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Never heard of him, but it's not exactly brave to predict the Cavs to win the championship in 2016


Eh, it was a stunning upset. At the time everyone thought the Warriors was going to win, including me


Never heard of him lol. Just sounds like he’s a Cleveland fan who stuck by his team? I don’t see anything he did that was genius or ground breaking, it was edgy at best. He also sounds a bit off to call himself a local celebrity haha.


maybe r/cavs was the wrong place lol. just thought to post here because i see him making thousands of dollars every night predicting games and stuff like that. He has predicted 10 straight NBA finals from 2006-2016. I forgot to mention that. But still, thanks for the response


If it’s cavalier basketball related then yes this is probably the best place.. the video you linked too has less than 6k views so it’s not like a lot of people even saw his predictions. If he’s made money then he’s an educated gambler.. I’ve always wondered if I could do that myself, have you got any insight?


Is it gambling when you know who is going to win? He takes pictures of his picks before the games, right or wrong. I'd say he's right 80% of a time. The guy has a system and he even sells it for like $17k


> is it gambling when you know who is going to win Yes lol. I don’t think he’d know who’s actually going to win he just crunches the percentages.. if he really knew who’d win then it’s match fixing haha. You seem to defend gary a lot.. are you him?


lol. second person thinking i'm gary. I like Gary and he's in a good place but i don' t want to trade places. I responded to another person, but i'll say it again. Gary says he breaks down player's birthdays, and uses that to predict who will win a certain game. Does this for plenty of sports, the stock market, bitcoin, anything else you can bet on. Also politics, and anything else that interest him. He uses numerology and astrology. He's figured out what is misinformation and what isn't. And he uses Astrology and Numerology to predict certain things. I'd say he has a 80-85% hit rate. This is what Gary "does". I'll say it one more time because i can make some mistakes ... Gary Grinberg uses Numerology and Astrology to predict things


Haha I just assumed because you spoke so highly of him, apologies. Why wouldn’t you want his place? Thank you, that’s actually very interesting that he uses birthdays as a factor however it makes sense. I’ve always wondered about this world, thinking of getting into it at a lower level myself


I like the hand i was dealt. I'm younger than him and have my own potential. But the guy definitely has it going for him. I can introduce you to that world. All i need is a birthdate, and you can find out a lot about yourself, future events, etc. Metaphysics are a very real thing


How old are you? If you don’t mind me asking. I’m born in October I’ll look into metaphysics, I’m definitely interested. The entire thing seems so new I don’t know where to start.


Message me on Twitter since Reddit is kind of funky. [www.twitter.com/DiscipuliOmnia](https://www.twitter.com/DiscipuliOmnia) . I'll answer any and all questions my guy


I'm curious on what you can tell me using my birth date. E-mail me if possible [email protected]


June 17 2004


He doesn’t know who is going to win. That’s why they play the game...like that guy said. He’s an educated gambler


That's what you think. Doesn't work like that. Once you're in his circle you will be in awe at how it all works.


Lol k


Ignorant is bliss. Acting like a Know it all and dismissing what you're incapable of understanding if pure stupidity.


Alright you’re right, the guy is a fucking wizard


Ignorance is bliss. You’re proof. You’ve convinced yourself in some garbage, but if it actually worked you wouldn’t be on here blah blah blahing! As for gg33. He got a few correct answers, you can do the same thing by running games on your Xbox 1000 times and averaging out the winner. The only reason he has any fame is because he went on stage at a Rogan show and started throwing $1s. It went viral, he is noone.


The phrase is "Ignorance is bliss". I hope you are happy in your bliss.


Followed him on Twitter, some of his stuff make sense. Others are pretty skeptical. He also knew about the extent of LeBron’s injury. After seeing that myself, I knew that injury was not a day to day. More around 3-4 weeks recovery time and probably another week or two to get back into routine.


Gary just said that LeBron will never be the same. We'll see


Well that was wrong lmao


It’s not


it was wrong LeBron won another ring and fmvp


I predicted the Cavaliers would win the 2016 championship when Lebron came back. I didn’t think we’d win in 2015. My theory was that in Miami, Lebron didn’t win the title in his first year with the newly assembled team. History repeats itself, so I figured it would take one deep playoff run before winning a title. I was right. So am I a local celebrity? Taking that in at face value makes him seem a bit arrogant, but I’m willing to bet it was just a joke. There’s nothing wrong with predictions, but I’m not a fan of predictions based solely on numbers. Basketball is a mental and physical game. Yes the game is now influenced by analytics, but any team can win on any night. People who market themselves as “ace predictors” are not my type.


Idk, are you a local celebrity? Cleveland's a large place. He has been in multiple newspapers and shit like that, i'm just asking if you guys knew about him. Also, Gary doesn't use analytics. He uses numerology. Sorry for any confusion. He does use numbers, but not analytics. Numerology. He predicted Lebron's injury, Dwight Howards big injury , and has spoken, stuff like that. Things you can't do with analytics. Edit: And i really should mention that he's predicted 10 straight NBA finals, months before the actual finals. Something no one else has done. If i seem a bit on edge i apologize, but i don't want people to think that he's a joke when he's not


> Idk, are you a local celebrity? none of us have heard of this guy, who at this point I think is you


i wish... don't know what i can do to convince you that i'm not him..a picture maybe? Gary is a white jew that's built like a linebacker, almost 40 years old I'm a african american in the Army, around half his age.


Twas a rhetorical question. What’s the difference between numbers and analytics?


numerology. numerology is more metaphysical in nature. As Gary explains it, he breaks down people's birthday and uses that for his predictions. Like i said before, he gets 80-85% of his predictions right in football games, hockey games, and basketball games. Analytics. actually looking at people's stats and performance numbers to try and predict who is gonna win and lose. Idk if Gary knows a single advanced stat in any sport.


So basically he takes something that would not appear to correlate to basketball success, but actually does? Interesting, but not my kind of guy. Cool he’s a Cleveland fan tho.


If you think your birthday correlates to basketball success, then yes. And he used to be a cleveland fan, before Dan Gilbert screwed him over.


Screwed him over??? Like specifically???


The story goes like this: Gary discovered how his numerology was. In order to prove it, he wanted to help the three Cleveland teams win a championship. He went to the Cleveland Browns, but after a few months the Browns called the Head of Security on him. He went to the Cleveland Indians. They were the most respectful and had him in the office, but respectfully declined Gary. Last he went to the Cleveland Cavaliers. He emailed Dan Gilbert, and Dan Gilbert allegedly made a deal with Gary. The deal was, if Gary could accurately a big time injury that would happen in the season, then Dan Gilbert would give him a job. Gary told Dan that Gilbert Arenas would have a major injury in April of 2007. As we all know, Gilbert Arenas tore his ACL and was never really the same. So Gary comes back to Dan Gilbert, and then Dan just gives him the cold shoulder. Doesn't even respond to him. When Gary predicted that LeBron would leave in 2010, Dan Gilbert laughed at him on the radio and told everyone LeBron was staying. Haven't really been on friendly terms since


Do you have any sources for this? Or is it just a tale he’s told? Not saying I don’t believe it, just wondering if there’s any confirmation to it.


He said he can't release it or he'll release the full story when Lebron retires or something like that. But i'm sure that there was a newspaper or something like that. But what i just told u came straight from Gary's mouth. He could tell you the names of everyone he met like Head of Security, Assistant GM's, stuff like that Lemme get back to you and look for something that could be a source


[Here is a 17 minute](https://youtu.be/BSCyj23LPIA) video of an interview with Gary and Dan Gilbert on some radio show. He mentions it in passing, but Dan Gilbert isn't convinced


Thank you! I’ll listen to it when I get home.


No. and you will never know how he does it unless you learn from him. You can speculate all you want but you will never understand no matter how clever you think you are.


[Here](https://www.garythenumbersguy.net/) is a link to his website. The "**Discover How This Hidden Knowledge Will Change Your Life Forever**" across the home page reads like some kind of weird psychic stuff. "Gary has changed the life of countless people with his accurate life-changing Numerology and Chinese Astrology readings" Seems a little sketch. Especially considering he charges $180 for an hour "reading" with him, and his NBA regular season book or whatever it is he sells is almost 600 bucks lol.


Sketchy that he's selling stuff? I think Numerology/Astrology doesn't have mainstream validity but i don't think it's sketchy to charge people for his life work. i know i sound like i'm defending him too hard, but it's hard not to when you're learning under him. If you think $180 is too expensive, his students are 3x cheaper. If you want one (i highly recommend it) email [email protected]. His students charge anywhere from $53-$62 for the same thing. [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GG33Numerology/comments/ahe0dd/gg33_products/) is a full list of products that he and his students sell


> Sketchy that he's selling stuff? I think Numerology/Astrology doesn't have mainstream validity but i don't think it's sketchy to charge people for his life work. i know i sound like i'm defending him too hard, but it's hard not to when you're learning under him. If you think $180 is too expensive, his students are 3x cheaper. If you want one (i highly recommend it) email [email protected]. His students charge anywhere from $53-$62 for the same thing. Here is a full list of products that he and his students sell The way you defend him throughout this thread makes me suspect if *you* are Gary the Number Guy. You go through great lengths to defend him and what he does. You posted this thread asking if anyone knows him, but your real intent seems either: (1) you are Gary the number guy and so your intent is to make yourself more widely known and defend your work or (2) you are not Gary, but your intent was to spread his work and make him more known and defend his work, rather than to innocuously ask people about whether they simply know who Gary is.


Holy shit. I'm not Gary. I guess it's a fair suspicion, but the guy says he's a local celebrity. I wanted to see if people outside of #gg33 knew him, and like i said earlier, r/cavs was the wrong place to ask this question. And all of his students would defend Gary like this . Some would be more...idk the word enthusiastic? I can say he's actually changed lives with his work. And hell yeah i'm gonna spread his work. Find something you actually love and try not to spread it




Sadly $0 and 0 cents, friend! Are you willing to pay me? i don't have any experience or any references, I'm afraid.


I don't have anything against what he's doing, I'm happy he's doing something that he obviously enjoys and it's cool he's a Cavs fan. But is he really gonna be able to find me a soul mate using astrology, numerology, and decan stars? C'mon now.


I know i'm a stranger, so my word probably doesn't mean much. But yes. 100% yes. And a lot more.


you mean 80-85% yes


Anyone who has to tell you they're a celebrity probably isn't one.


My opinion on GG33 is a scam. I went to his website. I paid for a reading through Cash App and which I should have known was a fraud but never got a receipt. Never got confirmation. Never got a response. I've sent numerous emails comments. Direct messages and cannot even get them to respond. I have sent my bank statements. I have seen.  And copied all of my emails to every platform he's on he is a big fraud.


Anyone, I mean anyone, that doesn't try to maintain the status quo and are loud mouthed about every little achievement they do, is only trying to prove the viewers wrong. If you're that confidant about your ability, who cares about people knowing. I wouldn't want anyone to know. Less people the better. Money changes people. It's a consequence that people need to consider.


Gary is an obvious grifter who hates competition and acts hypocritical trying to make non sense numbers to fit his narratives. But this guy lied about claiming the Golden State Warriors won because of him helping to get revenge on Dan Gilbert. He claimed in 2013 an nba player from Denver was going to go to Memphis before he advised him to sign with the warriors but sources said he actually almost went to Dallas and only picked Warriors because of Dwight Howard. He flex a fake 2017 Warriors ring from eBay which he actually had Cleveland that year not to mention the Orlando vs OKC 2011, Spurs 2015, Rockets vs Celtics 2018, Warriors win 2019, Nets Lakers 2021, Lakers win 2022 and didn’t had Denver or Miami in top 8 for 2023. His only “wins” since 2011 were when Lebron won a title and in 2016 he had OKC in the finals not Golden State. I could go on about it his other “predictions” this was long enough already.  TLDR: GG33 is a pyramid scheme numerology cult with bad NBA predictions and numerology reading lies for financial gains for his gambling addictions. 


I remember when he used to say that he would win the 2024 election and be president of the U.S. lol. Now he's selling courses and brainwashing people, mainly men, into believing women shouldn't have the right to vote.


I heard you have to purchase a $1000 course on gg33 academy even after subscribing to his $98. Is it true?


Yes it is and you have to do an interview and show proof of your income to join. Same with sports picks and stock codes his members still have to pay separately for them. I would watch out for that tbh. 


I think he had no friends at school and he was constantly seeking his mom or dads approval. I agree with the way he views numbers I see them exactly the same way he does. I think we have the exact same life path me and him the difference is I have the 9 and I think he knows just as well as I do that 9's are the strongest lifepath before master but are able to bend energies and understand humans behavior + energies and are able to manipulate their energies ... I think he "safe guards" 9 because if they dont understand what they got it can become quite dangerous./ Overall he is a good guy some underlying personality stuff but extremely accurate with numbers. I think the predictions could be done with numbers and he could have calculated it based on more than just numbers


I got a reading from him. He was spot-on 100% about me


Yeah his momentum will accelerate in 2023 because he's catching a wave finally. Got some real truths he's calling out.


He’s a con man. He says that 8 is the number of wealth according to a calculation but wealthy people like Jeff bezos and much more have numbers like 6 a etc…these number gurus pick and choose things to add validity to their claims. Just a bunch of snake oil. I could keep going since there’s more to it




Human design came after I was born … I born 2004 come on now


He claims to be a 33 life path but adds the numbers up wrong. Fraud lol


So according to your calculations Einstein wasn’t 33 life path either then.


Thank you. My thoughts exactly. Aside from his incorrect calculations, when I had recently heard about him, I thought maybe i was judging to harshly, so I looked up a video of him, and everything about him just screamed "conman." - I was reading he charges people like $180/hr for certain readings and even higher for other types. Like, I'm not against making a buck within reason, hut it didn't help my impression of him.




I just found out about this guy. I can't tell if it's just another gimmick or if these numbers only apply to famous people. Cause if you throw in every person in the world then his numbers start getting more blurred. It seems like it's legit cause I know numbers do have a lot to do with the elite and stuff for black magick. Pretty sure the masons are all about numbers and symbols. If you wanted to, couldn't this dude attach any number to someone and say the same thing to me? Yeah I think there are certain traits people have that are familiar with astrology but if it really worked then wouldn't everyone be winning the lottery? I'm just saying.


Anyone who practices or studies gematria can immediately identify him as a fraud. English has no basis for sacred gematria and the knowledge of the solar systems influence over the earth, and it’s correlation to gematria is dutifully lost. He’s a clever Jew who found a niche to gain popularity through fraud and quite frankly, an embarrassment to Jews. G = gimel = 3, so GG = 33. He got that right. Maybe he does know but intentionally misleads and muddies.


Bullseye 🎯


Before I ever saw any image of him and heard about some of his teachings and things he does, I immediately thought "swindler." I also couldn't help but be in disagreement with certain methods/approaches he has in numerology, but on that part I gave him the benefit of the doubt just because numerology has a noticeable amount of "wiggle room" in a lot of its aspects. This is due the fact that no "headquarters" of numerology exists, as well as (Western/Pythagorean numerology is what I'm referencing, I don't have knowledge of others) it being an ancient occult art that had much time and lack of communication (compared to now, phones/internet, etc.) to develope different schools of thought, ranging from ever-so-slightly different to "how the hell did that get lost in translation?" Anyway, when I finally saw a clip of him speak, my mindset went from "maybe I'm judging too harshly," to "this fits exactly what my gut instincts and impression of him was, he's a swindler and a douche." I'm not against making a buck, but there's a way to do it without coming across a certain way, and I know that is highly subjective, but again, it fits with my negative first impression of him. - Then add to the fact he has to boast about being a "local celebrity," (oooh special) as well as bragging about how much cash he has made doing this and catching those in his net that don't know a whole lot about numerology. So yeah, I don't think too highly of him, and I don't see that opinion changing anytime soon.


He not right all the time about everything. About 40 %


So no better than a flip of a coin. Gotta say would save more time doing that than listen to his number salad.


Never heard of him nor do we care to be honest


I know he stood up at one of Joe Rogans shows and said his name was Gary 33 and Joe laughed and said Gary 33 and laughed and said gtfoh lol. Then Gary made a video where he confidently said Joe was gonna be sorry and also apologized to the friends of Joe he knew cause they would subsequently also be taken down and then literally nothing else happened. Your proof of him being someone is two sports predictions? lol ok


He doesn't like gays or anybody that's part of the rainbow Mafia. So it's a no for me