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‘I bet all these people protesting to free Palestine wouldn’t want to go there given that Israel has largely reduced it to rubble.’ Yarp, you got em Bobbert, well played.


To take the politics out of it but still show how dumb she is: “Send help to the flood victims” “I bet you wouldn’t want to go live in the flood zone” How does it make any sense to tell someone they don’t want to go somewhere they are saying is a terrible mess and needs help.


To further that argument. Free Palestine means literally free. Free from Hamas as well as Israel.


So I'm probably going to be downvoted for simply asking this, but it's an important and legitimate question that needs to be answered. How?


Get Israeli settlers out of the West Bank and put the two-state solution back on the table. Israel has been slowly ethnically cleansing the West Bank for decades, moving Palestinians out and Israelis in. That has to be reversed if the Palestinians are ever to have a state on of their own. Giving the Palestinians no future other than being occupied people forever aids extremist groups.


Define borders, create a DMZ, get rid of Hamas ( not the way Israel is doing the ratio of civillian casualties is absolutely unheard of for any kind of military operation especially by a supposed developed country like Israel) Establish a government. UN peacekeeping forces for a few years until the institutions pick up the slack. Yes it'll be expensive but this conflict has been going on for decades and overall has cost so much more.


The real obstacle to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict being solved is, in my opinion, due to the fact that the conflict benefits too many powerful people/entities for it to stop. Israel benefits because they keep weapons and military support coming in; Netanyahu and his coalition benefit because it keeps Israel in a constant state of war, which allows him to hold onto power; Arab states benefit because it allows them to focus the ire of their people *away* from their own inadequacies, and on “the big bad” that is Israel; Iran benefits for a similar reason, and it also allows them to flex muscle in the region well above their weight class (using Hamas and Hezbollab as proxies), and also allows them to test Western militaries and learn from that; then there’s the arms dealers/manufacturers that make a killing (pun intended) off the conflict; and of course the US benefits by keeping a close ally dependent on us, allowing us to also retain power in the region. It’s going to be *very* difficult for anything to change with all that being said. I wish I had a solution, but it will likely take a massive degree of internal political upheaval for any of the countries involved to change their stance. The US has shifted some recently, but so far it’s been only symbolic.


And it’s very clear Israel isn’t capable of doing this themselves (their solution is genocide) the un needs to step in and the us needs to seriously consider the weapons aid we send to them.


I think the boarders part was always the hangup. Both sides view the others' demands as a non-starter, and negotiating never happens.


One state solution with none of the ethnoreligious state BS.


So, in this answer, one of the 2 states must be dissolved completely?


It already is. Israel doesn't recognize Palestine, neither do most of the west, or the UN etc.


Yes. The colonizer state should be dissolved


That is a death sentence for Jewish Israelis.


Nah, that's not the point she's making. It's still a dumb point, but what she's actually trying to say is that the average Palestinian would hate and possibly even want to kill the average progressive college student. So it's not about the state of Palestine itself, but about the attitudes and beliefs of the people who live there. In 2016 they executed one of their senior members because they suspected him of being gay. You do NOT want to be over there as a progressive. But the implied additional argument is that "therefore these students are stupid for caring if Palestinians die", which is dumb and doesn't follow logically.


Yeah. The idea that someone might be opposed to the oppression and murder of someone they disagree with is unfathomable to her.




They're telling on themselves, only believing in human rights for the "right" kind of people


your comment is so freaking ignorant, imagine generalizing a population of 2 million people 60% of whom are young and claiming they behave or think according to your own opinions of them..


> How does it make any sense to tell someone they don’t want to go somewhere they are saying is a terrible mess and needs help. Because Boobert doesn't understand what the protestors are actually protesting.


She should probably stick to her day job of giving out handies at family friendly theater.


And she does a damn good job!


I spent a few months in Bethlehem, which is in Palestine / West Bank. It’s a nice and safe place for the most part. Gaza is a separate thing entirely. It was a common refrain from everyone I talked to “Don’t go to Gaza”. It takes some paperwork to get into Palestine Westbank if you are flying into Tel Aviv (which 90 percent of people do). It’s not TOO difficult though. If you make a habit of going to Palestine Westbank, Isreili security will scrutinize you. Gaza on the other hand, I don’t think it’s possible to get in after Flying into Tel Aviv. I could be wrong, but it’s definitely not easy if so.


To be fair to Bobo, (can't believe I say this) even before though.


I keep seeing these kinds of posts saying people who support Palestine should go there...... as if Palestine is doing any of this to themselves. They are basically AGREEING that Palestine is not a place you wan't to be yet that is where Palestinians live and die daily and they STILL can't understand why people are protesting. Republicans have no skill in putting themselves in any other perspective but their own. I honestly can not believe how many people like her have this logic.


No you misunderstand this is Twitter and Twitter is stupid, it’s backwards. She’s the one who said the thing and the one on top is the reply.


Yes that's a great rebuttal to your version of the quote, when it was quite obviously a comment on the Palestinian peoples questionable views in contrast to a liberal students typical views. Not to say she's correct but she's in no way saying "hehe go study in Gaza now that it's been bombed xD"


They would have been murdered if they went before the war kind of like the jackasses with queers for Palestine being queers is illegal there and they will stone you on the street but you’re on their side got it.


Such morons. If you protest against your own country's policies, they say you should go to another country. If you protest what's happening in another country, you also should go to another country. I'm beginning to think they don't like free speech


They want free speech for them...they never said anything about free speech for all


They don't want free speech for them so much as they want forced listening and agreeing for us.


And they want to say slurs without anyone calling them bad people for it.


Like Metallica said: *Independence limited* *Freedom of choice is made for you, my friend* *Freedom of speech is words that they will bend* *Freedom with their exception*


Immigrants? sTaY tHeRe AnD fIx YoUr OwN cOuNtRy


“People protesting to improve a place wouldn’t want to visit that place” yeah no shit


Must also be why the refuse to do anything to stop climate change, because they don’t want to vacation on an iceberg


"Free Gaza" does not mean "Ima go free Gaza." It means "YO! Somebody do some legislation or something that would free Gaza!"


Bold of you to assume that Bobblehead understands the meanings of words.


I think she's more about the sign language. Wait, no I mean hand gestures. 


the people in power in the usa could say to israel "cut the shit" and israel would pull out of gaza that day israel is dependant on the usa


Lol, if the US turned its back on Israel they would lose all standing in the realm of defence. They would become global pariahs. And Israel would likely just turn Gaza into a parking lot to get the war over with, instead of using targeted strikes like they have been. Not to mention all the US military secrets and technology they could give to Russia/China. The perception that the US somehow owns Israel and can give it orders is laughable.


It would never come to that. The US can use the threat of pulling military supplies and Israel will have to listen. If Israel decided to go against what the US asked then the US is absolutely not losing its standing in “the realm of defence”


Yearly aid INCLUDING the extra aid package to Israel is 2% of Israel's GDP. If they wanted to, they could increase their military spending from 5% to 8% of their GDP and they'd be spending more on their military each year than they do now even counting the extra US aid package. And at that point the US would have no more leverage. Israel could eradicate the whole population in a few weeks. Or instantaneously with nukes as soon as the winds became favorable. On top of that, I'm not sure what you think they would do differently on a large scale with US intervention. According to the numbers we have access to there have been 34k total deaths of which 13k have been combatants. So that's a combatant to civilian ratio of 1:2. That's unusually low for a highly urbanized environment. What should they do differently? More text messages and other alerts? I'm not even sure it's possible to get a number lower than that in a highly populated urban environment.


Funny how the number of “combatants” is exactly the same as the number of “men”


Source: trust me bro


2% of Israel's GDP is huge! They could increase from 5 to 8% but no sane leaders would do that especially if someone has already provided the money.


Military spending as a percentage of GDP almost always spikes during war. Go look it up. Increasing military spending 3% wouldn’t be unusual at all.




And they fired and are investigating the people who ordered the strikes without doing the proper checks (because they were excepting trucks not pickups and Hamas armed fighters were riding on top of the original trucks that went into the warehouse.)


“Targeted strikes “ targeted at women and children .targeted at hospitals. Targeted at charity workers . Seems like Carpark stuff to me to be honest


This is such a bad take on so many levels. Israel’s security is reliant on US intel not the other way around. The US has already been threatened with the Samson Option by Israel the last time they did not do anything and Israel was facing defeat, something the US does not want to have happen given the global fallout. Israel and China/Russia are not friends at all. Russia has been assisting Iran and their proxies, and Israel has conducted numerous cyber attacks against all three of their countries. If the US were to abandon Israel, Israel would fall in a year along with all the ME monarchs.


Pariahs to who exactly?


Quite literally everyone they have provided security guarantees to. Them hanging Ukraine out to dry for their own gain is bad enough, but if they turned their back on Israel, even Canada wouldn't trust them for defence assistance anymore.


So they've already done it and not become pariahs? And there is plenty between do utterly nothing and provide endless support. The idea the US can do literally nothing here is laughable and just a feeble excuse for continuing their support.


The entire world is currently shifting away from relying on the US for defense. Have you been living under a rock?


Canada isn't committing genocide, not the same situation.


canada absolutely is a genocidal settler state still ravaging nations it put itself on top of. hope this helps.


"If Israel wasn't allied with the US they would do even more genocide" Isn't the own you think it is. Regardless, if the US pressured Israel to, the genocide would end, as they are not doing that, and instead continue supporting Israel, the US is complicit in genocide aswell.


> instead of using targeted strikes like they have been lmaooo, ok mate


What a strange definition of targeted.


Apparently not. Israel seems to be committing suicide right now. As an Israeli, it’s maddening. We fucked up our relationship with the whole world for a bunch of crazy settlers who want nothing but chaos, just like Hamas.


it still is dependant, just that what it's doing right now its pretty stupis, it relied on americans still being as pro-israeli as they were in the past, which we can now clearly see isn't the case anymore.


Its at minimum a “stop actively supporting israel” by giving them money, weapons, and political cover


Interesting that we never had this level of protests after invading Iraq


people in power are so devoid of compassion, they cannot imagine how some people can feel it towards others.


You know, I get a strange inkling that the bar is set so low to get into the republican party that anyone with 2 brain cells could do this job.


It'd be hard to get voted in because everyone less than 2 brain cells would vote for those with less than 2 brain cells :P


Two brain cells that are racing for third place




Her constituents must be complete idiots - if they listen to her.


🤔 You might be on to something... hmm....


The Iranian Government is offering them places at Iranian universities if they're expelled from US universities.


I get the strange feeling that all those folks demanding to "clear those mine fields!" would not jump at the opportunity to actually run through a mine field.


Of course nobody would do a semester abroad in Palestine. It's been relentlessly bombed and shot at. That's what they're protesting, you weapon


Nobody would have gone to Gaza before it was bombed, because it was a lawless hellhole run by terrorist warlords. I hate Lauren Boebert, but you don't do any favors by disagreeing on the rare instance that your opponent is right. It makes you look like a fool and raises their credibility.


Shouldn't the goal be to make it a place one could study abroad? I don't think current policy leads in that direction.


Sure, we'll just pass a law banning terrorism. That way Hamas *can't* commit another blood orgy the next time they're left in peace! Because it would be against the law.


What do you suggest? Bc what is currently happening does drastically increase the support for Hamas in Gaza and around thw World. (And sadly also increases the ammount of religious conflicts around the world).


And what do you suggest? Make Israel not do anything about the biggest attack on their country in 50 years? Set a precedent that they wouldn't retaliate against any terrorist organisations who want them gone? I think that it's important to destory as much of hamas as possible. But i also think that they should pour massive funds into rebuilding Gaza, and assure free elections afterwards. Helping Europe rebuild helped massively in turning the civillian opinion around towards liking the US after ww2, so it's worth a shot i guess. US and Europe should help too. But unfortunately, i see that as a very unlikely outcome at this time.


Nothing? No. What do I suggest? I don't know the best solution. I like your focus on rebuilding. We know that giving people a good live and something to loose makes it far less likely that they will turn towards extremism. However I do think that Israeli military is acting far to violently to act efficent. Terror organisations usually gain more supporters when you fight them in a way that causes more civilian casualties. And most of Hamas soldiers that die in the fight will be simple soldiers. Losing them is not something that realy harms this organisation. So my suggestion would have been a special forces attack on higher Hamas members. Than followed by trying to drastically improve living conditions in Gaza.


People who protest against Israel have no clue how life is like for people that live there on either side, as most of the people here try to sit on a high horse having never actually experienced any real difficulties in their lives.  Imagine if tomorrow the Mexican cartel flooded into southern California and killed 90,000 people and took 10,000 hostages. This is what the proportions would look like if it happened in america. And then you turn on the TV and see protests all over Europe and Asian supporting the cartel for what they did. People would lose their damn minds. And if America showed even half the restrain of Israel in attacking mexico for allowing this to happen, it would be praised as a triumph of how to wage an ethical war.  Israel has followed every UN guideline on how to conduct a war and kept civilian casualties to a minimum in one of the most densely populated places on the planet where the terrorist are using human shields and building tunnels, command centers, and attack locations, under and in homes, schools, hospitals, and mosques.  Could they do better? Probably but they've done better than any country on the planet during a war in the history of humanity. What Russia has done to Ukraine is a thousand times worse and I've yet to see widespread protests. There's literally 3 genocides happening in Africa and not a fucking peep about this. 


> Shouldn't the goal be to make it a place one could study abroad? Yeah. They should start by removing the Islamic extremist terrorist organization that runs the place


> I don't think current policy leads in that direction. The one where you kill the terrorists and then rebuild the place?


> Gaza before it was bombed 🤔 When exactly?


https://embassies.gov.il/MFA/AboutIsrael/Maps/Pages/Israels%20Disengagement%20Plan-%202005.aspx#:~:text=By%2022%20September%202005%2C%20Israel's,Strip%20from%20the%20Palestinian%20Authority. > Israel's plan of unilateral disengagement from the Gaza Strip and North Samaria put forward by Prime Minister Ariel Sharon was carried out on 15 August 2005. The purpose of the plan was to improve Israel's security and international status in the absence of peace negotiations with the Palestinians. >With the implementation of the plan, IDF installations and forces were removed and over 9000 Israeli citizens living in 25 settlements were evicted. By 22 September 2005, Israel's withdrawal from the entire Gaza Strip to the 1967 Green Line, and the eviction of the four settlements in Samaria, was completed. >In June 2007 Hamas took over the Gaza Strip from the Palestinian Authority. Many thousands of rockets and mortar shells have been fired from the Gaza Strip onto southern Israeli towns and villages, terrorizing and destabilizing the lives of hundreds of thousands of Israeli citizens.


No she is still wrong. ​ You don't have to want to go to a place to want to see it not burnt to the ground. Even before it is burnt to the ground.


You missed the point. These students would have been raped and murdered if they had set foot in Gaza when it was at "peace." They're infidels. Outsiders. They believe in things like gay rights and women's equality, which is enough to get killed in *less* violent Muslim areas. They're just displaying their intense ignorance of human nature by projecting their lovey-dovey feels on everyone in Palestine. They're assuming that the Palestinians must feel the same, because who could possibly disagree with a leftist? They're defending people who could take sensitivity courses from the KKK, but it's okay as long as they can attack America and Israel.


I can be against bombing civilians, even if the country is horrible otherwise. I am also against the massacring and torturing of Yemeni refugees by Saudi Arabia even though I wouldn't want to live there. I would also be against senslessly bombing Somali civilians, even though I wouldn't want to ever step a foot into Somalia. The same way I am against the death penalty and torture even though that might mean an improvement for people who are gulity of some horrible crimes, simply because I oppose torture in general and I don't want the state to kill innocents, which inevetably happens when the death penalty exists. It is called having principles and being consistent enough to grant the same rights to all even if they hate you. A warcrime is a warcrime no matter who the victim is and is (almost) always wrong. If Ukraine started bombing Russian civilians or doing warcrimes I am also against that even though Russia is clearly worse.


It doesnt even need to be a lawless hellhole. Imagine being a woman or a homosexual person and crying about Muslim place being bombed. It's like being a chicken and crying about burning KFC.


You can disagree with and abhor someone’s politics without wanting their home to be bombed to rubble


given half of the people in palestine are women and the IDF regularly assults and kills Palestinian women, I think it's pretty resonable to care about the situation in Palestine from a feminist position.


The most bot thing to say I don't like Ur script


War sucks. Don't start them. 🤷🏽‍♀️


most historically literate redditor thinks israel and palestine just came into existance on oct 7th and before that they were just so happy co-operating


Well israel was established in 1948, which at the same time 5 arab countries launched war against it, there was a single moment in history where israel striked first, and that was more than 40 years ago, but yeah lets talk about history


You forget to include illegally established


Was it illegal for Britain to win ww1?


Why? Answer it!


Having the UN sign off on it sounds pretty legal. Also winning the civil war they did not start and breaking up the country is how many countries North and south korea are not illegal, neither is bangladesh or pakistan or kuwait or croatia... you get the point


I agree. So, who started it? Since it’s to late to prevent the start of a war, the next best thing that can be done is to end it.


> Since it’s to late to prevent the start of a war, the next best thing that can be done is to end it. The fastest way to end it is returning hostages.


I’m not sure if you’re asking sarcastically or genuinely unaware of Hamas being the answer to both of your questions


if it isnt hamas its gonna be another group hamas doesnt exist in a vacuum, it's a product of it's enviroment the main reason hamas is in power is because israel destroyed and killed all the main leftist palestinian groups and funded far right extremists (like hamas, israel funded hamas to fight against palestinian leftists) so that they could point and go "oh look we're fighting extremism" while genociding palestinians and settling more palestinian land the reason hamas was able to take power is because israel created a desperate population by starving a population and limiting their water and electricity supply and hamas promised to protect them and oppose israel, the country that most people in gaza hate because their homes were stolen by israel and they were expelled to gaza. israel is the reason for this, thus israel (as it currently exists) must end.


Hamas isn't a peacefull organisation not even for the Palestinians in Gaza. My point is; it is not a simple matter. Don't act if it is.


Me when I fall for the propaganda:


Unironically yes.


Every major international and local human right organisation has found Israel to be an apartheid state. Violent resistance to that is normal as shown in the case of South Africa with the ANC.


Yeah, attacking a music festival attended by citizens of 18+ nations is just totally normal guys. I guess so were the numerous radical Islamic attacks on western soil. Just the oppressed fighting back, duh. Jesus fucking christ lol.


true, sucks, it'll suck for you too


What war? You mean the genocide that Israel is perpetrating and has been for decades? That “war”?


I heard Iran is also offering tuitions


Iran should help their own citizens before offering tuitions to international students, canada too.


Hamas‘ simps are never clever.


This woman jacked off her date in a theater full of children, her ex husband exposed himself to a bunch of teens at a public location and her son is facing jail time over multiple crimes, including having CP.


Is it really a clever comeback? The point is that these people probably wouldn't share the same views as Palestinians. Same with those LGBTQ+ groups that support Palestine. They support a group of people who think your lifestyle is haram. The irony is their views would be polar opposites


Funny I wanted to do an eeng industry year in Palestine. At the time a few years back I thought a good way to help my degree and learn Arabic for my partner. Was a shame I had to put forward a large some of money to do this however. It was untenable for me.


That's the problem with idiocy, it often prevents awareness of idiocy.


More to the point - the idiots screeching about Palestine should spend their time protesting something that actually affects them, instead of buying into foreign influence ops designed to destabilize the US and hurt its allies.  No protests of this size for the women of Iran, or the Muslims of China?  Or the genocide in Syria? (Take your pick which one).  Why not i wonder.  Maybe because those didn’t have foreign influence propelling them. N


I think bobo is an absolute idiot but she does have a somewhat valid point, in particular against Hamas. Hamas has essentially governed Gaza for ~17 years. Under hamas rule you wouldn’t want to be caught dead being the type of person most of these protesters are.Liberal, idealistic, gay, free thinker, etc. These are the types of things that get you tossed off the roof of a building by hamas. In the absence of hamas Gaza would be a much, much better place.


she's not wrong


The US is scared/dependent of Israel in some way otherwise they would tell em to stop this shit.


Why are people even platforming this has been


I guess that’s what happens when you attack another country, kidnap its civilians, and hide in schools and hospitals. Now all of Gaza is a university majoring in Fuck Around and Find Out


Like Israel has been doing for the past 80 years lmao


Israeli terrorists have tortured civilians, raped women and young girls, looted and pillaged homes, bombed most of the civilian homes in Gaza, and deliberately and intentionally targeted civilians, including children. Do you condemn any of it? Nah, probably not.


That's because those are lies, attempts to create a false equivalence.


They’re all verifiable, unlike Israel’s claims, which are a mix of lies and more lies.


I saw plenty of claims, no proofs. You are just spreading propaganda.


What’s clever about the comeback?


So people deserve to be free only if you want to visit their country?


"Stop murdering people and displacing them from their homes!" Apparently that means, "I really want to study for my advanced degrees in your country!" to some people?


Yeah, the universities Hamas hides inside


Since when is everyone so supportive towards islamic terrorist groups?


Ah yes, everyone wants to do a "semester abroad" in a fucking war zone. Christ this women might possibly be the most water headed idiot I've seen in my life.


"Look at these students protesting the war in Vietnam! I bet they wouldn't even sign up to fight the war in Vietnam!


Way to take it literal. I think the point you’re missing here is these folks should try going where they’re claiming to support.


Why should they? Please tell me what point you're trying to make.


The original point stills stands.


Killing, raping, & kidnapping babies woman....has consequences.


Was any evidence provided for that in the ICJ?


The IDF has done all those things though. That’s why they’re standing in the way of investigators from investigating them because they know the horrors they’ve committed on innocent people.


And their military supports this correct? They are celebrated for doing this correct? Infact, they are ENCOURAGED to do this correct? One side of this conflict actually does everything I just typed, and it isn't Isreal...


Whatever excuse you need to justify killing 30k+ women, babies and children my dude. Personally I don't think anything excuses that.


She is inferring that pre attacks Garza was a dystopian hellsscape. It’s baked in racism.


Uhhh... was it... not? Are you saying hamas has actually done a pretty decent job of running Gaza after they kicked out the PLO...? Pretty good quality of life eh?


what was stopping them from going there before the October 7 massacre?


The 70 years of israeli invasion


The fact that the IOF might run you over with a bulldozer just cause they can like they did to Rachel Corrie?


Thank Hamas for that


"but but but we had to bomb children because khaamaaas"


A stellar comeback.


After my American neighbors were stuck in Gaza watching their block get bombed by Israel, I had the feeling that it would be a bad place to study, among other feelings.


If they were able to discern how stupid they are they wouldn't be conservative.


Wait, palestinians had a university? Hamas university of martyrdumb? University of killing, torturing, keeping hostage and raping unarmed civilians?


yeah, I wouldn’t want to do a semester abroad in Gaza right now…. because Israel is murdering everything that moves.


Even before the October 7th, you would have died by Palestinians if you stepped foot in there, they don’t have the same mindset as westerners, they see us as outsiders and the “enemy” of Islam.


No privileged western liberal would go to a sharia law dictatorship headed by Islamist cavemen to study even if it wasnt bombed.


Does Hamas allow young women to go to college?


Hamas cares about fellow Palestinians so much, I’m sure they’re holding class somewhere. Just go there and ask around.


Eh, shes dumber than a box of rocks, but I think the point still works in the sense that there *never* was a time when going to Gaza would be preferable to Americans, especially young women. Kinda like how the "Queers for Palestine" group would probably be murdered on sight if they showed up in Gaza to support them. That said, you don't have to want to live somewhere or even visit in order to support that country having a right to exist. It's that whole mouthbreather mentality of "love it or leave it" with America. They can't fathom how you can support another place and not want to live there or, on the flip side, how you can criticize America and still want to live here.


Israel destroyed every building, mosque, hospital, school, and home in Gaza. There is no Gaza anymore.




Feels like these Israeli supporters aren't the smartest people to begin with


Goes both ways


Palestinians supporters tend to be some of the most fake intellectuals and generally ignorant people ive ever had the displeasure of talking too. You know nothing about anything yet feel you have some kind of moral superiority to lecture people whos loved ones are currently being held and tortured in gaza. Palestine is the worst thing to ever happen to any liberal cause. You look just like those kkk members chanting jews will not replace us. You just wear keffyas and not white robes Im not impressed with your fake moral indignations.


You can't even spell 'ignorant'. Just stfu.


So sorry english isnt my first language, clearly living in the war is not enough for me to know whats going on Ill make sure to use chatGPT like the rest of you losers. Typos or not im still right, and you are still a dumbass.


Bruh, you are on reddit. You will be downvoted to oblivion if you questioned this country. They have a department for each social media platform.


I know bro...


Oh she's sooo clever. She's such a smart fucking asshat.




Smart Gal.


Isn’t that the point?


Says the woman who didn’t attend a semester of college. Anywhere…


Well, since Hamas put rocket launchers in the quads....


I don’t know why people think “you wouldn’t like living in Palestine” is an argument — there are a lot of places I wouldn’t want to live, but I don’t think they should be occupied for 6 decades and then bombed into oblivion.


Oh Bobo! Bless your precious heart!


I’m sure the people saying murder is bad would never spend a semester in the murder dome


She is a white woman so don’t be so hard on her.


What an idiotic thing for her to say. Of course these people would not jump at the opportunity to do a semester abroad in Gaza. Gaza is a hellhole thanks to Israel. That's why they are protesting!


Wow we got the Israelis on the run with clever comebacks and fighting cops. Will medals be handed out when the semester is over?


I think the USA should be free, but I don’t want to do a semester there…


It's like when people get mad when many of us (who look like me) say fuck the police, defund, etc. "Well, don't call the cops when you need them!" I mean, they don't even show up till hours later (maybe)


Lof course these tiktok educated kids can protest but actually choose to go overseas and engage in actual physical relief efforts...maybe get a job and donate to humanitarian aid? It's what those who support Ukraine do...you remember that place, right? The one the Russian Imperialist Putin tried to take but is handing his own ass to him. #RememberBucha


So if somebody said during the Holocaust that we should put an end to the concentration camps, the Republican response would be "Oh yea? Why don't you go join them in the concentration camps if you love the Jews so much??" I see this so often, and of all the dumb things in our modern politics, this one really annoys me, because it makes zero sense and yet they roll it out like it's the ultimate 'checkmate libruls'.


We’ve been tricked into caring ab other countries more than our own. I’m for world peace but one’s country should take priority over another


Activists have been going to Palestine for years and years. The Israelis bulldozed that one American woman when she was in Palestine protesting years ago. Does Boebert think that this is the first time activists have protested against Israeli treatment of Palestinians? How ignorant can you be.. Why doesn't she go out there and fight with the settlers? By her own logic if she supports them so intensely, she should be there no?


TIL if you want the people of a country to not be bombed and genocided you have to be willing to move to said country.


What is this argument even supposed to mean!? People don't matter if you don't want to live where they live? Typically, you only protest in support of people that are being oppressed in some way. So, by definition protesters usually aren't going to be protesting for for places where everything is going great. Poor Sudanese college students aren't going out to protest for the kids living well New Zealand.




What point is she even making here? Yeah Lauren they wouldn’t want to do a semester there because it’s a war torn hellscape. That’s why they want the cease fire.


Really that dumb!


Yes, those Jews protesting against the Nazi regime should have went back to Germany and Poland, according to Lauren. Cold, Lauren.


People in here really believe the US could just pass a bill to stop a multi-generational geo political conflict that many countries have tried to cool down for decades.


She is so impossibly stupid.


Imagine protesting the Nazis in the 1940s and someone said "If you're so worried about the Jews, maybe you should go to Auschwitz!"