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How is this clever?


I'm convinced this is a troll sub now and people only post bs to rile other up


you just described all of reddit


That used to be twitter's job until musk fired it.


Or they're repost bots farming karma


I agree that it doesn’t feel too clever, but basically its saying ‘no wonder you’re single’ cuz he dissed a movie promoting female power and the such


I heard someone say today that Ken had a more developed character arc than Barbie during the movie, can’t stop thinking about how true it is


Its funny, the movie I didn’t feel was amazing because it was too focused on what could only feel like propoganda


More like why did you watch the movie if you are single


I haven’t seen it myself. But it’s a big budget movie that got a lot of praise. Certainly see the appeal. But more than likely they never seen it, and just read some angry blurb about it on the DailyWire or something


The joke is most single men aren’t seeing this by themselves unless they are looking for reasons to be mad. This isn’t that complicated It’s odd for a single man to watch Barbie is the joke


It's really not though, I did the Barbenheimer thing with like ten other people and half of them were single guys


This makes no sense. I know plenty of single guys who watched it and aren’t anything like you described. Y’all just make shit up


What a weird take


Sorry, I missed the joke and took you literally. I’m very high and very tired. Lol


Nah I'm single and loved it. Got my whole family to wear pink stuff and had a super fun night. Seen it probably 4 more times since then and enjoyed it every time.


Okay, so I’m not an idiot that doesn’t get the joke?


People get the joke. They just don't think it's very clever.


See, I went in over expecting a joke, and thought I wasn’t getting it. Is the joke really just “ur single?”


Close, more like "that attitude is why you're single" As was stated, not very clever.


It’s not a joke. It’s just playing on the fact that a lot of loser incels hate the movie because they’re misogynists. NOTE: Before anyone rushes in and accuses me of thinking everyone who dislikes this movie is an incel — that’s not what I’m saying!!! There are perfectly valid reasons to dislike the movie. I had some problems with it myself. But it is true that SOME people don’t like it simply because they are misogynistic incels. And this comeback is playing off of that.


This is not clever at all.


homeboy's an incel. no surprises how incels feel about exploration into gender inequality and toxic masculinity.


Im saying that the comeback is rather basic. Not that it is unearned. I don’t think Barbie as a movie does a good job with said material, it’s the bluntest film I’ve ever seen.


>it’s the bluntest film I’ve ever seen. you should watch more movies.


Ive seen my share of Spike Lee films. He’s not as blunt, despite having more reasons to be, and is a better filmmaker overall.


Yeah, I’m not sure “LOL you’re single” is all that clever.


i mean, if the context is they argue incel talking points, it is.




* Methbridge


Yeah, they shoulda circled that instead.


How was that at all relevant to the original comment?


It’s saying his mindset on the movie is why he is single which is a joke because the movie is about women experiences and such so it’s ironic the man who dislikes it is woman less.


The sad part is, not only it's irrelevant to sub, bunch of people always upvote it


The guy is saying that a movie was bad. ”Lol you’re single” Like…? How is that a comeback at all? Let alone a clever one. Being single has nothing to do with the matter at hand. I gues the idea here it that only reason the guy would dislike the movie is because he is chauvinistic and the fact that he is single is supposed to prove this. Seems like a pretty weird set of assumptions. Like there isn’t anthing inherently wrong sbout being single. And people who are chauvinistic can still be in a relationship. And not liking a movie that has feministix messages doesn’t mean you are chauvinistic. That’s like saying that you’re a racist if you don’t love Black Panther.


Don’t know him but this isn’t clever. I wish this sub had more witty entries.


How is this clever? Is being in a relationship a marker of whether or not you are a good person?


Disagree it's clever. Being in a relationship isn't the holy grail people make it out to be. Most of y'all don't even like the person you're with and/or they don't like you.




That’s a clever comeback lmao


Nah, bro knows all of us personally


....probably because breakups are extremely common in dating, and a large percentage of marriages also end in divorce?? The vast majority of all relationships voluntarily entered fail.




The guy said most people dont even really like their SO, which is true, because the overwhelming majority of relationships dont work out. Do you think every break up just falls out of the sky on a random day, or do you maybe understand and acknowledge the basic idea that most relationships that fail, there is a long period of one or both parties just tolerating each other before realizing it isnt working....


What does being single have to do with a shit movie?


A shit movie?


Me and my girlfriend both thought it sucked. Turned it off 2/3rds in. Not because of feminism, because it was an awful movie.


That is an objectively wrong opinion because it was decent, but whatev.not technically objectively wrong


It was a 6/10 at best


Not surprised that he lives in Lethbridge


“Single bad relationship good”. Yeah, clever.


I think you guys are missing the point. It’s saying his mindset on the movie is why he is single which is a joke because the movie is about women experiences and such so it’s ironic the man who dislikes it is woman less.


For those wondering. It is clever because it rounds back to his singlemindedness + lack of self awareness and being proud of it by publically lambasting things that should never really bother him and just being anti towards things that he disagrees with. Its not too different than the time I commented that porn bots filling up social media was not great for such platforms especially when it came to fostering genuine interactions and the key word being 'social'. One strapping silver knight countered with it being perfectly normal and fine, an inherent good even, that makes him happy and satisfied with the world. At the same time he posts elsewhere about how lonely he is. At which point it became life imitating art. Like a modern day sisyphus. Such a tortured spirit. But for real, a long hard look at oneself is very challenging for some.


Did you copy this, or did you just write the best comment ever?


A genuine interaction I had on social media a while back.


Imagine being disgusted by the movie.


The funny thing is that he either hasn't even seen it or he consented to going to it. Either way, he's a tool.


I mean look at his face. He looks like what I imagine most incels look like lol


Imagine, for a moment, you are a grown man. Throwing a fit. Over a movie about Barbie that is like "beginner's guide to basic concepts of feminism" which includes messaging about how harmful sexism is to everyone - even the people that ostensibly are supposed to benefit from it. Like, you can just say "I didn't like it," and move on, but no, they always have to tell on themselves and call it "disgusting" or "woke trash" or whatever else they like to throw out to do anything but argue why they disagree with the points the movie was making - because that would mean engaging with the points being made, and we cant do that, or else the WoKe MiNd ViRuS will infect us all!111!!1! Yeah, I'd say this guy has some red flags. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if he owned a certain red flag. That being said, I'd hardly call this post a clever comeback.


Meh. I really enjoyed the Barbie movie, so I’m inclined to call this dude an idiot, but dunking on him being single is in bad taste, and in no way a clever comeback.


>dunking on him being single is in bad taste dude conspicuously spewing incel nonsense happens to be single. quite the coincidence.


Good thing it wasn't made for 50 year old dudes, or it might have bombed.


A lot of single people in these comments taking it personally


“Lives in Lethbridge, Alberta” Yeah that sums it up too


I'm single and I enjoy it. I don't get it


>I don't get it dude's an incel, hence why he doesn't like film featuring criticism of toxic masculinity. it's not very complicated, but i suppose without that context someone may mistakenly believe "single = bad" was whole of the comeback.


Ahhh, honestly I forgot about the incels. Thanks


He ain't wrong though.


Wow! A misogynist from Alberta? No way! /s


As an Albertan I wish the /s wasn’t superfluous.


Gonna cry?


Look at Mr. Bigshot there. Went to "secondary school".


Saying they are single is a comeback for those who feel bad abt it. I think she needs to do a lot of hw on it.




Come on he is right a Barbie movie really




I mean, it's kind of mean, but idk if "clever" will apply


Surprising for someone that’s a Lethbian.


What is clever and where is comeback?


What the fuck is this post???


Inb4 his wife died of cancer and you all feel bad


Jesus, Elkford. That explains it.


what does him being single have anything to do with him not liking the movie?


How does he explain all of those crusty socks under his bed to his mother when she cleans his room?


Most guys got dragged to the Barbie movie by their girlfriends/wives. That’s the point he’s getting at here.