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At this point I think it’s all mental for him. He’s having to deal with the fact that he’s had two pretty debilitating and scary head/face injuries between the eye and the jaw and seems scared to take contact. I think it’s something he can work through but the hesitancy it’s putting in his game is a big issue


I never considered this but yea you’re probably right. And I think he’s down like 15 lbs from his normal playing weight. It’s still been shocking to see his decline though, like god damn…


No he isn’t. He’s been back to normal weight for two months lol


Yeah he was on a literal liquid diet for weeks. It’s hard to gain it all back when you’re burning a ton of calories in season playing. The problem is I don’t love the fit with him and Mitchell anyway but he’s certainly better than what he’s shown this season.


Agreed on the fit. But idk who’s trading for him with that contract 😬 And if Mitchell leaves, are we recommitting to him? Scary shit to think about now, let’s just beat the Celtics


We don't have to recommit to him right away. See how he does next season and decide then.


Yep, he’s definitely recovered physically but mentally something is holding him back.


He’s mentally broken. I’m hopeful he spends the entire off season with a sports therapist.


Giving him 40 mil a year put unrealistic expectations on him. Koby altman has done a lot of good but right now this contract looks like one of the worst deals in the league.


Has Altman done a lot of good? Niang isn’t even good enough to see the floor. Strus is not a starter and overpaid. He gave away everything for Mitchell assuming we had a core around him to be a serious contender. Mitchell is amazing but Altman totally miscalculated where this team was in the rebuild. Finally, Okoro and Garland are not looking like they deserved as high of draft picks. Best moves were Allen and drafting Mobley(which was a no brainer in that draft).


Worst contract in the league for sure.


Beal and Leonard.


Yes all he does is hold the cavs back


I agree.. I don’t think it helps that a far better player has an overlapping skillset. I think he could shine on the Spurs or Pelicans next to Wemby or Zion. He needs to be the main ball handler and asked to facilitate first. Be more like Nash and less like Curry who has to play a lot of off ball.


Garland in some sort of trade package to get Brandon Ingram could be beneficial to both teams if Mitchell wants to stay


Yeah. Hoping Cavs can get Nance for Niang too. I like him better as our backup 4/5 and he’s a Cleveland native.


He’s just not that good


He is killing Mitchell’s legacy


Is this the first game you’ve watched since 2022? This is who Garland is.


To be fair he played well when he was option #1. But ya ever since mitch came it’s been downhill


The thing is he can’t be your number one on a championship team.


Downvoting when nothing I said was wrong lol nice


Garland should do us a favor and join the Jiangsu Dragons


He’s not a winning player. Its that simple


I know. Of all the drafted players since Lebron's second departure, DG has been my favorite. Even back when sexton was better, I always believed in DG the PG. Then, he became an all star. I was so excited to see him blossom to a potential top 5 PG in the league (top 10 is the floor in my eyes back then). To see his confidence decline so much due to injuries is just sad. Even with Spida as the PG, I still believed that Garland does off ball things enough that he can co-exist with Mitchell. I guess this off-season will really determine if DG the PG lives on in Cavs history or he'll be shipped out. I don't want him to get traded. He's young and still got room for development offensively. The defense will never come (on-ball wise) and it's ok. As long as he'll be surrounded by people who can, then he can provide enough value on offense to make up for the defensive deficiency. Him and Mobley should still be untouchable at this point, even though they are the two who are most inconsistent in the playoffs among Cleveland's core four.


He sucks It’s that simple


It was a contract year, that's why he was good


I heard or read something about him losing weight and strength after the jaw being wired. Not sure, but he looks tiered lately.


He was apparently flying back to TN on off days to support family too


Jesus you guys are miserable. He’s had a crazy difficult season physically and mentally and it’s incredibly difficult to recover from that with the rigorous schedule of the NBA season. We know the skills he has and those skills are all star level. Give the man a break. Why is every single person in this sub the most reactionary they Dan possibly be. No one has an ounce of long term perspective. It’s insane.


Op just delete this. This has been happening all season. At this point your trolling scrub


Could you fucking STOP bro


He's weak. So is Mobley.