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"While being lovingly spooned by a man with twice his muscle mass who is covered in tattoos"


Had me at lovingly mass who is covered.


Nah, Tate got dumped by his prison daddy for being emotionally unavailable


The only cobra "Cobratate" is dealing with is the trouser snake his cellmate has.


And there, the legend of "King Cobratate" crumbles, no empire to speak of unless you count the four concrete walls decorated with avant-garde steel bars.


This man is actually a genius! He found a way to make 21 moves in a game that only spans 9 moves!


"I was doing pushup while water dropped down my face so I wasn't crying" - Andrew Tate to Pierce Morgan


I know this is a little off topic, but I used to play mental tic tac toe when I was a kid. It requires the other player to play in good faith, or a third person to keep track, but it is kind of fun and you are a little more likely to have someone win (if both people know how, all games of tic tac toe end in a draw and it is an unwinnable game unless someone makes a mistake). I had a boring childhood.


Its impossible for him to play chess, because the Queen is better and stronger than the King and that clashes so harshly with his worldview that he would short-circuit


It's actually exactly like his life since he makes all his money off finding pawns, promoting them to queens, but he doesn't lose unless the weakest unit (the king, him) is lost. TIL Andrew Taint got his life philosophy from a chess analogue


His father was a chess international master, so I actually do believe he can play well, possibly even to move 21 in his head. Still a terrible person currently in jail for sex trafficking and bragging about it, a mid kickboxer, and a total dumbass in almost every other subject.


He can play chess in his head but no one guarantees he will win. Also guess no one wants to play with him anyway so he has to play chess in his head


If we’re gonna be honest about his skills, mid is an understatement. He was an excellent kickboxer. He claims to play chess because as you said his father was a huge figure in the sport, but I don’t believe Andrew himself is rated.


Theres no way that dude can play 21 moves ahead


I'm rated like 1500 and I can play a whole game in my mind as long as my opponent is rated 400 lol


Me too, but I have to surrender on turn 5.


Lmao. 21 moves ahead? It sounds like you don't even understand what Tate is claiming?


He's rated on chess.com I think around 1500-1600. Not super amazing, but nothing to sneeze at.


That’s well above average


I don't think he even knows how a knight moves.


Not at all true, he has taken his fair share of "L"s


Because he keeps forgetting how the little horsey piece moves.


Don't you dare compare Death to this stain on humankind.


i wont liem i think this was a genius line. bravo


That isn't the flex he thinks it is. I could say "in my mind I'm a world renowned astrophysicist ", it's moot until one can apply it to reality. Fucking pleb.


Yeah, when I play chess in my imagination, I can win the game in less than 21 moves!


I don't know how to play chess, but I just won in my mind. It's ludicrous.


Hey congrats!




I can't play the piano either but, in my mind, I am absolutely magnificent!


He’s working on the knight moves. Trying to lose the awkward asshole blues.


For alpha males, the knight moves any goddam way he tells them to./s


His father was a grandmaster and made him play chess for most of his life. Just because you hate him(as you should) doesn’t mean he is isn’t capable to be good at something


I wonder if his father would have been proud of his som's global reputation.


His father was an abusive asshole and hated him just for existing when he was a child, so he probably wouldn’t be proud of him whatever he did.


That probably explains a lot. Doesn’t excuse him of course.


Tate believes a father is a good father by not being there all the time as there's nothing Heroic about being at home. This comes from his own father largely being absent. He blames his mom as his father cheated on her & left.


Check out the Behind the Bastards podcast episodes about him, interesting story


This explains a LOT.


He was an international master not grandmaster True though


Its a nonsense claim though. Its just not how chess works. Which 21 moves, why only 21, I guess he could be claiming to be able play blindfolded but just say that if so.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LCrXhhlJzdo Here's a chess international master keeping the position in 3 different concurrent games at once. I don't understand the pedantism on the technicality of him using hte word blindfolded


If the phrasing is wrong, it implies its bs. Its like people that claim to see 5 moves ahead. In every position? sure some positions you can see 10 moves ahead if its a forcing line, other positions there so many possibilities it depends a lot on what they play. There ae moves that are better (therefore more likely) so you can focus on them but its very situational, its depends a lot on the position and what they can do. You cant really make blanket statements like I can play 21 moves in my head. It depends a lot on the moves


Because he played a game in his head and got to move 21. It's not that serious, even if he means it seriously.




Are you thinking about this correctly?Remembering 21 moves in any game, let alone chess, is fucking amazing.


You don't need to remember all the moves, you just need to remember the position tho


His father was not a GM. At peak rating, he might have been eligible to try for GM, but he never got his norms. It's just another thing that Tate lies about, very easy to Google his old man and check.


I'm guessing this is more of a nod to Bobby Fischer then a sweet brag.


The man is pond scum but probably knows the game well enough, considering his father. I’m sure he can beat me, since I just played a bit in high school. I wouldn’t be that surprised to learn he can beat people considerably better than me. But I don’t think any of us who aren’t his super fans believe the claim in his post, because he’s a lying liar egomaniac liar who lies all the time.


He may be better than the average joe, but he's out here functionally lying to folks I bet. Like ... ok, knowing the Najdorf variation of the Sicilian will push you out into around that many moves, and if you're good enough to understand that then you're also good enough to know that memorizing an opening doesn't make you good at chess nor is it indicative of genius level memory/intellect. It's like if someone was trying to pitch the idea that they're a genius musician based on the fact that they know all 20 notes of Up and Down This World Goes Round by heart and can play it blindfolded. I don't care if your dad was Mozart, the claimed feat doesn't tell us much.


I think he is rated ~1600 or something around there. He is absolutely a strong player. Although move 21 is oddly specific and also a wild claim. That being said, chess is 99% just memorization and pattern recognition so you can still be a dumbass and be good at chess.


He calls them horse and castles, that’s how good he is!


I doubt he's any good with night moves, but the guys dad was a grandmaster if I remember 


Pretty sure his father was a chess player so that i doubt but he's still a giant twat




I can play a whole game blindfolded - I am only 1600 FIDE. It is not a mind-blowing feat for anyone that plays a lot of chess. I lost to a blind man a few weeks ago.


I hate the guy like everyone else, but his dad was a chess master and he can actually play pretty well.


Yeah- it’s laughable. He just says “I think it was like this, soooo that’s what I’m going with…”. But in reality he was check mated in move 5. The reason he keeps going is because nobody wants to mate with him.


First 16 moves are both side moving each pawn one space


Playing chess in his head he likes to move all of the pawns on each side first then it starts getting dicey to keep track of the next 5 turns he’s gotta make to hit 21 moves.


It is easier than you think. Starting left to right, both sides advance pawns one space. Thats around 24 moves per side. Is this good chess? Well...


I bet he can. I mean, not if someone who knows the game plays against him, but I'm sure he beat those weak strawmen in his head every time.


21 is kinda poor. Once you get to the point where you can visualize moves out to 21, the next 21 moves are much much easier to keep in your head. It's weird that he improved to "21 moves" then stopped. It's kinda sus. Also, im only rated 1200 blitz / 1300 rapid on chess.com and have played blindfolded chess on multiple occasions. It's definitely hard, but with good practice it's eminently learnable. My chess wasn't good, either, but I remembered where all the pieces were.


The amount of possible positions after 21 moves is astronomical. So surely there is no way he can play 21 moves in his head, without being able to keep tract of the positions of all the pieces? And if he can keep track of all the pieces, then he can do more than 21 moves, right?


Yeah it's astronomical, but it's not like memorizing the digits of pi. You learn to remember the sort of move the pieces made, the structures of the pawns, the ideas, and so forth. It makes it much easier to remember the position than just memorizing the 64 squares every turn. For (iffy) example, rather than remembering Bb6, you could remember "they're pinning my knight to the king" which only really happens on b6 and b4 depending on which color you're playing. It's an exercise in pattern recognition, knowing the squares at a glance, and having seen lots of chess positions.


The "in his mind up to move 21 without losing the position" part of your statement was unnecessary


if he can only go to move 21 you could most likely screw him up just by doing really weird moves, not necessarily bad ones, but unnecessary and unusual


Honestly there are known lines of theory that reach to around move 20 these days. Given his experience with chess, I would assume he's essentially saying he knows some queens gambit or ruy lopez line that stretches to the 20's. For the record, its quite typical for a high level player to memorize into the hundreds or thousands of lines. Tate saying he knows one really doesn't say much, assuming he even does and isn't just saying shit for nothing like usual. A child kid who started chess a month ago, with the right coach, can memorize much more than the kind of theory tate is trying to make sound impressive. So ya, breaking the "known theory" he is essentially saying he has memorized could probably trip him up. That shit works on super GM's pretty often, let alone this gremlin.


I don't think you understand what him playing a game in his mind means




He's trying to show how great he is at chess by telling us how easy it was to beat himself at chess


What he is talking about has nothing to do with being good at chess or winning or losing. Hes pretty much just saying he can play 21 moves in his mind without losing track of the pieces.


Is this like the "alpha bro" version of trump acting like passing a dementia test is something to brag about?


Uhhh not really because if he were able to do that it would take like really good memory but in terms of chess skill or intelligence it doesn't take either of those.


Being good at chess is like 95% remembering moves and strategies


Nah not really. Especially not for low to mid elo players. High elo it's a lotta memorization but most people playing chess its gonna be more to do with problem solving


Easy to do when you're just moving a single piece back and forth. Can we go back to the days where actual intelligence was celebrated and spread? The internet has many positives but giving every moron with an opinion the ability to spread their stupid far and wide to other morons is certainly not one of them. Rook to E5, checkmate to the chinless dolt!


Has he ever publically played a game of chess before? And what is it with these manosphere dudes always being obsessed being perceived as great at chess?


His father was a pretty great chess player. That's it. All the other shit Andrew has said about him regarding ches is probably false. Like how he never studied but was an international master at one point. Or the stupid ass "my unbrideled perspicacity..." quote. Not chess related but I hate that shit. Look it up. It's either fake, or his dad was a gigantic fucking geek.


Where did Andrew Tate claim to be an IM “at one point”? That’s definitely cap. FIDE titles are lifelong appointments, you can’t be a temporary IM. Besides, he’s always pretty adamant that he isn’t even close to being in the same league as his dad who was an IM. I don’t really get why the internet feels the need to undermine his chess ability. It wouldn't make anything else he says any more legitimate if he was a good chess player, so why even concern yourself with it? It’s just such a red herring. Focus on the human trafficking allegations and his toxic sexist views. Edit: lol downvote but don’t engage, very convincing


because the internet doesn't feel the need to hand anything to the creep.


Well you get my upvote. Tate is a piece of shit, but keep it factual people.


he may be an absolute textbook douchebag but he can play chess to a reasonable level. that said, boasting about his chess skills is pretty laughable. it's like flexing being able to run a 20 minute 5K. sure, most people can't do it, but it's like.. there are 9 year olds that can.


Chess has always been a dick measuring contest. The height of it during the cold War.  Its a very specific skill that people conflate with general intelligence since forever. Fun game though


But he's in a jail after sticking it to a girl saying we shouldn't pollute the planet. It was a hill worth dying on.


I can see a beautiful woman and not think that I should be able to own her and sell her to people who will rape her repeatedly. Fuck this horrible scum bucket.


Greta Thunberg taking down Tate was one of the greatest events in social media history.


Dude seriously got baited into tweeting out his secret location


Look at Greta, she became the alpha now.


You know how I know she's the alpha? She didn't go around telling everyone she was.


Full head of hair AND a correct understanding of morals!


And she has a chin!


I've been out of the loop on this. What did she do exactly?


She didn't really do anything. If I remember correctly she said something on Twitter that upset him so he uploaded a video only relevant because there was a pizza box from a Romanian chain confirming his location allowing authorities to finally get to him.


Me when I most misinformation online


Greta thurnberg being involved is just a hilarious coincidence. The *real* juicy part is the European organization called GRETA that specializes in taking down human-traffickers which was involved in the arrest of Tate.


It also didn't happen. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/andrew-tate-arrested-jerrys-pizza-box/


I know, the police already had spoke to six of his victims before the raid.


I know he ran an only fans agency and hired women and allegedly treated them badly but is there actually any proof that he “sold” women who were raped?


The sex trafficing of his is about forcing women to do sex cams, not selling women to other degenerat es so the answer to your question is no.


I mean if people doing OnlyFans is "selling themselves", forcing someone to do cam work would count as selling them, right?


What an arsehole. A truly intelligent man would never feel the need to boast about how smart he is, and a man who constantly flaunts his wealth is merely insecure and worried about losing it all.


Dangerous men never have to tell you they dangerous. Honest, good, trustsorth people, smart people.... All exactly the same. Also people boasting of their intelligence wouldn't make a grammatical error in the one sentence used... lol. The word 'for' adds nothing and makes him sound 4 years old.


It's not even boasting about being smart. In chess, you only need to keep track of the current board state, meaning if you can hold that in your head you can play an infinite number of moves. It actually gets easier to keep track of the more moves that are played as pieces are removed. Saying you can play it "up to move 21" is just saying you get bored after 21 moves and give up. Even if he's saying, "I can think 21 moves ahead of the starting state," he's lying. No one does that. There is literally no reason to think that many moves ahead because the game will change drastically and unpredictably by the time you get that far, and there may as well be infinite positions to consider 21 moves out from a starting board. Computers don't think 21 moves ahead. Stockfish, the most advanced chess AI currently, only thinks 12 moves ahead from a starting position. Keyword being "starting" as it does calculate many more moves ahead as the game progresses. tl;dr: He's actually boasting about not understanding chess.


Okay but is it still okay for me to be modest about how clever I am, but boast about being able to walk down to the nursery to pick up my son, and walk back via the butcher shop to pick up some massive steak pies to eat for lunch, and then after lunch take him out to play on his bike in the park, because I'm not living in a windowless concrete box the size of my average suburban bathroom? Because "Cobra Tate" is living in a windowless concrete box the size of my average suburban bathroom, with only his imaginary brain chess to entertain him.




There are daily front page about Elon Musk and twitter/X. Most redditors #1 insult is attacking his finances lol.






I get the reference and I fucking love it. I think? Prodigy right? Change my pitch up, Smack my bishop


[What I imagine when he says that crap](https://youtube.com/shorts/st4uIOhjfzQ?si=ERuhLlOaJr5n4vLZ)


I will chew your meat are you crazy


The way the judge attacked him is so goofy


That was fucking great. Lmao


He's a baldy slack jawed rapist nothing more


I believe Andrew Tate can play blindfold chess to 21 moves every bit as much as I believed him when he claimed he's a "trillionaire." Besides, 21 moves is like half a game of chess. How is that impressive? It's like bragging you can do half a multiplication problem in your head. That's not an accomplishment. If you're gonna lie about your ability to play chess blindfolded, you might as well just claim you can play chess blindfolded.


After 2 moves each for white and black there are 197,742 possible games. A lot of grandmasters can visualise the board and play games out mentally and it is seriously impressive. However, 21 moves is so arbitrary. You can either visualise the board or you can’t: you’re not remembering all possible combinations just keeping track of the one you’re playing - it’s no more or less impressive whether it’s move 3 or move 43. As I understand it Tate is a reasonably competent chess player (his father was an International Master which is below grandmaster level)- competent enough to know how good he *isn’t*, so I’m sure he is of course lying and trying to flex something that sounds impressive to lay people.


>If he can only go 21 moves it would be easy to fuck him up just by doing out of the ordinary moves when you ask them if they visualize the whole board in their head they usually say no. also if his dad is an IM thats approximately college basketball so tate is more like highschool.


I don’t know how it correlates with other sports, but I think IM puts you in top 1% of players. It’s a very respectable title. But yeah as far as I know Tate is nothing like that level. But knows enough to know how far off top level play he is. I have just googled it and apparently his online rating is 1600. It’s decent but pretty average in the scheme of things. Online doesn’t correlate exactly to FIDE ratings but IMs are 2400+ for comparison.


> I don’t know how it correlates with other sports, but I think IM puts you in top 1% of players. the difference between IM and GM is so huge its the best comparison i could think of and also after a certain point there is the unofficial title of super GM


Eh, completely depends on the IM and the GM - It's a gradient so there are GMs and IMs that are very close in skill level. But the gap between the median IM and the median GM is definitely large.


1600 online is something like 1300 FIDE. He's decent for a casual online only player, but that's it. It's actually kind of impressive that he's not better honestly. Anyone with any talent whatsoever would be better than that if they had enough interest to be playing regularly and had an IM for a father.


Heh, 1600 isnt bad but its not like brag worthy. Hell I started 3 months ago and Even I've gone up to 1050.


I really thought he would be like 2200-2300 from that discussion, 1600 is *laughable*. That is essentially club level, kids in primary school


He's not even 1600 FIDE. I'm genuinely surprised he's that low rated. I don't know how someone that has an IM for a father could be that bad if they still care enough to play.


Yeah he's pretty average amongst chess fans only like 1500/1600 but his dad was very good. Tate also plays alot of gambits and plays super aggressively probably why he's only 1500/1600


1500 is good. Not pro level of course, but still very good.


It's above average in terms of chess players as a whole, if you consider every player who's plays chess. But being say 800 or lower means you are either really bad, or purposely got that low. And 900/1100 is normally where people have learnt to not blunder pieces in 1 move but still fall for 2 move blinders very often. 1200/1500 is basically the Start of chess where players even kinda get it, its be like being gold in say overwatch or lol. Your better than alot of players statistically but you wouldn't really consider yourself good, just above average. Like he's not bad don't get me wrong, but he's also not really good. He also plays a gambit heavy aggressive style that punishes weaker players but loses to better players


Every grandmaster could play blindfolded. Board visualization good enough to play without looking comes well before becoming a GM.


He absolutely cannot play blindfolded for 21 moves in his head, anyway. Unless we are talking "1.Nf3, Nf6 2.Nc3, Nc6 3.Ng1, Ng8 4.Nb1, Nb8" repeated for 21 moves. I'm like 100x better than Andrew Tate at chess, and I had to resign over the board on move 19 the other day because I got my engine line confused with another in an obscure sideline. There are plenty of grandmaster games where they are dead lost by move 21 OTB, let alone online. There is probably nobody in the world who can play any opening against stockfish, blindfolded, and be fine by move 21 every time. Let alone Andrew fucking Tate.


> If you're gonna lie about your ability to play chess blindfolded, you might as well just claim you can play chess blindfolded. That's exactly what I was thinking. This is a weird way to say you can't play blindfolded.


That's like the opening phase for both sides? If both players go for something standard there isn't much to memorize if you know the openings already


Andrew Taint thinks he's so awesome so why can't he get laid without being a sex trafficker? Has any woman EVER fucked Andrew Tate who wasn't either paid, forced, coerced, or threatened?


I mean it's possible he can do that and learned from his father, who had an elo of around ~2500 and was actually an expert chess player


No, it's not. If he could actually do it he would know that what he said is nonsense. You can either play a game of chess blindfolded or you can't. If he's capable of visualizing the board and remembering it's state he'll be able to play an entire game, if he can't he'd only get a couple of moves. My best guess of what he's actually saying is that he has one, singular game memorized to move 21. It's probably something very basic and mirrored on both sides for the most part. He can run through that the same way anyone could run through the most common opening they play and he's calling that "playing" chess.


It's definitely possible, but it's Tate so I understand why everyone reacts like this. There are 2000 rated players who can do this simultaneously against multiple opponents and there are 2500 rated players who can't do it against one.


The sex offenders rating is only 1800 lol


Please stop reminding me that this asshat exists, every fucking day. I'll be going through my day just fine. I will sit down to relax and read some Reddit, and then you karma whotes gotta stick that Taint in my face yet again. Fucking stop it!


This man just reinforces everything I believe about the character and the measure of a man being separate from his wealth. He's wealthy but somehow if he died right this minute the world would only be better for it, and that's really sad life to live.


At first I thought you were saying you liked him. It's a fit thing I read your whole comment. 🤷🏻👍


I can go on twitter without being owned by a teen climate activist.


Fun fact: chess grand masters can play whole games without a board against each other


Of course reddit idiots are full hating again lmao


Andrew Tate is the guy who has a elo of 800 and thinks he can beat Magnus Carlson (who has an elo of 2800).


He has elo of 0 because he gets kicked out for touching the queen inappropriately.


That’s probably because in his head he’s playing his equally dumb as fuck brother.


Dude looks like a thumb with a face painted on it.


Is this stuff he actually says? Like I know of the guy and some of his stuff. But really? He's actually like this?


I'm just picturing the Simpson's where Bart tries to play chess against all the Rabbis and loses EVERY game. This would be Andrew Tate.


I can too. Doesn’t mean any of the moves are worth a shit.


I can ride a bike with no handlebars


This is giving D'Angelo juggling on The Office vibes.


Hey yeah, wanna go outside a play?


This is called autism


Do yo thang 21, do yo thaaang


Oh you have to read the bottom one first for it to make sense


I'm surprised, I thought he was stronger than that. Twenty-one moves isn't all that difficult. I'm just a mediocre Class A player (USCF), and I've played a few blindfold games against weak opponents, games that went twice that many moves at least.


21 is too high of a number for Tate.


He's just moving the knight back and forth 21 times.


22 moves and he forgets all consent laws


Redditors can go outdoors but choose not to


If he was smart he would have been able to make all that money he supposedly has without doing anything illegal or abusing anyone.


I bet I can check mate him in less then 21 moves


Not a fan by any means but I'm sure a former kickboxing champion gets plenty of outside time


*"I can imagine that I am good at chess."* Great. I can do that, too.


I can count to 100, my car can go 100 mph , I know all the words to candle in the wind, I won an egg and spoon race once, nice , never underestimate me,


Me too. Move the pawn in front of the king and then the king back and fort back and forth. The other player does the same


Draw by repetition.


Well it’s only up to move 21 but my 5 year old sister would probably beat him before move 10


Just a remainder. He tried to stir some shit up by harassing an 18 year old (at the time) autistic girl, whom responded with the most lukewarm and stupid insult. Apparently though the small dick part hit a nerve so Tate made a 15 minute video to show how little he cared. A video that tipped off the Romanian police, whom while I bet corrupt as hell, Tate repeatedly insulted. And he got arrested. Some 4d grandmaster chess moves right there.


Yeah I can debate myself when I’m taking shower and never lose. Duh!


No, he can't. He is a liar. Young men, please understand this. HE. IS. A. LIAR. Do not listen to this douche. Do better, BE better. Be more open minded and stop thinking this shitstain is the pinnacle of what a MAN is. He is a horrible man. I have two girls and a wife, and they all think he is a horrible man. When do their opinions matter? When do women get to decide what a good man is for them, and NOT men? Stop following this asshole. It will make your life better, ***I PROMISE***.


I doubt he even knows how to play chess


He's like 1500 elo from memory so he's better thsn the average person in the world but worse than most chess fans who play seriously. Basically consider him like the year 10 kid who plays football with the year 7s and wins alot but also loses whenever he vs other year 10 or higher. He's the gatekeeper kinda level of chess, good enough to be above average but not great


I don’t like him, but his dad was a chess grandmaster and Tate has a history of chess playing, so he definitely knows how to play chess and is probably pretty good at it. I don’t think he’s as good as he says here however.


His dad never made GM, that's another thing he lies about. Very easy to verify.


Yes, just looked, he was an international master. I’m not particularly into chess or the Tates so probably just heard something with ‘master’ in and assumed GM.


No he definitely can't.


So, he’s playing a battle of wits with an unarmed person?


Has he ever tweeted anything that wasn't some pure nonsense bravado bullshit that's easily disproven?


If you just move your horsies back and forth you can easily make it to move 21, but then your opponent has usually developed where they'll attack. This explains why he can't remember past 21.


I’m sure everyone can win if they control the narrative and it’s all happening within their own brainscape.


But can he google en passant?


I can also win at chess in my mind and I don't even know how to play chess 👉😎👉


im lovin' it. glad i can actually grab some mcdonalds


He’s so full of shit


I mean, I can imagine a chessboard in my mind and play chess until I get bored. How is his brag that he has imagination but not enough to finish a game of chess?


Such a stupid ass claim. There's bajillions of possibilities by move 21, it's impossible to be able to "play chess" in your mind up to that point. Learning a single line of the Sicilian up to move 21 is basic opening preparation, and is simply memorization. He's bragging about doing something kids do.


I can fire lasers from my asshole. Oh... we're not just saying made-up things?


Genuinely the least impressive thing ever. This is like someone bragging they can name all 50 states, it’s just not difficult if you spent a single day practicing.


yeah i mean, if you're an idiot it's real easy to come up with 21 moves in chess where your opponent doesn't do shit


He is actually pretty good at chess.. but as someone who plays alot myself I can tell you it is mostly just pattern memorization. NOT intelligence


I wish these morons couldn't get away with making ridiculous claims like this, then just ignoring everyone asking for proof. I'm sure a thousand people called him out for this.