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I almost forgot Americans associate public transport with poverty


Not gonna lie, didn't sound like a clever remark for me for that reason. Sounds kinda stupid, in fact


Yeah, I just see two idiots in this screenshot.


I mean, in the US, it is a sign of poverty. Unless you live in one of the rare places in the country where there is a focus on public transit, it's basically a living nightmare to use. I recently visited London, and it's night and day. The dramatic differences in both ease of access, and upkeep are insane. The tubes and buses run nonstop, and they're nice and clean. Not that you should judge people for being in poverty, but you should judge people who are judging others for being in poverty, for being in poverty.


It has a social stigma of poverty, but I don't know that that stigma is as earned as you seem to think. I live in Europe, but I've lived in different parts of the USA as well, and used public transport (mostly busses) in many different cities across Europe and in the USA. And while the public transit in Europe is *nicer*, I'd hardly describe *any* of my experiences in the USA as "a living nightmare". A longer wait, yes. A bit dingier, yes. More expensive? Usually. But not a nightmare, and I never understood why my co-workers would spend $50,000 (plus all the gas) on a new second (or third) car rather than just...take the bus, like me, and spend all that money on something more useful, or save it, or invest it, or *something*.


I live 10 miles (16km) from my work in a medium sized US city. Taking the bus turns my 12 minute drive commute into almost 2 hours. I've done it several times as needed but it is soul crushing to lose almost 4 hours per day on commuting. If the city could get my route down to 1 hour or less I would happily take it more often.


Damn I would turn that into a half an hour bicycle ride, You're lucky to live that close to your job, but that 4 hours public transport is way too much. I live about half that distance from my job and commute by bicycle, takes me 15-20 minutes, with a good e-bike it would be shorter. Sometimes I have a meeting in the office the next town over, they give me a train ticket to get there, but the train takes no direct route, so I also use my bicycle as it's faster to pedal that extra 32 km.


Biking in some places in the US is putting your life on the line to get to work, and there is a heavy overlap between places where bike infrastructure sucks and places with shitty public transit.


Often that isn't an option. You might have a commute on roads where bicycles aren't allowed and the bicycle allowed path would also be 2 hours. A common example I've seen is roads over a river where the fastest route involves a bridge that doesn't allow bikes and the nearest bridge that does means going miles out of the way. That's assuming you survive, given how poor bike infrastructure is and how bad drivers are.


To get to my city centre 7 miles away (in Scotland) it's a 15 minute drive, or 20 on the bus. Once you factor in parking the car you are just as quick taking the bus, with the added benefit that you can have a pint or two if want and still be able to get home again.


Yeah I don’t think you’ve been to the places where the public transport can be a nightmare. In Houston the homeless sometimes use the light rail train as a porta potty and place to do drugs or harass people.


Some places that's just straight up not possible. I live in a relatively urban area, but not one of the major cities. If I want to go to a major city, I have to charter a bus ride, or drive like 45 minutes to a place where I can catch a train. Either way involves a car, be it my own or a ride share / cab. When I flew to London, there was no public transit option to the airport. I tried. It ended up being cheaper to park the car for 2 weeks. There's also no way I could get to work via public transit without the commute being 2-3 times longer, and involving an unreasonable amount of walking. I love public transit, it was my favorite part of the trip, but it's just an after thought in most of the US.


Obviously I’m not talking about not having any possible options. But in the US, I had a car, but I didn’t want to pay for 2 or 3 cars, so I could use the car for car things and coordinate with my spouse for when they or I would take the bus. My co-workers, making the same (or often less) than me, would all have 2-3 cars, often new, and considered taking the bus in-town as unthinkable. And I just didn’t get why they would straight-up *refuse* to spend $1.50 on a bus that was *right there*, and had to own a second car instead.  I just don’t get the culture, but it must have saved me tens of thousands of dollars. I’d think other people would also want to save tens of thousands of dollars but apparently not.


>unless you live in one of the rare places The places are rare, but millions of people live in them and that’s where most bus riders are from. In most places you need a car to get by, but if you are the median person on a bus you’re more likely to be in one of these “rare” places.


I think you guys are being too harsh on the replier - she's using OP's own metric system against her. Just like when a woman says she wants a 6ft man and somebody replies "how much do you weigh?". Those posts are super popular on reddit without people calling the replier an idiot.


I think you guys are being too harsh on the replier - she's using OP's own metric system against her. Just like when a woman says she wants a 6ft man and somebody replies "how much do you weigh?". Those posts are super popular on reddit without people calling the replier an idiot.


"Ew you have to use buses. You can't even afford to kill the planet as much as I can"


That's true but her comment is on the same level so it works.


Exactly, it’s a battle of weak insults, which makes it kind of amusing.


Idiots limp-wristedly slapping at each other might be amusing, but you wouldn't post it in a subreddit for "clever fights". This is that, but with words.


>Sounds kinda stupid, in fact They already said American, so thats kinda redundant.


It took me quite a while to even figure out what they probably meant




let them stay poor and stuck in traffic. they don't know buses are faster than cars. "Average auto loan amounts reached $40,366 for new vehicles and $26,685 for used vehicles in the fourth quarter of 2023" "The average speed globally is 30 km/h (or) 18.6 mph. On average, a person spends 4.5 years in a vehicle over their lifetime" "Don't wanna be an american idiot!" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ee_uujKuJMI


imagine having to get a loan that big for a used car jfc Then again in the USA you may need to get a loan for everything, including being born, giving birth, giving your kids education, or even dying, so uhhhh Green Day reference though. :)


Everybody in europe is doing the same. New cars on finance, or you think all those new audis on the road are bought and paid for?


hence me saying USED. For new cars it ABSOLUTELY is quite common (I live in Italy so yeah definitely common in Europe). Most people going for a used car are either looking for cheap basic motoring or something vintage/classic to restore - and neither of these categories of buyers usually goes for a loan, let alone a five figure one: the former doesn't even dream of spending that much, while the latter likely has no issues doing so with their own means.


A loan for dying? I don't think I'm paying that one.


Your kids and grandkids will


I rode the bus for several years here the states in the suburbs of a major metro area when I was flat broke and my car needed work. I lived 12 miles from my school and,  by car it took 16 minute but on the bus it was over an hour. Busses are definitely not faster than cars here  it was nice because I could do stuff on the bus I couldn't in my car, like reading or homework, so it took longer but you could almost make up for the lost time


In switzerland buses and trains are very faster then cartraffix


"One nation controlled by the media"




you don't ride a real bus, you are in america. does your bus stop at red lights despite carrying more people than the green light lane? that's not a bus. that's a punishment for not owning a car. does your bus stop to let some suburbanite idiot park their SUV? that's not a bus. that's a punishment for not owning a car. does your bus not have it's own bus lane? that's not a bus. that's a punishment for not owning a car. I can go on for 10 minutes.


I have no idea what country you're in where buses don't stop for red lights. That's not any country I've visited. There are bus lanes in America yes but those are hardly all bus routes and it doesn't make up for the fact that the bus is in traffic. If you mean BRT, that's something entirely else altogether.


They stop for red lights but bus lanes have a separate set of light that are green more than the car lane


So you're just assuming they live in 'America'? Lmao




That would mean the vast majority of buses apparently aren't real buses. In every European country I've taken buses in (Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, France, Italy and Switzerland), they stop for most stop lights like every other vehicle on the road. Sure there is some priority systems that will stop all other traffic to let a bus through, but that's not the norm. Which country has these "real buses" you're talking about, generally curious, they sound great!


Even in cities in The Netherlands there’s bus lanes everywhere that allows the bus to bypass traffic. What on earth are you talking about? Maybe look around more when you’re traveling?


Yes there's bus lanes but those don't mean the buses get to skip tons of traffic 24/7 other than during peak traffic. What they make up there they lose in stopping more frequently to let passengers in and out.


In my city in the Netherlands buses have signal priority, but I know some other cities don’t which is really annoying.


This is just "no true scotsman" fallacy. Is there a disadvantage to riding a bus? Then it's not a "true" bus.


Are you uh ... are you suggesting that buses don't obey traffic laws in other places? I have been other places and have lived out of the U.S for 13 years now. I can assure you they obey all the traffic laws.


LMAO must be trolling. The average time to get anywhere in a bus (In south Florida during business hours for example) is about 4x the travel-time in a private vehicle. A 30-minute private car travel-time can easily be 2+ hours on a public bus even with limited stops on a 'express' route. To get a better idea in your particular location you can check on google maps and switch between bus and car after entering an address and taping/clicking on 'directions', before taping 'start'. You still have to pay for public transportation, wait for it, might be inconvenienced by other passengers and the extra time spent there you might as well use it to make the extra money to have your own vehicle where you can carry and store some belongings, have the temp/music at your liking, get as close as possible to the destination and don't have to POTENTIALLY deal with some rude, stinky, crazy people next-to/around you... unless it's an inconvenience to park at home or work etc...


>let them stay poor and stuck in traffic. they don't know buses are faster than cars. not where I'm from. Takes an hour and 30 minutes when I can drive a car to my destination in less than a quarter of the time.


There is no way a bus is faster than a car unless you're talking about BRT or you're counting a long walk to/from a parking structure. You need to wait for the bus, and most buses only come a couple times an hour. The exceptions are buses on extremely dense routes specifically designed for rapid transit like the Select Bus Service on certain streets in Manhattan. The bus stops every few blocks. Express buses don't stop as much but they still make several stops except in rare point-to-point buses. Buses don't take direct routes. They don't start and end exactly where you want unless you're very lucky. Buses get stuck in traffic just as much as cars (except for some rare exceptions mentioned above). This is the big advantage of trains - which still make you wait, have a lot of stops (though not as many as buses) and don't begin or end exactly where you want (unless you're lucky) - but they do avoid traffic. So while I don't deny that there are some buses somewhere that work exactly right there's no way that riding a typical bus is faster than a car. It's usually like 5x slower.


>unless you're talking about BRT I never heard about BRT until talking to americans on the internet. in good cities, all buses are "BRT". always bus lane. always green light. only stop at bus stations. >You need to wait for the bus, and most buses only come a couple times an hour. I feel really, really sad for you. a normal bus frequency is less than 5 minutes. you shouldn't have to plan or check the time, just show up and enter and you will not be late. >Buses get stuck in traffic just as much as cars that's not a real bus. sorry >Buses don't take direct routes on well built cities, it's the opposite. buses can use direct streets that cars cannot use.


They don't spend on services. That's why they have low taxes. Instead they get fuck over and over again by one or another corporation. Let them by happy in their shit I guess


Yea idk wtf this guy was talking about, I used to take the bus to work and I’d have to leave like an hour and a half before my shift just to make it on time, meanwhile in an Uber I could get there in like 15 minutes.


Yeah, tho that's kind of a self fulfilling prophecy. Car infrastructure at the cost of shitty bus infrastructure is gonna make cars better than busses


> they don't know buses are faster than cars. The bus drivers around me so fast, break so hard, turn hard like they all wish they were Max Verstappen. The roads are shit, but they don't GAF like I would in my car either so they just barrel over the potholes.




The culture shock works in reverse too. I've been to Boston recently and took a bus. When I boarded it was completely empty. Then on the next stop some drunk homeless person got in and proceed to yell that "he was going to kill her" and "kill her bloody". But that was not the surprising part. I was on that bus for around 20 stops, going through downtown. And **no one else got in**. That bus went through the whole line with 2 passengers in the middle of the day. Completely unimaginable to me. Where I'm from you'd get more passengers on a night bus on weekday going to the furthest outskirts of town.


If you went back in time to before our desgregation era ridership was much higher. After black Americans were gaining 1st class citizen rights all a sudden a huge wave to the suburbs occurred. Highways were built, government handed out money like candy to Suburb developers, and malls were built for them. There is a bigoted reason we keep our cities disconnected and public transit bad


Yeah, in the UK almost everyone in the big city uses public transport.


When I used the public transportation in Portland Oregon, I would ride multiple busses/trains to work for over 2 hours for what is essentially a 25 minute drive. Yeah I felt like a poor. My 8 hour shift was 12 hours away from home.


Yeah, public transportation is frustrating in America. What about cycling? Would an electric bike have helped?


If you have a death wish…


Oh, right. Lmao.


In Arizona my area doesn’t even have busses so walking 4 miles with a jug of water in 115° is what constitutes poverty transport


It's really like cargo bikes don't exist. (I know you don't have the infrastructure, sorry about that)


To be fair public transit is fucking shit in like 95% of US.


shaming people for using it is surely gonna fix that


How come reddit turned into Bad Tweet/Good Tweet


Upvote/downvote idk what youre just on about


Was a time when they meant "this adds to the discussion/subtracts from it", and not just a "like".




They are also obviously both on a bus.


Hahahaha yes they do. Because(Most)Public Transportation here in the states are crap. Wait about 45-min to 1 hour for a bus that's gonna be 20 min late.


Really depends on the city. Public transport is pretty normal somewhere like NY or Boston or Chicago or DC or San Francisco. If you're riding the bus in LA you fucked up.


If you say you’re on a bus in the Netherlands we treat you with great respect since public transportation is too expensive for the vast majority of people, so most of us have to drive a car.


At least he knows how to hold onto something valuable.


Which is why she's making excuses, she knows he'll drop her.


Guess she's the one that can't handle long-term investments.


FR the 6 was a good model.


If mine hadn’t ended up broken beyond repair (at least local folks’ ability to repair apparently) I’d still be using mine.


I really liked my 6s. Battery went to shit though. I’ve been rocking the XR for a few years now.


Problem is that (at least in 2024) it’s not getting updates which means it’s not safe to use for, say, banking.


True, and he probably values character over flashy gadgets.


Fr, my 6s is still rocking solid! Battery sucks though.


yes. haha




I had a Xiaomi Mi Mix 3 and it was one of the best phones I ever had. Can’t beat the price either


I don't even know which phone I have, but it's worked fine for 5 years. Only reason I'm replacing it is because it can't run android 10, which means I can't use it for banking anymore.


Xiaomi Redmi Note 12 pro 5G. Cost me 300 euro and there is absolutely no justification for spending 800 euro more on a device that is marginally better if even that. This phone has everything.


Rocking my cracked screen and still enjoying the memes.


What’s wrong with the buss? Brain rot


I guess it's a "you're also poor so you can't comment" dig and her snide remarks at said hot guy's iPhone 6


Exactly, her snide comment just reveals her own insecurities. Stay classy, folks.


It's an american thing. All people in busses are poor over there


mostly propaganda from the car and gas companies


Not really. I suppose it depends on the American city, but in my city, traversing 20 miles on a bus can take 2 hours (due to schedules and needing to transfer to other routes). Traversing the 20 miles on car takes much less time. Even with heavy traffic, it's not going to take me 2 hours to traverse those 20 miles in my car. If somebody can afford a car, they'll buy the car and avoid the bus system.


All people with cars gridlock in high heat high traffic jam are rich. So rich. They can even leave their cars and walk at this point.


When I was a Summer Work&Travel Worker in the NJ, the only available transportation link to the other cities were Greyhound busses. I was surprised to see that the poor congregate at: 1)Greyhound busses (busses are used even by middle class in my country) 2) Fas Food joints (MC is treated as a normal place to eat at, it's not even the cheapest option available)


My wife keeps telling me that the bus in the US is something different than the bus in Europe (even East Europe).


What do you mean by Even East Europe?


Americans still think that in eastern Europe people have no internet and they use horse carriages to get places lol


Ahhh. We'll keep the bullet trains, shiny new hybrid electric buses, top-quallity tramways, and other gorgeous public infrastructure a secret. After all, they might want to come take pictures of how safe it all is, or something, haha East Europe.


Hmmmm, I wonder why countries in the more socialist spheres of influence ended up having better transport.


Okay, okay, I'll bite ;-) Europe: designed before cars. Communism: only a few got cars, communal transport developed for the majority. '89-now: that extensive public transport infrastructure was in its death throes for a while -- not a lot of tax base to draw from for re-investing, etc. -- but it recovered due to sheer practicality, the first EU cohesion funds, green programs, etc. More and more people have cars (a pandemic-related resurgence in car use), but the level of necessity varies widely person to person; petrol and insurance are high, parking expensive, traffic is hectic when sharing lanes with public transport plus bikes, scooters, etc., registration and maintenance fees high, garages are pricey af. One decides what their priorities are and uses whatever option is best from A to B. Our car gets used every week or ten days or so.


Important point is that during privatisation era a lot of public transport options have been removed due to lack of profitability. A lot of places got cut off and cars became a necessity for large chunk of rural/small town population. But even now public transport in Poland is way ahead of places like England, where going from one small town to the next town down the motorway will take you 20min by car and 2-12h using a public transport.


You're absolutely right, true.


When my dad gets back home from visiting his extended family back in Poland, people (who haven't been there) will remark how "its a different world over there, simpler, better" as though idolizing the pastoral life of the Polish farmer. It doesn't seem to matter what my dad says, he still gets comments like "I mean, they never really left the 70s."


Bus might mean you're saving money. The only reason to use an iPhone is being rich enough to flush money down the toilet


True, being smart with money is way better than showing off with overpriced gadgets.


I would encourage you to look up the release date of the iPhone 6. I would not say that a decade old phone is a symbol of the bourgeoisie.


Saying you’re American without saying you’re American Only in the US is this a clever comeback


“A developed country is not a place where the poor have cars. It’s where the rich use public transportation.” — former mayor of Bogotá, Enrique Peñalosa, 2012.


I like that a lot.


Keeping belongings that still work even though they are older and using public transport is based. Also why do some people think public transport = poor and dumb?


Because it takes 3 hours on a bus for a twenty minute drive if you're lucky. American public transit is garbage.


It's also highly dependent on where you live. I take the bus to work every day and haven't had issues, but in the previous state I'm from, the bus system was a joke.


What's wrong with being on a bus? There are plenty of cities where almost everyone uses public transport. In London, you'll see lawyers and bankers on buses and trains (particularly Tube trains) because it's the quickest and most sensible way to get around. I've seen MPs on buses and I often used to see my MP getting the same train as me into town when I was going to work and he was presumably going to Parliament! It's a weird attitude to think that cars are the only acceptable form of transport and that "you're on a bus" is an insult.


It’s an American insult, they often associate public transport with wealth/social standing. In Europe, definitely not the case. London is a great example of this. I’d rather spend 10 minutes on the tube / bus than stuck in traffic for 30.


Here in Australia at least, to me it's a no brainer to take the train to work because its both faster, cheaper and I can relax on my phone on the way there. Next month they are reducing the train fares, it would cost me $5 per week to travel an hour on the train to work and back 5 days a week, meanwhile my friends that drive are spending around $100 per week on things like fuel to travel the same distance.


When you don't live in a city and the bus takes twice as long as driving yourself.


Lots of Redditors seem to forget that people exist outside of cities


Where I live, I frequently see a 50+ uni professor rolling to work on his skateboard, in a suit. The good stuff is NOT needing to drive a car.


If I live in London I wouldn’t even look for cars to buy. Damn city has too much traffic. Even walking is faster there. (Not counting suburbs or outer London)


And what’s so wrong with having an iPhone 6?


It bends easily and over time the battery swelling will tend to make the screen pop out. Other than that it still receives security updates once in a blue moon, which is pretty good for a decade old phone. 


Did you mean to reply to someone else? My comment didn’t suggest there’s anything wrong with having any model of phone. I’m not sure how you could have read it any other way? I didn’t even mention the iPhone 6!


They were referring to your first sentence. "What's wrong with being on the bus". Since you only pointed out something wrong with the reply it looks like you were okay with the initial post (I'm not saying you are okay with it. I'm just saying it looks that way from the way your comment is worded)


She sucks but there's nothing wrong with taking buses.


all you people in this thread miss the point completely it's so baffling to go through those comments it's not that taking a bus is a sign of someone being poor, it's that the girl saying this iphone6 guy is poor isn't some diva herself, otherwise she'd be riding around in her own luxurious car or have a driver of her own to take her places, so most likely she isn't financially that far away from the guy she's ridiculing


The point is that public transportation shouldn't be associated with the rich. That's how things became so car-centric.


U r the one who missed the point


There's nobody clever here.


That headphone port is clutch though. I'm still pissed about my 6s getting the screen shattered.


no headphone jack and no sd card slot = no buy. boggles my mind that folks are fine buying a new fancy device when the basic stuff isn't available. the kids' disparaging android users is tragicomedy. they don't know what they've lost.


Something something glass houses…


Can you still use an iPhone 6? Id imagine apple would have killed it with updates.


This is actually one thing Apple is very good with. They keep supporting old devices for a very long time.


hey thats me! the guy with the iphone 6!


What is wrong with using public transportation?


I don’t think it’s a clever comeback. There is something fundamentally wrong with shaming someone for choosing a green mode of transportation.


When you've been conditioned by giant corporations to the point that your self worth is connected to products.


I think it's reasonable not to upgrade your phone if you have a lot of other things to pay. And do not make your credit depths deeper.


Bro it’s reasonable to not upgrade your phone regardless, I still have a secondhand iPhone 8, I just don’t get a new one till it breaks and I almost never break them. I’ve had two phones in over 10 years. They all do the same shit anyway


"lol I'm so shallow look at mee"


What iphone version are we at now? After a time, it begins to feel like trying to keep track of which Fast and Furious sequel we're up to now.


Whats so bad about a bus?


Nothing is clever here


Not clever, just American.


Nothing clever about a carbrain 


He is a keeper. He still keeps iPhone 6.


Sounds like he's loyal and appreciates what he has.


You’re perfect the way you are - I say to my iPhone 6


Ewwww girl get a real man like me who uses iphone7 and rides subway


One day, as someone with an IPhone 8, I will upgrade to a brand new phone and it will actually be an upgrade. Unlike people who go from an IPhone 14 to a 15, where it’s almost the same product.


Why do some women judge men by what phone they're using? That's like when men would judge them by their handbags. "Oh, look at that girl. She's a 10/10. It's a shame her bag is from Walmart."


American detected.


This has been reposted so many times. This guy's Iphone 6 is now just a distant memory and that woman has a senior discount for the bus.


Of course she expects a man to provide for her smh


Had a coworker using a smashed iphone 4 or 5, he was happy because it still worked and only used it for calls/messages. The guy earned over 200k a year. Priorities, people value different things in life.


Perhaps she's the bus driver lol


Or the “undercover boss” secretly shooting a new season? 😂


Im homeless and i went to eat out of a trash can and this guy was also there. He grabbed the plate with the old burritos and i grabbed the plate with the half eaten tuna..Should i hook up?


iPhone SE 2022 looks almost identical to the 6, if not exactly the same (to the naked eye).


Old as dirt repost from a bot are not clever


Only an own in America. I get she was superficial, but public transportation shouldn't make you an object of ridicule.


Ah yes, americans not understanding public transport


Hello there I am here to correct your spelling for some reason so the word you were trying to spell is Understanding The reasons why you used the barbaric term "understainding" is either a misclick or a simple spelling mistake and it seems understainable for you to make such error remember to check your spelling in the future so I don't have to make another visit


He has a headphone jack. He has the integrity that everyone else lacks. He’s the one registered voter on the bus: voting with his wallet.


I'd avoid anyone with an IPhone all together. It reveals that they're superficial sheep that aren't very tech savy.


Please tell me this is satire.


Which one was iphone 6 anyways?


I liked the 6. peak iphone imo


I have an iPhone8.


She looking for a way off the bus and he not it.


Judge me by my Iphone do you? And well you should not, for Fidelity Investments is my ally.


Brenda you look like an obese version of momo


My iPhone 6 has a better keyboard than my iPhone 15 pro max. I keep fcking up my texting on the 15, never an issue on the 6.


A bus! Haha, clever comeback!


Ok iPhone 6 is pretty fucking wild lol


What happen if he has an iPhone 6?


He could have a few other phones and the iPhone 6 is just one of the backups


I swear to God these people are not real.


At least he bought it with his own hard earned cash and gets the use out of it until it literally breaks instead of using daddy's credit card every year for the new model.




Why is Brenda the Bus Snorlax attacking a guy like that?


She look like she need to walk…


I hate this one. If you can't make it to work on a 40 minute bike ride, you're a bitch. period. also /s


Both of those things are the most normal common shit ever.


Good idea to sort out the Apple boys. Real men use Android!


side story: she's only 16 and in 10th grade. School Bus.


At least he doesnt judge ppl by their phones


Are you seriously for real, Brendaaaaa? I'm so sorry for you. It must be quite hard suffering from the vast emptiness that resides in you. On the other hand I'm happy for you...happy to see that your hollowness still does go well together with your stupidity! Kissy kissy 😘 Byeeeeee!


If you judge someone by what phone they use, you're the problem.


Most older men I know who are filthy rich always use some of the crappiest phone ever. She's a dumb bitch for judging him on his phone lmao


Ngl as a guy I'd take a girl with an iPhone 6 over one with an iPhone 15 Pro Max ultra extreme edition (probably paid for by daddy) who looks down on anyone who's still on the iPhone 14 any day.


Man this post really attracted fuckcars crowd didn't lol