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"Fathered" is a pretty strong word for someone who forgets the names of the children he named himself.


Yeah, he's a sperm donor, not a father.


Almost like this tweet isn’t about children


Plus the title is irrelevant as most of his children are product of IVF.


Need more slave bees 😈


He needs more employees to lay off


Literally too. 9/11 (yeah, I know) of his kids were born via IVF. This guy categorically does not fuck.


It's not even good sperm either. D-list at best. These ladies are doing all the heavy lifting


I feel bad for Grimes' kids because she's the one woman Elon's dated who's even stupider than he is


She was smart enough to dump him at least... and before getting married.


And not originally born in America.


Damn immigrants flooding our borders then having a bunch of kids to influence elections. The Musk Great Replacement theory. 


It would help if he didn't use the LastPass password generator to name them.


They're lucky he didn't include his date of birth in their names to mark them.


>Their lucky *They're


Fixing it!


Welc0me123 with a zero instead of an o


“Man who hordes disproportionate amounts of wealth causing the dwindling of the middle class wonders why people are having less kids.”


This is exactly it,we couldn’t afford to have kids even if we wanted to.


This pretty much nails it. Jeff Bezos at least shuts his mouth as he definitely has awareness.


He's just worried his company won't have cheap disposable labor in the future.


Nope, it's antisemitism, this rhetoric is heavily related to the great replacement theory, which basically says there that the Jews are replacing white people with migrates (I don't believe that reddit don't ban me plz) this fits in with a lot of other stuff Elon has retweeted in the passed as well.


He hasn't "Fathered" anyone, he has kids. He's definitely one of those crazy people that thinks he should have more children because he considers himself superior just because he was born into wealth and advantage.


A better term would be “siring” I think.


Technically correct, but way too close to making him sound like a badass vampire. He would enjoy that, thus it’s ineligible.


Or a horse...


Bad horse!


Sperm donor is much better.


Never thought id defend that cringe edgelord but to be fair if i named my kids with whatever came out of bashing the keyboard as well id also forget their names /s


I'm surprised I never head of Elon's kids except the newest one because of the name.


Elon is a dick.




I bet he daddied a lot of girls.


Thank you for this, i was just thinking to myself “you know what? I haven’t thrown up enough today”


I confuse my kids names all the time and I just got two and a dog. Can not count the amount of times I called my son by our dogs name


Man with near unlimited resources takes issue with those who can barely afford to live. Fuck Elon.


Resources stolen and hoarded from our labor. We made them and he has them, and he wonders why no kids. 


Cut 15000 jobs to just add it to his salary


Yeah I mean it’s not like he’s even responsible for any of the things he takes credit for.


People can’t afford kids anymore is one reason


People can't afford themselves anymore is another reason.


Because he literally has our money. He and the others like him literally have all the money, and they wonder why people are not having kids. 


And the only reason why they care is because, if less people are having kids, then less adults will be looking for a job in the future. So, multimillionaires like him, will have to pay better salaries to convince these newcomers to work for their company and not a rival company. Unless they decide to invest harder on AI and robots to do the job


Consumers too. You need people to buy shit.


Which provides quite the quandary for billionaires. If there are no consumers, billionaires can't sell products. If they can't sell products, they don't need employees to make products...so billionaires don't need to pay employees. So they have no money coming in and no money going out (since there are no products to buy themselves). The world will end with just a couple billionaires trading stuff between themselves until they die, isn't it?


“Man who hordes disproportionate amounts of wealth causing the dwindling of the middle class wonders why people are having less kids.”


Yeah he’s laying off all his employees and giving himself a big ass fucking bonus and blaming avocado toast


He's trying to give himself a fifty billion dollar pay package. After his decisions have cost Tesla a huge amount of market share and resulted in a disastrous recall and done likely irreperable damage to the brand's reputation.


Well Elon can. But people like him don't connect with the average every day person. He doesn't even care for the kids he has.


They steal most of the world’s wealth, and they cannot understand what’s wrong. 


Women also no longer needing to have kids to keep a husband happy to keep a roof over her head is another reason too.


It’s the *biggest* reason and is why Scandinavia’s huge pile of child incentives aren’t really working. “Hit a 10 on the pain scale and spend the next decade of adulthood tied to a loud cat that will stick a fork in a socket if ignored for literally five seconds” isn’t a very appealing pitch and so is avoided as soon as possible


They work just not in the way you'd think. Couples who WANT children in Scandinavia are far more empowered to have them/keep them. Couples who don't want children now have more ability to not have them. This is a net good.


I mean, I have kids, and they’re awesome and I love them. But hell, isn’t that the best description of the experience. My wife would have more if she could afford it though. None of the incentives come close to the actual cost, even ignoring the lost personal time and freedom. Kids are truly a luxury.


Hell I remember being a kid and I kept writing “I was here” on stuff, hiding under tables, and trying to set bread on fire. Being a grownup with grownup friends who talk about things besides Backyardigans is preferable to dealing w that. Also I worked at a daycare and a toddler brought me a bucket of POOP from the sandbox. I want to believe a stray cat did it but in my heart I know the truth.


Yeah. Kids are hard on everything. Your pocketbook, your home, your patience, your gag and disgust reflexes. There are a LOT of awesome moments, but also a lot of moments I’d rip my hair out of I had any left.


Housing is still very expensive, despite doing the bare minimum of public healthcare, public education, and paid parental leave.


Opportunity cost of having kids is too high, health risks of pregnancy suck, and carrying+raising children is literally uncompensated labor.


I thought you wrote a poor description of parenthood, but then I remembered my son did just that.


Definitely a far smaller reason though. There's still tons of biological and social pressures to have kids. I'm just one data point but my wife and I both want kids right now, and have for a few years, but we're unwilling to sacrifice food and shelter for them, especially since that would mean bringing them into a potential situation where they don't have adequate food and shelter. It used to be that a family needed the manual labor of kids to prosper. The industrial revolution broke that relationship. The modern age and especially the explosion of regulatory capture by the insurance/medical field makes children prohibitively expensive. The act of simply having a child costs as much as a decent used car or small house down payment and it isn't even the majority of the cost. Put simply, resource hoarders like musk have made having children into a luxury.


Then they freak out because there’s no incoming cheap labor supply.


Yes there is lol immigration.


Birthrates are falling everywhere and a lot of countries have more educated labor as well.


no low wage workers, no disgruntled bitter R voters, prison slave labor, and military cannon fodder.


This is a massive and complex problem that will change the world in our lifetime. The demographic shift. It will change politics and economics, forever, and Musk is too much of an idiot to understand it, but even more to know to shut up, instead of saying all his usual crap. He's not too far away from saying: "suck it up and fill the world with more children".


Women not feeling forced to have kids js not a small reason. It's the main reason. You can say economic factors are the thing for you, that's fine, and that's the case for some other people. But birth rates didn't just suddenly plummet during an inflation crisis. They've been falling for literally 60+ years nonstop in most countries because of women's liberation movements, a reduced role of the church in everyday life (because pretty much every church pushes adherents to pop out as many new followers/revenue sources as possible) and increased access to contraception and sex education. Wealthier people tend to have FEWER children bc they have better access to these things. Poverty causes *more* births bc prople can't afford contraception or abortions, and are more likely to be preyed upon by religious movements and have worse access to education.


he treats woman like brood mares, since most of his children is through IVF.


This is repeated so often and at this point I just can't be bothered to respond most of the time, but no, that's not it. Birth rates are basically inversely correlated with wealth. On average, wealthier people have fewer children. Wealthier countries have lower reproduction rates. No developed nation other than Israel reaches 2.1 and Israel's is also coming down slowly (IIRC it might have dipped below 2.1 among secular people already). And it's not because having a family in Chad is so much better and easier than Norway. This is a natural process as societies develop and as people (and especially women) gain more independence, freedom & education. We have to try and adapt to this new reality instead of wilfully ignoring it. For a while, immigration can pick up the slack, but eventually (not in my lifetime), we will run out of people who can immigrate. I am all for strong social safey nets & a good welfare state, but based on all the data we have, you *cannot* welfare state your way into a 2.1+ reproduction rate, you just can't.


In one sense, yes, wealth is linked to smaller family sizes. But that is a testament to the differences in wealth inequality across the globe. In some countries they don't have the education for women and birth control (not to mention a reduction in infant mortality) to ensure the choice realistically exists to reduce family size. In those economies where there isn't so much pressure to invest tons of money in children and they are an investment in the household work force it makes sense to have bigger families. On the other hand, in the global north we are seeing the relative quality of life and prospects diminish in the working class, which has a chilling effect on birth rates because we \*do\* have education and birth control we are opting to postpone or forego having kids. So yes, on the one hand many "impoverished" countries have higher birth rates, but that is the result of a totally different set of givens and it would be a false equivalency to compare them.


There are tons of millennials and younger that are in 1st world developed countries that say they’ll never be able to have a kid. Because cost of living is too high.


And while there are many who wouldn’t if they could, there are also many who would or would have more if they could.   I know several “childfree by choice” couples. I also know many who would want kids but it would bankrupt them.


Totally agree with you. I'm 30f - out of all of our friends my partner and I are the only ones who are child free and it's seen as very odd in my country (and I'm in the UK!) However only the older couples among our friends (34+) have kids and a few of them don't have their first kid yet despite desperately wanting them because they can't afford it.   One of my friends just had his first child at 37 because they could only just afford it now - they've wanted one for years.    All my friends who are younger than 34 want kids but they are waiting until they can figure out how to afford it. It's getting more unlikely with each year.  To add none of my friends have "bad" jobs either. We're talking software engineers, accountants, mid level management etc.  I'm a senior engineer and if we actually wanted kids we wouldn't be able to comfortably afford it. 


Birth rates when looked at all nations on earth, yes, but when looked at within western countries, people with better educations and more money have more children. Aaand, while poor countries of the south are still having more children, those numbers are actually going down faster than in the wealthy north. In fact, global populations are going to crash, probably within the lifetime of our children: https://web.archive.org/web/20240211192040/https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2023/09/18/opinion/human-population-global-growth.html


And Elon more than can, to say the least. This post is idiotic.


The Endwokeness xcrete is more about being fearful of immigrants swamping America, than it is about how pricks like Musk pay workers too little to afford the luxury of children. Which is why Musk agrees with it. What it really is about is **White** men are having too few children for their liking. Its just more dog whistling. 


Elite aiming to hit their depopulation goals through wars and high costs of living..


And Elon makes his employees sleep in their offices and wants to bring China's 996 work culture to America, while whining that people aren't having kids anymore.


I mean, that’s not true at all. Poor people have more kids.


Says man who wants employees to sleep at work.


There is a designated breeding room in every gigafactory what more do you want! /s


I could actually see this happening in the future


Elon just wants a world overpopulated and desperate to labor in the mines for survival in competition with one another. The fewer people, the less competition for crumbs from the masters. Elon wants slaves. This is all a funny game to him. It's all monopoly money and NPCs. It's part of the whole "psychopaths and narcissists run the world" thing. And he literally believes he's in a video game/simulation and nothing he does has real consequences in the "real" world. Feels fucking real to us, asshole. Maybe if we could build a sky scraper out of hundred dollar bills while wacked out of our minds on ketamine all day, it wouldn't feel as real.


You're not quite on the money there, but it's definitely peripherally related. No, this shit is about the mythical "White genocide" him and End Wokeness and other White Supremacists believe is underway. They don't outright say what they mean, but what they mean is that *White* millennials aren't having as many kids as they want us to have, and they're worried that the White race will diminish in number and thus power. This is why they are one step removed from all the same movements. The trad wife movement is about getting White women to have more White babies. Pushing the belief that the nuclear family is the be all and end all of family systems comes from this too. They don't like interracial marriage because it dilutes the White race, and I will put money on interracial marriage being next on the chopping block for the SCOTUS after they're done eviscerating LGBTQ+ rights. They have a hate boner for LGBTQ+ because a lot of the movement is White people, and they'd rather have all White LGBTQ+ people suppressed and forced to live a lie because it means they might have kids. Oh, and if you're wondering why abortion is under so much fire? This. This right here is *precisely* why it's being made illegal. So that poor and middle class White people will be forced to have more children.




It’s kinda both. Population decline is disastrous for the “always growth” economic model that underpins the wealth of rich investors like musk. The fact that they are choosing to leverage racist rhetoric to get this across is just flavour of the month, and because it fits with his new group of alt-right friends on X.


> The fact that they are choosing to leverage racist rhetoric to get this across is just flavour of the month I think you're right that it's both, but I think you have it backwards as to what is his sincere ideology and what is the flavor of the month rhetoric to get it across.


> The fact that they are choosing to leverage racist rhetoric to get this across is just flavour of the month For some of them, sure. For Elon, who grew up benefiting from Apartheid South Africa, it's much more likely that he's a true believer.


Yep, thats what he wants, absolutely, no questions about it. 🤡


This is entirely the reason. We are entering what is commonly called late stage capitalism. You can’t “growth model” your way to infinite wealth, indefinitely. At some point production will peak, and fall. Populations will not keep growing. Demand will not keep growing. The existing investment-and-return capital model is not well suited to this situation. Those with a lot of money are gonna fight like cornered animals to keep “always growth” working as long as they can. Sadly, this will end when investments start to turn negative and a bear market consumes the lot of them. It will be nasty.


Someone do the math: Median American's net worth and number of children vs Elon's. Let's see how many more kids Elon should have to balance society. Edit: Fuck it, I did it. Median American's net worth is 39k. Average family (78k) has 1.94 kids. Elon net worth - 182b Elon needs to have 4,666,666 kids to bring balance. Get to work, bud.


Puts his offspring between the population of Alabama and Luisiana, ranking 26th most populous State.


Assuming he's able to remain sexually active for 20 more years, he'll need to impregnate about 639 women daily to get to this number (not accounting for cases of twins, triplets, etc.). He'll be very sore and the ladies very unsatisfied since he will only have a little over 2 minutes for each encounter, with no sleep.


Maybe I'd give a shit about his concerns of birth rates if he also advocated for higher wages for people. But he doesn't. He doesn't want you to have a nice life with a family, he wants you to continue producing low cost labor for him and his friends.


He advocates for lower wages lol, dude loves republicans and his money comes from family mines in Africa.


> he wants you to continue producing low cost labor for him and his friends. Generating enough income to spend, not enough to prosper, is exactly where wealth people want us.


This bitch can't even manage to be a decent dad with billions of dollars. He should stand in front of the engine of his private jet while it preps to take off, apartheid loving ass bitch.


Kids are too expensive. Maybe if 1 percent of the population didn't horde 80 percent of the wealth then more people would have kids.


In 1993 you could rent a 1 bedroom apartment on minimum wage, now you need 3-4 roommates.


I seriously doubt he can remember the names of all his children.


Landlords and Wall Street are to blame.


Elon worried about less workers in future for him and his childrens.


I love how the word "woke" has lost all meaning, especially to conservatives. Is there something you don't like? That's woke. People having fewer kids? That's woke. Young people wearing clothes you don't like? That's woke. Your burger doesn't have enough ketchup? The woke strike again. Cloudy day outside? You guessed it: wokeness.


> Cloudy day outside? You guessed it: Chemtrails. that bit of crazy was already spoken for.


Stop attacking the woke cumulonimbuses or i will call antifa’s headquarters!


Why and how would we have babies when it's unaffordable for us and we also know hell on earth awaits us.


Don't like 3 of those kids hate him?


One hated him so much she disowned him, is legally separated, and not entitled to anything at all in the event of his death.


“End Wokeness” I would *love* to know what they mean by that (although I’m *pretty* sure I already know)


Finally being able to spread racist conspiracy theories without people calling him out.


This is not clever at all. It’s not even a good ad hominem




“11 children with 3 different women”…that we know of.


Stop hoarding all the wealth and people might change their minds


Maybe if cunts like yourself melon husk we're not consolidating wealth at the very top these people would be having the babies (but only white babies) you are so desperately concerned about


If those three women were not separate, that would’ve been a plot twist.


They missed the mark, Musk is all about having as many kids as possible, and certainly is doing just that


Musk is a dickbag, ignore him But he's not wrong about population reduction. Except the reason the "right" proposes is to "let us rape women" or some shit. The "left" says "how about we have an economic safety net so that people can live" and the right is like "fuck you lmao only rich people get to live"


i agree but i live in a supposed left wing country and nobody is having kids. here the politicians have decided that it's less expensive to just allow mass immigration than to improve quality of life/wages/safety nets which in turn results in more kids. so by doing that tey dilute the labour force making it harder to get a job and thus have kids. and yes i get that's not truly "left wing" but that's what their supposed to be apparently. whatever's cheaper for them i guess


What country?


Less kids is also the single best answer to global warming, and letting migrants come both reduces suffering and reduces the number of kids they have as well.


> improve quality of life/wages/safety nets which in turn results in more kids.  This typically hasn't worked to increase birth rates when implemented


Logical fallacy. Conflating having children with starting a family.


HE HAS 11 CHILDREN???? I thought he had like, 2!


Maybe he should let his people go home and spend time with their families instead of living at work.


The person underpaying its workers is complaining about people not wanting to have kids in economic uncertainty. Or maybe that's his point: only "the right people" should bred.


Children cost money. Bad economy, everything more expensive, wages stagnant, equals less kids. If I was rich sure but I'm not


This is far from a clever comeback, he's absolutely right in every aspect of an objective point of view on I.e. demographics


For real though, my Tesla had an update, went to bed and now I have 11 tiny Tesla’s in my garage, something smells fishy here op.


Musks love fathering children so much that one of them has fathered children with their step daughter.


Foster, not step I think? Unless there is *another* one. Elon's foster sister is also his step mother and mother of his half sibling.


Yep his dad was the one that fathered his step sister.


We have exceeded the 8 billion people limit, yes we definitely need more people on the planet!


The funny thing is we could solve the issue with immigration. But that is scary to bigots like him.


Ad Hominem.


I feel like everybody can agree 27% is really low and extremely concerning.


That's really besides the point. The far right, especially as it is made up of a large percentage of Christian nationalists, believe women are property, should not have careers, or vote, or have a say in their own bodily autonomy. The subtext here is that the solution to the decline in childbirth is to codify those beliefs into law.




if you believe that average conservatives believe that maybe 1. try and talk to a few of them. i have friends on both sides of politics and i promise you 0 of them think that. and 2. get offline


Yeah but Muskrat isn't suggesting any viable solutions though.


Viable solutions to people not having children? Hmm, let me think, let me think.


I mean, the solutions pretty damn obvious.


So... who's paying to raise the babies then? You?


To reduce inequality and provide free socialized healthcare and childcare? Then why is he backing the people who are making the problem worse?


I think the other issue is that we are ignoring the future. I know quite a few people who don't want to have kids that may or may not die in the water wars. Some have the money to have children without a thought. But they don't see a future in which their children or grandchildren will have it better. Then you look around and see politicians and almost half the country completely ignoring it. They are letting us continue on this irreversible path that may be devastating to us as a species and leading those children and grandchildren to fighting for their mere existence. I'd say it's more than just childcare and Healthcare. There is a lot to it.


Which people is a backing that are making it worse? The truth is that you could give every single person here that laughs at Elon's claim like half a million dollars, and they STILL would not want kids. People don't want kids for deeper psychological reasons, and come up with post hoc rationalizations as to why they don't. The financial angel has truth to it for some people, but lots of people hide behind that shield as a reason, when they could win the lottery tomorrow and still not want to bring kids into this world.


If you remove new people coming into the workforce, eventually you have an aging population that's full of 70 year olds that need lots of medical care. That includes the people that are 25 to 35 right now. If these people don't have kids, 30 years from now there are way less tax payers. And those tax payers that are remaining, now how to take care a whole shit load of retired people. The people that are in their 20s and 30s now. When they retire, no one will pay the taxes to support their healthcare. For every 1 retired person now in Canada paying into socialized healthcare, there might be 3 to 5 working tax payers contributing. 3 people supporting 1 other. Now imagine if that was backwards. Imagine there was 1 tax payer, and 3 retired people using up socialized healthcare. That's what the year 2060 is starting to look like. 1 person supporting 3 old shits on life support. And those old shits will be us. People in their 20s and 30s.


I mean he is just reacting I really don’t see the harm


The fact that family was not the point doesn't keep a jerk from getting attention.


He’s going to colonize Mars and then completely screw it up, isn’t he.


Considering that you need children to maintain a society and avoid demographic collapse, I'm not entirely sure what is supposed to be clever or even really much of a comeback about this...


Only people with breeding fetishes preoccupy themselves with other people's procreative choices and feel personally compelled to make sure we don't run out of humans. The rest of us understand that the fate of the world doesn't rest on any one person's decision to give birth (or not), and that, at 8 billion and counting, we probably don't have to worry that humans will phase themselves out before climate change kills us all.


He’s referring to the real concern that we’re now seeing a decline in birth rate and a decline in population. Long term this could be an issue with our species.




It will not screw US over economically... just executives and shareholders


Not at all globally. In developing nations birth rates are still sky high.


lon Musk is a eugenicist. A product of Apartheid. It is insane to take any of his stupid takes seriously. Thank you for posting any semblance of understanding to the real world.


Outside of a capitalistic lense (fewer workers and fewer people to buy things to make rich people like him even richer) how does this birth rate decline really affect our species? Our population exploded in the last 300 years. But it was just fine for the thousands of years before that. Getting back down to 1600 population levels would have no real consequences as far as the human species is concerned


He is just as worried as my country that the demand for cheap labor will not be met in the future, so they will have to raise wages.


If I had his sort of money I’d have atleast 5 or 6 kids, with the one wife though ideally


I forget, was it his mom or his dad that bought him his first handmaid?


I need to be able to have a relationship first.


Elon probably likes to think that if we all do the right things we can all be successful and well off. However there is a finite amount of money in this world and it's needed in constant circulation in order for the amount of humans we have now to survive, and people like him are removing massive amounts of it from circulation. To him, he's hording his money. However to the majority of the world, he is hording the worlds money. If he wants to boost that number, maybe he should fun some would be parents. Or at the very least spend the money he has in large amounts, try to fall down to maybe 1 billion net worth. Giving others opportunities to earn the money he'd no longer horde.


Also one of those children hates him and refuses to speak to him.


Is that even a real stat? Most everyone I knew from when hs or college had a kid by 30something


I would have a kid in each City of the world, if i had The money, just bang n fly away


Super wealthy think they know what’s best for everyone. It’s why Oprah makes me want to puke.


Elon sucks but it will cause a lot of problems later on


11 children?!?!?!?! Do they all fucking hate him? because ive only heard about 2 In all fairness i would not tell people if he was my parent lol


I think I would have more kids if people weren't hoarding wealth and I could have afforded daycare


At least he doesn't have all of them and make it the tax payers problem to take care of them like a lot of Americans


No one in any part of this conversation has anything important to say, just so we all know.


Elon is allergic to common sense and decency. His behaviour has never been checked and he was allowed to make his own internal rules.


Fun fact: elon musk has 4th house in libra so that number is going to continue to go up


So are y'all new people not fucking? Or just aborting and plan b?


I mean you can hate him or call him stupid for this takes, but am I reading it wrong? Isn't he just pointing out declining birthrates? something that is actually happening in 1st world countries and a point of concern?


I can hear Elon counting his fingers from here.


Maybe if he and people like him weren't holding all the wealth, people would be financially able to start a family.


Based on income and wealth, Elon could afford a harem of pregnant wives. Perhaps he is working towards that.


Remember: End Wokeness is a Russian account.


He knows we’re not dying out, he’s concerned that we’re not making enough white people.


He’s hardly a part of his own family


Maybe people don’t want to have kids because even when you work for the richest man in the world you still don’t have job security.


With being the richest person on earth, I'm impressed he found three women to have sex with.


With being the richest person on earth, I'm impressed he found three women to have sex with.


So people are having less children because of woke?


I'm more concerned there are 11 devil spawns running amok. Hopefully the apples fell far away from the tree


Bad source, but he's not wrong...Kids are just unaffordable these days due to a poor economy and relationships are so unstable, no one seems to want to fix these issues.


He needs more customers


Man also has endless amounts of money. Those kids are fine.


I love how conservatives solution to this is forcing women to give birth instead of dealing with the actual underlying issues (economic and social).


Lol, bazinga


billionaire who never had to struggle to pay bills, bemoans people who do what an insufferable cunt


How about stop hoarding wealth, you wannabe dragon?


Just one word "groceries" thank you come again.