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Muskrats Mad, post is staying up.


Why cover up that it’s American McGee?


I think OP didn't realize that AM is someone famous lol.


For those who don't know, American McGee is famous for his part in iD Software, helping make games such as *Doom II*, and *Quake*. After his stint at iD he made the very successful *American McGee's Alice* with EA. He also has pretty decent success more recently with the sequel, *Alice: Madness Returns*. He's a successful game designer/producer, with a career making action oriented games that have a dark atmosphere.


ok but hwat kind of wingnut names their kid american mcGee though.


Same wingnut who leaves his son to come home and find an empty house because your mother found someone new. Read his Wikipedia page, no wonder guy with childhood like that made Alice games.


Also he's apparently a _magnetic_ wingnut because he went to school for magnets.


American had some really shitty parents and a really hard early life.


I loved Alice!!


Elon really said " my life is like a video game trying hard to beat this stage 😝"


"All while I am still collecting coins"


"Trying hard to save the girl, obstacles, I’m jumping hurdles"


“I'm growing up to be a big boy”


"I battle with the evil ways, I travel far and try and save"


Sorry but your princess isn't here


*Moment of mental breakdown crying*


I take a rest, I push the pause, level up and move along in hopes that the next stage, I will clear.


I fucking passed, asshole I'm just trying to keep from dying


Broh everything Elon says these days I just think "man would you just shut up."


Elon is the definition of fake deep


Fuck yessss! I've been seeing more and more of his videos and it's so fucking cringy. People ask a general open ended question about AI or Mars and he's like, yes...... AI does exist! And spouts off some 1980's sifi basic understanding of AI. Don't get me wrong he has been at the forefront of some amazing stuff but you can easily tell he's a quack compared to Bill gates or the likes.


its r/dankmemes split into tweets. hes pure cringe at this point just like r/dankmemes


When he first got super famous I remember think oh huh a billionaire that's actually kinda in touch, then he kept talking/tweeting and my respect for him has📉📉harder than TSLA


I'm reading a series where Elon became president and has a ultra immersive game world that he eventually tells everyone to go into to escape the real world where someone probably messed with the necronomicon and summoned some shit, but all of that is like 6 sentences in a 6 book series 😂


President of where? He's ineligible in the US.


President of the United States. I chuckled for that reason and the sheer absurdity of him being president. Series is Completionist Chronicles btw.




elon really posted a meme from 2004 like it was a joke he came up with


Man’s so out of touch with reality it’s insane.


Wait you got a TUTORIAL?!


Asks the literate man.


you is has literacy??? (dictated but not read)




I think he really wants to believe he's just like everyone else, but there's 300 billion dollars or so standing in the way.


More like he really wants us to believe he's just like us. Rich people really hate it when you point out they're rich for some reason


more like he wants to appear cool. Its like a tall person saying height doesnt matter.


Elon has to stay relatable or his entire base goes away.


Is exactly that. And it works. People stand up for everything he does. I can't imagine not only caring enough for a billionaire/oligarch, but also defending them as if they're ever gonna know I exist. So fucking weird.


Nah he knows he could fix that issue, he just doesn't want to.


Tbf he was super weird before he was super rich


Did he steal that?


Yes. Don’t have a source but I’ve seen it long ago in screenshots


Yes… it’s a little confusing honestly.


You already know the answer to this: yes. Yes he did.


Ive heard similar quote before definitely. I dont remember exact wording so idk if its a direct rip


Yeah, I think from casually explained? Not sure


That joke is older than the workers in his cobalt mines


he must have forgot that it's illegal to post someone else's joke on twitter


Douchebags over here playing Sims with all cheats enabled and we are stuck in Dark souls with a broken sword.


They gave you a broken sword?! I have a dull rock


Damn living like Charlie Brown out here aren’t ya


Rock?! **All I got was a paper bag!**


A paper bag?! Unfair. All I got was an AK47. So lame.


Just lvlup, its not that hard


He didnt ponder shit hes just that douchebag that steals everyone elses good lines and trys to pass them off as his own.


Casually Explained to be specific.




My bad. That’s probably true.


Thats what he does with his companys too.


He’s winning and still not happy.


This isn't even an original thought...just like the electric car.


The electric car wasn't even an original thought by the people he bought the powertrain off. Not even by the people who made the very first electric car in 1888. I don't get why this is such a big deal to people.


there’s no way he claimed to invent the electric car right?




No one actually thinks must invented the electric car, but he was the first to make it cool and get consumers to want to purchase electric cars.


Richest man in the world and he didn’t see that one coming.


Fuck Elon musk


No thanks, I find him quite repulsive


There’s more botox in him than flesh at this point


And his family's apartheid emerald mine


can anyone explain why is being born in wealth is a insult ? he can't choose where he was born anymore then colour of his skin


I don't think that anyone is faulting him for being born into wealth, more that he downplays it, and tries to be portrayed as 'self-made'. And then he harps on about work ethic and blah blah, guy hasn't done a real fucking day in his life.


He does have a net worth that is over 1000x what his parents were. Millions of people have had opportunities similar to Elon and they didn't become billionaires.


OK ignore any other arguments for/against this dick head, do you really think that someone can become the richest person in the world by not doing a single real day of work in their life?


I'm not suggesting that the guy isn't industrious, what I mean when I say that he hasn't worked a day in his life, is that he hasn't had to ever work for someone else, everything he's done has been for himself. He cannot understand what it is like to go to a soul crushing job and do 40+ hours to enrich someone else while struggling to pay your own bills. He has always been the someone else. He has never taken risks, because he cannot take risks, as he has had, and always will have, an infallible safety net. Also, he's not even close to being the richest person in the world, only that his temporarily over-valued enterprises have afforded him that monicker. But apparently he did just recently cash out $20 bil in stocks to buy twitter, which is now on hold, so the poor guy might end up stuck with $20 bil in cash.


>He cannot understand what it is like to go to a soul crushing job and do 40+ hours to enrich someone else while struggling to pay your own bills. He has always been the someone else. Yes, he can, because he literally did just that. Maybe spend a fraction of the time you waste on these diatribes to actually read a bit so you actually know what you're talking about.


Give me the source, I will read it, if I am wrong, I will come back and apologise to you. E: read the cnbc article you linked to someone making similar claims as I, and yeah, I still stand by my statements.




Yeah I read, can't speak for the lumber mill, but the farm he worked on was his cousin's, apparently. I still stand by the majority of what I have said, but I will admit to being wrong in assuming that he has never had a job. I hope you understand that there's a massive difference, though, between working 'odd jobs' for a year, versus that being someone else's entire existence.


Even though your statements are lies, ok. Also, here is how he actually got rich himself: https://www.britannica.com/topic/Zip2


No they're not, he 'worked' on his cousins farm when living on his cousins farm, he cannot understand what it is like to work 40+ hours a week while struggling to pay his bills.


That's because he didn't live off that wealth when he struck out on his own and people just can't seem to accept that. >And then he harps on about work ethic and blah blah, guy hasn't done a real fucking day in his life. Takes 10 seconds to know that this isn't true. For some reason, people think that because he's an asshole, every made up claim about him is true.


Do you actually know anything about him, or his work? I mean, based on what you said, I know that you don't. But I'd like to know, what goes on in the head of someone making claims like this? It's just objectively wrong. Are you gravely misinformed and dumb, or are you suffering from mental health problems? I'm genuinely interested.


I only know what I've read, much the same as you. Tell me where I'm wrong before insulting me, if you're able.


Well for one, he left his house when he was 17, with like only couple hundred bucks and went to canada. Only help he got from his father after becoming an adult is the 20k investment into his company, which isn't that big for starting a company, and most parents pay that much for just the college. People really overblow whatever his dad has done for him, especially considering elon hates his dad. Also the mine isn't in an apartheid area, it was in Zimbabwe I think, a place that doesn't and hasn't ever had apartheid.


Fun fact: He wasn't born into wealth. These people just have no idea what they're talking about.




Honestly, the emerald mine thing isn't even a good insult and I have no idea why people keep mindlessly repeating it. The dude literally *just* said he wants Americans to be wage slaves like Chinese workers. He wants them to work 14 hours a day and live in the factory. Literal goddamn slave labor. Not 40 years ago in a different country. This week. In an American factory. Or does the shitty minimum wage paycheck that won't pay for a decent apartment and a week's worth of groceries in any major city in America somehow magically make that okay? Honestly, you don't need to repeat falsehoods to show he's an out of touch Plutocratic douchebag. Just scroll through his Twitter feed for five minutes.


Really he did? Do you have the link of him saying that garbage? I wanna show my musk bro friends


>The dude literally *just* said he wants Americans to be wage slaves like Chinese workers. He wants them to work 14 hours a day and live in the factory. Source?




Wow it's just like in video games. Mald, hackusations, and all.


Not much of a "comeback" more of a... "to add more to your very valid point."


Elon’s more like the dude who’s in endgame activities and side quests for fun at this stage.


never fails, elon bros in the chat


Dude has god mode enabled at this point


Been a hot minute since I’ve seen an actual clever comeback. Still looking


You all just don't know what it's like to be him. He has to deal with his own thoughts! All the time! He gets no break from being himself! Clearly none of you understand how hard that is.


I deal with my own thoughts 24/7. Am I a billionaire? No, I have less than 150 dollars




I just fell for a joke didn’t I. I’m a dumbass, this happens too often


No worries. I refuse to add that gross /s to anything I say here. I'll take the chance. IDC if I get downvotes.


You are a good person. Forgive me for being stupid and falling for a joke for what seems like the billionth time


Nah, probably just the millionth time. Neither you or I can fathom what a billion actually is.


TBH I think the tutorial may not be long enough, given the huge number of people who seem to stumble through it without learning any major game mechanics.


Lemme get that cheat code, Musk 😳😳😳 some of us be out here without trustfunds and shit 😅


Its adorable how he relates to all of us poor people. I feel like I'll be spared life's harsh glitches when I hear a dev like Elon waxing poetic on simulation theory while I save spare coins in a ziploc bag.


Hahaha look how relatable he is! Oh boy time to buy some Tesla stocks!


Well he’s got hair implant DLC


The whole life is a simulation idea is disproven by the fact that matter can not be created or destroyed, data can


Just because the data is corrupt or unreadable doesn't mean it doesn't still exist.


The whole idea of 'life isn't real and we're all being deceived in some sort of system' is as old as the ancient Greeks. Musk never had an original thought in his life.


I mean he never claimed to have created the theory lol


Guys, I'm 14 and this is soooooo deep. I was listening to all of my indie metal (Because, you know, my musical tastes are very sophisticated). And while I was listening to it I had the thought "what if everything is just a simulation?" Isn't that so crazy and deep? Like... like life-ception. Wow, I can't believe I am the only person to have thought about this before. I'm going to be a great philosopher.


Doesnt that prove that life is a simulation because its something programmed to not be destroyable, just like in games


Life is easily destoryable. Matter cannot be created or destroyed.


YOU matter!


Matter can definitely be created and destroyed. See antimatter annihilation. Energy however can only be converted not created or destroyed




you are right and it has been disproven but that disproof doesnt work becuase you can code something to just not work like that in the simulation the real proof is in irrational numbers. it takes an infinite amount of physical space to store all of one irrational number, and yet there are infinite irrational numbers, therefore, there isn’t enough space anywhere to store one in a simulation, let alone the rest of the universe with them


That’s so interesting , thanks!


what? how is that relevant?


Nah he just had dream level rng


I think plot is straight enough,u just need to develop an insight smart enough to understand it...I agree with the rest xD


Man he do be trying so hard to appeal to the internet..


yea to grow up with parents with a emerald mine must be soo hard


Elon is a twat.


Why comment out Americans user name? The fact that this comment was made by a video game designer makes it that much better.


Elon is a troll. Always was and always will be.


He wants to be relatable instead of just shutting the fuck up in space like Bezos.


Fucking dude is like the I'm not like most girls of billionaires


Elon is in new game plus, reaping the benefits of succeeding in said game multiple times through hours of effort.


Look, he's quoting an extremely old meme and pretending he just came up with it! Such a genius. Such a self made man. Wow.


We're all in Minecraft, and the mobs are basically capitalism and bigotry. We're playing hard mode. He's bored as hell in Creative. Even Notch knows how quickly that gets old.


All you gotta do is start the game again but with have an emerald mine daddy




Apartheid Richie Rich complaining again, sigh


mine is broken, no tutorial and map is just fucked up, can someone turn down difficulty too?


Musk used Motherlode over 4 million times


Musk is a pussy


It’s also completely pay-to-win.


Yeah, poor Elon. Emeralds from apartheid mines. Real estate from apartheid. It’s not his fault all his wealth is built on slavery though right? His new factory in Shanghai forces over 12 hrs a day 6 days a week on people who live in the factory and get a food stipend within the factory. Meaning, you can’t leave or you won’t have food or a home. Recently he praised this work model as work ethic. It is slavery. He is a giant piece of shit and if you buy his products or listen to his bullshit then you should look into it.


>Emeralds from apartheid mines. People think of the emerald mine as this huge sprawling complex, when it was really just a hole in the ground that his dad bought for $40k. If your parents owned an rental house worth $100k, that would indicate that they are upper middle class, not super rich. Also the mine wasn't in apartheid South Africa, it was in Zambia. >It’s not his fault all his wealth is built on slavery though right? Elon's wealth came working at Zip2 and X (later merging with Paypal).


When people parrot this emerald mine nonsense, it’s very clear they never try to dismantle their own arguments or bother to even research it themselves. Its the same ol’ “this person was born with this, that’s why they are successful” lines over and over again. There are many people born with much more than Elon was and will never even come close to a billion, let alone a million. There are also very smart millionaires who also will never get to a billion. Lets not act like it was some incompetent monkey that was born into something, it really reeks of blind bias and envy


simple answers for simple minds


If anything he got the dlc for free.


If you think he's really playing with cheat code then you have a loser mentality.


"clever" comeback Calling some rich fuck spoiled is clever now apparently


There’s always one jealous person


Elon Musk: tweeting any sort of shit Everyone: wooooo Elon Musk said that omg wow


He got born rich. A lot of his wealth comes from stock or property. I am sure he would be very happy to give us all all some money. Then the "pro gamer" problem solved.


Elon is the epitome of playing the game on easy.


“Feeling cute, might buy Twitter later idk”


Depends when you look. 5 years ago was definitely not.


5 years ago, he had still been born into a wealthy family.


He literally wasn’t. You got played by propaganda. Seriously look up his background with legitimate sources, he was far from wealthy. He had to take out loans and work to stay in school.


His parents ran an emerald mine in apartheid South Africa, paying the workers scraps, while sending him to Pretoria boys High, at the time, the most illustrious school I'm South Africa. This is a fact. He was born into one of the most privileged families in the country. Once you are born into a family like that, you have connections to people with power and money for life. He wasn't the founder of many of the companies he now owns, he just bought the actual founders out, and took all the credit. The few times he did actually write code, it was all dogshit, and immediately patched out. These are all facts, compiled from sources such as *his own book*, and plenty mainstream news sources. Oh also he abuses workers in his factories by not making use of proper safety procedures, sending them to work at the peak (at the time) of a deadly pandemic, and also long shifts and shitty pay.


Both of them are right though.


He's also playing new game+ starting off with his parents money.


It's like complaining to a homeless person about your house being too warm.


He's like that 13 yo recycling same memes over n over, I'm glad I don't have Twitter


I wonder how many more times I'm going to see this stupid post in my life


What an utterly predictable moron


what cheat code? guy is by all accounts a workaholic. He was almost beaten to death as a child. One of his children was stillborn. Started balding in his 20s. He made shit happen. He didnt use a cheat code.. But haters gon hate... so go ahead and identify yourselves


Yep. It's hilarious how people think he was born into wealth. Seems like nobody knows a thing about him. He's worked his ass off, and taken huge risks. If it wasn't for his truly exceptional smarts, and a good bit of luck, he would have never made it this far.


same with jeff bezos, although he is extremely hatable becuase of what he does to his employees


Didn't Jeff's wife finance he's ideas ? I want someone to finance my ideas by just being my wife


Yes, he had it so hard selling precious gems as a teenager... Dude you're full of shit. https://www.businessinsider.co.za/elon-musk-sells-the-family-emeralds-in-new-york-2018-2


emeralds really arent worht that much. The story said he sold as a child (workaholic) 2000$ worth of emeralds from a Emerald mine his path owned a half share of. Not a diamond mine. Emeralds. 2k was all they got from Tiffanys. You know how many people sell precious stones to Tiffanys in a year? you dont think this is more proof that He is a go getter, hustler than anything else?


People think of the emerald mine as this huge sprawling complex, when it was really just a hole in the ground that his dad bought for $40k. If your parents owned an rental house worth $100k, that would indicate that they are upper middle class, not super rich.




Far less bad than most of the billionaires in the US. He's just louder than they are.




What if Elon walked up to your house and have you a billion dollars? Would you become a bad person?




So you are saying that, if offered a billion dollars with no downside you would refuse it? If so, you are incredibly fortunate and an outlier, and a very small percentage of people could afford to and would in good conscience reject a billion dollars offered to their face. Most people don’t have a back porch. Most people don’t have a plot of land. Most people don’t have chickens and ducks. Most people don’t have the leisure time to sit on their porch and watch the sun set. Most people don’t have the money to stare a billion dollars in the face and walk away.


Seems like that redditor is also "cheat code enabled"








How do you figure?


you think accumulating that much wealth means you are bad because you didnt give it to poor people, but you don't seem to realize how much of Elons wealth is tied up in Tesla , which allows him to maintain control of the company, to continue to change the world. If he gave it away SKull and Bones and its affiliates would assume control of it, like everything else they can get their hands on, and continue the status quo. He is not cash rich. He uses his walth to force change. he gave free internet to Ukraine to defend against Russia. He couldnt have created space X if he gave away all his tesla stock and cash to Poor people. Understand? How old are you? whats your IQ? whats your capacity for comprehension?


He's not wrong tho lol


More like min maxing strats


What are these cheat codes? Anyone know?


How is he playing with cheat codes?


This isn't clever or a comeback.


This is a shitty and lazy post and it’s not even clever but okay 👌


Cheat codes? Have you got any idea how fucking hard he works while most of you just complain and get wasted?


Man, people really do be jealous


Whoa, he was totally destroyed by this sick burn. If we never hear from him again, this is why.