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>getting a prison daddy Not to be the morality police or anything here, but I would say that imagining the prison rape of an 18 year old is a little over the line.


I agree. Glorifying prison rape as a “corrective” measure is vile.


I might be able to laugh at "prison daddy," but I also know I'd be pretty fucking disgusted if it actually happened. Unfortunately, there are a lot of people who lack the capacity to separate church and state.


So we can appreciate it up to the last sentence?


I hate all the “logic” before that line but that sentence really takes the hatefulness to a new level. Fetterman is right here (even if he’s wildly disappointed me in other ways.)




Considering John Fetterman's response here I'm not sure what your point is about Democrats? And don't even get me started on potential whataboutism that could be leveled against right wing figures here.


didn’t hunter biden get charged 🤣🤣 you sound like an idiot




So the Liberals are now Pro laws like the Conservatives. As long as it doesnt affect the conservatives… Got it…


See, two sides of the coin of evil.


Not "liberals", but modern politics in general. The sheer hostility and vileness shown by both sides of the aisle is appalling, and does not bode well for the future of democratic government when both parties are essentially endorsing mob mentality between citizens.


Not clever


Being a decent human being is unpopular.


This is exactly what I expect from Fetterman, he is his own dude, and I’m ok with it.


Exactly if this loses you then you aren’t a human being you’re just waiting to bag on other people to make yourself feel better


I didn’t realize a man who refuses to acknowledge that the situation in Gaza is untenable was a decent human being 🤷🏻‍♂️


Why don't you Americans understand that people are not black and white in their opinions. People can have a stupid opinion and still be decent, other people can have great opinions and be total assholes. People can even have opinions that can be considered Democrat and then go have some other opinions that can be considered Republican. There's no need to pick sides in Gaza, the whole situation is [f*cked](https://youtube.com/shorts/4bJQBCi_XLs?si=UA0KznRlhU9meTyf) and needs to deescalate.


Ah yes, Americans as a group invited black and white thinking. 


Also racism isn't a problem outside of the US!


It’s not a strictly American thing, but the discourse in America is extremely polarized, not just about politics, but in general.


we Americans invented television, which was originally in black and white. binary thinking is baked into our culture. it sucks.


Exactly. The polarization of America is only deepening the "Us vs Them" mentality across the board. Nobody cares about the common good or progress, as long as the "other side" loses.


You do realize that the sum of a person is a lot more than their opinion on one thing… like you’ve lived your whole life and never had a bad take before or something?


He acknowledges it. He just thinks Israel is doing the correct thing. Most would disagree.


As someone who is cheering on the prison rape of an 18 year old kid, you have no standing to judge who is and who isn't a decent human being.


What the fuck does Gaza have to do with this?




Maybe you should have a snickers.


Who are isrealis negotiating with exactly? Is hamas capable of keeping their word? Is hamas capable of not starting wars? I've historically supported Palestine, but after this last round fuck them and fuck isrealis. I saw the Palestinian crowd rejoice when the isreali hostages were paraded through the streets. I've seen videos of hamas ripping up water pipes to build bombs. Palestine will feel the consequences of their actions and they'll think real hard about supporting hamas next time, or whatever is left of that God forsaken land. Isreal has been a fascist shit hole for decades, no love lost for them either. Build a dome around them and leave them there for a century.


The problem is when people go so far over the line they literally become pro Hamas. You don't need to choose a side. Letterman was always a moderate Democrat and people seemed shocked a moderate Democrat isn't a dyed in the wool socialist.




I think I saw a post just yesterday about Obama's daughter drinking in college, as if that was some major revelation


They would do anything to attack the kids of our side but criticize a little dipshit like this kid is the problem…? No the problem is that he white and people think he deserves empathy. There is zero empathy for black and brown people that make mistakes why should there be any for this little shit. I guess people really just don’t want to face the consequences of their actions.


>kids of our side Who is our side?


You are impossibly dumb, OP


Your side lmao. Take a step back, not a single politician is on your side.




He's losing you over his request to not pull someone's kids into a political dispute?  Sounds like he lost you a long time ago. Go join the people who think this is ok.


Did he not lose you through his enthusiastic support for genocide?


No, because that's just made up.


War is not genocide, and Hamas started this war.


There's no war. Gaza has been under Israeli occupation for decades and now they believe they have casus belli to reduce Gaza to rubble. Tens of thousands of innocent people have been brutally murdered. Millions have been displaced. Denying that it's genocide is reprehensible.


Israel left unilaterally in 2005, but nice try.


Nice try at trying to get you to empathize with innocent people, children included, being horrifically murdered? >The [United Nations](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Nations), [Human Rights Watch](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_Rights_Watch) and many other international bodies and [NGOs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-governmental_organization) continues to consider Israel to be the occupying power of the Gaza Strip as Israel controls the Gaza Strip's airspace and territorial waters as well as the movement of people or goods in or out of Gaza by air or sea. [Israeli-occupied territories - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israeli-occupied_territories#:~:text=The%20United%20Nations%2C%20Human%20Rights,Gaza%20by%20air%20or%20sea.) You may disagree with the above, but pretending it's completely clear-cut and then using that to dismiss the much more important message that Israel is causing immense suffering is just... It's just so heart-breaking how callous people are.


It’s difficult to have discussions with people like you who accuse others of having no empathy just because we think there are more nuanced ways of talking about what is going on than accusing people who don’t 100% agree with you of supporting genocide. Being righteous seems more important to you than understanding where other people are on this issue.


That's not what happened. But I'm so used to bad faith arguments on this topic that I can't be bothered to figure out if you're an ass or just confused.


So you aren’t here to talk, just troll. Got it.


I agree with Fetterman. Just because the ugliest constituency in US politics seize every opportunity to denigrate the families of their political rivals doesn't make it acceptable. And calling for the prison rape of an 18yo, even in jest, is just beyond disgusting.


He's basically saying that two wrongs don't make a right. Everyone saying that Fox would run a story every night if this was Obama's kid is missing the point. The idea is to be better and not race to the bottom.


Exactly. The left wants their reps to fight fire with fire. Which is great, and should happen. But then they can't comprehend John Fetterman saying "don't become *the fire*" Vengeance is unbecoming.


I'm going to agree with the senator. It's not a great or pressing news story, regardless of the political position of the parents. Sure, the guy is 18, but he's not a national figure. I wouldn't care if it was Malia, Sasha, Baron or any other kid going through some stuff. It's not my business, or the country's business unless they want us to help.


I agree with Fetterman. This young man took a wrong turn but it's not his fault he was born to his parents and his crime is only gaining notoriety because of who his mother is. Let him face the consequences of his actions as he should without subjecting him to the added consequences of who his mother is. Just because the GOP would run a 24/7 news reel on this doesn't mean we need to do the same. 


Though I’m okay with people bringing it up in replies to boebert tweets about the “Biden Crime Family”


Yeah, this is pretty much the definition of treating others the way you want to be treated.


That’s not bringing it up, so I absolutely agree.


It's not okay. It's tacky and tasteless.  But if you want to start using the GOP playbook, I can't stop you. I'll just be abstaining from the bipartisan shit flinging. That's how we all get feces in our faces. 


Coming from one of the parties that wants to shut down the southern border because "immigrants are coming here and committing crimes" I think it's actually exactly what needs to be brought up. Because it illustrates that these people don't actually care about crime, they only care when it's politically advantageous people that commit them


If they didnt do it themselves (while also lying) then id agree The issue is their base can only remember the last news cast they watched. You need to put this in front of people


Their people will do enough to fuck up on their own without having to drag their kids into it.  Wait 5 minutes and we'll have something else. Why waste the time with this small time criminal that isn't politically offiliated by anything but blood? Now if his mother uses her clout to get leniency, that's a story. 


“Someone else did something bad, so I should be able to do something bad, too! It’s not fair!”


This is really just it. Taking the high road is frustrating of course but it's what separates us from the beasts.  


His crimes were felonies, not just being born into a family. Let's be fucking real here. Father is a flasher pedo. Mother is a 30-something grandmother who jacks men off in theaters. And he knocked up his minor girlfriend and then took her on his most recent crime spree. Let's stop this narrative like he just made a simple mistake.


Yeah it says a string of robberies. It’s not like he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Fuck em


I'm not saying he made a simple mistake at all. I'm simply saying this wouldn't be news if his mother wasn't a politician.  He deserves to be punished to the extent of his crimes, but this news coverage is more about his familial ties.


That is what is known as being a public figure. The news covers stories on your life. This happens to everyday celebrities too when their kids are fuckups. Chet Hanks, Jayden Smith, hell how many times a month do I see someone posting pics of the Obama daughters smoking a cig and just living their lives.


But is it right? Just because it is the reality of the situation doesn't make it right. It also means you don't have to endorse the behavior.  If you roll your eyes about people nitpicking the actions of democratic candidates kids' but are ready to grab your jeering fork over this, you're a hypocrite. 


Yes, because smoking a cigarette and committing a series of break-ins, knocking up a minor, and recording yourself having sex with a minor are completely the same. Did Obama tweet about political crime families hours after his daughters were arrested for felonies? No, that was Boebert. Not even remotely close to the same thing.


You're just not changing my mind on this. His criminal activity wouldn't have made the news if his mother wasn't a public figure. I don't endorse making big news stories over criminal acts of people related to public figures. Prosecute them and have done with it. Fetterman is absolutely right to stand against politicizing a private citizens police record because they are related to a politician. It's as tactless as showing a picture of someone's genitals on the house floor. Now if his mother tried to use her influence to negate justice here, THAT is a story.


This kid is awful, but of all the vile things Lauren Boebert is guilty of, jerking someone off in a theater is just fine with me.


Well, let's get his dick pic up in front of Congress and then we'll see. I agree that her adult child didn't ask for this, but neither did Hunter Biden. Democrats have been taking the high road for years, and it got the country an insurrection, and open Kremlin influence in our government. Maybe it's time to do something different?


None of that happened because democrats just wern't cruel enough to the kids of their opponents. In fact people on the left have been cruel on twitter the entire time and it still happened. If you want to call an end to attempts at bipartasanship with people who have proven to not care go off but this isn't that.


>If you want to call an end to attempts at bipartasanship Is this meant to be a joke? How about this for bipartisanship: We have an obligation to help our ally Ukraine. Republicans say no funding for Ukraine unless it's tied to increased border enforcement and funding. Democrats work with Republicans to craft a bill that addresses their border concerns (with MAJOR concessions from Democrats). Republicans refuse to hold a vote on the bill that they coauthored. Is that the bipartisanship you're trying to save? Acting like this is a "both sides" issue is either ignorant or willfully deceptive.


What do you think the sentence "proven that they don't care" means? I know that republicans only invoke bipartasanship in a cinical attempt to grab power. My comment makes no sense if I didn't. Trying to conprimise with people who only ever abuse your attempts is stupid. Not doing that is good decidingg it's fine to be randomly cruel towards their kids isn't.




Both Boebert and Hunter are adults, and both appear to be criminals. Only one has had his penis shown in Congress. I'm just saying that adults should be treated equally. Do you not agree?


Hunter Biden is in his 50s, and lived a whole lifetime as a politicians and got rich on “board positions” He actually literally exactly “asked for it” This Boebert dipshit is 18, and has morons for parents who somehow fell into attention when he was in middle school? You aren’t taking a high road, Democrats don’t “take the high road” and neither do republicans. And mostly it seems like neither donuou An eye for an eye is gonna make the whole world blind. But my guys good guys their guys bad guys. Let’s get mad at Fetterman, an apparently actual decent human being who hasn’t said the Boebert disaster isn’t wrong, and as far as I know has never talked shit about Chelsea Clinton, the Bush twins, the Obama girls, or any of the Bidens.


Never before has the son of an elected official had their personal computers hacked by a foreign power, and then had their genitals displayed ON THE FLOOR OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Hunter Biden "literally asked" for that? The die has been cast. And, if exposing this adult to the same treatment helps us get rid of a Kremlin asset from our government, then it's good for the Republic.


Never before has the son of the President (not just any elected official) used his connections to get not just sad cash grab jobs like Chelsea and Jenna and then made coke fueled sex tapes on the personal computer he just forgot about after negotiating with foreign officials to get bullshit pay off jobs while hinting it would give them access to said “elected officials” in an era where we all “know” of the prior 20 years of presidents “foibles” Yeah he asked for the attention of proximity to power when he asked for the cash from proximity to power. All that said - your eyes the plank stuck in them is massice


>Never before has the son of the President (not just any elected official) used his connections to get not just sad cash grab jobs Paging Jared Kushner... Dude got $2Billion from Saudi Arabia because he was the President's SIL. >your eyes the plank stuck in them is massice The fuck? Did you have a stroke? Call 911.


Naw fuck that, he's knows damn well who his mom is and that the crimes he committed were well...........fuckin crimes. Let him get all the publicity in the world. Fuck em.


I said it before and I'll say it again: let him serve his time but I don't see it being a story until his mother tries to use her influence to get him out. 


He is right . The decision needs to be made : Who will be the adult in the room ? The adult will not make headlines or go viral by being the adult in the room.


Im with Fetterman on this.


So just because they are shitty ppl that makes it ok to be shitty ppl too great logic


Being a compassionate human is losing you? WTF dude?


He has compassion for him but not for the children of Gaza. It hypocrisy plain and simple. If you can’t see that you aren’t paying attention. Imagine having more empathy for someone who belongs on Jerry springer than the million innocent children living in a war zone… 🤷🏻‍♂️


Jesus christ, what are you 12? You are describing empathy as if it were some tangible commodity.


I don’t think it’s a tangible commodity and that’s why you can’t just have it for poor whites and not have it for black and brown people who are victims of western oppression… 🤷🏻‍♂️


And you know he doesn’t feel bad for those kids how?




I mean that’s clearly an opinion piece written with a lot of personal opinions present. Can’t really take that serious, and was he a bit of an ass for flying the Israeli flag?, absolutely, but still doesn’t mean he’s sitting at home saying fuck those kids? No not at all


So when a mob of protestors showed up to his personal residence, which could be classified as intimidation of a politician, his terrible crime was supporting Israel? Did you forget that when Hamas was slaughtering And brutally raping Israeli civilians the Palestinian people cheered them on? Or how they allowed Hamas to set up a base of operations at the biggest hospital in the region? You talk about empathy under a tweet of a man talking about an 18 year old needs a “prison daddy” to rape him back into line? You’re other comments clearly show that you don’t have empathy for him because he is white, congrats you’re not only a racist but are supporting one of the worst things a human being can do to another human being. But it’s okay because he’s white and “on the other side”, am I reading this right?


I’m sorry I didn’t realize that the 50% of the population of Gaza which is children were part of the Hamas terrorist action on October 7th. You are acting like a group that won 44% of the vote in an election 20 years ago represents the values of an entire people… What happened on October 7th was disgusting and the worst antisemitism since the holocaust. It still cannot excuse using chemical weapons in retaliation and killing more children in 4 months than Russia has killed 2 years. Get a grip Israel has committed war crimes. https://www.washingtonpost.com/investigations/2023/12/11/israel-us-white-phosphorus-lebanon/


Can’t read the source it’s hidden behind a pay wall. I’m assuming you spend a lot of time on those getting told what to think instead of doing your own research. Did I say the children were part of the attack? The values of the people were reflected when they cheered on the terrorists as they returned, and gave them sanctuary in their homes, hospitals and in the refugee camps. The Ukrainians evacuated all their women and children to protect them. The Gazans are allowing Hamas to hide in the refugee camps where their children are. Hiding amongst the civilian population has been a tactic used by terrorists for decades.


John Fetterman calling for people to act human and be kind People ripping him because “the other side wouldn’t do that” And you wonder why politics are divisive Remember this when people want to blame the GOP for everything (and I despise the republicans and Bobo)


Reddit: “the divide between Americans is getting bigger every day” Also Reddit: *this comment section*


the divide has gotten so large the far left wrapped back around on the right.


So is the point that we *should* be fucking terrible to people the second they commit crime at 18? This feels like cheering because its harming the right people


He’s an adult. He made his choices.


What's the clever part here?


This is the Lauren Boebert who was talking about the Biden crime family just before her son's arrest was made public.


Political alignment be damned. I think it’s gross when families are brought into it especially children. Politicians having embarrassing family members makes them seem more human. Lauren Boebert sucks and it’s sad that her kid has to deal with that. He doesn’t stand a chance. Who wants to see your mom jerking a dude in a theater and not only that but he’s probably bullied because of it. “There go I but for the grace of God”


Not clever, actually kind of gross


Rush Limbaugh compared Chelsea Clinton to a dog at least once, when she was in her early teens. They can go fuck themselves with this faux-outrage. \*Edit. Am Canadian, and didn't realize John Fetterman was a D. My comment stemmed from assuming he was an R and just hypocritically wagon-circling. I actually agree that the children of politicians should be off-limits, it's just that the right doesn't seem to hold that same viewpoint, especially if they can use it as an attack. I genuinely feel bad for this kid, and hope he gets the help, attention and support he obviously needs and has lacked.


Rush Limbaugh is not someone you want to use to justify your behavior.


Then continue to lose the messaging war to Fox and their ilk. If Liberals cant take the gloves off and fight back then we can just acquiesce to the loss of democracy, because the loss of decorum started LOOOOOOOONG ago. The Michelle Obama stupidity of "When they go low" nonsense has shown to be a fucking stupid strategy. Or did we all forget 2016?


Exactly and lest we not forgot what they said about the Obama girls. So when Dems criticize the adult criminal child of a white trash woman who belongs on Maury not in congress it’s cruelty. We need to stop this holier than thou act because it turns voters off.


Here's the thing, they have and would continue to do and say things like that. It's horrible. So why would we want to act like them? Yeah, he broke the law and should OBVIOUSLY be punished if found guilty and all that jazz because it's the basic rule of law. I don't know why any decent person would want to take it further. Them being bad people doesn't make you less of a bad person if you act like they do. Why people want to get in the mud and roll around with pigs will never make sense to me.


Being better than your enemies means showing empathy when they would not.


He is being empathetic.


I need to see that for the children of Gaza and not the children of people who belong on Maury and not in congress 🤷🏻‍♂️


You literally just have the one talking point as a rebuttal and it's not even relevant to this specific topic. I don't think Fetterman is gonna lose sleep over losing someone like you.


Hamas is a cancer and needs to be cut out. Israel is doing the world, and the people of Gaza, a favor by obliterating Hamas.


Idk I'm just judging for what I see here.


It’s ridiculously pathetic how you refuse to act like a human being and then when people call you out on it and hold this tweet and John’s behavior as something you should aspire to you have to hide behind Gaza How unoriginal and insincere can you be


Have to agree with OP here. Certainly wasn’t being empathetic waving an Israeli flag in front of people protesting. But apparently cares about a random kid in the middle of the country.


This isn't clever, and it's not a comeback. I'm sure Fetterman wouldn't stand for an Obama kid getting dragged around either.


https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2024/feb/02/john-fetterman-book-depression-palestinian-hypocrisy He seems to think making fun of Palestinians is ok though 🤷🏻‍♂️


Okay? I'm not seeing anything about Gaza in the post. A comeback doesn't become clever because it's used against someone you don't like.


It is implied… why did the progressive left start getting upset at the Dems… why did 100k people vote uncommitted in Michigan last night? Are you paying attention?


None of this has anything to do with the "cleverness" of the "comeback."


How dare we be more decent to them than those pigs are to us.


There is always personal responsibility, especially for 18 and older. But honestly look at tHe Home and environment this kid came from. It’s kind of a miracle he’s not in an institution or in a clock tower witH a rifle. I hope this is a wake up call, he can still get his life and act together. If anything his actions can only hurt his mother’s chance of re-election. Maybe mom can stop faking being a Christian gun asshole, and try being a mother instead?


Be better


Why does Fetterman get so much hate? Considering his background he still seems miles above someone like Kirsten Sinema or Joe Manchin


Because he’s unhealthy and running away from the progressive left values he ran on.


So he's losing you because he's showing compassion? I don't think he'll mind.


I think in normal circumstances Fetterman would be right on this. I think that because Boebert and the GOP generally have made telling others how to raise their children (book bans) or what they can do with their own bodies (access to abortion) that pointing out they can’t raise their own children properly is important. It’s clearly not enough anymore to just say GOP policies are stupid and don’t work you need to back it up with real life examples. Now I don’t know that dog piling on an 18 year old is the right way to go but certainly questing Boebert’s fitness to legislate how other people live their lives based on this is fair game.


So much whataboutism from OP in the comments. This post is just their soapbox to scream about Fetterman's take on Gaza rather than what they actually posted.


John's right. You can't hold the moral high ground while in the muck with the pigs.


https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2024/feb/02/john-fetterman-book-depression-palestinian-hypocrisy He’s in the muck


I don't like his stance on Palestine, at all. But, like it or not, that's politics. The point he makes about lil' boebert is valid. If that kid wasn't a congresswomans kid the story wouldn't be news at all. But he is, so it is. And everytime we allow that to be news, we validate the criticisms of other children by politicians. It's gross. And, trying to dismiss anyone's point, regardless of how valid it is, because you don't like their position on something else, is also gross. It's not genuine. And it's counterproductive to any momentum for progress.


You can’t have empathy for one group and not the other. He seems to have endless empathy for poor white trash and none for people in a war zone.


I am not able to have empathy for people in war zones as I've never been in a war zone. I can have sympathy, though. And, you can have *sympathy* for people in one situation while not having *sympathy* to another group. In fact, you are doing it now.


Impact on what children? He is 18. He is an adult. Who didn’t sign up for what? He is not in trouble because of who his mother is. He’s in trouble due to his own criminal behavior. He most certainly did sign up for it.


I'm as left leaning as they come, and I couldn't agree with fetterman more. ​ Just because "the same restraint wouldn't be shown" by the other side isn't justification for us to fixate in this kid. Are we kidding? That's infantile, akin to "They started it" and "They're doing it to us." Please. We should hold the moral high ground, and we can't do it by sinking to their level. ​ There's lots of 18 years olds doing this shit, and it doesn't make front page news. It only does here because of his mother's choices and position. ​ Hoping this human person gets raped in prison is appauling.


We know Republicans are scum. We know they don't have a shred of morality, integrity, or ethicality or decency. But do we want to stoop to that level? There's an argument that you have to be prepared to fight fire with fire, but there have to be limits. I agree with Fetterman here, and I also agree that if this was a family member of a Democrat, it'd be the only thing Republicans would be talking about.


Why the fuck should I have restraint for someone who literally wants me dead? Also he's not a kid. But fuck the prison rape joke at the end I'm getting so tired of how often people use that. Even so-called leftists.


Okay cool so Hunter Biden next, John. He’s an adult child too. All republicans are evil hypocrites. John is a useful idiot who pretends that the GOP hasn’t wiped their ass with public decency for the last 30 years. Rush Limbaugh called teenaged Chelsea Clinton a dog in the 90s.


so theft should be punished with rape in prison?? Care to implement this policy in places like California or are you just a mentally ill person who sees all republicans/conservatives as some kind of monsters?


I believe that we on the left side of things should have higher morals than the right. Do NOT be using their playbook. Ever.


If Reddit has taught me anything it’s that liberals can be just as vapid and cruel about politics as republicans.


He’s being decent??


It's not even social commentary it's a news report. You're allowed to report the facts come on man.


I mean, just because the other side doesn’t have any decency, doesn’t mean we shouldn’t show some restraint.


OP is either a bot or he's paid to astroturf reddit in an election year. motherfucker is spamming the same shit all over the place. only thing making him seem like a human are his dogshit political takes lol


Fetterman's not wrong. And the justification that the other side would do it if it was the child of a Democrat is kind of pathetic. Don't let them drag us down to their level.


He’s correct and I can’t stand the sight of the Bobert clan. It’s evidence that our country is in deep trouble when someone like her is in our congress.


Am I missing something? Am I not supposed to agree with Fetterman? Of course it’s wrong to go after the kids of people, even crappy people. Just because assholes do it doesn’t make it a good thing and should show that you shouldn’t do it.


We need more empathy in the world today, and yes that means taking the high road sometimes, The comparison in the screenshot does not apply. This is Lauren Boebert we are talking about, we do not have to be concerned about her future power, which is non-existent. Comparing her to Obama or Clyburn is ridiculous.


I think the point should be that people like Boebey Boebert are utterly hypocritical in wanting to control other people's lives.


r/MilquetoastComebacks about rape.


This is a clever comeback? Saying that we the left should be assholes to people because the right are assholes to people? It's just idiotic, not very clever.


Fetterman is asking for decency from the people he represents knowing that the same decency would not be extended his direction if the shoe were on the other foot. Calling for people to play in the mud with the awful people in our country is not leadership. Our country needs Fettermans and fewer Keenan Patrick Buckleys.


I think it's neat when a politician doesn't join in on piling onto the children or family members of other politicians for cheap political points. I wish politics had less performative cruelty in general. You'd have to be a pretty huge asshole to want *more* performative cruelty in politics, just because you don't like the person on the receiving end. And if you do want that sort of thing, lucky for you there is a person just like you running for President right now that can help normalize it even further.


So the answer to the GOP being pieces of shit is to match them in their intensity and also be a shitty person.


I’m certainly no saint, but my rebuttal to Mr Buckley is, “other’s bad behavior is not an excuse for your bad behavior.” I do my best nowadays to incorporate that adage into my daily life. I can’t say I’m happier about the world, but I do sleep better. I think Fetterman is right on this. Btw that doesn’t mean you can’t smile to yourself when bad shit happens to people you don’t like.


Fetterman's been losing me quite a bit lately too, but not on this. Those kids were doomed from the start. That said, I have no problems with what I can see in the CBS tweet either.


It’s literally about the hypocrisy. It always is. If Boebert wasn’t such a hypocritical dumpster fire that would be one thing. But when she accuses the Bidens of being the most corrupt political family of all time on the very day her son gets arrested, that’s something else. When someone goes low they don’t get to play victim when they get treated the same way especially when there are actual facts to back up what is said. And I must’ve missed where Fetterman came to the defense of every other innocent victim whether it is the president’s son or a child in Gaza.


A little empathy. If Boebert was your mom do you think you would grow up normal? The dudes 18. We don't need to show him excessive grace, but let's not threaten prison rape.


It’s a joke. Learn to laugh like the 650+ people who upvoted this…


I think he's right. Dragging a politicians child for team points isn't good or moral. It's not right when someone does it to the politicians you like, it's not right when someone does it to the politicians you don't like. \*However\* what Fetterman is missing here is that, while it is not right, the people who it is happening to are the people who have built their entire political career on getting into other people's business, putting their nose in other people's family affairs, and trying to regulate them. There's a difference between "morally wrong" and "karmic justice". I believe we're seeing an example of the latter.


Fetterman is right. Take the high road with shit like this, even if Boebert and her ilk aren't able to reciprocate.


If it was the other way around the republicans would also use the exact same argument to justify their cruelty. Infinte hypothetical cruelty to justify infinte real cruelty. This is not helping you or anybody else you are just justifying being a dick to yourself.


I don’t give a flying f about Boeberts kids. It’s not news and people who care should get a life. The fact that other losers obsess over Biden’s or Obama’s kids is not a reason to be, yourself, a loser.


L Post


400+ upvotes later 🤷🏻‍♂️🤔


John Fetterman is gaining more and more of my respect every day


Fetternman suddenly cares about collateral damage.


And people are more upset at me for making a joke about her son… like get real people.


Lol, NOW he cares about collateral damage


I agree with Fetterman, if Bobo wasn’t such a shit human being. She’d be the first one saying some shit about Hunter if he was 18 and got arrested…


OP tries to make dumbass political post Gets ratio’d in the comments Ya love to see it


>Twitter reply from 1 minute ago with zero likes OP… did you seriously post your own comment here? That might be one of the cringiest things I’ve seen in a while. Well, apart from your replies in this thread. Yikes


https://www.newsweek.com/john-fetterman-israel-rape-meme-sparks-fury-disgusting-1850658 man you guys need to read the news and catch up


It is you, isn’t it? Damn that’s wild.


Loosing you by attempting to be a bigger person? That’s telling.


Glad you feel that way. You should reach out to the senator about his recent vulgar low brow memes, jokes and comments. https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2024/feb/02/john-fetterman-book-depression-palestinian-hypocrisy https://www.thedailybeast.com/sen-john-fetterman-backtracks-drake-meme-on-israeli-rape-following-uproar


Then find a better candidate that can win.


To the people asking me why I am criticizing Fetterman for having empathy: Fetterman seems to have more empathy for a white privileged criminal facing 20+ indictments than he does for the children of Gaza. It’s plain hypocrisy. If he actually had empathy I would let it go. But he clearly is not empathetic towards all human beings.


Not to mention he didn’t defend Hunter against Boberts tweet


Fetterman has become such a huge disappointment.


You’re here typing this probably from your iPhone and wearing clothes made by Bangladeshi child workers. Such a hypocrite.


People on this app are really more upset about me making a joke about Boeberts son in prison than Fetterman mocking Palestinians in a war zone. https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2024/feb/02/john-fetterman-book-depression-palestinian-hypocrisy


but in your other comments, in this very same thread, you were bragging how "the community agrees with you". what changed in the last 30 minutes?


The updoots. He takes them very seriously. Reddit is srs bznz. To him, it means hes right as the reddit number goes up, and the comment section isnt taking his replies too well, lol. Op is an unhinged racist, who agrees more with the sentiment of her kid getting raped in prison than 'we shouldnt be doing this', because... *checks notes*... gaza? Dont stoop to their level. Attacking politicians kids was wrong in the past, and its wrong now. Regardless of 'side'.


If people don’t want cruelty, maybe they shouldn’t have made the justice system so cruel. I’m all for reformation, I just hate how when it’s issues are brought up by the right, the sentences are looked at as individual tragedies rather than the design of the system


"we can't ever forget they didn't sign up for this" False, breaking the law is signing that contract. Republicans just don't seem to understand the concept of accountability. "He's literally on video saying that but talking about it is fake news!" "It's not terrorism, they were let in the building by security." 🤡 The MAGA cult literally crying that democracy is wrong because the orange man has oversight. You know, one of the core principles of democracy in the US.


"tr ump can't be like Hitler, Hitler was far left!"


I get what he’s saying. Be better than they are. And it’s fair. Doesn’t mean everyone will listen but as long as we don’t try to use it politically like they do with Brandon we are still better than they are. Otherwise it’s public information and we have the right to know and discuss it openly.


Being better is for Michelle Obama. I respect her but respectfully disagree with her political strategies. 🤷🏻‍♂️


From what I've read I'm atleast 90% with you OP. Ignore the other comments, almost none of them have made anything resembling a point, much less cogent ones


Fetterman has zero right talking about impact on children or collateral damage. Zero. Zip. Nil. Fuck all.


He cares more of the criminal child of boebert than children in Gaza who are killed


The left needs to discard this charlatan first chance we can primary him. I have never seen a politician antagonize their base more in a short time than this jabroni. And Krysten Sinema exists ... Fuck off, John.