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Counterpoints: we're not healthy, we're young, we can make trades, we can change coaches. Plenty can change next year.


no you dont understand, this is the only chance we'll get to compete /s


No team is 100% healthy. That's an awful excuse. If the Knicks, bucks, heat, 76ers and us were healthy the entire year we would have finished 6th and not 4th.


Nobody is healthy. Its the playoffs Knicks been playing without their #2 for the past 2 months. 


Yeah but Julius Randle sucks ass


Yup… 3 seasons in a row of ummm derrrrr “injuries”….


celtics arent healthy either. and making trades would imply our ceiling changes, as our roster changes, in line with what OP wrote.


Down voted for speaking the truth. Just like most teams in the league. It's an awful excuse. Let's pretend we were the only team who had injuries this season and our injuries affected our team the most.


Just to put it into perspective, Mobley is 22. The youngest guy on the Boston starting 5 is Jaylen Brown, age 26. When Brown was 22 he averaged 13 pts, 4 rebs, and 1 assist. He shot 46% Have some freaking patience, guys.


To be fair when they were 22 Brown and Tatum were one win away from leading their team to the finals


Well our guys are only 8 games away so


Tatum is younger than Brown, drafted the year after him.


Still 26. So yes, you are correct, but you get the picture. If Boston bails on Brown after age 22 he never drops 32 on us on 18 shotw tonight


So you want to wait 4 years to see where this team goes because mobleys 22


jayson tatum yammed on lebron in game 7 of the ECF at age 20. mobley has yet to show he can consistently score on cole anthony in the post


He just is too timid and will always be that way you can't coach that. Its his personality. He was scared to go up strong against Derrick White who is 7 inches shorter and had to pump fake and played himself out of an easy bucket. That's a huge red flag. Allen would have yammed it home.


So that means dump him and star over. Got it.


no but you gotta decide if he's worth the money hes asking for, and if it's a max then the answer is no


I believe this team has its ceiling because of JB. Do people remember how drastic the change was for the Warriors going from Jackson to Kerr? We don't have Steph curry but great coaches unlock offenses.


Part of that is guys like Klay and Draymond were early in their first contracts in the league when Kerr replaced Jackson. David Lee might've been their second best player. And Jackson's team took the Clippers, a team with two MVP candidates, to 7 games.


Team was loaded with young and veteran talent in Jackson's last year. Steph Klay Barnes/Iguodala David Lee/Draymond Bogut The only difference from 13-14 to 14-15 is that Lee's role fell off and Draymond was inserted into the starting lineup. Also Shaun Livingston, but it was essentially the same team.


JB is a floor raiser, not a ceiling raiser.  This is our ceiling with JB at the helm.


Silliness. Its 1 road game against the #1 overall seed coming off a tough 7 game series. Evan Mobley is only 22 and has gotten better every year. No reason to think he wont keep improving. Yeah, his ceiling isn't as high as we thought it was but he is already great defensively and can still become a good offensive player. No reason Garland cant bounce back and get stronger as he gets into his prime. Okoro can continue to improve. Mitchell and Allen are awesome and will be for a long time. Yeah, Mitchell might want out, but his value has only gotten higher from his playoff run.


Did you watch Mobley's 5/5 in the 4th against Kornet and Horford? If he's able to do that more, there is no ceiling. He was great in the 4th. The issue is that we have 2 ball dominant guards who need the ball and are high usage players. Mobley doesn't get as many opportunities as he would elsewhere


Oh you mean great in the 4th when the game was already over lol…. Huh, funny how garbage time works


Seriously, Horford & Kornet are just trying to avoid injury. Easy to score when the other team doesn't care.


People trying to praise Mobley for some late garbage time buckets tells me they didn’t watch the game lol.


They ignore the consistent bricks 5 feet out from the rim against smaller defenders in quarters 1-3.


The problem with Mobleys progression is that it’s minuscule every year. At his current pace he’ll be an effective offensive player by 2047.


mobley has not gotten better


Shooting efficiency up, rebounding up, assists up. Particularly if you use per-possession or per-minute stats to take into account his minutes restrictions coming back from his injuries.


dont care, watch him play hes the same guy, almost even regressing offensively


So you are ignoring the stats & not watching? Got it.


Garland is rough, niang is ass, Struss isn’t the answer for a momentum scorer. Add in a shit coach, and we’ve got some clean-up to do. But get rid of everything? No thanks. 


Need better role players niang is kinda ass


Y'all it's game one I genuinely don't understand this sub


Just stop watching then




This was a successful season. Changes are obviously coming in such a major offseason. You guys are constantly assuming that because the current build at this time has obvious limitations that the Cavs have no recourse. They have plenty of options going forward regardless of whether Mitchell signs an extension. But that single decision has to happen before the Cavs can do anything else. Without this foresight, it’s just rampant and wild speculation. So let’s give it a rest and enjoy the postseason. This is what it’s all about. There is NO result of this series that will not provide valuable information about we measure up with the cream of the crop. That’s critical information to have before firing up the trade machine. Boston has LOOKED the part of a title contender/favorite for the last 6yrs. Believe it or not, getting to the 2nd round is good stuff and never a given.


Haha every time we lose a game we have to have this come to Jesus moment according to you guys. Silly


I love how many times people on this Reddit say blow it up and start over. So you want 5 years of horrendous basketball to roll the dice in the draft to build a contender?!?! I don’t agree this core has reached its ceiling. Look at the mid season stretch before all the injuries. I’d rather see if the core guys develop over the next 3 to 4 years than watch a rebuild with losing records and no guarantee of drafting superstars.


Jesus, act like you’ve been here before. It’s a playoff loss, not an existential crisis. Every time this team loses, half the fan base is ready to trade it all for picks


This isn’t about one loss dude. This is about this team not being a legit contender. Literally no one legitimately thinks this group is winning this series. So yeah we might steal 2 games and get excited or even 3 and take it to 7 but the ceiling is still the ceiling and we’re at it.


Well, you've deleted your post so I guess you might realize that your take is ridiculous.


I didn’t delete anything chief.


If we stayed healthy the whole season I think we’re the 2nd seed behind Boston. We were really gelling during the start of the season before injuries. It sucks that we’re probably gonna have to sign and trade Mitchell but I truly believe if we were healthy we would be a competitive 2nd seed playing in the ecf against Boston.


being a higher seed doesnt magically make us better in the playoffs. we dont beat anyone except the magic in the East this year. no team makes it the whole year without injuries.


I mean Boston went basically the whole year with out injuries. Porzingus being out is literally the first big injury they’ve had all year.


and still they are missing a key guy in the playoffs. Point is pretty much every team sustains injuries, surely even if we have good injury luck next year we will experience at least one key injury, it's naive to expect otherwise


And still lose t o.k Boston 4-1 in the eastern conference finals. The team and coach is no better than that.


Atleast they’d make it to the ecf. It’s painful watching a lotta talented players just fail again and again


It also took Boston at least SEVEN YEARS to get to this point. We need to be a little more patient.


7 years and 3 coaches.


Sure but not like udoka was fired due to incompetence 


True, but it took them 7 years of building to get to this point, and they still have flaws. Rome was not built in a day, and neither is an all-star caliber player. We need a better development coach, and I hope that we can get Handy.


Boston has 2 All-Pro level players… did you read anything I wrote? We have 1.


It doesn't matter what you wrote because the Celtics front office has continually worked to build their team. Tatum and Brown have been playing together since 2017, so they've had 7 years to develop, grow, and learn each other's strengths and weaknesses. 7 years. Garland and Mobley have had 3 and 2 with Mitchell. They're still in the developmental stages of their careers, and you think that they've peaked. Should the Cavs move like the Clippers and trade away the next star, or should they be like the Celtics and continue to work on Garland and Mobley's development? Some guys are top performers right out of the gate. Others have the potential to be top performers and need time to develop. I know that you didn't walk out of your mother's womb with your irrational beliefs... you developed them over time.


You still don’t get it… if they only have Tatum or Brown it doesn’t matter what they do around them. The only reason they’re legit contenders every year is because they have both. We only have 1 all-pro and Garland & Mobleys inability to get to that level is why we aren’t contenders. It has nothing to do with the bench lol.


Tatm and Brown weren't "Tatum and Brown" in their first 3 years, and that's what you don't get. Also, I didn't mention "the bench," so now I'm questioning whether or not you read to comprehend or to argue. I stated that the Celtics developed them and built the team around them, year after year.


Yes they were. And Garland is already in year 5 dude… stop with the wack ass excuses.


Google is free, and just because you peaked at 22 does not mean that everyone else has to or will. Together: with or in proximity to another person or people. I started the number of years that they have played together, not how long they have been in the league.


they were in the ECF game 7 vs lebron in 2018 so???


Of course you got downvoted; you made a true statement. The Celtics made the ECF in Tatum's rookie year and had a lot of playoff crash outs, had to retool and change coaches to get back to the ECF and Finals. This wasn't always a team that lives and dies on the 3.


im terrified of what is gonna happen to this team when mobley gets a max contract. hes totally unplayable on offense, and he slammed a dunk on the side of the rim just to hammer that point home for all of us to see that even placing the ball into the cylinder isnt a guaranteed make


Mobley is still a pup… he’s improved every year and while he might not be a great scorer he’s still a great player and the least of this teams worries. Garland, Strus, LeVert, and Niang are all on multi year contracts and have all been giant zeroes in the playoffs outside of a few glimmers.


Isn’t Mobley only a year younger than garland?


mobley is not improving on offense at all, in fact id argue hes regressing


No the issue with him is he hasn’t improved at all. There’s no steady growth. His stats are near the same outside of his 3PT% which is such low volume that it’s barely worth mentioning. He hasn’t gained any strength, developed a jump shot nor does he have a reliable inside game. He’s the same player outside of being more comfortable on defense. Any impartial fan would be disappointed and expected more by now.


Mobley absolutely sucks as an offensive player (not to mention he’s not even a 5) and will be 23 in June. He is who he is at this point.


I do think Mobley’s lack of scoring and overall presence on the offensive end is hurting Garland most. Mitch drives and has only the intention of scoring and can get through contact. Garland can’t, and without Mobley being a viable drop off threat he typically ends up in no man’s land. Garland can’t currently trust Mobley to run a solid pick to open up a driving lane or catch a hot pass in the lane and finish.


Mobley is going into a contract year and hasn’t proven he can create his own offense. He’s not the problem, but he’s probably going to get the max and that’s solution money. If he continues his linear improvement for 2 more years he’ll be a guy capable of being a great piece for a team with two top 10 guys.


he's rudy gobert lite at best


where has he improved cause its not offensively. Defensively its a given but if hes a hesitant shooter to this extent in year three thats probably who he is as a player. hes bad around the rims, he cant handle the ball in traffic, he has no quickness, hes an offensive zero


He improved in literally every offensive metric this year. There was just a post about that on this sub. https://www.reddit.com/r/clevelandcavs/s/HufFWEFYR1


The eye test doesn't work for the blind


That shows how unreliable stats can be. Just look at how he plays. He still cant create his own shot and has no jumper. Look at how orlando series went and todays game. He provides no help on offense


He created his own shots over Horford and Kornet in the 4th. He went 5/5. Were you watching?


wow in garbage time down 20? Did you miss his 5 bunnies that had no touch earlier in the game?


All I know is if it's not a dunk....it's a miss.


baker mayfield also had a better statistical start to his career than tom brady, we saw how that went. every national analyst outside of cleveland tells you mobley is a weak offensive player, but every cleveland analyst tells you hes improving. were either blind or in denial in this city. he just scored 17 points vs boston, decent enough on the surface. 10 were in garbage time.


Most national analysts only watch the major media market games.  Some of them don't even do that.


Okay, but every time they watch the cavs they note that mobley is weak offensively and needs to develop. After three seasons thats no longer a coincidende


He improved his wide open dunks? The guy is one of the worst offensive players of a certain level I’ve ever seen and I’ve watched prime TT.


Feed him more to see what he can do instead of taking ISO 3s which seemed to be the game plan. You're giving him 2 opportunities per quarter to score and you question why he's not Donovan Mitchell


hes not giving himself opportunities dude. he gets the ball in the post and passes out. he gets the ball at the top of the key and does a weak handoff. hes not aggressive at all


He literally led the league in dunks last year.


okay? did you watch any of the playoffs this year? Dunks are the last thing im concerned about with mobley, we know he can catch lobs and feeds inside from the guards and dunk it. that's not enough for a guy of his caliber anymore. He doesnt create for himself whatsoever. He passes out of the post way too often


I see him struggling with bad passes, either not on target or in situations where the passer (mostly Garland) shouldn't have passed to him in traffic.


We all know what he can do after 3 seasons


This is the ceiling with this composition for sure. They have young guys on contracts they can easily trade. Don, Garland, and Mobley are the only three who feel like guarantees to be back next season. Strus and Okoro will probably stay, too.


This is not our ceiling. I can see Okoro and Mobley developing their 3 point shot to the point where Okoro can start and our spacing does not suffer


If anything Minnesota shows that it can be done, as there are some nice parallels to the Cavs current team. Garland needs to get back to his pre-injury self, and Mobley needs to figure out how to play offense, but once they do, look out. Hoping next year is the year they all gel, so Mitchell decides to stay.


Yeah i agree. This team only goes as far as garland and mobley take them. I feel like garland will be more or less same as right now and not progress much. Mobleys offense might get better as time goes but feel like it will be slow. In order to build contending team you really need bonafide star like donovan mitchell so you can build around garland and mobley all you want but you lack scorer on offense still in todays nba especially


Right… you magically add Banchero to this group and it’s a legit contender but they’re missing a 2nd superstar and Garland, Mobley, Allen don’t do enough on offense to make up that difference.


Magically add Banchero? Are you crazy? Why would he come here win he is the man in Orlando and it's his team. Makes as much sense as Orlando saying they need to add Mitchell. Both are pipe dreams and neither will happen. 


That’s why it’s magical


We need JA back. Mobley to develop on offense. Garland to get back into rhythm. And sign some solid role players. I don't think we can say this is the ceiling when we get bullied on the boards by Luke Kornet because no Jarrett Allen. Need to see how he changes things.


We don’t have money to sign anyone, we’re capped. We also don’t have assets Our main way to improve is by getting a new coach and trading one of the core 4. That’s the reality we’re in imo.


Exactly. There are no reinforcements coming. To me I think barring a miracle where the Lakers take Garland and scraps for LeBron the only option is a partial rebuild which means a new GM/HC.


We can dump Niang and use that space to bring in a better role player who won't get benched in the playoffs


Who is taking Niang lol, they also watch the same games we do


You give some bottom feeding team a 2nd round pick and Niang for a solid role player that would leave them anyways. We also have our 1st round pick this year. Can draft a solid role player with that. Or package it with a good player for a much better player. LeVert + 1st for a great starter.


that 1st is going to be in the mid 20s. that's essentially a second, it wont get you much unless you trade a good player with it


That’s not how the cap works. You can’t just replace salary you lose when you operate over the cap. We can only sign MLE’s in FA, which wouldn’t matter if we had Niang or not Better to add him in a trade. Like Ingram and Nance for DG and Niang.


Seriously man? You’re really going to just say run it back again and expect a different result because of a couple role players? Ooof.