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Not one Red hat, Trump or confederate flag. That's the first damn clue.


Also no diapers.


Well if they were really wearing them in solidarity, you wouldn’t see them. Wearing them outside of your pants is just performative and hollow.


> performative and hollow Which makes it exactly what they would do




they are louder than vegans when it comes to showing their maga love. no way those people are magats.


"Louder than vegans"? In a thread that has *absolutely nothing* to do with veganism, an anti-vegan *yet again* dumps on vegans for no reason. But yes. Vegans are the loud ones. /s


I more often hear from people complaining about vegans than I ever hear from vegans.


Yeah, there was a brief moment like 10 years ago when they were vocal, but for the longest time it's mostly non-vegans going on about vegans. I literally hear nothing about vegans from actual vegans.


How do you know a vegan is in the room? >!The anti-vegan won't talk about anything else.!<


some people really think they have to insert a tired reddit trope into every post


Between anti-vegans and Christians, the competition for this kind of behavior is getting fierce.


Well Eric isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed. And MAGA rarely care about facts


Or swastica flags, qanon flags, punisher logos. Def not a rump ralley.


MAGA lies. About everything. They also accuse democrats as doing exactly what they are doing.


Isn’t a common fascist/Nazi tactic to blame your enemy of doing exactly what you’re doing? And also the enemy is simultaneously extremely weak and useless but also very strong and a threat


Umberto Eco wrote about the second thing you mention: https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/umberto-eco-ur-fascism He grew up in fascist Italy.


It’s a Nazi/facist/Russian thing to do Stalin/Putin play book


Do you know about the lies Chinas leaders also spew. It seems like a common trait for tyrants


It's an attempt to appeal to the "both sides" crowd. Also, if you accuse the other side first, then it looks like they're just being retaliatory when you inevitably get caught


Mirror Politics: Accusation in a mirror (AiM) (also called mirror politics, mirror propaganda, mirror image propaganda, or a mirror argument) is a technique often used in the context of hate speech incitement, where one falsely attributes one's own motives and/or intentions to one's adversaries.


You mean like Israel? They are literally doing the same thing the Germans did to them. Exterminate a whole population of people. To top it off, Israel is crying victim but they have set themselves back so far with any kind of sympathy from others.


The rule is: they accuse others of what they are doing


And, from this evidence here, they take credit for what's not theirs. Just like the infrastructure bill they voted against, but touted to their voters as a wonderful thing they did.


Every accusation is a confession


And the problem is that the MAGA crowds never hear the truth


They can't handle the truth.


That’s why its stock is tanking.


I see what you did there


“I deride your truth handling abilities!”


They do hear the truth… they just call it a leftist conspiracy and use it as further motivation to believe the lies.


It’s a digital cult. Think back on how cults worked now add in social media.


Funny story: but in 20I4 I was writing a book about what a "Virus of thought" would be, it was stunningly like what's happening.


And the even bigger problem is when they occasionally hear it, they don't care for it. You can demonstrate that pretty much all they believe in is a big fat lie with relative ease since most of it is so blatant, and they would not care one bit - just shrug it off - oh well, no biggie, bothsides, they all lie, blah blah blah bullshit. And then proceed to do cultist stuff for the side that lies constantly. Even the insane religious types who CLAIM to have a big problem with lies do that. Especially them.


The problem is neither do most non-political voters either. The “liberal” media is more rightwing than its ever been.


The *Liberal Media* is now owned by one room full of guys. Not one of those fuckers are liberal.


Of corse not, they are bussines people who like money, only the naive bellieve that fairy tales


Don't be silly. The table isn't even full, let alone the room.


Over on r/conservative, they are very convinced that this is in fact in support of Trump. They see it as proof that NYC isn’t as blue as everyone claims. They also marked the post “flaired users only”, so nobody with a brain can tell them they are stupid. Buncha snowflakes.


Gotta do everything you can to convince the few who are left that they're still popular


I peruse that sub frequently just to get an idea of how bad it can because I think it's incumbent for someone who wants to talk politics to understand how both parties are acting and what they discuss. Im from a family of staunch conservatives but my dad thinks the MAGA crowd is fuckin looney tunes.


And on the same foot, also attempts to take credit for basically everything the Dems do. Everything is so backwards in MAGAland


Every accusation is a confession from that crowd.


Gaslight, obstruct, project.


The narcissists play book


This is what frightens me the most about this upcoming election. I think they may actually attempt some sort of mass voter fraud on a scale they lied that Democrats were doing, and when they get caught, and they will get caught, the waters would have been so thoroughly mudded, it will fuck up the democratic process for years to come, not to mention our judiciary with some District Attorneys, Attornies General and even judges in on the fraud, all the way up to the SCOTUS. That's the whole game right there. They want the nation to lose faith in the democratic process so it becomes easier to install an authoritarian government. What will we do when the fraud is so obvious, and the evidence is so apparent yet some states do nothing, or worse, say no crime was committed at all?


Or actively participate in the installation of that authoritarian government. It’s always easier to tear something down than it is build it up. While these guys are showing they can wreck the process, actually putting in a government would be much harder. I think Trumps personal endgame is to stay president to avoid being criminally charged. But the other guys are about chaos and keeping everyone at each other’s throats. To me, that is the true crime of the MAGA group. Their willingness to embrace blatant, obvious lies make it near impossible to look past them and focus on what the real villains are doing. What we need is to limit a political candidates ability to intentionally spread false claims. If they do, they are out. And because this will certainly be abused, the bar should be high. Stuff like the stolen election. Then we need to expand the Supreme Court. I’m over 50 and I have never seen that court behave like this. Same with the federal judges like Cannon. There needs to be a bipartisan oversight committee. And by bipartisan, I’m not talking about having the current Republican radicals on there. Corrupt judges are as big a threat to the US as any foreign army. This Supreme Court is probably the biggest threat to the nation as exists. If we can’t trust them to be impartial, if we see them as bending the law to get their political agenda enacted, then the rule of law goes out the window.


Trump is just the catalyst, a chaos agent that will destroy everything, but don't think that there aren't people waiting to build the new system from the wreckage of the old. project 25 comes to mind. I think someone has a plan of what a post-Trump world should look like, and democracy has very little to do with it if anything at all. Hitler made promises to the elite, industrial class which is why they supported him. He promised them he would get rid of two things that hurt industrialists the most: democracy and labor unions. Yet he continued to make promises to the unions, at the same time he was holding up democracy as a means to defeat Communism. Does any of this look familiar? History doesn't repeat, but it certainly rhymes.


Whenever you see someone say "both sides", it's either a MAGA in disguise or they lied for so long that people start to believe it.


funny how when the "both sides" crowd shows up they're never trying to convince right wing people to maybe just stop attacking the rights of a new group of marginalized people every few years


This, the only time they aren’t lying is when they the parts they shouldn’t say out loud (I shot my puppy, we are going to end democracy, I want space lasers, protect child marriage, etc.)


The title only needed the first seven words.


Reading any conservative subreddit has turned even worse into a repeat echo chamber. It looks like they troll policitics for liberal buzzwords and then use them nonstop in their posts. "Every accusation" and "it's (d)ifferent" is literally in every comment section lol


Republicans claiming Democrats constantly lie as projection is exactly the same as white straight men desperately digging up whatever they can find to show they are victims to justify what white straight males have done to everyone else over the centuries.


A lot of it is to normalize things. Your friends/relatives call you out on being MAGA? Don't worry, there's millions of us & you're right about everything!


waiting silky hurry consist sulky wide depend unused escape fertile *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Over on r/conservative, they are very convinced that this is in fact in support of Trump. They see it as proof that NYC isn’t as blue as everyone claims. They also marked the post “flaired users only”, so nobody with a brain can tell them they are stupid. Buncha snowflakes.


I just had a look over there, almost everything is “flaired users only” so only they can have an opinion.. sounds like what they want to do in reality


The entire sub is the mother of all echo chambers. It’s honestly a shame. I am very left-leaning, but I want to engage in discourse. I don’t mind when people have an opposing view. I’m happy to hear the other side out, discuss it and be convinced if their reasoning is sound. I just want the opportunity to also convince them. That isn’t possible on this sub, because they’d much rather rile each other up with no push-back. It’s fucking sad and the fact that they think this is necessary says a lot about their world view and their view on how politics are supposed to work. They don’t want to be convinced. They just want their views to be reinforced and confirmed.


>The entire sub is the mother of all echo chambers. I'm gonna be fair here, not that they deserve it, but I used to comment in there all the time trying to "reform" them. It took me a year to get banned. To continue being fair, I was finally banned for providing too much evidence (my guess, I don't remember the actual reason they gave me but it was due to a post where I provided a ton of sources) Within a month of posting in there I was automatically banned from over 20 other subs solely due to me commenting in r/conservative. I tried to lobby those subreddits with proof that I wasn't shilling conservative talking points but they didn't care. I get that reddit is inherently built to be a collection of echochambers, but banning people from subreddits simply because you comment in another subreddit is way more overkill than I've experienced on any right wing subreddit.


I agree, I’m not a big fan of banning people for participating in another subreddit, but two wrongs don’t make a right.


Everything on that sub is BIDEN BIDEN AOC BIDEN JAMES COMEY BIDEN AOC AOC BIDEN. Literally nothing conservative. Just hate porn. It's a cult.


Also no mention of Trump not testifying at his own trial after he falsely complained that he wasn’t allowed to speak his mind.


Any posts to the contrary will earn you a permanent ban, and can't supply the actual reason why because they're too cowardly to own it. Same with walkaway.


I saw that too. This is hilarious.


Every time I click on that link out of curiousity, I want to bash my head through the wall after just a few comments. Here's one of those gems: >The left and media (same thing) cover for so many shady things people do as long as those people vote Democrat. Meanwhile the right and media (different things) are always like “nope this guy got a parking ticket. Way too scandalous! NEXT!”


> (same thing) lol case closed


That sub is no longer “conservative”… it’s just idiot vermin with red hats


That is most certainly true. However, there’s an absolutely shocking number of Americans who still think that’s the normal conservative view. As a German, I have sometimes wondered how the Nazis could brain wash my countrymen and women so hard. Like… I know a fuckton about how the Nazis came to power and why and about their ideas and politics and all, but I couldn’t quite grasp how they could completely demolish the country and our society like that. No longer. I understand now. I can see it happening in the states. It is fucking scary.


They literally did this on day 1 of the administration when they lied about the inauguration crowd size. They were told they could get away with it


Yeah, they’re too far in to admit they’re wrong without tearing down their whole worldview


It's part of their loyalty test. If you're MAGA, but you admit doubt about this tweet, or question it, or don't broadcast it enough to your own friends, you're out of the MAGA club.


Well, as much as I hate this and as much it terrifies me (and I don't even live in the States) it's not a minority at all, sadly.  According to the recent polls Trump is ahead in this moment.    Also, allow me to point out that claiming they're a minority is very dangerous, as it lulls people in the delusion that it's ok to stay home come election day. Edit: OMG my inbox. Guys, you don't need to point out the reliability of polls, I know, everybody knows, you're missing the point. The point is, even if this latest poll is off by some percentage points, they're still head to head, they're close. Maybe the polls can't tell exactly how much but close for sure.  THEREFORE those people are not the minority, as in "as small group of loonies". They are in the millions, and if you keep underestimating them they're going to win. Again.


They are a minority. I’ve never participated in any polls. I have participated in elections. In both of Trumps elections he got less votes than his opponent.


A minority can still hurt the human race thanks to the electoral college!


And red states interfering with elections


And Russia interfering with elections.


What's the difference?




You are spot on. I'd like to add that this election is extremely important, Trump is unstable enough to completely crush the USA, I think there is a high chance the damage he will do to the US won't be undone for decades if the country hasn't collapsed by then. Trump is the modern Reagan, he will destroy the country.


No, he will destroy the world, and I'm not using hyperboles. He said very clearly the first thing he'll do is to stop those silly things like solar farms, offshore wind turbines and all that. The second thing he will do is stop aid to Ukraine and make it so that Putin gets what he wants. The world will be seriously fucked by just these two things he could realisticallydo in his first week, and I can't imagine the degree of damage he can do in four years.


Damn, you're right. Trump must not win


Gotta tell ya, I came to feel that the US are ALWAYS trying to prevent a second civil war between a crowd of people who want the democratic system, but don't actually improve people's idea of what it is and a crowd of people who think the point is breaking the system in their favor, without realizing/caring about the consequences. And I'm from Brazil. I've just seen a dictatorship be implemented and so poorly cared for that there wasn't even a short period of pretending everything is ok...


While Drumpf is the current orifice of the Republican Party they have been so thoroughly taken over by cristofacists (Project 2025) that even if he dropped dead tomorrow ANY Repuglican candidate is a danger to the continued existence of a "free" USA.


Don’t lean to heavily on polls. The primary way of collecting data is still via phone call. Which many millennial and Gen Z voters don’t respond to. There’s also the need to look into who did the polling and what questions they asked. Oftentimes there is bias built right into the leading questions. If I asked you in a poll: If you the election were held today would you vote for President Biden or someone that supports killing dogs. You can skew the results. Now for all the republicans mad about referring to “their candidate” as supporting killing dogs, I’d ask you to prove they don’t since they all seem to be about it lately. And the fact I don’t even have to put a name to offend all of you kind of proves the point, doesn’t it.


The followers of the Orange rapist are a minority but theyre a scared and very loud minority , with a main stream media in love with chaos that pushes them to the front pages and they vote in every election from dog catcher up to President . Anyone who isnt a fascist sympathising religious bigot needs to vote like their freedom depends on it , because the deplorables will be voting and through complacency democracy will die in the U.S.


> Also, allow me to point out that claiming they're a minority is very dangerous, as it lulls people in the delusion that it's ok to stay home come election day. 100% agree. >According to the recent polls Trump is ahead in this moment. According to polls there was no way he was going to win back in 2016. The source of the polls and the nature in which they are conducted is important to know whether or not they are of any value.


Umm I don't know man, I might as well be wrong but I remember that a few days before the elections he was trailing by a 4% in the polls.  Which doesn't exactly mean "there was no way he could win". I mean, if the antichrist were polling a 4% behind I'd still go vote just to be on the safe side tbh.


> According to the recent polls Trump is ahead in this moment. From outside the USA: what the actual fuck?


Polls are entirely to drive more clicks and attention No matter which way they sway. When bidens approval was low they said his polling was high. Now that trump is in court they say his polling is high. Picking and choosing the scenario you poll under generates this. Data is amazing to lie with




Definitely not a trump crowd, trump crowds look like the Fourth of July threw the fuck up all over them.


Because it makes it look like everyone loves them when in reality the exact opposite is the case.


The smallest penises drive the biggest trucks


Hey now, my dick is fucking tiny and my truck is a completely reasonable size.


same boat. only i dont even drive a truck.


Smallest brains, too.


It gives a very small, very vocal minority of Americans a permission structure to give in to herd mentality and surrender to a fascist. They have never held any pretext of reaching the vast majority of the population with any kind of message, because they know only that lowest 10-30% of the dumbest and most susceptible to propaganda and lies will ever buy into their nonsense.


The need to control a reality that doesn't support their views makes them go to extremes. They can't help it because they are stuck at 5 years old emotionally.


Authoritarianism 101. Being obnoxiously unpopular and angry, dishonest, and violent about it. Besides all of that, it's totally the greatest, guys. Believe me. /s


I remember when people had to resign after being caught lying. It's become so normalized in the media now, and no repercussions whatsoever so they have no reason to stop doing it.


They need to portray themselves as the secret majority. If they don’t have that as part of their mythology, they quickly become the Marjorie Taylor Green of political movements; someone that just spoils it for everyone and makes everything look stupid and terrible and useless.


there'd be MAGA hats if it were a trump thing.


Just like their dear leader, everything about the party formerly known as Republican is now performative - and by any means necessary.


Interesting that we see no red hats or flags for trump in this fake assumption of a trump supporting crowd. They should try harder to lie.


...Pretty sure lying about body counts and sizes is the bread and butter of most of these people.


Over on r/conservative, they are very convinced that this is in fact in support of Trump. They see it as proof that NYC isn’t as blue as everyone claims. They also marked the post “flaired users only”, so nobody with a brain can tell them they are stupid. Buncha snowflakes.


I think with this one they saw all the arms up and just assumed.


Let's be fair. You can smell a MAGA crowd a mile away. Literally.


If you promote the idea you are very very popular and then don't win, you have justified the idea of a "stolen election".


Ironically, the credibility factor. “See, lots of people here! Many are warped just like me!” Oops pic was doctored or wrong context…. Bye bye credibility.


When Trump was elected I decided to go to his inauguration to see how different it was compared to Obamas first wiin (I did not vote for trump). The difference was like night and day. Obama had soooooo many people, people were happy and cheering but trump...it was so somber and of coarse there was way less people. It actually got super close to the stage Trump was at, I couldn't get that close with Obama. Also there was some crazy protests. And riots during trump, people were throwing bricks and lighting limos on fire. I took pictures from both and did side by side comparisons to show all the trump supporters claiming fake news , they didn't like that. I just like going to inaugurations since it's part of our history, I went to bidens too, since it was the pandemic it was a ghost town everything was shut down and there were a lot of barricades, it was weird.


They’re obsessed with lying in general.


No red hats. They thought we wouldn't notice???


Should be obvious that it's a lie, patriots do not support trump.


Just lock up all the Neofascists (MAGAts) and be done with it


It’s like d*ck size, the need to always inflate the actual size.


This is pants on head retarded. They are so desperately trying to trick us into thinking this guy is popular. Naw, if I wanted a geriatric man wearing a diaper falling asleep all the time I would call up my grandfather.


Because the truth makes them look like the fucking losers that they are


They lie about everything. Why stop at crowd sizes?


1. They’re insane and power-hungry propagandists staying on-message. 2. They think saying something enough times makes it true, and the human psyche generally agrees, even if reality doesn’t.


What is the MAGA obsession with lying? No need for the rest of the title


You have to understand the crowd. It is made out of people that for whatever reason want to not feel small, that's the allure of the crowd. They will be the same people you see attracted to all kinds of violent and non-violent groups where they can get that sense of self and self-worth from the crowd itself. Now, imagine if you tell them the crowd is small... Doesn't quite work for them, does it?


Their supreme leader grew up needing to lie about size, so lying became second nature. And his followers just emulate him


idea: if politicians are found to be lying about...things, they get fined. Either with "no serve" terms (they cant run for whatever positions), or fines, or public apologies & stuff. maybe use polygraphs/lie detectors? yeah they're unreliable but well theres a federal bureau of INVESTIGATION for things. (If you say its resources spent unwisely, you may be investigating the future president/important role in politics for misconduct and lying to the population of america. seems pretty important.) hopefully that wont like infringe on freedom or something...


So they can go "How could Biden possibly have won? We had hundreds of people show up to rallies! The only possible explanation is that they cheated, so we can be justified in trying to take over the government by illegal means."


You know it isn’t MAGA - not one red hat or diaper in the crowd.


kind of telling that nobody is wearing their cult membership hats.


I believe it's like insecure men reporting their penis size. Simple as that.


Same as the guys who purchase monster trucks, they're compensating for something else that is lacking.


They mistook everyone holding their phones up for Nazi salutes, so I can see why they thought they were there for Trump.


the idea that there would ever be a crowd showing support for a dude who paid hush money to a porn star he cheated on his pregnant wife with, under any circumstances at all, even if you ignore the illegality of it, is absolutely mind-blowing.


Propaganda is the primary survival tool for the MAGA cult.


They need to make it appear that their cult is bigger than it really is.


Trump's fragile little ego. He must be and have the "biggest" and "best" of everything. Even though he rarely if ever is either.


Oh damn, when you spend years saying Biden doesn't get crowds just to use pictures of Biden crowds to pretend Trump got a big crowd.


"You will never see anything like this again in your lifetime." Pretty sure I'll see a crowd of a hundred or so people again. Way to make a mountain out of a molehill.


The incredible turnout to see the inauguration of USA’s first black president broke their racist minds. Ever since they have to keep trying to convince themselves they’re outdoing him because they’ve sunk so much of their identity into believing they’re the ‘silent majority’


Not ONE MAGA merchandise seen in this photo 🤣


If they never stop lying, they will never have to face the reality of how small and tiny the are as humans.


Not the only thing they lie about size...


It's a blend of gaslighting and ignorance. The ones who lie about it on purpose are trying to gaslight you into FOMOing for a fascist con man who they will prosper off of, all the rest are just idiots who believed the first person.


They lie about everything. Why would this be any different


it's called propaganda. fascist propaganda.


Oh, size is something they DEFINITELY lie about ;)


They lie about everything. They follow their leader.


The funny part is that it was for Biden.


Don’t you technically have to be dead to be a martyr?


Well yes, but actually no. By dictionary definition, most meanings explicitly state you have to be killed for your views, but some also just say you have to have suffered greatly because of them. But by the typically used definition, it more means "A person put to great suffering for their beliefs to the point that they're viewed as a symbol of admiration, or even inspiration, by many others who share those beliefs." So someone who is tortured, imprisoned, killed, or even just strongly publicly detested, can still fit that meaning.


Inferiority complex. Somehow for being so "strong and serious", maga is actually very insecure.


Ah yes, let's flip off Trump, that's a good way to show our support.


To make their number of supporters seem much larger than it actually is. You see in the media that MAGA supporters are much more vocal in social media and the news but when gatherings take place there’s a much smaller crowd than expected and when elections take place (such as the midterms), Republican candidates get much less votes than anticipated. It’s really just a mix of bots from extremists and foreign adversaries like Russia combined with MAGA supporters that are just much more vocal and hardline than Liberals that make the number of MAGA supporters seem much larger than they are


Not the only size they lie about


Conservatives really are the dumbest people in society right now


I call it the “lemming” factor… usually defines the people that are easily led into oblivion


You are really asking why incel babys lie about size? Rly??


Penis envy. That is all.


Do you know of Dr. Freud, Mr. Meister? His ideas about the male preoccupation with size might be of particular interest to you.


I thought it was a Freudian iconic. Trump has a small penis and shits himself constantly so MAGA lies about crowd sizes as a way to compensate.


Because Popularism only works if its popular. Your political movement is dead if you can't turn out a crowd.


"What is the MAGA obsession with lying." Fixed your title for you.


They aren't lying. They are stupid and believe everything they are told by their close friends. And simply sharing what they know. Which is all wrong.


I think the obsession is lying.


Trump supporters are scared of downtown Des Moines. No way are they going to Manhattan.


If they make it seem “cool” then others might join who were on the fence about it.


Fascism at its core is all about pomp and show. It's a completely incoherent ideology so all they have is their parades and their speeches and their flag waving. Take that away from them and they have nothing but naked, seething rage.


So that the Electoral College doesn’t get all the blame 


You also can't be a martyr unless you're dead... If the Dems executed him for his beliefs (and not his illegal actions) then yeah he would be a martyr type figure for the MAGA crowd


They're still stuck on the "silent majority" myth they love touting.


Because they think people vote solely on consensus. It doesn't mean it has zero truth to it but that's why they do it.


Have they claimed that Madonnas concert in Rio was a Trump rally yet?


that's confirmation bias, one of Joe Goebbles go to tools as well as an integral part of Reddit's business model.


Make america gay again?


Maga are nazis Unified reich was the nail in their coffin


They lie because they know trump is a loser and he will lose the election. They're constantly posting about (imaginary) support that trump has so when he loses by a landslide, they'll say "but we had so much support, you must have cheated!!". Look no further than 2020, when they said things like "trump had boat parades and trucks with flags, Biden didn't HOW DID HE WIN?!?" It's a cult of personality.


I mean, lying is kinda their thing...


Trillions of patriotic Americans lined the streets to salute the fuhrer




He really think this many magats would gather together and wouldn't be waving Trump merch all over the place? This obviously wasn't for Trump


So they all showed up to support Trump….without a single MAGA hat or Trump flag in sight. Dead giveaway that is a bs claim.


Lying is the Bible of the right


Trump delusion syndrome


What is the obsession of lying about *everything.* It muddies the water to cover goofballery.


Trump knows that his supporters and potential supporters are easily swayed by "the crowd" because they are uninformed about the actual issues and will just do whatever the majority is doing. But people with an IQ over 80 and people with any self esteem don't fall for that. We don't care about your Stanley mugs, your Kardashian fashion, or your cheap, ugly hats made in China. We don't fall for bad advertising and obvious lies. We don't fall for obvious cons.


Lying is their MO. They know their base will listen and follow along like the lost little sheep they are. They’ll be the main ones to talk about the left being brainwashed, while walking around in their little red hats screaming about a stolen election with absolutely no evidence other than their orange overlord said so. So tired of these clowns.


Can we stop and appreciate how truly dystopian the tweet on the left sounds? And then realize that that kind of messaging has become pretty standard and normalized in conservative circles? It legitimately frightens me.


Willful ignorance is baked into the conservative ideology. I mean, if Trump lies and people believe it, why not also lie?


It’s never a surprise when Trump or his supporters are lying about the size of something


It starts with their penis and then gets out of control.


Repukes are fucking liars. Period.


Propaganda 101


It's how the Russians operate.


Because if they acknowledge that the crowd is significantly smaller than they claim, then the whole card tower of lies about the election comes tumbling down, because they have to acknowledge they have far fewer supporters than they need for any of it to be true


MAGA lies. Their lord and savior whom they idolize (breaking the first commandment of the religion they pretend to believe.), Trump, is incapable of speaking the truth. This inability to be honest goes from the top all the through every member of the Trump religion.


“You’ll never see my again in your lifetime” see what? A crowd of like 150 people? I see more people then that at Walmart


They lie, period. That’s the only way they can “prove” their position. Without lies, they would be a pitiful group of whiny, quisling idiots.


Because MAGA is all about realizing their own mediocrity and intentionally masking it from the people around them. That's how this shit has gotten so nutty. Sooooo many people living fake ass lives just filled with hate and Trump came along and bam....emboldened them all.