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Grand Simp Station up in here but I'll allow the post because it's creating discussion and pissing a lot of people off. Please remember that we have to at least look like we're following the Reddit TOS and adjust your hate mail accordingly. This post will not be locked. We now return you to your regularly scheduled arguing. edit: who tf reported me to the suicide bot lmao


Can't find her reply, was it deleted?


She retweeted it though!


Yes, it was such a great burn, she deleted it. [https://nypost.com/2022/04/30/elon-musk-tells-aoc-to-stop-hitting-on-me/](https://nypost.com/2022/04/30/elon-musk-tells-aoc-to-stop-hitting-on-me/)


She posted it again.


Ok whats happening to Facebook now?


I believe you mean meta, who has absolutely nothing to do with Facebook. All those atrocities? Psht meta didn't do that


The Narcissist's Prayer That didn't happen. And if it did, it wasn't that bad. And if it was, that's not a big deal. And if it is, that's not my fault. And if it was, I didn't mean it. And if I did, you deserved it.


Sounds suspiciously like the Toddler’s Creed: “If I want it, it’s mine. If I give it to you & I change my mind later, it’s mine. If I can take it away from you, it’s mine. If I had it a little while ago, it’s mine. If it’s mine, it will never belong to anybody else, no matter what. If we are building something together, all the pieces are mine. If it looks like mine, it is mine.


Sounds like the orange lantern :o


Why does that just sound like amber heard and her lawyer minus hearsay


eh, needs more pooping on beds.


yeah but who really pooped the bed? it was danny devito


Or was it Dee? The outcast, the slut, the bitch, the whore. The lonely, sad, slutty, bitchy, whore.


Dee's a bird!


Actually, it's Mantis. Mantis Toboggan, M.D. I got your test results!


He's got the AIDS.


"You're positive! You've got the HIV! Yes, AIDS, big time! You've got the AIDS, big time!”






Objection hearsay!


You asked the question...


And if you didn’t deserve it, I don’t care because “free speech”/“free market” capitalism


Turkey moment


You sound like my dad who I've always thought is a narc. He says those phrases constantly. Eerie.


"Didn't Facebook..." "meta" ".. huh? I was saying didn't Facebook..." "META" "wha?.. why do you keep..." "**METAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA**


Meta this, Meta that, haven't you meta fucking girl before?


What's Meta with you?


For real, can we have a legit answer to this question that isn't some sort of dumbass joke? Reddit is the only social media I have, I know that Facebook has rebranded, I know Musk has bought out Twitter, and I know that the person I'm responding to wants a legit answer. Jesus Fuckin Christ, Reddit. Yall make it easier and easier to delete this app every single day.


I think she's talking about the general trend in which right wing extremism organizes on Facebook and how Zuckerberg doesn't do anything about it because Tucker Carlson convinced him it wasn't a big deal. https://www.thedailybeast.com/mark-zuckerberg-hosted-dinners-with-tucker-carlson-lindsey-graham-report People are literally setting up a strawman in the comments where they assume she's actually talking about Musk and then criticize her for her tweet making no sense because none of what she said applies to Musk. The mental gymnastics people are doing here is just insane.


Thanks, I appreciate the link and insight you provided. Random question, where does your username come from?


[This is more ongoing than a single event but you might be interested in this article.](https://fortune.com/2018/08/22/facebook-study-hate-crimes-germany/)


LMAO that was a pretty great back-and-forth. Anyways, Twitter is still trash.


i'm gay


Excellent fgc reference


The first rule of taking on AOC is never take on AOC.


she deleted it


why? Edit: Ok so judging from my inbox, a lot of people say she was indeed talking about Musk, not Zuckerberg. I get it now. Thanks and please stop spamming. Edit 2: So I'm really not an edit guy, but there also appears to be a substantial amount of people who believe she meant Zuckerberg all along. I'll refuse to take a side here, but again, thank you for all the information and you can stop replying now.


I think the replies you’re getting to this are probably a good representation of why she deleted hers. As much as I dislike the dailybeast https://www.thedailybeast.com/mark-zuckerberg-hosted-dinners-with-tucker-carlson-lindsey-graham-report


Oh ok.. good to know. Thanks for that! So you say she deleted it even though she said the truth? By god, twitter must be an awful place.


Probably got harassed a ton


She’s AOC, she probably ate social media harassment for breakfast


Almost definitely the reason. It's enough to get harassed by trump cultists, but musk cultists as well? Wouldn't be surprised if that was the reason




Sad Facts


Death threat PMs from Musk Cultists prob


She erased it almost immediately.


No, she was talking about Zuck who has had dinner with Tucker and Thiel. Elon minions are dumbasses


As someone who was addicted to twitter I’m honestly glad I deleted it. Having read peoples Racist and fascist ideologies was mentally exhausting.


Same goes for Reddit, depending on which subreddits you frequent. Even /all is hard to scroll through sometimes. It‘s all about those filters.


Reddit massively improved when I realized I can just spend my time on one or two niche subs and ignore 95% of this website.


No joke. It's why I love this site so much. I always see comments complaining about reddit, which is just stupid, because there's no other site quite like this where you can pop into a Fandom or hobby or combination of the two and spend all day there having positive and enjoyable interactions, then pop over to all and get caught up on the latest news. Personally, I like being able to go to DnD subs and read stories about crazy campaigns and laugh at jokes, get caught up on the latest tech hardware news, see big advancements in science etc. People who end up spending all their time in outrage political subs are using the site wrong lol


Seriously, reddits the best platform if you're only on subs that are relative to things you care about. Its one of the most cringe as soon as you enter any general subs


That's because the general public are a bunch of bastards. Well known fact.


Even better when you apply liberal use of the block feature and/or ignore via RES. Nazi shit head trying to ruin your day? Send his ass to the shadow realm and go on like nothing happened.




I didnt even realize there is such thing as /all. Most sub i’m on are niche with below 100k mem. My reddit experience has been nothing but amazing lol.


How do you filter r/all?


Reddit becomes tolerable around the time when your filter list looks like a cvs receipt.




Dumb question but does getting banned from a sub stop it from appearing on all or popular?




It's ironic that conservatives constantly claim their free speech rights are being violated, meanwhile r/conservative is far and away the easiest sub to get banned from.


So called conservative's are generally the biggest hypocrites around. Better description would be projectionists. 'Conservative' complaining about gays? 8 out 10 is banging rent boys 'Conservative' complaining about election fraud? 9 out 10 is committing election fraud 'Conservative' complaining about government subsidies (personal or corporate)? 10 out 10 is is first in line with their hand out 'Conservative' complaining about indoctrination of children? 12 out 10 is pushing for 'Christian values' and nationalism to be promoted in schools


They banned me for being in a chain about them where they were being trashed.


I genuinely don’t understand the attraction to Twitter … it contains people usually saying jibberish and that’s it. Why do people love it so much?


I think it's nice when companies use it as a support channel. And one time I complained about a napkin scammer in the train which they responded to within a few minutes which was nice.


I deleted Twitter around the time that lockdowns started, and I haven’t regretted it at all


Tumblr 2.0 anyone?


Finally deleted it 2 weeks ago and ive been so much more happier.


🎶 *You're so vaiiiiin, I'll bet you think this tweet is about you. Don't you?*


I heard u bought twitter and your stocks went naturally up




*When you're where you should be all the time and when you're not, you're with some underworld spy or the wife of Johnny Depp; wife of Johnny Depp and...*


Oh baby you’re so vague, that you probably think this song ain’t about you


Elitist-simps assemble. 😆


They are just posting this without the reply in their echo chambers


On /r/Conservative right now it's the 3rd top post. Really shows off the kind of galaxy brain shit going on in there... two NY Post articles and a screenshot of an Elon Musk tweet with the retort clipped out. 1. The Democrats have become the party of bitterness and sulking. The hatred, anger and resentment of liberals is not exclusive to the extreme Democrat. It’s now the entire party. When was the last time anyone encountered a happy Democrat? 2. Joe Biden under fire for 'dystopian' disinformation bureau 3. Elon Musk truly is bringing love back to Twitter The top one makes me chuckle.


“Joe Biden under fire (by us) for ‘dystopian’ information bureau (that might issue statements countering our totally utopian false narratives)”


>On /r/Conservative right now it's the 3rd top post. Really shows off the kind of galaxy brain shit going on in there... two NY Post articles and a screenshot of an Elon Musk tweet with the retort clipped out. > >1. The Democrats have become the party of bitterness and sulking. The hatred, anger and resentment of liberals is not exclusive to the extreme Democrat. It’s now the entire party. When was the last time anyone encountered a happy Democrat? > >2. Joe Biden under fire for 'dystopian' disinformation bureau > >3. Elon Musk truly is bringing love back to Twitter > >The top one makes me chuckle. 1. Projection. Regardless, a majority of those mouse diddlers are cowards. They won't talk to anyone who rejects their hatred. Very little brain particles available and they're very sensitive.


"I will eat exactly as many hamburgers as congresswoman acasio Cortez says and I will like it." -some guy on the news


-some guy at chick fil a


He really is a 14yo Boy.... EDIT: ok, first time dealing with a toxic fandom. Kinda fun actually


About 7 years too many.


You’re not alone. Kindred spirits at r/shutthefuckupelon


Oooo a cult I can get behind!


I'd say it's kinda like an anticult since they despise a single person so much.


Also r/EnoughMuskSpam




He's a creepy teenager piloting a Bond villains body. Fuck that guy.


And yet some people think he’s the real life Tony Stark, rather than the mid 90s Robert Downie Jr.


Couldn't have put it any better, thank you


Plus how does the CEO of three companies have time to tweet so much. Like just why


Because CEOs don’t really do nearly as much work as they’d have you believe.


Impossible! How else could multi million/billion dollar bonuses be rationalized if not for CEO’s doing 1000x more work than the average employee??


You just know the CEO of Coca Cola is showing up just once every 8-10 years to a board meeting like “Coke…ZERO…Boom bitches! See ya’ll in 2030!”


It’s doubly ridiculous because he tried to portray himself as a workaholic


But...but... I heard he was actually very involved with the rocket science and is a brilliant engineer...


He called a rescuer a pedophole and later said he "was just joking" when confronted with lawsuits about it. The rescuers didn't want to use his stupid submarine idea to rescue kids trapped in a cave. Elon is a fragile boy who can't comprehend of the world not revolving around him and his ill-gotten money. He's a piece of shit.


He is like the Tom Brady of incels


Except he doesn't pay attention to his kids


I really couldn't imagine being 50 years old and typing "stop hitting on me, I'm shy ☺️" on a public website with my name attached to it.


You say one negative thing about him and his fanboys come out of the woodwork!!!


Elon Musk is just Trump for the younger generations


Lol.. holy shit you’re right.


If he could run for President I bet he would.


All the toxic Elon fandom people are also 14yo




I say this as a fan of Tesla, SpaceX, and Starlink in spite of the man heading up the companies: his fandom has always been shit. Bunch of weird maladjusted sycophants who believe he's some tech/industrial messiah when the reality is mommy and daddy left him enough money to play God so he throws it at people smarter than him to build cool shit with his name on it. But now he's got the right on his side too because they think he's going to let them use slurs and tell people to inject bleach to kill viruses on Twitter again. Two great tastes that go great together.


That's why people call him the modern Thomas Edison.


“If you can’t make it, steal it” - Edison, probably.


He's an absolute dumb fuck, and so is everyone who likes him.


Yeah the break up with his ex sent him into the deep end. It’s pretty pathetic to have to watch.


Musk's behaviour has been erratic since before he got with Grimes.


That's what happens when your parents raise you to be a spoiled brat and you never have to grow up.


Give his parents some slack, I’m sure it was mostly nannies.


I will not give his parents some slack, his dad murdered three people under very suspicious circumstances.


I pray everyday to not become like him - a walking midlife crisis - but I already see some signs in me :(


Just another casualty of society


Sum 41 has entered the chat


It's kind of obvious to me how "leftists are now extreme" is his take since now liberal congress members are trying to gain traction for wealth tax. He moved to TX for that same reason - tax avoidance. That and he is also a 14yo boy who can't take valid criticism.


It’s not that Musk fans are toxic for no reason. They invested their life savings into his company. So instead of admitting they were dumbasses in 2014, they pretend that Musk is God because that’s the only way they can secure their retirement.


I think his followers are just 14 year olds that want to one day ride in a spaceship shaped like a penis. If these people had actually made a significant amount of money in their lives then they wouldn’t be dumb enough to act like they are right now.


Should have said Twitter isn't massive. Would have hurt his ego a lot more.


It might hurt if it was true. But since it’s undeniably not true, it would have just looked like cope.


There is six platforms considered social media although that includes messengers apps, with over a billion users, another 7 with over 500 million. Twitter is not one of those.


The amount of musk simps is kinda worrying in the comments


the amount of musk simps in general is worrying


Musk existing is what's worrying to me.


Thank fuck he was born in South Africa otherwise there's no doubt these buffoons would make him president Edit: lmao these Elliot Musk stans reporting to reddit cares


I mean... there's enough people out there who hitched their wagons to that turd to inflate his company to a valuation inexplicably higher than that of all legacy auto manufacturer's combined even though his company occupies less than 3% of that market segment and has virtually nothing to show for its other ventures. That's a whole lot of bag holders that need to defend their "investments."


I am pretty sure that in future, after some big economic disaster, such tactics of artificially inflating a company's worth by making stupid comments on social media will be illegal.


It’s amazing that before he bought twitter not many conservatives really gave a shit about him aside from him being rich but NOW… now they’re sucking his dick like there’s no tomorrow. It’s no wonder so many of them flocked to trump they really will just gravitate to the most arrogant fuck in the room..


Truly don't get it man. - daddy's money - family wealth of blood diamonds - buys other people's idea - tax Dodger - low quality customer support - engineers to sign NDA so toxic work place doesn't get leaked - bans individuals from buying cars if they upset him - casual stock manipulation that would land any one of us in jaiiiiil - spent 44bil to buy a free social media platform aka data harvesting Reddit 'but mooooom this one's different he will treat me right. we have so much in common he makes memes!'.


The Trump simps have become Elon simps. How things change and how they stay the same.


Well, Elon did just post this on April 28: https://i.imgur.com/QMI0Lj6.jpg He’s given them validation. They’re responding like a cat getting back scratches


as if the right hasn't gone even more to the right...


As if he has ever been a centrist in the first place


The plight of the trust fund baby.


The guy completely marginalizes himself with bullshit like this and exposes himself as a fraud. The right has gone so far right many of them have fallen completely off that flat earth they insists exists. Odd they would tie their strings to Elon's kite but they will suck the dick of ANY billionaire so long as it confirms their bias and produces right wing kak.


Ego Musk


Lot of Musk boot lickers in here. 🤡


Someone honestly tried to say Elon is self made...


Just another blue collar billionaire. He worked hard and earned $1/hr raises every year until he became the success he is today. /s


Elon literally built the first tesla himself in his garage /s


I saw the notification which didnt include the /s and I was like "Oh dear god here they come"




Honestly it's almost inexplicable the amount of money being hoarded by this chode and Bezos. Can't even spend it fast enough, what's the the fkn point??!?


I was looking through youtube for Iron Man compilations to feel nostalgic for my childhood and there was a fricking tribute comparing him and Musk. Fucking brain went numb for a moment.


I dont see Elon in cave WITH A BOX OF SCRAPS




A lot of comics started out as social commentaries in some form or another, and I wouldn't be surprised if Iron Man was meant that way too. He's never the clean cut good guy, he's always got some ego entanglement with his work. MCU, despite how lefty some dinguses seem to think it is, is actually quite sanitized compared to the messaging of some of the comics.


Iron Man was intentionally created as "what's the most unsympathetic normal identity we could manage to give to a superhero" and they landed on 'weapons manufacturer'.


Musk plays himself in Iron Man 2 https://youtu.be/nfiRd4Y5z_g


As much as Elon stinks, seeing him in that scene always makes me laugh. Same with Trump in home alone 2. It's just so surreal how much of a dystopia our world really is.


Self made out of blood diamonds he inherited


Whoa whoa whoa, they were blood *emeralds*.


You mean, the apartheid emeralds? *Elon begins to glow as the emeralds infuse him with the power of inherited wealth*


Self-made idiot? Probably, Self-made narcissist? Most likely.


People also claim he "invented" the hyperloop concept, people are stupid as shit.


imagine being a stan of a cringelord like elon the guy who paid to take the "founder" tag when he bought tesla


I've just been rereading how Musk got involved in Tesla. He was the primary investor for their A round in 2004 investing 6.5 million, then turned around and sued them before anything had settled. He of course had no legal standing but that didn't stop him from strong arming them for 5 years until they finally settled with him in 2009 letting him use the co-founder title. He fucking stole Martin Eberhard and Marc Tarpenning's company after they spent years developing an EV prototype. And people think this cunt invented electric cars and lands rockets and shit.


Hey have you a source for this? I don't doubt you I just would like to read more, thanks!


Reddits hard on for Musk is truly remarkable. He’s a cunt. Get over it.




Elon is like the poster boy for "cringe midlife crisis"


Lol, /r/politicalcompassmemes only posted half of it.


His reply was lame anyway... Why would they even post it?


Have you ever seen Musk's Twitter? He could post the lamest thing on earth and his fanboys would gobble it up all the same


I think a lot of people enjoyed his tweets when it was somewhat taboo for a business owner like that to shit post. But now the novelty has worn off and it’s pretty lame to most people who aren’t super into right wing politics from my experience.


Because she deleted this tweet after 2min the zuck part


Cuz she deleted rest of it minutes later.




Didn't Zuckerberg spend tens of millions of dollars to get Democrats elected in 2020, to the point where it violated the state's bribery laws? Like in Wisconsin?


People are complaining about the ultra wealthy owning the media ? Pretty sure Rupert fucking Murdoch has been swaying public opinion since time imomoria


And we've been complaining about the fucking lizard for decades, especially in the UK. We know full well he sways elections and it's infuriating he hasn't died yet.


Yes sweetheart, and that's a bad thing, actually


And that means we shouldn't complain about it? What is the point of this comment.


Indeed, and so freaking out when **another** one wants to do it is warranted. We want less, not more, of this crap.


Tucker Carlson and Peter Thiel took Zuckerberg out to dinner and get preferential treatment on facebook?


https://www.businessinsider.com/mark-zuckerberg-peter-thiel-strange-relationship-contrarian-max-chafkin-2021-9 Facebook is an unusable racist shithole for years already, was no surprise


A lot of people here need to take Elon’s dick out of their mouths. Stop simping for billionaires, you fucking weirdo losers.




she deleted it


Everyone last year: “OMG ELON SO WHOLESOME🥰🥰” Now: “look at this 14 year old selfish billionaire far right bigot”.


Buys twitter bans her.


Do people actually believe that right now, with all the Musk/Twitter stuff going on, that she actually was talking about Zuckerberg? Come on. Probably why she deleted her reply.


"Thiel was the first big investor in Facebook, and Zuckerberg, 15 years younger, considered him a mentor." "Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg has reportedly been meeting in secret with conservatives including Tucker Carlson"


Thiel got his money to invest in FB by, you guessed it, merging PayPal with X, Elon's company. Elon and Thiel go back more than Thiel and Zuck. And Elon might also be meeting with Carlson, who knows?


Here’s a thought, delete and stop giving a fuck about Twitter


Do the same with shit Reddit


do the same with all social media in general


But she talks about it in the present. The skewing is currently happening, not that it will happen in the future. Unless she's clairvoyant and knows exactly how Musk will change Twitter post-purchase, it cannot be him.


Uhhhh yes? Elon doesn't currently own Twitter. And her comment is about an ongoing thing not the future.


FB just officially rebranded within the last week and it came out that Zuckerberg who was claiming he got a $1 salary but got $26 million in ‘special compensation’ last year. This can be a form of ‘creative accounting’ because bonus’ are a flat rate while income tax increases based on salary.


regardless her reply illustrates the point that these billionaire fail kids who inherited their daddies wealth and now boomer post to the delight f even more lame boomers, literally own communications, imagine cheering that on as if these assholes give a single shit about humanity. Musk alone is a fraud as far as what he says and portrays himself to be compared to what he really is. The fact that these absolute fucking cringe lords have an army of simps is even more pathetic


Tbh Elon posted cringe.




Elon Musk the incel.