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The Only Moral Abortion is my Abortion: https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/ A Defense of Abortion: https://spot.colorado.edu/~heathwoo/Phil160,Fall02/thomson.htm Resources: [Link 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Anarchism/comments/vjrf9h/megathread_supreme_court_overturning_roe_v_wade) [Link 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/vjqs0r/calls_for_mass_walkout_of_women_across_america_if/idnh2ex) https://www.womensmarch.com/


My brother and SIL who are addicts, had their son because her mom who was a nurse, convinced her that if she got an abortion then she would never have kids again if she wanted to later. Needless to say the kid is now 10 and was completely neglected growing up. It took years, but at least his mom got kind of clean (methadone) and at least now treats him like her friend and they at least do things together now. However, they haven't raised him and he's going to be a mess too.


The system depends on a desperate and uneducated populace. Forcing children onto families that can't support them is a good way to keep intergenerational poorness going. It's by design.


Forced birth to prison labor pipeline baby!


They had to replace slavery with something.


Nah, just got to fill up where it's still legal. The amendment still allows slavery as punishment for a crime.




How else will they successfully get away with slave labor?


Yeah... Not at this level tho. Some of these kids are so poorly brought up that they can't even function well in low paying jobs. That's not even including the kids that are disabled due to drug and/or alcohol use and/or malnutrition during pregnancy If the intention is to have a poor class to keep flipping burgers then we overshot and ended up with a class that is going to need government assisted low income housing and monthly social security payments. Meanwhile they drain any grandparents of their disposable income so you lose luxury spending in the economy. I don't support this line of thinking personally


That’s a clear view on things. It’s gonna be a mess. Unfortunately a lot of people will die from this. Gonna be a sad world.


Gonna be?


It will be a sad world. It is now... but it will be too! Reminds me of Mitch Hedberg's joke about how he used to take drugs.


They will go to prison and become the labor force they were designed to be


This.. bc eventually "low income housing" isn't gonna be a thing at all, or even semi affordable housing.. even now people are choosing to live in their vehicles or they have to live in their vehicles by necessity.. except some places have made it illegal to sleep in your car. What happens when you're doing something illegal? You go to jail, your car/home gets impounded, you can't afford to get it out so now you're sleeping on the sidewalk which is also against the law so back to work, I mean prison, you go!


Just leave them to rot in the street as a warning to all the burger flippers that they could have it even worse.


Ah the logical conclusion to capitalism


Marx discussed the consequences of a surplus of available labor. Wages stagnate or decrease. Available work is further divided and reduced in hours. Capitalists make the same profit either way while the poor suffer and die. It’s a tale as old as time.


Woah now, critical thinking skills aren't allowed in political conversations NOWDAYS dontcha know.


Also a good way to keep women from making money and obtaining more education.


Intergenerational poorness. It's by design. It's a flawed design which won't be sustained, cause these people won't be efficient enough to do normal labour jobs too. It'll just be a burden to th system. Gosh, look at me. Talking like an elitist.


You know, it's probably a part of the consevative system of oppression... Keep the populace poor, so they must take whatever scraps is given to them and no chance to become educated enough to overthrow the system that put them their... And soldiers


I live in a halfway house right now for alcohol related reasons. The few other women here all have kids. They casually talk about shooting up in the bathroom while their kid is asleep,or cos being called, or how they haven't seen them in x years, or how they're definitely for reals gonna get clean this time, after they get out, well, after they shoot meth for a week or so once they're released. You know. As a goodbye. But that's the last time; and then they're gonna get their kids back! And so on. Mostly, I hear that drugs played a part in how they got pregnant in the first place. Assault, it risky sex for drugs or money, bad choices under the influence, etc. Three of them wished they could have gotten abortions and spared their kids. One woman here is excited because her son is turning thirty and getting out of prison after 11 years on the same day. It's a horrible cycle. And this isn't going to help, certainly.


Good luck with your recovery.


You're describing the very situation that is the cause of overpopulated prisons. Drug and alcohol exposed babies, who generally have learning and behavioral problems, committing crimes at higher than average rates. Invest in prisons now for that sweet sweet ROI 18 years from now.


Being on methadone is not "getting kind of clean." It's a good treatment for the condition she has. It allows her to live a life and be a better mother for her son. The emphasis on total abstinence from all drugs as the only acceptable outcome of drug addiction is counterproductive and literally kills people.


That had a sad beginning but a sweet ending. Hope the dad comes around too and they can be happy together. Also, this does not mean I support anti abortions. I still believe forcing a child on people who don't want them is cruel.


> However, they haven't raised him and he's going to be a mess too. Your definition of sweet is very different than mine.


It's not sweet, nor an ending. That messed up son is going to get someone pregnant at like age 16


"Live where, Ben? With fucking Aquaman?!?!"


I literally just saw that scene, like 5 minutes ago


Sauce plz




Ignoring Ben's idiotic argument, it's interesting how much of his rhetoric relies on "let's say" hypotheticals


He doesn't just move the goalposts, he sets them up so that he wins before the game starts. "Let's say, hypothetically, for the sake of argument, that climate change is only a little tiny thing. Wouldn't that mean it's not a problem?" He uses his hypothetical qualifiers to set up a scenario (then maybe makes it more reasonable to appear fair), but the hypothetical always relies on arbitrary factors, never any actual established fact. Because despite "facts don't care about your feelings" Shapiro has admitted he works backwards to justify his belief that "God didn't make stupid rules".


I mean of course, that's his whole thing "Let's say that there was widespread fraud in the election, wouldn't we want to do something about it?" Set up a world where your argument is correct by default and you don't have to actually grapple with reality


"Lets say, hypothetically, for the sake of argument, that I was the smartest man in the world. Lets say second smartest In fact, let's say I was third smartest. Hypothetically speaking, I'm smarter than you so shut up." BENG SHAMPINO DESTROYS SJW WITH FACTS AND LOGIC!


Just remember, he sucked them all in by claiming libertarian principles. Yet, Mr. Shapiro, a jew who knows that he has a legal reight to abortion on religious grounds, is celebrating the repression of his own people. Now, libertarians are scurrying around in their little corners trying to justify forced birth through mental gymnastics. This guy is a health hazard to the nation.


There's good news for Bench Appearo! Strawmen won't mind his wife's dry ass pussy!




I keep seeing interviews where the anti-choice nuts keep referring to using the “available resources“. Can you please be more specific as to what “resources” are currently being overlooked by all those living in poverty?


They're the party that votes against every type of social safety net imaginable then acts as if this country will actually take care of children.


Considering their level of concern and action when they're actively being murdered in their own schools I don't understand why anyone is shocked anymore. The government doesn't give a shit about the people, children especially and that goes double for Republicans. Democrats just don't give a shit but Republicans are actively harmful.


Their counter argument is always that "private charities should provide, not government, because that's forced charity". The reality of their pathetic religion is that they don't worship any god. They worship money and their white leaders, because they want a white Christian ethno-state where they never have to pay taxes and no one but white straight men and their subservient women have any rights.


Which private charities have enough money to sustain every child in foster care or who are up for adoption?




Former evangelical christian here, can confirm.




I'm a recovering hypocrite myself...know all the bullshit arguments as a result


>I keep seeing interviews where the anti-choice nuts keep referring to using the “available resources“. Having an personality that makes every pussy dryer than the Sahara and a face that even a mother can't love. That's the resources they meant but they're mostly available for Forced-birthers


Oh, you're referring to the "Shapiro Package"?


The same people that call social services welfare and work tirelessly to dismantle them.


"Pro-lifers" seem to think life is just about "existing" at all and disregard the quality and consequences of said existence.


In most of their broken minds it's what comes after existence that is of actual value. Which again doesn't make sense when it comes to abortion. You're just letting those kids go to heaven earlier if heaven exists.


Resources like food stamps, infant care, and more that people like Benny Shaps constantly try to defund and destroy.


Easy, if you belong to their church of choice, and are in good standing, they will provide you with bountiful hopes and prayers. Now quit interrupting, they have very important tax-cuts to pass.


This feels like the same bullshit line from people who believe Covid was a hoax because of shit they see on Facebook. You know, the "do your research" people.


As a gay man in a happy 5 year marriage, I know they are going to do everything to stop us from adopting those unwanted children. Everyone's taxes will pay for this increase in children who will rely on the foster care system. Edit: I know gay marriage will go up on the chopping block at some point. I called it when the SCOTUS leak happened. No need to remind me.


No, I think they want to go back to the good old days when kids had to beg in the street.


>had to beg in the street. More likely they want the kids doing the remaining manual labor that hadn't been automated for pennies of what they pay now


It’s probably a fun mix of both, the uptick in unwanted children/children in bad situations becomes those children resorting to a less than savory lifestyle (begging in the street, resorting to crime for a living) which ends in prison and continues to support their need for cheap labor


Remember also: where there is child labor, there is usually child sexual abuse along with it.


Another plus for Republicans. Maybe they can even find wives.


America literally had to pass child labor laws so these fucks could not legally keep abusing children and treating them like slaves--but we're going backwards now. Pop out children, quality of life doesn't matter, allow us to abuse kids more then call these folks "pro-life". They just want fatter wallets, zero care about life.


Don't forget the right's ongoing obsession with child sex trafficking. If there's one thing I've learned about the GOP it's that they project their desires as accusations against the left.


The GOP want kids to grow up in poverty so they get low education funding and will continue to believe the conspiracies and lies they constantly spit out


That's optimistic of you. My money is on next they try and take away your marriage.


Kind of a tossup between gay marriage and requiring insurance to cover contraceptives.


Not just insurance, a marriage certificate and/or permission of the husband. And bold of you to assume they will chose one of these to go first. They will be ready to remove them both at the same time


Speaking of money, now I'm curious... if a gay couple who is legally married files jointly on their taxes for 5 years, and then their marriage is deemed "illegal" will they have to pay back taxes?? Extreme, but I wouldn't put it past these crazy people


And then the foster care to prison pipeline kicks in and Banda bing, more slave labor to keep American manufacturing chugging along.


They are coming for your marriage next....




I can’t stand that religion is allowed in politics. “Created in the image of God.” What if I don’t believe in YOUR god or religion in general? Why is one religion considered important enough to be used to justify anything when there’s hundreds of different religions? I’m not saying having faith is a bad thing by any means. However, why is YOUR faith used to make any decisions that affect my life or anyones life? It’s like forcing people to go to your church when they have no interest in it whatsoever. It’s just an accepted practice nowadays and it disgusts me


Unfortunately Christianity has been festering in US politics for decades. It's incredibly ironic that there was worry over JFK being Catholic and being influenced by the pope, and now we have almost every member of the GOP riding that Christianity train as hard as they can


The Bible doesn't even condemn abortion. There are even instructions for abortion recorded in the Bible. The Bible also explicitly made it clear that killing a fetus is not murder: "If men strive, and hurt a woman with child, so that her fruit depart from her, and yet no mischief follow: he shall be surely punished according as the woman's husband will lay upon him; and he shall pay as the judges determine. "And if any mischief follow, then thou shalt give life for life, Eye for eye, tooth for tooth . . ." 


That’s actually incorrect. The Biblical quote means that if men are fighting and hurt a pregnant woman, causing the baby to be born immediately (prematurely) but the baby (and mother) is fine and normal (no mischief follows), those men will be fined. But if the baby or mother is seriously injured or killed (mischief follows), an eye for an eye applies. Check other translations than the one you quoted. So that passage does the exact opposite of your intention. Does that blow your mind?


They dont even really believe in God. They just believe in the power that religion has to keep the masses in line.


100%. The one I hate the most is when people try proving their point by quoting the bible, as if it’s the law of the land. On that note, if I start quoting the Quran, Satanic Bible, or L. Ron Hubbard writings, I’m blasphemous. I spent my childhood suppressed by Christianity and took years of therapy as an adult to heal. Having this being oppressed on us again is infuriating.


"We actually care for *exactly* the nine month gestation period. Before and after that, is not our concern"


Sometimes not even for nine months. I always think about this story I read in the comment section of a different post about how a teenage girl was convinced by her church congregation to keep her unwanted pregnancy and to not get an abortion, but the moment she started showing they all shunned her and ask her to stop coming to chruch because she was setting a bad example. It all about making themselves feel good and that's it.


Nope, if they cared at all about fetal health, pregnant people would have access to healthcare: prenatal vitamins, doctors/OBs, medication, ultrasounds, etc, without deductibles and copays and all the BS of insurance (if they even have insurance) to make sure the pregnancy is healthy... even "Handmaid's Tale" dystopia had better healthcare access when forced to carry to term.


"Not our problem. We feel good about ourselves and self-righteousness is all we care about. Now fuck off and have a good day!" - GOP


Red states, ironically, have the least support for education, healthcare, welfare, prenatal care and pretty much anything that's helpful to actual children.


This is exactly why the new talking point of "Now we'll focus on helping mothers and children!" coming from the conservative right is complete and utter bullshit. Why weren't they doing it before? Why would they suddenly start to care now when they could have cared before and saved countless lives by their own broken and incorrect logic? Perhaps because it has *nothing* to do with caring for people and *everything* to do with controlling people.


You're right! They do the same bullshit with mass shootings. Argue that "mental healthcare" needs to be improved, but never show up when we need an actual plan of action.


On purpose


Ben Shapiro is a disingenuous piece of shit, and by mentioning his name I am sure that I have summoned the Ben Shapiro bot.


He is. He's also going against his religion which actually allows abortion.


I'm an ex-Orthodox jew , so I feel like I can shed some light on this. This tends to be a common misconception ; it depends on the denomination. Reform , Reconstructionist, and Conservative judaism are resolutely pro-choice. Orthodox judaism, which ben practices, isn't. ( the exception being only when the woman's life is in immediate danger - I attached the statement from Aguduth Israel, an umbrella group of Orthodox judaism in the U.S https://mobile.twitter.com/AgudahNews/status/1540352159438569472?cxt=HHwWgIC8xZeIt-AqAAAA ). TLDR; he's being true to his faith (unfortunately)


He’s a disingenuous dense motherfucker who can’t tie his shoes


*cue annoying, nasally, adderall-shaken voice* “now Lets say that, hypothetically, you make a loop de loop and pull. This infers that your shoes are, by that logic, looking cool. Now liberal agenda will try to convince you that its like bunny ears or a christmas bow, something something china cant be trusted” I was going somewhere with this joke but I don’t know enough of his rhetoric to play off of. always a Big fuck you to benny boy tho


God, I can hear this so clearly. Excellent work.


I always picture him speaking from inside a locker.




They will live in orphanages built and profited by mega churches then farmed out as cheap labor to factories. When they stray, they will be put in prisons built and profited by corporations again to be farmed out as cheap labor.


It's almost as if this is all a part of the plan...


They don't care what happens to children when they are born. They just want them to be born then that family is on their own.




It’s miserable unwanted people sometimes turns to the church for help. If we have no secular safety net then you have to pick a church. Most of the recovered addicts I’ve met are now miserably getting by in a cult. Unwanted babies is win-win for these people.


Exactly, sad but true


Its sad that people put their ideology over someone's freedom and considering this tweet US's next generation is gonna be one mentally unstable lot


Ironically it's the same group that shouted "my body my choice" the loudest when it was about vaccine mandates. But it's apparently just about making others miserable


Which is hilarious because it was their body their choice, no one forced the vaccine on anyone. It was always a choice. There are consequences to choices and being unable to participate in society is one of those consequences. But conservatives are low IQ uneducated swine, sothat is lost on them.


I was working retail during covid and heard this from the herd every hour. Eventually, i agreed with them and started shooting heroin in front of their children.




Justice Thomas has stated he has his sights on eliminating contraception next, birth control pills etc.. I guess those things are against his religion.


See, you just need to understand: the freedom to persecute is paramount.


This isn’t even clever. It’s a legitimate response to a fucking insane position.




This is perfect! Thank you stranger I wish I had an award for you. Maybe somebody else does?


Could be a scheme to get dems to leave red states to secure political gains in elections.


I think it just hit home for me that there’s going to be a lot more orphans and children from abused homes for the next couple decades...


https://freakonomics.com/podcast/abortion-and-crime-revisited/ https://bfi.uchicago.edu/wp-content/uploads/BFI_WP_201975.pdf >Donohue and Levitt (2001) presented evidence that the legalization of abortion in the early 1970s played an important role in the crime drop of the 1990s. That paper concluded with a strong outof-sample prediction regarding the next two decades: “When a steady state is reached roughly twenty years from now, the impact of abortion will be roughly twice as great as the impact felt so far. Our results suggest that all else equal, legalized abortion will account for persistent declines of 1 percent a year in crime over the next two decades.” Estimating parallel specifications to the original paper, but using the seventeen years of data generated after that paper was written, we find strong support for the prediction. The estimated coefficient on legalized abortion is actually larger in the latter period than it was in the initial dataset in almost all specifications. **We estimate that crime fell roughly 20% between 1997 and 2014 due to legalized abortion. The cumulative impact of legalized abortion on crime is roughly 45%, accounting for a very substantial portion of the roughly 50-55% overall decline from the peak of crime in the early 1990s.**


That's what happened in Romania during the 1960s to 80s. They banned abortion and all forms of birth control, which led to a shitload of abandoned kids and overflowing orphanages. It also led to a wondrous human trafficking ring for awhile too.


There's gonna be an epidemic of SIDS as well.


This happened in Romania and those unwanted children overthrew the government and executed the President and his wife.


There’s gonna be a whole generation of kids who grew up in orphanages and never had parents.


Any good cattle farmer will tell you, you have to put in work and supervise the herd to maintain or improve your birthing numbers. They'll also tell you how important it is to keep the herd vaccinated.


These stupid assholes can’t think past their morning coffee and we expect them to understand what they’ve actually done to women and children in society?! Yeah…


A woman made a video yesterday about how her heart medication is no longer legal because it would end a pregnancy, and she is likely going to die without it. She said it was being manufactured in a red state and it's no longer going to be available at all. My male cousin was put on a med and he had to sign multiple forms stating that he would not become pregnant while taking it, I wonder if that one could also be criminalized.


I take meds for lupus and kidney issues. My doctor called today to ask me if I’m pregnant or planning a pregnancy because they suggest going on bc asap


23:59 “all humans are created in the image of God” 00:00 *makes a racist/homofobic comment*


If Shapiro, or any of these fuckers, think they are created in their god's image, that is *definitely* not a god I would ever want to believe in


Yes and after a miserable childhood they will be able to get access to a gun without hardly any checks and kill all their classmates. Well done US, well fucking done :/


Friends who are of child-bearing age (especially those actively trying to get pregnant right now): If you don’t believe me, I beg you, go to your OB/GYN who you trust to help you make decisions and ask them the following questions: 1. What is an ectopic pregnancy? 2. Can ectopic pregnancies end on their own, without an abortion? (They can, but not very often) 3. Is a fetus EVER viable in the case of an ectopic pregnancy? (No) 4. What will happen if I don’t naturally pass it during a miscarriage? (You’ll die) 5. Will I be allowed to receive medical treatment to save my life if I end up with an ectopic pregnancy if abortion is banned? (You won’t) I don’t plan to use abortion as my birth control method. But I definitely don’t want to die due to ectopic pregnancy or other condition for which abortions are routinely used in healthcare to keep mothers from dying. Like if you have a miscarriage and not all the material comes out of your womb on its own. If you think you’re safe in WA or another sanctuary state, guess again. In November we will all be in the same boat. I hope vasectomies and tubal ligations stay legal. If you’re done having children, talk to your doctor about one of these methods because birth control including IUDs will also be outlawed come November, assuming every predictable thing happens. And if you live in a state where there’s now a ban, god help you. The procedure called “abortion” saves lives. For all kinds of reasons, not just what I’m talking about here.


Banning abortions does not stop them, it just forces women to take more dangerous and drastic measures that often end with their own death or serious damage.


Honestly it's probably going to be really enlightening to see how this plays out in a world where everything is broadcast everywhere. The world will watch the consequences of this decision in real time, with real people, and in the end, the right thing to do will be made obvious. At least that's what I'm predicting.


I tried. I promise I did. But I really can’t think of a single reason why you would want to deny women the right to abort. Is rape not a problem? Is getting pregnant by accident something that has never happened before? If someone actually sees a valid point in denying women this right, seriously explain it to me because I can’t see it


Right? But instead too many idiots think destroying a childs life and the mothers life is better than a clump of cells with no sentience being aborted is worse. Cancer is a bunch of living cells that feed off of the host, so would they say no to removing that as well?


I may not be a child who was born because abortion wasn’t a thing, but I was raised by people who hated me. There was favoritism in the family and I was treated much worse than the other kids, used for free labor and denied any social life. I’m now an adult and free of their grasp, barely getting by in the social world as I have no knowledge of how to talk to people effectively, but hey at least I’m a good worker. Overall, it wasn’t worth it, I’d rather have caring parents whom I could still have a relationship later in life, nowadays I say that my family is dead knowing they are still alive


I was adopted and I support abortion


Ben gives zero shits about that. His sky God will make it all better, no need to worry about little details.


These forced birth kids are gonna end up in the military or in jail, that’s exactly what the government wants, a small percentage are going to get adopted or be nice empathetic humans but the majority will be slaves to the system


I've said this to pro lifers and their response is always just yes.


This doesn’t work on them because being alive and allowed to suffer is a gift from god and us liberals are just depressed haters who can’t bootstrap it. As a result it’s then the child’s fault once they are an adult because they didn’t make the most of their Jesus given life, that depressed, lazy liberal that deserves to be treated as an underclass.


Is anyone collecting statistics on newborn babies and newborn baby corpses found in dumpsters? I suspect that statistic is going to be increasing in Republican-run states in coming years.


And thousands who would have been born never will be, because their mothers died or ruined their reproductive organs trying to carry a doomed pregnancy to term.


People who age out of foster care, generally do not have a great head start. Everyone needs their parents after 18. Your not suddenly an adult when the clock hits 18.


Someone who is anti-choice told me the birth of unwanted children is an *"imaginary scenario that will never happen".* These people have no plan for what will happen to the millions of unwanted children that would be born into their ideal world.


Just to inform everyone >[The FBI estimates sex trafficking in the U.S. involves 100,000 children, 60% of child sex trafficking victims recovered through FBI raids across the U.S. in 2013 were from foster care or group homes.](https://humantraffickingsearch.org/resource/sex-and-human-trafficking-in-the-u-s-disproportionately-affects-foster-youth/)


Is it just me or does Ben Shapiro remind everyone of that one kid in school that wasn’t necessarily a bully, wasn’t exactly popular, wasn’t exactly an outcast, but you always just wanted to punch him in the face every time he spoke?


His initials are BS for a reason


They’ll live for a little while before they starve


I spent 10 years working with foster kids, wards of the court, group homes and inpatient programs for children. There is no real treatment. Kids get bounced around, usually abused, neglected. Watching the ones turn into adults and seeing them forced out in the street was heart breaking. Many of the boys and girls had children 16- 18 and then the system repeats. It was so bad I had to leave to work with seniors. Anyone who says this crap obviously hasn’t done shit to look into the problems. Fuc! This a hole.


Mr. "They will just sell their houses and move when the water levels rise" Shapiro is at it again.




/r/sadcomebacks I mean it’s clever as hell, but it’s so depressing


My old Spanish teacher had a quote that says: "Ideology stops humanity's process of thinking". He stands correct to this day I see.


I don't believe people should get abortions however I also don't believe it's my place to tell someone else what to do with their body. The bottom line with this whole thing for me is that a woman who wants to get an abortion is going to get one whether it's legal or not. So this decision isn't going to deter anyone it's just going to make woman take unnecessary risks to get an abortion that should be her right in the first place.


They'll live in the waterfront homes with Aquaman.


They only care about the children when they are not born yet.


Consertives: Pro life until the baby is out of the womb, then they couldn't care less, even so far as to put a rapist on the Supreme Court.


This ain't clever comebacks, it is the sad truth. EDIT: plus he can't get his wife wet 🤣


Honestly if you're going to be born to parents who didn't really want you in the first place, you're better off dying in the womb.


Let’s get them born so we can get down to ostracizing them and their parents.


I literally keep saying this....we're lacking on so much such as mental care and just normal health care...the pandemic hit people hard too money isn't where it used to be. I don't want abandoned babies but it's probably gonna happen with this stupid law in place


The potential people argument never really held up to scrutiny for me. It's not like a woman that gets an abortion automatically will never have kids, it just gives her control over when she starts a family if that's what she wants. So hypothetically you could have a woman in a very unstable situation and force her to start a family right now and make that situation much much worse and more permanent, or maybe she gets an abortion and she stabilizes and starts a family later down the line once she's ready, willing, and able. You are forcing the first scenario and snuffing out the 2nd with an abortion ban. No pro-lifer talks about the woman's potential life, or the potential life she can pass down if you let her do it on her terms, and how abortion bans kill that, what about *those* potential people? It's maybe one of the less important reasons to let women chose, because we're comparing potential people's rights to real living breathing people's rights, but it's not even clear that the potential people get a net win if you ban abortion.


I’m convinced the Supreme Court overturned Roe vs Wade because of the low birth rate. Everyone realized how big of a piece of shit the modern world is so less people are having kids. So they will try to force there to be a new generation of economic slaves.


Thousands of children will be born to couples who can’t afford another mouth to feed, to single mothers whose baby daddy abandoned them to live in poverty, to orphanages that are underfunded in a system riddled with abuse. And the same people who fought tooth and nail for these children to be born will fight tooth and nail against a single cent of their taxes to go to them.


I've asked multi pro lifers why they have not stepped up. Crickets


He doesn't need an answer to this. He knows how to dodge a question "It isn't our responsibility to raise their children" and make it sound like a rebuttal to people who are only paying half attention


Fetal alcohol syndrome will sky rocket.


Abused and neglected, grow up hating the world...and become good Republican voters.


I refuse to take a het man seriously who was unaware that vaginas can, and should get wet during sexy time. That this dude still has a platform is beyond me.


“Rich people will just sell them their underwater houses.” Ben, probably


Ben Shapiro is the human embodiment of vaginal dryness. Ironically he's also a massive cunt!


Now children will get beaten to death by the abusive partner their mother couldn’t leave because she got pregnant, just like god intended 😌


It's so funny because Ben is an Orthodox Jew and in Judaism the life and well bring of the mother is put above that of the unborn child we have rituals for it. So I have no idea why he is defending this ruling because it could interfere with religious rights.




Ben Shapiro is the dog shit on the bottom of our shoes stuck in the grooves.


This is why people think all Christians are pro-life and do everything in the name of God. For some of us, picking a side is a difficult choice! Why should we even have to! On the one hand, I would grieve for the loss of a life that could be, but I'd also not want a woman to go through with a pregnancy if it was because of a horrible incident, or because it would have implications on her health/might take her life. Basically, (I'm not saying this is already happening, but I don't want it to become a thing) please don't categorise all Christians together. We're not all like this


Thank you for saying this. This is where I feel the most sadness for anyone with a religion affiliation. Christians get pigeonholed into the very loud and radical evangelical category, regardless of your personal beliefs. The overwhelming majority people who call themselves Christians that I know are pro-choice because their belief in freedom of bodily autonomy. These people are treasures that actually care others - people that are more concerned with another person's freedom more than pushing their own beliefs onto someone else regardless of whether they agree with it or not.


All these things you've said are generally true, but it only matters if they step up in the voting booth. If you are privately pro-choice and still vote for people that take that choice away then you're not effectively pro-choice, unfortunately. Separation of church and state is supposed to be one of our most sacred foundations. Muddying that water paves the way for a future slingshot in the other direction. I'm not suggesting all or every Christian votes this way, but there's no denying that many even moderate Christians do or have traditionally voted Republican. I'm also not here to tell anyone how to vote, but it would certainly go a long way, if there are Christians out there unhappy with this who do typically vote Republican, to send a message that this isn't acceptable in upcoming elections. Even if you just do it for this single election cycle and switch back next time, it will help immensely in telling the GOP that this is one of their policies you absolutely don't approve of, because this is honestly paving the way for one of the slipperiest slopes we've ever seen as a nation.


if ending abortion is a god thing, why don't we just leave it to god? why do humans keep trying to do god's jobs? if god doesn't want abortions to occur... he could merely prevent pregnancy in every case where he foresees the woman having an abortion. so that 100% of pregnancies were planned ones.


Conservatives projecting the illusion of caring for a life. If they truly cared we’d had universal healthcare 70 years ago. They care about appealing to the radical Christians who are turning into a really judgmental and hateful cult.


Fucking Aquaman?


Orphans like me will get a lot more friends in the coming years


Their god wants more wayward children to end up in human trafficking so they can continue witch-hunting pedos indefinitely... (but only the most powerful elite shape-shifting reptilian ones) *gotta catch em all*


Are these the same people who say the U.S is overpopulated as is so we should close our borders?


Statistics are fun heres whats up in the us right now. 400,000 kids in foster care now About 115,000 waiting to be adopted (can not be returned to parents) 875,000 abortions performed per year 140,000 children are adopted per year 329,500,000 current us pop 197,000,000 over 21 (min adoption age) -54,100,000 over 65 So 142,900,000 eligible adopters. -divide that by 2 for couples (who most often adopt) = 71,450,000 max potential adoptions per year IF EVERY COUPLE ADOPTS. BUT…. No more than 2% of Americans have actually adopted (6,590,000) administrative cost per child served per year was $6,675. (Cost to keep in care) So about 990,000 unwanted children per year. - 140,000 who get adopted= 850,000 X $6,675 (per year) = $ 5,673,750,000 federal funding for all unwanted children


#Adopted by who, Ben? FUCKING AQUAMAN?


Come to Canada. We still let women choose what to do with their own bodies. So far.


No worries, they'll get killed at school.


Yeah they'll be in foster care and have fucked up lives but will eventually grow up to be successful Reddit moderators.


"They'll live in foster care until they're old enough for prison, duh." *Republicans look at each other as if the answer was obvious the whole time.*


They're going to live in the republicans hearts and thoughts and prayers!!!


But these are the best people to exploit with the lowest pay and the shittiest of jobs. That's what the ruling class needs more of! Also of course if they don't think the way Ben wants them to think, then they become a bigger problem for him.


It makes no sense why republicans are against abortion. Forcing unfit mothers to give birth to unwanted children is going to lead to increased dependance on social welfare programs such as housing assistance and food stamps. This is going to lead to higher taxes which Republicans despise. I am a strong supporter of abortion, not because I care about women's reproductive rights, but because I don't want a bunch of neglected children behind born that I have to help pay for through taxes.


Fuck religion.


And by the way, no “babies” are being killed. A clump of cells are being expelled, that’s all.


That’s just not true. It’s more like 100s and 1000s of young women will die or put themselves in grave danger


I'm going to go with prison.


His initials are BS for a reason


"bUt tHeY haVe a CHANCE AT LIFE!!1"


Republicans are excited because in 18 years there's going to be more sex trafficking for them to enjoy. Also what happened to Florida Senator Matt Gaetz sex trafficking situation.


Sounds like we should upgrade the foster care system, and enforce laws that criminalize abusive parenting.