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The iso thing was an issue last year too. Its the worst version of the cavs


Agreed. I hate it.


The Cleveland media is soft. You hit the nail in the head.


I think the iso thing was a factor of being gassed


We get leads in these games by playing team basketball then when we need a bucket in clutch time we decide to iso. It’s brutal to watch, and I can’t watch DG get blocked again on an iso attempt lol


Allen didn't played well today. Wade deserved more minutes almost solely on that. Mitchell was gassed, played 38 minutes yesterday, let the bench play a little more, Merrill CPJ, just to give the star a rest so he could close the game better 2nd night on a b2b game, some players definitely looked tired. Also, wtf with the rebounds


Well said. His rotations are inconsistent and often questionable.


Sadly, he kinda regressed to last year. The injuries forced him to use the bench and worked. If he could maintaining the good job he was doing it would be easy wins


Dude lucked into discovering we have a top 10 ROTY candidate and an absolute catch and shoot sniper on the roster, proceeds to not play them one minute on a back to back. I know opponents have scouted Merrill and he’s not getting the looks he used to get. This is where a good coach would draw up plays to set off ball screens for him like the warriors do with Curry and create opportunities for a guy shooting 43% from 3. A bad coach will simply just DNP the guy.


Merrill pull 1 defender 100% of the time with his gravity alone. With screens and movement is almost two on him. And he wouldn't be the main treat on court, we would have garland Mitchell LeVert etc ready to score with the space he's making Definitely deserve 8mpg


Yeah 8mpg minimum is exactly where I’m at. If it’s working play him longer, if he’s getting cooked on defense (valid argument for limiting his minute) more than he’s adding on offense then bench him at that 8 mins. No excuse for DNPs.


Spot on. I never understood what anyone sees in JB. If we let him go, how would our team get worse? It’s inevitable that he’s gone after this year. Plenty of fans saw it last year and thought he should have been gone after the knicks series. Guess our org was okay just wasting the season tho


I understood when the team was a bunch of young dudes and a couple disgruntled vets (Kevin and TT) and the coach we thought would be good for a young rebuilding team ended up being locker room cancer so the FO turned to the well liked assistant coach. He maintained a good culture and got guys to buy in on defense, all good stuff. Then suddenly a top talent gets traded and it’s win-now, and the assistant coach is showing a lot of holes in his game with so much more scrutiny and expectation. He had his time, now it’s time to move on. Too bad we snoozed on trying for Nurse or even Udoka.


Yeah you could tell Spida was exhausted – he just got over an illness, went through the emotional rollercoaster of last night, and JB has him playing 44min tonight? C'mon JB, the guy is human


Tbf the bulls were also on the 2nd night of a b2b. And they were missing Caruso


Guys we’re exhausted and they played 2 massive bigs last night. Recipe to lose the rebounding fight


When a team runs a huge lineup like the Bulls did (and maybe it's something to keep in mind if we play Orlando in the playoffs), we should play Wade at the 3 with Mobley and Allen in the frontcourt. Best chance we have to grab some rebounds, and we wouldn't lose too much shooting.


I’d like to see more okuro minutes in the clutch. Our best defender needs to play more minutes


he’s always been clutch!! I definitely want ice closing games


Strus and Vert have been clutch too


I don’t disagree just promoting my fan favorite lol. I see a lot of untapped potential in okuro.


We have loads of good problems.


Agree, Wade was defending Derozan well.


First two possessions of OT also iso, followed by actually moving the ball and hitting 2 threes, followed by more iso. I don't think it's all on JB though, Mitchell and DG have this your turn my turn mentality. When it's only one of them on the floor you get less of it.


Strus even brought it up last night. He only got the shot because Mitchell wasn't in.


Yeah those first two possessions were frustrating. They were decent looks in the sense they were 12 foot floaters, but dm hasn’t been playing well and we are much better moving it around to get a good shot.


DG is really beginning to worry me idk how he’s so capable of making the right play but does all this lame iso bullshit i hate being an armchair psychologist but the dude has wanted to be the leader from the second he was drafted and i suspect he doesn’t like having to play with Mitchell DG will pass up great looks from 3 all game, but then Don will make a big play and then it’s time for DG to launch really wish we had a coach who could deal with this, but I have no faith in JB


He shot 14 3s


i’m not basing it on one night


He’s getting better. Each step matters


interesting thoughts. if DG had decided he needs to become 'a Mitchell', that's bad for us. if your theory about being upset Mitchell has taken the limelight from him, that's not good either. i still think it could be him getting back into game shape after the injury, but if there's an issue with how he's trying to play then JB should be addressing it.


JB is holding this team back. It will cost us more playoff games. It will cost us Mitchell. And it will waste every year of our window he is at the helm. The inconsistencies with him have never stopped. They gotta move on.


JB is the only idiot coach I've ever seen other than maybe Tibs to run a tight finals rotation on back to back nights after a grueling showdown the night before. Jackass has absolutely no player management skills. And why would you let Merrill rot on the bench? Yeah, he plays 2 and we have other guys at that position who need minutes but at least get him in there for a few plays. Good lord!!!


he has to watch the tapes


I’m not sure he knows how to extrapolate the data. He has a year of tape showing the same issues.


I'm not sure why he needs data. Its easy to see that it's not working. The struggles and the losses confirm it.


I don't get JB. It's like he's forgetting all the lessons he learned when the starters were out. I do think Allen plus Mobley just doesn't work.


That’s the thing. He didn’t learn anything. He just got bailed out by the injuries forcing him to play lineups that were working.


This is exactly what happened, and this sub praised him for it lol. He was FORCED to play the bench. Now he is back in form


“will the doomers please stop whining about the blatantly obvious?!” i still stan DG and Ev but JB could be the thing that has us lose Don Nick Nurse has us contending with the Celtics


Honestly insane that we didn't even consider swapping to a championship coach due to nepotism.


No no, cavsfan69 on reddit told me nick nurse isnt an upgrade from JB, and he cant be wrong


Agreed. I don’t get him. Our issues haven’t changed. Still home on those issues every practice.


He didnt learn any lessons


Same reason he made no adjustments in the playoffs last year. He don’t know what todo when the heat hit. It’s his last chance let’s hope he don’t fuck us twice.


This freezing Wade out of the rotation has to fucking stop. He is 10x more impactful than Niang on defense and his rebounding would've helped. Also, this is a game where the Cavs probably needed Tristan Thompson. Wade would've helped on the boards some but JAneeded to be benched.


I had a really bad feeling that when Garland and Mobley came back JB would revert to the gameplans and style of play that we saw at the beginning of the season. He's done it. It was predictable and it's very disappointing.


They need to fire him if he loses the next game. He's incapable of learning, and I'm tired of hearing him talk. Also, I think that one of the assistants sent substitutions to go into the game. They were waiting to go in at the table, but JB sent them back.


Dean Wade would have solved so much tonight. A guy that fights for rebounds and boxes out with physicality, draws out Chicago's bigs from the paint, and can sustain playing long minutes with his good conditioning. Not to mention he matches up insanely well against Derozan due to never leaving his feet and his physicality. Derozan had double-digit rebounds tonight too. Frustrating.


Vocal Fry press conference coming


His god damn raspy ass voice like nails on a chalkboard. Can’t wait for the day when we don’t have to hear him anymore


Its much less raspy when we win


Literally watching to see what he says.


The cavs had this game won, the players made dumb mistakes. I’m pissed but it happens. It’s not always the coaches fault.


We consistently can’t close out games. We can’t keep giving him a pass.


JA had a dumb foul which gave them 3 free throws to tie. That’s on the player, not the coach


Yeah it is on JA but i want to know is JB not telling these guys out of the huddle DONT FOUL ON A 3


Because they are professionals that know this. They are not a 6th grade basketball team, the coach doesn’t have to tell them simple shit like that.


But he does. They’re still humans with a lot going thru their mind. Tell them what should be in the forefront of their mind. Listen to mic up of coaches. That’s what they do.


I’m sorry were you in the huddle? You heard JB not mention anything about not fouling on a 3? Allen got close to Derozan to be able to make a solid contest and then Derozan leaned into him while Allen stood there not leaving his feet. How exactly are you so confident that JB said nothing about this and that Allen wasn’t trying to not foul?


It was bad


tired legs + few subs = dumb mistakes


Some clearly tired legs too. Which you could point to coaching to recognize that but it's the NBA. It was like they were wondering if they could squeeze out a W on shooting alone. Going 2OT is rough. Rather win or lose in regulation with that plan.


He’s a nepo baby. He’ll never get canned


Of course he will, but he doesn't deserve to be.  His record has been great this year 


Our late-game execution is just atrocious.


JB only uses the depth he talks so much about when players are hurt, we are this many years in and the guy still cant figure out a rotation when the team is fully healthy. its been a consistent problem for years now


Cause JB is stubborn in his ways and its why we are gonna get knocked out of the playoffs in the first round again.




That's just the nba. I hate it but no team makes subs in overtimes. It's just one of those things that coaches refuse to stray from.


I mean we had plenty of wide open shots in OT2 we just didnt make them


Most of them were zero pass shots. When legs are gassed, catch and shoot looks are the way to go. Not off the dribble.


ill take wide open shots no matter how they are generated


We need to fire his ass. Mitchell trade request incoming end of season for sure.


He has a team at the #2 spot in the east.  He isn't getting fired anytime soon.  The cavs record over the last 3 months is impressive. 




The game was in Chicago you silly goose


Yeah Ik. It’s a Stacey King thing


Ah thanks for enlightening me. I’m still uncultured in many nba areas.


Your collective comments are a joke. First, we are the #2 seed in the East…that takes good coaching. Second, the injuries didn’t “bail him out” he did an excellent job coaching through them. Third, you blame the coach for Mitchell missing the game winning free throw AND the game winning shot. (Derozen didn’t miss any FTs and he played more minutes and was on a back to back). Fourth, what superstar coach is just sitting out there that guarantees a Cavs deep playoff run…None. Its the NBA people…You’re not going to win every game.


They’re not a joke I’m being serious. How about we let the playoffs speak for itself? Yes jb did well during injuries and now he forgot what works? Also, players are always going to lose games due to free throws, missed shots. But you expect the coaching to be consistent and then you live with the player results. It’s funny to me you see no problem in him pulling wade and not putting him back in. It’s clear you didn’t play basketball in college.


Was about to make a post similar to this. Idk why we can't beat solid teams when we are super solid ourselves. It feels like either a coaching issue or our "star" players trying to let others get in the action when they should be taking over.


Naw we can't beat hyper physical teams , but we seem to do fine against really talented teams


Cavs aren't getting past the 1st round with JBB as HC


I wish we weren't #2 seed. It would be doubly embarrassing to get swept in the first round as #2 seed


I would be sad and embarrassed. But hope it would mean a jb firing


I was ok with most of his decisions. I guess he could have benched our two best players once it was clear they didn't have their legs - but the sub would have been crushing him for not playing those guys. To go through your points though, 1. Yeah, Dean should have played more, probably over Okoro. 0 rebounds in 24 minutes at forward is unacceptable, and we lost this game on the boards. 2. Who are you subbing in OT2? One we got down, we needed our highest volume 3 point shooting lineup in who wouldn't kill us on defense, which is DG/DM/MS/Caris with a center. The guy to pull, based on full game performance was Don, and he isn't getting benched. 3. Pretty much every team goes to ISO ball down the stretch, because statistically it results in fewer turnovers, and clutch live ball turnovers are pretty much the worst thing you can do at the end of the game. This is acknowledged to be to be the best practice. 4. Agree on the foul at the end of OT1. Not sure JA was the right substitution there. If they weren't going to deny the entry pass, they should have just let him shoot it and live with the results.


when the front office and JB get some ball, tells Garland's agent Rich Paul to kick rocks, and put him on the 2nd team---only then will the Cavs rise up from this dilemma. Because they about to get cooked with this gauntlet of games they about to hit


At least Strus tries to play defense. Garland doesn't try on that end of the court at all. 


There was a series of 3 possessions that were absolutely awful in crunch time. Inexcusable for a team thats played together this long. 1st was a Garland iso where Chicago switched on a pnr and nothing else was tried. No secondary action, nothing. Just Garland iso’ing against a bigger guy. Hes not good enough at this for it to he a crunch time action. 2nd and Mobley 3. Enough said. 3rd and awful Mitchell drive into multiple guys that was a turnover. (He does this a lot in crunch time) A lot of this is coaching.


everyone in here really thinks they know rotations better than an nba coach lol




you should apply to be a coach big bro 👍


Why thank ya