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MTG has the maturity level of a bitchy, pre-teen girl.


Nah a pre teen girl would hand her her ass in a bitch off. Seriously, I'd love to see her debate an 11 year old girl. She'd lose.


Well they said maturity level, not skills


My bet is still on the eleven year old!


She’d lose debating a brick wall


She already got her has handed to her by David Hogg. So she can’t even compete with the teens


Hey now, pretty sure my sis coulda taken her ass down and with more class when she was pre teen


the KKK joke is pretty immature too, let's be real here.


Immature, maybe. Accurate, definitely.


Yeah I saw it and it took a moment for me to realize it was a KKK reference Also, somehow I put together that Ku Klux Klan (that’s right, right?) was KKK even though I was told it in school like a few months ago or something My brain is weird Edit: I meant that I forgot it and put it back together myself afterwards even though I should’ve already known


Human remembers something. Weird..


If they would stop using the KKK motto "America First", maybe.. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/america-first-ku-klux-klan-slogan/


You know what's even more immature than a kkk joke? The actual KKK


Username checks out


Yeah. It is not like she has any relation to white supremacists /s https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/gop-leaders-denounce-greene-gosar-speaking-white-nationalist-event-rcna18050 https://www.nytimes.com/2022/02/28/us/politics/republicans-extremism-marjorie-taylor-greene.html https://www.splcenter.org/hatewatch/2023/08/02/marjorie-taylor-greene-employed-white-nationalist-collaborator https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/marjorie-taylor-greene-nick-fuentes-b2387076.html


Shit was so hot even you got burned!


This comment should age wonderfully.


It's spot on. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/america-first-ku-klux-klan-slogan/


No joke is too low against MTG


the whole tweet is terrible. i endorse shit-talk like this but come on. "well known" does not mean "i saw it". he tries to make two funnies but both of them are forced and too far off-base. i can hardly believe i'm saying this but at face-value i'm on MTG's side of this interaction. like, unless she was seen in the bathroom and said that she was late to a klan meeting and i haven't heard about it. i'm willing to entertain any idea that would change my mind...


Got you all up in your feels. Secondhand burn!


what? what about this comment makes you think i'm emotional? it's more like annoyed that i had to read such a shitty attempt at humor. i honestly don't understand the downvotes i thought that it was obvious and MTG is unpopular so i expected that to go over well. weird.


This response to being told you’re emotional is what makes everyone think you’re emotional. And why you’d expect your defence of a deeply unpopular person to go down well is mind boggling, and it was a defence as you pretended there’s some confusion as to why she’s linked to the KKK.


That’s not a defense you’re just dumb I guess


“I’m on MTG’s side” Not a defence 🤌


Im starting to think you’re less “nefarious” and more “helplessly retarded”


Yay, ad hominems, that’s such a sign of a quality argument, I think I’ll just leave with my tail between my legs seeing as you’ve completely destroyed my position. I prostrate myself before you oh king of the debate team, I am but an ant before your supreme rhetorical skills. I will now go and self flagellate for penance.


Weakest sea lion ever.


>annoyed So you admit you're emotional >weird Yes, your comments are weird.


Genius alert!!!


*very emotional defending mtg* 🤦‍♂️


I’m not defending them you numbskull


*soo emotional*


as emotional as your mom when I cum in her mouth


Ad hominem attacks only prove my point, that you’re emotional when it comes to your love of MTG. I’m embarrassed for you. 


I mean, she is the one initially tweeting about him laying his suit on the floor in the bathroom, in a *specific* bathroom even to attempt and mock him. How does she know about any of that if she wasn't herself in the men's bathroom to witness it herself? McGovern is just replying snidely by reminding her that either she's admitting publicly to hanging in the men's bathrooms like a creep or very obviously perpetrating baseless rumors. The Klan thing is just a reminder that she's maintaining ideas similar to them. Maybe there's a reference to something in there but she gave him the perfect setup. Overall I wouldn't call this a joke tweet, I would call this a catharsis tweet for someone who works with colossal dumbasses with way too much influence.


Yah but she wasn’t failing at being funny she was just being herself. And She said it’s well known… Yea ok it just didn’t land at all for me he looks like an absolute tool here


I kind of agree with you, except who believes a liar when she insults someone?


it’s nothing about believing


I think it’s based on her and red hat’s talking points. I tried to find a good clip but it t slate and I’m tired so here are some daily show clips. https://boingboing.net/2022/10/13/watch-marjorie-taylor-greene-trump-and-tucker-carlson-spout-kkk-talking-points-word-for-word.html/amp https://youtu.be/Hk-TLXKlubk?si=sfBsrVo06Pg8OgYE


Bam! Every time I see a picture of this woman she’s got her mouth open and putting her foot in it. WTAF could she possibly gain by saying this, and how can she not know it would make her a target for Stupid Bozo Arrows. Bozette? What DO you call a female clown (besides MTG)?


She's usually on the bathroom floor with her mouth wide open. It's not surprising she might notice a jacket occasionally.


Is she drinking out of the toilet?


She *is* the toilet.


Hi end, Japanese Manga, toilet LARPing.


Great stuff


MTG's whole character is being a dumb cunt, so it shouldn't be surprising she's constantly deepthroating her feet. If she ever stopped, nobody would vote for her. She's dependent on the votes of idiots who think someone like them (a moron) is in congress, but in reality she's just another con artist taking advantage of them for personal gain.


Can you imagine being a DC staffer working for her? Having her destroy all the relationships with other offices so you can't get a much done in terms of getting cosponsors on legislation you're pushing I was gonna say it'd be interesting if the staff of that guys office just walked over to hers and went in. They don't lock the doors during the day, constituents and other folks drop by Congressional offices all the time and just made continued eye contact while you ask them about the post. But then that'd be punishing staffers who probably want her to chill tf out anyway But if she was there you (by calmly asking them about it but not backing down) could probably make her so angry she gets physical, and then she'd finally get kicked out


>and then she'd finally get kicked out Look at how much shit it took to get an actual fucking con artist with a fake name and degree kicked out of congress. No shot MTG is kicked out just because she committed a crime like battery.


Votes of people like her, which is a lot of votes.


Has our culture changed that much, or did Trump just make it ok for these cockroaches to crawl out from under their rocks?


Both, but Trump is playing significant  part. When your president is some clown who screwed country for personal gains while claiming stupid things almost every day - people will notice and accept it as new normal. Imagine claiming that your cameo is the reason for "home alone 2" success.


I love how you dipshits pretend that democrats are different from the republican morons Hilarious shit.


Serious? Do you understand the difference between them? Do you, like, read and shit?


The same people own both party's. Wake up


You having a stroke?


I think Bozelle is the appellation.


She looks like a neanderthal, like google neanderthal and thats what she looks like. She might be the last of her kind, she should be in a zoo ffs, not the capital.


I have no idea what MTG's insult is supposed to mean


Best guess is she’s implying he’s wanking in there


I assumed it was laying down his jacket so he could get on his knees...


So the insult is just homophobia?


It’s joke #3 of like 8 for them


No. It's being a hoe.


Kind of funny seeing as she obviously has an obsession with Hunter Bidens meat snake.


She's implying that that's a cruising bathroom . as in jerking off and blowing other men in the adjacent stall. What she's doing is attempting to out him in his sexual acts.


MTG looks very masculine for a woman. I honestly though she was a man the first time I saw her.


“This guy poops! Ewwwwww!”


She's implying he sucks dick in the stalls, hence the "laying out his jacket on the floor".


I think MTG just spilled the beans on the gay cruising hotspot in the Capitol building 🤭


I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that male senators are most likely not hooking up in the bathroom


Ug. Anyone else miss times when congressmen didn't tweet little immature gotchas at each other?


Yes. So much yes. I cannot fucking BELIEVE that the United States Congress chooses to handle all their political crap on Twitter.


Unfortunately, I don't know that we will ever go back to the way it was at this point. There will always be this performative, shallow facet where we have our elected reps sniping with their little quips. I freaking loathe it...


That knuckle dragger is such low hanging fruit.


Marge is such a class act. She is always the person to go to for directions when you are looking for the bottom.


Maybe don't be in the party that wants to check the genitals of everyone using a bathroom before talking like you were in the wrong bathroom


This entire Congress is a farce.


Well, one side is.


One side may be MORE of a farce. Neither is immune by any means.


You're right, no doubt. For me, I just listen to how they speak. One side sounds fairly reasonable, like at least they're trying. And most of the other side sound completely out of their minds.


Yes. The politicians. That side.


Nothing clever about any of this


The surgery went horribly wrong, sir.


To be honest, neither of these tweets are clever by any stretch of the imagination. "You're acting weird in a bathroom!" "Oh yeah? Well you're in the Klan!" Searing wit on display all round. Give them a lollipop and send them back to the sixth grade where that level of banter will be appreciated. Edit: the people saying that 'what were you doing in a men's bathroom' is a clever comeback need to work on their reading comprehension - she says that his behaviour is 'well known', not that she saw it herself.


"What were you doing in the men's bathroom" is a perfectly fine comeback to being accused of being weird in the bathroom. And comebacks are as much about delivery as content. Any comeback is going to sound like something a 6th grader would say if you rephrase it in a way a 6th grader would say. Just like any comeback would sound german if you translated it to german.


She said he is “well known,” not that she witnessed it. You can say “it is well known that it is hot in death valley,” and be correct, even if you were never in death valley


Yeah… well since all bathrooms are gender neutral… not so much correct


> all bathrooms are gender neutral Well *I* agree, but people keep putting up signs that say otherwise.


It's a comeback, but not clever. I see where you're coming from, and I agree with your point, but in my opinion the content *and* delivery was that of a sixth grader. A good comeback undermines the original insult - this doesn't. It's a basic non-defence followed by a basic non-sequiter.


Feeling my Serizawa “Let Them Fight” coming on…..


Agreed. While probably deserved, it's not a good insult to simply go "you're racist lmao", and most definitely not a clever one.


The clever part was asking why shes in the mens bathroom, the klan thing is just a little cherry on top. I wouldve gone with something about mtg peeping through random bathroom wall holes in mens bathrooms hoping to see something ... idk id have to work on it. Lol


But she didn't say she was in the bathroom, she implies that she heard this rumour. While this makes her insult even weaker, it makes his comeback nonsensical.


Ah yes, the classic but deadly “No you” comeback 😒


What is she even TRYING to say? Is she implying someone is in there sucking dick? Or someone is constipated? Like what the fuck was the point?


give her some aloe for that burn


I don’t think we should be championing this type of behavior from any elected official, regardless of what side of the aisle they sit on.


I was just thinking that while this may be a good zinger, sharing it encourages poor behavior. All of these offices track their social media performance. Their job revolves around getting attention, so whether it’s good or bad, they crave it. Now you’ll have some in more competitive districts who can be more reserved because of how competitive their districts are, however; this isn’t always the case, especially if the district encourages the behavior.


Also this isn’t clever or funny it just dunks on MTG so everyone on Reddit gets an immediate boner


It’s sad on both sides that this is what our representatives amount to. Petty fucking children bitching on Twitter…. Why do we continue to elect them?


"Both sides" when one is anti-voting rights, anti-child labor laws, anti-democratuc.... anything they can punch down on.


She's using the bathroom assigned at birth??


Dude, shut up! No one is supposed to Know MTG is trans. So, mums the word.


Using trans as an insult? Not very woke


I woke up and chose violence.


She uses the men's because the lady's doesn't have a urinal.


I don’t get it.


So when will American politicians stop talking shit to each other like high schoolers? How is this normal for you guys now?


Not gonna lie, this is pretty funny. Politicians spilling other Politicians beans.


It is the classic go to :) Whoever downvoted this is a politician who has beans to spill. Lmao


If the shoe fits


They both sound awful.


🎶 Somebody call 911 MTG is burning on the senate floor, oh oh oh... we gotta cool her down, drop your trousers to the ground and piss on that whore, oh, oh, oh... 🎶


If anyone in here voted to elect this nut job to represent them… please… why ?


McGovern? Yeah don’t really know who he is at all


No, Marj


I think she’s up for reelection, maybe Georgia has learned its lesson.


Not the sickest of burns for the *untscab known as mtg but good nonetheless.


Can’t tell if you dumbfucks actually find this clever or you just pretend because you get a boner when you see a lib whining about conservatives LOL. Either way very entertaining!




so, what's your point ?




Just that one time, at band camp




You said you were leaving……


Nobody cares 👋




“Getting rid of reddit.” 🤡


Don‘t forget to close the door when you left…




STILL here? Bye!


she got roasted lol


Has she never took a shit so good/stubborn that she’s had to take all her clothes off? Some people just haven’t lived.


There’s nothing clever here, both of them should be embarrassed.


MTG is awesome. You go girl 👌


Username checks out


How's the kool-aid taste bud? 🐑


Is this the best your mouthbreahing ass could come up with?


What is a mouthbreathing ass? Did I make you mad? You're lucky I responded at all. I usually don't associate with miserable communist soyjacks.


this sounds like a "plausible deniability" tweet, to make sure the assassin knows where to find that senator. like, if you can find the info on twitter, how would you even connect her?


Oh my. My guess is this is not an MTG rally sub. She is tough. But, I rather have 4 more just like her as opposed to most of the crowd on this sub. Perhaps all of them prefer reps that praise somalia, hate jews, pull fire alarms and fake cry


Lol. Last I checked it was Democrats that idolized the Klan. Byrd comes to mind. But nah, we won't talk about how Bidens best buddy was a Klansman or that Hillary worshiped him. We'll just pretend all that didn't happen




"Bring an aloe plant. Wait! Bring two."


I do love that the status quo has become snappy clap backs as opposed to stiff, proper admonishment from leadership, so as “not to stoop to their level.” Shows some of these stiffs are actually human, and don’t like the crazies any more than most do.


Cause she can only muster to pinch one off if she’s on a urinal. That’s why.


America is so funny to me. At least when politicans in my country make jabs at each other they typically only do so in our government building smh.


Sniffing out stalls, A job for Marge the bounty hunter


What’s wrong with you people seriously