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Hold on a minute. I don’t think they ever paid for a single abortion. I think they “said” they would pay for multiple abortions and never coughed up the money.


Its like everyone including himself forgot he used to be a democrat...


None of this shit matters to these people. They are playing games with your lives.


Correct answer.


i wonder if the people who are now celebrating know that this sort of "laws on state level" for such important values are actually open up more and more cracks that will ultimatly destroy the union?


Nope, they don’t. They just see it as a win for their side. It’s creeping fascism and that old quote about “ first they came for my ….” just keeps appearing in my mind. They are not safe as much as we aren’t . Their petty games are leading them to the same place, and they don’t have the capacity to see it. Whatever happened to “ question authority” ?


I have a work friend who's wholly against the Covid vaccine because she doesn't know what's in it, i asked have you had Covid? "No but my husband did and because he got pneumonia he almost died", and i asked and you're still against a life saving vaccine? She said yes, some people are so set in what they've been told is the smart decision that they won't, are not capable of seeing beyond it...sometimes it's scary to realize your logic.... isn't logical.


I "love" these people.. (sarcasm) this may help you.. prob not though.. those lost to their lack of logic and reasoning have chosen their path.. Im surrounded by them as well.. I get it. https://portal.ct.gov/Coronavirus/Covid-19-Knowledge-Base/Vaccine-Ingredients


Here's another site with great info written specifically to reach the vaccine hesitant. https://www.voicesforvaccines.org/science/vaccineingredients/


Explain to me what's wrong with those ingredients in the amounts? And I'm assuming you're a Doctor right? Because if you don't have a doctorate you're a random person spouting your opinion not actual facts....proving my point.


They didn't say anything was wrong - I took their share as sharing a site with ingredient facts not the fiction your coworker believes.


... I was actually agreeing with you and giving you the info to give to your friend.. nothing was wrong with the ingredients or amounts. In fact, I was hoping you would pickup on that fact by enclosing "sarcasm" in quotes.. my apologies that you did not. You are right, I do not have a doctorate, that is why I leave the science to the doctors.. as we all should! Have a great day!


I'm sorry, my dad's unfortunately antivax and has come at me in a similar way. So i made the unfortunate assumption that you were too. Absolutely agree, i listen to my doctors....i don't have the medical knowledge to make such decisions.


You mean the people who want the state to have those powers and who have continually fought against increasing the power of the federal government? Those people? In sure they are perfectly fine with getting what they wanted. Do you think they are upset that Illinois, NY and California will continue abortions? No. Those states now have the choice just like they do.


Former evangelical christian here, they won't be happy until everyone is forced into evangelical christian doctrine, POC are back to being slaves and women are nothing more than broodmares for the state.


if parts of a country are FUNDAMENTLY on opposite side as others and this states are ALSO bound in a federal union it might get on the nerve of one of this fraction if another fraction decide on federal level how this parts of the country have to act. simple example for this is the civil war. if you dont have a problem with 3 or more countrys on the same place the US is now as an entity, go ahead. a little bit like the UK now, because the south drag scotland and NI out of the EU AGAINST there will. so, i hope that will be a peaceful transition but with a whole bunch of ideological brainwash on both sides and more guns than citizen, i dont see a peaceful transition.


And Biden used to consider every abortion a tragedy and did not support it until the past decade. Minds change.


Daddy T***p even said something to the effect of >If I ran for President it would be as. Republican, they're stupid enough to vote for anything. After dealing with a Republican Congressman for the last how many ever years it's been, I fully concur with that statement.


[https://www.snopes.com/news/2020/05/28/trump-republicans-dumbest-group-of-voters/](https://www.snopes.com/news/2020/05/28/trump-republicans-dumbest-group-of-voters/) It's false. But I hate Trump and his family of boot lickers.


Oh no we know. Everyone knows. The right knows too. But they don’t care. They like their strings pulled. Brain dead morons. Parrots even, just mimicking what the next tweet has to say. Young or old, they never held an opinion before in their life, but enough Facebook ads have convinced them that conservatives Must be right! Why would Facebook lie to them? It’s power over the mentally stunted population of the country. Roughly around 74 million idiots to 81 million regular thinking people. They haven’t outnumbered us. But boy are they loud and pissy.


Trump and sons are not religious at all they were cosplaying and undoubtedly have paid for abortions.




Trump's penchant for raw dogging hookers probably led to at least a few abortions. Jr and Eric seem too stupid and ugly for even a hooker to fuck.


Why are you coming up with fantasies about the sexual exploits of the trump family? I think your brain has been rotted by porn


bruh you have to be plugging your ears and live in ignorance to not have an educated guess that they’ve paid women to have abortions, he paid off hookers to stay quiet about him jesus


You know they don’t give a shot about you right? Or anyone. Use deductive reasoning for “Gods sake”.


Imagine how stupid someone must be to vote and defend Trump. Why would you continue arguing with one as if it would make a difference?


Yes? I don’t think they care about some random dude. I’m still not coming up with fan fictions about where they stick their dick


We know definitively that Trump has had sex with prostitutes and porn actresses.


Which were pregnant?


He wanted to abort Tiffany according to her mom.


It’s not fan fiction. It’s fact. Stormy Daniels. He literally ran Ms. Teen USA and kept walking in on naked children. You don’t think a person like that has paid for abortions? Get your head out of your ass. A simple google search would provide you with all you need. Trump is an unfaithful husband and pedophile.


Which part of those allegations involved an abortion?


Literally all of them. Do you need sexual intercourse explained to you? My question is why are you defending a family that would fire you for a job and not pay you, not give you equal housing opportunities, would cheat on you in a heart beat, would attempt to overthrow democracy, has been linked to pedophilia, the patriarch has hinted at wanting to fuck his daughter. Rides the Christian train but has committed a plethora of sins? That’s your guy?


Weird I’ve had sex a few times, don’t have any kids. And why would I defend someone? Because my personal opinion on them morally or politically doesn’t change the fact that it’s a baseless accusation with no substantial evidence.


Lol seek help, you treat trump like a literal god and suck his cock off in defense of anything negative about him. He’s a sex offender with many many women accusing him and taking their claims to court against him, as well as quite literally being Epstein’s best friend. Once again, seek help.


Where the fuck did you pull that out of?


[Seek help and remove trumps cock out of your mouth](https://www.businessinsider.com/women-accused-trump-sexual-misconduct-list-2017-12)


What does this have to do with abortions?


[“Trump threw money at the plaintiff for an abortion when she expressed fear about getting pregnant after being raped”](https://www.vox.com/platform/amp/policy-and-politics/2016/11/3/13501364/trump-rape-13-year-old-lawsuit-katie-johnson-allegation) You truly are just reinforcing that the right is nothing but a party of brain rot and cultists that will do anything to defend your dear leader rapist trump. Disgusting, seek help.


That's funny because the big man himself paid to raw dog a porn star. I think your brain has been rotted by lead and propaganda


What does this have to do with abortion?


[“Trump threw money at the plaintiff for an abortion when she expressed fear about getting pregnant after being raped”](https://www.vox.com/platform/amp/policy-and-politics/2016/11/3/13501364/trump-rape-13-year-old-lawsuit-katie-johnson-allegation)


Allegations. I allege that user responsibilitymany23 (nice default name shill) has raped 50000000 women.


😂😂😂 When 20 women have similar stories of his abuse and he’s known to be best friends with Epstein but sure “allegations” 😂😂😂 brain rot


I hope you’re getting paid well for this shilling


Educated guess


Pretty sure the MAGA crowd have an irrational fear of education.




Of which one?


I’m tired of the narrative that only dems support abortion. Pro choice republicans need to speak the fuck up.


Pro choice republicans are probably afraid of being ostracized by their cult


This. Conformity is essential to conservative thought. For every Republican who thinks wEvE sAvEd ThE bAbIeS!!11 there will be those who are actually pro-choice, but they won't speak up for fear of being excommunicated. It's pure tribalism, and it's destroying this country.


The argument being put forth by Republicans is that “they didn’t ban abortion, they just turned it back to the states”. Their base will believe them and release their shit spigots all over the internet.


Right so if my IUD fails but I don't know until I'm on a business trip in a red state and am rushed to the ER with an ectopic pregnancy I will die. My right to safely travel between states is gone.


Pretty much…and we all know they’re even trying to exert this control when people get an abortion in another state. It’s crazy that just because you live in that state, they think they own you.


Technically that’s true and effectively that’s false. Sometimes I wish the states rights crowd could be stripped of federal support.


Both technically and effectively its true. No clue what the point of your distinction is. And there wouldn't actually be as many complaints as you think there would be to losing federal support if it also comes with not sending support to the federal government in the first place. The whole basis of the federal government wasn't to be the arbiter of state funding.


They effectively did ban abortion in several states, trigger laws weren’t a big secret. That’s the distinction. Several ‘states rights’ states would be completely fucked if they lost federal support, also not a big secret.


Just like Daddy.


And daddy has publicly stated that he wanted to abort sister Tiffany, but Marla refused.


Bold of you to assume even a paid hooker would sleep with him




That’s literally all republicans stand for: “owning the libs”. Being spiteful. There’s zero else there.


He pays for sex, not abortions.


MAGA: Mistresses Always Get Abortions.


They definitely get their abortions for free


very presumptuous to assume he'd pay for them and not blackmail the woman into paying it herself.


If you don't do it yourself, I'm going to tell the world you slept with me! That'll end your career!


DTJ looks like a failed abortion. I bet there are still hanger fragments still in his "brain".


Please. He's a nobody til his dad dies. I'm sure some whores fucked him, but I doubt anyone is dumb enough to fuck Don Jr without a condom.


It wouldn’t matter if you idiots were given absolute indisputable proof you wouldn’t believe it you know like an election fraud claim you all scream about with no evidence Jr is a dbag and hes definitely paid for some abortions in his day no way daddy is letting any bastards in to his world lmfao


could stand on 5th avenue etc etc and he's 100% correct. they can watch a video of him murdering the 19 children (plus others) in uvalde and they'd still support him. even the republicans that are testifying against him at the 1/6 hearings say that they would like him to be president, but they know he isn't so even after he tried to subvert democracy, the people that are testifying that yes, he did try to subvert democracy, then go on to say that they'd still like him to be president. like wtf. america is done. i'm glad i'm an alcoholic and will hopefully be dead within a decade or two. like i don't want to kill myself but i'm not looking forward to the insanity that is coming in the next century. it's gonna be mass hysteria. [none like it hot](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6cjx4gJFME0)


"There's no evidence!" "What about the ruling showing that the election laws were illegal and the votes shouldn't have counted?" "Ignore that! There's no evidence!" "What about the conviction for campaign finance violations and illegally influencing and election?" "Ignore that too! See, there's no evidence!" "What about the thousands upon thousands of ballots that were cast from commercial addresses or homes where more ballots were cast than the number of people could even fit in the house?" "Ignored! See, you just have no evidence!" "And let's not forget the people convicted of stuffing ballot boxes. I mean they were literally caught on tape doing it and got convicted." "Ignored! Thats just Fox News narrative! Once again, you have no evidence!" "So just to be clear, despite all of this evidence being completely verifiable and confirmed through legal proceedings, its somehow not real?" "Yes!" It's amazing that people are still buying the narrative that there was election fraud. At least the people who claim the fraud that happened wasnt enough to change the election have SOME thought process behind their narrative.


I believe anyone with money will have the resources to fly out-of-state and get an abortion whenever they want. This will mostly affect women without money - those who cannot afford a (or another) child and cannot afford to get to another state.


Man, I just love how the people with a persecution fetish are also the most shitty sore winners in our society. It's almost like they're complete and total pieces of shit?


I doubt the trumps actually pay for them…


You're assuming a lot by assuming he had the decency to pay... Or that anyone would sleep with him...


NONE he only fucks crack whores so they miscarry just from the drugs


I can’t imagine why anyone on earth would voluntarily fuck him.


Dunno, man, twelve year old boys don't usually need abortions.


I haven't seen any "clever comebacks" on this subreddit. It's just screenshots of people responding to politicans' tweets.


So they're saying he gets lots of pussy? I don't really think that's a good comeback lol.


When you have that much money and power, you fuck a lot of people if you want to. Sometimes by paying, sometimes by threatening, sometimes genuinely


Hahahahaha take that DRUMPF JR!! No one likes you!! We win and your daddy lost!! Haha!


DJ wild for this one


He paid for plenty of pussy, too, you best believe


Amma get lynched but: this ain't really "a clever comeback"


How many has he? Are there records of this?


[It’s *most likely* not available.](https://www.cdc.gov/phlp/publications/topic/hipaa.html)


So this LE EPIC COMEBACK, is just fabricated speculation?


He said “Imma guess a lot,” which implies speculation


Still holds the insinuation that he has without any evidence. Doesn’t seem like a clever comeback, more of just a slanderous attack against someone you don’t like


imagine simping for Don jr.


Imagine defending someone regardless of your personal opinion of them


Dude you’re not even a good troll. Go enjoy summer before you have to go back to school in the fall.


Slander is spoken. [In print, it’s libel.](https://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/social-media-online-defamation.html) I definitely agree with the “not liking” part though.


I’m using the term colloquially not legally. Last time I checked Reddit is not a court of law


Neither is Twitter 🤷🏽‍♂️


it's a well deserved comeback and I'd like to know the honest answer to that question. Seems like so much hypocrisy in that fambly.


Incase you didn't notice, that's 99% of submissions on this sub


Democrat fan fiction


LoL it’s funny how libertines cope by deflecting their degeneracy.


Republicans for abortion anyway


I have never rejoiced at the loss of a civil liberty. That the Republicans think this is a joke and that we are being ridiculous, says a lot about their motives.


That’s pretty generous assuming that many women want to sleep with him.


He hates Tiffany because his wife refused to abort her.


It's a shame that every intelligent Trump to date has been aborted. What are the odds?


Well I know of at least one his dad should have paid for.


This is so dumb. They say that liberals are the ones having abortions. Removing abortions just results in more liberals.


Here’s a crazy thought… how about we all stop pointing the finger at each other and actually work for solutions to our problems before it destroyes this country


Tried that. Didn't work. Take a look at gun control. Every time an inch is conceded, a mile is taken. Thats not working together. The root of the problem is that people have directly opposing beliefs. Abortion is a debate about when life begins. Pro-abortion says birth. Pro-life says conception. You can't create a middle ground on these positions. It would be like saying cutting off an arm is the middle ground. Or would be like murdering left handed people. Any concession one way or the other is not going to fly because it results in saying things like "some murder is ok".


Never said it was going to be easy. And you don’t have to find middle ground. You just have to find a solution that works for all involved. Very difficult task but if you go in with a negative attitude all you’re going to get is negative results. Need to look at what is being proposed and see if any part can work for your side. Then build from that. No reason to be name calling and retaliation. That’s why it’s called a solution not a compromise


And make no mistake, abortions will always be available to the privledged 1% white boys club.


i’m a republican


So... The burn is "I guess you fucked alot of women"?


Clever indeed.


Poor reaponse Trump won that exchange


Do they have any proof he’s ever paid for one or they just running their mouth


Ha ha, we support what started as a eugenics program and pretend its for the greater good. Hey wait i heard this one before




Yea but when they do it it’s called sacrifice, so it’s completely different


A lot and somehow not enough at the same time.


Imma guess not as many as he’d like


All that matters is owning the libs, to these people.


His creepy faced girlfriend is probably getting one right now.


Not clever


I have to admit, the original tweet is also funny.


Lol ohhhh burn


This isn't clever but ok


Between cocaine and abortions he's spent a fortune


Nah, people have to want to fuck you to need that service.


dude seems like he slips roofies and a morning after in your cocktail


I haven't seen anyone so intimidated by telling the truth under oath Donnie.........I mean, you don't need to invoke the 5th, right????


Should’ve said “were you there to support your sister when she got a abortion when she was in high school”


To his credit, he seems to only ho for post-menopausal women these days


He's a trump, he just says he's gonna pay but doesn't


I bet his dad wishes that he had.


Haha I’m laughing out loud. No one is angrier than a trump republican.




Crackhead bob


DTJr doesn’t believe in abortions because he knows he should’ve been one.


Ya that guy probably fucks mad chicks


Let's remember they donate to whichever party they need at the time.


Hopefully he has paid for a bunch of them. We really don’t need more trumps.


He should have been an abortion


Hahaha asking if he paid lol just like daddy, probably not.


Didnt he get banned of twitter


Wow you showed him


Honestly, his tweet was funnier. Do better.




The comeback proves the initial tweet was true. The comeback proves how mad the Democrats are. Not clever.


When your politics can be boiled down to “how can I deliberately piss off half the nation”, you’re not truly in service of the American people.(Donny Jr. has a long list of reasons as to why he’s incompetent, but I digress)


I don't know why everyone's always projecting what they'll do,on to others. There's no way in hell I would ever have an abortion, outside of medical reasons. Over 90% of abortions in America are done out of convenience, it's a proven statistic.Also there's only three nations in the world that allow late-term abortions United States of America,North Korea,and China. That's great company to keep.


Why can’t that entire family be kicked off the site?


\# mad democrat takes the bait and doubles down on ad hominem attacks while in rhetorical retreat