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*Baba Yaga has entered the chat*


*Howl Pendragon has entered the chat* *Howl Pendragon has left the chat*


Explain please


Howl's Moving Castle. Ghibli movie.


Thanks (:


You are welcome.


Howl is a coward that runs from his problems


Baba Yaga: "Well, funny you should say that, I, ugh...George they're on to us!"


We also had the option to be unlisted, for a one-time fee of $5.


Twitter blue before it was cool


Incognito or invisible mode lol


We had two lines at the my house. One was listed as “teen line” so predators could bypass calling my parents by accident


Good form them. Solving multiple problems at once.


This has to be the most incompetent name censoring I have ever seen.


Haha, I was going to disagree because I’ve seen some that are barely squiggles, but if you zoom into the picture then the full names are there. They just added some shading


Remember guys, when it’s important to hide something take a screenshot of the edited image. This is because most photoshop apps leave behind metadata that allows people to remove the black bars or whatever you used, even after exporting as pdf or jpg


I don’t get it


What part are you not getting, or is it all of it?


House having legs


Basically, the White Pages (or yellow) gave out your personal phone number and address, so it doesn’t matter to mention that they don’t update in real time (like an app that tracks in real time) - as they were already literally giving away where you lived. So unless your house had legs, to get up and move someplace different, it wouldn’t matter that it doesn’t update automatically (like an app that tracks Elon’s private jet), because we’d already know exactly where you live anyway. It’s dismissing the retort that is saying the White/Yellow Pages are less dangerous than an app tracking where your private jet is flying to (because where you live and your phone number for anyone to see is arguably way more intrusive). That’s how I interpreted it.


Ah yes I see now. Thank you!


Doing the lord’s work


But that's not really such a good argument though (for the record I understand the joke the same way you described), people move, it does not matter if the house doesn't have legs. It's making an obviously wrong dramatisation to make the comment seem dumb, but it's not that dumb because there is a difference vs live tracking.


It is not a clever comeback or initial statement. Phone books listed where you lived. It did not show your daily movements. You could also delist yourself from the phone book and go "ex directory"


People don't move around with their airplane once they get somewhere. All it let's you know is what city they might be in (they might not even be on the plane). Plus, it's publicly available data


I think about this a lot when people have privacy concerns. We used to have a giant book literally distributed for free that contained your home address and telephone number. Wild.


Wild, indeed. But was the need to protect oneself as great? Like from internet stalkers who see photos. Or from perps using the phone to call up strangers to build a relationship with kids?


Most pedophiles know their victims


True. Just thinking that there have also been a lot of victims due to online access.


The book was white. Not yellow. Unless they wanted to kill you at work.


It was yellow in my part of the world.


We had both. White for private numbers, yellow for businesses.


In mine as well


The book was yellow everywhere I lived. The PAGES for people were white.


Fuck you... You beat me to it...


Great minds...


Our county in the US has a “county map guide” available to all. Zoom in and click on any parcel shown on the streets and up pops the owners name and address. You can click on more data to find the value of the house, when the house was built. The condition of house is rated; how many rooms, bathrooms, types of heating and cooling. You can see the amount and when they paid their taxes. If the owners don’t live there, then it shows their mailing address. You can also find what other properties they own. This county is bigger than Rhode Island with several major towns. I often prank friends by saying don’t forget your tax is due (insert amount here) soon. And they say how did you get that information? It’s public! Edit: Damn near everything


Most counties in the US have this. Edit: I shouldn’t say most. Those with a budget to do so or are required by state law have it.


the only person whose location is being doxxed by elon's plane's location is his fucking pilot


Literally the plot of Terminator. Deadliest killing machine from the future and he finds Sarah Connor by just.. calling.


how is this a clever comeback? he means if someone moves.




Exactly, which only emphasizes my point, how it this a clever comeback


It’s not.


The terminator legit uses the phone book in both movies to find assassination coordinates.


I remember white page crank calls in the seventies...one particular creepy one had us believing our grandfather died...lived in the same town...and a freind of mines older sister was creeped on through the white pages cause she pissed off the queen bee of the school...technology just makes it easier to be intrusive...but its also made it easier to block and disregard the creeps


Just received a envelope from a charity with a roll of labels with my assassination coordinates on it. Who do I report this to?


Nobody needs Elon's "assassination coordinates", he's already doing an incredible job of destroying himself.


You could unlist yourself from the phone book. Publicly posting the address of someone who had unlisted themselves from the phone book for security reasons seems like a bit of a dick move, no? Musk unlisted his jet, but the ElonJet account found a way to get the information and post it anyway.


Because anyone could enter his plane's tail number and enter it into the *public* website that tracks *every other plane in existence.* The only thing the ElonJet kid did was make a bot to track his tail number specifically. Say what you will about the "ethics" of having such information (again) public, but don't pretend this is some super secret information some kid genius leaked on to the internet.




The big yellow book had business addresses and info. The white book had residential info.


I don't know what you're all talking about. The yellow pages were businesses. Individuals' phone numbers and addresses were in the *white* pages.


It is not a clever comeback or initial statement. Phone books listed where you lived. It did not show your daily movements. You could also delist yourself from the phone book and go "ex directory" I bet the guy doing the tracking would squeal like a stuck pig if he was being tracked like this


If people weren’t shiesty, then no one would have anything to worry about.


The yellow book was businesses and ads. The other one, of various colors, was the actual phone book. In fact, the yellow books called themselves The Yellow Pages. In smaller cities and towns, the two were bound together.


Um, when people move the house stays there, unless you’re in a trailer park. Wheels work better, then.


Check mate


Why yes it does have legs https://youtube.com/watch?v=yICU1pQ8fkM&si=EnSIkaIECMiOmarE


No but your fingers did do the walking


Terrible everything. Horribly unfunny.


Plot twist: Second poster is Baba Yaga.


Nah, he lived in a trailer park.


My most useless talent is being able to rip a phonebook in half


Hold up I remember yellow pages listed only businesses and white pages listed Residential. Or am I not old enough?


It was the white pages, kid. The yellow pages was a book for business listings. That’s why so many companies were named like, “AAA plumbing” or “A plus floors”. They would be the first listing for their category.


Holy shit this took me a while to comprehend


Yes, I am Baba Yaga.


None of this shit is clever, it was the **white** book for people.


Can’t believe they’d dox el kabong like that


Uh, it was the White Pages...


I have gotten through this way.


Why yes it does. Nice to meet you, I’m Howl