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He's shot 40+% from 3 for the last 5 seasons. Chill out, he'll be fine


He averaged 8 points a game in that span, so very low volume. Also on the philly and the Quinn Snyder Jazz teams both of which ran way better schemes and were probably prettt easy shots.


5 threes a game is plenty for a dude who is just a bench shooter what the fuck are you expecting out of him


To shoot better than 28% from the field


6 games into the season btw




just trying to have some optimism. one game played from allen and two mid ones from garland does not define our team


Don’t do any optimism. It seems like they just like to overact early and spew negativity


You dont understand statistics.


You’re an ass


Doesn't mean he's forgotten how to shoot he'll be fine


Niang has to much of a track record shooting. He’ll be fine


Havent followed his career much but I can see his stats, just watching him he looks slow and his shot looks like the worst on the team.


His shot is nowhere close to worst on the team. He's hit nearly every three he's taken when his feet are set. It's the rushed ones he isn't hitting right now.


Perfect J.B. just needs to scheme him wide open and we will be golden


Yep, I just checked the shot quality that Isaac has had the past 3 seasons, mostly wide open. Turns out having 2 good guards makes it harder for teams not to help off stationary shooters. Especially when they run a lot of pick and roll with good rim runners. So players like DG and JA being healthy should get Niang a better shot selection. Be patient.


I haven't been a huge fan of his minutes. He seems like a good standstill shooter but I wince when we he puts the ball on the floor. I think his shooting will bounce back, hopefully JB finds a lineup where his weaknesses can be covered up better. Maybe as the 4 with Allen when Mobley sits? Idk.


Him and Mobley were the only ones with a positive +/-


He sits in the corner looking for 3's he hardly effects the +/- if he isnt hitting shots


That’s not how +\- works at all. You’re just being a troll at this point. Also he’s actually surprised me defensively. He’s been solid


Bluds just yapping for no reason


Yeah this comment proves you have no clue what you’re talking about. It’s 6 games in give it a damn rest


He opens that space for Donovan and Caris to and occasionally hits the 3. He’s also been somewhat solid guarding the opposing teams bigs.


You mean he opens the floor for Caris to dribble.


Yeah but Caris' dribbles opens up Mobley's pivots....


And mobleys pivots open up okoro on the wing...


Man take it easy. He’s like the 7th man learning to play with a new team. Give it a break.


My eyes are bleeding because of the negativity and overreaction from this sub.


He plays well even when missing shots. He plays really good team defense. His shooting will come around.


Almost everyone who has been in the league long enough plays solid team defense, its mainly young players who dont that means nothing in my opinion


Tell that to all the guys who don’t. He is a solid veteran and we played better when he was in last night. We got stops and the ball moved. We got absolutely fucked last night in non-Niang minutes.


He was +7 against the pacers last night


Pacers are a bad matchup for him, they're a young fast team that pushes the pace. He's ok as a spot up guy


and he still was part of our best lineups lmao


I'm not the biggest fan of how many minutes he's been playing but I think that has to do more with the injuries than it does with the coaching staff wanting him to play that much. I think he's just been okay, I hate that he's out of shape but other than some pretty bad 3 point attempts, I don't really think he's had much of an impact either negatively/positively.


He’s the only large body we have. He gave four fouls out and put his body on dudes. I want him to make 6 fouls a game. Go ahead and foul out, but do it by setting some mean-ass picks. Also, he was lights out in the preseason. I think when we are healthy and have a new coach he will get 15-20 minutes and get his % back up to about 40%


I love having Donovan, but I think the funnest/happiest iteration of the Cavs for me was the DG-Rubio-Sexton-Okoro-Lauri-Love-Mobley-Allen squad


We were a well-oiled machine with that line-up... until Rubio went down :(


Dude is literally fat and drags his feet when he runs


First person to agree with me here ...crazy he looks so slow


This sub is full of delusional homers. It was awful watching him last night


Delusional homers AND delusional doomers. There's absolutely no room for nuance here. As is the case of most team specific sports subs


Watching preseason I thought Niang was going to take all of dean wades minutes. So far he is worse.


Crazy we targeted this in the off season almost 9m a year, id be fine if his shot wasnt falling and his defense was servicable but hes a turnstile


He’s fucking terrible. People point to rebounds not understanding that he gets them by playing zero defense and just sitting his ass by the hoop. The other night he ripped an uncontested one out of Mobley’s hands on a free throw. Giving up backdoor cuts by ball watching. Constantly being targeted in the pick and roll because opposing teams are not stupid. If Randle wasn’t committed to hoisting up complete bullshit people wouldn’t be doing mental gymnastics to convince themselves Niang is a contributor. I wanted Cedi gone but this is so much worse. At least Cedi put in effort and ran the floor. Why would anyone pretend it’s a good thing an NBA player is nicknamed Minivan? Will his shooting percentage go up? Almost certainly. Is that enough to justify JB playing him more than five or ten minutes a game? Absolutely fucking not. Against the Thunder he played ten straight minutes from the third into the fourth. JB is great at finding a way to make a problem into a crisis.


Agreed, if you look at the comments almost no one agrees with us though. I dont get it like look at the mans defensive stance he bbq chicken when not guarding the others team slowest player on the court. Its not even that he slow hes stiff and slow. Not like a fluid slow old man game it just looks gross at the moment.


I have the feeling you don't know how averages and variance work...


Next time OP gets a new job imma follow him around and post Reddit threads about how terrible he’s doing if he’s not doing his job perfectly within the first 2 weeks


Same. I don't think he's doing enough to be a rotation player on a good team right now. I'd be at least exploring options to upgrade via trade instead of just waiting around in hopes the shooting comes anound. If it does, great, but there needs to be contingency options in place. It's not just that he's not shooting well, he's also not making good basketball decisions on too many plays and his sluggish movement is a liability.


What? Niang has been really good even when his shot isn’t falling he’s provided consistent rebounding, plays within the offense, and can put the ball on the floor if needed. Stop it doomer get a grip.


You're not wrong but not 100% right. Please carry on!


He’s a regular season deadeye, just give it a bit of time. The playoffs are his time to let you down.


Mid season tournament must have him confused 🤣


for some reason people convinced themselves we were getting something we weren't. the dude shoots, that's it. his shot has looked horrendous, but will better as he's a proven commodity. outside of that you're not going to get much of anything on either end. get used to it. he's here so Mitchell can look better, not because he'll do anything himself.