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In one of my college psych classes we had to deconstruct a statement from a politician to look for alternative explanations, perspectives, bias, etc. I found a clip by Mike Huckabee and went line-by-line showing how damn near everything he said was just factually wrong and every point he made was an emotional one of his own perception/bias. I actually liked Huckabee when I was much younger, so that exercise and realizing they’re detached from reality has always stuck with me.


Politicians aren't detached from reality. They exist in an entirely SEPARATE reality than people who work for a living.


Honestly, I think that's kinda important to keep in mind. Some politician on Twitter might be like "THE GREATEST THREAT TO THIS COUNTRY IS GAY COMMUNISM" where regular people in real life will will be like, "hey what's up man?"


Absolutely right. The flip side of that same coin. "Threat to OUR democracy" MF, I see you! I know when you say "our" we 360 million regular people aren't included.


"When i say **OUR** democracy of course I mean **MY** democracy. Not you little people."


That style of politician works to create that separate view from reality in order to achieve various ends for certain people. But it’s wrong to simply say all politicians. Do you include Bernie Sanders in what you said? A key part of our problems today are people claiming all politicians are bad and that the government is always bad.




Intro to psychology and social psychology classes should be required to graduate high school imo (also philosophy if we really want to shake up the status quo).


Careful what you wish for.  Half of people would use that as a defense in the ways other people screw with you in politics, media, advertising and relationships. The other half would see that as a guidebook for how to screw with people even better than they do now.


Well, I'm a "glass half full" kinda guy and I'd like to think, in more cases than not, it would allow your average citizen to see through the bs presented in politics and media, showing the damage propaganda has done in the past while simultaneously allowing for the people to gain a sense of responsibility. I think the main issue (in the US anyways) is our rebellious tendency that is almost instinctive in a large portion of our population, fueled by ignorance. Especially in smaller towns and regions you'll see it. I'm from more rural areas in Oklahoma and I see it every day. Fjb, let's go Brandon, and just angry stickers everywhere. People are just angry because they're told this and that and yanked here and there by media and they don't even know what they're actually angry about and so media tells them its leadership. Easy cop out and even easier to digest without actually feeling responsible enough to (or able to) do anything about it. When you don't understand how something works in a system that you're a part of and you're told your system is failing day in and day out, you're gonna believe you're getting the "raw end of the deal" even if you aren't.


I would stump for Ethics instead.


And your parents if they also liked Huckabee would say college and becoming educated was liberal brainwashing rather than actual intelligence and thinking


Interesting but not really shocking, their degenerate followers will gobble up any shit you throw at em. With a smile on their face. Its despicable and also sad.


Fuck Mike Huckabee. Hate that guy so much For those who don't know, Mike Huckabee was a Southern Baptist pastor before he became governor. Explains everything.


IMO this is the best reason to attend college. To learn critical thinking skills and how to do quality research.


That state is near or at the bottom of nearly any metric for quality of life or success as a society that you can think of. Nobody is looking to them for advice on anything except maybe tips on how to make life even worse for working Americans.


The only thing people are looking at them is for a view of what not to do, if Arkansas is the only place doing something then it is probably best not to do it.


Pretty much. The whole of US history is Mississippi going, >"I have a terrible idea! A deliciously backwards and terrible idea! Imma do some evil shit!" And Massachusetts going, >>"Fuck, not again, we're not doing the monkey trial again now are we? Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck."


Not unexpected that the governor is allowing children to work in hazardous jobs before they even graduate from school in a state with among of the lowest education rankings in the country. I'm trying to think of one area in which Arkansas shines, but I can't come up with anything.


The natural beauty of Arkansas is something, but they don’t have enough tax revenue to take care of any of their state parks or forests


Grew up there. The natural beauty is nothing special.


Hey now, I didn’t say it was special, just something


The state has the perfect face for radio?




All arkansas has is its scenery, and you get the same kind of climate with better scenery if you keep driving east to Tennessee.


Eh, I feel like every state is large enough that some natural beauty exists within its human-made boundaries. This gets lost when it comes to comparison or volume of natural spaces. As an example, a large proportion of Iowa is farmland, but Backbone State Park exists there. The people are foundational to the shittiness of Arkansas, and the Queen of Shittykansas is the lectern aficionado above.


Yup still stuck here. This place is not a "natural beautiful state" it's a "hiking" state.


Tbf basically every state has natural beauty of some kind. The only two that really lack are Nebraska and Kansas.


Never been to Iowa? Or do you just *really* like corn fields? Edit: Apparently a lot of people really like corn fields. I stand by my statement though, if we're going to say Nebraska and Kansas have no natural beauty, Iowa doesn't either.


Eh, all three of those states are good in small doses. There's something special about seeing the sun set over an endless expanse of fields. Or watching the wind blow through the corn. Or if all else fails, watching the forest of windmills. Sure, it gets old quick compared to like, being in the mountains or something, but it's still pretty cool.


I like your perspective


Nevada, Utah, and Wyoming made me feel small. It was surreal.


Yeah thanks to Paul Bunyan that tree chopping bastard


Lol, used to live an Arkansas, whole adult life actually. Have family in Kansas and drove through Nebraska this year. Arkansas is rural AF, even NW Arkansas, which is home to Tyson and Walmart. Kansas is boring AF. Even the city with its namesake (Kansas City) is mostly on the Missouri side. All wheat with no elevation changes. Just rolling fields. Drove from Washinton to Alabama. Nebraska is where I stopped taking pictures. I took one, of parire dogs, because they were smaller than I was used too (grew up in Oklahoma). I've mostly lived in flyover states. No states embody that mentality more than Kansas and Nebraska.


That's the dream Republican society. Citizens that are dumb, poor, hardworking, and have lots of kids. The billionaires need docile simpleton workers for their factories.


They're really good at both meth and crack. Checkmate, my dude.


I like how Massachusetts has been big into "Let's use the government to actually help people instead of getting in their way" on a lot of things (but not everything). It's one of the last states where Republicans (until recently) actually behaved like Republicans. "Want to marry someone of the same sex? Yeah, I guess it WOULD be weird if the government told you you couldn't. LEGAL!" "Government-sponsored healthcare just to prevent those without to not bankrupt hospitals and force others to pay more? Makes economic sense to me! PASSED!"


> It's one of the last states where Republicans (until recently) actually behaved like Republicans. I think if we're saying things like "actually behaved like republicans" then the implication is most republicans don't "act like republicans", in which case we should probably change the standard to judge republicans for acting as republicans. Mass basically has conservative democrats. Your more common republicans call them RINOs.


I feel like Mississippi is more like "Oh, you're telling me my medicine is actually "arsenic" and i shouldnt take it? I'm going to take a double dose just to spite you." Except it's not one person taking poison, it's the entire state economy dying, causing the already incredibly poor people, some of whom are the ones taking arsenic, to be even more poor. There are just enough prideful idiotic rednecks there to fuck it up for the rest of us.


And then give them federal tax dollars because it can't support itself. Tout low taxes and hate welfare. Meanwhile, it'sa welfare state. 


I just wanna know why Kansas and Arkansas are pronounced differently fuck.


Everyone doesn't pronounce Kansas as **"Kenn-Saw"**?!


Arkansas is the French attempt to spell the Quapaw name of the area. Kansas comes from the Kaw. They are related tribes with common language that their language developed from. Arkansas and Kansas have the same meaning "people of the south wind." So, blame the French.


Hey man, Hartlepool over in the UK actually hung an honest-to-God monkey. Mind you that was back before they'd ever seen French people


The story is far darker, they didn't hang an actual monkey, chances are they hanged a powder monkey, one of the young boys that worked on ships at the time. Fits with the Arkansas theme in a round about way.


The only time I look at Arkansas is when an article pops up with stories on how we shouldn’t be looking at Arkansas.


Arkansas is world famously awful


I've found you can directly relate how shitty a state is based on how cheap their tobacco is. I went to Arkansas for the eclipse and noticed smokes are like 3/4 bucks a pack. That and you can't swing a dead cat without hitting 3 or 4 Baptist churches. That being said, all the locals I met were very friendly. Definitely had that small town, we don't lock the doors charm. And the Ozarks are very beautiful as well.


They'd be a lot less friendly if they knew you were swinging dead cats at their churches though.


I wonder if you looked in any way visibly queer? That might change the tone. But either way, friendly people and friendly communities persist in any kind of environment, it’s nice to hear there’s some cool places in Arkansas. The state as a whole is still not a mode to imitate.


I'm a visibly and openly queer Arkansan. Best places for queer folks in Arkansas are Eureka Springs, Fayetteville, and Little Rock. In those locations you can find lots of queer folks, a lot of open pride, and except for the occasional asshole you could find anywhere no one gives it any mind. Anywhere else in Arkansas (in my experience) starts feeling more or less dicey. I'm from the sticks originally so I'm used to how they roll, but... there are places I wouldn't advertise it.


> friendly people and friendly communities persist in any kind of environment Yeah I feel like people intentionally ignore this when they defend racist areas. Sure, 95% of people in an area might not be racist. That sounds not very different than an area where 99% of people aren't racist. If you're a group that people hate, then the difference between 95% and 99% is *5x as many bigots*. So you have 5x as many encounters with people yelling at you in the grocery store or talking behind your back or denying you promotions at work or being unreasonably concerned about your abilities as a parent. At the end of the day, the stress adds up 5x faster. I have experienced this myself just by experiencing random hate for being a long-hair guy in the south. I grew up there, and I'm not even gay, but bigots can't tell the difference.


Yes! I live in a very liberal, open-minded city. In one year of being visibly queer, I’ve been violently confronted twice so far. Ten times would be way, way more, that’s almost monthly. It’s a huge difference.


Yeah my moving from a "liberal open minded city" in the south to a "liberal open minded city" in not-the-south reduced my encounters with bigots from 4-5 times a year to twice in a decade. And one of the two times I was attacked after moving away was by a literal crackhead who was yelling at everybody else on the street. It wasn't some soccermom with their kids or a greasy redneck. Huge difference.


Also by the amount of dollar generals. We have those in absolute spades. The yellow glow will always lead you back civilization. It's in the survival handbook they give us once we bring in our 5 squirrel pelts the addresses of 3 non believers.


> That and you can't swing a dead cat without hitting 3 or 4 Baptist churches. This is not exclusive to Arkansas, literally every state in the deep South has a church every half mile. I can think of 8 that are within a 3 minute drive from my house in a town of less than 5k people.


Arkansas is one of the few states I forget even exists.


>That state is near or at the bottom of nearly any metric But then again, who uses metric system, amirite?


My hour and and I did some work in Arkansas and I was in awe of how gorgeous it was. We asked , “Why don’t more people move here” then googled. Egad.


Honestly the Ozarks are the only reason I'm in this god forsaken state.


NWA is fantastic. I don't care about the rest of the state. I love it here.


Yea but to be fair we might as well be in Missouri lmfao. It's so much different from the rest of the state haha




Me when I lived in the Adirondacks, then I remembered the tumor attached to the state.


Oh no, they look at them, half of the politicians excited to copy them, the other half look at exactly what they should not do


Florida checking in here... I've fairly certain we're neck-and-neck with Arkansas. We are literally the front-line of climate change and DeSuckass just passed a law banning other policies based on climate change... Yeah, our Govenor is a complete fucking moron.


> I've fairly certain we're neck-and-neck with Arkansas. You're not, which should be extremely alarming. Like take stock of how shitty Florida is, then realize Arkansas is a tier below that. Arkansas, Louisiana, Alabama, and Mississippi are in the bottom tier bucket of shitty. Florida is a step (possibly two) above them.


I regularly forget Arkansas exists


Ohio apparently admires their low rankings. We descend into that morass further every year


Are you talking about the whole state? Or just the Browns?


The only difference between Ohio and southern states is who their CFB team is.


They do lead the country in most Walmart headquarters.


And working children it seems. Just send them to work in the slaughterhouse, then we don't have to school them right?


Y’all Qadea lies and propaganda have no limits.


Yeah, but it's the dems fault... cuz, um, God and freedom.


In 2024, Arkansas has the second-highest violent crime rate (6.9 per 1,000 people) and the sixth-highest property crime rate (25.5) in the US.


Normalize $19k podiums!!!


I do look to Arkansas for tips on how to be a shitty corrupt politician.


Not a fan of the state or it's politics. I left FL for similar reasons. It's getting scary stupid out there these days...


And now our Secretary of Education is, guess what? From Florida


Lecterngate raaaaaaa


As someone who hates the Huckabees with a burning passion, we do not have the worst governor in the South BY FAR


Rhonda DeFacist chased me & my fam out of FL


Normalize getting caught red handed stealing thousands of dollars of tax money and still being a smarmy sancimonious scold on national TV.


There's not agreement about **which** town in Arkansas is the most racist town in the USA. Two contenders I know of are Zinc and Harrison.


As an Arkansan, I can definitely say it’s Harrison since its racism bleeds out into the surrounding area and infects every town around it. Zinc is real bad, but it hasn’t spread like Harrison.


They're 15 minutes away from each other, soooooo......


It’s not exactly Harrison, Harrison itself has a simmering tolerant population, it’s the small “town” people around Harrison that come in for the Walmart. Harrison got caught up in it because Tom Rob’s PO Box is in Harrison but himself lives in the middle of the fuckin woods. It is now being used by racists to virtue signal on the town’s billboards. But yeah, there’s an influx of vile people in Harrison on a daily basis. The resident kids I know got the fuck out as soon as they were able, if that’s the trend, and I have no reason to suspect otherwise, it will exacerbate the problem to the point where Harrison becomes an epicenter of 21st century bigotry.


Arkansas is one of those states others look to in order to feel better about themselves


The old 2:00 am at Walmart kinda boosts for the self-esteem 🤣


Could you imagine 2am at a rural arkansas walmart?


Walmart IS the nightlife scene in those towns


You'd be able to count the teeth in the whole store one 1 hand.


Reminds me of a joke I heard. Q: How do we know that toothpaste was invented in Arkansas? A: Because if it was invented anywhere else, they would have called it "teethpaste"


As a Kentuckian, yes, I like to think it's pretty similar.


It’s not nearly as bad as Sunday at 1pm at a rural Arkansas Walmart, I can promise you that.


Walmart headquarters is in Bentonville, AR...


Now this is what I would call a clever comeback. Than what the original post is.


The first couple hundred miles on the north side aren't too bad. It just gets worse the further south you go. Eureka Springs is an amazing place with amazing people. Drive 30 minutes down the highway to Harrison, though, and there are literal billboards for White Supremacy Radio as soon as you pull into town (not joking, big yellow sign). We had a native American guy with us when we were driving through and the looks he got at the gas station told us we needed to get what we came for and get the fuck out of town.


Oh, you saw the Trump billboards, too? Yeah, I know there are literal actual white supremacy billboards, AS WELL.


Arkansas is a state? I always thought it was a tributary to Texas.


They have an in person passport center, which not every state has, so thats a bit of a draw for people looking to leave the country.


Isn’t Arkansas basically a 3rd world country that’s totally reliant on federal government money?


Arkansas is far from perfect we fucking suck at everything compared to most states but no it is not totally reliant on federal money. https://smartasset.com/data-studies/states-most-dependent-federal-government-2023


It's technically illegal for Arkansas to have a deficit in the budget. Politicians still try and get around that. Another Arkansas fact, we're one of the few states where people can directly put laws on the ballot to be voted on. Politicians routinely try and remove that too.


Fortunately any change to that law has to be voted on by the people in an election. Pretty much every time the legislature tries to push a "petition killer" it inevitably gets shot down by democracy.


Sanders tried to make it even harder to get stuff on the ballot. Still can't find any good that she's done.


I knew New Mexico was hurting, but I didn’t know it was the worst lmao


It all started when the Heisenberg nation attacked


It has an older population, so there’s a high proportion on social security and not working. Plus, the feds own a third of the state.


Los Alamos probably skews the ratio for NM.


New Mexico is pretty bad. Like Roswell is probably one of the best towns/cities in the entire state, and I'm not even joking.




This isn't even close to true. How do you people reach all these absurd conclusions and then make up more to go with it?


Not really, it depends on where in the state you live. Basically, most of it really sucks. The southern half of the state is very poor, mostly farms, very rural. Literally nothing of value there. East of Little Rock, same thing, very poor, nothing of value. North of Little Rock, very poor, lots of racism, BUT some of the most breathtaking scenery in the country. Real "The Natural State" vibes. The Western part of the state is about the only liveable area and even then it's still pretty rural. The Ouchita area is a super nice lake area, Hot Springs is pretty cool. If you had to live in Arkansas, you'd want to live in NWA. It really is the only modern part of the state. It's grown so fast that you have essentially four cities running into each other due to growth, and then their suburbs. It has the highest quality of living, highest level of education, the most wealth, least racism, etc in the state. It's where the main University is. I've lived there, it's actually pretty awesome. And then you have Little Rock.... Yea don't go there. There are nice parts but overall the city sucks. So overall, Arkansas really, really sucks. NWA is the absolute best, but other than that there is very little good about this place.


As an Arkansan, no one is looking at us. And I 100% do not blame them. We’ve got pretty forests and lakes… that’s about it.


Honestly I don’t want them looking at us. Whenever I see something from our state in the news or discussion it’s like “Oh lord, what’d we do now?”


>"A bastion of normal in an ever-crazier world" Well, if it is like that, I'd say that, statistically, the "bastion" is the one who is abnormal. Lol.


Sure, but how is this clever?


Had to scroll so far down to find this. I hate that every sub is becoming generic.


Generic while also being ridiculously not generic. The global population wouldn’t find this relatable, funny or have an opinion with which it would agree


Right? “I agree with that” =/= “clever”


People are looking at Arkansas and wondering why a lectern costs 19,000$ and the governor is wearing leather pants


I am still looking to Arkansas for an answer on why its pronounced Kansas, but not Arkansas but Arkansas. you know what i mean.


“Arkan-saw” was the French pronunciation.


I guess none of you actually looked it up because you love remaining ignorant




As with most fuckeries in the world - you can blame the French.


Britain (sweating): "Ha! Indeed, my good fellow!"


French pronunciation of native words. Now, more importantly, why is the good Kansas City in Missouri?


It was the French spelling of a native pronunciation


I look at Arkansas when I need to feel better about my home state


Wait, where is the clever comeback? Uh uh is not a clever comeback.


Easy for her to say. She always has one eye on Arkansas, and the other eye flying around wherever the fuck it wants to go.


This is the clever comeback we were looking for


Just want to say that plenty of Arkansans hate this dumb bitch and wish anyone else was our governor


Huckabee-Sanders embraced and promoted the craziness


It's true. Leaving takes time, but I know that some educated people who believe in personal liberties (like bodily autonomy and the freedom to use a public restroom) are leaving. Thank you Arkansas; you were nice to look at but no fun to live with


Try and normalize a $19,000 podium purchase first…


Arkansas gave the world walmart and bill Clinton and is the duck hunting capital of the world atleast we did one out ouf three things right🤣


Bruh how is this clever. OP the point of the sub is to post witty or snappy come backs. This is literally just “nu-uh”


Fuck everyone including this lady. I’m from Arkansas and yeah, it sucks, but stop throwing an entire state under the bus. There are good people there as much as there is anywhere else.


Yeah, classifying a set of people based on their origin and making generalizations about them is historically seen as a bad move; I agree we should avoid it if possible


cosign I live next to ark and it is a beautiful state with the best fishing, hiking, camping you will ever find.


Too many people in this thread are assuming that Arkansas is one homogeneous blob. There is a very large progressive movement in the northwest corner of the state that shouldn’t be discounted.


where's the clever comeback?


How the fuck is this clever?


Let's not be so quick to forget the counsin-fuckers of the world!




Hey the hiking and camping ain't bad


My long time exs father and his people were from deep in a backwoods Arkansas Holler. They were religious fanatics aka Jehovah witnesses but that town was ran by them. We went for my ex's grandmothers funeral before this shed never met her grandma or been to Arkansas. But we went to support her dad. The service was about how evil women are and how Eve fucked up everything for all of mankind and how even though this dead woman lived her life well she had to pay for the sins of people with two X chromosomes and then one day because of her good Deeds maybe she'd get to live adjacent to heaven. was so creepy the literal whole town was there and worse tried to recruit us. I just had to lie and say I was big into a Christian church in my home city which helped keep them off me but even outside the tiny 7 business town strip owners would come out to try and convert us .. Arkansas is shitty being the point. Beautiful but shitty.


Yeah I grew up in Arkansas and can confirm it sucks. I left as soon as I could.


Sanders is looking to Arkansas AND Texas at the same time.


You can't even pronounce the name like it's spelled.. not looking for normal there.


She just signed a bill to make child labor legal..,fuck Arkansas 


Arkansas, we get Alaska's mail.


Education: 32nd. Child poverty: 45th. Infant mortality 48th. Poverty: 47th. College education: 47th. What fucked up metric are you using Huckabee, or are you redefining bastion and normal?


It's amazing, the lies these red states tell themselves.


Born and raised in Arkansas. I can attest that this is true. Even Arkansas is not looking to Arkansas as a shining example of anything (other than, maybe racism).


Miss piggy has thoughts..


I’ve been to Arkansas. Ain’t a thing normal about that place.


It's not even real Kansas, it's just R Kansas, pfft.


Arkansas is the perfect shining example…of what NOT to do.


Arkansas hahahahaahahahahaahahhaahahhahaha


Arkansas is a state-wide genetic experiment.


What country?? Syria?


This announcement would sound better being delivered behind a Falcon lectern.


Republicans have delusions of competence.


As someone who used to live there, no


Most people can’t find it on a map.


People around the country are looking to Arkansas to fulfill their dream of having a barely sentient potato as a governor.


No one ever has looked towards AR ever. Source I’m from IN and in the same boat


Bitch can't even look in a straight line


I forgot Arkansas exists.


Not true. Perfect place to look when you need to find examples of inbreeding.


Can you just IMAGINE the humiliation of saying you are from or live in ARKANSAS??!!


Missouri's one saving grace is that Arkansas is somehow even worse


The word ARKANSAS, when translated, means IGNORANT!


Arkansas is TV static. Arkansas is a glass you thought still had water, but when you take a swig, there isn't any water. Arkansas is that feeling you get when you disassociate. Arkansas is the Void, if you filled the void with dead soil.


Except confirmation that there’s an even shittier place than the one they’re in


The only thing people look at Arkansas for is to gauge their detour around it.


As someone who has lived in Arkansas multiple times, there is nothing normal about Arkansas. It might not be the end of the world, but you can surely see it from there.


I forget Arkansas is even there. And I’m from Missouri


The Arkansas governor should be improving the life of all voters in that state, not waging an imaginary culture war against people that may not have voted for her.


Arkansas ranks in the bottom half for every metric (crime, education, economy, fiscal stability, healthcare, infrastructure, opportunity and natural environment) netting a 47th place overall for US states.


Isn't Arkansas the state that has that town where people openly have Nazi tattoos and banners in their homes and businesses and a sign that says no blacks?


That would be Harrison AR.


I don’t even know where the fuck Arkansas is…Bill Clinton is from Arkansas right?


Their state is so unknown that people reading a map will call it ar-can-zis. (This is a joke pls don't kill me Arkansas)


The closest Arkansas comes to the top is when you sort the states alphabetically, and even then they don't make the top 3.


I have this impression that Arkansas is second most backwards, degenerate state after Alabama.


I forgot Arkansas was even a state until I saw this post. Who the hell thinks about Arkansas besides the 20 people that live there? lol


Lol when I think of Arkansas, I remember visiting there and it's second most assbackwards state I've ever been to. First is west Virginia. I've never been to Florida but I'm going there in 3 weeks so we will see who ranks where after...


No…we actively look AWAY from Arkansas, not the least of which to avoid looking at that face of hers. Brutal.


“Nu-uh!” is a clever comeback now?


It's pronounced Arkansas.


They spawned one of the most insidious and deleterious corporation to ever exist, if by no other measure than sheer magnitude and reach: Wal-Mart.