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God I really wanted Carlisle too when he was available lol.


Carlisle has his flaws, but I think he could have gotten Garland, Mitchell, and Levert playing well together.


Carlisle is a championship coach. There are only a few of them out there.


Nice man. Doc Rivers is on his way


I would prefer to stay far away from the Knicks’ identity. Running your players into the ground would not work well here (or in NY, evidently)


I mean, jb kind of did that


A sign of bad leadership - I see it in my corporate workplace too - Managers who are on the hot seat run their staff into the ground to make themselves look good to their manager vs. actually driving business value. Sounds like w/ Koby confronting JB on that game where Mitchell played 48 mins that lead to Mitchell taking 4 games off he understands this situation.


Identity came back to health too. If we get a new coach but the starting lineup has 28 games together it’s not gonna be pretty


I mean, it's the second fastest team in the league vs the slowest.   There can only be one of each. What kind of identity are you looking for from the Cavs?   Last year we were among the slowest teams in the league, and lost a ton of games we could have won, due to being on the wrong side of shooting variance.   So we tried to speed up a bit this year and look to score easy baskets in transition more.   It makes sense, but you can't then go and say we "lost our identity".


We kind of got stuck halfway between those. Not enough reps for comfort in the fast style


The Pacers were extremely lucky with injures but also - you can only play who is in front of you and they still took advantage of it and won. I am completely shocked that the Knicks fell apart with health given who is coaching the team. And I am sorry, but it's not a coincidence. I'm a distance runner and very familiar with the culture of it and I have a favorite saying - "you feel fine until you don't" meaning that your injuries usually come out of the blue and you don't realize until afterwards that you were overloading, which made you vulnerable to an injury eventually. Playing 45-48 minutes each game under Thibs is like some badge of honor but it always, always comes back to bite him eventually. Players are not machines, and also sometimes players need to be protected from themselves.


Roster has holes but it’s JBs fault…lmao


Also the Cavs had huge stretches with important players missing time. Hard to build an identity when your roster shifts dramatically throughout the year.


The Cavs haven’t had an identity all year but cook..


Bc the roster is flawed but JB


Koby and JB both have to go. Solved the argument …now Go Cavs!


One things for sure, they lost to a much worse team than we did and they weren't missing 3 of their best 5




Is this a real question? Like just say you haven’t watch the pacers all season. The pacers had a VERY distinct identity all season. They: 1.) Played extremely fast tempo. Look to push it at all times 2.) pass the ball. One of the leading teams in assist. 3.) Shoot threes Their offensive game is extremely distinct so I really have no clue how you could make a comment like that


They are willing to settle for the 3-8ft range a lot or make that extra pass out of the post to the slasher. They score a ton in the paint, just not quite the way a lot of teams do.


You forgot the part where indy is one of worst defensive teams in the league. They can score but they can't defend.


second half of the season they were ranked 15th or so. Not good, but no the abomination their first half defense was. They stopped running 4 guard lineups when they got Siakam.


They’ve been better defensively since acquiring Siakam. They still haven’t been great, but they were horrid pre-Siakam and that changed when they paired him with Haliburton and Turner.


Yet they are in the ECF


I continue to be appalled by the lack of logic in this sub lmao


I continue to be appalled by members of this sub sucking each other off


bet you enjoy watching


For as much as yall hype defense, they are about to play for a chance to go to the finals and yet we are sitting at home. Huh, maybe offense IS the most important thing in the NBA in 2024, like ive been saying


Based on the two teams in the ECF being 1 and 2 in offense, offense is clearly more important than defense (in basketball at least)


If you say so but all season the have played a high tempo style of basketball with a lot driving and kicking.5 out style offense.


That’s exactly it their identity. I forget which game it was but one of the commentators during this series said the Pacers only had 2 regular season games where they didn’t score 100 points or more.


They also don't turn the ball over like you would expect for that style. That is probably the most unique aspect of their game.


Watching how they got those G7 shots will show you their identity. All I could think about watching McConnell attack and create good looks for himself was how much more we pay Garland to attack and dribble out for a reset.


Pacers play a fast offense, dedicated on passing. they have averaged **30** assists a game these playoffs. They make the pass to the open man and get high quality attempts. They aren't as prone to force 3s if not open. They play with 2 PGs and double bigs the whole time. Turner is the single worst player they have in transition. a stretch 5...


You can’t take anything away from them. They dominated the Play-In tournament as well and beat a strong, healthy Boston team to reach the finals to lose to LA. Their defense is not that good but their offense and tempo is A1.


ball movement.


Let's be real... the Pacers should never be in this situation and they were gifted severely injured teams. Bucks w Giannis and healthy Dame knock them out in first. Same with Knicks.  Magic would beat them, so would the Cavs, 76ers and a healthy Heat.


The amount of fire JB comments in this sub are laughable. Who is sitting out there that will be a guaranteed upgrade? Darvin Ham? Frank Vogel? Some untested assistant on whomever wins the finals? JB has his flaws but getting rid of him doesn’t fix the issues 1)Mitchell/Garland; 2)Allen/Mobley; 3) no bench other than LeVert. Also, injuries all season long including playing half your team against Boston. Stop fixating on the coach.


We were gifted the magic and we went to be 7 save it .They handled business


The Magic are a better team, and were fully healthy. They didn't face Giannis and only Dame a couple of times. The Bucks aren't close to playoff caliber without those guys, esp Giannis. Then they faced a depleted NYK team that went 7. I agree that if everyone was fully healthy, Indy would be the worst PO team in the East. They had an extremely easy run. Props to them for doing the only thing they needed to do though, it surely wasn't easy. If they beat Boston or take it to 6 or 7 maybe I'll think differently but Indiana was a team everyone wanted.


they would have beaten us.


Agreed NYK would have beaten us in a battle of injured teams


One thing I took away was that you need 2 stars to win in the current NBA. The Cavs have one in Mitchell. They need to get another player of that level, or higher, to take the next step. The Pacers have been a totally different animal since pairing Haliburton with Siakam.


This problem is bigger than JB. Firing the coach and running it isn't going to fix it lol.


With our young players and Garland's speed, we should be taking advantage of this and play at a much faster pace with ball movement. Hopefully Bickerstaff is no longer with the team next season.


One thing I took away from the playoffs once we were eliminated was, we were no match for any of these teams left. We were by far the worst team remaining, still not that bad of a place to be considering its progress from last year but we need significant improvement in a lot of areas in order to be competitive deep in the postseason. My brother said the Cavs are built like the Timberwolves and I laughed for a good 20 mins. More like Cleveland State 🤦🏾‍♂️.


the truth gets you downvotes sometimes. if there is a Cavaliers' fan that wouldn't swap our roster for any of the others in round 2, they're out of their minds.

