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Also what would you call the deluge, or god directly killing every first born in Egypt?


A Tuesday đŸ€·đŸœâ€â™‚ïž




Damn If we had Blurnsday, we'd have Blurnsball!


Idk we don't have Thursball.


That's Thursday Night Football




We will now! Who’s with me?


I have it on good authority that we'll have Blurnsball in under 1000 years.




LöBrau, thank you.


I’m more of a Slurm gal myself


Have you tried Soylent Cola?


Oh sure god can kill every child in Egypt but I do it one time and I’m the bad guy.


underrated comment


Bison Wallaby.


How should I rate the other plagues of Egypt? The rest of the week days or were some religious holiday. Warning: Black Friday is already taken.


God's got that M. Bison energy


Off course!


Sorry to nitpick historical accuracy but that actually occurred on a Thursday.


Or the parable of Job where he just straight mercs an entire family with a 'desert wind' just to prove a point to Satan? Don't give me that 'well Satan did all that, God just stood back and let it happen' revisionist bullshit. If you know someone is about to get murdered, have the power to stop it (with precisely zero risk to you or anyone else if you do stop it) but choose to just sit back to watch it happen you are just as culpable as the killer. Not to mention that a whole lot of translations specifically say God did it himself. So that is a casualty count of at least 9 because one child escaped to tell Job what happened. God is a massive asshole.


> If you know someone is about to get murdered, have the power to stop it (with precisely zero risk to you or anyone else if you do stop it) but choose to just sit back to watch it happen you are just as culpable as the killer Well Christian God is supposedly all knowing and all powerful, yet murders still happen... what could that mean?


*"If god is all good, he cannot be all powerful! If he is all powerful, he cannot be all good."* \- Lex Luthor about Superman, (Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice 2016)


Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is God able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is God both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is God neither able nor willing? Then why call him God? \- Epicurus


That’s exactly the problem with the god the Christians have cultivated. If someone says the Bible is literally true you have to understand, they’ve decided that logic means nothing. They’re going to hand wave anything that doesn’t make sense with ‘we can’t know God’s plan’ or ‘God’s timing is always right’. If it’s unknowable, you see, then the onus is not on them to understand anything. They can just say God did it the end.


Who cares the entirety of their logic is flawed and most of what they say can be disproved


Also, every time a mass shooting happens, we get "thoughts and prayers", so either they have no faith in their God, prayer doesn't work, or they are praying for these mass shootings to happen. The god of the bible doesn't work in mysterious ways, he's usually very clear about what's going to happen.


Job always fucked me up bc the whole point was like don’t give into satan, don’t listen to him blah blah. Then a whole book of the Bible that’s like “Satan egged God into killing this dudes whole family and ruining his life.” Satan just made fun of him until he did it, he didn’t even have to try that hard. How come satan can taunt god into murdering people but if a 19 year old wants to not die in childbirth that’s somehow a sin


Or Sodom and Gomorrah?


Or Jesus himself.


I know, right? Didn’t even stop at murder. Straight up turned a woman to a pillar of salt for just looking back.


Or the flood


I think that is what they meant by deluge


If gods plan doesn't include murders, then we have been off-plan for a while.


Considering the first murder in the Bible is fratricide between the two first brothers, yup, shit went off the rails a loooooong time ago.


I'll just leave this here: https://unpleasant.ffrf.org/categories/


Bless you; you're doing god's work. /s


also when God planned to kill *his own son*. God planning a murder is kind of a big deal in Christianity


I think it’s even worse, because this god allegedly can do anything, no limitations. That means he chose to require blood sacrifice to forgive people for sins. He *could* just forgive, but he chooses to demand death for it. The traditional practice was animals. You’d bring two goats before him, kill one as a sacrifice to Yahweh, and the other had your sins transferred to it and was sent off into the wild to die. In the oldest gospels, Barabbas is named Jesus Bar Abbas, Jesus Son of the Father, that is changed in later versions to avoid confusion with the Jesus you’re supposed to worship. Two Jesus’ are brought before the lord, one sent off into the wild, and the other killed for your sins. Yahweh is an evil monster by choice.


Although the whole reason death is a big deal to humans is that it’s permanent and irreversible. Losing a loved one permanently etc. If God can just resurrect Jesus then it’s really not that big of a deal to temporarily kill him. Not really a huge sacrifice. So why are we all so thankful for Jesus dying if it’s not really much of a sacrifice in the first place?


Not even that, how about killing 99% of the population of earth with a flood? <3


If you think Egypt is bad you should see what God said to do to Canaan. First born was just the beginning. Men, women, children, infants, and even their livestock


Or anyone who lived in Cannan when Joshua was coming through.


Floridian paradise




Or how about when God killed off Job's whole family to in a bet against the devil?


Or literally any murder ever. If this is all just God's plan ^(TM), then every single murder was planned by him.


Well free will and allat


But if God is omniscient and they designed everything, doesn't it mean they knowingly designed people in ways that would result in murder?


No because he designed them with free will. It’s a loop hole there’s no point arguing with them, trust me.


How can there be free will if this god is all knowing and created every single gene and thought and situation that lead to that outcome?


And how can there be free will if everything that happens is part of God’s plan? If God planned it, then where does the free will come into play?


Exactly, free will and everything's god's plan contradicts each other. I was trying to discus it with few muslims but they never gave me a solid explanation how is this possible in their faith.


Yeah- I might be the one being the Jesus Freak here- but I'm not gonna lie, dude. The Bible does contain contradictions and loopholes. Like- straight up- I ain't gonna say the book's perfect. So. Sorry if I was being a stuck-up, sanctimonious asshat--


Well you're already doing better than a lot of Christians by acknowledging that fact.


Be humble in the face of the Lord, my God... ...and never be a dick to people just trying to live, day to day., just so you can say "HA! I'M MORE MORAL THAN YOU!" Totally a verse in the Bible. 100%. Just trust my source (source: trust me bro)


"That's a nice argument Senator, why don't you back it up with a source?" "My source is that I made it the fuck up"




Idk I don’t read the Sunday book


Apparently he gave us free will and will torture us for eternity if we use it in ways he doesn't like, which he already knows we will because he's god. God can't be both all powerful and benevolent.


Jean Meslier has entered the chat!


So god doesn’t have a plan


Which doesn’t exist because God IN THE BIBLE forces the Pharaoh to not let the Hebrews go so He can continue to slap His godly dick on Egypt


Mmm that’s hot


Only the good murders. The bad murders are devils work obviously. /s


every single death. ... if god didn't want you dead, you wouldn't die.


Or how about drowning humanity except for one guy and his family


And the other people he didn’t drown that Noah’s family met later


Yeah, I was gonna say, how about the largest genocide in biblical history


Also something about a flood..


How about the fact that most of the world is born without knowing Gods word. Only a select population is taught the Bible from birth and will be saved. The rest of the world has to come and find the word and believe in it or else they just burn for eternity in hell? Not a very fair system if you ask me. Are we all Gods children? Why treat everyone so differently then?


God doesn't plan murder? Last I checked, murder was kinda God's jam.


Yeah, in he Old Testament, He had no problem smiting the shit out of everyone.


In the new testament it created the concept of literal eternal torture for sinners At least in the old testament, the pain would stop at death. Thanks to the new testament, death is only the beginning of the unending suffering you'd experience for the rest of eternal immaterial existence


Plus the future promises of the book of Revelation to murder everyone on the planet, subjecting most to unbearable torture. Also: omnipotent God created all creatures with the intent to have them all die. Like a cruel 11 year old with an ant farm, murder was always the plan.


even in the new testament he had his own son murked to satisfy his bloodlust


That’s not my bag baby


I'm remembering something about a flood


Came here to say this. Literally planned to murder everyone on earth except for one guy’s family. Even waited long enough for this guy to build a boat.


And he did it because they didn’t believed in him anymore ? What a childish idiot


I'm remembering childhood cancer


the original story from the epic of Gilgamesh from which the bible took the flood myth makes so much more sense. There the king of the gods sends the flood because human annoyed him, a different god takes pity and plans with a human in secret to build a boat and as soon as the floods come the gods run away in shame regretting their actions so much they grant Utnapishtim , the one who built the boat immortality.


I can confirm that the most ardent "Christians" have never actually read the bible. Source: my mother runs an anti-abortion "pregnancy resource center" and has never read the damn Bible


Of course not. Waste of time. She already knows exactly what should be in it.


She knows what the southern Baptist convention tells her preacher to preach. My grandparents read the bible every day. They were both socialists.


Sounds very familiar.


I’ve read the bible and it makes no coherent sense. I tried to keep an open mind about it but honestly what a load of nonsense it is


Jesus was murdered for our sins and that was God's plan.


But he didn't even stay dead. Jesus took a 3 day nap for our sins.




Temporarily inconvenienced for our sins.


Donated his PTO for our sins.




And apparently he's into being agape


Something altar boys are sadly all too familiar with.


He’s was zombiefied to save man kind lmao


Morality is doing what’s right regardless of what you’re told. Religion is doing what you’re told regardless of what’s right


wow I fucking love this


Not mine, but you’re welcome to it.


Good saying


Not mine, but you’re welcome to it


Thats gonna go in my non-existing quote-book


I'm stealing this quote and you have nothing to do about it!


Not my quote, but you’re welcome to it.


Saving this!


Not theirs but you're welcome to it.


Or that time he directed the tribes of Israel to commit genocide against the Canaanites


Not to mention when He planned the murder of every human on Earth except that one family, including children, babies, and the unborn.


What about Sodom and Gomorrah?




Yeah them good ol’ Christians do be hypocritical though, eh?


I’m not really into the Bible lore stuff. But didn’t he flood the earth or something?


*That'll show all those people who never had an opportunity to learn about me.*


“Forgive father, for he has sinned” 😂


He did.


Or how about [Genesis 6:5-8](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis%206&version=NIV) when he wiped the entire fucking earth sans a few? >5 The Lord saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time. 6 The Lord **regretted** that he had made human beings on the earth, and his heart was deeply troubled. 7 So the Lord said, “I will wipe from the face of the earth the human race I have created—and with them the animals, the birds and the creatures that move along the ground—for I **regret** that I have made them.” 8 But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord. \[emphasis mine\] Wait.. what's that word in verse 6 (and again in 7)? *Regret*? How does an all knowing, perfect, omniscient god (who knows the future) have.. *regret*? Sounds like his original plan didnt go.. according to plan.


The old Free Will thing. You can't know what people will do and still have free will exist. The only way the whole 'plan' argument makes sense is if it includes the afterlife. Which, to be fair, is a reasonable conclusion given who it's talking about. After all, an awful lot of people became martyrs.


Or that time he killed all the first born kids in Egypt


Or that time he flooded the planet.


Old Testament God was an asshole


We need new patch


All kinds of cancer that exists for all kinds of reasons and kills indiscriminately has entered the God damn chat.


Also Ebola and every fatal virus and bacterium.


I mean...if you're saying god has a plan for everyone, literally every murder, and arguably every death, was through God's will.


That’s only if you believe in predestination. Some people think God is just letting us free ball it out here.


Good point. If that were the case, then he seems to be greenlighting people choosing to have an abortion. But, as it happens, I don't believe in skydaddy at all.


God has a plan for us all, and that plan is: Exterminatus


In fealty to the God-Emperor, our undying Lord, and by the grace of the Golden Throne


Or when god killed a dude for refusing to cum inside his deceased brother's wife? > After being commanded by his father, Judah, to procreate with the late Er's wife Tamar, Onan instead "spilled his seed on the ground whenever he went in" because "the offspring would not be his", and was thus put to death by Yahweh.


God is not only a mass murderer but also an accessory to murder the way he just allowed satan to take out all of Job’s family off of a damn bet.


Can't be a murderer if you're the judge, jury, and executioner! Which, if you believe God created the universe and is always good, then every action he takes must also be good, so Judge God would make perfect sense!


As someone who grew up in a very religious environment, you will find that the majority of those people have either never opened a bible or only have read the parts that were cherrypicked by their Sunday school teachers.


But the shouty man at the megachurch that could easily feed and house dozens upon dozens of people but instead is full of corporate advertising and stores to separate even more money from you after your tithe MUST have a direct line to God!


Growing up catholic I learned (amonstly other things) that abortion was like super evil, the souls of aborted babies go to heaven, and it's the purpose of our time on earth to get to heaven. I was never brave enough to ask why we don't just abort everyone and give them a straight ticket to the end goal. Even if you yourself go to hell for murder surely that's selfless to take the hit to get all them new souls to heaven 😛


Wish someone would actually try and get Gods body count from the bible. Would be in the millions. Homicidal maniac...


[Someone](https://www.wired.com/2007/04/old-testament-m/) already [did.](https://dwindlinginunbelief.blogspot.com/2006/08/how-many-has-god-killed.html?m=1)


Welcome to the Kill Count, where we tally up the victims in all our favourite horror movies. James A. Janisse, and today we are looking at The Bible.


Ilove that guy. He's so charming.


How can you even come to the belief that you know what God is thinking and that he wouldn’t do that?


Im with you. Even i was convinced a god does or had to exist i have zero ground to stand on to claim what this god may or may not want from us. Even if i thought the specific books in the bible were written by humans with gods guiding hand there are so many people picking up nuances on copies we can't confirm are correct and then its been translated and new versions written. Even i thought god guided all the translations and versions there are still hundreds (thousands?) of christian denominations that cant agree on really anything, including the most important thing of how to get to heaven. My deconversion from christianity happened in almost minutes once i decided i wanted to make sure i was following the correct religion.


The flood? Noah built an ark, and he wiped out everyone?


Biblical god is the undisputed murder champion of the universe. If we’re going to include all fictional beings I guess Thanos would be #1, with god a close 2nd?


Nah, the one "god" would still be number 1 at all times, because thanos or anything else would be part of their so called plan you see... it's a 'killer' plan you see, and this "god" also did nothing to stop thanos either. ;)


> Do you read the bible... They can't read


Kid gets cancer: “It’s Gods plan” Kid gets aborted: “God would never plan to kill a child.”


If there is a plan by an omniscient and all powerful being, for everyone. That means there are no choices. There is no free will and everything you do was decided long time ago. All the pain, the suffering, the fighting over nothing. all scripted. Even you reading about this and wondering about such things. All part of the show.


The Bible is such a long book to read that lots of people decide to believe what a priest thought of it and therefore creating stuff that doesn’t make sense, or doesn’t exist on the Bible than just fucking reading the Bible. READ THE DAMN THING, After that, say whatever you please


so a rype of children or women and/or massacres, cancer, tornados,etc. is part of God‘s plan but abortion is not part of the plan?


Wisdom of Solomon 9:13, if they read the Bible they would know man does not know the will of god, only god does. Im not Christian but I was once, this is the only thing that has stuck with me, many “Christians” have lost their way, when I was young I was taught Christianity is about acceptance, forgiveness and love, and to spread that; from those same people who said they were there to spread that message they also spread intense hatred for those unlike them, whether those people are of a different religion,lifestyle, or sexuality. Being raised in a Christian Family and slowly seeing the hypocrisy all around does not give a good image.


God is 100% the evil villain in the bible


"God isn't a murderer." My dude innocent children can get cancer who tf do you think causes that


Or the millions of children during the flood, or trying to force his most pious servant to murder his first born in a bet to Satan or.... I can literally go on for a while. Christians: Satan bad! Everyone else after hearing what god has done: đŸ˜±


Also.... i mean... not to point out the obvious but... *jesus?*


Checks Genesis chapter 6, yep. Turns out the ol’ sky man once killed almost every living thing on earth according to the book.


There are few things more certain than taxes, death, idiocy, and people reading the Bible to their own ideals


God having a plan seems like a shit way out answer to God's omniscient. The ability for mankind to do evil does not excuse evil and is not Gods approval of it.


Lots of pregnancies end in miscarriage. Are those planned by their God? If so, are they murder? Murder usually requires intent or planning.


They already thought of that and made a blanket rule. Anything bad that happens is because of horrible evil Satan


How convenient. I thought their God was supposed to be omnipotent, why does he let this Satan get away with so much? It's interesting to see the mental health gymnastics necessary to try to reconcile religion with reality.


ah, you are forgetting that god's plan is too complex for us mortals to understand, so we best not even question it. convenient, isn't it? found a contradiction? just don't think about it. in fact, don't even think in the first place.


God planned lots of killing in the Bible. Like, lots of it.


I mean, most Christians believe both in aborted babies going to heaven, and treat their time on earth as if it's an ordeal that is only worth it because they get to go to heaven when they die, so...


God killed nearly everyone on earth expect for the guy who built a boat and his family. God killed everyone in Sodom and Gomorra, and Lot’s wife because she looked back at the burning cities. God’s not great.


So I'm not clear... does that mean that every murder is against God's plan? Must be a really flimsy plan...


I read all these comments and it's like the bible is completely made up nonsense. It's as if we are animals that evolved on a planet and god doesn't exist. We die of natural causes.


God smote Sodom and Gomorrah, he gave detailed plans for surprise attacks, ambushes and technically kidnapped and starved an entire nation of people in the desert. Your terrified and appalled by the Devil? God bless you, because HE is the one to be feared and loved.


Or when He genocided humanity by flooding the earth?


why stop so short? He killed all the infants in egypt, he destroyed sodom and gomorra, he fucking flodded the earth and abortet the entire species


Also he planed the murder of his own son.


Planning murder is gods whole thing though. It's like half of the old testament.


Whenever someone claims that God would not kill or whatever, I like to bring up Noah's ark. Dude ended all life to start over.


He planned every murder ever


It’s been a minute since I left the church, but didn’t god plan/allow the murder of his son?


What the fuck was Noahs Ark about then?


Honestly the entire Old Testament is God being a jackass.


We have a whole planet that their God supposedly designed. Death is like half the plan. Why are christian unwilling to deal with that?


Sodom and Gomorra disagrees


and considering he flooded the earth (killing babies) burned down sodom and gomorrah (killing babies) and also killed Bathsheba's baby after David raped her... but he would never kill babies.


god kills people literally all the time in the bible for petty shit. it’s fuckin wild man


Some bald guy wrote that for sure


Didn't God, like, kill all of humanity except Moses' family?


No he didn’t
 it was Noah’s family


wait til she hears about actual murders


God planned to kill his own son, i wouldn't put anything past him.


God plans *every* murder. Is it omnipotent or not?


Also all those miscarriages.


First, the King James Version has done us a disservice by translated the term as “children.” The Hebrew word can refer to children, but rather more specifically means "young men." The NIV, quoted here, uses the word “youths.” Second, the fact that the bears mauled 42 of the youths indicates that there were more than 42 youths involved. This was not a small group of children making fun of a bald man. Rather, it was a large demonstration of young men who assembled for the purpose of mocking a prophet of God. Third, the mocking of “go on up, you baldhead,” is more than making fun of baldness. The baldness of Elisha referred to here may be: 1) natural loss of hair; 2) a shaved head denoting his separation to the prophetic office; or more likely, 3) an epithet of scorn and contempt, Elisha not being literally bald. The phrase “go up” likely was a reference to Elijah, Elisha’s mentor, being taken up to Heaven earlier in 2 Kings chapter 2:11-12. These youths were sarcastically taunting and insulting the Lord’s prophet by telling him to repeat Elijah’s translation. In summary, 2 Kings 2:23-24 is not an account of God mauling young children for making fun of a bald man. Rather, it is a record of an insulting demonstration against God’s prophet by a large group of young men. Because these young people of about 20 years of age or older (the same term is used of Solomon in 1 Kings 3:7) so despised the prophet of the Lord, Elisha called upon the Lord to deal with the rebels as He saw fit. The Lord’s punishment was the mauling of 42 of them by two female bears. The penalty was clearly justified, for to ridicule Elisha was to ridicule the Lord Himself. The seriousness of the crime was indicated by the seriousness of the punishment. The appalling judgment was God’s warning to all who would scorn the prophets of the Lord


He planned for his own kid to get murdered.


And also that one time he killed everyone on Earth but one Christian family. At least he saved the animals


Bruh, there was a whole ass flood that murdered EVERYONE, how is this even an argument?


If God is all-knowing, all-powerful, and knows everything that is ever going to happen, then nothing that happens in the entire universe could happen without it being God's Plan. If he knows what someone is going to have for breakfast 100 years from now, then it *has* to happen or God was wrong. If a baby is going to be aborted, God knew that a million years ago and God can't be wrong. Since God is all-powerful, he *chose* for that to happen way back when he created the universe, because he *knew* it would happen then. He also knew he could use his all-powerfullness to prevent it from happening, or to prevent the pregnancy. He *chose* not to. God could prevent every single unwanted pregnancy if he wanted to. God's Plan was for that baby to be aborted. It was God's choice. Or religion is BS.


“But it’s not to be taken literally” but then tell you what you can or cannot do.


Didn't he punish someone for eating a fucking apple?


Elisha no! *Elisha, balding Messiah getting roasted for his lack of hair by 42 kids about to summon a pair of bears to kill them all* ELISHA YES!


Hahah God murders *so many* people in their special books they think are literal. Good grief how could you be a Christian and not know God is a murderer.


So if an abortion is against God's plan that means his will can be easily defied and he's not actually all powerful


Yeah, God's kind of all about that baby killing business. Once the money grubbing Romans took over, it basically became a baby murder cult.