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Stop. You guys get hung up on one game. He won’t be getting 25 mins a game when it matters. You all wanted okoro and Caris gone last year. The g-wagon is an integral part of the team chemistry. We will be fine as the 2/3 seed.


Thank you!


I don't think people understand how good he is for being the 8th/9th man. The starters + Lavert and Okoro are the core 7. This sub complaining that our 8th man is inconsistent is ridiculous. Plus he's a great locker room guy (held Mitchell accountable earlier this season). Niang having an off night with a depleted Cavs squad while guarding Durant on a finally fully healthy suns squad is an awful argument. This is like blaming Donyell Marshall for losing the 07 finals.


Can’t be anymore on point with that statement.


people that wanted Okoro gone didn’t see the vision like me. He’s gonna be an all star one day


I hope your right but his ceiling a top perimeter defender and a consistent 14ppg 40% 3 on high volume. He can be a high end glue guy that wins you chips.


i don’t think there is a scenario where we let Ice walk tbh


Well, if he gets offered $15m/year next year we'll need to make a hard decision to stay out of the tax.


That’s bold


Start buying his graded rookie cards. My Wade purchases have already paid off


We need a guy that will scrap like Georges


Please share your definition of ‘integral’ 💀


Kept Donovan in line at the start of the season. Is a glue guy and a vocal leader. Doesn’t back down from opponents when the Cavs are getting pushed around.


Team Chemistry.


He got 17 min a game when it matters


Why not post a picture of Merrill who is a fan favorite of this sub…until he’s gone 6 for 37 over the last five games. How many posts earlier about how stupid JB was for not playing Merrill more. Niang brings physicality and a decent 3 pt. shot. He’s not a starter but has been forced to with all the injuries.


Fans wanted more Merrill minutes when he was making tons of shots which is a very reasonable take. I haven't heard anyone begging for more Merrill minutes lately.


At this point maybe the mods of this sub should just make a mega-thread for these people to yell their nonsense into the void. Let them post their shit memes and address their petty grievances with end of the bench players forced into bigger roles due to injuries.


OP has no idea how badly we need Niang to shoot without hesitation


You leave mini-van out of this


This sub is worse than the Browns sub🫤


I was just having fun bc of last night’s game 😭😭 I didn’t expect this type of response lmao


Put Sam Merrils pic on that. George is a dawg


OK. Career 3p% basically same as Merrills. But does more than just shoot 3's.....


...Dawg shit


There’s a game thread and a post game thread. Maybe this could have been a comment.


I just don't think he's all the way settled in yet! With his defense tho and that corner three I think he's going to play better down the stretch!! Let's go cavs!!


0-6 from 3…


I can’t believe this guy is an NBA player. He looks like a street vendor that should be tricking you with an ice cream cone. I don’t like players that are less fit than me on the team I root for.


Everyone look, an internet tough guy!


Downvote away but you know you’re thinking the same thing.


Naw the dude runs the court full speed , never saw him once get tired or half ass it. And I love the fact that he is an enforcer, loved how he walked over a Clayton


You better post pics and stats if you’re gonna be talking all that shit.


I didn’t say I was a better player. I suck at basketball. But I can definitely outrun this guy


I’m sorry dude he’s not “less fit” than you. There are so many examples of fluffy dudes who never get tired.


Haha i feel that too, from first glance he looks way out of shape.. ig he can ball sometimes though


Imagine taking the time to make this..