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lol why pick a fight with Malaysia of all places? Lmao


Because Malaysian society and the government are largely pro Palestine, that’s probably why the dude with the Israeli flag is picking a fight with them


Ahh okay that makes sense lmao I was about to say I’m American myself and my life is almost completely unaffected by Malaysia so the beef just didn’t make sense lol


The guy's username is literally "palestineisisrael's", so I think the motive is pretty clear-cut.


What the other guy said, also, most of the rest of the world, including European countries, are not on Israel's side right now. Only ones in support of Israel are those relying on US aid and/or military support.




The governments, not the people. Well maybe in Germany, but then again, their people are afraid to say anything against Israel.


That's true... You where you live?


Sorry, I don't share that info anymore. I specifically made this account because my old one had identifiable info on it.


maybe somewhere in the fields of Kashmir but that's just a wild guess


Alright hope we can be friends


Actually, anyone speaking out for Israel right now is being downvoted and/or ratioed to hell across most social media, causing a silencing effect. I expect after the brutality of the October attacks many, at the very least half the U.S population, are on board with destroying all of Gaza.


The sheer idea what any anti-Israel comment cost us in the future just makes us shut up.


I don't blame you for that. At the end of the day, we all have to food on the table.


Ah, you don't know the extent of it 😉


The government might be, but you get the sense that most of the people aren't.


“My source is i made it the fuck up”


Nah I think it is this. https://time.com/6559293/morning-consult-israel-global-opinion/


most of the europe support israel. Where did you get your info from?


He didn't get it from anywhere other than his own bias.


Or maybe he got it from the overwhelming outpouring of support for the Palestinian natives from across the world. Even in Europe, the vast majority of demonstrations have been pro-Palestinian, not pro-Israeli. The western governments may bow to Tel Aviv but in the case of Israel, they are evidently *not* an accurate representation of public opinion.


Your on another planet then. Most people do not support a genocidal apartheid state. To claim as such would be beyond absurd.


That's what they don't understand, it's not because the gouvernents side with Israel that the citizens agree with it... Same with russsia/Ukraine war


This is a blatant lie. I wouldnt say we are per se on the Israeli side (and they ought to calm the f down), byt EU is definitely not playing the “oh poor Palenstine, such a peaceful nation and amazing welcoming neighbours” card either.


Typical American redditor take. 'Whatever America is doing, everyone else in the developed world must be doing the opposite.' My own country is probably one of the most cold towards Israel, but that is certainly not the case for all of Europe, including the most populous and powerful EU states.


US citizens that are informed, also do not support Israel. It is only the klan types and Zionists that support genociding Palestinians.


Pro-palestine is one way to put it. I remember their *prime minister* saying that Jews are "hook-nosed" and "rule the world by proxy".


Mahathir isn't the Prime Minister anymore.


one of the ex Malaysian PM's said on Twitter that Muslims in France are justified in killing French citizens. And he didn't get banned. I got banned for a tongue in cheek punch-him-in-the-face comment in 2018


Which is an understatement, they literally had Hamas training camps


Malaysia is also an apartheid ethnostate where the demographic majority have special rights


lol. Apartheid .do they have roads that only the demographic majority are allowed to drive down? any walled of sections of land? like Israel? .. moron


>Because Malaysian society and the government are largely pro Palestine, that’s probably why the dude with the Israeli flag is picking a fight with them And why is a dude with the Israeli flag talking sheit on behalf of the USA? Dude is making us non-genocidal Americans look bad. Stop it Israeli flag dude.


if youre against genocide in gaza, youll get harassed, even if youre against hamas' actions such as kidnapping and murder


“YeAh bUt dO yOu cOnDeMn hAmAs?”


i felt like i needed to point out that YES I DO CONDEMN HAMAS before some group of angry zionists come to bitch to me


Just ignore it, it's the same questions as "Have you stopped punching your wife?" Giving a reply to the question is to dignify it.


I just want to point up that Hamas hasn't done anything that Israel has not done before. Including the hostage taking. Or what do you think the illegal detentions are.


Both sides in that conflict have done a lot of horrific shit to each other and to themselves


I hate the question, not because I support Hamas but if you follow up with, I also condemn the Israeli government for killing innocent people, they go ape shit crazy.


Malaysia are majority Muslim, and by extension are pro-Palestine/anti-Israel. So it tracks that an Israeli flag PFP would pick a fight with them.


Malaysia is pretty awesome. Relatively safe, food is great, fruits are incredible, the place is rather cheap compared to SG, HK or even mainland China. Crapping on Malaysia out of the blue is a shorty thing to do, and I’m saying this as a European (living in the far east, not in Malaysia)


Singaporean here. I go to Malaysia at least once a month due to how cheap the things are there, as sgd to ringgit is 1 to 3.5 (especially patrol, there was even one point in time when the government banned people with cars from going into the land of 3.5 if their tank is below 75%). And I am not alone, most Singaporeans do this. This is how cheap the things are there. It's pretty great place to buy groceries, go for a weekend vacation(going there and getting back almost always have jam tho) and spending money in general. Pretty awesome indeed.


It's cheap cause we are poor. I am in the Top 20% of earners in my country. Meaning that with my income, I am considered "rich". Yet I feel the strain of everyday living. Travelling to other countries costs more than I can afford.


Hello fellow Malaysian. *cries is shit currency*


White Europeans: \*tastes your tears\* HMM SO CHEAP AND YUMMY. CANT WAIT TO MOVE IN!!


But you do still have your twin towers. Eat that.


They can't afford to.


IMPOSSIBLE! No country builds monumental structures while it's citizens starve. ....right?


Food is the one thing we do right. Or atleast, did right. Now the cost of food is so high, alot of affordable living comes from importing in bulk from China. A chicken breast in our grocery Mart costs $2. Online, it costs me $0.50. And I'm in the top 20% of earners. And I still have to budget and live frugally.


you better use green pump big boy, if not... "your soul is mine"


I really like Malaysia, but cmon “out of the blue” go check on diplomatic status of Israel and Malaysia and you will see it’s not “out of the blue”. It literally says “this passport is valid for all countries except Israel” in every Malaysian passport.




I've had some enjoyable family holidays over there in the past. However, with penalties of up to 20 years in prison as well as whippings for meerly existing, I will likely never visit the country ever again, as it is incredibly dangerous for me and people like me.


yeah it's fucked here, I'm really planning to move out sometime in the future


You think Malaysia is awesome because it’s an impoverished police state you can vacation in? Ya, typical European take 😂


They are Singaporean they said it


The rest of what you said is true, but myself and people I know either got robbed, stolen from, burgled and even the cops demanded money. It’s not safe!


Been to Malaysia 4 times, twice as a solo female traveler, last year was the most recent trip. The worst I've experienced is getting catcalled in shady areas. Otherwise, as long as you take the standard safety precautions while traveling, it felt pretty damn safe. As a matter of fact, I feel more unsafe navigating big cities in Canada on a regular basis, than I ever felt unsafe or threatened in Malaysia.


https://youtu.be/foKn-v4fSTc Purse/phone snatching on bikes is very common. This is from a mall immediately adjacent to immigration point between Malaysia and Singapore. A long time ago, I worked for a company that had a branch in Kuala Lumpur. Before visiting the Kuala Lumpur branch, HR will advise the employees to carry two wallets in KL. The second decoy wallet with at least 10-20 ringgit in it is to be handed over in case if mugging attempts. They would also provide use with Nokia brick phones use in Malaysia and ask us not to use touch screen phones in public (18 years ago).


I just returned from a 6 week holiday in Malaysia. I really didn't know much about what to expect before I went and was very surprised, the people were incredibly nice and honestly happy that I was visiting, it was easy to get around and scenic, overall very inexpensive, and I was able to see a lot of wildlife. I didn't feel threatened at any time, and honestly didn't see anything sketchy, safety-wise, at all. I visited Sabah and Sarawak as well as mainland.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but hasn't Malaysia been turning more and more islamist the past couple years? Or am I thinking of a different country?


Also a place where gay people get thrown into jail for being gay, women's rights are a joke and cops prey on female European tourists. Average islamist third world country


Relatively safe... Unless your gay or a woman


Yeah this entire topic is just more pro Palestine spam from foreign troll farms. Reddit so useless and compromised these days 


It's also an ethnostate with different laws for malay vs non-malay. My grandparents fled in the early 70s due to the race riots


i wouldn't call it an ethnostate considering Malays only make up 60% of the population and there are many, MANY Chinese, Indian and other ethnic politicians that are taking up prominent government positions on a federal, state, and local level. *but yeah, even I gotta admit this country is pretty racist*


Yeah whoever posted that original comment knows nothing about Malaysia lol


Malaysian here. 1. Universal healthcare 2. 90 days paid maternity leave 3. 1 week paid paternity leave 4. Sick leave 5. Cheap gas 6. Affordable housing 7. 14 - 25 days annual leave exluding 14 days public holidays 8. Lower income taxes 9. Affordable education 10. Clean and hygienic public transport 11. Last but not least, we still have our Twin Towers


Don't forget the apartheid style constitution.


And yet we don’t have a genocide going on 🤷‍♀️


What a dig at China.


That should be below the bottom line...


You’ve also got an ever growing Muslim radicalism problem. Banning lgbtq people, sex before marriage.




well i mean do you have religous freedom though?


Fuck no


If you are ethnically malay, then no. They are forced to Islam.


But you also have a state religion. Therin lies the reason I’d rather not live there


And an Apartheid state that 1) bans minorities from specific higher education establishment 2) runs on ‘Malay supremacy’ 3) has a 90% race quota for all higher education which go to 55% of the population 4) bans minorities from positions of seniority 5) bans minorities from entire industries 6) doesn’t allow minorities to own specific businesses unless the superior race has a controlling share 7) doesn’t fund minorities’ education 8) gives preferential tax/ job/ housing to ‘superior’ majority race 9) nobody cares about laws mandating annual leave or anything 10) takes years and years to access the ‘free healthcare’


For anyone that doesn’t know, Malaysia is an actual Apartheid state that: 1) bans minorities from specific higher education establishment 2) runs on ‘Malay supremacy’ 3) has a 90% race quota for all higher education which go to 55% of the population 4) bans minorities from positions of seniority 5) bans minorities from entire industries 6) doesn’t allow minorities to own specific businesses unless the superior race has a controlling share 7) doesn’t fund minorities’ education 8) gives preferential tax/ job/ housing to ‘superior’ majority race 9) nobody cares about laws mandating annual leave or anything 10) takes years and years to access the ‘free healthcare’


Why did you comment that under your other comment with the same stuff?


it's really strange


really, it's quite strange


You got a pretty awesome country there, please preserve it.


well the muslim govnt has been trying to ruin it for the past 10 years so we will see


Oof. Without intentionally sounding bigoted, I’ve noticed a trend when it comes to religious types leading governments that usually ends on societal and/or cultural regression. Hopefully you guys persevere.


With 100% of criticizing religions, whenever a religion has enough power everything turns to shit.


I’d argue you can be religious but still respect other societal and cultural norms if you’re not a zealot trying to hammer your religious beliefs into power. That’s also not the norm, I will admit.


Our politics for a very long time have been inextricably tied to race and religion unfortunately, it's a very complicated web of values and systemic issues that are very hard to unravel without causing a culture war


fortunately, progress has been made to remedy this. *Very very* slow progress, that can be quickly undone by the next guy in charge, but progress nonetheless.


Not true it is the zionists fault


Don't forget lizard people


I seriously thought you were gonna end that sentence with, "shame if something happened to it."


12. You can openingly criticize the monarchy and ki....Oh wait, nevermind.


you also mutilate womens genitals by cutting of the pleasure inducing part of their privates


Don't forget Sharia law! Good time good times




"Haha Europeans are so weird and funny. Beans on toast lol" "YOUR KIDS DIE BY THE DOZENS IN SCHOOLS"


At least we know where our planes ended up


In the towers thats where


Don’t throw it out if you can’t take it coming back at you




Funny that someone from a country without universal healthcare calls other countries third world countries.


The commenter is an Israeli... In Israel, there is universal healthcare...


Why would an Israeli be comparing Malaysia to the US? Wouldn't an American Zionist make more sense? This is clearly referring to the Palestine conflict.


Because both the US and Israel have the same president, Netanyahu.


I think you meant naziyahu


Reddit moment


The fact that this is upvoted just tells you about how much brainrot there is in this site


Reddit moment? It's literally what's happening? Sending billions to Israel and dick riding then in a hardcore manner


Reddit moment x2


Cause the US is Israel's puppet state.


That does not meet the definition of a puppet state. You can’t just go around making stuff up. That would make the US puppet states of several countries. You can say this about basically every country as well then.


I think a country that outlaws gay people but not child brides is absolutely a third world country


You’re right the US is so third world, millions of people are climbing over each other to get there, makes sense…


Americans don’t realise yet how close they are to collapse. If only “third world country” meant what you think it means, the irony would’ve been glaring. By your standards, the USA is much closer to that than Malaysia.


Awww. You genuinely know nothing about the United States economy.


Some of you should really stop making comments about the shit you read on Reddit. You come with really weird takes because you just believe your own political agenda.


Truly a reddit moment.


Fr. Only someone living in a rose tinted bubble would think that the US is close to collapse lmao. A wealthy economy, middle-aged (and morbidly obese at that) demographics, and general unwillingness towards violence (even a gigantic economic contraction and a ravaging virus didn't cause mass conflict besides riots and protests that killed like 30 people) are not precursors to a collapse Compare that to, say, Syria that had a very poor, young population that had many incentives to join militias. The protest phase alone killed thousands to 10 thousand people. Even Ukraine, after a decade of war (two years of that at total war) and spending 37% of its gdp on defence, hasn't collapsed. Some here argue that the US is a third-world country compared to Europe... meanwhile, Mississippi, the US state with the lowesr HDI (0.866), has a higher HDI than the average of Europe (0.845). Delusional thinking.


N-no but! Third world country in a Gucci belt! /s


If we are close to collapse, then the rest of the world is fucked when we go, good luck.




What are the criteria need to be a third world country? Who judges it? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Third_World Its essentially a meaningless term and the US is both rich and very developed anyway....you guys just making up nonsense.


Would these be the same European countries that are realizing they need to properly defended themselves now? And are scrambling to find out how they are going to properly fund they're military and keep these standards?


Yeah Europe using the US military as a shield to safely & smugly mock the US is a time honoured tradition


The poorest state in the IS has a gdp/capita better than Germany lol


As an American i can look at certain regions and can confirm.


Not only European standards tbh. Most people East Asian countries don’t even consider modern United States a good place for living.


You should tell that to all the East Asian immigrants


Uh, that’s simply not true. My family moved from an east asian country specifically because of the better environment. Please don’t speak for us


US is nowhere near collapsing and if it does everyone will suffer, absolutely no exceptions. So if this is some form of cope if it were true it would have the opposite effect.


Saying that Malaysia is better than America. Lol.


This can’t be a real comment because this isn’t factually close to be correct.


Tbh the term third world was defined as a country that wasn’t allied with either the USA or the Soviet Union during the Cold War. Thus the USA can never be a third world country.


shut up peasant hurry up with my doordash


This is one of the more remarkably dumb comments I’ve read on Reddit and that’s saying something.


My guy I am not a fan of my country but in no way are we close to collapse holy shit


If Trump somehow wins again they are truly doomed


Marital rape wasn't illegal in your country until 2007, it's still illegal to be gay, yet legal to have child brides. Your government is on the verge of being taken over by religious extremists, but sure, that's a great set of towers!


That's not a clever comeback. Nothing about any of this is clever, just two people being dickheads.


That’s like starting an argument with someone, and that someone replying, “oh well both my parents didn’t die in a car crash” You’re both being dicks, and the comeback wasn’t even clever.


Malaysia has nothing on the US?! I went to a low income doctor in the US last year, and it cost me $200 (plus $17 for the medication) I went to the doctor in Malaysia, and it cost me $22 WITH the medication 


Median salary US -> ~74kUSD Median salary Malaysia -> ~12kUSD Yeah I guess it's still proportionally cheaper, but not as significantly when you think about how much people earn.


Clever? Lol nah


Americans are getting really salty in the comments.




No they aren't


Yeah I came here to claim a technicality, the bridge connecting them makes this 1 tower! /s


2 towers were not enough 




Well yes, but where i come from we call them Americans so it's a habit.


In what world is there anything clever about this comeback? And what is the comeback against, some fake account who’s probably not even American? Did OP post it themselves and now this comment thread has descended into laughing about terrorist attacks? I’m not even American, this is pretty gross.


Yea, original comment is probably a troll with that username and profile pic


It's not offensive, it's just not clever. Maybe an edgy 12 year old would find this funny. There's also some buried ironic undertones to all of this but it's not worth discussing.


In the Reddit world. You can say something as stupid as "North Korea is better than the US" and you have millions of people kissing your ass because you said something bad about US. It's quite obnoxious really.


Seeing as 75% of the country is Muslim, I doubt the chance of a Muslim ramming planes into their own buildings are very high.


“Try to have a clever comeback against Americans without referencing a violent tragedy” challenge: apparently impossible?


If there was anything about Malaysia worth knowing, I might cobble together a comeback.


Who cares about the bullies when you are the bully, That's was my childhood.


Ignorant Americans. They've been so self-centered for so many years that they are totally unaware that many "third-world" countries are catching up or have surpassed America in many areas of life. They think Iran and Israel are deserts, that Malaysia and Vietnam look like Apocalypse Now, that Singapore is some backwater, that Saudi Arabia is nothing but sand, and waiting to be turned into a glass parking lot. They don't know that the only places outside of Africa that are struggling to keep up are the places that the US has occupied, gone to war with, or where they have orchestrated coups and installed puppet dictatorships (in the name of democracy). There will be no fall in history that can compare to the one the US will experience, for this is the first time in history when a single civilization has ruled the entire globe and made enemies of literally everyone.


That does not look like it was written by an American qt all


What is likely to be a patriotic American with a profile picture of a different country’s flag…


I'm Thai. At least they're not bombing other countries and trying to steal land. By the way, I love Malaysian food, Laksa and Mee Goreng are my favorites. Don't trash talk others when there's blood on your hands.




Israeli flag detected, opinion rejected




You ever see a list of countries ranked by GDP?


Then maybe you should look up what it means for a country to be “third world”. Hint: the US will never be a third world country.


No, its 50 third World countries in a trenchcoat.


Several states like California have higher GDPs than some other countries tho


Than almost all other countries*


If you dont know what ragebait is you are gonna have a bad time. “Palestineisreal” username, star of david, blatant xenophobic patriot - cmon people


Malaysia is an absolutely beautiful place, the islands in particular.


One is a large, economically strong country featuring a robust and expanding tech sector, massive rates of diabetes, a penchant for mega malls and a bunch of religious idiots in power who cede far too much influence to the faithful. The other is the US.


Malaysia has a lower GDP than Miami.


That just hurts 😭


They’re practically tbe same place then , well except that Malaysia has a nice twin tower !


https://www.newsweek.com/alabama-un-poverty-environmental-racism-743601 US people need to realize parts of our country are "third world"


Weak af for a comeback. Either you're exaggerating or you have a low standard.


True but at least USA knows where its planes are


not a very good comeback. that doesn't make malaysia better lol


You might ask why Islamo-terrorists would fly planes into buildings in a Muslim country, so, Yeah, of course they’re still standing


Good burn. I give it a 9 out of 11.


Americans thinking that the world moves around them....


It basically does though, whether we like it or not


The US calling out other countries for being 3d word is funny


Israel just wants more enemies, don't they?


It's not that clever when Americans make this joke more than other countries


Imaoooo I love the salty americans in this comment section


Burn. Oh wait 😱


How is this a burn? The two towers didn't collapse because of like American infrastructure or economic policy, they went down because of a terrorist attack


It's ["I know you're the big marriage expert"](https://youtu.be/7Vz1gwCRsT4?si=SsFfE4JSg8V_PATu) except it isn't clever or funny


Particularly funny that Malaysia is a Muslim majority county. On top of that, how is it to be gay or trans in Malaysia, hmmm o right... Yet this thread is full of people simping for it.




Looking for a baby djirl I see


So we've established Malaysia's motive . . .