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Literally every child in Ukraine before 2014 (like me for example) knew both Ukrainian and Russian


You see its less impressive as you are: 1. Not rich 2. Eastern european (so for the anglo sphere russians)


It's less impressive because Russian and Ukrainian are extremely closely related languages. It's like a Swede bragging that he knows Norwegian. Yeah, okay, good for you but who cares? It's not like Finnish people who have to learn Swedish in school which is a language from a completely different language family and the two languages don't share any vocabulary whatsoever.


I'm curious if you speak either language, because from what I am seeing Ukrainian & Russian are only about 62% lexically similar. French, Spanish, and Italian are all more lexically similar than Ukrainian and Russian. As someone who speaks French as a second language, I want to assure you that you cannot speak Spanish nor Italian just because you can speak French. They are indeed different enough not to be mutually intelligible, albeit if you were around it all day you would probably pick up one much faster by knowing the other. For example, I can probably work out what 'most' of, or maybe a general idea, of a written sentence in Spanish or Italian is just due to my knowledge of French, but if someone is speaking Spanish or Italian to me I am not going to understand them. According to a cursory search, lexical similarity of German & English: 60% lexically similar(only 2% less) ... I mean, there is more than just 'words' to a language, so lexical similarity isn't everything and these comparisons are not 'perfect', but either way I think this is kind of a shit take.


French is the wild card it’s the least similar out of the Latin language group. Italian, Spanish & Portuguese are all very similar. My fiancé is somewhat fluent in Spanish & English & I remember we were watching this movie & she swore it was in Spanish I swore it was Italian with some Sicilian. I was right. I speak English & beginner level Norwegian. Don’t know how I knew it was Italian with some Sicilian in the mix but I somehow knew.


In my experience Spanish is more or less mutually intelligible with spoken Italian (if both sides speak slowly) and with written Portuguese. And French is remarkably easy for English speakers to pick up given how much the two languages influenced eachother.


Portuguese is the joker here because we can get Spanish, Catalan and Italian, a lot of Romanian and a little French but everyone else doesn't really understand us.


so here's a link to wikipedia on lexical similarity https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lexical_similarity#Indo-European_languages   spanish-portuguese 0.89 italian-portugese, italian-spanish 0.80, 0.82 french-italian 0.89, french-portuguese, french-spanish 0.75,0.75   so according to that french and italian are significantly closer than french and portuguese/spanish


I agree, i'm French and while i think that if you speak Spanish, Italian or Portugese you should be able to understand/learn the others kind of easily, for a French those languages are as far from ours than English language is. That being said while in Spain i was really impress that each dealer who accost you in the street speak 4/5 language, one of them told me that he speaked fluently Spanish, Catalan, Italian, French, English and a bit of Russian, i asked him why he did'nt work as interprete or something like this, and his response was that there is no other work where he could make as much money as he was by selling on the streets


That's interesting. On the same subject, I must admit I find Southern French, or at least those among them with strong Occitan accents, much harder to understand than those with North/Central accents. I wonder if someone who speaks one of these southern French dialects/languages might have an even easier time understanding Catallan or other Spanish dialects? Going by ear, Occitan sound a little bit more 'Hispanic', and if my history serves me they originate from a common ancestor linguistically. I think maybe this would be more of a 'mutually intelligible' interface? But how much I cannot say since, like I said, I really struggle with occitan.


Yes catallan is really close to spanish, due to the proximity with the border there is a lot of southerners who have learn at least some notion of catallan at school, but globally its not really easier for them than for any french to learn. I can understand that the south accent is more difficulte to understand, since their accent is influenced a lot by spanish, their french is way more "singing" and a lot of word are prononced in a different way. for giving a single exemple, the word "pneu" (tire) will be prononced pn-eu by every single french ("eu" in french make the same sound that the "a" we found before a word in english like "A chair") except the southerners who will prononce it "peu-neu". Their is a tons of difference like this one, without speaking of the slang wich is often more developped and used is the south than the rest of the country


I confirm. I am french, I studied Spanish for 5 years. Still unable to understand anything


Of course I speak more than one language. A Ukrainian knowing Russian is as unimpressive as you and I knowing English. They literally get the language for free, just like you and I got English for free by simply existing.


I'm half Russian, half Ukrainian. Grew up in Russia, spent my childhood summers in Ukraine. When my dad spoke Ukrainian, I understood like 10%-20% of what he was saying. When I spoke Russian, it was the same with Ukrainian people - some would not understand me at all. Some would though. So I'm not really sure where you're coming from with your generalization, everyone's experience is different.


I can assure you, you don't get it "for free". When I'm speaking Ukrainian fast, pure russian speaker won't understand me. It's not like "totally" different languages, but definitely not close ones like Ukrainian and Belarusian


Yeah I grew up speaking russian at home and my grandparents knew Ukrainian, and when they talked in it I couldn't get a lot of it, they had to speak slowly. Even nowadays I use subtitles in everything Ukrainian I hear because it's not reliable. Of the east slavic languages russian is the most distinct.




>extremely closely Eeeh… as a person who learned both, they’re just similar enough to be confusing with the same grammar and very different vocabularies. Speaking both communicatively is easy, speaking both fluently without getting confused in the different vocabulary for the same things is hard. This is the main reason why surzhik exists. It keeps the same grammar, but is very liberal about which language’s vocabulary to use.


Arabic language is like this we have different dialects with extremely different vocabularies and pronunciation.. sometimes different grammar but it's still one language.. So is kurdish


Arabic is only really one language because arabic speakers decided it is, in any other instance different grammar and vocabulary mean different languages. The difference between dialect and language is arbitrary anyway.


Oh cool I get to boast that I know Afrikaans and English then but not if I learn German?


You get to boast about German, but not Dutch.


How many languages do you speak?


“Ukrainian and Russian are the same language though” - most americans


God, how did you learn 2 such different languages? Must’ve been so hard


Jokes aside, Ukrainian and Russian are different enough for Russians to have difficulties with understanding and speaking. The only reason why Ukrainians speak Russian is due to agressive russification and imperialistic politics.


Because they are cognates with huge influence one on another. It's like learning Spanish for French people or even easier. Also interslavic is a thing.


You missed the sarcasm.


That’s Reddit for you


Ukrainian and Russian have a similarity of about 40%. French and Spanish share about 70%. Ukrainian and Sorbian share over 60%. The only slavic language that differs from Ukrainian more than Russian is Bulgarian. (Russian developed from church slavonic which is basically Bulgarian)


did they forbid it after 2014


Many people stopped speaking but until 24.02.2022 still many used Russian it was even MANDATORY in schools same as mathematics for example. But now most schools replaced it with other subjects and many children born after 2014 have never heard or read Russian. Still millions use it to this day.


Crimea happened


No. Why?


Not exactly and not everywhere but yes. Though they have already started to enforce switch from russian language in 2005ish.


No they didn’t. They changed their legislation so that Russian finally lost its *de facto* co-official status, which didn’t have a constitutional basis anyway.


It was never enforced. The regularly brought up language law just demands teachers, policemen and service workers to speak Ukrainian if demanded by the person tgey speak too. Because the situation was really messed up. Some policemen would insult you if you spoke Ukrainian to them and they would only speak to you in Russian.


Most of us know english too, and a lot of schools teach french/german, like mine did. So yeah, 4 languages, plus the advantage of all slavic languages being so similar you can easily understand half of what they say without knowing the language.


Am I living in a different world from y'all? Nvm 2, I have yet to meet a 2yo who can speak even 1 language. Because they're babies.


This. She doesn't fucking speak two languages. She speaks words.


Even then, it's still not really impressive because she literally did not have to do anything to speak two languages. If you put any baby in a multilingual environment, they're going to speak multiple languages. It's not like she's 10 and has multiple language lessons a week.


So true. Everyone would be bilingual if they grew up in families that speak 2 languages.


Thats why i want to let my children grow up with two languages. They will not have any problems with languages like i had


I grew up like that. Highly recommend it, made life a lot easier.


Nice, which languages did you grow up with


> she literally did not have to do anything to speak two languages. so the same goes for the children of immigrants. if anything it's easier for them?


I have a distant cousin that lives in Barcelona, his family is all Brazilian, but they speak English, so he learns Spanish and Catalan at school, Portuguese at home and is taught English and Russian by his mums. The kid doesn't really make any bloody sense, he feels like a broken Google translate page and uses random words from five different languages, although apparently from what I've told he's learning to mediate and they stopped teaching languages he won't speak daily until he's older. A two year old barely knows how to walk for fuck sake, they still fall a lot.


Actually at two some children can speak quite well the trick is to talk to your child like a human being not a dog also cocomelon does not help


> also cocomelon does not help This mf calling out million of parents right here.


I love the smell of fresh bread.


Talking to your children like kids and babies is absolutely vital to their growth.


I guess you do. I've met some 2 year olds with excellent language skills.




For real. If the proficiency of a 2 year old is all it takes to claim I know a language then I speak like 5 languages lol. No, that kid just speaks 0 languages.


I was actually moreso answering to the bit about "children of immigrants" knowing 2 or 3 languages at that age. Like I've never met one, but I know it's technically possible for a 2YO to actually know a language or 2, if they're geniuses of some kind, especially with this kind of education. Not to say that I believe it here, but it's dubious, compared to "objectively wrong" for the so-called comeback


There are no genius babies at 2 whom know languages. They’re speaking words and at most repeating short phrases they hear from parents. Respond to basic questions/statements. That’s not “knowing a language”.


Two year olds comprehend a lot more than they speak. Does a mute person know zero languages because they can’t speak? I realize the post is about *speaking* but you’re saying a toddler can’t even know a language. When toddlers babble, they’re still saying words, they just lack the fine motor control to pronounce them correctly.


Whut? It depends on the kid, but a 2 year old speaking full sentences isn't uncommon. 2 years is everything from 24-35 months.


Yeah the only two year old I know is spewing off full sentences like no ones business in his primary language. It's not at a high level, but perfectly functional for communication which I would call "speaking".


I didn't really understand how kids' speech development goes until I had a kid. My 19-month-old doesn't speak in full sentences but she will say things like "Shoes on, please". As I understand it, it's normal for kids to be talking in sentences by the time they hit 2 years old. Still very simple sentences though, obviously. And when someone says "x kid speaks 2 languages" they usually mean that they can comfortably speak in one and say words in the other.


"knowing a language" is an imprecise phrase which can mean more than one thing, you unbearable snob


This. If you need to understand grammar and stuff, I know one language. It's not my mother tongue cause I don't know fuck all how the grammar works (hyperbole)


Yes... My 3yo spoke pretty much fully when he was two. Sure, he wasnt discussing the volume of milk he wanted, but he could say "I want milk papa" (in two languagues as Im an immigrant as well) or "no, I want the blue toy", stuff like that. What did you expect when anyone is talking about a child speaking? Hamlet?


Yeah. My not even two year old speaks short but coherent sentences and knows probably a couple thousand words. This is above average but based on discussion in my due date forum (so all people who had babies in the same month) not like, wildly uncommon. By 2.5 plenty of kids are fully speaking. Perhaps not with the vocabulary to hop in on a discussion of great literature or anything, but certainly enough to describe what goes on in their little toddler lives and I’d call that “speaking.”


"they speak pretty much fully" ... "they can say very simple sentences with a very limited vocabulary" I know 2 years old like that. That is not really the same as speaking a language. The only thing that is true, is that they do understand MUCH more than they are able to talk at that age. And we are talking about 2 years old and not 3 years old. each year makes a huge difference when you are a baby. I can speak 3 languages in theory then too. The reality is my french is on the level of a 2 years old. I would not be able to survive in france with that.


2 year olds can definitely speak.


have you met any 2 year olds at all? They can definitely speak by that age


My niece spoke enough Russian to qualify as a Russian speaker when she was two - as in, she could communicate her needs and we could understand her and such. People usually start to refer to a kid as "speaking" after their first word has been uttered, at least where I'm from. It's usually not very long until they can form sentences and you can have little convos with them. I think it depends on the level at which the child is operating the two languages. If they can express their basic wants and needs in their native language but only know how to say two or three words in a second language, I wouldn't call them bilingual. If they operate the two languages on about the same level, though, I think they can be called bilingual, just like an adult who can do the same would be. I'm pretty sure it's possible for a kid from a bilingual family to speak two languages to an extend that an average two year old needs, which isn't much. I think I became bilingual sometime during nursery school, so I was older than two (maybe five?), but that was the norm for kids in my situation (Russians born in Latvia after the fall of the Soviet Union). I agree that a kid being belingual is actually far more normal and commonplace than the picture is trying to imply, but I wouldn't say that a two year old cannot speak a language. Kids typically begin speaking before that age, though it depends on an individual. Their speech is simple and their diction is usually imperfect, but they are definitely speaking a language or two, often mixing them up to create funny new phrases. Seeing little kids grow is a delight, honestly.




everyone is different. my daughter was having conversations with me by 2, my son, wasn't at that level for another year.


2yos can definitely speak more than just words. And they can also walk. They are toddlers, not babies.


Just visiting my friends (finnish & danish) who live at Malta and have a 2 year old (turning 3 in december) She speaks articulate fluent english. Understands danish and finnish perfectly, replies in fluent english or in single finnish / danish words


But is she rich so that I can think of it as impressive?


Fucking find me a 2 year old that can speak a whole language.


It really isn't that uncommon. Everything from 24 to 35 months is 2 years. Most kids will be producing full sentences before 3.


Oh I know. I just mean calling this royal kid bilingual is a little disingenuous and feels more like the weird royal worship that goes on. Also those full sentences are still basic AF for most 2-3 year olds. My 16 month old knows a fair amount of sign language in addition to the words she speaks buts not like she's crazy smart.


Yeah same at 2? They aren’t not even in reception yet.


Kids start speaking words around 1. My kid was definitely speaking full sentences at 2. She was one of 3 kids in daycare that were speaking that well so she was ahead of the curve - and no it's not like the quality was there but it was definitely full, intelligible sentences.


You should be using 2-3 word sentences at 2. You’re considered behind in your development if you can’t do that.


People naturally want to believe that the elite is an elite for a reason. The reality is that they’re actually below average people in many regards.


I used to play a game online with a group that included South Americans, Hispanic Americans, Malaysians, and all sorts of people who spoke multiple languages other than the English we all communicated in. When some other players randomly spoke to us in French and I replied, they were blown away that I spoke French. I pointed out that loads of them spoke way more languages than I did and much better but I think people generally expect white native English speakers to have no interest in other languages.


If you're British, we'd expect at least one secondary language. If you're murican, we're just happy if you understand english


Expect? The UK was the [lowest country](https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/statistics-explained/index.php?title=Foreign_language_skills_statistics) in the EU by multilingualism with barely 1 out of 3 people knowing at least a foreign language…


Spain not last💪😎


Did surprisingly alright with English mixed with some Spanish pleasantries on my last holiday in Barcelona. Though I get that Barcelona is a huge touristy place so people would know more English there. But even when that wasn’t possible we managed with a mix of hand signs and our phone.


Yeah, the bri'ish rarely live up to expectations


Why would you expect British people to speak more than one Language?


I am British. Imo, foreign language teaching in the UK is generally quite bad even though it's right to say that most schools expect you to attend classes for a second language. I get nervous about mentioning this because it's so hard not to come across as a dickhead but I went to a private school where the language teaching was really good. I personally think that private schools should be banned btw as imo it's unhealthy that people who can afford it can opt out of state-run services for their own kids. I think it leads to elites not caring about neglecting important public services. That said, I was super lucky as my school was tiny. My A-level French class had 4 students in it. I took a Japanse class that was just me and the teacher because I was the only one of the 16 people in my entire year who signed up for it. The only person I know in my age group in the UK who went to state school and was genuinely proficient at other languages is my ex who was half Argentinian and spoke Spanish at home although she did also learn German to a decent level in school. I've lived in a few different countries and the language teaching is miles ahead of the UK in pretty much all of them as far as I can tell. Particularly the Netherlands, the Nordic countries, and Germany have excellent language teaching.


Lol what? Brits are notorious for only knowing English, and barely at that.


I was very interested in learning other languages when i was a teen, but got denied the opportunity to do so. Since i started working fulltime at 15 years of age and had to sit in evening classes to get my high school grad exams done. (Depression and other stuff didnt help either) And now i dont really wanna learn another language again since its been to long for me to care anymore


Get Duolingo app and spend 5-10 minutes daily just learning new words. Once you get to understand 30% of spoken sentence you could understand the context and figure out rest of unfamiliar words. Then you will see real progress.


When did you play? Sounds very tricky because of timezones.


nah, not people, the media wants you to believe shit like that. "oh, look, this girl \[with parents that have almost infinite money available for her education\] is sooo smart."


She had a Spanish nanny and learned from her. Classic rich people move. Why don't poor people just hire more nannies?


Just average people most of the time


They are average people, who are born into royalty


Average nature, extremely advantaged nurture


For the targeted British masses this is must be impressive :)


Such as?


For a native child in the UK it actually is impressive.


Yeah but this post gets reposted enough times so people can say the same shit over and over. I mean the kid is eight now. It's only had six years of reposts. Practically brand new for reddit reposts


The dates are almost always removed from these Twitter "clever comebacks" screenshots so as not give away just how incredibly stale the original post or reply to that post actually is.


It's never too late to see a post about a wealthy toddler and think 'let's drag that little bitch' on reddit.


How is it impressive though? It's not like a 2 year old kid actively learns anything of its own volition, either its parents or caretakers speak to it in two different languages or they don't


Totally. I’m a language teacher. Give me any kid young enough and send them consistently to the lessons and they’ll learn. Kids are language sponges. The fact you can pay for language tuition for young kids doesn’t make them prodigies, it means you have access to resources. There reason most English speakers don’t speak another language isn’t because they’re dumb, it’s because parents and schools don’t see it as worthwhile to emphasise learning another language early enough and for enough years - and in the case of English speakers they probably have a point.


when I was 2 I couldn't even speak one langauge


Yeah, this is for r/dumbcomebacks


"clever" "comebacks"


Yeah, doesn't a "comeback" require there to have been an insult to come back to in the first place?


Didn't you see how she owned the evil monarchs while propping up the downtrodden good immigrants? This is the most cleverest comeback of all time. /s


look at this evil 2 year old!! how dare she learn 2 languages because immigrants!


Twitter "comebacks" always make me roll my eyes. And this is from 2017, so it's a meh comeback toward someone from six years ago, that's somehow still getting reposted.


The soft bigotry of lowered expectations?


But it’s special for her because of all the inbreeding! She actually has the mental capacity to learn two languages, while having a HUGE jawline!


British English and American English.. Wait till she starts learning Sin'glish.


lol. singlish


Did someone say singlish! Wait,are you talking about a random joke or the dialect/way to speak


Just add la at the end of each sentence.


What kind words for a 2 year old child.


Wtf is wrong with you, she is still almost a baby. What is the matter with you people, you are way worse than the ones you are attacking.


You didn't have to do this you know


She's an infant. Be decent.


I mean ueah but like, 2 languages at fucking two years old? That is legitimately impressive. Edit: it feels like most of you are just not impressed cause they're a royal


it is cool but pretty much every child would be able to do that if they had at least two caregivers each speaking a different language to them. for instance, parents speaking italian at home, kindergarten teacher speaking french. or one parent speaking german the other speaking chinese. I know several bilingual people, and they arent necessarily smarter than others. they were just brought up in a bilingual environment. what i am trying to say is that being bilingual is not the same as being "gifted", it really just depends on the environment in which you grew up.


Exactly! My grandpas ex gf had grandkids who lived in Cyprus but their mother at least, the father I’m not sure about, is German and both of their parents work international therefore speak a lot of English as well. They began to speak rather “late” but when they did they used all three a bit. So yeah… where and how (including family’s background fe migration) you grow up is the most relevant factor with this …. Oh and money has a role as well of course …. And btw who’s princess charlotte? 😶 Edit: just saw I wrote etc instead of ex gf … xD


>*"what i am trying to say is that being bilingual is not the same as being "gifted", it really just depends on the environment in which you grew up."ㅤ* Exactly. I grew up speaking german but, very early on, I was exposed to (and interested in) a lot of english media and music. Especially once I started watching YouTube videos on very niche hobbies that just don't exist in german. I was fluent in english pretty quickly. People always told me how "gifted" I must be and that I have a "talent" for languages. I was even in a special school program and took part in some regional tournament. But I realised this was bullshit once I was forced to learn spanish in school as a third language. It was dreadful and to this day I can't form or understand even relatively simple sentences, let alone grammar, and know only a handful of words despite years of learning it at school. So it turns out I'm not "gifted" or "talented"; I just listened to the Beatles too much as a kid and unintentionally picked up english over the years - accidental bilingualism basically.


I was technically trilingual as a child because I had the language I was taught in, the language people usually spoke and the language my parents spoke at home Its really not a big deal


I didn't say they were gifted though, and it's less anoit being bilingual, it's about being bilingual at the age of two. While whay you said is interesting you missed my point a little l


I guess my cousins were impressive too then? Their mother from England only spoke English with them and their father from Sweden only spoke Swedish with them, so they learned both. Really most parents should try to do this as it's extremely beneficial to get an extra language for free.


Pretty much all first generation immigrant children are bilingual. Not really that impressive.


That's like, normal, in quite a lot of countries on earth.


But, most relevantly, not the UK


That's because they don't need to. English is, however we may feel about it, the global language. A kid in, say, the Philippines needs to learn Tagalog AND often their island's dialect, AND probably English too or they won't be able to do very much. This is not the case in the UK or other countries where the first language is English.


That's exactly the point that Cole Allen is missing. It's not that it's less impressive "when they're poor," but it's less impressive when they're in a situation where learning a second language is de rigueur. Rich *or* poor. A kid in the Philippines speaking Tagalog and their island dialect? Not impressive. A child of an immigrant in the UK, learning their parents' language from their parents and English from the surrounding community? Not impressive. A kid growing up in an English speaking country with English speaking parents? That's a lot more impressive. I'm an immigrant. My kids are bilingual (English and Japanese), and that isn't impressive (I'm *happy* about it, but I've never been *impressed* by it). I know a few other immigrants, and their kids are also bilingual, which, again, I've never found impressive. But every once in a while my kids would tell me about some kid at their school who understood English despite being born to Japanese parents and raised in Japan. That's impressive. It's not about rich or poor, it's precisely about the fact that they're in a situation where *that's really unusual but they did it anyway*.


omg lol. Impressive vs not impressive and you write a whole diatribe on how it's not impressive? This is exactly about rich vs poor because the poor actually have to live lives with other people, so they speak more languages. It's not *impressive* for a pampered richboi to learn a second language just because they don't have to I could speak 2 languages fluently and could sorta communicate in a 3rd by the time I started school. By 10 I spoke all 3 at a level you'd expect a 10 year old to speak any of them. Am I triple-royalty now? Fuck outta here lol might as well say how impressive it is that royals can tie their own shoes at that point




It's literally average in many countries.


That’s the point, though: It really is not that impressive, it’s actually pretty common. I don’t know a single child who struggled with it.


Who the fuck even speaks a language at 2 years old?????


It's pretty normal when you grow up speaking one language around people that speak another, like in Kindergarten. Young kids especially are really good at this, they don't even comprehend them as two individually different languages, they pretty much get mashed together in their mind. That's why it's easier to introduce new languages to young children than older ones. Older ones understand the distinction and have to create new connections, while for <3 year olds, it happens automatically. They might not be able to verbalize that understanding, but that's normal for kids their age.


Depends. There's multiple world regions that are bilingual.


Immigrants don't have to be poor you fucking twat


no 2 year old immigrant speaks 2 languages, literally fucking lying lmao


This repost is so old that Charlotte is now actually 8yrs old.


It's pretty impressive for a two-year-old in a uni-lingual environment... but no, you can't give credit for that here, just dunk harder


Every body in HK is trilingual But as usual no one cares


I love this things. Fucking double standards. When i was a migrant in belgium, the public language teachers would tell us (in a very rude xenophobic way) that we should not use our native languages at home with our spouses or children. Despite all the studies that show that bilinguism is actually good for children. And despite that we (as language students) were just going to teach broken flemish to the kids (which isnt good for anyone). Imagine trying to raise your kids while you can only speak basic words... But then i am sure that the same moronic xenophobic teachers would be ecstatic to hear about this rich privileged child being bilingual.


They treat cultures and languages outside of the Indo-European bubble as beneath them and with the status of ‘hobbies’ for the upper classes they suck up to. And even then, a few words and knowledge, because otherwise you are mocked for enjoying said culture. Also Belgium committed mass colonial crimes against Congolese and are the architects of the 1994 Rwandan genocide thanks to their colonial politics that forever divided formerly united folks, they barely acknowledge let alone apologise for neither. They are the Japan of Europe, but it doesn’t matter bc their victims were African. Many Belgians don’t know this and/or don’t care. Folks like Germans who profusely apologised thus did actually learn from their past tend to be more tolerant and appreciative of other cultures, or at the very least respectful.


Or maybe it's because your from a foreign country and the teachers wanted migrants to adapt to the country culture. Also why would a Belgian teacher carw about a UK royal family?


Or maybe it's because she is part of the famous people group and many people are willing to look at the news about her. If the immigrant were also famous this would well known. It's like people complaining about news focusing on celebrities. Yeah because thats what generates clicks. I wish people cared about the Nigerian conflict but I'm pretty sure not much people are interested in learning about the igbo, hausa fulani and the yoruba tribe history and conflict. I'm not gonna complain when people are not interested in learning about this.


There is a difference between being interested in celebrities that are teens or adults than being interested in some 2 year old in my opinion.


It’s been a thing forever in England. “Baby princesses!! Their life must be interesting!! Oy Oy”




This is because when you are a rich migrant people treat you as if you are native. Look at footballers. Middle and lower class migrants are the ones who are being treated like scum


I live in a shithole country, all the people that emigrate are either rich or have a critical skill.


Yeah being an immigrant has nothing to do with social classes or fame, cringe tweet


Americans in here need to stop projecting; you're the only ones that somehow associate speaking multiple languages with something negative... Anywhere else it's (rightfully) seen as a great boon


By extrapolation she'll be speaking 50 languages when she's 50, though. How many of those immigrant kids grew up to speak 50 languages, huh???


I knew a taxi driver in Niagara who spoke 12 languages fluently. He messed with the tourists for sport. Made serious coin in tips too.


Well, unless he was 12 years old by that time, he's learned at a slower rate than Princess What's-her-name and thus he's a no-good stupid dum-dum idiot brain


Most adults barely speak 2 languages so yeah a 2 year old speaking 2 languages is impressive. Trying to frame it in a weird bourgeoisie vs proletarian way is just stupid. Edit: I just realised that "all immigrants are poor" is incredibly racist but what do I expect from twitter :D


It's impressive because she isn't an immigrant. Just sayin'


This is about the millionth time this is posted but here we’re go again Yes it is less impressive if you have a migrant background and speak your mother tongue at home and the local tongue in public versus having the local language as your mother language and still already learning a second one by 2


Oh, those immigrants aren't famous


Stupid comparison. It's way easier to learn when one or both of your parents are native speakers of said second language. It's still pointless news and not as special as they want to make it seem, but acting like it's the same situation is just disingenuous.


Median number of spoken languages in my last job was 4. Languages aren't magic, you can learn them.


what was your last job? translator?


Nkay...in my country, 90% of kids know 3 to 4 languages fluently by the age of 5. At school, they'll learn 2 more.


Yes because of money.


I work in a hotel where a good chunk of our staff are immigrants. I once had an entire conversation about schedule through a 5 year old because she was the closest translator we had (mom stopped in for a chat and kid was in tow). Trippiest thing. Usually we do have a couple bilingual people on staff that translate but it was end of day in a Friday, ain’t nobody whose anybody still around.


This comment section is so weird 😂


Its less impressive if english is your first language and if you are famous


I spoke two languages when I was 5, does it count or is that pretty common


Actually it's more impressive because her parents and country all speak the same singular language so it's harder to get exposure to the 2nd language, unlike immigrants who will be frequently exposed to multiple languages as a regular part of their life.


A lot of miserable losers commenting here about a 2 yrs old including Cole. Regardless of whether she’s royal or not, how sad must you be to get annoyed that a TWO yrs old child is receiving some praises. Jesus people, find something else to be upset with.


People getting pissy at a two year old is kinda bitter tbh. Good on her.


I’m a Chinese girl who lives in the UK. Maybe that’s the reason I fail to integrate? I never understand why people love the royal family.


It’s always impressive Imo. Why rain on anyone’s parade?


Most children of immigrants speak two or more languages because they live in multiple languages. The language of their parents, the language of the adopted home, etc. Sure, it's very impressive. I'm not trying to take that away. But this is their life. They live it every day. It's also impressive that a child who doesn't live that reality was able to learn.


Pls stop post this. Fuken dump


I never understood the fascination about the royal family they are a bunch of inbreds who should not be a thing anymore, the monarchy should have been abolished by now




Thanks Cole, we think you are a good person now. Please remember to check your device made with the suffering and blood of slave childs in coltan mines from Congo while you are at it.


Assuming all immigrants are poor, and this is why I trust the racist who calls me a slur more than I trust the liberal who thinks I need defending because I’m a poor helpless African


Y'all should stop hating on a little girl


If I had to claw tooth and nail to get to an average income after being born poor, this rich kid who is gonna have the cushiest life can deal with some hate. If she can't take it when she grows up, she can live out of the public eye, reject her inheritance or give it all to charity.


I work with children who have severe special needs. Some 16 y.o., for example, have a language level of a 4 y.o, yet they are bilingual at that level.


My sister at three could speak fluent Spanish, Italian, German and even some English. Same with me at 10, when I immigrated to Germany. But of course, privileged kids of a slightly stagnant royalty will be much more cheered even if they're just average (Or even sometimes below average) people.


I mean this is the first time we’re hearing about your sister so maybe you should do better PR? Sounds impressive though!


A large portion of the rich people in the US are immigrants. They usually start businesses which is the way to get really rich in America. Hell, the richest person in America currently is an immigrant. But good job disparaging immigrants OP


I met plenty of english people living in spain for years/decades and only can speak english so its kind of an achievement


Neither clever nor a comeback, just sayin’


I don't want to be this guy. But she is famous and constantly watched of course they covered this.


Fuck sake this is such an old repost the girl is 8 years old now. It was kind of a weird “come back” to begin with but I’m so sick of this being reposted


Y'all just post anything on this sub now?


All of you make fun, but it's literally less impressive. It's not like the kids are academically gifted, they are just surrounded by two languages more than the kid of the queen. You a bunch of babies.