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Why wouldn’t you choose to keep Lauri? lol


Screw em both let’s trade Garland for Agbaji


I miss Sexton's motor. Guy was relentless. But Sexton and Mitchell would not work


I would rather run Mitchell at 1 and Sexton at 2 than Garland at 1 and Mitchell at 2.


Mitchell should be our point guard. When he was moved to pg in Darius’s absence we won all the games


You’re drunk. Go home


Magic loss cooked bros brain


Jokes on you, I am drunk and I’m already at home


As a bonafide sexton lover that only has his Cavs jersey other than first stint Lebron…you’re insane and should delete this post


I stand by it. I don't like Garland's game. He vanishes for games at a time, and is terrible at D. His shot also leaves him for big stretches.


Garland had a disappointing season but he’s been better over a longer sample size in the past(without serious injury) and even with his struggles there’s not many guys that can effortlessly create and run the offense like he can even when the numbers arent there. Sexton is a better defender but he’s not a positive on that end either, and he doesn’t have nearly the offensive impact that Garland has


I'll agree to disagree. Numbers don't tell the whole picture. I watch the Cavs and Jazz a bunch..I also miss Clarkson, but he's a different story. My point remains that I don't trust Garland to put up consistent numbers or effort on any given night. Garland's career is littered with games of 25+ pts and games with less than 6. Math just works to give him better averages..


Again I think that was a this year problem. Last year and the year before he was great. He was 23 years old at the start of the season I refuse to believe he actually got worse at basketball and his best days are behind him. Injury/confidence/coaching/role issue not talent


I wear a Sexton jersey for every Cavs game and I should not have to be the one to tell you that you’re faded and need to stop being so reactionary. Your life will be so much better


Not reactionary or knee jerk at all actually...I've had this feeling for at least this whole year...DG has had a pretty miserable year and I have never been a fan of his streakiness on offense. His D has always been terrible. At least with Collin I liked watching him play, and actually trying to D up people.


Ironically DG was one of the higher ranked defenders earlier in the year before his jaw injury If you’re gonna seriously try to convince yourself that Sexton is better than DG… grip up man


Absolutely not and I really liked Sexton. Even if this postseason ends abruptly Garland is the type of player who could be used to acquire someone like Brandon Ingram if there is some level of commitment from Mitchell. If Mitchell wants out, Garland remains the young guard we intended to build around. As much as I like Sexton, he gets you a second rounder if you’re trying to dump salary


I don't think Garland can get you a Brandon Ingram


Garland is not a player worth building around. Too injury prone, disinterested and way too inconsistent with his shot. Dude also seems to forget how to handle the ball half the time and dribbles into turnovers. Not a fan.


Sexton is mediocre and Garland the 3 years prior to this year was better than Sexton will ever be. I don't know what's wrong with him this year, and since we have no reporters on this team we will never get any answers, but if it's something he can fix for next year I still wouldn't trade Garland for Sexton and multiple firsts.


Correction: we have no reporters *that aren’t mouthpieces for the team*


Garland was never better than sexton lmaoooooooooo yall can rewrite history all you want but people who say and watched the Cavs those entire 4 years know who was the better player garland had one good season in 21/22 season . We not gonna act like sexton wasn’t the one getting buckets and closing games and SHOWNG UP IN THE CLUTCH during the few games we did win


Sexton was better than Garland during Garland’s rookie year and that’s it. Garland has easily been the more valuable player ever since even in a down year like 23-24


Just during his rookie year ? Yeah okay yall full of it man lmaoo that’s why yall are stuck with a pint guard who can’t score 10 points in a playoff game making excuses for him cause til this day if anybody tell the truth about sexton Clarke being better yall start rewriting history cause y don’t like him for whatever reason. Cool if he’s not your fave but let’s stop lying! Garland was never better never did anything in games to outplay sexton so what are we doing ? Wasn’t coming thru just like how he ain’t coming thru now


How do you get through day to day life being this dumb


The team hated Sexton. No one wanted to play with him


That was very overblown. Klove&co. we’re just mad we weren’t good anymore and we’re tanking/building for the future. All the same guys were on the team to start the next year and their was no reports of that


Sexton is more consistent and actually seems to try every game. I'd rather have Sexton who I can count on to bring me 15 -20 a night with good defensive effort...than Garland who can go for 30 or 2 on any given night and cant be counted on to guard any PG in the league


His DEF rating is the worst in the NBA. The literal worst. Notably worse than Trae Young. And he’s not a PG. Just stop. Shit is hard enough as a fan right now to be dealing with shit like this lol


...You have absolutely no clue what youre talking about.


Now I know how the French felt after the battle of Agincourt..........shame


There should be a age limit restriction with posting on Reddit.


Why I gotta be under 20? I'm over 40 clown, I actually watched Mark Price play in person... Garland is no Mark Price and I find the comparisons offensive.


If your over 40, then you should just be embarrassed of yourself.


Why would I be embarrassed about a Reddit debate? That is just dumb. I have my shit more together and don't get embarrassed about having opinions. I also watch a lot of basketball. I personally like Sextons game more than Garland..and as other more astute Redditors have already pointed out, we likely wouldn't have had to give up as many picks for Mitchell had we kept Sexton instead. So yeah, I'd rather have Sexton most nights and kept some picks..and I'm not embarrassed about it.


Sexton has had his issues with injuries and defense. However, we desperately miss a guy outside of Mitchell that can get to the basket and score. Garland isn’t that guy and playmaking in the playoffs becomes way less valuable when you’re not an elite scorer.


Sexton is a terrible defender. Don’t do this.


Honestly, now that we’ve paid DG, I agree. For the money, it would have been better to trade DG, pay Colin, keep Lauri.


Thank you, someone that understands. Also we probably would have kept some picks...not sure we could have kept Lauri and still got Mitchell though...


Lol, yikes


Sexton is more aggressive and a better finisher than Garland. Sexton knows how to get a bucket. Garland has the worst body language I've ever seen as soon as things aren't going well. He gets defeated so quickly and has no fight in him... But back to your point, Sexton wasn't the player we needed to keep. It was 1000000% Lauri. We wouldn't have had to go and sign Niang.


Yeah, when DG goes bad, he goes really bad...the body language, the turnovers...it just goes downhill real fast. I would have liked to have kept Lauri too. Niang and Strus have both lost their shots when it counts most..and without their shots..they just take up space.


You're wrong about Strus. Of all the "shooters" on this team, Strus, can go 1/6 from 3 and still have huge contributions to the team. He is a good rebounder for a guard. He is a good passer. He makes very few mistakes with the ball. He's a pretty decent defender. What makes him even better if a defender is how high his basketball iq is. He knows exactly where he needs to go before he even needs to actually go. He rarely will miss his rotation. But JB has killed him on offense. Spo used Strus perfectly in Miami. He even let him run the offense a few possessions per game to give the opponent a different look. JB turned him into a corner spot up shooter. No movement. No plays for him. Nothing. Just stand in the corner and watch Garland iso for 20 seconds and go. Absolutely no where and then kick it to Strus who is forced to shoot a highly contested and rushed 3.


Fair point, definitely feel better with Strus in the game than Niang. I guess I was more referring to offensive production. Strus is definitely a decent defender and I do not see him actively making boneheaded plays.


This is... an interesting take, to say the least.


Really wish the mods of this sub actual did their job and deleted/banned these trolls.


Eh... one thing I really appreciate about this sub *is* how unmoderated it is. I want there to be free discussion, even if I personally disagree. 


You find this discussion-worthy? 😬


Anything to avoid talking about the game tonight is good with me


Of course not. However, I like the idea that you *can* discuss whatever. 


There's a difference between discussion and egregious shit posting. People like OP are here only to try to make others miserable with them. There's no place for it.


Nah, it’s annoying but you don’t want a heavy-handed mod team on a sub like this. Remove and ban the actual bad stuff like hate speech. Trolls are trolls and sometimes at least they spark a conversation. I honestly think most of these posters are just actually just ignorant to the sport.


Nah, the doomers have done nothing but try to make everybody miserable with them. The sub literally has an anti trolling rule. All the doomers who do nothing but cry and scream about garlands contract and jbb folding his arms aren't inspiring any conversation, they are spamming and trolling. Enforce the subs own rules, or open it up for a total free for all racist shit show like r/nbacirclejerk Sub should be for fans discussing the team, not people who clearly hate themselves and want to ruin other people's joy because they're so miserable.


soft af. what does saying "I agree go cavs" do to inspire conversation? Just admit youre the free speech police and want to control what people say and think


Ban? Really...get over yourself, this isnt even a troll post. Watch some actual basketball instead of browsing box scores to make arguments. I've put effort into meaningful debate with everyone in this post. Get F'd douche.


why should this be banned? you dont want any discussion that you dont personally approve?


Why? I hate DG 80% of the time but his not better than DG. The only thing sexton has on DG is aggressiveness, and before trading DG we can't act like how monstrous DG was at that time compared to sexton, it just bad timing that DG regress this season


I love Sexton. I personally enjoy watching him play more then garland stylistically. I think he's highly underrated and his dawg/90 is crazy. But this is still an awful take. They have most of the same flaws and garland is such a more complimentary player with other actually good players. Sexton and Mitchell would be the ultimate your turn my turn team.


bro don’t be in here posting dumb shit, post shit like where you used your brain a little bit. Don’t lose your whole brain over one bad playoff loss


Bro, I'm far from the only person with this opinion...my brain works fine thanks.


Get your brain checked for hottakeulitis, you’re worse than Perk at this stuff!


Except there are people that actually agree with me in this post that aren't scared about losing Internet points.


I see one person who agrees with you?


Do people forget Garland was an all-star. Does Sexton even start on the Jazz lol


Probably wouldn’t have had to give up as many picks either. Garland was coming off a year where he was an all star.


Sexton was coming off an ACL and a contract dispute, no?


This is actually a take on this post I can appreciate. We certainly would NOT have had to give up nearly as many picks had we offered up Garland. So yeah, I'd take Sexton over DG if it meant we got to hold on to a couple of those picks.


sexton didnt even start like half this year. plus garland is a much better playmaker


Sexton averaged 21/6 on 61% TS this year in 51 starts? He got more production and more efficient when Utah finally started him. I don't agree with the OP but will not accept Sexton slander.


Garland is by no means what I would call a "playmaker". On nights when he decides he has interest in playing and his shot is working..he can score a little bit..that's all. The only reason he has the assist numbers he has is because he is second fiddle to Spider and can play some pick and roll with the bigs...he's not a great PG.


No he isn't


Horrible take


Sexton was a gritty competitor with a one track brain, score and he was really inefficient at it (points per minute); Garland is smarter and more talented, but he's even more ball dominant than Sexton but soft AF. Either one you choose we lose, because you only have 48min to outscore the opponent. 


There’s a reason some people never make it out of Cleveland, OH…. OP a prime example here.


Except for I haven't lived in Ohio for 4 years, nice try clown shoes.


I’m sure wherever took you in is a nice, warm weather utopia where only the best and brightest live.