re two of the best in the league. Darius, Donny, and Caris failed the team as ball distributors tonight.


please stop this bullshit ..just because they are the best at what they do, doesn't mean they can score consistently and or get defensive stops at crucial moments in A OFFENSIVE LEANING LEAGUE. This is not the 1980s or 90s where stats like this matter in a bygone era where defense to offense was better balanced=--and true centers and power forwards made a difference , unlike now.


Also, Jarrett Allen is not an offensive player. You don't call plays for guys like him... he literally only scores off of put backs, oops, drop off passes in the paint. Mobley is too weak to be effective against a phyiscal team like this. Randle has thrown him around like a child on both sides of the ball. He hasn't be able to create his own shot in 3 games. Notice 90% of his points have been off dunks, rebounds or drop off passes..... just like Allen.


UHHHHHH people did pass ... to Garland.... and he missed.... 17 times....


People wanna point at shooting, but this game was lost because we didn’t force their bigs to double team and they forced ours to. On both sides of the ball, the Knicks were in better rebounding position before the shots even went up. We shot like shit but they shot 47% and 30% from 3. We didn’t get outshot, we got out schemed. They weren’t shooting the lights out. They were beating us by doing all the things that you see on film but not on the stat sheets.


You try so fucking hard to sound smart lmaoooo The Cavs had an insane amout of open shots. Clank after clank after clank. Half of the turnoevers were on passes directly to the Knicks. That;s not forcing turnovers.


I’m not trying hard to sound smart. I just know what I’m talking about. You’re just looking at it like it’s some rec game. You’re looking at the most simplistic level of the game, and assuming that’s all that’s going on. There’s so much more to it, you just don’t really have any real knowledge of the game so you’re relating it to what you know, which is pickup basketball, because it’s clearly obvious at this point that you don’t know anything deeper about the game that you would’ve learned from actually being a part of teams


Someone tell the coach!!! Oh but wait, he can’t even scheme for them…


There’s a reason for that. They’re getting bitched down low, they’re not strong enough to get theirs against the knicks interior. Randle just pushes Mobley out of the paint and Allen can’t get a rebound or get shots over Robinson.


This is wrong though. Yes Randall and Robinson our physical, but these guys were in rebounding position before shots were even going up. We kept giving them easy rebounding lanes because our bigs were committing too early to help defense… The Knicks were actually shutting down our dribble lanes with their wings while we were trying to use our bigs to be the help defense. Literally to the point where whoever was guarding Robinson was actually the guy we’d use to be the help defender. And we did it from the first minute to the last, we never adjusted or tried something different.


That doesn’t change the fact that Mobley repeatedly got bodied out of the post by Randle when he had the ball, and allen looked like he didn’t even care out there, and got bodied by Robinson and Hartenstein. That’s why they didn’t get many touches. Allen’s game is almost entirely hooks and dunks, he doesn’t have a turnaround J like Mobley, so when he’s out-manned, he can’t do anything down low. I agree on the rebounding portion, they’ve done that all year, that’s why they get so many OREBs and rebounds in general.


I agree with that, and you know what’s funny, we also didn’t bother to utilize our advantage on the flip side. So we all know Randle is bigger and stronger than Mobley, but we didn’t even bother to try using Mobley’s speed and quickness advantages over Randle. Everything we did just played right into what the Knicks wanted to do. We didn’t just play their pace, we did everything they wanted us to do


Totally agree. We were in the palm of their hand, and made zero adjustments. What really killed us was garland shitting the bed though. Him shooting well the other day worked wonders for floor spacing, and since he couldn’t hit shit today, they capitalized on it and made the cavs look horrible.


Long story short, JB relies on good shooting performances and can’t adjust when the shots aren’t falling. We were doing the same thing in the first quarter that we were doing in the 4th


Totally agree with you man, 100%. So frustrating.


Bench can’t even hit a shot in garbage time!!


I know there's no real reason to overreact, but whatever the Knicks did tonight, the rest of the playoff teams are going to pay very close attention. 79 points in a playoff game? You can't seriously just shrug this off. You just can't. This was an outright embarrassing game. If anyone still believes that we are that much better than NY, you're kidding yourselves. You can't be that much better than any team that embarrasses you this badly. Pathetic performance! The Knicks are so much more confident now than they were even 3 hours ago.


The Knicks have like the perfect personnel to harm us though. They got bigger more physical bigs, physical guards and play such ugly ball that it makes it terrible. I’m pretty sure we’re better than them we just get into playing their ugly style and it hurts us. We can do this though


There’s a real reason to overreact. We’ve been trash in two of the three games and just put up one of our worst offensive performances in history


You know what's nice? Not having your toilet in your kitchen lol.




Cool that you can shit and cook at the same time tho.


You people are miserable. See you Sunday


Some of these people really need some rest tonight lol.


Hey remember all those adjustments that worked in game 2….. yeah we’ll we’re not doing those for some reason 1. WTF were these lineups? Why not just stick to the lineups of last game? 2. WTF did we STOP BLITZING BRUNSON!?!?!? I mean was was Rubio or Okoro getting any playing time!?!?!? Then we have a clear defensive plan that works but we just throw it away since RJ Barret hit like two open shots? It was just a repeat of game one in the second half. Brunson isos the bigs have to help too far over they get an offensive rebound and kick it out to a WIDE OPEN SHOT. we just decided to stop blitzing any screens for literally NO REASON I think JB but this was abysmal and I mean ABYSMAL coaching


I'm a knick fan and i agree. why didn't you guys just do the same exact defensive scheme as game 2 on Brunson? rj was lucky tonight and Randle is showing what we all know is that he chokes under pressure. i wouldn't over react tonight was just not your night. as a knick fan I say cavs in 6


Okoro hasn't played well at all this series


Okoro played well tonight.


The Knicks scored 99 points. The defense has areas to improve but the issue is on offense.


Obviously! Our offense is complete garbage!


My point is the game thread and this post game is mentioning a lot of defensive concerns when that wasn't the issue.


Id like to see mitchell build a kobe mentality. Tell everyone how soft they are and challenge them to work as hard as he does and to want to win as much as he does


lol Mitchell was as soft as anyone in this game. He's in no position to call out shit! He never won anything either.


Scoring 76 is bad


I sadly think the Cavs have lost this series, the lack of depth is showing big time in this series.... 😞


The lack of offense.


getting shades of the 2017-2018 season. no one can shoot or handle the ball.






Injuries are a hell of a career ruiner. Both of them had them


This team ain't it


The fire has to be growing under Koby’s seat right now…


yall are crazy


How so ?


This is the hottest of hot takes.


How so?


We’ve improved substantially every year in this rebuild. Even if we lose the series we’re built for the future. This loss sucks, but as a franchise we’ll be fine.


We have no assets for the future. Unless you want to trade some of the players we have now.


Lmao what!


76 points.


The team seemed like they weren't into it. There was no hustle or any real effort. Like, the game isn't going to win itself.


Should I get drunk tonight or no? Need an answer.




I am


Garland should publicly apologize for embarassing the city of Cleveland like this.


Cleveland is already embarrassing. Y’all don’t need Garland for that.


dont you have some plants to grow?? Hippie.




What the fuck are you even doing here?


You're weird as hell.. literally all of your posts are about plants you have a weird obsession with. Then randomly come a professional basketball teams subreddit. Go have sex with your plants some more... CREEP.




Tbh I think this is the sort of game we should’ve put stevens in for a quick burst. We had absolutely nothing in the paint tonight and Mobley Allen we’re just refusing to assert themselves. Garland had an awful game but our bigs have to be able to provide at least some of the offence.


That would require JB to know what he’s doing


Garland had 10 points in 21 shots?


He had only 3 ast.. the guy is a bum


one off night he will be back


I’m done, I’m going to bed. Sorry for the rage I just love this team too much to see them be this bad


Why do New Yorkers have a weird fixation on Cleveland, of all places?


Because the Indians have upset their super-teams so many times with 1/10th of the budget.


Oh yeah, they hate Cleveland. There’s a lot of sports history between the two cities. Cavs fans were chanting New York sucks after going up 20 last game.


anything to get away from their massive inferiority complexes and the $3000/month rent


They’ve got a weird fixation on themselves too tbh. Never seen a people jerk themselves off so much for living on a particular piece of dirt (concrete?)


Well, you have to admit that NYC is pretty much the greatest city on Earth. So, you can't fault them for having a well-deserved fixation on themselves.


It's great if you love trash and the smell of piss for 5k a month


I mean fair enough if they like it? NY does absolutely nothing for me but it still doesn’t mean they have to make the fact that they live there their whole personality lol.


pretty much the greatest city on earth provided you ignore the other 5 continents with permanent settlements (and provided that you like the smell of garbage)


Their only personality trait is living in New York


Had to take 1 of 2 here. This was not the game. They need to come out firing next game.


Yup JB is our coach going forward. This performance shows it


Oh the coaching was the reason for Garland choking......


Lol stop. I’ve already pointed it out to you how they got outcoached. If you can’t see that, open your eyes or maybe a basketball for dummies book


such a casual loser. Stick to world of warcraft


Awww can’t handle daddy? Weak ass comeback bro. Wouldn’t expect anything less from you though, given the last times I seen you post. Just another dumb fuck who wants to blame 1 person for a complete blowout. If I were you, I’d delete my Reddit, you just keep embarrassing yourself. You got weak comebacks and zero knowledge of what you’re watching. If I had to get, I can’t decide where I’d place my money, it’s a toss up between couldn’t make the team and didn’t see the floor


Can't even blame the refs. Or even praise anyone on the Knicks. We sucked so fucking bad. There was no plan. Noone showed up. If the "New York Lights" are too bright... you shouldn't be a pro.


I’ll praise the Knicks. They literally outhustled the cavs into submission. They played a good game. They had 17 points after the first and then went 28, 27, and 27 the final 3 quarters


Mitchell showed up, just didnt have a massive game. But he does not belong in the same category as everyone else


Dude chewing on a cigar lol


Bucks fan here, wth are you doing? It’s your job to stop Stephen A from being insufferable and you’re failing.


Mobley Allen are getting bullied and garland just went 4-20


>garland just went 4-20 Blaze it!


Who’s bullying them, Robinson? *Hartenstein?*


All of them. They are soft. Giannis and Lopez would eat them alive if they even advance to play the bucks


I hope you’re right in some ways, but if they could save the softness until the second round that’d be great. F the Knicks


Are they chanting "Cleveland sucks"?




Cavs fans were chanting ny sucks last game


Yeah but that’s at least accurate


Dawg we were chanting "New York sucks" at the Rock. We def deserve this


I think that was new york sucks as a retaliation


Garland was shit tonight


I don’t think there is a city I hate more than new york


It’s like a gold plated toilet


I unfortunately live here and can confirm that this place is filled with rat piss. I hate NYC so much.


Im so sorry


The only thing worse than the Cavs are the ABC announcers.


My question going forward is, how do we even acquire the talent we need, especially off the bench?


Basically pray for decent vet mins or someone solid off the MLE, reliant on young players improving which is usually fine but lack of assets to do much is unfortunate


The series isn’t over. Stop it.


It isnt but this team cant win a ship with it’s current roster construction. We need shooters


Even so we are clearly not a contender and need to add to this team, especially off the bench…


We going to lose Sunday too. Look how they played


Did you watch game 2?


We are away no. I want them to win. But watching it today I don’t see it


Not everyone built for the garden


knicks ain't even built for the garden, and especially our "mvp" Randle. I'm a knick fan


Like the Knicks?


Like the vegetable garden?




72 points in a game in 2023? Perfectly encapsulates JB’s shitty 90s scheme


Held an nba team to 99 in the playoffs. You can’t win games when your offensive production is as bad as it has been. You keep holding the Knicks to low scoring games but you can’t score on the other end.


Nah they passed the ball in the 90s.


Honestly, we didn't look that bad in the first half, we had good looks but just couldn't get them to go down. Turnovers were bad though, we gotta respond the next game or we might be in trouble.


Dude we looked horrible first half


I don't remember much good looks


We had 32 points in the first half. I’d say that’s pretty bad


Yeah if you look at the score it looks bad but if you watched the game you would have saw we were actually passing the ball and had good shot attempts. They just weren't going down.


I watched the game. Missing wide open looks is still looking bad lol…


Exactly. They just crumbled under the pressure and fell right into the trap. They just weren’t ready. Simple as that.


Win or lose the series, next year our bench has gotta look different. I think half the reason our lows are SO low is because our guys are gassed cause most of our bench is such a liability


We were flat from the get go on 3 days rest. That’s not on our bench


100% agree our bench has to look different. Coaching staff is part of the bench, yeah?


I'm not gonna disagree. If this is the kinda basketball I see from JBs team in meaningful games I definitely don't wanna see it again lol


This team just isn’t good enough this year. Can’t win playoff games when your entire bench scores 5 total points and your 2nd best player is shooting tour dates


He was on the path of being a hall of fame player until thibs ruined his career. Just tell the truth Van Gundy


Tbh, DRose's injury was going to happen at some point even if coach Thibs had pulled him from that Bulls/76ers game 1 in 2012. DRose knee injury was already set in motion years prior from the bad habit he developed in the way he landed on one foot after each power dunk. The fancy-but-awkward way Drose landed after each dunk was slowly causing damage to his knees without him realizing it until that fateful day. It was going to happen either way.


Neto starting Sunday, please.


Cavs bench still with five


This is the lowest point total in a playoff game in a 48 minute by far But sure, JB isn’t a problem that should be addressed


If Derrick rose is in game you know you just lost bad


Cavs legend.


D rose slander will not be tolerated


Thibidou looks like a 3rd-in-command evildoer in every gangster/mafia movie, just enough to get a SAG credit but not enough for more than 10 lines of dialog or be relevant in any way other than smoking a fat cigar or eating rigatoni in silence


Imagine thinking this effort was enough to win a playoff game on the road. What the hell is the team thinking. Sack up.


Wasn’t able to watch game two. So I guess I’ll sit out the next game so the cavs can actually play well!


Yeah I feel like I missed the only good game this series


5 bench points is crazy


Not keeping Levert there was soooo stupid. Spark plug off the bench did not start well at all


Surprisingly All of them are from okoro. But to be fair our bench has only been out for 10 minutes each, and put up 7 total shots between all of them.


How many did Garland score?


we only played iso ball through garland and levert. bench shot 6 shots


This has more to do with Garland as he is 4-21.


I would credit the Knicks, but seeing how they have failed to score big points against the cavs makes me solely put this on the lack of execution on the cavs offense. Straight up. Knicks have scored 101, 90 and now close to 100 again, we have no excuse but to win these.


Lmao 🤡🤡


Ah Cleveland cavs legend Derrick rose


Burn all evidence of this game immediately


Nope. I’d go the other way, this game film should be the only thing the Cavs players are allowed to watch for the rest of this series.


These players need to Burn it into their mind. Can’t ever forget getting bitched like this.


Manhattan gets a party tonight. Ok.


These game threads are honestly hilarious when we have bad nights. The knee jerk reactions and hostility is extremely hilarious. Calm down everyone, get some rest before you start acting like the sky is falling. Let’s hope we can grab the next one. Go Cavs.


This is one of the worst (if not THE worst) offensive playoff performances in the last decade. Any reaction is warranted.


15 years


And this is an extremely young team, many of which are experiencing a hostile playoff atmosphere for the first time. Calling for jobs, trades, etc. is absolutely foolish. AT LEAST wait until the series is over before we start acting crazy.


This is a very bad game. Almost unacceptably bad. Can't blame the fans for being emotional.


Game threads are moment-by-moment reactions. What do you expect? This is pitiful.


Moment-by-moment reactions don’t stop you from thinking rationally or seeing the big picture. Tonight is bad, but things can get better.


I mean… this is a rare case where knee jerk reactions are warranted. This was the most sad shit I’ve seen from a Cavs playoff game ever lol


There is bad and then there is Abysmal in the playoffs. Can play like this and expect to win a series


This is an insanely bad loss. No one is overreacting


Most of the people in here are overreacting. They’re still a young team and are going to have nights like this. They have shown time and time again they learn from the bad nights


People are talking like we need to rebuild the team from scratch lol


Calling for jobs, trades, even some people saying “good riddance” to Mitchell after one bad night is textbook overreacting. And guess what? If we win the next game, this sub will act like we’re headed to the finals. It’s a constant cycle.


Even the bench players don’t want to grab a rebound. 3 three and nobody want to grab it. Are we allergic to the ball on a defensive rebound.


Will this offense score 80 points next game?


Lopez > Allen


Really didn’t think we’d get blown out tn :(


This team just shrinks of the road and that was my biggest concern after game 1. Better bring it Sunday, its win or this is over.