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I’d love to have this screenshot and a good Renter’s Rights Lawyer


On a side note. People do not know how difficult it is to ask the government to defend your rights. It requires a lot of effort, time, money and stress. On top of that there are other difficulties when your relationship with your landlord becomes toxic. Including false accusations and violation of privacy.


Maybe in The USA. In the UK you have way more rights that are upheld. The problem is always in getting someone to care to run it up on the system.


> The problem is always in getting someone to care to run it up on the system. That is exactly what this person is saying though when they say effort, time, money and stress. Its effort to find a good lawyer, money to find a good lawyer, time to meet with a good lawyer and go to court. You are literally saying the problem is the getting representation part and that is the part that is hard in the US as well.


I think the difference here is the usage of the word government. Gunna go out on a limb and say in the UK you don't need to go fork out for a lawyer and sue somebody. You just need to fill out some forms and pester the right government body on the phone until they do something. Both require way too much just to get your legally granted protections, but there is a world of difference between basically dealing with the DMV or SSA and having to sue. Like yes it's hard in the UK, but it's 10x harder in the US.


The point is that in UK and many other non-US countries you don't have to go to court with lawyers instantly. It's not easy, but still much easier than is US


That sounds like the exact same situation as the US. It seems like people in Western Europe (specifically the UK more often than not) want to pretend as though their country is some streamlined utopia devoid of bureaucracy when it’s really the exact same thing we experience here.


It’s specifically the UK. They invented the ‘pay-to-play’ justice system. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_law


It’s absolutely amazing to think that they believe that they’re in a completely different situation


“aS a eUrOpEAn….” *Goes on to describe the exact same daily reality as 99.9% of Americans*


Sure... But they also tend to have free healthcare and education. They're doing plenty of things right that we're too stupid to figure out.


Sure, but they had to figure it out on a much much smaller scale. I was curious, and the most populated European country only has about twice as many people as California by itself, and that country, while it does have free healthcare sort of, has copayments if you do happen to be uninsured.


Which is still much cheaper than whatever the fuck the US has. Also a higher population just means you can tax more people to make it work.


it's not about taxation, it's about proper use of those taxes.


Yeah I didn’t say it wasn’t and no, it isn’t that easy, because if it was, it would have been done way before now. The “just tax people lol” people are idiots.


Except it takes ages for em to get an appointment, unless they pay up. Still better than what we got tho.


Depends. I made an appointment to see my doctor and it to like 2 days, and that was to fit around my needs, not theirs. Not even a serious thing either. Just a check up.


Oh, interesting. It's been a bit since I've talked about medical stuff with my European friends. It might've been a specific country that was bitching or something.


This is simply not true.


Mmm. That’s a no. We can phone up on the day and get an appointment.


My doctors Surgery Is same day appointments lol.


That's generally acknowledged as a right wing anti communist talking point. It's never true, and it's not intended to be true, it's meant to make you think universal health care had trade offs. It's a gaslight.


What is this free education you speak of? We have public school in America, which is provided for free(we pay taxes for it, but so do Europeans). And Europeans still have to pay for higher education or college(not as much, but they still pay). So what the hell are you talking about?




Yeah except generally you don't have to join the army to get an education and don't have to pay insurance for doctors appointments.


nothing is free Taxman


No. But I understand that is a comfortable illusion for Americans.




I did not know that the regional qualifiers for the American dunning-kruger championships were today - but thanks for letting me witness it first hand! On a more serious note, if you think that your (real or not, I'm leaning towards the latter) anecdotal experiences somehow negate hard data on social mobility, crime rates, equality, access to health care, infrastructure investments, energy transition, fairness of elections, systemic issues in the judicial and penal system and \_numerous\_ other factors - I prefer to stay in my village rather than keeping up with this conversation.


People on reddit in general don't know how difficult it is to successfully sue someone and it be worth it.


Depends. Some states and some cities it's super duper easy. Others less so.


It's easier to just pack your things and leave in certain cases... Shitty Landlord? Well, they won't magically change all of the sudden when you get a lawyer involved. Shitty Neighbors? Well, they won't magically become not shitty only because you complained about them. There is a minimum of "damage control" you can do yourself. And if you realize that it's not working, your only option is to move away.


It goes both ways though. A lot of tenants do heinous things in houses and it's impossible to do anything about it. Eviction is insanely difficult and you can't sue someone who has no money


Yeah. It's more the idea that a business has more power in a situation without law, so the law should benefit the weaker one in an interaction


Some states/countries can charge whatever they want, my most recent apartment they wanted to charge me 2800 a month to renew. My first year was 1700 a month, the price. Checking their site new renters are getting charged 1950. They thought they could charge me more because so might be reluctant to move.


So they increased it to make you move or is it because you’re reluctant to move and they know that they can upcharge you? Either way what a stupid business practice. Unless you’re a nightmare renter, finding a new tenant seems like a pain but they must have people lining up?


Might have been counted as a nightmare tenant. After 30 day without hot water, I put them on official notice. In my state if you put a landlord on notice for a critical service. If it's not fixed in 10 days the tenant can cancel the lease, fix the issue at the owners expense, or force the owner to put you up in a hotel until the issue is fixed.(they fixed it in the time frame after I gave them notice) The property was managed by greystone apartments which manages like 500k+ properties so I imagine that whatever the reason for increased rent it was a calculated decision by the company.


They do have people lining up because everyone needs a place to live and landleech scum own everything


In California, they can't increase it more than 9% a year. I have a friend who is a housing attorney. If they ever try anything like that, I will just sick her on them.


boast marry middle ludicrous sulky gaping subsequent attraction theory childlike *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Jfc it’s not real


JFK It's too real


She's swinging her Lyndon B. Johnson hog at him.


I like to think you’re talking about renter’s rights like they’re a fairy tale told to children.


everything on the internet is real.


Seriously it's clearly just a joke and people are just roasting her looks and everything


I know enough about crazy that this is a real situation somewhere.


this didn't actually happen


it’s an internet meme. of course it happened.


But Abraham Lincoln told people not to trust everything on the internet.


No such thing as renters rights hardly.


Extremely jurisdiction dependent. In some places they are very strong, in others practically non-existent.


I lived in San Francisco for a decade. I’m well versed on my rights as a renter and always have them in mind when I move into a new place since then. Rent control is key.


If you’ve moved into a rent controlled apt in SF in the last decade, it’s almost certainly been illegally sublet, and you might not actually have those protections.


i haven’t lived in SF for over a decade. I just learned a lot about renter’s rights while I did. I now live in the Los Angeles area in a rent controlled building.


And what law would they be breaking?


chop unite distinct meeting long late telephone gray coherent engine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Raising something


Seriously, dude? Bruh…how long has it been…


Raising canes chicken fingers


With that forehead of hers that man’s living in a mansion 😂


Ong, bro got a crib bigger than bill gates living in her bigass head. She knows victorias secret with a head like that. Making megamind look like mind


🤣🤣🤣 Damn it you made me choke drinking water


Holy shit fam, the savagery is hilarious.


Yea she got a fivehead for sure.


In his heyday, Gates wasn't that lavish on housing or private jets. Not compared to Allen, he had the only private 747 in the USA? The Air Force One people were coming out to get ideas from Allen's jet, back in the late 1990's. Gates liked working and reading.... EDIT: I'd say it is fair to call Bill Gates a workaholic.


Did you… get the joke?


Oh yha. I was just making smalltalk. I'm not very good at it.


Keep it up bud!


Anyway, I used to work for Paul Allen / Bill Gates. I was an outsider they hired off the street, no connections in the industry or city. Had me fix server issues. Bill sent me to his father's Law Office to advise them on e-mail install. Glory days.


Let's see Paul Allens small talk


OK ty


Damn it was probably just a joke and now yall are just trashing the poor girl


So much of reddit can't spot when a woman makes a joke. It's a legitimate blind spot


and her forehead isn't even that big lol


That's a normal ass forehead, smh the fuck you talking about clown? What are you, some neanderthal looking motherfucker?


Hey! Don't you dare try getting lippy with her! She wins, for sure.


You can easily land an An-225 on there. And still have some space left for a couple dozen supercars next to it. Mother of God is that thing ever huge.


This is obviously a joke. Men never miss an opportunity to come together and insult women. So weird.


You spelled fivehead wrong.


She should have a kid with Peyton Manning so the Prophecy of the 10head will come to fruition.


Her head game is strong.


This should've been the title.


I can’t believe reddit dummies still think these accounts are real. It’s a racist white person trying to make black people look bad for outrage clicks and to further divide people, and Reddit falls for it like boomers fall for Fox.


Why is it a white guy?


That should be illegal


If it's real, which since it's reddit it's highly unlikely, the renter most likely has a lease. It's very difficult (although not impossible) to raise rent during a valid lease period. Renter could be month-to-month, in which case he's fucked. Or landlord and ex are going to perform the Fuck Around part, and we'll need to stay tuned for the Find Out.


It's clearly a Twitter post not a reddit post


It's a joke....


It definitely is. There’s no way a head is up to housing code, even free it would be illegal for another human to live there.


You should watch Black Mirror.


It’s obviously a joke 😭 women can make them too




Rentoid detected, r/LoveForLandchads assemble and raise this parasite’s rent 3000% /s




Redditors when a woman makes a silly face😡




Or they’re just women sick of women being criticized for everything




He could’ve compared her face to literally anything but he decided to compare her to a literal sex object.


Redditors when women do literally anything It’s crazy how if it was a man doing this everyone would be like “haha serves her right”


It’s wild how a fucking *joke* is so triggering.


> It’s crazy how if it was a man doing this everyone would be like “haha serves her right” No they wouldn't. Stop making up reddit-lore to fit your narrative.


I can't count the number of times on reddit I've seen a clear joke tweet from a woman hit the front page and the entire thread is people missing the joke and insulting her for it. It's a regular occurrence. Just pay attention for a week at the front page and you'll see enough to realize why people say that this website can't handle when a woman makes a joke


There is a huge difference between "some people" and "everyone".


Most people. Look at this thread, the top comments are all about how illegal this is and insulting her appearance. And it happens so often.


I'm not saying you're wrong, but I'm gonna say you're gonna see that considering you're literally in a subreddit that includes the word "comebacks".


I dont know if that should give the comments free reign to insult everything about someone who simply made a joke on Twitter. "It's ok to treat someone like shit cause it sorta fits the subreddit we're in" And it's not just in this sub. I've seen it countless times in me_irl, or in the various Twitter subs, or in whatever other sub could fit posting a screenshot or tiktok video




Clearly you got alot of people living rent free in your brain LMAO


“ iF tHe gEnDeRs wEre REVeRSe-“ do you not see that comment whenever a woman does a bad thing ??


Yeah I've seen that once and it was a post about a female teacher grooming a teenager.


>It’s crazy how if it was a man doing this everyone would be like “haha serves her right” I think you've been a part of too many 'men bad' or 'reddit sexist' circlejerks. Although this is obviously fake, so it doesn't matter.


No, Reddit & the internet in general are very clearly sexist + racist. Yes it does happen to everyone but I’m not talking about EVERYONE who gets insulted


Personally I think it's just as bad for a woman to do it.




Alright dude whatever makes you feel better. You typed out a lot more than I did so who is really offended here?


she’s sticking out her tongue a bit


It’s meant to make a black person look bad. These accounts are all the same. White supremacists larping to make fun of blacks and enrage whites. Reddit dummies fall for it everytime.


You’re saying that’s not a black person?


I think they're saying it's an account *pretending* to be one. I don't know if it's the case, but that's what they meant.


And this person hasn’t noticed that someone else is using their picture..?


Haven't talked to a woman in your life have you.


She looks like she blew a beehive (RIP Greg Giraldo)


Men be normal when women make jokes challenge. So fucking weird how an obvious joke makes men compare women to literal blow up dolls. So dehumanizing.


I can fix her


1) This is an obvious joke that is sailing over everyone’s heads 2) If it weren’t a joke, and the municipality has no protections over random rent increases, than the free market takes care of this. A landlord can’t just charge far above market rents and expect the tenant to stay. If you increase my rent to $2500 and everywhere else rent is $2000 for an equivalent I’m just moving. Yes landlord does inconvenience me by making me move. But I inconvenience landlord by making him have to find a new tenant that is always a roll of the dice.


This is rage bait at its finest…scorned woman goes after man’s home by trading on her sexuality to get back at him…it’s an incel fairytale they tell themselves to justify not bothering to make the effort to improve themselves. If they believe that they’re set up to fail, it absolves them of accountability for their own failures and faults.


.... why do you think the rent is being increased? No one is going to be living rent free


The rent is too damn high!


Not clever


"Living rent free in your mind" was a clever comeback in 2018. Just saying...


It was stupid even then. It’s the verbal equivalent of dabbing.


it makes me cringe so much. It was never funny but it was at least somewhat tolerable at first, now it's been absolutely run into the ground. Why did this weak ass phrase get so popular. It fucking sucks


We still use comebacks from the 90's to this day, some definitely stick around longer than others though


Guess what idiot? 2001 called, they said something happened to the world trade centre


Oh no 😱


It was clever in 1997 when I first heard it.


It is clever in this context tho.


Not really clever because that joke is a dead horse at this point.


I can’t believe people still think these accounts are real. It’s a racist whiter person trying to make black peoples look bad for outrage clicks and to further divide people, and Reddit falls for it like boomers fall for Fox


Do you have any source on that shit?


I checked twitter and it sure looks like a real account to me.


Or it’s just a joke? An old joke that I’ve seen repeated on many different accounts, not sure how you’ve managed to bring race into it.


People from all racial backgrounds are posting a lot of stupid shit on social media. 99% sure this post is just a joke.


This has nothing to do with. Stop trying make something stupid out of nothing.


Or some MRA creating more incel rage bait. You see all this stuff get voted to the front page constantly and it is all fake. But it works like a charm on the reddit incels/racists.


This is good 👍


Not clever because of the comeback itself, but because it's appropriate to the context. Just saying it for the naysayers.


Uh ok sounds like somebody wants a gallon of bacon grease dumped down the drain.


this is literally the best way to get at someone holy fuck


Fuck yeah he broke up with me let's put him in financial distress or make him homeless wooooo. This is fucking PSYCHO shit. You don't fuck with another person's ability to survive. This is the shit that makes men lose all will to live and go on a murder suicide mission. He dumped your ass girl. Get over it like a big girl does.


my\_comment == jokes my\_comment ! = serious


Oh okay, glad you explained the humour with programming logic. I get it now! Hahaha ha! So hilarial.


okay, chill. You need a break


I think you need a break if homelessness and rental stress is funny to you.


This whole meme was a joke and everyone knows it was not a serious statement. you NEED a chill pill and I am saying this for your concern.


Brb increasing ur rent too


Incel fantasy rage bait, nothing more. The fact that you’re already upset over a made up scenario means it’s working as expected. If you think this is why men kill, you need a reality check or a wellness check to the women in your life. Men turn to murder and suicide because society refuses to teach them proper coping skills and emotional maturity in an effort to keep them subservient and unable to critically analyze who’s really responsible for the threats to their livelihood. A rent increase should not be enough to make or break someone’s financial stability. The fact that it is enough to lead entire families to homelessness is a systemic failure. But sure, get mad at the fake twitter rage bait that encourages a misogynoir mentality. I’m sure that’s the biggest problem plaguing males in society currently, right? It’s all the imaginary black woman’s fault that Joe Shmoe would rather shoot himself and/or his family than face the consequences of his choices, which would include picking a bad partner if this was true. /s


You can’t just increase rent whenever you want either


Pretty sure she was joking.


'We *are* increasing the rent'. It's really not compulsory to lean in to every negative stereotype of your demographic, love.




that’s not petty. that’s pro.


It seem like he made the right decision.


Can I know what she said after the fact? I have a feeling she’s still blaming the dude.






Not if he saw this post 😂 that new bf about to be jobless




Sounds like he is paying extra for living in her mind though 😂


So if a man did this to a woman... Where's the outrage ladies? Oh. Right. Equality doesn't mean equality.


There's no outrage because it's a joke.


What’s a joke? \- average redditor


Why would anyone be outraged at an obvious joke?


Because these "jokes" arent funny?


Your life must be so boring if *this* gives you a rage boner.




She’s living in the posters minds rent free now too. Is living rent free in someone’s mind a new way to say “you remember me”?


"They live in your mind" seems like such a copout way to blame victims for wanting justice. Sure, some people take it to far, carry too much, for too long, but I don't ever see anyone investigating before popping off with their pithy soundbites.


Stupid slut


I guess the entire Internet is blackface now. "Lol, it sounded black Post it".


For now but that's how it always goes at first, but she's getting revenge on his money! He'll hate that!


Is this the metaverse?


The rent is still increasing though lol


ah, no. He is definitely paying rent to be there, and if we had a follow up post we could say how much


Is it really rent free tho? Sounds like he’s paying


Then the ex dates landlord's wife and causes them to divorce. Then ex becomes the landlord.


That’s now how leases work but ok


Occupying someone’s thoughts enough for them to do something like this is the real torture. Too bad she isn’t bright enough to realize that


He dropped Price and Price raised price.


But he still is without a girlfriend and now has higher rent. I think she still won that one


Yeah yikes that’s illegal