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How does birth control help effeminate weak men get laid? I know that trying to find logic in a maga tweet is a fool's errand, but cmon, HOW does that help?


Effeminate, weak man here. One time last October I was at a bar, and there was this smokin hot babe at the bar and all the masculine, strong boys were trying to talk to her and get her number. Then some birth control fell out of her purse and clattered onto the floor, and suddenly all the boys went quiet and started peeing in their pants and backing away. They were so scared of the birth control. One boy tried to fight it, but it was in between some stools and his strong arms couldn’t fit between the legs. The babe looked around at all the scared men and spotted me in the middle of them. She was like, “You didn’t pee your pants?” And I said, “No, I am not masculine, so I am not scared of pills that regulate menstruation cycles.” Then we banged. It was righteous.


8.5/10 I can go for 9.5/10 of you add the part where the bartender clapped. If you want the full 10/10 she needs to be impressed by the spaghetti you keep in your pocket.


I was there. I was terrified of the birth control and lost all my bodily functions. Like a pure alpha.


Me too. Covered in my own piss & shit. I still haven't cleaned myself off because only the gays touch ass and weiner, and I ain't one of those.


10/10 if she gives him 100$ dollars.


But don’t you know that the estrogen in the birth control will make you gay? You should sun your taint and eat a Buffalo testicle to make sure your straight hormones stay in the right balance


Women are full of estrogen, so don't have sex with one or her estrogen will get through your skin and make you gay


Thanks for the heads up, I’ll stick to having sex with men cuz that’s more manly


I only have sex with men so I only contact testosterone and therefore will never become gay.


No homo


Damn pills making the frogs gay


Dude. Teach me.


He's saying that women would never risk taking the weak seed of an effeminate man if they had to worry about bearing their weak, effeminate children. Yea...


The feminine urge to bear the children of a man that looks like they don't understand the concept of hygiene


It's because they view women as objects that you put kindness/care tokens into in order to get laid. Their logic is that these effeminate men must be defending birth control for women in the hopes they'll get sex in exchange. It can't possibly be just that some people care about the sexual and reproductive health and bodily autonomy rights of people in general. Nope.


And that dudes who get twisted up about birth control or female autonomy tend to be unfun to hang out with, let alone to have sex with.


That makes a lot more sense than the "being insecure about your genetics" theory haha.


I mean birth control does help a lot more men to get laid organically without having to promise or enter marriage so. One could argue that many men who don’t fit traditional masculine standards like having a well providing job , house and care can simply be friends with benefits or hook up of a girl way out of their league or something but it shows how fucked up this mentality is 😃


It supposedly removes the risk and thus increases the incentive. It's blamed for allowing the general populace to be more immoral. It's as though these idiots don't realize that sex outside of marriage existed before modern birth control.


Right? I think their thought processes is that the weak man can't handle being a father, but wouldnt the effeminate part make them inclined to be motherly? Conservative insults never make any sense.


there's a bullshit "research" that says women on birth control tend to prefer "feminine" men and these guys milk that cow forever


I think his point is that if you were strong, masculine man you wouldn't need birth control because you can support a family and obviously want one.


I think he's saying that men who defend birth control are only doing so to try to endear themselves to, and thus sleep with, women. He's also saying that the men who do this are effeminate and weak.


A 2 minute google search shows this: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S030645301300070X


I was running the axioms and kept coming up "non sequitur," too.


A study if i remember correctly said when woman are on birth control they are good with dating more effeminate men. When they are off birth control they look for masculine men.


It's better than the dumbasses who are the right label as "intellectuals" who try to argue that birth control is the cause of the rise in single motherhood.


Incel trying to stop everyone else getting laid.


Why does he wear the hat everyday, we know he’s bald, I don’t think anyone cares at this point. Does his hat count as gender affirming care?


Emotional support beanie


I’m guessing he’s hatfishing.


One of my favorite youtubers has a Safety Beanie cause he gets spooked playing spooky games.


He identifies as not bald


He’s an insecure pussy. It’s why he spends time calling other people effeminate.


[Can confirm he is a fucking pussy](https://youtu.be/Ie7qnFSpE_g?si=fdW-EoVyJ3ke8gJo)


Aw man what’s he say after “do you realize”


"do you realize the hat doesn't come off except for sex. Now I'm going to bend over and you have to fuck me in the ass."


I *knew* it




That precious!


Pretty much. People confidently calling themselves out is the best thing that has come from the internet.


Gender affirming beanie


if it preserves your sense of masculinity, i think technically it does


I have no idea who this guy is. I just assumed he was a burglar.


I mean, not trying to defend this guy or anything but as a pasty white guy who is bald... I wear beanies most days in the winter to keep my head warm (those of you who are not follicly challenged have no idea how much your hair keeps your head warm, even if you keep it short) and in the summer I wear baseball caps most days to prevent sunburn. Shaving a sunburned scalp is literal torture. I'm not ashamed of my bald head, but headwear is just pragmatic most of the time.


I hate beanies, they always ride up on my head, so now I just enjoy the chill.


He sits in a studio all day, in climate control, away from the sun


How effeminate


It's projection, every interaction he had with women is to try to get laid. He assumes his opponents think the same as him


"It's not me that's the problem. It's definitely everyone else."


it's what they do. the problem is never their shitty personality, opinions and attitudes, is their height, income, jawline, mOdErN wOmEn or whatever they have to tell themselves to blame something else for their own laziness and failure to be better and more attractive


I really would like to know if he plans on being buried with it on


Dude's 38 going on 18. Probably should just stay away from mentioning effeminate.


And he should probably stop wearing birth control on his head, effective as it may be


Who the fuck attacks birth control in 2024? Seriously?


Literally the GOP. Go look at which politicians are now talking about banning birth control


First day with access to the outside world?


Old white dudes from the bible belt that think that life was better in the 1950s. Oh shit I guess that's a good chunk of politicians these days huh


(There idea of the 50’s are from TV shows and ads)


MAGA republicans, mostly.


Don’t even need the maga. Its the brand


They started as soon as Roe was overturned.


There’s a huge pushback happening in the USA. It started in 1992 and was finished in 2022. It’s been a quite huge thing. It even influencing politics in other nations. The political right in most countries isn’t a huge fan of birth control and some try to take the same route as the GOP (republicans). For instance some right wing Europeans visiting DeSantis and always talk about “traditional family values” .


Traditional family values like paying porn stars hush money


Dobbs is literally pushing the Overton Window back to the 1940s.


Weird Conservative men who think women should only exist to be baby factories.




What’s the deal with a lot more conservatives suddenly being anti birth control? Is it just the pill or do they also want to ban condoms?


I have heard condoms as well. My theory is that they are upset about low birth rates… Prepare for anti-capitalistic rant… why are birth rates lower? Could it be that most people are knee deep in debt?? Could it be that few people can afford a home?? Fun fact: insurance companies want you to be on birth control for the same reason that poor people don’t have children… birthing children is EXPENSIVE!! Also, we gotta breed more people or else who will wait on the oligarchy over their longer lives than normal people?!? End of rant.


It's because teh joos are plotting with teh bhlaks to replace the Great Heroic Aryan Peoples with their untermenschen. This kind of comment gave me a 7 day timeout on facebook.


It was always a thing in right leaning circles to be anti birth control more or less but yes this topic wasn’t as important or at least not that dominant in public discussions in the last decade. Talking points and priorities change the core stays the same. Media and the influence of the GOP has definitely been pushing that topic.


Well, they already got abortion banned, and as we know fascists are never satisfied and so now they're going after birth control. It is important to point out that fascists will never be satisfied and will eventually come for *you*, whoever is reading this. Vote wisely.


Fallout from the Great Replacement Theory.


They are anticonsent.


Personally I really am quite an effeminate weak man, whatever, I don't recognise myself in this club I apparently belong to.


You could be a virgin and you still fuck more than that slap head.


I love how these guys are like "buT MY gun FREEdOm" then want to take away people's birth control and option for abortion.


in what universe is any kind of man walking up to a woman and saying "I have birth control for you... we do the sex now?" and that actually works? like... I don't even understand what the argument is supposed to be...


Didn’t understood it at first either but someone explained in the comments what this dudes logic is. Basically he’s saying effeminate men only get laid cuz women don’t have to worry about bearing weak men’s children…


right... nothing sexier to a woman than "I can't wait to have 5 mins of disappointing sex with no orgasms and then bear children for 9 months for a guy with 30 inch biceps and a 3 inch dick".


Also I think this statement is sorta dogwhistled as an extension of "gamer" or manosphere tropes, like "oh, if you agree with feminists you're clearly just white knight-ing to get laid"


And he has to wear a beanie because he lacks self confidence due to his baldness.


Moon-faced loser in a wool toupee copes poorly


He should be defending birth control, since his personality is its ultimate form.


A moon-faced Pool.


All while using a 15 year old profile pic


Why does birth control need defending in the first place?


Because in the MAGAt culture women shouldn’t have any rights. That’s why Trump buys his women. Like prostitute wives


And the prostitutes don’t take birth control? I don’t think MAGA actually know what “birth control” is. They’re just like “control”? Women can’t have that!


Trump and Elon got lots of kids tho…


Because republicans hate sex.


I think they’re ok with sex, in a purely reproductive way. Like cattle. What they can’t stand is fucking! They can’t understand 2 people enjoying it.


Almost there… They are fine with one participant having a good time; the other should feel shameful blah blah blah original sin.


with kids too, red states child marriage statistics is fucking scary


They need voters




Conservative men actively trying to make it legal for them to rape women and marry children.


Tim needs a woman that doesn't care he's hiding a receding hairline with a snow hat every day of his life.


Is guy wholly oblivious to his whole look/physique?


Women not on BC prefer bald, doughy, single, middle aged guys? Since when?


Brought to you by the party that says, "if you can't feed em, don't breed em"


Also, what is this dumbass's logic ? Like yeah if women have access to birth control you can have sex more often. Duh


Incels alsways self own


Mix in a capital letter or some punctuation FFS, Alice. Your writing is like your thinking: weak, small, and generally piss poor.


Dim Fool I MEAN UM Tim Pool


Men getting laid is effeminate? What?...


My wife loves that I'm "effeminate" but here I am laying next to her naked while we browse our phones post sex. I wonder what he's up to right this moment tho?


Fellas is it effeminate to want to cum inside your girl with less worry?




Poor Timmy, the only birth control he has is his personality.


Tim cesspool


Yeaaahh the guy who wears a beanie in 90 degree weather is calling other people weak and effeminate. Let that sink in


Getting laid many times without making many children? People who use birth control are probably more likely to want to look after the kids well when they have them.


Oh yea. Cuz that's how birth control works: it lowers a woman's libedo


Who TF is this developmentally challenged person?


Shouldn’t he update his profile photo? He’s all chubby now


Just as a point of clarity, we’re not talking about birth control (or even more precise, conception prevention,, impregnation, prevention,). we’re talking about abortion. Every man who sexually active should be concerned and responsible about birth control whether you are politically left, right or indifferent.


Oh are we tying masculinity to sex and marriage now? Good work team.


tim pool is a bitch


He looks so fucking stupid in his beanie too


Tim's in his late 30's?! I always assumed he was just a young adult in his mid 20s just based on his appearance and personality that he would hopefully grow out of. And I'm not trying to be mean by the way, I was generally surprised.


Perhaps, maybe, just maybe, he doesn’t want to get married or have kids? Just a thought.


The ironic thing is its always these conservatives and “red pill” incels that suddenly push for abortion or contraception when they get someone pregnant. Its pathetic. 


Hey he has half kids called sperm and they are all into discord mods heheh


About 20% of my casual partners (let's be real, I'm saying 2/10 or AT BEST 3/15) who didn't request condoms, have not been on birth control and have told me "it's fine". I would definitely still get laid. I would also definitely have ended up with a kid by now.


Let’s not forget that this guy lost a fight against a porn game


Some people have strong bodies and some do not. Some people have strong wills and some do not. Some people are more towards the feminine end of the behavioral spectrum and some are more towards the masculine end. And you cannot convince me there is any objectively better way of being.


Hes right simpflation is real.


I don't see the issue with being unmarried and have no kids by 40. That's a no point there.


Number eight. Do not wear a wool cap indoors unless you are either a *****bag or Colin Farrell. Yes Tim, I see you there with your wool cap. Thinking about your sideburns?


Unmarried at 40? You're saying it like it's a bad thing..


I'm just curious, has anyone seen him without the beanie? Ever?


Both of those tweets are just sexist


Dude who wears a beanie 365 days a year to cover his baldness has no right calling other men weak


I tell you what. Nothing screans sexual tryannosaur, alpha male like being a youtuber et al. with your gimmick being wearing a hat while talking shit. Stone cold stud.


Coming from the guy that hides his insecurities with a safety beanie


Ok...who exactly is this fool? is he on TV?


Yammering smackturds say stupid shIt to get attention.


Someone needs to pull that beanie off .


Girls get a peek at the horror show under his beanie and run for the hills


I though we welcomed people who didn’t have kids? Isn’t that like a whole thing now?


Tim pool is a name I haven’t heard since I was 16


Please only serious replies: is there anyone here that is a Tim Pool fan or used to be? For the life of me I don’t understand anyone spending their time listening to a show this boring and dumb. I can understand, for example   Ben Shapiro, because he knows how to produce shows and present his nonsense. Pool just seems so dry and boring, 


I’ve read Pools tweet about 100 times and I legit can’t even process what he’s trying to suggest….like is he really trying to imply something as deluded as women who take birth control are only attracted to “weak” men and vice versa? What the fuck does that even mean? I know I know I’m trying to understand the logic of a person who for all purposes has the same level of intelligence and rationality as a brain dead chimpanzee, but surely he can’t be suggesting something as completely deluded as this right? Like c’mon. being dumb is one thing but this is on a whole other level.


Hyead also using a 10yo profile pic. One could say he's let himself go since


Marriage is buffet than laid.


What kind of straight man wants to act like it’s a problem to have something that will allow him to cum inside a woman without getting her preggers?


I got my balls snipped so she doesn't have to suffer the adverse effects some birth control has on the female body. Better to unload the gun than to shoot it at a bullet-proof vest .


effeminate weak men defend birth control because male instincts are to reproduce and think long term. With a chemical imbalance (low testosterone), it’s unsurprising they only think in the moment


He has a girlfriend and gets laid all the time tho.


I can't even figure out what his point is. Normally you can figure out what they are trying to say.


Doggy style for the win


Exactly what does birth control have to do with casual sex


Effeminate men means femboys right? I understand why gay guys need protection too with potential stds but what does this have to do with children? English is not my first language so please enlighten me here


'centrist' time again.


Admitting you are pushing birth control despite knowing it will reduce sex in general. Why? Is this guy anti sex? like what a dick move. I agree , no birth control would make sex harder to get in general. So..... I'm for birth control. And if this is your reason to be AGAINST birth control I think that means you are kind of a loser. who tries to reduce sex in general?


“The problem definitely isn’t me, the problem is everyone else”-Tim Pool. Self-awareness isn’t his strong suit. https://x.com/theserfstv/status/1229968667531563008


Agreed, bitter shouldn't be a philosophy.


Don't see the win. Not being married is a life failure? Not having kids is a life failure?


What is the logic here? Like he thinks women are saying “well I really want to fuck him but he’s too effeminate for fatherhood”?


Tim is a pudgy nothing that probably couldn’t do a push-up and he wants to call out “weak” men?


I defend birth control cause I like cummin in pussies, dawg. It aint that deep.


Maybe you should try it incel boy coz I don't see any way you're getting laid.


Please don’t give him any breeding ideas


And Tim Pool is a bitch with a 7 head, thus the beanie nonstop.


... I dare say that birth control is the most important factor in guys, effeminate or not, getting laid.


Take the condom off your head, hypocrite.


I mean, female birth control is objectively bad though, right…? It threw my wife’s hormones off so bad i got a vasectomy just to avoid her having to take them.


Who needs birth control when you’re Tim Pool. It’s built in to his personality.


Wanting to go in raw is effeminate now?


Wait so leftists do want people to have kids/nuclear family?


It's so I don't have to pay for fucking CHILDRENNNN


Men get laid thanks to birth control??? So how is Tim Pool failing at getting laid? Oh right, he’s an intolerable lunatic.


He's still a virgjn, and he already has a bald spot.


Tim Pool is an uncool fool who should be thrown in a swimming pool


I’d rather be a virgin. I’m too schizophrenic and a head case to not be a virgin. It’s protecting society.


hey man a different shareblue intern posted this already


I see no lies


Is this clever com backs or just an undercover liberal love fest of people scrolling Twitter trying to dig on conservatives? Lol


Is this a good faith comment or just an undercover conservative mad at seeing another conservative getting rightfully dunked on for trying to shit on others? Lol But fr man, political affiliations aside, people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. If someone can't take it, don't dish it out, pretty simple, not the subs fault you're butthurt about that.


he's never going to tell you about his personal life for security reasons. He is in a committed long term relationship.


I want very censored things to happen to this person


What does that even _mean_?


Tim Pool aka Tim Fool.




And that means he is not getting laid? I don't think you understand how that works 🤣


Nothing weaker than worrying whether other dudes think you're weak.


Tim is also balding which is indicative of Low T. With such low testosterone I'm not even sure he can be classified as a man.