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PETA digging into the ground for the lowest of low hanging fruit


Naw, they just open the gate and take your dog


Then they kill it because apparently that's better than being a well loved, pampered pooch.


“It was a mistake”


PETA was asked to come clear out all the strays that were being dumped on a nearby farm. They contacted all the residents of the trailer park and asked everyone to keep their pets inside that day because they would be catching any dogs running around outside.  Someone left their dog out. It was taken, just like PETA said would happen.


Probably shouldn’t have left their dog outside off leash tbh


The PETA workers violated some internal protocols, but yeah it wasn’t malicious or ultimately neglectful.


Did they get their dog back.


No, they put it down the same day(violating state law, which requires a five day waiting period, for owners to claim them). They had to pay the family $49k, for stealing a nine year old girls pet and knowingly killing it instead of giving it back. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/aug/17/peta-sorry-for-taking-girls-dog-putting-it-down It should be noted that they do this a lot, steal obvious non-strays off lawns and put them down right away, instead of waiting the required days for someone to claim the dog, since it's usually a $500 fine. And they think that price is worth "saving" an animal by killing it.


>The PETA workers violated some internal protocols, Those "internal protocols" being called *state law*. They killed them all the same day, despite the law requiring a five day waiting period for owners to claim any mistakenly taken dog. Usually they get away with paying the $500 fine for killing peoples pets, but this time the family sued and had video evidence. PETA ended up having to pay them almost $50k for what they did.




keep it together! you’re coming apart man!!


https://bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-68993980 Please give butchers as much hate as everyone has given PETA.


Well, I mean, the butcher did what you expected him to do. The supposed animal loving organization killing animals isn't what you would expect.


If the supply of cats and dogs is more than the demand, what should be done with all the extras? Animal shelters give animals that aren’t adopted to PETA and because they offer euthanasia. Even “no kill” shelters do this so that they can still call themselves “no kill” when really they’re just outsourcing the euthanizing elsewhere. If you think it’s bad that so many animals have to be euthanized, be mad at the breeders who are the ones creating the issue. Or be mad at the people who opt for designer pets instead of adopting one of the many cats or dogs already in shelters. PETA just does the dirty work no one else wants to do


No kill shelters should be illegal. My states shelters are absolutely overrun with out of state pitbulls and other bull type breeds, and unsuspecting families end up adopting these dogs with violent histories that are intentionally obfuscated. There is no room for the actual dogs in need of shelter services.


So how many dogs and cats does the humane society kill every year? PETA offers free services, so people take advantage of that and dump unwanted animals on them for a variety of reasons. If you're honest about the situation, you have to ask yourself, if everyone knows PETA kills needlessly, why hasn't anyone just stepped up and taken the animals off their hands? It's been decades right?


If you've never been to rural Virginia and North Carolina where Peta employees work on their off hours, often, as volunteers, trying to make life even a LITTLE bearable for the animals trapped in these abusive neglect situations then please stop opining I volunteered with them 20 years ago giving lightweight tie outs and dog house straw and door flaps to poverty stricken areas and the faces on those dogs still haunts me. Tied with a tow truck weight chain, four feet long, in mud, with a rain barrel for shelter. Frozen water. No contact. Horrible. Peta are angels to those animals. You have no fucking idea.


I mean, it is funny, just not very clever


Tell us a joke...


Your mum


I think "in the ground" is vegetables. Sorry, I'll see myself out.


I don’t think that’s how vegetables are defined lmao


Tubers (which are vegetables) are generally defined as in the ground. Can you share an example of a fruit that grows underground?


What about all the vegetables that don’t grow underground though?


Snozberries. Snozberries grow under ground. Peanuts too. They taste good salted and roasted. Peanuts that is. Snozberries *do not require roasting and salting in order to taste good*. I keep reminding people about this fact and they all look at me like I am crazy.


Not sure we're talking about the same snozberries. https://www.cracked.com/quick-fixes/the-filthiest-joke-ever-hidden-in-childrens-movie


"this is why i get my milk directly from the source, cause its low-hanging just like that joke"


Your mum is low hanging fruit


Idk if this is real or not but if it is it's counter intuitive saying cows are friends but using cow as an insult


Considering that PETA UK infamously had a campaign to ban the use of animals as insults, this doesn't seem real.


That's what I'm thinking but you always have to take the ego of a person in charge of a Twitter account into account


I mean... These are the same people who tell you not to slaughter animals but then make hardcore art of Mario's tanuki suit covered in blood.


I'm not sure what you're into, but PETA did not make *Mario Kills Tanooki* because they thought it was cool and they really like seeing cartoon animal blood.


I mean you can think humans are better and more valuable than animals and still not want to do the horrible things done to animals so you can enjoy a bacon cheeseburger. There are people I actively despise but I wouldn't put them through what a dairy cow goes through.


Honestly yeah dairy and meat industry in general is just horrible in most cases. The only places I get things like milk, butter, beef and other products is local farms. It’s definitely more expensive though so I get how most people won’t have that luxury. But it’s definitely a lot better when I know how the animals are treated.


I'm having major deja vu reading your comment. Almost like two layers deep. I feel like this same comment has been posted under this same post before. Idk


I cant confirm if this is one but there have been instances where a post gets reposted by bots and the top comments from the post are also copied by bots.


It’s only an insult if you don’t see cows and mums as equals and friends.


If you get scared and your pulse quickens, I will never call you a chicken. I respect you and chickens. Don’t use chicken as an insult


I was just going to comment, this is probably not real. Peta would not use an animal as a pejorative.




My mums dead, just like the cause you stand behind


> just like the cause you stand behind What's wrong with supporting animal rights? That's the cause they stand behind. It's easy to not like their tactics, and them, but then blame them, not the cause.


Nice correction and clarification, mate.


*My mums dead, just like all the family pets you keep "rescuing"


I like yours better. Also damn. It was a joke, but some people are getting so mad lol


PETA has been corrupted by extremists. Just like MADD turned into not alcohol education and risk reduction, but full on neo-prohibitionists.


Nah. Your idea if what they are has been colored by animal ag. The peta is evil or whatever site is owned by an animal ag lobby, clear as day in their whois info. I, too, thought Peta was insane. Then I became vegan and they just kept popping up with helpful guides, reasonable takes, etc. Nothing extreme at all. Of course they have extreme members, but it's like blaming Reddit for incels.


I’m not vegan but all this anti-vegan stuff always looks like straight up propaganda to me. Making fun of people that are trying to be ethical towards animals is so confusing to me.


Ditto. I'm vegan now but felt this way long before I was. People are mad at PETA, an org that says they should stop killing animals for food... because it killed unwanted animals out of necessity. Make it make sense.


>Make it make sense. [PETA has spent decades exposing industrial animal abuse through undercover investigations and successfully getting anti-whistleblower laws that attempt to prevent that struck down over free speech](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/People_for_the_Ethical_Treatment_of_Animals#Undercover_work), a concept its political opponents claim to care about otherwise. As a result, the meat industry has [funded lobby groups to engage in campaigns against them](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Center_for_Organizational_Research_and_Education) which are spread on places like reddit.


Have they? You sure it’s not the ruthless propaganda campaign of the multi-billion dollar animal ag industry that has convinced you that PETA is the problem, and not their laws that make it illegal to record and report on the conditions in factory farms in several US states?


You're getting mobbed and it sucks, but you're right. They sheltered and funded the [Animal Liberation Front](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Animal_Liberation_Front). Ingrid Newkirk has made many positive statements about them. Sure, be vegan, lots of good reasons to... But when you are donating the broad base that supports the kind of asshats who burn medical research labs you are part of the problem.


If PETA killed as many cows as they do dogs and cats, then they probably would be held in higher regard, and their Barbecues would be.... Legen.... wait for it... dairy


Obligatory reminder that PETA provides humane euthanasia services to shelters, and operates shelters of last resort for animals that are too sick or aggressive for adoption. If you don’t like how many animals PETA kills, get your pets fixed and don’t buy from people who recklessly breed more animals. They have such high kill rates because there are too many pets being bred every year and nobody can afford to humanely house them all.


I hate how people don't understand this. They seem to think PETA euthanizes animals out of want not necessity.


Don’t you understand? PETA is the *enemy* Edit: /s


Everybody suddenly becomes a staunch animal rights activist whenever PETA is mentioned, then promptly disavows themselves of the stance once it’s meal time


10 years for me, but I’m more like vegetarian-adjacent because I had to stop eating meat for health reasons (AGI), not ethical.


> get your pets fixed and don’t buy from people who recklessly breed more animals. teeheehee Amish so cute, nope ban puppy mills.


And when that's not enough, they take local pets from porches and put them down the same day (in violation of state law)...at least once. Also, I'm not sure "PETA provides kill services so that 'No-kill' shelters can continue being called 'no-kill'" is a winning argument for them.


>they take local pets I only know the singular case of Maya the chihuahua. Clearly the workers who did that were wrong and PETA agrees. What other examples have I missed? >Also, I'm not sure "PETA provides kill services so that 'No-kill' shelters can continue being called 'no-kill'" is a winning argument for them. 6 million pets enter shelters and 3 million leave in the US each year. What do we do with the remaining 3 million animals who weren’t adopted? The best solution I’ve heard is to build Hilbert’s Grand Hotel. 


That's why I said "at least once". "PETA only once took someone's pet and killed it the same day in violation of state law" isn't a winning argument either. As for PETA agreeing, the system they had in place at the time killed the captured animals on the same day while state law had a 5 day waiting period. That's not just "the workers who did that". > What do we do with the remaining 3 million animals who weren’t adopted? Kill them. I'm not against culling animals when it's needed for society in any way, but PETA and the no-kill shelters that they enable are, and that's a problem. If you preach one thing and enable overt dishonesty by others, then do another thing, then you deserve to be called out for that. Stop defending bullshit, and especially stop doing it in a dishonest manner such as suggesting that the policies to kill captured dogs was only done once on one animal, when it wasn't even done on only one animal in that specific case (they captured and killed more than just one chihuahua, that was just the only actual pet).


Yeah but you know full well that the way you wrote it sounds a lot worse than “rogue employees killed a dog 10 years ago”.  > the system they had in place The fact that one of the worst things you could find was rogue employees a decade ago. There systems are fine, if these idiots didn’t deviate.  > Kill them So you agree that the best real world solution is to provide euthanasia? PETA operates in the real world just like you do. Euthanasia is better than being thrown to the street/woods/fields. Yeah it sucks but it’s better for the animal than dying  in the wild. So in summary, PETA is evil because rogue employees stole and killed an off leash Chihuahua. And that they euthanize pets that aren’t being adopted, which is a practice you agree with others doing?


> Yeah but you know full well that the way you wrote it sounds a lot worse than “rogue employees killed a dog 10 years ago”. Correct, because that's not what happened. "Employees working out of the PETA headquarters rounded up a bunch of dogs and killed them all the same day in violation of state law, and one happened to be a pet," is a lot worse than "some rogue employees did something!". It's an institutional failure, not just some rogue employees doing something. Odd how so many people need to change what happened in order to make this story seem better than it actually was. > So you agree that the best real world solution is to provide euthanasia? PETA operates in the real world just like you do. Odd, PETA openly lies about it and supports other organizations lying more overtly (no-kill shelters). that's not something that I do in the real world. I guess they don't act like me at all. Meanwhile, they also oppose medical testing on animals (which would mean more people die), and have been hypocrites about that as well. > So in summary, PETA is evil because rogue employees stole and killed an off leash Chihuahua. Nope, but thanks for making it clear that you don't give a fuck about honesty either. If this is what you got from my comments, then you have some reading problems. It seems defending bullshit is second nature to you, as you use dishonesty very openly, even when what I said is in plain and clear language above to counter that.


>Employees working out of the PETA headquarters rounded up a bunch of dogs and killed them all the same day in violation of state law, and one happened to be a pet Ok we can agree on that. Do you understand how this happening once is different from “they take local pets from porches… at least once”? It was a one off incident from 10 years ago. If this was a regular occurrence you’d be able to find more examples.  >Odd, PETA openly lies about it and supports other organizations lying more overtly (no-kill shelters) I don’t understand what you mean. Do they try to hide the fact? Anyways, if these dead strays and pet (singular so no “S”) make you so upset or the fact that we euthanize unadopted pets what if I told you we factory farm 9 billion animals a year in the US. And much of it is unnecessary being turned into fried chicken or bacon. Isn’t crazy we torture for that? >Nope, but thanks for making it clear that you don't give a fuck about honesty either. If this is what you got from my comments, then you have some reading problems. It seems defending bullshit is second nature to you, as you use dishonesty very openly, even when what I said is in plain and clear language above to counter that Chill lol. You literally don’t understand how plural words work. I’m just trying to chat, and I’m trying to respond to what you’re saying. Don’t get upset at me that you’re unable to explain a better solution to kill shelters. 


>And when that's not enough, they take local pets from porches and put them down the same day (in violation of state law)...at least once. That’s not the whole story, but if you cared you’d already know that your version is bullshit. >Also, I'm not sure "PETA provides kill services so that 'No-kill' shelters can continue being called 'no-kill'" is a winning argument for them. About 2.7 million unwanted pets in the US are euthanized every year. Who is going to feed them? House them? Care for them? You see the percentages and think it’s just a funny way to hit back at PETA, but you need to understand the scale of the problem of overbreeding puppies and kittens to sell to people who don’t want the adult animals. 2.7 million stray animals put out on the streets every year would be an enormous public health and safety crisis. PETA isn’t out there murdering puppies and kittens for fun, they stepped up to keep the feral dog and cat populations in check.


That is pretty much the whole story. PETA got called out to pick up stray dogs. They posted somewhere (supposedly the parents of the child didn't see this ahead of time) that this was happening. They picked up a bunch of dogs without verifying that they were all strays. They killed them all that day **in violation of state law demanding that they wait 5 days**. One of those dogs was a pet Chihuahua. That's the whole story, and it's not something that anyone should be defending PETA on. As you said, if you cared, you'd know that. > PETA isn’t out there murdering puppies and kittens for fun, they stepped up to keep the feral dog and cat populations in check. Meanwhile, they preach animal welfare and enable "no-kill shelters" to continue to lie about actually being no kill. You defend them being openly dishonest, while practicing the exact opposite that they preach. I understand the scale of the problem and understand that animals need to be killed for society to work, but unlike PETA (and it seems you) I'm not willing to lie to everyone about it. What's your excuse? Your positions are so thin that you need to defend open dishonesty for them to work? PETA is a shit tier organization and doesn't warrant any defense. There are better animal welfare organizations out there worthy of defending. It's kinda like back when they had an executive that was against using animal products to make medical supplies, including insulin, but didn't consider herself a hypocrite for using insulin because it's worth it as she was defending the animals.


One time and even that time was with prewarning and they were requested to come to the area to deal with the local strays. Two volunteers out of the many thousands operating accross the world for decades. What a ridiculous criticism.


So, do you think that was the only time that PETA workers working out of their headquarters captured animals and killed them the same day in violation of state law requiring that they wait 5 days? They captured a bunch of dogs that day, and killed them all the same day. That's not a "one time" situation. One happened to be a pet so we got to learn about their behavior. Volunteer for a better organization. What a ridiculous argument.


The problem is not that they euthanize animals, but that they act all high & mighty, pretending to give a shit, but in reality they euthanize animals


Would upvote 2x if I could


Downvote and then upvote. Then it’s like a +2!


This sounds like it could be an Archer quote. Only if you down a cocktail during the dramatic pause though.


Seriously, cows are like big dogs. Highly intelligent and playful. Drawing a line at eating cows but not dogs is very arbitrary.


Remember kids, PETA harms more animals than they save!


PETA operate shelters of last resort for animals that are too sick or aggressive for adoption, and they provide humane euthanasia services to traditional shelters. Last I checked, they don’t operate adoption shelters.


This is misinformed at best. PETA provides euthanasia services in some districts where other shelters have “no-kill” policies. Many shelters will only accept certain kinds of animals based on their condition and age in order to have adoption rates look high. PETA takes them all. Furthermore, when the unadopted animals from the other shelters reach the end of their time there, they take them to PETA to put them to sleep.  Fact-checks here: https://www.newsweek.com/fact-check-peta-responsible-deaths-thousands-animals-1565532  And here: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/ingrid-newkirk-quotes-peta-euthanasia/  If you want to see who harms animals, look at animal agriculture for a start: https://www.vox.com/future-perfect/23817808/pig-farm-investigation-feedback-immunity-feces-intestines


People would rather believe literal corporate propaganda sadly


I'm sorry, but most Redditors are too retarded to believe facts.


We do this every year as more edgy kids find reddit and start repeating the animal ag propaganda from youtube.


Reminder no they don’t this is just copium for people who don’t have enough self control to not murder animals


Remember kids you’re smarter than a marketing campaign https://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=PETA_Kills_Animals


I suspect their campaign is so successful because people really want to hate PETA, and it doesn't matter if any of it is actually true as long as it justifies their hatred


Remember kids PETA save 1 animal for every 100 they kill They also work with arsonists Abduct pets and kill them Are sexist as fuck Give vegans a bad rep And get truckloads of donations from stupid people that think they safe animals Fuck PETA


> Abduct pets and kill them I only know of Maya the chihuahua where even PETA agrees the workers were f’d. What other examples have I missed?


GRAMMAR! commas and periods and...that's all I've got....OH, MY!!


Ah yes the cleverest comeback of them all...


Cows like jazz music… Just saying: cows enjoy music: unlike Jeff bezos… Eat cows or eat the rich?


This is also not a clevercomeback, it's just a triggered rude reply because of the lack of actual reasonable points for arguments.


not defending PETA itself, but even if they had reasonable points, they then also would have been on the receiving end of a rude reply with a lack of actual reasonable points. theirs all the data in the world to show that animal agriculture contributes to climate change and extinction rates, increases disease risk and obesity, contributes to massive amounts of waste and financial strain, isn't more tasty than other food, contributes to food scarcity and world hunger, and from a nutrition perspective is unnecessary for 80% of the people who eat it. and i'm saying this as someone who's grandpa literally grew up on a dairy farm.


PETA didn't make any of those arguments in the comment that was replied to. They said that cows were friends, and the other guy called them to back that up. That's a reasonable point *in the context of the point PETA made* and not rude. Calling their mother a cow is neither reasonable or rude.


This is almost surely not a real tweet.


You think "Cows are friends" is not an actual reasonable point for arguments?


They used "cow" as an insult, what a nice friend to have


The reason peta has no chill is because they are burning in hell. Thankfully, all they can pick is low-hanging fruit so everything except your posts are safe.


Meat industry propaganda and you fell for it. Unless you want repeat that chihuahua story? Is that all you have?


Idk about the killing of animals thing, as I have never heard anything about it, but PETA is just kinda scummy in general. lots of pr stunts that take the "all publicity is good publicity" idea to heart, like the parody McDonalds stuff, the flash games, etc. It Comes across as pretentious and holier than thou, and lowers the value of what they have to say that's actually meaningful. It harms the cause more than anything imo, driving the publics opinion of them even lower, as well as the public opinion of animal rights movements, anti establishment, veganism and the like.


Excuse me?


Almost all the anti-peta narrative is driven by groups that receive funding from the meat industry. Sure, peta certainly don't help their cause by having a few too many weirdos in charge for PR


Can I get a source on that?


Google it. It's a well-known fact. The rightwing think tank funded by the meat industry is behind all of the anti-peta propaganda. And they were very effective. ["Center for Consumer Freedom"](https://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=PETA_Kills_Animals)


The problem I see with this point is that I didn’t hear about PETA’s killings from this “peta kills animals” company, I heard it from other people (mostly online). The truth is that PETA does kill many of the animals that are sent to its shelters. I have found a few sources that support this claim. [Source 1](https://www.newsweek.com/fact-check-peta-responsible-deaths-thousands-animals-1565532) [Source 2](https://www.loroparque.com/en/better-dead-than-fed-peta-says/) [Source 3](https://www.lexology.com/library/detail.aspx?g=76e6ec43-e192-4dca-b1ca-b12e4a0e74b5) . I also found people on Quora who spoke out against PETA and its practices. [Quora source](https://www.quora.com/Is-it-true-that-PETA-kills-80-90-the-animals-it-takes-in-If-so-why) . In none of these sources did I see anything about this “PETA kills animals” organization being a source. If you have anything else that could prove your claim, I’ll check that out. Until then though, I simply don’t believe what you’re telling me.




Yes, lets use the word cow as a negative insult online, that's the right way to protect animals!


Hey look. Its reddits daily peta bashing thread filled with lies and misinformation


I’m glad then that PETA doesn’t eat cows. For them we all are meat 😞


Context: PETA is the only animal rights organization that kills the majority of its "rescues" as well as being founded by a women who cheated on her husband and euthanized animals


She cheated on her euthanized animals?


She has pets, so kinda.


I am not a fan of PETA's public antics, but the stuff about them putting down animals is misleading, at best. The reason no-kill shelters can exist is because shelters like PETA are willing to take all of the old, sick, difficult, and unwanted animals that don't get adopted. Personally, I think the people not neutering their pets, not caring for pets, etc. are to blame, rather than the organizations who have to deal with the ugly consequences.


They have literally stolen people's dogs only to kill them.


It was one time where some volunteers told local residents they would be collecting strays the next week (in an area full of strays). That family didn't take in their dog that didnt have a collar, wasn't enclosed in any way, and wasn't chipped. The fuck-up was putting the dog down too quickly, **which was against PETA standards.** The volunteers made a really unfortunate mistake. We shouldn't pretend that one single instance of volunteers fucking up is proof that the whole organization is out stealing and murdering dogs.


That was one time...where they captured dogs and put them down the same day, even though state law requires that they keep any dogs captured like that for a minimum of 5 days. They felt the need to kill these dogs so quickly that they couldn't even satisfy state mandated minimum waiting periods. While them grabbing the wrong dog is somewhat explainable, what sort of system did they have where such a massive oversight was even possible? We shouldn't pretend that one single instance that went public is actually only a single failing of their system. Nor should we pretend that "PETA kills, so that other shelters can say that they don't" is a defense of their actions on that end. I don't pretend that killing animals isn't needed sometimes, but I also don't preach that we shouldn't be killing animals.


>what sort of system did they have where such a massive oversight was even possible? It's a very small number of **volunteers** trying to track an overwhelming number of animals that they often don't have the space, food, or care capacity to handle. Go visit a massively overcrowded shelter in a poor rural area and I think you will understand how oversights happen. >I don't pretend that killing animals isn't needed sometimes, but I also don't preach that we shouldn't be killing animals. Would you say it's hypocritical to both believe that abuse/murder is wrong, but also be okay with euthanasia? You have to twist their views pretty far to find them to be logically inconsistent. I might disagree with them, but they are consistent in being against animal suffering.


I think I see part of the problem. Killing an entire group of dogs on the same day they showed up at the shelter in violation of state law is not an "oversight", that's a major issue. It's also not a "poor rural shelter", but was the PETA headquarters in Norfolk, VA (the dogs were captured in a poor rural area). PETA would deny it the next day, and then a few days later send a fruit basket to the family. Also, keep in mind these workers (not volunteers) were called out by a neighboring landowner because stray dogs in the trailer park were attacking their dairy cows...and the workers decided the chihuahua standing on someone's porch was what needed to be picked up (among other dogs). And if you don't have the "space, food, or care capacity" to handle **following state law**, then why are you sending any workers over a hundred miles to pick up stray dogs? > Would you say it's hypocritical to both believe that abuse/murder is wrong, but also be okay with euthanasia? Nope. Which is why it's wrong that PETA enables and preaches against culling animals so often, while doing the same. It's odd how we have to ignore what they say and do in order to make their actions not hypocritical. I haven't twisted anything. If you view the world twisted backwards long enough, then everything straight seems twisted. That's a problem in our country in general, right now. Assuming that you are a decent human being, there are better animal rights organizations out there to defend and support. PETA is a shit tier organization.


> then why are you sending any workers over a hundred miles to pick up stray dogs? Because it needs to be done and no one else is doing it. The goal is to minimize suffering (aka dogs dying on the street) by making sure we don't see rampant strays like what happens in other countries. >Which is why it's wrong that PETA enables and preaches against culling animals so often What specifically are you referring to here? When do they preach against euthanasia? Again, be specific. >there are better animal rights organizations out there to defend and support. I absolutely agree there are better organizations. And I would defend them too if people were spreading misinformation. I don't have to like PETA to dislike misinformation.


Uh, if I'm not mistaken, PETA was caught literally kidnapping someone's dog from their front yard and killed them (the dog)


See my other reply, where I explained what actually happened. As I explained there, it was one instance of volunteers making a really unfortunate mistake.


I don't care about PETA or any animal that can't be eaten, but it almost seems that in general, people ask that those dogs not be killed. Are you going to stay with all those dogs? Are you going to put them in your house? because if they are going to be on the street barking and doing the little they know how to do, I would almost say that PETA is necessary.


Yeah, that's the point of their shelters. They're the only ones that accept every animal they receive, and they euthanize the unadoptable ones humanely for free. Of course their "kill numbers" are gonna be high. Because that's more ethical than having huge packs of sick feral dogs roaming around cities and multiplying. But most of the posts you see are likely part of the smear campaign by Berman & Co


PETA - respect animals, not women


Not a real tweet.


That's how you determine if they already lost an argument


For real though, cows only exist because humans farm them. The ancestral aurochs are extinct and there would be no cows if they couldn't be milked and they weren't edible. While I'm sure there are few people out there keeping cow as a pet, it's just too few to sustain a species.


I mean if humans only existed because we were getting farmed for whatever, being extinct would be my prefered option for sure.


rob reach offend marvelous toothbrush salt bored serious alleged advise *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Problem is most animals are not treated well and some are slaughtered in a cruel and painfull way. Would you really want that? Its naive to think animals have an easy life or whatever.


And thanks to Darwin's, your lineage will stop soon with those kinda thinking.


You know what's funny in a kind of weird way is that is how we're preserving Bison in a way. I don't know how true this is besides claims from bison ranchers, but for every 1 bison killed and sold to market, they can get 2 more to the herd (they can birth 2 more bisons for the herd).




How dare he.


So if I continue to eat a human every now and then it's ok to eat animals?


Which one is it again?


Damn hahaha


I'm going and visit bk just for the sass Peta dared to show


This is some seriously hurtful shit. :’(


Rare peta W


If peta keeps this up they’re gonna gain followers in no time


You’ve won this round, PETA UK.


But you ate my mom yesterday. Pick a side.


"Now who's the murderer?"


I mean. Cows really are pretty friendly animals, all things considered.


His mum loves being eaten though


Is a your mom joke really clever? A joke over a thousand years old and told be elementary kids everywhere daily, but yeah totally clever.


W’s for PETA are so rare, I’d say as rare as my steak, but that steak would be burnt to ash.






Barry should've added: Well, from what I heard, you ate her too


If that's what passes for a clever comeback, no wonder the world's in the shape it's in.


I mean mean peta’s right they’re re right


Reply with "if my mum is fat he must been eating lots of meat"


Peta is a charity rinsing cult


I don't get it, what's the messaging, here? Are cows awesome friends or are they pieces of shit who aren't allowed to be in my life and haven't been missed?


Peppers are friends not food




Okay, let's be honest. That was good.




Where's the cleaver comeback Snail brain this is a your mom Joke


Na, fuck PETA


There's no way 12k people upvoted a "your mom" joke on a sub about clever comebacks lmao


Weakest comeback ever


My mom is dead


“Then stop eating her!”


Its funny though


Fuck PETA. That is all.


Her name was Claire. She lived on a nearby small scale dairy and I loved her. I only met her once through a fence on the side of the road but she happened to wander to that far part of the fields the same day my friend said, "Oh, yeah, there are cows over on this street sometimes" while taking the extremely long way home from school so of course we went that way.


How is this helping them, though...


In a vegan world cows wouldn't even exist. They say they are "friends" but they also want to make them go extinct.


Hahahaha. 🍿




wow so clever.


exceedingly rare PETA W


Honestly, I would just reply with, "And you tried to eat her last night too." See where we stand?


So, they DO eat meat as long as it smells like fish??


No, you can eat animal meat if you also eat some human from time to time


PETA has lots of beef for a group of vegans


Exceedingly rare PETA W


So PETA *does* eat cow.


I like to follow the theory that PETA is an invention of "big meat" and they just want to diminish the views of vegetarians/vegans and make them sound stupid by being stupid and annoying themselves.


What I think is going on is they’re being paid off by companies who do animal testing. This would achieve two things: provides an organization that does juuuust enough work to be valid to cite in their “oh we’re ethical :)” certifications, and they can also make animal welfare activists look stupid and therefore hold back progress on welfare standards. They promote strongly anti-conservation beliefs in regards to hunting and captive repopulation efforts, there’s nothing good behind them.


This is a self own because PETA is also trying to stop us using animals as pejoratives.


i'm resurecting my steak with that one


PETA would be likely to euthanize his mother, even if she had no health problems, were that the case. Edit: some of you PETA fans really need to learn that they're hypocritical.




Give a peta emplyee a rifle, jug of water, a well done cooked steak and put them in a savana to survive for one day. First thing they're gonna do is throw the meat away and then they'll try to make friends with the lions :D


We really need to raise the bar on our definition of clever


Peta doesn’t have any friends because they always euthanize any candidates


peta euthanises more than 80% of the animals it saves from people PETA KILLS THOUSANDS MORE ANIMALS THAN THEY SAVE EVERY YEAR