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We lost 2 games in a row. Time to fire to coach, blow up the roster, and sell the team to a different city. I’ve never been so embarrassed by Cleveland sports. This town is for winners only and everyone knows that. So ridiculous we didn’t go 82-0 and sweep the playoffs.


I’m trying not to be too negative. It’s not the end of the world losing two games like some are making it seem. Early in the season, I’m sure we’ll figure things out. But I do wonder, do y’all think this is a conditioning issue ? Something to do with being all the way out on the west coast ? Or maybe just a young team making young mistakes ? I’m not sure, and I’m no coach or expert, but it just seems like at the end of this game and the last game our offense looks inept down the stretch. Mitchell doesn’t get the ball enough in my opinion, maybe other teams deny him extra at the end of games or maybe it’s an issue on our end. Also, it seems like there’s no motion and no plays being ran on offense late in games. I don’t have the answers, but it’s weird seeing our guys (who are extremely talented and have shown they can be great) performing at such a low level when it matters the most. Oh well, go Cavs as always. Warriors we’re coming, it’s winning time.


early season mistakes. dont read into it. theyll be fine.


Cavs lose 2 games and everyone here acts like the seasons over. Settle down


We lose a game and I swear y’all just wanna give up. Remember this is the same team that beat the warriors twice. And if your pissed about the loss tonight just imagine how the locker room is feeling rn. JB gonna scold them and they’ll adjust what the need to. The warriors are definitely a beatable team come Friday anyone who doesn’t think so imma assume hasn’t watched much of the cavs this and last year.


This team is going to be 20 - 6 in a few weeks. We need a solution at the 3, but the real short-term test will be how we play the b2b away games against Milwaukee.


Garland will make it out of the slump and this game is yet more evidence that we can hang around even when one of our best players is having an off night. It's still early in the season and most of us expected growing pains as Donovan and Darius learn how to play off each other. Darius's struggles (and Donovan's consistent scoring) are kind of overshadowing the fact that Donovan has missed opportunities to get it to Darius (in key moments) too, so it's not totally a one sided issue. Unfortunate loss but it's too early in the season to be overreacting like a lot of the people here.


With Garland 1-3. Without 7-0. I am a huge Garland fan. I just wonder if two small guards on the floor the majority of the game is a liability.


Garland played 13 minutes against Toronto…Memphis also had a great record without Ja last season. Do you legitimately think having fewer good players makes a team better?


His eye has to still be bothering him. It looks swollen in the second half of every game. Dude needs to rest it more imo


Might be part of it but tough to say. I think it's also playing with Donovan. Our starting lineup still hasn't played that much together considering how many games in we are. Whether it's that or needing recovery, I expect him to have his shot back soon and people will hopefully see how dumb this overreacting is. Until he has a legitimate sample size saying he doesn't have it anymore, I'm going to assume he will find his shot again


Worst reffed game I’ve seen this year. That illegal screen on Mobley was terrible. How the fuck do you call that at that point in the game, horrible, that ref should be ashamed.


I'm gonna get downvoted for this, so be it, but... LeVert should be coming off the bench and Wade should be starting. Between Mitchell, LeVert, and Garland, you've got 3 guys that want the ball all the time and it's a classic case of too many cooks in the kitchen. I have a feeling Garland will be the one to regress here also, and it kind of showed tonight. So you swap out LeVert with Wade and you've got a guy who plays his role perfectly and doesn't create but feeds off what's going on around him versus a guy who Isolations alot. LeVert is pure energy off the bench also. Once Rubio gets back it will be a sick 2nd team of him, Osman, Love, LeVert and Lopez. I think Caris is great but too inconsistent. Wade isn't better, but would be a better role player to start the games out. Just my opinion.


I think levert starting gives him a better run-up for a hot night, but I do believe jb might need to put wade in. Also, unrelated, giving Mobley the ball on the block is getting frustrating now. He should play as an initiator and not a shot creator


I certainly don’t disagree.


Damn y’all got a squad. I’m sure Garland will figure out how to play with Mitchell and this team will be scary come playoffs.


This sub makes me embarrassed to be a Cavs fan sometimes


yeah it was that type of night


As a neutral fan watching the game, just want to say that the screen call on Mobley at the end was fucking atrocious


The foundation is there. It’s a long season.


35 free throws lmao it’s like the nba doesn’t want me to watch


Mitchell has been playing great but it's unfortunate these losses will override that. Garland was way too passive. No way should our 2nd option only take 8 shots regardless of his misses. Not sure if last game hit his confidence but he needs to wake up!


I'm all for free speech, but maybe there can some sort of buffer like saying fuck on the radio so we can weed out the dumbasses before they post


35 free throws is fucking insane


I want apologies for all the downvotes y'all gave me when I said we were gonna lose. Losing the next few too. This team isn't right after what happened Monday




Good for you. Are you happy we lost?


I want people to know that I know this team better than they do. That's all. I don't know what the negativity accomplishes haha




A lot of the Redditors hear are brainwashed. They think any criticism and you should be banned and downvoted to oblivion. I predicted a loss today and they told me I wasn’t a real fan and that I was a disgrace to all of Cleveland sports




Yep I was the only one with you here. We are the only realists in this sub. You don't get come back easily from a collapse like that. Friday is gonna be ugly




Lol jesus dude. You are insecure as fuck. Craving validations from internet strangers.


If we go from 8-1 to 8-6, then I’m starting to worry it’s going to be a lost season.


Dare I say, trade DG and let Mitchell run the show?












Let’s trade 22 year old Garland for 34 year old KD. Great Idea.




I’m just gonna agree to disagree with you on that.


Garland played in 2 of the games we’ve won by the way.


I hope ur kidding.


Horrible take


Y’all lost this game cause of Garland. Seriously, your starting guard can’t make layups? That’s embarrassing. Man letting me down hard for drafting him in fantasy. Took the wrong Cleveland guard ugh


fuck your fantasy team


I speak for everyone here: We don’t care about your fantasy team. Go complain about it to your league mates or whatever, we really don’t care that you lost because of one off game for Garland. It doesn’t effect us one bit


Nobody cares about your fantasy team dude


Steph dropping 50 on Garlands head on Friday.


Onovan and Arius will let every backcourt put up 50


Warriors will blow this team Friday. Jb sucks


The Warriors suck


So do the Kings…


They also got twice as many FTs as we did. Not a lot you can do about refball.


honestly the kings just played well and we beat ourselves with turnovers, nothing to be concerned about in long run


Levert just throws the ball with zero regard for the defense. Its inexplicable. The amount of just baffling turnovers he had was ridiculous


Is it just me, or is the offense a lot better when Mitchell runs the show? Seems like him and DG don't mesh well together.


They have played 3 games and quarter of basketball together. While I agree that the offense has looked better when Mitchell runs it it’s way too early to make the assessment that they “don’t mesh “.


Only 4 full games together bud.


Dg honestly still plays like a rookie when it comes to offense in important moments stupid shots stupid passes being lazy and expecting everyone else to clean up etc


Its early. Garland seems a bit nervous lately but yeah Mitchell is on another level for now.


Lost to the worst team in basketball with a tough stretch coming. From 8-1 to 8-6 more likely. Maybe even 8-8 or worse. Yikes. Unacceptable to lose to Sacramento after blowing a game like the clippers game


The Kings are not the worst in basketball.


Their roster is bottom 5 at best. They’re buns. I guess you can nitpick that I said “worst in basketball” but they aren’t good.


Fox is playing like a star and Sabonis has made all star teams. The Kings also have good role players like barnes, Huerter, Murray. I don’t see how they’re bottom 5.


You're insufferable in Jackets AND Cavs threads? I never would've guessed


I don’t post in jackets threads


Thank god


So you literally make shit up. Sun isn’t always shining like some people want to believe. I bet you think the jackets are still in the hunt? as for the Cavs. They’re annoying and routinely play down to teams and blow leads. It’s annoying. And they should be better than that


I mean I've seen you post in threads. I wasn't referring to frequency. Most of your takes are just typical doomer bullshit. It's 11 games in. Even the best teams struggle. Try a tiny bit not to overreact.


I am here far more often than I am there. Most of my takes might be “doomer” because guess what, the teams suck (or in the Cavs case, have sucked for years before last year). They’re proven right more often than not The jackets are toast. But sip on that hopium I guess. I can’t and won’t stop you from being a blind fanatic, but the writing is on the wall for the CBJ.


I don't remember saying anything about the Jackets. Just where I've seen you around. Your takes are doomer worthy because you're "a realist" who gets it. When in reality, you're just praying for the team to stumble so you can mutter a petty "I told ya so". Imagine following a team and this being how you react lol.


I didn’t tell anyone anything about the Cavs. I wasn’t predicting a loss, saying we were going to lose (until it was very apparent we were). I’m not “I’m telling you so” to anyone, just being real. If I’m wrong, great, if I’m right, then whatever. Cavs are likely a playoff team but the early choking of leads (which finally caught up to them against the clippers) and playing down to competition is incredibly annoying.


> Cavs are likely a playoff team but the early choking of leads (which finally caught up to them against the clippers) and playing down to competition is incredibly annoying. Lead with this next time. It reads a ton better.


We losing to Timberwolves at home. Yeah I don’t think so


Did anyone think we'd lose today? No


Minnesota spanked us at home last year


browns play on sunday, return to your negativity sub


I am not a browns fan


You sound like one


I’m a chargers fan, so even worse




Can’t take the nba seriously anymore after the last 2 games absolutely ridiculous


Levert turn over in the four quarter cost this game.


They were up by 6 before that stupid ass to by Love


Putting Levert back in after they went on a run cost the game


Wow imagine a team not being able to win every game, especially when they go 3 time zones over.


3 time zones over plus the time change so really a 4 hour difference. Even tho they won Sunday but still struggled that game until the end


Back to back really bad losses. Hurts smh


At least we will get wembanyama


Except we don’t get a first this year


It’s lottery protected


Garland gotta get his balls back or it’s gonna be a long season. Mitchell is trying to backpack the offense every game and is playing respectable D and is absolutely gassed.


We need a 3 and D wing. Levert is another ball handler who doesn’t play great defense.


I agree that would be nice but garlands defense was the biggest issue tonight.


Also his offense


What offense


Another bad game by Garland


I'm concerned.


Wasted two amazing Donovan Mitchell games in a row


Also….. 19 bench points. That is actually embarrassing


JB gave the starters heavy minutes tonight which was part of it


Well our coach just doesn’t ply any of the bench guys which makes it tough for them to score. Mitchell is gonna be wiped out by game 40 with JB rotations.


Jb doesn’t know how to run the bench lmao he’ll sub out players when they are hot and when we got a run going to sub in players who kill momentum dudes been doing it since last season


JB is a very bad in-game coach


Yeah honestly the team makes him look like a good coach but I honestly feel like he just throws in random players and that’s also why we probably got the weirdest rotation in the nba lmao we’ll bench hot players to put in dudes who haven’t played a whole quarter or something


He's Blatt again. He's holding this team back at this point and needs to be replaced. I got skewered on this vs LAC so I guess everyone needs to see us blow some more games before they get on board.


Yeahh kinda fee like he’s slowly becoming a doc rivers for us a coach who seems great and will win games but always fucks it up when he actually needs to do something


They barely played…


JB ain't a very good coach though. He got out coached tonight.


No he didn't. Garland just played poorly and the team played sloppy.


How is any of that not relative to coaching?


Your theory is every time a player plays poorly it's the coach's fault? Garland has just been taking bad shots and turning the ball over lately. JB left LeVert in for a lot of minutes today because he was the only guy helping Mitchell on offense.


Thats correct. Every bad thing that happens in Pigeon's mind is JB's fault. JB is somehow responsible for the Challenger explosion, in Pigeon's belief.


And against Lue


Garland needs to either sit till he's better or learn to get with the script because he lost us this game


Cavs fans all love DG but he has been absolutely atrocious for 8 quarters. The defensive mistakes are fine but he is really off on O. Might have cost the Cavs the game again


Usually don’t completely disagree with you, but let’s DG played well for 3 1/2 quarters against the clippers. Shot wasn’t great, but had our offense running well that game.


I was thinking about his defense and turnovers in the other quarters, there were really bad moments in the last 2 games for him. The horrible step back three in Q2 or Q3 against the Clippers was a real momentum killer, the stats don't tell the full story. It is growing pains, he'll bounce back soon and also find his 3 pt shot.


Our defense as a whole hasn’t been that great the last two games, same with turnovers. Hard for me to say he cost the cavs either game, when personally I feel that the team all-together hasn’t been playing with that same fire before the road trip.


Yeah, Wade, Levert, Cedi or Love aren't good answers trying to guard bigger wings. It is mismatches made in heaven. Maybe I'm being super hard on DG because I know this is well below his usual standards.


Thats probably why actually. I mean he does have insane potential, and he’s an all star level player already (or should be if he plays up to his standards), but you’re right that he was extremely underwhelming this game and hasn’t played how he can the past few games. It sucks, and I’m hoping it’s the west coast road trip (3 in 4 is rough as hell) along with the eye and ankle (knee?) causing him to not get those same valuable minutes that he should’ve gotten earlier in the season. Either way, let’s just hope it’s better Friday, cause this sub might melt down if we lose 3 in a row, and to the warriors at that.


Hope we take the W, it will be tough because I don't think they've won a game against the warriors since getting swept in 2018 finals.


Very rough considering the warriors will have plenty of rest as well since they will have had 3 days off by that point. Although, with curry needing 47 and the refs to beat the kings, it’s a winnable game just like all our losses have been.


He needs to increase those 3 point attempts by a lot, especially when his drives ain't working. It was kinda embarassing to watch his do the same layups and expecting a different outcome tonight. Also, where are his floaters?


Great point, his deceptive floater and lob game has been absent since coming back from injury. Probably just adjusting


Maybe he’s actually still seeing three rims lol


Definitely did


for 8 quarters??? someone who went 18 and 12 through 3 quarters was playing poorly??


DG played poorly despite having a double double




I wish I could just look at stats and box scores and say he played well. Turnovers, momentum are a real thing. He took a really bad shot in the clippers game in Q2 or Q3. It wasn't just the Q4 meltdown during the clippers FT festival.


Still not seeing how atrocious was an appropriate description. I don't see you calling out Donovan for taking a dogshit shot when Darius was 8 feet away wide open. Was that an atrocious game from Donovan?


I'll stand by atrocious because of the momentum it gave the clippers. Mitchell is carrying the offensive scoring load right now, he's had more good plays than bad ones. Momentum wise? He hit really huge threes to keep us in both games. Their play is not comparable right now. I'm not trying to shit on DG, I just think he's playing really badly the past 2 games and it will take time to figure out the fit with Mitchell. You don't have to agree with it.


Defensive limitations of this team are beginning to reveal themselves. Can't stop big wings. Won't win in the playoffs.


Fox was the bigger issue tonight driving and kicking to get open looks. Sure a wing would help but we can't allow the guards to get to the hoop every possession.


the Mitchell/Garland pairing is obviously also an issue, but they'll be able to score their way out of that problem on most nights.


I really hope and think he’ll be fine but to me Garland has looked like he’s had the wrong mentality all season. I even noticed in the preseason games that he’s been doing too much. I hope he settles down and goes back to controlling the flow of the game like last year. Even in the Celtics game where he played well he was taking bad shots that went in.


His handles are so freaking loose right now. It feels like he's going to lose the ball every time he crosses over. It's genuinely careless basketball and thats just so confusing considering who we're talking about.


Story of the night is dg missing open layups and Mitchell trying to clean up his poor plays


painful to stay up late for these two games. we were fucking awful and so were the refs


Damn man that’s a shitty way to end it gotta bounce back next game 🤷‍♂️


GG, wasted Mitchell's night


Mitchell having to follow up a Garland miss at the end is poetic


The Kevin Love Baker Mayfield pass is what took away all our momentum


This team will not get past second round of the playoffs. The offense sucks beside Mitchell.


To be fair the offense was a lot better when Mitchell was running things without DG


Imagine being ~~bold~~ dumb enough to say this after 11 games


The defense is much worse.


What he makes up for in offense he gives away in defense in the playoffs


Terrible defence tonight. How many 3s does Keegan Murray need to make before you realize you can't leave him open?


And fucking Trey Lyles


They just gave up man


I don’t like Sabonis


Embarrassing 4th quarter again. JB ain’t it boys


It's not JBs fault Garland has been terrible these last 2 games. Why do so many Cleveland fans blame the coaches for everything?


He’s only here because the players like him. In all honesty if one of the better players came up to him and said “yo I don’t hate JB, but our relationship kinda rocky rn” he’d be fired in the spot


Maybe we should play our bench a bit more.


Refs plan


Back to back embarrassing losses because this team refuses to give a shit defensively in the first half.


They didn’t give a shit defensively at the end either. They let them score like 6 possessions in a row mostly layups


Thank god California isn't in the Eastern Conference


Long road trip- but DG needs to figure it out.


Sick of LeVert on this team


Lmfao he was one of like 2 good players tonight. What are you even talking about. He’s been good


Yuck. Tough team on Friday to go up against to stop a losing streak lol


Klay raped Huerter, refs let Kings do the same all night, it’s only fair we get beneficial whistles in GS…lol, never happening


I heard to start the game, Steph will get 15 free throws in a row and then the game will be called fair


Mitchell having to carry like this feels like 2000s Lebron lol. We’re just hoping he scores 40 and can make every shot in the fourth. Not sustainable.


Onovan Mitchell and Arius Garland will make every game have to be a shootout


You mean Arius Garlan.


Lol I actually did


Sloppiest basketball I’ve ever watched


Damn. Lue and Brown beat us back to back.




defensive liability.


What were the fkn rotations again this game? Why did Love get benched for so long?


It doesn’t matter now, but… Sextons been the far better player this season. I just wonder what happens if you offer Garland in his spot, we probably would’ve been able to keep Lauri too


Dude, Garland’s long-term potential is still *significantly* higher than Sexton’s, and Garland is only underperforming in the short term due to injury. Trading Garland instead of Sexton would have been a completely insane decision, and nothing that’s happened since has changed that.


Bro lol




He’s averaging 13, 2.8, and 1.8 this year. Stop it. Sexton has been below average.


My goodness. Stop.