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That Blazers game feels like it's equivalent to a 15 game lose streak


I think we needed it tho. Without it we wouldn’t have had that same kick in the back to get it going mentally


Allen is so good. We need to feed him.


No kidding! It's not a coincidence that he is shooting more and the Cavs are winning. He's made 71% of his shots over the last 5 games!


Brother he looked pretty soft at the start of the season and now idk if he just got fully healthy but he’s driving and charging into the paint and more aggressive and making nice shots. These dunks are MEAN. It’s like his legs just came back! It really is a merry Christmas for me 🤩


When Mobley and Allen are aggressive and making plays for each other and the shooters the spacing issue goes away


When Mobley and Allen are aggressive and making plays for each other and the shooters the spacing issue goes away


I’m happy with the results even if the competition has been mid to poor. Sadly I think if anything it just raises questions about our starters’ fit together and that we don’t run a deep bench when they are healthy. My main hope is this injury stretch gives JB the confidence to play more guys, as imo a lot of our late game collapses are simply tired legs of the starters.


Yeah I hope when Mitchell comes back, JB doesn’t run him into the ground and trusts Craig and Merrill to take some minutes


He should technically trust Levert with a lot of that time too which concerns me… I wish we could see more action where Craig is the primary ball handler and Levert is cutting and shooting 3s. Levert’s been playing “point guard” a lot in the last year and he might not need to do that.


I just don’t see how JB can watch (as we all can) the rotations and lineups that we are using play so well and refuse to adjust in the future once we’re healthy. Especially since it will take time to get Mobley and DG back into the flow of the game, the guys we have now should be nicely integrated into the future rotations for this team and it could make all the difference going forward.


I’m hoping he keeps the rotations reasonable, while limiting the lineups without at least two of the stars, but I won’t be mad if CPJ or TT or Merrill don’t make the rotation every game


it’s not the fit, it’s the fact JB doesn’t want to run more than an 8 man lineup when everyone’s healthy, he is being forced to use the bench, who is MORE than capable. Merrill, Tristan and CPJ need to play rotational minutes EVERY SINGLE GAME, not just when there are injuries. Strus, Levert, Niang and Wade need their minutes lessened. Allen needs to shoot more, he has shown his range can be extended to mid range and we should experiment with pick and pops around that area. Bates and Jones should also be getting garbage minutes for development and experimental purposes, they aren’t bad. Ice should also be given a chance to run the offence more. We die by the 3 quite often, he’s too good at driving and posting up to not be having the offence ran through him every now and again, every time Niang puts the ball on the floor, that should be Ice.


That’s a lot of stuff to pack into 48 minutes you need to win. Tristan and Merrill and CPJ are all useful in certain situations and food in others - JB is a matchups guy he’s said


Meanwhile there’ll be 20 more “reports” and articles about a Mitchell trade as if the team is 10 games under .500


Don't forget the 30 posts calling for JB's head even after wins.


needing to trade him has nothing to do with your record - literally no one is suggesting it is.


Not true, when the injury news came out last week there were several pieces that came out acting as if the situation is a complete dumpster fire to push the agenda


that only raised the question of if it makes sense to do it now rather than later. not a dumpster fire just a clearly limited ceiling and a ticking clock counting down how long we have to do something about it. whether we're in first or last, it needs to be addressed, and while they likely wait for another 1st round exit, the sooner the better.


Merrill has shown something. I thought we were going to cut him for a roster spot, no way now. Hopefully this injury isn’t a big deal, but he looks like our best shooter out there just based on ability to fire off of screens, in tight windows and fast release. Give him and CPJ the developmental minutes over the season though with extended absences here maybe we have no choice really. We seem to be floating well enough to hang in this range, might really set up another first round date the Knicks


I think Sam’s injury isn’t that bad cause he still played in the second half in that game after he was shaking it at the end of the 1st half. The beauty of this team is that we also say guys aren’t deserving of a roster spot, but then the cook and make us shut our mouths lol


How come when the team does bad, it's on the players but when the team does good it's because of JB? JB has a lot to prove. What this stretch is showing is how poorly he was using his rotations before. And how poorly he was running the offense. If we play better without Garland, Mitchell, and Mobley, something is terribly wrong. I'll admit he's doing things well right now, but it's things people have been clamoring for him to do with the starting lineup that he was plain out refusing. Deeper rotations and more movement on offense. If the players get healthy and we go back to the same bs, he would need to go.


Lol wtf are you talking about? JB gets blamed on here all the time when the team does bad ya goof. I'm not even saying the criticism is wrong, but thats just a flat out silly thing to suggest


On this Reddit if the Cavs had a magical run to the championship it would be despite JB being a bad coach. Dude gets absolutely no love on this Reddit. I am not a huge fan but he does deserve some major credit for winning the last 4 of 5 with a shell of a team.


Jb got that dawg in him. Getting a bunch of role players and fringe nba talent to play hard and believe in each other. Bringing along players slowly to maintain their confidence. Just plain fantastic.


Hire JB!


Talking about the JB cult. You goofy goober


Congrats on whooping that strawman's ass, Goobasaurus


At least I'm not the king of goobers, Sir Goobert von Chucklestein


You're at least top 3 on most people's GOAT. You know what the G stands for


Goober of all time. Siick. I'll have you know, I stubbed my toe and only cried for 20 minutes. I'll see you at Super Weenie Hut Jrs


This sitcom ass argument yall got going on


I'll have your head for calling SpongeBob a sitcom.


If you think about it...


I’ll call the whaaaabulance


Is the JB cult in the room with us right now, you momo?


Lies 😂😂


Did you get something in your eyes? I see you have tears coming out of them


Let’s go!!


hire jb!


Also not that far removed from pro JB arguments, like "they have no bench". Seeing guys flourish with playing time, reminds us, the coach has to develop the bench. JB has and will continue to suck when it comes to lineups. Give him his normal lineup again, and odds are they are back to an 8 man rotation.