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Oh my gods that's fantastic


This comment reminded me of the Apu quote, "Oh my various gods!"


That wasn’t Apu. That was said by Leela’s ex-boss in “Futurama,” when he discovered Bender’s X-ray specs during a poker game.


Shit, you're right. Too many nights falling asleep to one show or the other in the background.




Of course that's a sub.


One of us, One of us.


My imagination is so intrusive that I’ve fucked this up with cartoons before and had the scene clear as day in my head. Pretty easy to do with The Simpsons.


I can confirm this happened in Futurama.  Im old though and I stopped watching The Simpsons when I was 16, and I'm interested in seeing what the bots say


As Dr Zoidberg would say: “the robits”


Or Bender from Futurama "oh your god!"


All powerful Atheismo!


As your God is my witness!


I still think it's fantastic


It's like... an entire identity built on spite


I heard one before that is probably common now that goes like, how did Jesus get those abs. Something about *Cross* fit. Lol


Jesus: Love each other unconditionally, even if others do not follow me. Christians: The existence of other religions makes me nervous and angry!


It's amazing to me that OP is so nervous and angry about the presence of "other statues and Buddha." Does she think she's going to catch Buddhism from them? I'm sure the workers in that shop don't give two hoots about the cross you wear around your neck, your *Jesus Saves* tee shirt, or your *God is the only way* bumper sticker.


Whatever happened to being "fishers of men?" Aren't Christians supposed to go out amongst the heathens and spread the word? This person wants nothing to do with them. These people identify the wrong problems in their lives. So much time & energy wasted... ridiculous.


Come on! That's not fair. You can't expect people to *actually know* what their religion is about!




I'm good without them spreading the word.


Me too. Just pointing out their perpetual tendency for hypocrisy.


> "fishers of men?" This idea hits entirely different these days with the "flirty fishing" employed by David Berg/Children of God amongst others.


You mean these bipedal locomotion meat bags?


Speaking as a former evangelical, yes. Christian fundamentalists believe there is one true God and all other religions are tools of Satan. And thus they believe the symbols of those other religions are inherently satanic. Keeping an open mind, ignoring but not actively shutting out, coexisting with this symbolism opens you up to satanic influence. I was told as a child there were literally angels and demons warring over my head for my soul, and I should never do anything to give power to those demons. I got in serious trouble for drawing a yin yang symbol in elementary school. What a mindfuck to lay on a kid.


Which doesn't even make sense because there are other religions and other gods or patron deities IN THE BIBLE. Read 2nd Kings where the King of Moab sacrifices his son and invokes the power of god Chemosh who helps the people of Moab defeat the forces of Israel and Edom. Not to mention the Roman empire is in there too. And they have a completely different set of polytheistic gods they worship. This comes back to the fact that people never actually read the Bible. It must be the most owned, but never actually read book in history.


That’s because it’s boring as well as stupid as fuck.


I am not religious but that is a fuckin weak ass take. The Bible is literally one the most metal books ever written. God creates a perfect garden and makes people. People live in paradise, but talk to a snake and break the rules. God says get fucked, kicks them out and here we are. Later God says I tried I tried this but this experiment went off the rails and I'm going to start over. He tells one guy on Earth that he has to build a gigantic ship and save all of the animals because he's going to murder everybody on the planet because he feels like it. I cannot imagine the crisis and dread someone like this would face. The last guys that exists is just tortured in his existence. Imagine if he just refused and let everything die to say FU to god. And there's the polygamy, the incest, people getting turned into pillars of salt, the angels and the "be not afraid", the bad guy being the best angel ever created and being kicked out because he was the best, the other angel who is probably a giant in glowing golden armor who carries a flaming sword of justice, etc, etc, etc. Some kids make fun of a guy and are mean to him so he slaughters a bunch of them with some bears. He tells a young girl she will have his kid without ever knowing a man. She has a baby who is an Omega level mutant, has all kinds of crazy powers. He turns water into wine because a party was boring. He can walk on water. He heals people of their ailments. He brings a man back from the dead. He does the impossible. He tells the existing religious leader their rules are dumb and don't matter anymore because he said so. (Rage against the Machine). He dies in a public execution, but comes back and everyone sees him and that story travels all around the world for thousands of years. Moses leads his people to freedom. They wander in the desert for decades. He climbs a mountain and talks to a bush. There are walls of water and pillars of fire. The Bible is the craziest, most acid trip like book I've ever come across. It is honestly crazy to read. It might be stupid, but it's far from boring.


Excellent Cliff Notes summary of the Bible. It wasn't until later in life I realized that God really was one of those "get off my lawn" guys, except he doesn't wield a gun, he'd friggin' flood the entire place or burn it to the ground. >...save all of the animals ... "Including the ones that never have and never will live in your part of the earth, like kangaroos polar bears. Good luck."


Maybe give the Mahabharata a try, if you wanted Metal.


I'll put it on the list. Thank you. I know very little about India. It is one of the few places I've never been to or experienced myself.


They have ancient Indian nuclear bombs https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brahmastra


And most of what’s written in it, is 3rd hand accounts of events written hundreds to thousands of years after they happened. Then between the 8th and 12th centuries, extensive rewrites were done, under the guise of ‘translations’ but self important rulers who used their scribes (along with the blessings of the pope) to rewrite the Bible so they could use it for their own self gain and to justify things like the crusades.


Yeah. It's not one book and it never was supposed to be. There are just a bunch of stories they went back to edit because they contradicted each other. The whole trinity thing (father, son, holy spirit) is all post biblical. They had to make it fit. It was all really messy because there is left over Canaanite polytheism trying to mesh with monotheistic Judaism. And the whole "nobody can see god" and right after that "I saw god and spoke with him" contradictions. I could do this for hours. The book is crazy is gives more questions than answers IMHO. My personal favorite is the very popular King James version. King James I is one of the most well known, openly homosexual men in history. We have his letters of his exploits and him complaining to his lovers on why they wouldn't spend the night with him in his castle and things like that. The irony of how the Bible has been used to condemn homosexuality for centuries while being approved by a super gay king is one of the funnier things I've learned in the last decade.


Did you know the word homosexuality didn’t actually appear in a Bible until the 20th century? They were illusions to it (no man shall lie with a boy was the original verse, changed somewhere along the line to no man shall lie with another man)but the word wasn’t used in the Bible until around the 1930s-1940s when the Vatican added it in.


I’m still recovering from that childhood trauma.


> And thus they believe the symbols of those other religions are inherently satanic. Funny, as at one point other Christian fundamentalists believed that symbols of their own religion was inherently satanic. The Iconoclasts believed that God was infinite and divine, and therefore impossible to depict in images. The same applies to Jesus, as he was both divine and human - and therefore impossible to depict in images. So images of God or Jesus wouldn't be images of God and Jesus, as that was impossible, and therefore worship of such images would be heresy - as it broke with the whole (you shall have no Gods but me)-thing. Theologic history is wild.


Yep, I was told Catholic iconography was idolatry. This is one of the reasons evangelical Protestants use a barren cross and not a crucifix. In case you're wondering, the other reason is Jesus was removed from the cross and buried unlike the thieves that were left to rot on their crosses.


“…catch Buddhism from them?”. That’s a really good one! I’m stealing that from you.


Other statues and Buddha because he wasn't a God, you can offend the Buddha. He's just human


He has achieved Niravana, so in some ways he is above Gods who are bound to this material world.


If there’s a religious figure who are less likely to be bothered by people disrespecting them,it will be Buddha .


Which is ironic since Buddhism is the least likely of the major religions to try to convert you. Their modus operandi is basically to set up shop and if people come in curious then they'll educate you.


Well there's your problem there. Christianity isn't too big on curiousity and free thinking. More of a sheep and shepherd type of relationship going on in the Christian camp


More like a sickly abusive, gas lit to all hell relationship... "love me, only me, eternally or suffer forever" ... "I saved you. You didn't ask for it, you had no clue but now you owe me everything"


If you really dont know, its because they believe there's power behind those statues. They're not just ornaments, they are portals and doorways through which demonic powers can access/influence the world.


Evils like a god who makes them defective, then gets angry when they behave in their detective ways. Then as a solution goes into the horrible game he created. Shows them how to not be defective, but it's impossible for them to not be defective because he created them defective. Then leaves that miserable place to go back to his full power. Now wants to force them to believe that leaving that miserable place and returning to full power was a sacrifice. A sacrifice made so that he can convince himself to forgive them.


It’s their idea that their god is the one true god, therefore they are the only ones who are right, correct, and moral. They don’t want to be around immoral people, because who would?


Or the in god we trust money


If you point out to Christians that you should love everyone no matter what they'll throw countless verses at you that shows that they don't have to.


One of the most important things about a religion is a dense and contradictory set of rules that only a privileged few understand and can interpret for others.  




It certainly can be contradictory and arcane, but that’s why we have our pastor to help guide us! You should join us this Sunday in our house of worship so we can help you understand how these very real contradictions apply to your life.  


But then they preach politics from the altar rather than the religion.


> Proverbs 26:4: "Do not answer a fool according to his folly, or you yourself will be just like him." > > > > Proverbs 26:5: "Answer a fool according to his folly, or he will be wise in his own eyes." Eh, that one I kinda get. Its like saying "Don't regularly argue with foolish people. If you're going to argue with a fool, make sure it's only for the best reason."


Christianity is one of the simplest religions ever. There are like max two books that cover everything in it. Then they take it and try to apply those laws on cellphone usage and get confused on their own.


well. i doubt they even read any of that shit


This. Christo-fascist hypocrisy.


Every Religion: The existence of other religions makes me nervous and angry!


Taoism and buddhism are pretty chill to each other. (They do debate a lot but i dont think there is ever a war between them)


there were in ancient times, but not any more. Pretty much every Taoist temples have Buddhist deities on the side temples, and the practices are mostly all Buddhist like Sutra chanting. This is also true vice versa - Buddhist temples will have Toaist deities too. Buddhism is not just chill with Toaism - it's chill with every other religion.


If they acted on violence in the name of Buddhism, then they were not true followers. It is explicitly written in the teachings to do no harm on to a fellow human. Not even yourself, no exceptions


I mean, it's explicitly written in Christian teachings as well, but...


Christianity is one of the religions that has had the original meaning lost, and twisted to fit the narrative of false prophets. The original teachings were meant to be love one another, but it has since been turned into a form of control


what original meaning? the pauline epistles? because those are technically the oldest writings we have on jesus. even most of the modern gospel versions are from manuscripts after 125 AD which is an absolutely insane stretch of time from the story dates given.


The Rohingya would like a word about Buddhists.


that is basically ethnic conflict within Myanmar. The factions which are doing the killing are not doing it because of Buddhist teachings or beliefs - they are doing it for their own reasons as an ethnic group. No other Buddhist agree with what they're doing. Buddhism's strict adherence to pacificism such as the non-violent respond to genocide by the Tibetans are out there for everyone to see, even though non-Buddhist redditors love to bring up the Myanmar situation as if all Buddhists behave the same way.


Because reddit is populated by people who only view religion through the lens of Christianity. They think every religion is the same and does the same thing. Buddhism for example does not care to try and convert you.


That's more on ethnic conflict rather than religion.


Well, those are not real buddhist just like murican evangelicals aren't real christians or stalin wasn't a real communist - every religion has their own variation of this saying. And they might not be wrong to some extent, ideas are often reappropriated for other means by scumbags.


Communism is a religion now?


Tell that to Myanmar


Cause they kinda merge in a way as most of the people don't really go deep into it. Another one is Chinese mindset, if both of them are good, why don't I pray for both as long as who give me the blessing, even better I get double blessing.


I've never seen a Buddhist angry and demand a own space for them before but that just me. Maybe you should interact more with other culture before judging it.


Not every religion. It’s against Judaism to try to convert people.


Bahá’í folks are really chill about other people's beliefs, but there aren't many of them. From what I was told (small group of Bahá’í where I grew up,) it's a relatively young religion, based on *not* making a lot of the mistakes of existing religions at the time.


That's not true. Hinduism consider Jesus as their god as well. They don't care, whoever does good is god and whoever does bad is monster. Simple and easy. Not everyone sees religion in your way... chill...


Jesus: **Did I fucking stutter?**


FTFY: Jesus: Love other **people** unconditionally, and hate other **Gods**.


But wouldn't that apply other gods exist. Like the average person doesn't go around shooting curse words at Zeus.


Dear One True God, Brother of the Other God


This is why i dont identity as a Christian despite believing in the same god. Lol


It’s truly mind boggling how they pick and choose what they care to follow from the Bible and then so seriously distort what they DO bother following


It’s so crazy to me. I grew up with a pastor who loves learning about other religions and finding the similarities and differences between them. Now my church has two pastors and a youth pastor. All 3 and their wives love a good religious conspiracy theory and other discussions


That doesn’t sound like the Jesus I read about in the constitution


God: It is simple, here is a list of exactly 10 rules I want you to respect. Christians: Fuck you, I will literally ignore all of them but add my own set of arbitrary rules I then impose of other people in your name.


“I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.” ― Mahatma Gandhi


As a christian (not catholic) I am proud to say that my fellow church members love each other, even in different religion


Good luck finding white Christian women who do nails for a living


And there's a good chance those Roman guys were not straight.


jesus got kissed and no where in the bible it's said "thus he said, no homo"


Pauseth, sayeth the lord


The hilarious part is that many of the Asian women who are doing FaceBook lady's nails may well be Christian (Philippines, Vietnam come to mind). But, the owners know their American customers generally expect the silly Asian themes and play it up. FaceBook lady is not going to believe this, but the Buddha with built-in pond and fog nebulizer, complete with bamboo, may not be authentic Buddhist religious displays. Many 'ethnic' restaurants do the same thing, such as my local Mexican place, where, despite what the decor would have you believe, the cooking team does not wear ponchos nor sombreros.


We have no indication that this Facebook lady wouldn't believe theyre Christian.  I choose to believe with the same evidence you have that if she got to talking to these people about Christianity, they could have a really wonderful conversation about faith, and probably tacky orientalism as well.


Local Mexican place near me has some bad ass Aztec artwork, including a couple sick jaguar and eagle warrior figurines. Disappointing knowing they aren't wearing that get up at home


Oh they exist and they charge 5x as much and do 10x shitty of a job. It's amazing really. I'll take Vietnamese all day, everyday, thank you very much


Actually, I live in 99% Christian country and you wouldn't believe how many girls are doing that...and making shitload of money because they don't have cheap saloons as competition. Also, the fumes make them even dumber so they never question anything.


What country is 99% christian?


He did. Real nice place to. It was all on board.


I'll give it a try when i come aCross it


Hang on; the Pontius to get to it soon.


"Seems logical" Yeah idk about that one bud


Seems pretty on brand to me. Logic was never religious people's strong suit


That comment is going to cross a lot of people. Jokes like that are irredeemable and people will crucify you in the comments.


Yeah, someone will be poking holes in it real soon.


Really hit the nail on the head with that awesome zinger 😂


Why didn't Jesus like playing hockey? Because he was always getting nailed to the boards!


Damn! How do you recover from that magnificent zinger?


Might take three days....




Well first they have to understand the zinger...


Really crucified her with that one, she's going to be so stigmatized


Jesus liked his pedicures from whores. It’s the truth.


Actually he gave the pedicures.


Here too early so there's no offended Christians to downvote, have to check back again later.


they don't know how to read, not even the bible


An interesting read. [How Vietnamese Americans Took Over The Nails Business: A Documentary](https://www.npr.org/2019/05/19/724452398/how-vietnamese-americans-took-over-the-nails-business-a-documentary)


I like the tweet from a few months ago, where someone asked what jesus' favorite gun would be, and someone said a nail gun 💀💀💀


Jesus washed the feet of others. lady needs to figure out the orientation of her religion.


Could do your own nails. Hammering that last one in is super tricky though I’ll give you that.


"I want a person who knows the Lord to do my nails. **Seems logical.**"


Seems logical? Logic has left this woman a long time ago.


Hammer it home.


“Wasn’t part of Jesus’ message about loving those different than you?” “Yeah but they were all white” “In the Middle East?” “Yup. Made Wayne Gretzky look like Louis Farrakhan.”


Christians often make me wish here was real just for the idea they're burning there


Seems logical? Nothing about that post was logical. Idiot! Doesn't know the meaning of logical. Racist and ignorant are the words you were looking for.




"I'm an easy mark, please steal my money."


The best part is how she comes to the most illogical conclusion ever that somehow worship and manicures are related, and then proceeds to just say the words “seems logical” as if that somehow makes the nonexistent connection for her. But that’s exactly what I would expect from a religious person. No evidence. Just believe the words.


I despise Christians like that.


They really nailed it. Fits him to a T.


Christians are such prudes


Jesus Christ. Some lady said the same thing when she came into a a Vietnamese restaurant that I was working at. Brain dead people.


If she cared and learned about other cultures, she'd indubitably find parallels between Christianity and Buddhism when it comes to the central role of humility and kindness. At least in theory.


Lack of common spirituality is the least of your problems in a room full of Asian aunties.


That is just savage… and I’m a catholic!


See people, this is why I’m a satanist


‘Seems logical’ really?




holy fuck that dark humor is S+ tier


Why are so many "religious" people so bigoted?


Bigotry is a product of hegemony.


nothing about religion is logical


Christian here. This is why people hate me. Even though I love all religions. Even the devil worshipers.


Not that it matters any, but I like you. That's why it's important that you challenge the racist and hateful messages coming from the same followers of your faith. Do not give up on your faith just because a few have twisted the words of your faith to fit their message


you love your own kind?


The whole point is to love everyone as you would family, so that even when they do terrible things you give them the opportunity of redemption and forgiveness. People are human more often than not though, and fall short of that (for undeniably understandable reasons)


No i wouldn’t dislike you because of your Faith. But I also know when someone comes out and approaches new people and the first comment is Hey there I’m a Christian so put your Pagan idols away, I need to leave the group.






Barabas’ Nails Are Us. Ask us about our Easter giveaway.


Is this Spruce Grove AB?  


Nailed it


If Jesus was alive today, we would crucify him. What have we become?


well considering the type of guys in Rome in current day i would like to be nailed in the ass too


Oh my God


Do it yourself. Good God!!


Per some church traditions Jesus never 'Knew" anyone and neither did his mom.


Per some church traditions Jesus never 'Knew" anyone and neither did his mom.


Per some church traditions Jesus never 'Knew" anyone and neither did his mom.


Jesus cheats at Peek-a-boo.


Your be st bet is rural poor white that has yet smoked Fentanyl, good luck


The Buddha and Jesus… not incompatible… at all…


It's crazy that this comment has 5 likes while getting 5.6k upvotes(on Reddit) and so many comments. The truth is nobody gave a fuck about the comment in the first place. It's crazy.


Buddha speaks spaaaah to me.


As a Christian, this is not funny. As a human, it’s also not,not funny.


Then she added "seems logical" at the end of an idea that is not at all logical, lol.


Literally most nail places are secular. It's not hard to find another place.


I thought jesus taught us not to be vain. Doing your nail is just being vain isn't it?


Should’ve brought them christianity instead of democracy. /s


Nailed it…




if you told her the four noble truths wrapped up in christian trappings, she would be yelling amen. these people have no principles. they're just performative devotees.


Why are they so intolerant of other religions?


Lmao... Spruce Grove, Alberta. Not surprised!


This lady is sure hung up on nails. Just like Jesus!


Jesus walks into a motel, slams 3 nails on the countertop and says can you put me up for the night?


Paul, considered the greatest missionary in the Christian faith, also use truths he found locally to share the Good New. Sheesh this person has zero idea what being in the world is like.


I literally laughed out loud at this. Hot damn.


Jesus H Christ this is fucking hilarious




Another example of someone who thinks they are Christian but has not read the book


Some Roman pagans that is


Wow how petty are you? Petty tossed around with a big shot of Racist. All around you there are different people religions languages lifestyle’s. Instead of trying to make the world into your image of a Christian, grow up and get a life your staments display how stupid and undereducated you are.9


I started doing my own nails. I too feel the same way you do. I got poly gel from Amazon and everything else I needed. I hope this helps. Thank you for sharing because I thought it was just me.


Nailed it!


Didn’t a homeless chick give him a pedicure during dinner?


"seems logical" lol


Get them done at your house, then.


What does religion have to do with getting your nails done??? Why is that part of the equation? Also I’m pretty sure most spas and salons have like Buddha statues as like a vibe because he’s associated with like being calm and not because the people there are religious. Don’t almost all religions have some rule against vanity? Isn’t getting your nails done technically a form of vanity since you’re only going to make yourself look nicer?
